Wandering Wick
Wore out his welcome in Melbourne. Now in his homeland creating big effects… Yawn.
I guess he has been officially put out to pasture. He probably has a medical condition the SO doesn’t want to pay for so they sent him back to NZ to take advantage of the free healthcare for citizens.
What does it take?
Just some crazy wigs and an LRH quote it seems.
Oh, and your money.
Graduation for Human Rights Day?
Not enough graduates for a graduation. Not enough dones for an event about Human Rights.
I know, let’s put them together…
Cocoon rolls on…
If I knew you were coming I’d have baked a cake…
We baked one even though we knew NOBODY was coming. A ship cake!
Christmas Card Making and Group Processing
See you in a few years
No mention of Christmas here…
They’re smiling now…
They’ve only signed up for a lifetime. The Patron and beyond push will wipe those smiles off their faces.
Giving Ron and COB the fundraising target…
Nothing crass about this.
Learn from the masters…
Flag’s PR is SOOO good. Everyone in Clearwater just loves scientology.
Once again
You gotta hand it to them for their persistence.
Anything to try to attract some people to come to the dead L. Ron Hubbard Way.
The big name speaker is a karate instructor?
At least they’re not karate instructors…
Kiddie Corner
Big news
He took a photo of a town and a table with food
Absolutely Amazing!
No idea who these two people are… But someone got asked to register as a mental help group. Is that an accomplishment? Mental help?
More Kiddie Corner
A Year of WUS Expansion Briefing
That should take less than a minute.
Then onto more fundraising.
They don’t even have a karate instructor to boast about…
Let’s celebrate Jesus
The R6 implant
They’re still living the pandemic
It’s apparently all they have to talk about? It’s “inspiring.”
Don’t miss it. Events EVERY day showing the same video. But remember, seating is limited!
Come into present time people.
“Mid-course success”
This is what they’re doing now?
And this one’s a doozie. On the Student Hat she handled her phobia about getting a blood test. Who needs auditing!
Anything to try to get some people in the door
Even appropriating other religions…
Not from S. Africa
Why isn’t she at Flag or AOLA?
No comment needed…
San Francisco had a completion.
Come on in to hear about Death
What a great promotional idea this is…
Vancouver’s Human Rights Day?
He is a ‘humanitarian” isn’t he?
Graduation and cookie decorating…
They don’t even pretend to have a “human rights” speaker to crash their graduation.
The largest private relief force on earth…
Begging for anyone “with a vehicle” to drive TWO VM’s (they asked for 100)…
What a show of force.
Balloon release?
Didn’t these people learn from the Ventura Ideal Org ribbon yanking event?
?? Don’t ALL the VM chapters have an ugly yellow mini-van? Why would they need someone with a vehicle to drive their paltry 2 VMs wherever? Perhaps the van works only as well as the ‘tech’? OR they need donations to feed the van some fuel so it’ll start?
Why don’t they design and build vehicles that run on the untold billions of bt’s that infest everything on the planet? Just think of the money they could rake in at BT Fill’em Up and Regge Service Stations.
I *almost* feel bad for Iwana & Tanieta Fumagalli. Imagine donating enough money to become a lifetime member of IAS and then having a huge typo on your promo piece (“We Are Scientologist”).
“I learnt what a semicolon is.” – Olivia
Did you learn that it’s a tool of suppressive typists, and had to be removed from all Scientology materials so the materials could be repackaged as “GAT” scat and and make Captain Miscavige millions and millions of dollars in forced purchases?
I need to visit Dr Gumby the brain doctor after working my through that brain shrivelling drivel. Not even coffee helped.
Poor Olivia learning what a semicolon is, only to discover there won’t be any when she starts reading her Basics books (thanks to COB).
Jamille McColl has been around the fringes of the Kult for at least 30 years and has now just done the Student Hat. Speaks for itself.
The Sydney VMs had a successful action that they learnt over 20 years ago and that was they actually act like volunteers and do WHATEVER they are asked – picking up rubbish like cigarette butts around a fire station, helping make sandwiches, filling water bottles etc.. They were “low-key” about their “religion “ as that brand has been smashed. Interesting to see if they can still do that or they go fuck up the brand even further by insisting on Locationals etc. for the “poor wog victims”. Watch this space I suppose.
And Peter Simpson is still going? Amazing that he’s somehow still scratching out a living travelling around to obscure places delivering his take on Hubbardian BS. Got to admire the persistence of the delusion
If you have to dress up in an insipid outfit to make your religion seem more interesting you are obviously bored with your own religion.
One of those stupid costumes has a “Q” on it. The venue is perfectly appropriate for a Q-Anon nutcase. That is the crap they wear at Q-Anon get-togethers.
Great Idea.
Protestors should wear:
BTanon. T Shirts. Or Xenu-anon T Shirts.
I have seriously thought of retiring to the Knickerbocker Hotel reirement hotel that is right next to the HGB in downtown Hollywood, and getting plenty of T Shirts and wear when walking around the HGB sidewalk:
“Retired Sea Org 1975 to 2003”
“ex Team Xenu 1975 to 2003”
“Ask me about Xenu”
“Define Xenu already”.
