How Times Have Changed
Arte Maren, one of the original GO mouthpieces is being promoted by Flag.
Hubbard would shit if he knew this — “FSMs” being promoted by Flag, when they’re supposed to be the ones promoting Flag. And a GO traitor (Hubbard painted the GO with a VERY broad brush after they got caught — they were heros before that of course)
A seminar for celebrities and artists who aren’t doing well…
Jenna Elfman might be attending I heard. Bodhi is definitely in. Jim Meskimen is probably planning to go.
“Must Attend”
Never been said before for a scientology event….
This is to SEND OFF their executives. OMG, it’s going to be a LONG time before they can start gearing up for expansion.
A Whole Weekend?
Pay twice as much and you only have to be there one day…
At Cause?
They really think this?
She’s going to make scientology known and loved in Chicago…
Not going to happen. Ever.
Epic Historic Briefing Series
Anything ever said by Mr. Mickiewicz qualifies in the minds of scientologists as epic and historic. Sort of like Kim Jong Un.
More epic and historic
This briefing had to be edited because he promised a certain number of ideal orgs being opened, but they didn’t happen.
Even at New Year’s he said there would be 3 in the first quarter of this year. It’s almost over and there have been none.
Graduation in Columbus
And all they have to talk about is what is happening at Flag?
The death of Christ is a Flag celebration
Even though he was just an implant?
Then again, an “Easter” celebration with karaoke, kayaking and “silver screen” movie doesn’t really sound very Easterish.
Yep, 5 attendees!
It was “awesome”…
Wonder if they have done any humanitarian deeds?
Giving money to enrich scientology doesn’t count. It’s not used for anything vaguely humanitarian.
Kiddie Corner
Don’t know what this says other than MARCAB
And that’s enough to know this is batshit crazy
Game Changer?
It’s the same old same old. It has not changed the game before, why would it now?
Another sucker
Sheriff Jim Fryhoff, wake up and smell the coffee…
Desperation much?
They can’t figure out how to get 30 boxes distributed….
Take It Down
Sure to be a barn burner — not even IN an org…
Anybody know these two?
2nd or 3rd generation scientologists? Nobody else joins these days.
And another?
Seems like an awful of money to see the Jive Asses
They’re just not that good…
Why are they charging anything?
What I find a bit disturbing about the new EPF uniform, is the “yoga” style pants. These are generally made as tight fitting as possible, I see nothing good from that type of attire, especially if female EPF of “all ages” are wearing this attire. And, (just nit picking here), what’s with the white shoes and socks? If what I remember of the EPF, white attire was never a good idea……
I go to the Summertime Swing. Good reason to have a nose about! I had a bet that I couldn’t take a photo of me holding a gideon bible. I won. All good until I realised how strong the lenses are on their cameras!!!!
The EPF ANZO pics are sad to see; the Sea Org in Sydney are cannibalising the next generation because so many are routing out – Evan Duffy, Thomas O’Malveney and countless others.
Louis is the son of Carl Neumann, who works at Reinteractive a web design company with a number of Scientologists in its leadership team
Elise and Leila are sure to be second or third gen; there is practically zero new public in any of the Australian or Auckland orgs
I was really unhappy yesterday when marcab didn’t show up on time. I missed an appointment.
Yo Tony and Ludmila Peacock,
I can’t speak for anyone else but as far as I’m concerned anyone trying to convince me they’re serious about “building the future” should not be wearing sunglasses.
Talk that kind of talk, and I wanna see your eyes, y’know?
Much love,
Sunglasses and ties. Often used as a form of urban camouflage, like suits.
They most certainly won’t be smiling in due course.
The only truly guaranteed product of Scientology, it’ll eventually wipe the smile clean off your face!
That is for sure!
Oh. Oh. Oh. (And no, I’m not going to add “It’s magic” because I still detest that idiot song 48 years later) It’s Epiccus. It’s Hystericallu…oops…Historicallus. It’s Gameicus Changingcus It’s Amazingcus. Here are some !!!!!!!! for you play Where do the Exclamation Marks Go?.
And finally: Oh. Oh. Oh. It’s (all) tragicus and trashicus and tripecus.
Arte Maren is only “renowned” by EX Scientologists who are familiar with him as a convicted EX G/O criminal who somehow managed to NOT get a jail sentence unlike Mary Sue Hubbard and a number of others involved in Operation Snow White.
