Lots of Easter promos this week, just kept it to one…
It’s World Renowned
And it’s “visually spectacular.” They are taking it on a “global tour.”
So why are they doing it in Los Angeles? The real thing is right there — not their half-baked traveling version…
It’s Easter
Remember, the man on the cross is a figment of the R6 bank.
Flag is at it again
Hubbard’s ashes are churning up the Pacific as the Mecca of Technical Perfection panders to FSM’s to try to drum up some income.
The L. Ron Hubbard Hall is going nowhere…
We rarely hear anything about this. They have been fundraising for it since the Super Power building opened in 2013 — more than TEN YEARS. They haven’t even held a “groundbreaking ceremony” yet, let alone built anything. Every few months a single person is recognized for giving some money.
If they really wanted to get this done (and they don’t because it will be embarrassing when they can’t fill it) they could just get Trish Duggan to pay for the whole thing. She handed Trump a $5 million check a couple of weeks ago. Surely scientology and LRH have to be more important to her than Donald Trump.
All smiles in Malmo
Though I must say they do look a little forced.
But not to worry, they will soon be experiencing the “most magical LRH birthday event ever” and the exercise alone from the dozens of standing ovations will do them a world of good.
Every Saturday in Columbus
It’s rocking at the ideal org in Columbus. Can you imagine the excitement of an oriental potluck?
The Grand Marquee
They’re hold the LA Birthday event in a tent at a racecourse? Seriously?
Another ideal org that is popping…
At least it’s got something to do with scientology rather than Asian food — but pretty dismal that this org for an entire nation can only muster 3 completions to talk about. Only 2 of which I can read and they are both introductory services.
Always sad to read…
A wasted life
The Flag World Tour Taco Bar!
No words are necessary — this says everything in 5 words.
Move your CITY close to an ideal scene
If this guy (a Freedom METAL winner) actually knows how to do this — why is there no evidence in any city of anything of the sort? Even in LA where there are half a dozen “ideal” orgs and ASHO and an AO and a CC?
The “Church” of Scientology: WWW Windy Worldwide Wankers
The LRH ( Laconic Racist Hustler) b-day event: Theta Circle Jerk and
Propitiation to Teegack’s Lift-Wearing, High-Haired Pimp, no kneepads
To Infinite Offshore Financial Fuckery-and Beyond!
“Freewinds Ambassador of ColUmbia”!
“Find out how to get opinion leaders to listen to you”…: envelopes stuffed full of cash!
“Global Tour”? Um, yeah sure. Will it be coming to Tasmania or Patagonia or Non-Existent Land? How about Lilliput/Blefuscu or Flatland?
“All smiles in Malmo”
Eep! That pair have the fixed and crazed faces of a couple of in deep culties.
It’s rather hard to describe the rest as much more of the usual desperate, pathetic, moronic, vacuous…oh yeah…complete and utter crap sounds better.
Hubbard just said and wrote too many boldly horrible harmful things.
In hindsight, the best credit I could summarize of Scientology is that the procedures, the “processes” for doing the “auditing” (the Hubbard pseudo-therapy) were to alleviate our “case” which consists of our soul memories.
Hubbard ought just have written the “tech” for the pseudo-therapy (past lives delving soul memories alleviation), and let people try it out.
The whole Hubbard cult bureaucracy is massively wrongly run by paperpushers following Hubbard’s horribly constraining and punishing regulations.
Paperpushers, not the cult pseudo-therapists/exorcists, are in charge of “running” official Scientology.
That was a major problem.
Hubbard was just too wordy saying so many horrible things, that even if one put ALL of the Hubbard horrible regulations and the horrible statements aside, and one just focused on three volumes:
a) Subject Volume 3
b) Subject Volume 4
c) “The O.T. Volume”
those contain just the “processes” the “commands” for doing almost all of the Hubbard quackery.
Trying to separate out just the Hubbard quackery “processes/commands” out of all other things Hubbard wrote/spoke, is about as much hindsight “credit” I can try get from Scientology.
I think the quackery processes/commands fail and are waste of time, but they are the bottom level of this quackery subject that ought be checked, or skimmed over, without doing the quackery on anyone or oneself, to see what the Hubbard quackery was potentially trying to do.
There really is no way to come out positive about Hubbard/Scientology. Maybe most of the members and staffs were well intentioned, and hopefully they all move on to other pastures in life, as soon as they can, and if I were in charge of Scientology, I’d return one and all’s money back, no questions asked, a streamlined “Refund/Repayment Routing Form” just GIVE all who asked ALL of their money back, period.
Santa Anita may be the most appropriate venue the COS has hosted. Just like horses, Scios leave a trail of dung everywhere they go.
And one question: Can Scios actually create their own tacos? Or did Ronaldo write a PL on the proper tech on taco assembly? Heaven forbid that a Scn event served any out-tech Mexican cuisine.
Do they postulate their tacos?
“The term “Oriental” is considered offensive by some because of its historical and political baggage. It’s been associated with racist campaigns and stereotypical imagery. It’s also not a very precise term.”
Just sayin’
I showed my friend “The Flag World Tour Taco Bar,”, and she said “Yeah, no…. I like tacos but, not enough to go to a Scientology event to get tacos. I dont want the cults tacos”
“Freedom METAL winner” just got me to stop laughing, but I think it’ll continue all day.
They talk about Easter, but they never mention its significance or Christ.
What professional hypocrites.
Psychiatry: An Industry Of Death Global Tour. “It’s Visually Spectacular” – I highly doubt that just based on the poster which is not visually spectacular.