Alfraudie is back!
Seems like his scandals with the WLC are old enough that he can be associated with again.
And Stacy Francis too…
Where did they find her?
Heavy rains washed away the topsoil and she appeared?
This is a “beautiful briefing”
All about how they need your money
Another one ripped from a different org…
Just a BBQ?
No regging? Hahahaha
Bodhi Elfman in the house…
In freefall apparently?
Apparently they just think of words that sound cool: “No Limits” is meaningless unless they are referring to how much money they are willing to take from attendees.
Joe Cecala is going to tell you how to take control of your life
And just who IS Joe Cecala? Apparently he is “getting real VFPs accomplished.”
Hannah Baxter is now on staff…
And that will be the last motorcycle she owns
It’s the third largest city in the US…
OK, so why didn’t you join NY Org because that’s the largest city and they are failing miserably.
Oh, they have a location now…
I guess Dave doesn’t think it’s safe to leave his grotto, so no ribbon yanking for you Chicago.
Definitely got to attend
Hana-li is going to be there
They charge admission to their “carnival”?
A lot of resurrections this week
Where has she been?
First law about money you should know
Don’t ever go near a scientology organization or registrar
Alfraudie isn’t even mentioned?
Love the specifics…
Love in the Foothills
Hear what L. Ron Hubbard says about these topics. He was a real expert…
I don’t think so as that future is not looking bright for scientology.
We are gearing up still…
And now the letter registrar is going to splain why it’s so important to be on staff. People just LOVE getting junk mail from the org.
Kiddie Corner
A success story for writing a KR?
Another resurrection…
Wonder when Michel Roberts is going to appear?
In a whole year?
That’s only 10 a week? And on person could finish 2 OT levels in a week…
The most amazing thing I’ve ever done on my track…
Trust me — I’ve checked!
Look out world, when this guy in unleashed, it’s going to be earth shaking.
This is it?
That’s all they managed to scrape together?
A Whole New Civilization in Vancouver
They’re “gearing up”
Ideal Sweethearts?
What does this mean?
More BBQ…
Isn’t that something. They spent an entire afternoon “bringing in new people” (though we dont see any of them…)
Parents of the Kiddie Corner
Wonder if they collected an FSM Commission on his services?
Only, 4.85 million to go…
How idiotic to print all this before they have the money to distribute them? Why? They print these in house.
These guys can do all the Exec Training they want but no matter how proficient they become they’ll never succeed in expanding Scientology Orgs until they can get the orgs adequately staffed. No one can earn a living on staff. No American or western European Scientologist in his right mind joins Class V org staff nowadays because it means moonlighting which in turn means working 80 hours per week. That leaves only trust fund babies, Scientologists with sufficient independent incomes and/or those who are supported by spouses or families. A decidedly narrow demographic from which to recruit staff. And as for Sea Org, no one in his or her right mind (again, in the US or the UK or Western Europe) signs that billion year contract unless they’re born into the cult, poor saps, and indoctrinated from infancy by the cult and their Scientology parents to the tune of “There really isn’t anything else to do”. These kids are doomed all around because when they hit their teens their parents realize how expensive it will be to educate them and as a solution to that they dump the kids in the Sea Org. But all in all how many 2nd & 3rd generation kids are there, anyway. No, this Exec Training thing, Miscavige’s latest thing that he’s pushing, is doomed to fail. Scientology CANNOT expand without staff; its that simple.
Boy whoever they used to Photoshop Stacy Francis made her look WHITE…
Well, she is mixed race and probably more white than black but never mind that for now; where did she get that ghastly wig?
The cringeworthy and shiver inducing Kreepy Corner has made an appearance I see. The rest is the usual yawn inspiring nonsense that is repeated ad nauseam until has become a neverending stream of extreme blandness.
Sorry Ded. I read your quote as:
“I see our church at full effect, the city coming together like never before, with Scientology being beat down by the town”
Mebby I have a non-understood.
I doubt there are any still-ins that see the irony in those “big top” fliers from Puerto Rico. And a big flunk and pink-sheet goes to whoever designed them. Calling the event “the greatest show” is not the positioning they should be going for (though it is unintentionally spot on). Send in the clowns!
“There’s a seeker born every minute.”
— The Magnificent Hubbtardo
Good grief where to start! Laura Rose on the ‘Success story on writing a KR’…you have a terrible misunderstood on the word ‘allot’ Laura Rose. In the English language, which you seem to have a fairly firm grasp, the words are ‘a lot’ if you have to use them (there are many better words to use than ‘a lot’ over and over my college prof would raise hell if you used it but I digress). ‘Allot’ means “assign” or “distribute”.