How I would LOVE to attend this seminar of “Reverend” Maren’s so that towards the end I could raise my hand and ask, “Mr. Marin, were you applying Ron’s tech at that time when the government named both you and he unindicted co-conspirators in the prosecution of Mary Sue Hubbard and 11 other Scientologists who pleaded guilty and were convicted and sent to prison for conspiracy against the United States’ government?”
Ooooooh that would be fun (evil laugh).
To: Aquamarine
From: Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org
Re: Arte Maren
Listen up, ho! Nobody talks shit about such a theta being as The Most Holy Arte Maren! You will not approach him and you will NOT ask him about his time in the Guardian’s Office as you don’t have the rank to ask such a question anyway!
And you will address me as ‘sir’ in all future correspondence!
Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org.
To: Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org.
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent comm particle.
Okay, Shananay, let’s break this down. You called Aquamarine a ho which I warned you about. Arte Maren is nothing but a thug criminal like yourself and I’m willing to bet that you’re just sticking up for him because you’re going to hit him up for bail money the next time you get locked up. Oh, and Aqua and I will call you a lot of things but ‘sir’ won’t be one of them.
Oh, and we will approach anyone we see. Bet if Aqua were to bring up old Arte’s involvement in the GO he’d go running down the street screaming in terror!
No love at all,
When my virtue is slandered, when out-ethics cats attempt to sully my impeccable morals with their vicious lies, when my spotless reputation is impugned, I know that you are there to set things right. As Marilyn Monroe used to say, “Thanks ever so”.
As always, ever your most devoted loyal servant.
Besides not “changing the game”, if org was able to really “boom” they would already at least be thriving and expanding, before moving into a fancy building supposed to somehow improve their prospects further. And at last in Chicago, I’ve heard that locals are unhappy with the new congested city center location that will be harder to drive to and more expensive to park near, so the move may actually diminish their prospects.
I think many of the worn and outdated buildings orgs were in, indeed gave the wrong impression. But that wasn’t Scientology’s only recruiting problem – and it could have been fixed with reasonable upgrades, that wouldn’t have taken decades.
In fact, I think LRH told orgs to only move into quarters they could afford at the time and then upgrade whenever more GI came in.
The Ideal Orgs program is a complete violation of this .
Not surprised most celebrity center events are about “reboot, reinvent, revitalize,” your art career.
The lrh tek on art will divert and destroy your art career.
Read Rick Rubin’s book. lrh teaches you how to lose all your creativity and individualism. It’s insidious.
What the Clams could really use would be a “Reboot, Reinvent and Revitalize Your Artistic Career After Being Closely Linked For Many Years With The Church of Scientology Has Damaged or Snuffed It Out Altogether” Seminar.
To be fair, easter was celebrated before Jesus died, they just tweaked the reson after his death. Guess Sceintology can do the same.
It is more in line with Jewish Passover really.
they got that right! We’re all supposedly Marcab rejects.
REMEMBER MARCAB! Try Scientology and find out.
Earth is full of Marcab rejects, and un-doing our soul rejectedness, is Scientology’s business, and Marcabians are still out there, hoping us earthlings don’t get too soul powerful and challenge home star team Marcab enslavers.
Marcab ads are just so on the money, for Scientology, to promote themselves, if you ask me.
Chuck Beatty
ex Team Xenu 75 to 03
PS: AVC in Latam is gonna get some cramming, if upper AVCs are even noticing.
True that, Chuck. Remember, according to OTIII we were called in for tax audits by Xenu, flash frozen, put into DC10 spacecraft, flown to this world, dropped into volcanoes and then showered with A-bombs. Or something like that.
I think also, since Hubbard failed to say it, and thus outsiders or ex’s have to say it, the result of the vast interstellar and interplanetary supposed distances of what Scientologists “think” with, and tying of this interstellar, interplanetary supposed connection we have to them, and them to us, is the soul theory beneath it all, in Scientology.
Transmigrating souls theory of Scientology, ties the science fiction speculation of vast interstellar space civilizations into soul transmigrating beliefs.
That’s what just isn’t simply neatly stated by Scientologists.
But they tie their soul transmigration ideas into the science fiction vast interstellar, inter galaxy space potential civilizations out there, supposedly,
As souls, once rejuvenated with the Hubbard Scientology soul therapy stuff, and using then also the Hubbard soul exorcism stuff, a Scientologist is supposed to get up to soul thinking himself capable to overcome all the soul implanting done by Xenu and all the other space civilizations soul trauma ever done on us as souls.
Scientology is a galactic and inter galactic soul therapy/exorcism fixup pseudo-therapy.
