A little thin on the funnies this week. Everyone is super occupied with March 13 celebrations it seems — I have only included one representative as they just get so repetitive.
Free food if you come to March 13th event
Though not sure how many takers there will be for dinner at 3:30. It’s very early even for the blue hairs who make up most of their public.
This new practice of offering food to entice people to events has become pretty much standard. It’s literally the ONLY thing scientology gives away (though the hidden cost is becoming prey for the vulture regges).
An informational meeting
Sounds exciting doesn’t it.
Promoting the purif as something that increases your alertness and energy levels — I would love to hear him explain how this works. Sweating in a sauna does this for you? There is no science on this, just anecdotes from people who are forced to get sleep each night and exercise a bit each day. This is almost certainly the cause of any improvements. You can do this for free in your own home….
Very exclusive I’m sure
Surely the public has figured out by now that this will be the same pitch as always. You MUST get onto Solo NOTs now. It is vital for your eternity and it is the key to Clearing the Planet. Plus we are still trying to make the 10,000 target at which point we will control the world because LRH said so.
Just saved anyone reading this from having to attend.
Big Think
Like we think we are Clearing the Planet, that’s big, so that’s big think.
Hubbard would be sending a lot of people to the RPF if he heard Flag was promoting and using public FSMs to try to generate business — and in HIS restaurant too!
A token mention
Auditor training is perennially lost in the urgent need for money — auditing, ideal orgs, IAS, LRH Hall, International Dissemination etc etc etc
Tells you how low priority it is: they have idle Class XII’s and instead of one of them doing a briefing they have a public Class 0 auditor as the main attraction.
Lack of immediate revenue is the reason training is no longer important in scientology.
Makes no sense
Grammatically or just general meaning.
Best news in the history of Malmo? Even surpassing the opening of the “ideal org.”
Brunch with the Pendery’s
More public FSM promotion.
Rafferty is a fake “success story” who has been used for promotion for years…
Fun with the Easter Bunny
Another “ideal org” hopping with activity — nothing to do with scientology.
I did have a pretty big win on my first purif. Later, I had to redo it and felt like the vitamins were getting to be toxic in the high doses so I basically “false attested”. I don’t think I needed to redo it so that may be why I had a problem. I did not have a problem with the vitamins the first time and I was on it for 44 days.
I laughed when I saw the ad/poster that says “BIG THINK” mainly because Scientologists don’t really think for themselves Scientology thinks for them in a way. So I don’t necessarily know how big they could think if most of them have the same thoughts.
I’m invited to the home of Rafferty & Hana-Li Pendry? I’m there. They’ll regret that invitation as much as the receptionist at an org probably regrets the ‘Everyone is Welcome’ sign after a visit from someone asking ‘where’s Shelly?’.
That weird looking cake in the March 13th ad actually reminds me of that monstrosity in one of the photos of Ron on his birthday, so that’s actually quite appropriate. Was that one of the photos where they photoshopped out Mary-Sue? I forget. Now that I think of it, it’s a miracle they don’t claim his children came through a vortex from Target 2 or something, he infamously ‘had no second wife’, just a first and third, then they scrubbed out the third one, all they need to do is find some reason to scrub Polly out and can just claim he used his OT powers to magic them into existence without the need of a woman.
The unease most of them experience at times must be growing. It isnt big enough for them to really worry about. But they are still human, and have a mind. So they do. But they can’t say it out loud.
For most of them, its dismissed by using the rhetoric they receive in the events that they watch, or by the hope that they themselves generate to try to mask these questions:
Where is everyone? Why aren’t others lining up? In droves? This wonderful thing that i am a part of, but how come our org is empty?
They are clearing the planet – great, but, um…how?
Where are the AUDITORS?
How is it possible to clear a planet without auditors?
I’d love to know how many Class V auditors were made last year.
All the orgs put together – every Scientology org on the planet – how many auditors, world wide, were trained?
Well, of course, we’ll never know.
Because the true answer is likely beyond embarrassing.
If I had to bet, I’d say – all orgs, planetwide – maybe 10 Class V’s were made.
And I’m being charitable.
Yo Cult Members!
You can’t Clear people without auditing them!
And you can’t audit them without, duh – auditors!
And the orgs aren’t making any, you dig?
All that’s being ” cleared” are your bank accounts!
All that’s going “straight up and vertical” is your Debt To Income Ratio!
But then, I understand! The truth about no auditors being made is inconvenient at best; horrifying and life shattering at worst and in any case, truly unflattering to the cult, and as such, not anything that needs to be “furthered”.
I get it, I really do!
So just continue on in your collective comfort zone of deluded idiocy!
