Join us lighting the Menorah
It’s a holiday party
And the part they are not saying: they will be pressuring you to join staff and if you won’t do that, hand over cash.
It’s the scientology way — “Celebrate Christmas with us, it’s a time of giving. You give to us.”
This is a lot of stuff…
How come ONLY the orgs that are “next to go ideal” seem to put on these endless events?
And why does graduation always feature something other than graduates (spoiler: they don’t have any)…
The “Christmas Open House” is going to feature “LRH stories” — like the one about “the man on the cross” from R6?
2nd or 3rd generation?
I don’t think anyone else this age would join scientology staff.
They already had their ribbon yanking
So, no long list of “events” just photos of people dressed in black?
Upstat staff members?
Couldn’t be too upstat if they are not even staying in Flag student berthing…
Never ending events…
It’s the “big push”
A discount on vitamins!!!
Wow. And complimentary breakfast…
They must be having a hard time getting people to come to the friendliest place in the world for XMas
Flag’s Christmas Banquet
Only $125 per head.
While real churches are feeding the poor, scientology is fleecing the rich for food.
Mr. Rick Alexander
How is it after 40 years he is the lowly FSM IC?
I’ll give him 2 weeks
Talk is cheap when that’s all it is.
Once the ribbon yanking finally happens, and he finds out what being on staff is really like, if he is still on staff after 2 weeks I will donate my Big Pharma checks for a year to the staff pay in Chicago.
No words can describe this.
Flag Graduation on Sunday in Malmo
What is wrong with this picture
No International New Year’s Event again
I guess nobody has told Captain COB the pandemic is over?
What is “New Year’s Dress Code”?
Seminar A
Watching the World Cup??
You have to wonder if these promo pieces from Malmo are trolling everyone?
SuMP is coming!
Bring your latest cert — but if you don’t have it there will be plenty of props available.
And the RPF and EPF will be on standby to ensure it looks like there are at least 50 “graduates” on the roof
A workable philosophy of life…
Disconnect from anyone scientology deems to be bad. That’s a really workable “philosophy.”
100 more VM’s needed
And they were begging to find someone with a car to drive 2 VM’s to the affected area…
The “largest private relief force on earth” swings into full scale action with some promo asking for people to show up.
Postulates with Clive Rabey?
He has been postulating 10,000 on Solo NOT’s EVERY YEAR since 1990.
And his postulates have FAILED 30 years in a row.
So, come hear from him how to do it!
Last week Auckland…
He is the new James Byrne. Incapable of doing anything else so they have him make up stories of his glory years “with LRH” 50 years ago…
No words can describe this.
Conman is the first word that springs to mind. To me it has the stink of a con artist trying to find some way of getting into the US by suckering someone into “helping” him. If I’m wrong then so be it, but it still stinks.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, everyone!
I’m looking forward to 2023. I do believe its going to be a momentous year. I don’t know why; I just sort of feel it. You know, like Tony, in West Side Story, singing that song? I feel like that! “Something’s Coming”. I’m “feeling” that, and all the lyrics to that song!
Mike, just an fyi that for starters I bought 5 “Billion” books – hard copies – to send “around”.
Again just for starters. Your book, in the right hands…the possibilities could be VERY interesting.
Yo OSA terminal reading this!
I’m even extending warm Holiday wishes to YOU.
That’s how warm and fuzzy I’m feeling right now.
And i even have a present for you!
Your Holiday present is pondering where and to whom Mike’s books are going to be sent.
This is the best present I could give you.
For I have no doubt that doing so will – to quote Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot – “stimulate the leetle gray cells MOST adequately.”
Much love,
Thank you so much Aqua…
You’re most welcome, Mike. I’m excited about this! Warm wishes both literally and figuratively to you and your lovely wife and children. Back with y’all on Tuesday.
Come on! Let’s play Scientology Dreidel!
Dreidel lands on Gimel: $1000.00 donation to the IAS.
Dreidel lands on Dalet: $5000.00 donation to the IAS.
Dreidel lands on He: $10,000.00 donation to the IAS
Dreidel lands on Shin: $20,000.00 donation to the IAS
So come and play Scientology Dreidel! Take part in a Jewish tradition and increase your IAS status at the same time!
“Join us lighting the Menorah”.
Louis Farrakhan and Tony Mohammed will be lighting it – on fire, maybe?
“…burn, baby burn, ‘ya damned evil Jews…”
Sure, come and watch!
But then…wait…wait…quiet everybody! The org’s PES is trying to tell me something. What’s that, PES? Nation of Islam Anti – Semite Opinion Leaders were NOT invited to THIS particular event? Got it!
My bad!
How Out-PR of me! How freaking out PR could I be?
Of course, this is why I could never be on staff in Div 6. But no worries, I got it now.
Scientology is this Big Tent. But fer cryin’ out loud, as regards NOI presence at a Hanukkah ceremony, its not THAT freakin’ big!
Re: Holiday Weekend at Chicago Org
When Group Processing starts on 12/24, watch the Operating Thetans flee from the room. For Christmas Brunch the same day, better be sure to bring your Scientology family or stay home. Will movies on Christmas Day include “Going Clear”?
