An auditor rally…
Actually ANYONE is invited, friends, family and anyone who “want” to be auditors.
Just trying to get some people in the door to reg at Flag.
Starting the Cocoon Squad in Austin now
Come for the food…
Stay for the regges — they will be there.
A shot of “theta” at Brighton
Theta being defined as the “secret to money”
$50 for brunch???
I’d hit the Island Way Grill just over the causeway– their mimosas are real, their selection of food blows this away, it’s cheaper and there are no regges.
Perfect Happiness?
Anywhere the regges are is perfect hell. And they WILL be there.
Chicago is a very promising city for me…
Freudian slip? A lot of promises that will NOT be kept. Just wait til he sees his first paycheck.
Do Not Miss This
Though they give absolutely no reason why anyone shouldn’t.
The final countdown is happening so why bother?
We Will Crack You
and that is a good thing apparently…
Columbus in the house
Dianetics face painting
A “meaningful” celebration
Pot Luck
It must be really important
A MEGA announcement
That will blow your mind.
Just kidding.
If it isn’t being presented by Captain Miscavige it isn’t anything important
It’s Mega…
We don’t have ANYTHING to offer. Just “attend the event”
Mystery guests?
Who made it to the top of their career?
What a lineup
Flag is desperate for a few people to reg
Kiddie Corner
Been trying for decades
Nothing to show for it but a lot of book commissions paid
It takes perseverance…
And of course, a lot of money. That’s why the perseverance.
Places to eat nearby
Off-roading to OT
Swedish Rock Song?
Mystery solved. THIS is what these events are? They play old Swedish rock….
Love this line: “Covid hit and the World ground to a stop. But not the World of Scientology.” Yeah, it actually shut down completely and utterly. These people just say anything that comes into their minds.
Want to help Ron?
You do know he died nearly 30 years ago right?
They have an App!!!!
Singing old Swedish rock songs?
He doesn’t look the type…
Re: Kiddie Corner
In the second picture, the child can’t be older than 6. They are doing the purif on small children? The parents AND Scientology should be charged with child abuse, child endangerment, assault on a minor younger than 12, and whatever else law enforcement can think of.
Rock Mob does a great rendition of “Final Countdown” on YouTube
Julius Dilligard Jr? If it’s the same Julius Dilligard Jr I found on Discogs –
He’s done bugger all since 1974, except for writing, arranging and producing a 12″ single in 1999. Since then he’s become just another of the long long line of utter nobodies outside of $camology.
It appears he was just a minor member for the group Crown Heights Affair on their first album and then resigned not long after. He doesn’t even rate a hyperlink in the biography.
I do rather enjoy digging to find information about any of the “super stars and world famous” non-entities that $camology seems to have orgasms about.
As for the rest of the yawn inspiring…yyaawwnn…zzz…cough…zzz…
For what it’s worth, I was on the Flag Internship with Julius in the 1980s. He was on staff at one of the New York orgs. Every once in a while he would do a minor singing performance. He and I were friends for a while. I don’t know how long he stayed on staff, or if he still is on staff. He never was a celebrity, he was just someone who was also a good singer and he would perform for other Scientologists under various circumstances.
Re: “Want to help Ron? You do know he died nearly 30 years ago right?”
L. Ron Hubbard croaked in 1986. That’s more like nearly 40 years ago, isn’t it?
(Math, incidentally, was never my strong point. Cheating got me through 8th grade math, and a tutor guided me through the second time I failed 9th grade’s Algebra. I quit entirely when I failed the following year’s Geometry.)
Yes Fed. Shld have said more than 30 years or nearly 40.
Obviously not my strong suit either
or …
… over 400 months ago,
… over 1.800 weeks ago.
… over 12.000 days ago.
… over 300,000 hours ago.
Re: Starting the Cocoon Squad in Austin now
Poor Sandy Rose looks like she should be preparing for, or enjoying, her retirement. Having family around her in Austin won’t necessarily help the dear woman along, especially if scientology starts picking off her family members with forced Disconnection and Suppressive Person declares.
Run, Sandy, run!
This is an amazing collection of Scientology promo. Becoming “becoming an auditor” was the item that lured me into the Sea Org. I was recruited into the “Class XII Training Program” decades ago. Has anybody ever heard of that before? I didn’t know it didn’t really exist at the time but I signed up. So, life is for learning.
Once again Mike, thanks for posting this incredible collection of promo.
Long term staff member Sandy Rose moves to Austin and joins staff!!?? You’re kidding right? No offence Sandy, but work out your retirement at your age would be the sanest thing you could do. Apparently after decades on staff you haven’t noticed Scientology isn’t doing too well. Ever wondered why? All the answers you’ll ever need are right in KSW1. You ever heard of that document? Apparently not, no worries, Mike Rinders book, Billion Years explains it pretty well since you obviously didn’t understand what Hubbard (remember him? He was the one that came before Miscavige) was raving on & on about about something he reckoned was pretty important. I sense a touch of dementia in the Austin air.
