It’s the name of the game…
And that is all it is. They have not seen expansion in ANZO other than in Taiwan in 50 years.
Australia and New Zealand are permanently dormant.
Wonder how long it took to round these people up?
This is probably 10 weeks worth of graduates…
How does this qualify them for staff?
They’ve paid to run around a pole….
No LRH Birthday Event again?
It’s on “L. Ron Hubbard Way”?
Not much of a Success Story
She finished Grade 0 and she “feels more willing to communicate”?
The stated product per the Grade Chart is “ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject.”
Where is Qual?
This is the org manned with Sea Org members
I can’t see everyone, but there are less than 50 people in this shot…
That’s “ideal”?
And that’s a LOT better than many of them…
Stan Gerson
Not doing a magic show? That’s new for him…
He will still be trying to make wallets disappear though.
Reefer Madness
The game where everyone wins…
Not really. The staff are destitute. The public are broke.
Kiddie Corner
“Exclusive” briefing…
Yeah, right. It’s the same old same old.
Tristan Buchanan isn’t even an L’s auditor and has probably not even had an L himself…
Kids are running the show now?
What does this have to do with anything?
Oh yeah, from the people being sued for Child Trafficking
Yes, it’s time…
They’ve been “ideal” now for a decade or more and remain completely invisible
The minimalist approach
Rarely seen in scientology promotional pieces…
Of course
Makes perfect sense…
Wonder why this is singled out?
Sydney Foundation has 100 unfilled posts…
Sometimes you get the elevator….
Their “very honorable org” didn’t give their Purif IC back…
Now that is some serious brown-nosing.
Or is this passive/aggressive?
Tree, the ED River Park mission is genuine, not trying to slime the org. They have been full time delivery for decades. Purif is lifeblood for new people a major service they can keep the rent paid etc. It’s still just a feeder to selling lots of auditing and then selecting to local or higher orgs to get their 10 or 15% commission. That’s the life in a mission (that started in olden times). Most missions don’t have that level of delivery.
The new style mission opens 2-10 hours per week in back of a dentist office and maybe do some book 1 or a lecture. Any expenses are just written off their taxes by the dentist or chiropractor or???
Times have certainly changed. Beginning of the middle of the end.
Yes, 1 part time staff hired in 3 months. Wow. They don’t mention how many staff they lost in 3 months or how little staff get paid. Part-time staff are almost always people with other jobs to support themselves. This seems to be a mission so trying to deliver the purif must really be difficult as many missions not open that many hours but purif requires students be there every day fir 5 hours. At one ideal org, after opening, staff shrunk from 120 on opening day to around 90 within 6 months to about 25 in 9 years. Some years only 1 or 2 new staff were hired in a year and mostly they disappeared within a few months. When they finally got someone qualified, and who didn’t need staff pay to survive, often the person was treated badly so they did not renew their contract after 2.5 years. They make staff sound wonderful but actually it is one of the most abusive, demoralizing, stressful, low paying jobs you can find (at least in orgs. Some missions may be better in terms of treatment.
The purification I/C has been and always will be a throwaway post. How many times has this occurred? Tons. Replacements that fell through. Just another day in the lie.
The purif I/C is a 60 hour a week post? They have that many people doing the purification room down?
Inside the foothills mission:
Hmmm …. One step closer to an OT BOOM!!
Would that be the BOOM when the FBI breaks down the door and shouts, “Everybody get down on the floor! We have a warrant to search these premises. This warrant gives a duty to anyone here who knows the whereabouts of Shelly Miscaviage.
If you know her whereabouts, this warrant means you have a duty to report her location to us. Otherwise you will be guilty of Obstruction of Justice.
Make it easy on Yourselves! Where is Shelly?
I would pay a pretty penny to be a fly on the wall that day!!
“It is a 60 hour per week post…” and they wonder why they can only find a part timer to take it on? How about making it a 40 hour post, and offer a pay package with benefits that suits the area? Then they would have a line of applicants around the corner, seeing as how most of the time would be spent doing nothing but waiting for ‘customers’ to endure that Purif scam.
So true. Orgs would have no problem getting staff if the hours were 40 hours per week and paid a living wage per the cost of living in that particular area! People would be lining up. Day and Foundation would be covered.
Ah, but no…”Being on staff is a trust and a crusade”…for which staff get “pocket money” (that’s what it says in the staff contract I nearly signed twice, key word being “nearly”).
