Thanks to all who attended the book event last night at Penn. It was great to see so many supporters, people interested and old friends. My appreciation to Marci Hamilton and the team at Child USA for organizing the event.
And now, some l
Holiday Cabaret??
Isn’t this a CC thing?
And they are giving a free dinner?
Plenty of regges will be on hand.
Sunday Service
Because we try to pretend we are like a Christian church.
I guess the Lead C/S at ASHO doesn’t have anyone to C/S so he is reading Hubbard out loud in Chicago.
They’re loading up Chicago with Sea Org members
It’s the new “ideal org” pattern.
Kiddie Corner
“Competent WISE member”?
Never heard this as a description of anyone before
That Org Board is so cool!
Better than most ideal orgs.
He should have checked his fly before the photo was taken. Or at least after…
Three hundred turkeys
Credit where it’s due, if they actually provided 300 turkeys, well done.
They could only round up 2 VMs to put on their shirts and take a PR snap?
We can Clear Canada
They’re going to do it with “on-line meetings”
Yeah, right.
Saint Hill is an exciting place
Still using what Hubbard said when he was delivering the Briefing Course in the 1960’s — even though they have NO Briefing Course these days.
You could be at least a bit honest
OMG — ONE org has their trainees done
Though apparently not sent back to their org??
You can bet some orgs will NEVER complete all the requirements. Just like some will never be “ideal.” There will be fanfare about a few and then orgs will be waiting years to get their people back while they wash dishes to pay for their time crammed into dorms…
Class VIII?
Nobody is a Class VIII any more.
But in any case, the last time John Parselle audited anyone was when he did the original Class VIII course in 1968. He has been a REG since then.
A live demonstration
Of recovering students and pc’s?
Chicago graduation?
Featuring someone at Flag, not Chicago…
The next generation of scientologists?
A briefing by a Sea Org member? No next generation in the SO.
And this guy must really have nothing to do in the HGC at ASHO.
Scientology Christmas Service
That’s an oxymoron
Christmas Bonuses
Begging for money so the staff might get a boost — these XMas bonuses are miserable in any event. But the orgs promoting this to their public is just sad.
The scientology potluck pitch
This seems to be pretty much a standard thing now.
They’re really pushing this one…
Holiday Gala
An “ideal org” event.
You know what that means. Bring your checkbook and your wacky outfits.
I hope they keeping sending Sea Org Members to CL V orgs because it can lead to them leaving. Being away from a Sea Org base and berthing is very therapeutic and one can start to see more of the real world and realize they should be in it.
The call to “Repair the ravages of the week” in the Sunday service announcement says a lot about cognitive dissonance and the constant feeling that all is not right with one’s faith.
“We are accepting applications for various positions.”
Always have to laugh at this phrasing.
They are “accepting” Class V org staff applications the way people stranded in the Sahara Desert at high noon would be “accepting” bottles of water.
I don’t think that they provided 200 turkeys. It appears they conducted a “turkey drive.” Which means others donated the turkeys, while the cult collected, delivered and took the credit. I can’t help but notice from many of their self-congratulations that it is usually their job to deliver (and pose with) what others have paid for.
I love the disclaimer “This is not a recruitment or fundraising event.” They wouldn’t have thrown that out there unless they knew that’s what everyone thinks, even their own members.
Which means the Regges will be there.
Re: “That Org Board is so cool!”
That Org Board is so wrong! The org board in the second photo shows Div 3 as the Production Div, and Div 4 as the Finance Div.
In reality:
Div 3 is the Finance Div.
Div 4 is the Production Div.
Route those responsible for this off-policy org board to Qual!
Biggest Funnie of all? Danny Masterson’s ‘mis’trial!
Xmas in the Sea Org, what a wonderful thing. For my last one I was the Bosun on the Flag RPF. There were about 50 RPFers and they had already been on the RPF for an average of 7 years. Some of them would remain well beyond a decade, totally separated from their spouse, children, parents, friends, etc. After we finished our slave labor for the day our Xmas dinner arrived in some pans in the back of a van. We were kind of excited as it was an upgrade from the normal crew left overs. I let the RPF eat for 30 minutes instead of the normal allocated 15 minutes. Oh what a FLAP that was. True Xmas spirit, Scientology style. I should mention that at least one RPFer did cry during the meal and it wasn’t for joy.
That is fucking nuts! All that so called ‘Tech” and they can’t get someone back on post for TEN YEARS !!!!!!!!!!
Yo Dave,
Sorry dude but yer organization is really fucked up if you cannot get someone back on track in say 4 weeks. Not a bad stat though if yer talkin “HOW TO GENERATE AND KEEP SLAVE LABOR” . Start with a little religion and specialized belief system, add some room and board, remove funds and whadayagot ………….. SLAVES who wanna stay. Actually they don’t but the fear of wogdom is a great control carrot.
But yer still really fucked up. Just sayin!
10 years, that’s all?
One of the first Captains of the Diana ( I’ll remember his name in a moment), LRH wrote a Flag Order about him)
was on the RPF for 20-25 years, so long in fact that he was basically the historian for the S.O.
He had been there from almost the very beginning. He made a model of the Diana (Enchanter) and the Apollo too.
Tremendous job. Each piece of the Teak deck of the wessels was a separate piece. I saw them on display at the Sandcastle before the Freewinds (Boheme) was purchased.
Oops. His name was Frank MaCall.
He came to the Freewinds in 98 or so and was in my lifeboat.( I was the coxswain of boat #9 from the time the ship was purchased until May 02 when I was sent off to die of full-blown AIDS. He was living in an Old Folks Home in CW.
I am in Non-Compliance because for some unknown reason I am still alive.
@Mat Pesch,
Amazing… horrifying…THIS is a church?
I mean, its – what word am I searching for – medieval?
Like tales of the poor downtrodden serfs of Europe in the Middle Ages?
Something like that.
Just beyond the beyond incredible that such suppression exists in this day and age, in America! AND that under our First Amendment, its legal!
Look, I believe I’m an amateur historian and I don’t believe that the medieval church was that awful.
Dear Otherles:
I almost truly fucked up in this reply to your comment. Twice, in fact. When I typed in your name (handle) I typed other-lies. But I knew instantly that if you were opposing those cockroaches in the the S.O., you were not lying; you were telling the truth, just as I have.
I will walk on hot coals without my feet getting burned ( Like in the (Tech Film Man, the Unfathamable) ) It cannot be anything worse than (flying) off of the roof of the FH which I was fully prepared to do in 82-83, or running in front of a Mack truck on Ft Harrison Blvd. (I admit that I did not give a flying fuck if it was a Mack truck; a Peterbilt, or a Freightliner). One thing that I DO know was that after my body ( on it’s own volition ran out there it was all I could do to hold it back until the truck passed.
This was shortly after getting a CCRD and being sent to attest to the state of Clear.
So the state of Clear really does exist, though a lot of you do not believe it. It exists for the benefit of the cult, who would have lost 18 years of my production had I failed to hold my body back from being obliterated by the truck) and, per their own statement in a Comm-Ev, no less, that I had saved the Freewinds (Millions of dollars).
For this I salute the dwarfenfuehrer David MFer Miscaviage ( No this was just a year or so before LRH died).
Is there no end to the insanity? (I know, rhetorical question.)