Of course, this week we have a lot of late Xmas or (as someone cleverly put it recently — R6Mas) announcements and urging people to show up to the orgs for New Years celebrations reg events.
Generic Please Come
CC has a DJ and Dancing
More implants from the R6 bank according to L. Ron Hubbard
Melbourne for Brisbane
Because Brisbane can’t do it for themselves…
You are not mortal
BUT, we will sell you your “eternity”
This lady is going to tell you how to get up the Bridge
- Make a LOT of money, or
- Join the Sea Org and pray
All of our accomplishments for 2022
This portion of the event will begin at 11:59 pm.
Wow, big news
Someone completed the Basic Study Manual!
Chicago is really rocking!
BTW, he is a 2nd generation scientologist.
The secrets of marketing…
Sell the world that you can deliver eternity and freedom.
Works for a while, until everyone finds out the promises are empty.
She joined staff to get more knowledge of scientology…
That’s not going to last long.
No Briefing Course on his TIP?
That was a prerequisite to OT IX…
It’s an ideal year?
DJ Donkey Punch’s Mission
Come on in and sit on our couch
Playing the Christmas Game!
Auditing 7 hours on XMas day.
For every study time you put in, you get “one free”? No clue how this works… they charge by the study period? Or maybe this is Swedish humor?
Meaningless PR
A person apparently from Melbourne standing with someone from DC who is part of a congregation of Muslims with 8000 members and he “realized” his organizations wants the “same things as scientology” — well actually scientology’s PR statement about what it wants…
They’re dropping a ball from the scientology sign?
A basketball?
Tennis ball?
Hope someone is there to video this.
Yeah, give us your bank accounts
That’s what Ron says…
Remember the call for the SMP shoot?
Urgently needed people on the roof of the complex to take a photo.
This is all they could get…
4 cardboard cutouts?
My heartstrings led me this way…
Maybe you should also engage your brain
Another call for an SMP shoot…
Seems like the only thing they have going on.
Why are public people doing call in for MSP photo shoots?
“Being there with Ron”
In all the glory of “Lebanon Hall”
Typical scientology think…
“Our company hands out WTH booklets” — but we don’t want to have to buy them ourselves.
So why don’t you donate them to us?
Winter Wonderland…
What a sad showing this is
Low key
Do you think this is a stock photo?
You R6Mas present this year…
A cupful of vitamins, 3 tablespoons of oil and 5000mg of niacin.
It really bothers me to see Scientologists celebrating Christmas because I know it is purely a secular celebration for them. The birth of Christ should be a sacred celebration rather than a commercial secular one. Sorry if that sounds judgmental but that’s how I feel. It’s not just Scientologists, either. Its’ anyone who claims to be of religions other than Christianity.
Those two women on the left in the Shelly Carter image tried to recruit me to Staff. I hope when they get out they don’t feel bad about the people they’ve brought into the Org. They are victims
off topic comment.
I recently heard the podcast that Mike Rinder did with Leah Remini and Ex NXIVM member Sarah Edmondson.
They discussed her book Scarred and Mike Rinder noted that he began writing notes on the similar details in both Scientology and NXIVM as he read Scarred but he gave up as he just had notes after notes after notes.
I decided that I should read Scarred myself and then read the book and took notes on the similarities myself and saw what Mike Rinder was talking about.
As I have stated before, I spent twenty five years in Scientology and after leaving Scientology in 2014 have spent a significant amount of time looking at likely sources that Dianetics and Scientology doctrine and practices have been taken from.
I found that this has been especially helpful for my own recovery from the web of lies in Scientology as I have been able to demystify and reframe my experiences.
When you, for example, can see that Dianetics is the combination of hypnosis and early abreactive therapy with some elements of rhetoric and the occult you can dissect the techniques and see things that remove the mystery and awe associated with them.
You can also see that Hubbard created likely none of them and they have each failed in their own turn in the past and in the case of abreactive therapy and hypnosis used together they failed to produce consistent or lasting beneficial results for the vast majority of patients and in fact they used deception and euphoric trance states to confuse patients and produce heightened suggestibility in them as well as dependence on the therapists.
I have repeated this process of examination of likely sources of ideas in Dianetics and Scientology at some length and found it to be the case so consistently that it’s quite likely Hubbard never had an original idea in his life.
This has helped me to understand WHY hundreds of ideas in Scientology are not true or beneficial and see how they NEVER had a genuine scientific origin or scientific validation.
I have written extensively on this at Mockingbird’s Nest blog on Scientology.
So, I read Scarred and took extensive notes on similar ideas and practices in both Scientology and NXIVM. I can see why Mike Rinder gave up, as on many pages I found four examples of ideas likely present in both Scientology and NXIVM that are almost identical and noteworthy.
And mind you Scarred is a two hundred page book!
I decided to be practical and broke up my analysis into a series of blog posts that take on the ideas in a sequential order and include quotes from Scarred, quotes from Scientology doctrine, and some of my own knowledge on the origins of Scientology and the similarities between Hubbard and Keith Raniere and cults and cult leaders in general.
I am going to post a link to the first post in the series and hope it is useful for ex members of Scientology and NXIVM and people who are interested in cults in general as well.
I know in my recovery that references that show the origins of Scientology have been very helpful and hope this can be of value to ex members of NXIVM and that I was fortunate enough to have a vast amount of articles about the origins and original uses of the techniques in Scientology available for myself, many from Jon Atack as free articles online and hope such a resource can be created for ex NXIVM members as well.
