I guess they only had one “silver contributor”
Things seem to going at a snail’s pace. Haven’t heard of this status before, must be small fry…
Don’t forget, they also have to do Canberra and Adelaide. They have LOOOONG way to go.
We got one!
Jean Dale Glass hyping things again
She is in Los Angeles. They have 5 miserably failing already ideal orgs within the greater LA area, plus LA Org.
Why is she worried about Austin? Because everyone in WUS is now worried about Austin because they have been told it’s supposed to be the next org to open after Chicago…
If Danny is an accomplished 15 year staff member, where is he coming from?
The Amazing Dr. Berg
“The Knowledge Doc” — no ego at all.
Check out some of the video from his son Ian Rafalko on YouTube.
Grab your sneakers
Just hand over your cash, put on your running shoes and start going in circles. It won’t take too long before you will realize you are “total cause” so you can get off that damned track.
Tells you how dead scientology has been in Chicago…
Nothing for 22 years. And this was something that was “highly successful.”
Come hear the latest plans…
I’ll make it easy:
Give us more money.
We will buy more properties to sit empty.
That is the entirety of the plan.
Columbus is still “gearing up”…
They KNOW that “unprecedented expansion” is just around the corner.
The holy grail of scientology…
The one call close.
Ideal Org staff are moonlighting?
Wait a minute, I thought they were going to be paid well as soon as the org was “ideal”?
US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights
Nothing to do with scientology?
Until you look at the uncropped photo
Kiddie Corner
Sadly too many this week…
OK, you have to explain this Lorianne
You were originally at CST with your parents. You got the boot and ended up in Flag Crew.
Is this what YOU postulated for your life?
Just what makes you an expert?
All the staff and field of Madrid “ideal org”
Less than 100 people total in a HUGE, magnificent building in the heart of the city…
This is the second “joined back” in Malmo in recent times?
What’s going on?
It’s the brink of a new horizon
It’s the new age of “perfect admin” apparently.
It’s the latest thing that is going to make everything good. GAT didn’t do it. Nor GAT 2. The Basics bombed. OT VIII no bueno. KTL doesn’t even exist any more. The Golden Age of Knowledge wasn’t. Ideal Orgs aren’t. But now we know how to route pink and yellow invoices perfectly and write a standard tech telex, the planet is ours.
Bringing her kids to “mark your lessons”…
I guess they don’t have any pc’s to utilize a Class V auditor
Please come and hand out some promo…
You are guaranteed to receive a very warm reception
I became the biggest fan of myself…
That’s the EP of OT VIII?
Jean Dale Glass is back!
She really is a busy beaver.
My question for Jean — why aren’t YOU on staff? Or in the Sea Org?
An Admin Courses Delivery License
But this is the OLD admin stuff? You have not trained on the new perfect admin.
Not going to work out so well.
I would mention explicitly (rather than implied),
that Hubbard (L Ron Hubbard) is an Extreme Sociopath,
that it is his basic and permeating (all-penetrating) intention,
to enslave people, especially, enslaved to him,
without that they ever notice it:
His efforts were, to find truths BY WHICH to enslave people.
(By hiding the essential parts of these truths, and by attaching a vast amount of lies to them.)
It is the opposite of the adage ‘Truth Will Set You Free.’
But Sociopaths do have (do intend) ‘All in Reverse.’
Applying ‘Truth Will Set You Free,’ you would not merely battle Hubbard’s lies, but also mention the truths THAT HE USES to enslave people with:
Such as utilized in the mentioned promotional pieces of this and any ‘Thursday Funnies.’
In my experience, the way to gain total spiritual freedom at Flag is to get kicked off the base. Until that happened, there weren’t nothing free about me and my life. Since, my dynamics have flourished and I’ve prospered without Davey-Boy’s interfering with my happiness. I pity those still enslaved by what is being called scientology these days. I gotta give it to mustSavage; He knows how to fleece his slaves he’s convinced to follow him blindly.
Has scientology always used the current gold and flashy lights design?
It seems as if the organization largely ignores trends in design from mainstream society. An exaggerated abundance of gold, silver and exaggerated light effects are the key traits of “Scientology Baroque”.
This is far away from current design choices by credible mainstream organizations. Currently functionality and simple but recognizable design choices are mostly used.
Large exaggerations with gold and lights might look untrustworthy or bizarre for an outsider from today’s mainstream society.
Why has the organization such a unique and bizarre design in their architecture and propaganda?
When did the trend for gold and exaggerated light effects emerge in their design choices?
“Scientology Baroque” is a keenly apt term. The COS opulent imagery probably goes back to Hubbard’s “Marketing Series” Policy Letters issued in the late seventies and early eighties. He even wrote Bulletiins and PLs on art, design, and aesthetics. In his mind, all that swanky glitz represents the success and prosperity of his grand organization.
And your term is a good description of their entire culture as a whole. Everything about the COS is out of date and out of style, a living anachronism based on Hubbard’s views he formulated in the fifties and sixties. They can’t modernize, much less conform to accepted contemporary standards. The scriptures of Hubbard are the first, last, and only words by which this archaic group can operate.
Authoritarian organizations, like scientology, unable to adapt to a changing world are inevitable doomed to fail ….
Dogmatism results in organizations unable to learn from mistakes …
Hubbard baked in a failure to adapt or change in any way, but the beast is taking an inordinate length of time to finally draw its last breath. I suppose that’s because he also baked in so many items that are *nearly* true, or seem at least plausible — particularly at the introductory levels.
the organization calling itself scientology these days certainly is “baroque”, and from what I’ve seen, there ain’t no fixing it until the tiny little dictator is no longer in power.