After some reflection on yesterday’s edition of this blog, I want to go on the record by making the following prediction:
We have recently seen this cult beset with a large number of problems and the fearful leader has been personally affected by people claiming they just can’t find a way to serve him with subpoenas and other documents.
I have a hunch that he will soon follow in Tubby’s wake and purchase a super large luxurious ocean going ship and live the rest of his life “at sea”. This would be one safe way for him to evade process servers and possibly even one or more criminal charges.
I’ve been very surprised at the speed with which recent events are leading to an ever quickening rate of decline in this cult and I’m guessing that Fancy Pants will soon take the attitude that he has no further interest in fighting a losing battle and he will choose to live out the remainder of his life in fabulous luxury and turn his back on all the cult followers. He will soon show the world that he just no longer gives a fuck.
I could easily be wrong about this. It’s just a hunch after all.
I don’t think things will go down this way, but what do I know. Your’s is an interesting hunch regardless. It could actually work out well for the cult and COB hisself if he played his cards right. The purchase of a new ship (a Russian oligarch’s confiscated super luxury yacht?) that could be used for the delivery of the long promised OT IX & X scams. This way, whales could be brought onboard to do these newly made up ‘OT’ levels and have their purses emptied at the same time. One last money grabbing hurrah before the Fleet Admiral drops his diminutive meat sack. The whales could get a personalized briefing by Capt’n Davey and then be dumped off at the nearest port sans cash. COB RTC could live out his last days doing whatever he pleased as whales could be scheduled to arrive around his chosen schedule. This would give the illusion that they are super special and they could even receive a signed shiny object to put in their applied religious philosophy trophy rooms. If the pompadoured pontiff still has it in him he could also kick it old school and recruit the very hottest 14 year olds to prance around the decks in hot-pants to answer his every beck and call. Or, he could even have his special friend Tom aboard for indefinite stays and enjoy a rekindled bro-mance. The possibilities are endless. There would be no process servers or pesky questions like “where’s Shelly?”
If Dwarfenführer® does “retire” to a ship, it will of COURSE have to be IDEAL — Panamax in size (1000+ feet LOA) with a dozen air tank refilling compressors and specialized tenders for his SCUBA outings and ONLY Davey and his special friends get to go down. And the vessels spend 99+% of their time tied to a dock where Dave can toss his empty whiskey bottles when he’s worked up about some !@#$%^ SP daring to tell the TRUTH about him and his tiny little fiefdom.
I feel bad for these new gung ho Scientologists that get completely lied to and sent off to Flag for training. They are given the responsibility to turn around the completely failing Ideal Morgue they are sent by. Its like sending a person into a burning house with just a water pistol and telling them it is filled with magic anti fire juice.
and if they fail it is due to their out tech, which is caused by their out ethics.
If it doesn’t work it’s because of your own evil.
Isn’t the only miracle that the CofS hasn’t collapsed completely? And death seems an appropriate topic given the state of their membership; the mission network for example, is rapidly vanishing as the holders get too old to prop up failing locations any longer or pass on, and the orgs are only forestalling that fate between absorbing the clients of the missions and having a wealthy corporation to backstop them.
The Chicago staff pieces show how much they are relying on old timers, who just aren’t going to be around that much longer. And I think I’ve seen that half the missions in the US closed in about the last decade, while it’s still really unknown how much of a further toll the last couple of years during the pandemic have taken on them.
There’s something more to Christmas and it’s the idea that God would come to us as a person to speak to us as people. No priests as intermediaries or a light show miracle, just a conversation on a personal basis.
Oh, if I listened to LRH, I would be broke.
Yes, you can get a copy of the Bible for about five bucks.
A complete set of the Basics, wellllll……..
Be prepared to take out a second mortgage on your house.
Things on December 16th are out for me. It is my wedding anniversary. This year in 45 years. don’t think I will be going to any of their stuff that day.
On the balloon release, don’t they know that is not good for the environment or animals? Gee.
A Scientology balloon release isn’t good for anybody or anything.
Seems not. The 16th is still out. When you are married to a wonderful lady as I am you learn what is truly important and what is trivial. Know what I mean?
Go for it! Have fun! Happy Anniversary!
Not only is it good for nothing, but no one is going to going to see it.
Okay. I’m sorry – but the chicken head is priceless! I WANT THAT CHICKEN HEAD!
I would work my way back into good standing for one of those chicken heads. And if the church of scientology had a sense of humor it would be standing there greeting me – all wearing chicken heads. (But they are playing a deadly serious game in that “church.”)
It’s all just a joke in my head – my chicken head.
For about $20, Mary, you can get this at Amazon: “LERTREE 2PCS Set Turkey Hat Thanksgiving Day Costume Roast Chicken Hat.”
I feel sorry for the chicken. Imagine having live with that horrendous pile of giblets hanging out of your arse.