It’s “Epic”
Like everything that ever happens in scientology. Watch videos of some ribbon cuttings, which will be shown at the next event and they will then tell you to come watch a video of the event too… This is what is known as making best use of very limited resources.
Power Couples!
They even have online registEration.
Why did Drew and Maria Robb leave the SO?
More fake religiosity
They do it with Christian holidays, and take the opportunity to cash in on Jewish ones too. $50???
Wash, rinse, repeat…
This guy is a celebrity?
His only claim to fame is having a bunch of bowling trophies from the IAS… then again, that IS what makes a scientology “celebrity”
Not just highly commended…
Extremely highly commended to the “most on purpose 2D.”
Handing over money is the full measure of status in scientology.
“Clearing the Planet”
They can’t even get an ideal building, let alone Clear 10 people, much less Vancouver or all of British Columbia.
The secret is out
Here is how they are going to achieve this very modest target that will take them to 1/14th St Hill size…
They have “several supervisors,” a “Course Admin,” games for kids and 8 people in their photos.
Most impressive.
Practicing medicine without a license?
Why reprint this?
It is pretty much incomprehensible. Just the photo would have been a better idea.
Creeping along….
Brisbane doing the ideal org thing
Wacky themes and costumes — mad as always… Still trying to get it together after 20 years of fundraising.
And a grand total of 21 in the picture.
That’s quite a magic trick? Or is it “funny”?
It’s all happening at the “Grand Paris Ideal Org”
They sold one Dianetics book and are cheering in the halls!
The latest news!
It will be VERY short.
But they are offering dinner…
Mixed messaging
It says they want to know what you want and then proceeds to list what they are going to give you?
5 1/2 years old. Tragic.
“Arabic Salad” for Passover….
Xenu Medal of Valor for all people who take the Scientology Stress Test.
Free body-thetan balloons for all who walk by the Stress Test Tables!
Who is going to return to earth first? Xenu or L. Ron Hubbard? Answer this question, and win a free Xenu briefing.
Scientology is missing out not adding more Xenu to their sales gimmicks.
I think most of these ‘power couples’ are people with a deep seated need to be ‘famous’ and ‘well known’ in some area in their small lives. In scieno speak they want to be ‘opinion leaders’. Especially the Duffs…I think Denice Duff has spent the last 10 years doing everything she can to get her face on any and every piece of scieno propaganda she can. Why one asks? Well let’s see she’s 58 trying to be 28 and has a string of C class acting roles that no one remembers or cares about. Despite someone (her maybe) trying desperately to pump up her wiki page it just makes her sound even more like a lot of nothing. And what about hubby Michael he is a wannabe rock star…his band Chalk FarM (yes that’s how they spelled it) wiki page says this (he isn’t important enough to have his own page):
The band released two albums in the late 1990s and are best known for their song “Lie On Lie”, which was played for a short time on MTV in late 1996 and received radio airplay in the United States nationwide. Despite critical approval and a cult following, their debut album did not sell well, and the band was dropped from major label Columbia Records soon thereafter.[1] The band broke up in 2000.[2]
Well despite all that ‘critical approval and cult following’ I’ve never heard of them. So now they are both stars of Scientology. That involves giving a big old chunk of whatever money they have left to Dave…for that all important bowling trophy and these all important promos with your Botox injected mug and filler injected lips to be sent to every scieno ‘in good standing’…oh and us SPs of course.
I’m ranting I know…but it gets so tiring. I’m just an SP. I can’t imagine how awful it is to be ‘in’ right now. There have to be many UTRs out there. I like to think that most people have the ability to wake up. Of course they have their entire families and jobs wrapped up in this and have to be UTR and have to be careful. That very fact should wake people up. That you have to be careful. That the entire shite show is now turned away from LRH and his tech to how much ‘status’ you have. Status of course being how much dough you give to Dave’s war chest to pay those all important lawyers.
For the filthy rich dolling out to Dave all those millions doesn’t hurt. I’m talking about the Duggars and people like Tom Cummins and that lech Cardone. They write all that dough off on taxes. It probably helps in their ultimate desire to pay no taxes at all.
For the average scieno though it hurts. Writing it off on taxes doesn’t help much. The constant barrage of phone calls and texts and emails to donate to this or that never stops. I feel for the people UTR…they are being harangued into these ‘statuses’ and being guilt tripped into trying to be like these ‘opinion leaders’.
If being in Scientology means that you have to be like Denice Duff then it’s almost over. I hope.
Amusing rant. What, though, is a UTR? Only thing I thought of is ‘under the radar’, but from the context, that isn’t what you meant.
Yes UTR means ‘under the radar’…
It’s somehow hard not to comment on these promotional pieces. Let me try:
If you’ve come to this site because of curiosity and happen to read this please just look for yourself:
Pasadena building: The openings of these “new” buildings is the same every single time. Why waste your time watching another one – and an old one at that.
Power couples. Drew and Maria Robb left the Sea Org – the most elite group of the planet. They are now considered Degraded Beings by those in Management.
Fort Harrison, the mecca, should promote case remedies and the L rundowns – but instead they offer “Passover dinners”!
Valley (in California) ideal Org opening is obviously mixed up with Del Valle in Mexico – if you really want to watch all these openings just go to the Scn website. No need to watch it in your local org. It’s just an excuse to see you in person to be able to reg you some more.
A 2-day workshop being offered by CC Int, Why? The purpose of CC Int is to deliver Scn services: auditing and training – not workshops being delivered by a public.
Highly commended for becoming Patrons of Honors by London Org. What about a commendation to that auditor who delivered the most WDAH!
Vancouver: what about it? How many staff are there? How many public? How much was gotten done this last week? Nothing – otherwise it would have been mentioned.
