Mad Hatters Unite
What an appropriate theme for this exercise in futility.
What does this even mean?
And why is it being done in the Ft Harrison? I assume he is promoting Delphi? The NOT scientology school…
Did you know that LRH knew nothing about computers?
If you ever read his “advices” about controlling planets with computers and “escalating non-compliance” you would know he was blowing a lot of smoke about his “whole track recall.” And it has nothing to do with “expanding your dynamics.” As for “predicting AI” no more than hundreds of other cheap SciFi authors have written about robots taking over the world.
Delphi again?
Momentous year of expansion? They’ve in the same building for at least a decade.
It’s an Action Weekend!
Listening to this guy drone on with quotes from Hubbard that he will ‘splain to everyone. What could be more fun?
OK, so it’s a “Flag Seminar”…
Flag is in the child education business now?
The ChanMan will be there…
That’s all you need to know. He will no doubt tell some of his OT woo stories directly from his whole track recall. Worth the price of admission.
National Gardening Day…
Any excuse to hold an event to try to get some meat for the regges.
But bonus — you can learn how to grow your own grass!
Surprised they’re holding this…
If these attendees really do learn how to say no it’s not going to be good for the regges?
I guess they’re counting on this being as effective as the “how to make your postulates stick” seminars.
Going BACK into the Sea Org?
How sad is this. He escaped once. Now going back…
FREE Tacos
Gotta have some reason for people to show up. It’s certainly not for scientologyTV
Love the pirate theme
Plunder everything you can get your hands on (which is not much in Plymouth….)
Mad Hatters. Pirates. These people don’t have a very opinion of themselves.
Still chasing the car…
11:30 am – 8pm?
I guess they have arbitrarily decided that this is the day they’re going to announce they made 10,000 (whether they do or not doesn’t matter as they’re actually nowhere close to 10,000 still in good standing).
But what are they going to do for 8.5 hours?
You can see they’re starting the redefinition.
They’ve been saying for 20 years that this is based on an LRH quote about only 10,000 people controlling the planet. Now it’s “turning the tide” which is a vague and meaningless concept.
Pulling out the old IRS event again?
They’ve got nothing new. They can’t even name the “special guest speaker.”
Not even promoting any free food.
This will be a TOTAL bust.
That Scientology TV and taco night sounds absolutely STIMULATING! NOT! 😆 🤣 😂 As soon as Direct TV added them to their roster, I switched to Dish Network.
If only a group of us could attend the “Q&A with Emmett on any topic”.
Hubbard failed then because, as of yet, there is NO A.I. on Earth. Lots of hype about a few large language models but ZERO actual A.I.
Learning to say “No” might ultimately be as effective in getting the Sheeple OUT of the cult as learning how to spot outpoints was to me when I studied the Data Series.
I recall a staff member telling me, back in the day, that on one of the OEC – or maybe it was one of the courses connected to the Management Series – maybe the ESTO (Establishment Officer) Series – anyway she told me that on one of these admin courses there’s a drill for Executives who are being hit with all kinds of demands and requests from staff, etc., to learn to say “No, to drill saying “No” until it could be done very comfortably and effectively. I recall telling her that I wanted to do that course, and that she laughed.
Alright; Ron Grant wants to go BACK into the Sea Org, and to help him pay off all his debts he’s putting up his E meter for sale to other Scientologists. Seriously? Aren’t these type of “Public to Public” sales of cult materials “out-ethics”? Seling Scientology bracelets, trophies, books, e-meters, etc? Isn’t this completely NOT ok? This is my understanding. Possibly I’m wrong and now they’re allowed to buy and sell used cult materials? Someone clue me in, please.
Aqua, although I’ve been involved in selling materials for a while, I don’t remember any reference explicitly prohibiting it. If I want to sell one meter still considered okay to pay off debts and join the Sea Org or buy a limited edition emeter, no one will come to tell me anything.
Maybe the issue arises if I have several and I’m selling them at lower prices, competing with the bookstore.
That’s when they’ll come after with a knife me to skin me alive.
I could be wrong but it seems to me that this Ron guy didn’t voluntarily leave the Sea Org but was offloaded due to accumulated debt. Could be wrong on this so would like to know your thoughts.
Incidentally, it reminds me of when I was on staff. I was doing QM and the phone rang at two in the morning. The caller was the father of one of our SO members. He was calling from Britain and explained to me that his daughter(the SO member) had run up a massive cell phone bill and creditors were harassing him for payment and could I help him with it? I politely explained that it was two in the morning in Nashville and all I could do was route a comm particle to our ED as this was a Sea Org ethics matter. He agreed and I did inform the ED on the matter.
If they’ve been going around for decades still trying to explain how to make ‘working’ postulates, but instead no one has understood anything yet (unless they get one by chance), there must be something wrong.
Outside the bubble, they call it ‘manifesting’ something, but even there, there are those who explain it to you (kind of like explaining how to postulate), but they never tell you how well they actually manage to do it themselves.
It all originates from the East but has been distorted and adapted conceptually to our materialistic and consumeristic needs. So, it becomes ‘desiring’ something you don’t have.
But in reality, it usually works like this:
you need to have good ideas, that are valuable, coherent, and healthy for everyone, then see it as already happened (to don’t allow inner resistences), and then work hard on it without giving up, then the rest aligns. That’s how a ‘postulate’ works and most of the people usually when they wake up they start doing it everyday.
Hubbard couldn’t predict the internet, let alone AI. For someone who was supposed to be “spiritually” free from being able to remember the whole track, it’s quite thought-provoking. So what about everything else?
If one were to read his sci-fi books, what he “discovered” later is just a continuum.
In the Management Series 3 – I think – there are the ‘Computer Series’ where he mainly refers to INCOMM. But he doesn’t explain anything else, no even how to make a bad pizza.
Let’s be honest scn has always had to copy the ‘wogs’ to keep up.
One last note. The guy Emmett Osborn is an OT8, with a CV that takes up half the promo. But damn, shouldn’t an OT8 be free from his ego?? No, scn is a ego booster.
“But I don’t want to go among mad scientologists.”
“Oh, there’s no helping that. We’re all mad here!”
LRH predicted artificial intelligence? Is there anything he did not predict?
The failure of Scientology…
But perhaps it really is expanding exponentially on Target Two? I mean how can you verify that it is not?
True. They might have moved from “getting ready to to start gearing up for unprecedented expansion” to “gearing up”….
My guess is every major City on Target two has an ideal org and several missions by now.
Surely I want to think that you are sarcastic. Otherwise, it means that even Target 3 will make it before us, and we will remain the same galatic losers as always.
I assumed that more work needed to be done on Target two before moving to Target 3
😆 🤣 😂 Ya’ll cracking me up!
“The Ability to Say No.” That is ironic since you can’t disagree or say no to anything in Scientology
Yeah , that’s funny , I used to teach my daughter how to say no to recruiters…lol
The protesters are teaching the public to say NO to the recruiters in their usher suits!
I am not going to need two meters on the Sea Org.
Sad story as this Ron Grant basically says he knows that he won’t be going further up the Bridge once he is back in the S.O. He’s got DPD:
Damn, you’re right. Anyone who feels nostalgic about the Sea Org and even wants to go back must have an existential problem as big as a city block.
If I completely lost my mind and decided to go back, I’d still have to do it through the RPF. How lovely idea.