The Freewinds Business College
Learn how to make money at the “spiritual retreat off the crossroads of the world” also known as “Vulture U”.
Make money to “rapidly” move up the “Golden Age of Tech II Bridge” which is much better than the GAG I Bridge. Which leaves the old L. Ron Hubbard Bridge for dead…
Really, this is the most spiritual place on earth…
When money is your God and making it is your central religious practice, the Freewinds truly is the “top of the Bridge.”
More Blow Away Wins…
From the Social Reform Officer SFO??
There’s only one answer to this
Go to the Freewinds
IAS quotas for “Maiden Voyage”
Because no date doesn’t qualify as the most important reason ever to give your money to the IAS.
Quinn the Eskimo
He is going to melt in Albuquerque in the summer time. Apparently he failed to complete Valley so he has been banished to push a boulder up a hill forever in the desert.
Funny, he couldn’t just “add water and mix in the Valley” wonder where he is going to find water out there in the desert?
Save the dates!
Cannot WAIT for the Ideal Org night.
Taaadaaa… Basel. Whoopee. Only 75 left to go!
A night of CGI fun showing what WILL be coming up “in the near future” as this program “rockets to eternity carrying a pair of blow-off socks.”

Special guest speaker?
Quinn is that you?
The only “clearing” that is going to be happening here is clearing of bank balances….
Flag still scraping
My god, STILL “fishing” to find “unreported” stats for their annual false report to Mr. Miscavige for the stroke fest of lies at the “OT Ambassador Briefing” at Maiden Voyage.
No wonder Quinn left
Someone gave them another million dollars to “match” donations (Nancy, is that you?) and they can only scrape together 67 grand.
The dead horse that is Valley is truly over and out.
Twin Cities Old Timers
The ONLY thing Twin Cities and their 85,000 square foot ideal org have produced is old people redoing their Student Hat, Purif and Objectives. This guy has been around forever. They really don’t have ANYTHING else to promote other than him doing the Purif again?
It’s an interesting question
If the CO FOLO Canada has the tech to solve any problems in regards to groups, why isn’t she applying it to solve the problem of Toronto org owing more than $100,000 in property taxes? Or the “AO” that has been sitting unopened for nearly a decade? Or the fact that Cambridge Org is empty?
Food, glorious food
A weekly selection of delights designed to entice the potential victims to come on down and let our regges have a shot at you.
Never been one of these before. And this one is bound to be IT.
Spearheading our forward advance?
The Miscavige Nuremberg Rally events are “spearheading advance”?
The psychs are causing earthquakes
Find out all about it at the latest bs briefing from the IAS. It’s true because the IAS says so. Give money to stop it….
Only 200 more…
Well, if LA Org was declared “Double SH Size” by “COB” at March 13th and they had 200 SO staff imported from Flag, wonder how many Tampa has to have to be double SH Size? Looks like they are less than halfway there (of course they could just COMBINE Day and Fdn org like “COB” did in LA and they would probably be there…) Nothing makes sense when it comes to scientology numbers.
Forget scientology, let’s clear Portland with fiction radio shows
Live Performance!
Now is the time for heroes to rise and cowards to fall!
Don’t miss this rare and live American Golden Age of Radio performance. With visiting master celebrity narrators Martin Kove, Jesse Kove, and R.F. Daley commanding the stage, enjoy the excitement of L. Ron Hubbard’s classic military adventure story “Fifty-Fifty O’Brien”, brought to life in the entertaining style of old-time American radio theater.
A fun and dramatic tale of marine corps’ heroism, honor and suspense from one of the world’s most prolific and widely-read twentieth century authors.
Shows at 4pm and 7pm in the Church of Scientology’s beautiful new L. Ron Hubbard Community Theater, 309 SW 3rd Ave (SW 3rd and Oak) in downtown Portland.