Second, you are a beyotch. Period.
KR’s were made to rat people out and to help Hubbard create a snitching culture. He, like Mickiewicz, HAD to know what people were saying and thinking about him so he invented the KR…for your benefit of course. It sounds more like Laura Rose was spilling too many out ethics secrets about her friend to an auditor or reg and ended up being made to write a KR and the ‘success story’ about it. For her benefit of course.
I remember in Leah’s book reading about all the KR’s on her that appeared after the Crooze wedding. One being from Katie herself. I had this ‘vision’ let’s call it where I actually SAW Crooze call Katie into his ‘Office’ (like he did with Nazanin) and hand her a sheet of paper and dictate to her exactly what to write down in ‘her’ KR about Leah. Mr. ‘I put ethics in ruthlessly’ had little Tommy standing to the side of his desk as this happened and when poor Katie was done he whipped the sheet away and handed it to Tommy Smalls to take straight to COB himself. With a stern look on his face he then ‘dismissed’ his wife. This was my ‘vision’ of course but I wonder how close to real it was.
If I were the friend of Laura Rose I would take this opportunity to jump ship and come to one of these wonderful sites and add her name to the list of those who have spoken out against this cult. Only a cult would think a ‘knowledge report’, which is essentially a tattletale, is a good idea.
Don’t you just love that smattering of gray hair at the Chicago OT committee. What is it? About 16 people there. We’ve seen hundreds of poor schmucks being suckered into ‘joining staff’ in these flyers over the last year. There’s going to be way more ‘staff’ than public. Even their list of ‘statuses’ for getting public in was pathetic. The place needs maybe 2-4 staff…that’s it.
I keep hoping the big collapse is near.
Wow, just wow. I have not heard those names for a LOONG time.
And Michael Roberts has been Mia for a long time.
Wanna know what I think? I think DM has the (great idea) of matching order of magnitude with the publicity and exposure of exposing Scientology. So suddenly all the people that he brushed aside or put in solitary suddenly get put back in the spotlight hoping to recreate what was once a successful action. But it is obvious and should be for these people it’s just a USE and discard for DM. Maybe they are have all been recovered and this is their ethics program. Lol
RE Laura Rose on writing KR report- we can guess she went to a Scientology school since she uses”allot” a lot and her writing skills are poor at best. I certainly never saw a positive result from any KR I wrote up and can’t say I gained anything by having any written on me. I have seen relationships harmed and even destroyed by KRs. It is hard to have a close relationship with Scientologists as you never know when someone will write you up for some imagined offense. I never heard anyone say they were so happy to get called into ethics.
“…since she uses ‘allot’ a lot…” Still laughing!
Flag Crew is trying hard to schedule “The Greatest Show” events in an effort to get Arrivals and Bodies In The Shop (BIS). It’s another indication of their desperation, especially when the best they can come up with in Alfraudie and Stacy. Yikes!
“The Greatest Show”?
There are a whole lot of people with foot fetishes in this world. I’m guessing they would have a lot more success if they put on something called,
“The Greatest Shoe“
Gotta say the KR win made me howl
Yeah, it was allot of fun …
Re: Seriously? A success story for writing a KR?
To: Laura Rose Goddard Brunoehler of Scientologist Friends
Dear Laura,
If you ever want to find out just how destructive a KR can be, please read Infinitely More Trouble’s comment here:
Direct link
Thank you, TrevAnon. I didn’t know that a direct link existed for comments.
They can’t be expecting too many to show up for that ‘all hands’ event in Chicago. This is what the Union League Club web site says about it’s event spaces:
“Three ballrooms provide between 4000 and 6000 square feet of space, providing the flexibility to host between 200 and 400 people at an event. Sixteen private conference/meeting rooms provide space for the needs of two to forty people.”
Waiting for the claims of ‘thousands’ in attendance.
Another thing:
I see many of these people have quite a few college degrees. Like BS, MS, and PHD
Bull “Stuff” More “Stuff” and Piled Higher and Deeper.
Robert A. Heinlein used to refer to a PhD as being a Piled Higher And Deeper degree.
“How to handle lack of money and time going up the bridge.”
Two things they should be expert in wouldn’t you say?
As to Stacy Francis, it may be the Hurricane Season.
Ah, yes. Ken and Ari Walker.
Braden’s parents.
Mom and dad of the thirteen year old boy who supposedly paid for his own Survival Rundown.
Good question if they collected a commission off of it.
They seem like real winners.