Much love,
Auditors are supposed to make people feel better about being themselves by making them self-determined, that’s why the Cof$ hasn’t got any, not a single one. Anyone in that group that have certificates that state they are auditors because they went through the motions and time in their academies are the meter operating delusion Scientology Churches represent. They are deliberately crafted negative creations, or stated another way, the technical delivery branch of a carrot on a string.
“Auditors are supposed to make people feel better about being themselves by making them self-determined, that’s why the Co$ hasn’t got any, not a single one.”
(Light bulb going on) Yes, of course! Why would DM want self-determined people? Perish the thought! He wants the opposite! He wants robots! So of course he doesn’t want auditors furthering anyone’s self determinism!
But DM goes a step further: Yes, he wants robots who at all times operate as robots, while at the same time laboring under the delusion that they are self determined beings.
In other words, they obey every order, channel every thought, customize every action, etc., as they are being ordered to do, while at the same time believing that everything they are being, doing and having springs from their own independent thought, their own self -determinism!
Thank you, Yawn!
Quite a trick isn’t it? Aligns with that old saying – “the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled off was getting people to believe he didn’t exist.”
It’s tragic what the sheeple of Scientology will do to run cover for Hubbard and Miscavige believing they are at cause i.e. pan-determined, saving humanity and themselves by protecting Scientology at all costs. Sigh…
OMG, yes, and I’m still processing this. Quite a trick indeed. Totally amazing actually. All thought, all emotion, all effort – ALL of it curbed and channeled per their programming. Up and down the tone scale, they Must think, feel, act and react properly at all times. HUGE enthusiasm for anything Miscavige says is good; TOTAL thought stopping rejection, verbal disapproval and/or outright avoidance of anything he says is bad. And anything inbetween? Not all good nor all bad? If they’re uncertain as to what the proper thought, emotion, effort etc., should be? No problemo The friendly org Ethics Officer whelps them sort this out. An LRH reference or two gives them the certainty they need so as to properly and correctly think, feel, do, etc, in any given situation. Total certainly! And that’s that! But wait, there’s one more point about that wonderful certainty to wit: it is all THEIR idea, THEIR self determinism…they’ll tell you this – quite adamently they’ll tell you…its all coming from THEM…Man oh man and
Wow X 100! Like I said, I’m still processing…this was ME back in the day,
Oh hum, so they celebrate the founder of a scam, big deal, regular as clockwork too, year after year.
Plagiarism is a crime is it not? (apparently it’s OK if food is offered).
This may be based on old news, but the truth of origin of Scientology doesn’t matter to the Church of Scientology, nor does the actual source of their religion’s name & concepts, never has… money trumps honesty and crime does pay apparently. This Anastasius fellow must be turning over in the grave. He’s probably been declared posthumously.
To coin a Scientology term, the church has a long, long history of being a bit nattery concerning copyrights hey?
“Anastasius Nordenholz, a German author, published a book titled “Scientologie, Wissenschaft von der Beschaffenheit und der Tauglichkeit des Wissens” (which translates to “Scientology: Science of the Constitution and Usefulness of Knowledge”).
Author: Anastasius Nordenholz
Country: Germany
Language: German, English
Subject: Philosophy of science, existentialism
Publisher: Ernst Reinhardt publishing house, Munich, Germany
Publication Date: 1934
ISBN: 3-9804724-0-X
Nordenholz defines the term “Scientologie” (also known as “Eidologie”) as a science of knowing or knowledge.
He explores the philosophical implications of this concept.
The book discusses questions such as: “What is knowing? What is knowledge? How can we understand and justify the world through knowledge?”
Nordenholz asserts that the world is nothing but knowledge, an extraction from knowing.
He introduces the concept of axioms and systems within Scientologie, emphasizing the interplay between consciousness and the world.”
(Sound familiar? Google it.)
Upon reflection, it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t reference the source of what I posted above, even though this information has been around for decades, to some it is new or only slightly appreciated. Only 600 copies of original “Scientologie” were ever published, so it’s a rare book but facsimiles exist. It is a festering thorn in the butt of the Church of Scientology and reflects terribly but accurately on Hubbard’s integrity. It should be in every reference library of people with an interest in Scientology, its origins and controversies.
Here’s a section from the preface.
“The Council for Spiritual Integrity reprinted and released a facsimile edition of both, the German original and the English translation. It was promoted in “Free Spirit”.
Introduction to the Facsimile Edition
The reproductive quality of this facsimile copy of this book leaves much to be desired. The editors apologize for this, and hope the reader will understand that this is, to our knowledge, the only currently available rendition of this very rare book and its translation. Even so, this copy is a valuable document and brings to light some important issues regarding the originality of subsequent works by L. Ron Hubbard. Certainly, the creation of the very name “Scientology” is now seen in a new light. (“Scientologie”” is the German rendering of that word, and in fact in Europe the present day institution is promoted as “Scientologie.”) The motto, “science of knowing how to know” is obviously extracted from the very subtitle of Nordenholz’s book.