Story description: Winchester Smith is a crack shot. Problem is, his talent is going to waste, knocking down ducks in a shooting gallery. Win wants some real action and he’s going to war, joining the US Marines to fight in Central America. But serving as a messenger, he has little chance to put his rifle to use. When he does, he ends up facing a disciplinary hearing for disobeying orders. In order to redeem himself, Win will have to deliver a message that the Marines will never forget.
Starring: R.F. Daley, Martin Kove and Jesse Kove
Date: June 6th, 2015
First Showing: 4:00pm
Second Showing: 7:00pm
Tickets: General seating $15. Only $5 for seniors 60 years and over
Military, veterans and children under 16 get in free
Buy tickets online (100% proceeds goes to the James Beard Public Market Foundation):
Event Brite – 4:00 PM Showing
Event Brite – 7:00 PM Showing
Contact: Benjamin Klevit (503) 228-0116 Church of Scientology Portland
Bring your hard hats…
Hahaha. Those things will be of NO use. Bring your wallet, credit cards, check book, cash and jewelry.
Come to think of it, they might come in handy to clear a path through the regges and knock down the door to get out.
The Polar Bear juggling a slippery fish — Dont let even one get away” —- HOW TELLING ! Every person that comes to CO$ is subjected to relentless regging…..
It reminds me of a never-say-die slogan amongst aggressive account executives at a Japanese Ad Agency which was notorious for winning new accounts: “Never let go of a sales prospect, even if you are KILLED!” Similarly, CO$ vultures are tasked to NEVER let anyone get away….
$cientology giving 100% of the proceeds to a foundation? Why do I get the feeling that the James Beard Foundation is an undeclared part of the cherch.
James Beard Foundation is a real thing. What you have to examine more closely is “proceeds.” That’s probably 3% of the take, after expenses. Expenses are the 97% sent to the owner of Scientology for licensing fees.
Off topic but Jeffrey Augustine’s article today at the Bunker is outstanding and should be given broad public issue, lol.
Today Jon Atack comment is much better .. because he describes his view on auditing .. so the delivering part of the cherch ..
What I will say here for my own is very simply .. I did always wonder how a person can recall several million or billion years ago .. when he can not remember 10 days back .. so he can remember what he has eaten for breakfast 165.088.457 years ago at a monday morning of the second day of the year .. wonderful .. LRH did claim that he can do that .. he claimed that he can recall every moment of his whole track ..
So he can say that he eat the outer shelf of a grouphe tree with triathy pumpeline ..
By the way, do y’all think that SO and staff members are allowed into sunday service to “repair the ravages of the week”?
Ravages? What ravages?
The “roll” that Los Angeles is playing in clearing the planet? See what happens when you give away free food all the time? (doesn’t matter HOW many times these folks do the student hat … brain dead is brain dead)
That’s what the seal is laughing about, rolling in the sand.
“Make no mistake about it: We are winning–and like never before!!!”
Quinn sounds exactly like Charlie Sheen after he managed to get fired from a $2 million a pop gig as a TV funny man for dipping a bit too deeply in the old snuff!
Quinn, eskimo, ice, coke! The most alluring subliminal drug message since “Puff the Magic Dragon.” Lock up the kids!
Sometimes even scn promotions accidentally get honest: Case in point, the Freewinds promotion. We’ll teach you how to make more money. But lest you assume we care about your family’s financial well-being, there is only one purpose to the exercise, to “generate sufficient prosperity to rapidly move up” whatever passes for the Bridge at this point.
Of course, the message is (unintentionally) loud and clear. We don’t care about you or your “spiritual progress” unless you have the “prosperity” to be a worthy mark. So even if this “seminar” works, you’ll wind up penniless anyhow. And if it doesn’t, well, we still have your $1485 and managed to sell another unused berth on the ship of fools!
Story description: Winchester Smith is a crack shot. Problem is, his talent is going to waste, knocking down ducks in a shooting gallery. Win wants some real action and he’s going to war, joining the US Marines to fight in Central America. But serving as a messenger, he has little chance to put his rifle to use. When he does, he ends up facing a disciplinary hearing for disobeying orders. In order to redeem himself, Win will have to deliver a message that the Marines will never forget.