Get a sniff of a real life while you can, your brief moment in eternity is getting briefer by the day. Don’t waste it on a bunch of losers. Then again you were hatted as an exec, mmm… might be time for a brush up and repair of past ethics conditions and a little OW write up just as a trip down memory lane. I’m sure you’ve enforced countless other poor souls who are no longer in Scientology to do them under your watch. Karma never sleeps, you should know that, she visits everyone eventually and is the authentic squirrel buster.
“Sandy Rose…has joined the team that is rapidly going to take Austin Org to Saint Hill Size.”
Oh, Sandy.
Sandy, Sandy, Sandy, Sandy.
You totally trusting, well-intentioned, utterly misinformed fool.
Ironically on Easter AOLA gave away free food to the neighbors without regging THEM!
Chicago still can’t set a date after years. And Austin’s date has now slipped two or three times, with the current projected opening in late June. Work on both was finished two to three years ago, so clearly the pandemic — and probably other factors of decline, like the aging membership seen in photos — ground the world of Scientology to a stop, and it has yet to really get restarted, in spite of claims of having “reopened” over a year ago.
Also, there are no reports of work being started on any of the other buildings that were bought but then left sitting neglected going on decades. So if and when they do finally open Austin and Chicago, it will then probably be years before they have any other “openings” in the US. So much for “expansion.”
And I wonder if they are just bringing staff out of retirement, or recruiting aging ones whose contracts elsewhere are ending. The one poor older woman who looks like she should be retiring, appears as if she may be reaching the point of having trouble standing up on her own — was another org maybe happy to “offload” her to Austin?
No matter how hard or how times you beat a dead horse it still won’t go.
Scientology is now equivalent to a dead horse.
I think this Sandy Rose person re-joining staff speaks volumes of the true state of Scientology. They are an extremely desperate organisation to stoop low enough to be dredging up past retirement age, prior staff members, recruiting them and then splattering their images in major promotion fliers. The uplines intention creating this scenario is as ruthless as it is inhumane. Her recruitment however, bought a small but fleeting amount of pressure relief for Austin’s staff.
It could be easily suggested she is cannon fodder used as evidence for nefarious legal requirements to justify bodies in the shop for “expansion” purposes and she’s just a statistic to help maintain tax exempt status.
We’ll all know what the Church will do with her when her body problems due to age deteriorate and she can no longer function properly. Scientology does not tolerate body conditions getting in the way of so called production. She simply disappear under the bus like the countless others who got too old and sick to keep up with the insanity. With luck she has family or relatives who’ll pick her up from the gutter.
On the other hand, Sandy has past experience as a Scientology executive. If she signed a contract again she herself is more than likely desperate for someone to talk to her and relive her past “glory days,” where she had power over people. I’ve served under enough exec’s to know not to feel sympathy for her now she’s stupid enough to join them again after her previous Org fell to pieces under her feet or they simply off loaded her. You can probably easily speculate why and imagine the relief Seattle staff must have experienced when she finally left.
Her 5 minutes of being the center of attention will cost her dearly, but that’s Scientology for you and the people they associate with or attract. There’s no easy term for it – Scientology fucks people up!
(Endless facepalm)
I was so thrilled last week. There were zero posts from Columbus. And this week? Dang, 2, NO, THREE! Argggggghhhhhggghhhh! I can remember before they built this silly Ideal Morgue. I (and most of central Ohio) didn’t even know there were any Scientologists in our vicinity. Apparently it was a small office on the second floor of a non-descript building in the seedier part of downtown.
I’m from Cincy and their Ideal Org is in an office park in KY with no foot traffic.
Miss Dutch, Columbus was staffed with a lot of Sea Org when it went “ideal”, and many have stayed there attempting all sorts of outreach. Katherine Olson said she went out to college campuses trying to sell books – something Scientology used to do back when campuses were counter-culture hot spots and thus productive venues for recruiting, but which was mostly given up on as times changed.
I don’t remember the exact numbers Katherine gave, but there were close to 100 sea org in Columbus (about as many as there were “public” members) when there had originally been only about a dozen staff. And unlike the typical situation where an org is staffed up when it moves into its “ideal” building and then crashes back down to more or less its original size within a year or two as regular short-term contracts run out or people just “blow” when they find out there is no pay, the sea org were mostly left in Columbus.
The org in your area, as well as in Kansas City which went “ideal” around the same time, seem to have been experiments in trying to make orgs actually “expand” when they go “ideal.” So it still probably has an unusually large number of people engaged in promotional activities.
Scientology, the grift that keeps on taking.