Marcab’s nastiness to us as souls, via Xenu’s Wall of Fire and 4th Dynamic Engram, to us, is just a recent soul damage era on our soul memories.
The basics of Scientology are our soul memories, and our souls infesting and orbiting us which leak their soul memories on us.
Scientology is supposed to get us to remember a lot of bad stuff in our long ago soul memories, and then to do a lot of exorcism to remove those souls orbiting and infesting us which leak their negative soul memories onto us.
Hubbard never said it so simply, and you thus can never get Scientologists to also state it so simply.
Scientology’s built in obfuscation in ever simply summarizing themselves is one of the most disappointing aspects of the Scientology quackery outfit. It’s all Hubbard’s fault.
I like Jenna Miscavige’s assessment that few Scientologists have past life experiences from fifty or one hundred years ago that could be verified by research.
Yep. If past lives were real, then Scientology’s procedures would have surely by now after decades of Scientologists remembering their past lives, this would have resulted in ample credible new proof. But nada. It’s human brain elasticity to imagine things and believe they are real.
The first one about the go OT now event, said
Learn how to cause your life as a clear or OT.
I thought OT’s were already cause over life. And yet they still have to go to this event to learn how to be cause over life?
Every time I see Chan, I have an urge to reach for the bug spray.
So you’re going to unleash the can on the Chan Man.
Haha, just got an kick out of imagining the bug spinning around the floor. He reminds of that movie – The Fly.
The shiny cans? You can shine them up real nice and pretty, turn them sideways and stick them up his……..
Or you could attach them to an e-meter- as stand ins for the Campbell soup cans that come stock on the e-mark whatever model being used.
The Clearwater and Melbourne ads are the only ones that advertise free food. Smart. They’ll probably get more folks attending.
I notice there are no dogs or semi-naked females in alluring positions used in their adverts. These images are an absolute MUST (including free meals) to motivate people to attend their utterly boring lectures. (The cutsey dogs don’t necessarily HAVE to be in alluring positions.)
Whoever (whomever?) is doing their PR work needs to get into ‘present time’. Flesh sells! Cutsey dogs sell! Free food sells!
Rheva, I’ve always thought so. Sea Org Personnel Recruitment needs to crank out some CALENDARS…”Girls of the Sea Org” ala Sports Illustrated, 12 tall, very thin, very square shouldered boobed jobbed girls so that it looks like 2 grapefruits attached to a triangular ironing board, preferably emerging from the ocean in skimpy bikinis dripping wet, or reclining near a swimming pool, smoldering stares, parted lips, that sort of thing…and then the male calendar – “Sea Org Studs” shirtless, flexing, etc. Nothing very imaginative, mind you, just the usual cliche poses considered sexy …you get the idea. Now, take these calendars and make the Class V Org staffs sell them to the their Scientology public. Insist that each Scientologist in good standing buy 10 male calendars and 10 female calendars to distribute to friends, family, colleagues and to donate to their neighborhood businesses, hospitals, universities or wherever. Young guys and men of all ages will soon be signing the SO contract looking eagerly forward to their next billion years with hot young women. Ditto the young girls when they’re promised husbands like the Sea Org Studs for their eternity.
Yo Cult!
C’mon now, you know what to do!
Hire 24 actors and pay for boob jobs, botox, spray tans and steroids.
There’s a planet to clear and YOU have got to get Ethics IN.
Get busy!
The Time Is Now!
Much love,
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: boob jobs
Let me make myself clear, you hag of an SP! WE DO NOT GO OUT ETHICS ON THE 2D TO DISSEMINATE SCIENTOLOGY! How can you suggest that we get ethics in by going out-ethics? This shows just what an SP you really are!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: going out-ethics on the 2d.
So Scientology never goes out-ethics on the 2d, huh?
What about Danny Masterson?
John Travolta?
No love at all,
I usually rely on you to defend me but in this instance I have my own response for COB to read.
With apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein I have composed my own lyrics to one of their songs from “Flower Drum Song” which I herewith dedicate to Him.
When I put on green foundation,
A fake nose and fake lips that sag,
And cause COB vexation
I enjoy being a Hag.
When Dave says that I’m a jackal
Whose opinions just make him gag
I joke and degrade and cackle
I enjoy being a Hag!
When I make the Punching Pontiff angry
When comments I make give Him a fit,
I hiss, and I grin and show my fangs, see
‘Cause I’m happy to know I made Him lose His shit.
