It’s ALWAYS “around the corner”
Or “coming up.” Never happening NOW or “already happened.”
Why is it just the same 4 “beautiful people”?
Isn’t there anyone else in Vancouver?
Good luck with that…
They’re about as valuable as last week’s newspaper.
Going back to the 50’s
Scientology has been stuck in the 50’s, well, since the 50’s.
You need a Class IX to explain this?
That’s what the Comm Course supposedly teaches you?
Power Up Your Life?
They bring in someone from Twin Cities — one of the deadest of the dead ideal orgs? And he is going to talk ab out “expanding your 3rd dynamic”?
It’s exciting to join when an ideal org is opening…
If it EVER opens, you will find the “excitement” is gone the next day.
The Chile Contest is back
Who know what this signifies? They are eating ideal chiles?
They announced her months ago?
Did she “arrive” again? Or she just “signed” before? Really milking these puppies….
Right Here. Right Now.
Bold promise that they have no chance of keeping.
Kiddie Corner
And look at the course she completed?
14 years of epic nothingness
They’re completely empty out in an industrial park. A total catastrophe of ideal-orginess.
Nobody in the city even knows they exist.
Flag — taken over by their FSMs
Oh, the Commodore is seething off on Target 2.
One really big problem
They don’t have a single org, let alone an ideal one, in the largest and most populous nation in their zone. Brazil.
No other country in central America has an org other than Mexico. Apart from Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina, no orgs anywhere else in S. America either.
But nobody pays any attention to that…
Scientology TV and Easter?
I don’t think so…
The Way to Happiness
Don’t be gloomy.
Now, that’s a hot tip om how to be happy.
Freewinds success
She paid for a bunch of stuff after doing this course. So that was a success.
It “will change the history”…
Yeah, we believe you Tom.
Silicon Valley
Back in Black.
How is taking over Google working out for you guys?
The NOI is not going to have allergy problems any more…
I’ll never smoke weed or drink alcohol again…
Anyone want to take bets on this?
Wild, Wild West?
In Australia?
Note; the event is being filmed….
Power up your life: Jam a coat hanger in a power outlet and flick the switch.
World Tour 2023
They aren’t lying, it will be a world tour:
The building is on Dublin Road – Dublin is part of Ireland.
Columbus was purportedly born in Genoa which is part of Italy and, sort of, near Spain.
So, there you go a three country world tour all without leaving Central Ohio
Flag — taken over by their FSMs
Ted Mcgrath “Actor”: the only claim to fame…snort…snigger…for him that I could find was a 5.13 minute film made in 2018 called New Roomate in which he played a corpse.
The rest is the usual sludgey scrappings from the bottom of one of Dwoopy Member’s scotch barrels.
Of the Fab Four BC Humanitarians, the blonde on the right is a ringer for Stormy Daniels – a young Stormy, as she looked back in 2006 when she and D… oh, well, never mind. Its neither here nor there. Just saying.
The Allergy or Asthma Rundown…seriously? Is this something new? I wonder if Miscavige has done it yet. Hey, maybe he wrote it!
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: The Allergy and Asthma Rundown.
Even though you are a hideous SP, I happen to be in a generous mood today so I will politely answer your question. Yes, I am the creator of the Allergy and Asthma Rundown. Based on my childhood bouts of asthma, I discovered that using Dianetics to confront the ailment caused the charge behind it to blow and hence, no more asthma. I discovered that it works with allergies as well. I would love to offer you this awesome tech but since you are a washed up hag as well as an SP you are ineligible to receive this priceless gift to humanity.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: squirrel tech.
Question if I may. How can you generate new technology if tech can only come from Source which was a long dead LRH? Didn’t he say that only he was Source and all other tech was Squirrel?
As for allergies, I’ll just go see an allergist. Probably cheaper.
No love at all,
You always have my back, Alco
Just had a thought. It I were going to hide valuables in the houseand be fairly secure in knowing that even in the event of a burglary, those valuables would be missed by the hurhlars, I would put them in those Congresses DVD boxes and just set them in a bookshelf.
Nobody would ever steal those.
True story. late 90s and in LA. I had pitched the red and green vols and in the large box marked as scieno, I stored a bag of silver halves ($1000) plus an old penny collection. My house was broken into and thoroughly searched. But NOT that box! All they took was a gold rosicrucian cross that had been my grandads.
I did this.
Before I turfted the lot.
you write glowing success stories and make grand statements fresh out of a session or riding high on the euphoria of a Big Win.
then the high of the win fades
as it always does
and you’re left with the status
but not the ability.
cue: log rolling cognitive dissonance
The only thing missing is “Fish Fridays.”
Ideal Orgs. Putting forth effort to get the net result of channeling more money to Miscavige, and give a few people a little club in a very nice building way off the beaten track. They like it in the boonies, it’s practically anonymous and well hidden. It discourages the jokers and degraders from stopping by to say things like “Zenu” and “Wall of Fire” and “Body Thetans” and “Lisa McPherson” and, worst of all, “Where’s Shelly?” That stuff just gets all those good upstanding churrch members enterbulated. Inturboolated? Empterblotated?
AA, I agree that they’ve figured out that putting orgs away from foot traffic works best at this point, when the general public has turned hostile – and recruiting prospects, particularly from “body routing”, are nil anyway. It actually seems to me part of a very long-term trend, starting about in the 1990s when they stopped locating orgs and missions near university campuses (Austin is the only remaining vestige of that), which had once been fertile recruiting grounds but must have been the bellwether.
It always surprises me when exes and even critics seem upset about the change, as if its some affront.
They even have disclaimers at bottom of success story sheets. Gone are the old days of finding a napkin to scribble a few words. No ACK to COB? Shame.
Back before Ideal Org program there was an org next to a CBS affiliated television station (WCCO Televison) on the Nicollet Mall here in Minneapolis.
There have been recent reports that Minneapolis added a lot of staff, so there must be some sort of push going on there. Or maybe they’re experimenting with a version of what they did after Columbus and Kansas City had “ideal” openings, and staffing it with a heavy contingent of Sea Org, presumably to see if there is a way to build up smallish orgs and get them to stay bigger.
Re: It’s ALWAYS “around the corner”
In ANZO Expansion News, Issue 5, we learn what scientology has in mind for every man, woman and child not yet trapped by that so-called “church”: “In a society with no purpose, it is us who will give it to them.”
Ugh. Me caveman, you pre-clear.
Fred, maybe that “corner” is in a distant galaxy – or in a time warp, perhaps the 1960s. Like jam in Alice in Wonderland, “expansion” is always tomorrow, never today.
Well, maybe they can expand their square footage with property purchases using what should have been members’ retirement money, or might have been their children’s inheritance or grandchildren’s college fund. They might temporarily beef up staffing of an org with a sea org mission, or a push to get retirees to sign contracts, but that’s got to be about it.