If you know any ex members and think this can help them please feel free to share this series with them.
Scientology and NXIVM – Parallels and Plagiarism
This is amazing and valuable work. THank you for the time and effort you put into this. It’s now an excellent resource!
I hope that I can share this with Sarah Edmondson and her husband Nippy as well as the larger ex NXIVM community.
I don’t have their email or contact information.
I hope it’s not too much to ask for this to be passed on to them, if it’s convenient?
I sent it to them and Mark Vicente. They are sharing it to their people…
Thank you
Feel free to repost or quote them or share them on a podcast or anywhere else you feel they might be useful.
I would love to see the topic examined at length with folks like Mark Vicente and Sarah Edmondson.
Just a telling point. The three people in the Christmas ad. for AOSH ANZO, are all dressed in winter woolie type cardigans. They must be dining in a cold-room as, the average temperature down here in Aussie at this time of the year is around 90 to 100 degrees farenheit.
Can anybody help me with this? I have always been led to believe that, anyone who is guilty of hiding or protecting a suspected criminal, can be charged with “aiding and abetting”, and they are considered to be on the same level as the suspected criminal. Why then are Miscaviges lawyers able to legally hide his whereabouts, and protect him from ‘process servers’?
The card from AOSH Europe does not depict angels, but the annual Saint Lucy’s Day Pageant, which is popular in Scandinavia. It’s celebrated every year on Dec. 13. According to legend, Lucy selflessly brought food to persecuted Christians hiding in the Roman catacombs — the sort of generosity that Scientologists never practice!
Did you notice Malmo’s course hours – 1 pm – 930 pm MF (start at 930 on weekends)?. I thought Class 4 or 5 orgs were open from 930 am every day. they can’t be booming if they are not even open mornings during week.
Holyeesh! Fergus Gartlan. I’m always startled when I recognise someone in these promo pieces. If they’re still there, they always look so old.
Maybe the study hours is referring to a game? As in the person who studies the most hours wins. It might be an incentive to get those into the org and studying. For every hour you study, you get another hour added onto your total. I know that on extension courses at CC, they had games where the person who turned in the most lessons wins, and they also have had days where one lesson would count as two. Maybe it’s something like that?
It may be ‘BOGO’ in Malmö (or even BOGÖ), but at every other cheap discounter it’s ‘BOGOF’ as in “Buy One, Get One Free”. Or are the Swedes trying to avoid an implied “bog off”?
That’s highly impressive that someone in Chicago completed the study course. At this rate I predict Chicago will be totally cleared before the bears win another super bowl
Thanks for verifying the stock photo, Angry Gay Pope!
I’m wondering if 300 people can fit in the Pacifica Cafe, or if this is a tacit recognition that they will get nowhere near 300 people?
CC has toast, too.
Only Manchester in the UK is putting on a New Years event? Surely Edinburgh, with Scotland’s 2 day Hogmanay public holiday, could put on something? Saint Hill and Birmingham – crickets and tumbleweed?
I think it is incredibly evil of you people to make fun of my dad – Lura Schmekdecker. He is asking for donations so he can hand out TWTH book and make people happy. What is wrong with that?
He’s not asking for the money to put in his pocket. He wants it so he can buy all those booklets and give them out to people to make them happy.
We Schmekdeckers have a long history of schmecking in the flowers and spreading joy wherever we schmecken go. What is wrong with that?
The CofS wants the same thing as radical Islamists – to convert everyone and clear the planet of other beliefs and faiths, including wiping out say the 2% of the population Hubbard referred to (160 million souls at current population count) as necessary to meet that end. That poor mainstream Muslim ought to know he’s fallen in with people who may put on a good front, but have about as good intentions towards him as the Taliban (and who also can’t even get right that it’s “Imam”, not “Iman”).
And I find it interesting how many of the people who show up in photos can be readily identified as second, third, or even fourth generation members. To me that’s indicative of how the bubble is shrinking to not much more than one degree of separation among the few who remain.
Yes it is a stock photo. Another example of it: https://gesundheitswelt.allianz.de/reise-freizeit/feste-festtage.html
Beware of going to the above link!
The entire page is in German and there are some boxes that say something about “Cookies”. But if you don’t understand German, you cannot be certain what you are agreeing to.
You can’t really proceed in this page without clicking on one of these boxes. But they are all in German. So …. WTF????
I speak and read German so I should be able to navigate it.
Well, I take it all back then. Just so long as you can read it, I guess that means it’s OK. It doesn’t matter if no one else can understand it.
Isn’t that the perfect answer this cult teaches? How does it go again?
“Me first. I’m the only one that matters. Everyone else will find their own way. But as long as I give money to the cult, everyone will be happy. Even people who are unhappy will be happy because I can read German.”
Thank you for reminding me of the most important Postulate. Good for you and fuck everyone else.
Pls let me know if I can send you a donation so that you can spread the word to all Wogs so that they will learn what is important.
How do you say “facepalm” in German?
The cookie window is just standard boilerplate it means nothing esp. since you won’t go back to the site ever again.
Uh, excuse me? I simply said that I speak and read German. Why the sarcasm?
Dutch guy here, I can read German too. For someone in the EU this is nothing strange, just the ‘normal’ warnings etc a lot of websites here think are necessary to comply with the GDPR
I’m actually happy they do that.
Although it’s facepalm time I don’t think a facepalm will do any good.
It never does.