I’m strictly an Espee Clam Hag
And my future I hope will be
Poking fun at this Little Scumbag
Who goes nuts, due to remarks,
Made by a Hag, like me!
Woo hoo! Good one!
The one thing I have been noticing is that they are taking pictures of attendees to events, as they always have, but the attendance is shit. It’s almost hard to comprehend why they do that, except since it’s in some frickin policy so they must do it. That Toronto event was attended poorly as well, and they still took and posted the pic.
You can see the shrinkage really happening.
Well, who said they were smart?
Ha! Good one!
Hi Mike,
Just sent an email using the contact form, but I’m not sure it’s your preferred way of communication.
So I hope you can find it, and if not, I’d love to hear how I can reach you.
“Two out of three Sea Org ladies are wearing tights this season.” Next year: cast-off black cargo pants, wrong size, with rag armband accessory.
Chicago is still claiming something, anything.
Chuck E. Chan is offering two days of his strange drivel. Note to self: Work up convincing excuses.
Scn still using and abusing minors for advertising pieces, probably without paying union wages in a union town.
The Blast-Off photo copyright is owned by the official photographer of NASA, but don’t tell her, we just ‘borrowed’ it.
Kim Jong Il doesn’t have the delusion of grandeur that Mr. Mickiewitz has. (But that’s my opinion.)
Besides Bodhi and Jenna Elfman. I wonder if the Simms sisters will make it. Juliet Simms, recently moved home to Clearwater. Another member committing exodus from California. She’s recently changed her stage name to Lilith Czar. To get away from the association to the church and an embarrassing arrest on a plane, involving potential domestic violence She was last seen at the Celebrity Center’s Christmas Concert in 2017 and years prior. Usually with Nichols. Long time family Bodhi cheered for Simms while she competed on The Voice. Some years back. Maybe they can catch up. She is frequently seen still flying back to LA for her “music career”. The other sister, Angie Simms, mostly works for Lindsay Schnell Reckis, at the Scientology packed Reckless Tortuga, YouTube channels. They launched a new channel during the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial last year and made many tasteless videos trying to gain an unsuspecting audience. They keep launching and abandoning a new channel every year or so. Previously the group has done a series on “gamer girl characters”. With PlayStation Girl vs Xbox girl. Clearly designed to attract a younger audience without any idea who is behind it all. Most of Angie Simm’s acting credits now revolve around this kind of work. She does have a new film coming to Sxsw. Considering they are both very close with their parents. Its fair to assume they are still in the cult. You don’t just move home to Clearwater. At least no one that was “out” would. Photographer Josh Shultz is trying to transition into acting, after a long career of being the official photographer for so many members. I guess he got tired of being on the other side of the camera. He’s probably still best known for his connections to the Jim Carey case a few years back. Considering how little effort was put into the advert. I wouldn’t imagine the CC is expecting a great turn out. Second and third gens who fizzled out or failed to launch. It’s doubtful the church will ever have another “Tom” again. Those days are done.
Besides the noted change to just “ The Bridge”. I can’t help but notice “handle” Mankind instead of prior buzz words, often used to describe the mission statement of CofS. Handle has so many connotations, that come to mind. None too inspiring. The cliche “Handle them”, “ This NEEDS to be handled”, “ This is out of hand”. Are also what I would think of when I see “handle” Mankind. A fair synonym for “handle” would be dealt… as in dealt with….
So a bridge to nowhere.
(Some truth in marketing)
And a world of living people that need to be dealt with…
Well, to be fair, I hear that the bridge is truly the “Bridge to Empty Pockets.”
Re: The death of Christ is a Flag celebration
Perhaps I’ve not noticed it before, but this advertisement from Flag does not say “The Bridge to Total Freedom”; rather, it says, simply, “The Bridge.” There is a big difference between the two: one offers complete and total freedom, whereas the other offers… little or nothing?
For activities at Flag on Sunday, April 9, will there be a Bouncy House for OT VIII’s and a Dunking Tank for Mr. Mickiewicz?
Actually the celebration is about the resurrection not the death. But I am still with you on that idea.
A dunking tank for Mr. Misckiewickz? Are you kidding? That would be beneath his most theta personality!
The only people in that tank will be those good folks from the RPF!
For that, you get three free throws, Alcoboy!
If it were Mr. Misckiewickz I would go for it! I can’t do it to those poor souls from the RPF!
There are no RPFers in that tank. Only Mini Misckiewickz.
He’ll go in it kicking and screaming.