“A trust and a crusade”.
Now, a “trust” I was fine with. A “crusade”? Not so much!
I HATE that word. I HATE The Crusades. Vicious, bloody slaughters of innocent people under the false banner of God and Jesus, etc. Abominations, were the Crusades.
Believe it or not, and I have trouble believing it myself, reading the contract, just that WORD in there me! I didn’t WANT that word in there!
In fact, as silly as it sounds, I’d go so far as to state that that word, “crusade” figured largely in my shying away from signing that staff contract – twice! Incredible, no? That a word could bother me that much and so so much to keep me from joining staff. A simple twist of fate.
Apologies for grammar errors. Always happens when I get emotional ๐
Don’t apologize. Big hugs!!!
Thank you ๐ ๐
Why is it always the nicest people – like Aquamarine – who suffer the most hurt and the most loss as a result of coming into contact with these criminal cults?
I will never be happy until the day arrives when the tiny Crumb is made to pay for his evil excesses and made to pay in a way commensurate with the amount of hurt he caused to all his victims.
It is so sad that in a free society, it is always the nicest and sweetest and most gullible people who wind up paying the biggest price. These people are attracted to the concepts of people working together to help each other do good works.
But eventually, they always seem to find out they have been duped. They have worked at an extremely difficult job for little or no reward. There was never any substantial “Good” achieved. In fact, the people who believed in the good were the ones who suffered the greatest harm.
But repaying these victims is not enough. That will not make them whole. They were victimized by evil monsters who forced them to work and kept the financial rewards of their work. These monsters deserve to suffer greatly. They deserve to suffer great pain in an effort to make the victims whole.
I will never be satisfied until the evil over-seers are named and forced to account for their horrific crimes. I want to see the day when all of their physical structures are smashed into pieces and all their financial profits are clawed back and given to people like Valerie Haney – so that she will have a fair opportunity to live the rest of her life with the freedom to achieve the happiness she deserves.
I had a dream the other night that David McSavage was made to give Valerie a bath every morning (blindfolded – with his tongue) so that he could never see her beautiful self. Surely he would find that demeaning and degrading and it would be a fair and reasonable punishment – at least until such time that Valerie got sick of the little creep coming in close contact with her every morning. I would guess that Valerie would eventually become sick at the thought of his coming to see her each morning to give her a tongue bath.
Perhaps, after a few months of the baths, he could be sentenced to act as her personal toilet bowl and he would swallow whatever she decided to give him every morning.
I realize these punishments are not fair and would never be forced upon the creep in a fair and democratic society. But surely there must be some kind of punishment that would crush the cocksucker while at the same time would give Valerie immense satisfaction.
Perhaps he could be forced to carry an appropriate sign and walk around in downtown L.A. to atone for his miserable lifestyle – especially if a bylaw was enacted making it legal for people to throw all kinds of horrible, stinky stuff at him while he walked up and down carrying his sign that said, “I may appear to be a teeny tiny little creep. But in truth, I am the biggest creep and asshole in this world. Please feel free to throw any manner of garbage at me so I can atone for causing fear and sorrow to plague one of the most beautiful ladies in this world.”