There ain’t no fixing it period, you need to wake up. There never was a good scientology. L Ron Hubbard is a evil con artist.
Private note Mike: Republicans currently promot a 30% sales tax. – I remember this from ages ago from a scn run group. If you can dig up the documents from back then would be great to publis.
YEs, going to do a post about this
anon, Hubbard seems to have repeated quite a few ideas from alt-right publications of the John Birch Society era that he read, so something like that could be the original source of the idea. There had been quite a bit of discussion and debate about imposing a national sales tax during World War II, and I recall periodic proposals to impose a European-style VAT, probably going back to at least the 1980s though I can’t say for certain.
30% sales tax. Talk about regressive and suppressive.
There shouldn’t be a blanket exemption for “religions” like scn. Get taxed on what you CONSUME instead of what you make. Interesting idea. Might be the most anti-capitalistic idea I’ve ever heard of, penalizing folks for buying what’s being sold. If there are ANY loopholes in that scheme, you know corporations and criminals like Davey will find ways around paying it. The 5% to 8% that I’ve seen around is bad enough. As if the legislators would let themselves be taxed 30%, or even 10%: There WILL be loopholes they and others can use to minimize their taxation. It’s is dead as the 10% flat tax became.
Tom Cummins…I can’t tell you how much the expression on this guy’s face repels me…his smile is a snarl…what a monster, ugh. And you can tell how totally impressed he is with himself. I hate men like him. If I were his wife I’d advise him to have a dentist plane down his canine teeth.
“‘Give us more money. We will buy more properties to sit empty.’ That is the entirety of the plan.”
Exactly right, and I don’t know why this has hit my funny bone so hard but I’m still cracking up.
I like it. I like it. Demento will not be happy about this at all. As we all know, he’s a cowardly little man.
OK, I’m working on my resume to submit to Dr Berg (The Knowledge Doc) and can use some good proofreaders to double check it for me.
Experience: Accountant for Enron, Sales Rep for B Madoff, Chief Strategic Growth Planner for Sears, Chief Ethics Officer for FTX crypto.
Favorite Books: Big League Sales Closing Techniques, The Foundation series, A Billion Years by Mike Rinder.
Favorite Places: Texas Gulf Coast, Niagara Falls, Leavenworth FP (the best if you’ve got to be in prison).
This isn’t the whole thing just some sections that may need some punching up.
With your help, I’m sure to be a shoo-in.
I am seriously concerned about all the young children being displayed around the world via scn’s endless streams of promotion. This is putting them on a pedestal and love bombing. One wonders what it is doing to their developing brains and personality.
They are unwittingly being robbed of their lives, futures and freedom of choice via scn during a vulnerable time in their youth.
This can provoke competition among other scn, “My child did this, paid for his own course, and chose Flag on his own, is on the bridge.” Scn is all about status and competition.
Another fact is the Masterson case. It’s gone mainstream how scn protects rapist, pedophiles and the abusive. Scn are told not to report them to the police. It’s the “perfect solution” to get new public of that caliber and hold their secrets against them and take them for everything they got, while protecting them.
To the parents, friends or family of those children out there:
I would keep an eye on new public joining scn, post Masterson’s trial and never leave your children unattended such as Braden;s mother did. Leaving him with her sister and family at Flag may seem safe. But knowing about scn protecting predators it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Now we are experiencing THE New Era of 1,000 % PERFECT Admin, per Christie Lee info.
Wow! Can not wait to see the miracles going…
The Jamie Allyn pitch – heartbreaking. Here she is, living the “ideal scene” as one in Scientology would define it: she is auditing others, she is on staff, she is receiving auditing herself, she is married, she is the mom of a toddler. But…also simultaneously working (at least) 20 hours per week at a “wog job” so she and her family can afford this org-staff-member-Scientologist-lifestyle. Gosh, this tale is so familiar, and it is so sad because it is IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish it all. Many times, the only way I saw a person survive on staff is a) retired with a guaranteed pension b) married to a high-earning spouse or c) in possession of a trust fund or inheritance or other means of FULLY financially supporting themselves.
The lies and promises told to get someone to join staff — they simply NEVER turn out to be true. It is a trap and shame on those making those promises and setting up the person to constantly be “taking a loss” because they are not able to “make it go right.” Including, I am moved and deeply saddened hearing the tales of grown children of Scientology org staff members — their childhoods bereft of “havingness” or much happiness frankly.
Re: US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights
Thanks so much for that uncropped photo. There is quite a difference between the two pictures.
The cropped photo depicts their lie, undetected. The uncropped photo, with its direct connection to the cult of scientology, is the lie exposed.
I like the bit about 13 year old Braden paying for his own Survival Rundown.
How does a thirteen year old earn enough money to pay for something so expensive like a Scientology rundown?
A kid couldn’t mow enough lawns or babysit enough tots to raise that much cash!
Probably mommy and daddy forked over the cash but said that Braden earned it himself so he would look like he was at cause over his postulates.
As a Texan I am deeply offended by the “First clear country” logo.
All I can say to that is, “Come and take it!”
Speaking of the portrait of Hubbard: Narcissists don’t know how stupid they appear.
Narcissists don’t see themselves as stupid and don’t you dare tell them that they are.
At OTVII she felt she was constantly restimulated? (Paloma Blanca lady) – how odd.