This plot is UNCOMFORTABLY CLOSE to another aspiring warrior who joined the Navy, wants some “real action,” fires at logs and friendly countries, and faces disciplinary action wherever he goes. He solves the problem by forming his own fake navy and delivering all kinds of messages…
If these people even had a remote sense of reality (not to mention a grasp on El Con’s real biography), play-write and cast would wind up cleaning toilets with their toothbrush in record time.
Take this quote to the next IAS scumbag vulture bar-B-Q. A peice of chiken on lettuce, a few biscuits then its onto “remorgage your home for the ideal org” Move up in status what assholes they are
LRH Said
“Every time I myself have sought to solve finance or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that org solvency lies in more Scientology, not patented combs or fund-raising barbecues.” (HCO PL 24 Feb 64 II Org Programming; OEC Vol 7, p. 930)
Its disgusting so many can be so stupid for so long while believing they are studying a subject that is about raising awareness!
I can become a friend of the L. Ron Hubbard Hall for $1,000? I thought friends were people, not a room in an empty building.
No, in scientology you can buy friend status, humanitarian status, legend status, new civilization builder status etc etc
Quinn’s letter to Albuquerque is an utter disgrace. I don’t think there’s a grammatically correct sentence in the entire thing. I swear to Xenu that he must have written that thing in his sleep.
“I am here in Albuquerque, along with me is Ryan Rodriguez another veteran member of the West US Landlord Office.”
Uh, wut?
Wow they are making an LRH park?! Finally a park you need an ID badge for!!!
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I’m pretty sure that when Dr. Linda Lagemann (the “Social Reform Officer” who has also been featured in recent IAS promo as a Gold Meritorious) got into Scientology a few years back, she was a full fledged practicing psychologist. I guess the million dollars she paid the IAS was her lower conditions for being part of the SOLE cause of decline in this universe? Of course they are to blame for everything wrong with the entire universe….. UNLESS they want to give us money!!!
Dr. Lagemann probably squeezed her way through that crack left open for reform. You know the same crack left open for us SP’s?
Why is Portland org donating to James Beard Public Market Foundation? It says: 100% proceeds goes to the James Beard Public Market Foundation.” So it doesn’t go to the IAS? Hmmm. Have Scilons infiltrated the James Beard group? What the heck?
What is the mind blowing news that the CCHR is going to blow our minds with?
Dr. Linda Lagemann is a DSM-5 critic {lots of pros are } and she hates big pharma. Well, that is good enough for CCHR, She is just another shill that can be rented cheaply enough to try to give some legitimacy to the anti-psychs. NOT that she has any legitimacy to lend anyone. She is a psychologist and an Associate Clinical Professor at UCSF. That title is about as telling as Tom Szasz’s ‘professor emeritus’ title.
Some interesting info on her at:
That Maiden Voyage flier… monthly IAS fundraisers???
“The Next Decade of Relentless Avarice”
“Seattle came in First Place this week with their monthly IAS Fundraiser”
“Seattle came in First Place this week with their monthly IAS Fundraiser” ???????
Says it all, really.
If I wasn’t so incredibly happy to be out of that cult I would be ashamed for ever having been part of that cult.
Mick Davies is looking good.Wow, he was stuffed in the parking garage for years. Nice that they are letting him out to mingle.
Easy-smeasy what’s happening with Quinn Taufer: he’s moved on to his next mark. Onward ho!
Relentless, Dauntless, Defiant and Resolute!
Is Social Reform Officer on the org board now? I think it should be Internal Social Reform Officer.
“Someone would like to give you 1,000,000” so you can give it all back to us!