There are powerful interests that are much embarrassed by the existence of the book which you now hold in your hands. Every conceivable effort has been made to suppress it. We would advise you to treat this copy accordingly. Some individuals will be enraged by its very presence and feel justified in an effort to destroy it; some will be devastated by the shaking of their stable data. But there are those who will find it an interesting addition to this life’s experience, and though adjusting their perspective, will not let it invalidate the worth of what they have already learned at great cost.
(Some truths are truly inconvenient for Scientologists.)
Y, Scientology was first used c. 1870 – with roots in the New Thought Movement, like most of Hubbard’s “work.”
see for example:
The Primary Synopsis of Universology and Alwato
The New Scientific Universal Language
Stephen Pearl Andrews, 1871
p. xiii thru 174
That’s quite a lesson in languages. Latin, Greek & English, discourses in and comparisons thereof so the essence of the message is discussed at length – 1870s education is another universe in itself, quite something, but well above my pay grade to digest.
It’s such a travesty of honesty what Hubbard did. He had no integrity and turned out to be quite the intellectual thief. It’s of great shame that he soiled so much sincere devotion, not only concerning his disorientations of truth but his lies as well. He turned so many people away from the works of many great minds he stole from and called it his own, but also those who freely gifted their work to him as well. His legacy is one of distrust and tyranny under the banner of truth for all. It proved out over time that he cared not for the sanity of others, not even his own. He had a choice early on though, imo, and picked the wrong path.
Dr.Alan Sosin?? So he’s like a Scientology “Doctor” yeah no thanks I am staying as far away from him as possible. No matter what kind of “doctor” he or Scientology claims him to be.
Mike, What has happened to the talented graphic artist who used to do the sort of cartoons satire and sarcasm stuff? He’d have staff talking like in the funnies with the words in bubbles, and he always had a message that was so good along with the graphics. What was his name? Why doesn’t he publish these anymore? I sure do miss them.
Regraded Being retired, after many years of coming up with a new cartoon every week (not the easiest thing to do), to spend more time with family. RB remains a valued personal friend who I see periodically when in my neck of the woods.
Regraded Being. What a remarkably talented, witty and generous person. Say hi from all of us next time you see him.
Thanks for the update on Regraded Being. I loved his stuff. I can understand wanting to retire after so long doing it. Well the only thing I can hope for is re-runs of his stuff may be once a week or once a month or so.
The Woman still needs a divorce.
One thing I noticed about the Thursday Funnies is that there isn’t a whole lot coming out of CCNashville.
Mmmmehhh, then again CCNashville is probably one of those orgs that David Miscavige figured would collapse after five years upon which he could sell the property and pocket the proceeds.
They misspelled the quack doctor’s name, it’s Allan Sosin on all the search results for him.
The promo about Allan Sosin fails to mention he was named in a malpractice lawsuit while he was medical director of a Scientology-affiliated detox clinic in California.
More info: https://www.courthousenews.com/patient-sues-scientology-based-clinic/
Dr. Alan [sic] Sosin is such a prominent and much decorated physician that the cult he is shilling for can’t even be bothered to spell this medical dignitary’s name, Allan, correctly. They really ought to be more careful considering how hard it is to find people with genuine medical credentials (assuming that his are) to come anywhere near their facilities and act as cheerleaders for their insatiable regges.
His continued willingness is all the more surprising given the trouble he previously got into for throwing all caution, scruples as well as his training in evidence-based medicine to the wind and promoting elron’s quackery instead. As it turns out, his resume is even more interesting than the cult flyer is letting on:
In a nutshell: Patient turns to the good doctor for help. Doctor gets his hubbard in on the victim, er, patient. Patient jumps out of the third floor. Wonder if he’ll tell that success story when trying to fleece the suckers.
It seems that Dr. Sosin has never been limited by evidence based medicine. The therapy offered by The Institutes for The Achievement of Human Potential (IAHP) has been repeatedly criticized by pediatric associations and researchers. Wikipedia quotes a researcher who states “The IAHP no longer appears to be interested in a scientific evaluation of their techniques; they have grown large, wealthy, and independent, and their staff is satisfied to provide case histories and propaganda tracts in support of their claims.”
In other words, the doctor seems like a perfect fit for Scientology.
The Dorman family, which runs the IAHP are all scientologists.
Correction Doman family, not Dorman
Looking at these posters one sees distress, increasingly feels like someone who is drowning and resurfaces for another desperate breath of air.
Free food, I was wondering why many organizations always emphasize it? It must be a talking point from some marketing survey. Standard tech applied.
“Think big,” it means “strain to think about where to find the money, no matter what it’s gonna take.”