Howie, thank you so much for your exceedingly kind and thoughtful comment in general and reference to me in particular. I appreciate your empathy very much! But in truth, Howie, of all the ex-Scientologists on this blog and elsewhere I am assuredly among those who suffered from Disconnection the least! You see, I had no loved ones in the cult, nor did my business depend in any way on cult customers. I had a few friends who I thought were my friends for years who turned out to be mere cult robots who disconnected from me when I expressed “disaffection”, but there was no loved one, no parent, child, sibling, sweetheart, etc who disconnected from me. The loved ones I lost I lost to death well before I joined Scientology. Perhaps reading about some comments of mine in which details were obscured by me you assumed that I had lost these loved ones to Disconnection, but no it was death, a lot of death of various people very close to me that I experienced rather early in life, and the cult had nothing to do with these losses. Now, during my 27 years in I managed to avoid signing a staff contract, by some miracle! Therefore I did not suffer the abuse that Class V staff and SO members did. Yes, I did really want to help, I’ve always liked helping people but The horrors that a number of people on this blog and on Tony’s blog and elsewhere experienced were not visited upon me as a public Scientologist. In any event, don’t think that I don’t appreciate how you feel for anyone who was exploited and abused and robbed of their loved ones by this ruthless greedy cult and its heartless policies. I count myself very, very lucky that I personally avoided these horrors but at the same time I HATE injustice and am in total solidarity with everyone here who has, and obviously you are as well. Thank you again ๐
PS: Reading over your comment it appears that you hate injustice even more than I do, which is a lot. But insofar as retribution for the many wrongs and injustices perpetrated by Miscavige and Co$ on well intentioned helpful people, consider this: the Dwarf has been doing both himself and Scientology IN for decades now. From the beginning of his regime, his lies, necessitating cover-ups which in turn necessitated more lies which needed more cover-ups, etc., etc. continuing into present time – what has he created, what does he continue to create, not only for Scientology as an organization but for himself personally? A highly intricate and complex, dark, tangled web is what he’s created. Think about it. Here he is, so rich, so materially wealthy, and yet, is he free? Not at all. As a being, he is completely trapped. And it has taken a while but now he can’t even show his body – even his body is trapped now, in the web he created. He can’t walk freely. He can’t enjoy his vast wealth. He must hide. He must always, always be physically guarded because he is so hated and now he can’t even show himself physically to the flock who adore him. Utterly trapped. Of course, he will say that he must hide because SPs are out to get him because of all the good he is doing. Just another lie to add to the list that he must withold. He is hated because of all the evil he has originated and generated against good, helpful, well intentioned people. And lastly, with regard to retribution; consider this: Scientologists believe that we are immortal beings who live again and again. Ok, does Miscavige believe this? Good question, right? For if he does, he has to know that his “eternity” is going to be an R6 nightmare until he cleans up, spiritually. If he believes that he is immortal, can you even imagine how he must shudder at the thought of dying, this lifetime? Then again, if he DOESN’T believe this, if he in fact believes that what LRH said is a crock and that we live just one lifetime and then that’s it, well, add it to the long list of lies he is living and the horrible, dense, thick tangled web his is still creating…pretty horrible, I’d say – that is, if he’s even UP to realizing what he’s been doing. Now, honestly, would any amount of money in the bank be enough to make any of the above scenarios livable? I would say no. And writing this I almost pity him, I kid you not. There is no amount of money that would make up for being so utterly trapped as is he. I could not be more sincere when I say that each and every one of us should have fairly high on our Gratitude Lists the fact that we are not David Miscavige.
Aqua, if the CofS paid staff they would quickly be in even more dire financial straits than they are already. Someone once did an analysis showing that pay (and normal benefits) would have pushed the whole organization into the red – and that was before the pandemic, and a recent report that only 4 orgs in the entire Western US are solvent, and able to pay their bills without having to be bailed out constantly.
I think that nearly free, nearly indentured, labor, as well as “money on account” that has gotten abandoned in surprisingly large amounts over time, were key to Hubbard’s turning Scientology into a cash cow, and to how DM has accumulated enough reserves that he can live well and keep up the appearance of a network of “ideal” orgs for decades.
Peacemaker, you’re blowing my mind! ๐ But I know I’ll get the pieces back because you’ll kindly explain to this small business owner whose strong suit is NOT accounting how Co$ could possibly be “in dire straits” financially ๐
How could the Church of Scientology possibly be insolvent EVER when they have at least a billion dollars in reserves? At least a billion – that’s a thousand million dollars.
Of course, each individual org except maybe Flag is insolvent, of that there is no doubt, but the CHURCH itself has nothing but cash via the huge IAS donations and other straight dono stuff, plus all the real estate, plusall the interest that all those reserve funds have to be earning, somewhere…enormous sums of money just in interest alone, no?
Please, feel free to straighten out me out on whatever I’m missing here!
Ok, look, staffing up properly is a non-solution to their problems now anyway because Scientology’s name is mud, its PR is extremely bad, and staff or no staff, no one is walking into Scientology orgs. But years ago if they had invested money in staff, I think it could have worked. When I say “invested” I mean from money spent “from the top” to hire and train staff and to train auditors!
Every Thursday I look forward to the Thursday Funnies in the forlorn hope that I will NOT see the Columbus “Ideal” Org mentioned. Dang and double dang. TWO blankety-blank postings! Yech!
I don’t know what to say here. My usual snarky comment won’t serve.
For shame! For shame!
Why would you sell yourself short like that?
Your usual snarky comments almost always hit the snark on the head and you deserve the accolades you receive.
Whatever you do, …. Please Keep ’em Coming!