So much insanity. So little time. Glad this being recorded for future humans to view.
$$$ GIVE US YOUR $MONEY$ for a course that will increase your ability to GIVE US YOUR $MONEY$ and so the reg’s can spend a little time with you in order to pressure you to GIVE US YOUR $MONEY$. $$$
You know, Roger, I think you’re being a little too kind to them. I really believe they would say, “GIVE US ALL YOUR FUCKING MONEY RIGHT NOW!!!! I think that’s more in line with how they roll…
When new people show an interest in $cientogy, which I’m quite sure they would ask something along the lines like ” since it’s so important to clear the planet, why does it cost so much, or why isn’t it free?”………what is the answer they are typically given? Or do they body route them right out of the org?
Lori, that question is impossible to answer as new people no longer show an interest in Scamology…
It seems like most of the Kool Aid drinkers believe all that CoS bullshit about funding worldwide programs to eradicate hunger, increase literacy, stop psychiatry, and provide disaster relief, they probably think all that money they’re paying is going to a good cause…
Aye Carumba, the COB makes MAD Magazine look good.
A Fabulous IAS Dinner?… chicken wings, salad and lots of cookies. Wow, proof they are hurting.
The Way to happiness globe is a take off from Universal Studios? Well, they sure want to look like an attraction don’t they. As usual, misleading everyone except the ronbots. They can’t seem to get money for the hall so it’s the globe visual for 1k to pull in money.
So Mr. Wegwerth feels like the Purif program has made him a more ethical person? I can’t wait to see the ‘science’ that proves sitting in a sauna for 6 hours a day makes one more ethical.
Unless, of course, you factor that sitting in a sauna 6 hours a day leaves you too exhausted to do anything……. Ethical or otherwise…
Hi Chee Chalker, Great post. Too exhausted water logged & literally burnt out.XO Ann B.
Hugh Wegwerth’s success story referred to his practice. Immediately I thought “chiropractor!” Sure enough, he is. The chiropractic profession should be on alert that for many years they have been a specific target of Scientology recruitment via WISE.
And … yawn … the Western US is a continent? I guess my yawn is due to a misunderstood word. I guess “continent” means something different than the dictionaries say. Obvious, part of one country can be a continent. So heck, British Columbia is a continent. Vietnam is obviously a continent. Russia is a continent. East St. Louis is a continent.
Theory and practice:
Hubbard emphasizes study of words –> Hubbard makes up words and Scientologists do not understand English
Hubbard decries abortions and attempted abortions –> Sea Org requires abortions
Hubbard said his work was free and to keep it so –> Scientology requires fixed “donations” not just for services but for … status names (here Hubbard lied anyway — he was always into the money)
The list could go on for pages about the hypocrisy of Scientology. And their inability to use language correctly and logically. Maybe this is how they conclude they are clearing Earth. If part of a country can be a continent, maybe a city can be a whole planet. Therefore, once LA is clear, Earth is clear. Or maybe they just need to clear a one block area around Big Blue. Now that’s clearing on a planetary scale!
I thought that I read somewhere that at OTV you are told to avoid chiropractors. But there are so many of them in the cult. Does anyone know about that and can clarify?
The World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE), a front group for Scientology, targets dentists and chiropractors in particular for financial reasons, having had some success penetrating these professions.
WISE uses antiquated management by statistics techniques that are still used in the Church of Scientology. Management by statistics was in vogue around the time Hubbard adopted it; he did not invent it. The use of statistics and data for management decisions is broadly used (e.g., data-driven decisions, and the DIKW paradigm in which data –> information –> knowledge –> wisdom), but not in the rote, narrow sense that Hubbard followers still use it.
Once part of WISE, some practices have tried to force Scientology training on their employees, resulting in lawsuits.
Money and recruitment seem to be the main motivations. Scientology gives incentives to WISE members such as commissions on new people recruited into Scientology (10% commission I think) and probably gives discounts to WISE members themselves.