Re: Chris Romani joining staff at Chicago Org
His Success Story begins: “All of my life…” What, all 13 years?
Re: Happy Holidays from Central Ohio
Where are all the old people?
Re: Flag Accommodations
Don’t Waste this Brief Breath… in Clearwater.
Chris Romani is probably 4th Gen
I never thought of it before, but the image used for Thursday Funnies is perfect – two super-enthusiastic sheeple *reges* squeezing the life out of the poor sap in between them.
The photo of five yellow shirted empty-heads carrying handfuls of debris grass to fill, what appears to be, a four ton truck, epitomizes an actual image of stupidity. The scene is obviously in some rural area, so, just drop a match into it and, ‘whooska’, it’s all gone in seconds, then move onto something more productive. But, after watching the fumbling insanity of this organisation for a lot of years, what else could I expect.
There’s “upstat” and then there’s “upstat.”
For some, “upstat” means a “license to rape” (complete with obstruction of justice, victim harassment, disappeared witnesses, document shredding and perjury made to order). For others, it’s simply a “license to beg” since it’s understood that staffers are inevitably paupers.
What is “New Year’s Dress Code”? Decked out in checkbooks, credit cards, titles to valuables and IOUs.
Swedish person here. It is not something any Swede would say. We do not have a New Year’s dress code here. We would definitely use other words. Like formal, party dress or something like that. Never heard anyone say New Year’s dress code.
Int Base staff I remember started in the 1980s, to even have “tuxes” and formal dresses for women, at the New Year’s event.
When I joined ASI in 1992, I had to buy a tux.
Before that, in the 80s, I’d rent a tux for New Year’s event.
And this was Sea Org.
Tuxedoes and formal dresses, is what it means.
ex Sea Org 1975 to 2003
Yes, correct, it was started in the late 80’s, in my area at least.
And all the very young Sea Org girls would buy cocktail dresses from thrift shops (you can find some nice things in thrift shops in my city – rich, very thin women donate their
gently used designer duds to these places – and the SO guys would rent tuxes.
Absurd. I mean, it was just totally absurd. All of us tarted up as the Brits say, for- what? A big Nothingburger.
Here we were in blacK tie semi-formal to watch a VIDEO for 3 hours and then afterwards eat some cheap, overcooked ziti.
Wow, the New Years Eves I WASTED. Ridiculous! Forget the money – this makes me madder than almost anything! I’m not kidding!
I am just so heartfelt glad that I don’t have to attend these awful New Years Eve things anymore! In fact, this deserves some Exclam Tech: THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The LRH photos in him in a tux, and sometimes Mary Sue in formal dress, was the precedent.
It was “on Source” to dress up formally at certain times, essentially.
No problem, Chuck, but my beef was that they’d go on and on about how important it was out of respect to LRH to dress up, etc., and THEN at the event, let people in who were dressed like plumbers – worn jeans, crummy sneakers – they looked like they should have hammers and wrenches in their hands! And per se I could care less but for crying out loud, be consistent, you know! If how they were dressed was THAT important they’d have turned the people away! Restaurants and clubs do that! But in the end they never had the nerve!
They’re probably trying to prevent attendees from showing up in jeans and sneakers. If so I wish them luck because from what I observed at the many New Years events I attended, some people ALWAYS showed up in jeans and sneakers anyway and were let in. That used to infuriate me, by the way. NOT because I’m a snob or against the wearing of jeans and sneakers – in fact, quite the contrary. I myself wanted to throw on a pair of jeans and some sneakers in order to be comfortable whilst sitting thru a boring 3 hour video. But no, like an idiot I would always comply with their stupid dress code and show up in a cocktail dress, heels, etc. And then inevitably there would be a group arriving late in jeans, sneakers and hoodies – and of course they’d be let right in. So much for their black tie dress code. Well, I was JEALOUS! Why didn’t I ever have the nerve to show up very warmly and comfortably dressed and “f**k the dress code…I was jealous of them 🙂
I am going on vacation after today for a while and won’t be around here. Hope everyone has a great, grand holiday no matter which holiday you celebrate!!
Yes C. Romani is 3rd Gen. Nedra Cohee’s grandson.
You folks need to make up a “Gone Clear Certificate” and show up for the pictures. I’d love to be a “Fly on the wall” to watch that one.
“gone clear” or “Clear Gone”?
Isn’t Judaism supposed to to be an R6 implant?
You’re thinking of Jesus. Judaism in Scientology is used to make it look like Scientology embraces all religions. But say that you’re going to synagogue for Seder HaShabbat on Friday night and it’s off to Ethics you go!
I remember Greg Weiss when he was on staff at the SF Mission. Seemingly nice fellow. But yeah, I agree Mike. 2 weeks. He will be reminded of how horrible staff pay is and how horrible the hours are, it won’t last. I don’t even think the mission staff were getting paid at all when he was in the Bay Area.
My advice for Greg…. Stick to your 9-5. You’re better off.