Hubbard set up several vectors of thrust into society:
1. Personal dissemination and recruitment using a bogus personality test to “find” someone’s “ruin.”
2. Narconon to capture those who feel prey to drugs.
3. Criminon to work with criminals.
4. WISE and other fronts to penetrate businesses.
5. Illegal activities to penetrate government.
6. Human rights groups to give Scientology legitimacy.
7. Unlawful or at least objectionable activities to squash critics including “noisy” investigations on public officials.
8. Celebrity Centers to recruit high profile members from film and arts.
9. Harassment by frivolous lawsuits (as one example, Scientology’s takeover of the formerly legitimate Cult Awareness Network).
10. And more.
What does this all boil down to?
1. Get people and their money when they are vulnerable — fighting drugs, a criminal offense, life crises, etc.
2. Get people and their money when they are successful opinion leaders — movie stars, celebrities, business owners, etc.
3. Make everyone who might be a critic shut up — using the legal system as well as harassment and unlawful activities.
That’s Hubbard’s business model in a nutshell.
Back to chiropractic: As an alternative or complementary practice outside the umbrella of standard Western medicine and scientific research, the profession may be inherently receptive to non-mainstream ideas, with some chiropractors (in my anecdotal experience) primed to believe that the AMA suppresses knowledge and tries to harm their profession. They may therefore feel a kinship with Scientology’s claims of being harassed by the AMA, FDA, psychs, etc. Scientology, adept at exploiting any and all openings it may find, might then use this supposed kinship to recruit members.
“Wear something gold!” Preferably gold jewelry so you can hand it over to the regges.
Hi LHS, Love your post & if anyone has family heirloom rings etc like I do best go to Walmart & load up on costume before you get within 100 feet of a reg.Acutually I do this a lot.Whoops now the vultures know!Take
Care Ann B.
Ha Ha! What about a gold filling in a molar? Worth about $1000, I think. What’s a hole in your tooth when David Miscavige is in urgent need of real estate?
Hi Aquamarine, Love love your post to,Truthteller! Regraded Being is talented beautiful & more OT than any negative posts from Kool Aid addled minds could ever eclipse.XO to you Always Ann B.
Something I’ve noticed more and more — how aggressive the working on promo is as well as dm’s bs speeches.
Words like — RELENTLESS … as just one example.
People with a modicum of sanity know that they need to SOMETIMES just relax already — take a breath … or they get so wound up that they are going to explode.
And potentially have a heart attack.
AND BTW — for any of you reading this consider yourselves very fortunate you are NOT re-doing the purif. It’s absolutely proven the anyone with any sort of liver problems could DIE/DEAD from such outrageous doses of niacin.
DEAD —- and even if you don’t have any kind of liver trouble from whatever — high niacin doses are toxic to even a healthy liver. JUST DONT DO IT.
Should check before hitting send for typos but sometimes I just get TOO riled up 🙂 to relax 🙂
Yep, windhorse, typos are a part of life. A HUGE part of mine. But I do have an add for them based on your post. “What? You’re not dead or dying yet? Come in and redo the Purif for your 5th time! Now! And if you’re still alive, we’ll just give you an I/V of niacin gently dripping into your veins until you comply. Got that?
Hi OSD, love your post & don’t forget to give The SO salute to,the photo of Ron @ your side before they start that IV.I suppose you get two IV’s for the price of both with David Miscavige’s picture also.XO Always Ann B.
Don’t forget about Dauntless and Resolute!
Oh yes ……………… I can’t leave this alone. What’s with the ‘Ms Sharron Webber’ for gawds sake?
That will be Mr. Webber to you asswipe ………..or simply SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t be giving me any of this Ms. Daveshit! We ARE THE SEE ORGE! We ARE GETTING ETHICS IN ON THE PLANET!
Ms. Sharron Webber …………… so warm and fuzzy ……………what a croc!
Hi Newcomer, You know I love this one.The See Orge Brilliant, XO Always Ann B.
This is indeed an EPIC & GOLDEN misspelling…. “You will be briefed…on the roll (sic) Los Angeles plays.”
The Los Angeles roll served up from COB’s Kitchen is stale, dry, crusty, and not fit for human consumption.
Regarded Being will be tomorrow?
hope its better than the “Regraded Being” thats about as amusing as a kidney infection, but more childish.
Fixed that typo — I put that up from my iPhone and typing on it isn’t my forte…
You’re entitled to your opinion, TruthTeller, but a bunch of us get a big kick out of Regraded Being.
But then, you are undoubtedly a focused, hard-working, dedicated BIG being, part of the only group in this universe capable of saving the planet.
Whereas, we are just unemployed apostates – defrocked and disaffected. We have little to do except hang out on the fringes of the internet and life. Its so sad. Totally goal-less and purpose-less, drifting thru our lives from day to day, all we can do is joke and degrade. Our morals are, of course, quite low, and, as for ethics, why, not one of us has even the vaguest concept of the high personal standards to which you, your group and your Ecclesiasitica Leader voluntarily adhere.
In short, TruthTeller, each one of us on this blog is markedly inferior to you in every possible way.
I just wanted to acknowledge the truth of this to you, TruthTeller.
Do you feel better now?
Oh, and, TruthTeller, when you really can’t mentally, physically or emotionally stand it all anymore; when the metaphorical kool aid and baloney you’re being force-fed starts to truly nauseate you, we’ll welcome you here with understanding and a few laughs which by then you may very much appreciate.
Truth Teller, I would really love to know what you see in the world of scientology? David Miscavige never hit anyone and it’s just all lies started by Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder? That the church is truly the fastest growing religion on the planet? That the pictures that Mike posts of empty Ideal Orgs are photo shopped, or the exception rather than the rule? That the technology of LRH was truly straightened out by David Miscavige and you feel fortunate that he’s been at the helm all these years?
Can you answer? I really am curious. Or do you only do hit and run posts?
Hi Aquamarine. Thanks but I don’t expect everyone to like my work. My own sister says my cartoons give her a headache. She a ‘never-in’ who’s always been critical of $cientology. Though she celebrated my leaving and taking a stance, upon seeing my cartoons she said, “Can’t you do them in english? Not everybody speake scientologese.” I suspect TruthTeller may have never been down this road and is manifesting kidney infections rather than headaches. If he is in fact an OSA troll lets welcome him aboard. Even they have to start looking somewhere. I cna’t think of a better place than Mike’s Blog.
You OSA Trolls certainly don’t have much staying power LieTeller. Aqua and McCarran make a couple comments and you bolt the paddock. Show us your stuff and at least give us some play time fellas.
Hey, whostolemycog, that statement makes perfect sense to me! I believe their going to advertise that they have THE biggest roll (Kaiser Sosa roll?) in the country! Come for the briefing, stay for the bread. How can that NOT make sense!
Its ‘Come for the briefing and Stay for the screwing’ OSD. They don’t do no stinkin bread for gawds sake …………….it all CAKE. And you had better fucking like it and thank Him for it too.
You know, the usual roll ……..:)
My next status is to own a Maserati.
I have half of what I need to buy one.
Where’s my Maserati, NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON?! With her involved, the only Gran Turismo I have a chance of owning is one for the Playstation 4.
Scientology sucks cocks on Hollywood Boulevard. And they’re not even good at that.
And Dave (the Dildo) leads the way! You show em Davey Poo ……….we’re all watchin!!!!!!
Hi Espiando, I’ll say & second your post 1 billion times! XO Ann B.
Quinn in Albuquerque! Lets see how he does getting the five remaining cult members in the state to fund that project. Maybe he is going to see if he can get Jim Rogers back on lines and redo something.
You deserve everything you get Quinn. You would be better off spending your time helping your sister you sleeze bag! After all, what is family for ……………. other than getting them to help fund your next failure!
Wait…what??? Albuquerque actually HAS 5 remaining cult members??? Wow! You’d think they be shouting that achievement from the rafters! I’m surprised they not sending out flyers that say: “Come to the nearly Ideal Albuquerque Org to see how crowed it is!” I know that’s what I would do if I were in their shoes. As an aside, thank goodness I’m not…
Quinn will be selling tumbleweeds to the desert ……….. Dave whatshisname said so and when He says so ….. asswipes listen!
Isn’t that what grifters do?
Quinn the Eskimo is DAVID “LET HIM DIE” MISCAVIGE’S doormat. And…yes I know…calling him that is an insult to all doormats!
Regraded Being,
Hope you are putting a Friday afternoon or Saturday appearance.
Saturday. With a bonus if Mike agrees. (Working on it Mike. Will send it off later today)
Excuse my confusion. I was certain it was Thursday until Christie said to me “honey it’s Friday.” Not believing her (always a mistake) I checked my phone. So it’s another edition of Thursday Funnies on Friday. Regraded Being will be tomorrow.
The wonderful thing about Christie is she said … honey it’s Friday 🙂
Instead of yelling or something more scientology/sea org like 🙂
I’ve been confused all week so don’t fret — it has something to do with planning ahead AND staying present It’s really not easy 🙂
It’s all good Mike. We love it!
isn’t it amazing to pass thursday at 2 and not even know it?
Yes. 🙂
Spring blooms pink and red,
stream water
bathes mossy rocks
sparkling for ages.
Welcome to my world, Mike. Another senior moment. It’s okay; you have lots of fellow seniors here. 🙂
Why just this morning I woke up and I thought I was in low-humidity mountain country and here I am in swamp land. How did that happen?
Mike, my friend, welcome to the wonderful world of ‘senior moments.’ And what a world it is! When your wife sends you to the store to pick up something specific and you come home without it and she asks you why you didn’t get, you just say, “Sorry honey! Senior moment!” You can now officially use this excuse for everything! I know I do…
Seems more like classic post-holiday-weekend confusion, when Monday is a holiday, Tuesday feels like Monday and Friday feels like Thursday, the whole week seems off…
Yep, that’s my excuse and I am sticking to it.
I can never get over the fact of sometimes standing in front of the refrigerator with the door open staring inside and realising I haven’t a clue why I’m there. Leads me drink more beer that way.
Since its Thursday funnies on Friday I thought I would share this even if most of u already saw it. Although it’s quite sad, the part with you ( mike) in the car made me lol the hardest I ever had! Brilliant! You should win an Emmy!
PSA: the shrinking cult of Scientology
Although I’ve seen this clip before, it still brought tears to my eyes. I was ‘only’ in for 7 years and got out in ’82. But, hearing about people being in for as long as 34 years is still shocking to me. So many lives ruined by this very toxic, evil & militant cult.
Thanks for posting the clip, Lori.
First time I’ve seen it and I echo OSD, brought tears to my eyes. THAT should be a Super Bowl Ad!
Hi Mike, Christie is your Angel.Now that we are retired I get every day of the work week mixed up with weekends! Oh well what is time when we are slaying big big dragons with fangs! XXOO to you both. Ann B.
Christie Rules ! I thought it was Saturday. LOL.
Time is relative to love.
Hi Nickname, Of course time is relative to love, but to me love transcends all time.Take care Ann B.
You have now passed the threshold of buying your own bullshit. Your next status, should you accept, is to bail from the insanity.
Time to get out the cattle prods. By actual observation, your minions are striking out with their personality test invitations on Hollywood Boulevard at the “Scientology Information Center”, near Hollywood and Highland.
You may want to set up a match game with Quinn to see which of you can bail from your insanity with the least repercussions.
“During this period we have our chance to end the going down down down to illness and perpetual death…
as Scientology goes down down down to illness and perpetual death
Cognitive Dissonance in full bloom!
The entire World can see it except the clubbed seals
They actually believe even though they live amongst the scientific proof of its demise.
The poor tortured souls.
Chicken wings, salad with cherry tomatoes, and the cookies your grandmother would serve the bridge club when there wasn’t time to make a batch the night before.