Malmo (already stated before): It was, is and will remain a small and failing org because their field is simply too small to justify such a posh building.
Volunteer Ministers Florida: Get a copy of the assist booklet – no need to pay for this any extra.
Dublin: One of their staff completed a course. So what? How many publics are being serviced and how many completed what? Probably zero as otherwise they would talk about it.
9,972 SOLO NOTs completions is a false number. See above by Cindy.
Brisbane: Probably another one of those small and failing orgs with no field to speak of.
Gareth Macready is a degrade if one ever saw one,
Paris ideal org: They have a fully trained FEBC team that is supposed to be able to boost the statistics of the org up into the sky within a few weeks. And all they have to boast about is 1 accidental walk in!
AOLA: They are supposed to deliver training and auditing. Instead they are offering a dinner.
Brisbane: They too are supposed to deliver training and auditing – instead they are delivering briefings. Go figure!
Malmo: One 5 1/2 year old kid starting to get auditing. How sad of a story
Wherever you are. Your local org is not alone. These other orgs on other continents aren’t doing any better.
It’s time to take a good look for yourself. Don’t listen. Look. Please do so for your own sake and sanity.
Excellent advice. Look. Don’t listen.
What is with all the dinner/lunch events? I have read your blog for a while and on the Thrusday Funnies ther always seems to be a random event with food involved. I have read and heard that Sea Org memories don’t get that great of meals. Is the food at least good at these “huge” events that they have?
No, the food was mostly awful. Cheap carbs ( mushy overcooked ziti or other large pasta with bland red sauce) tossed salad (iceberg lettuce, mealy tomato wedge), crudite plattter (carrot and celery sticks with some kind of dip), soda (coke,diet coke) and then cookies and coffee, or cake if was LRH’s birthday. Purrrity bad. I would always try to eat beforehand. If there was no time for a meal I would stop at a deli on my way over and fill up on salted nuts and cheese. My little org used to offer a turkey dinner with all the fixings in order to get people to come in so that there’s stats wouldn’t crash (Thursday at 2PM, Birthday Game). I went to a few of these Thanksgiving dinners – we all had to bring something – I would bring mashed potatoes 🙂
Yes Aquamarine, Sea Org food sucked.
In 1978, during my first time in the S.O., I served food as Deputy Chief Steward in the galley at PAC Base. Vera Buckley, my boss, and I didn’t get along at first, so while I had to deal with that, the staff we served had to deal with chaos in general. I remember one guy who had a particularly rough morning when instead of water, half a cockroach came out of the water dispenser.
In 1989, during my second (and last) time in the S.O., I boarded the sinking ship also known as ASHO Day where I discovered just how awful it can be being a S.O. member. There we were, the most ethical, on-purpose people on the planet, working God knows how many hours a day, and for all that hard work, we were rewarded with Rice and Beans, twice a day for what seemed like weeks on end.
In closing, I would like to talk about being a Sea Org member, routing out and being labeled a Degraded Being by many S.O. staff and even some of the public.
Carrie Polhamus, an Ethics Officer at the scientology front group Sterling Management Systems, helped set the record straight.
For years, I had been mislabeled as a Degraded Being for having left the S.O. not once but twice.
Carrie showed me a Flag Order called, I believe, “Sea Org Recruit and Sea Org Member Defined ” In that F.O., I learned that I had never been a S.O. member, as I had never graduated the Estates Project Force, or the EPF (even though I had spent almost two years in the S.O.). To become a S.O. member, you have to complete the EPF and be assigned to an org.
Being mislabeled a Degraded Being can have an awful effect on a Scientologist in Good Standing even if their freeloader debt is paid in full. Since I worked at Sterling for almost 7 years, I had to hide from S.O. recruiters who descended on the org like flies every Friday.
Being in the S.O. turned out to be a horrible experience (except for renovating the Complex). To be called or referred to as a Degraded Being just made me want to crawl into a hole and die. Not really “die,” but I hope you get the picture.
Hi Fred,
You served the food, you didn’t cook it.
You joined the Sea Org because you had a strong purpose to help.
That pure, clean, strong, purpose was knowingly, calculatingly and cynically exploited by the Church of Scientology.
You were labeled “Degraded”?
A Degraded Being?
Isay, “So fucking what!!!
Fred, theoretically I’m not a Christian because I don’t believe in all the Christian magic pertaining to Jesus Christ in the New Testament. (I don’t believe in any of the Jewish magic in the Old Testament either).
But having said that, there’s wisdom in the Bible, I think. Something that Jesus Christ said resonates strongly with me: When he and his disciples were eating together he was criticised for eating with unclean hands. And he answered, and I’m paraphrasing, that it isn’t what goes INTO a man that makes him unclean, its what comes OUT of him that makes him unclean.
What came OUT of you, was, you wanted to help. You had good intentions, honest intentions. Ok, so you made mistakes, but they weren’t malicious mistakes. You wanted to do the right things. You tried. You gave it your all.
And that need, that desire, is the best part of you. And its stil there, Fred. Its like a pure, clear, spring that runs thru you. Nobody, no outside force can sully that. Nothing from the outside, no label, can make that inner part of you impure or dirty.
The degradation is the Church of Scientology’s. They degrade themselves by their own lies about their own actual purposes. They degrade themselves by exploiting sensitive, caring, well intentioned, idealistic youngsters with their lies.
They degrade themselves by betraying those who purely want to help. There isn’t any worse crime than exploiting the trust of those who unselfishly give of themselves in order to help.
As Christ was quoted as saying, “It is what comes out of the heart of a man that defiles him, that makes him unclean.”
The dirt and degradation are not yours, do you see?
Re: “… do you see?”
Absolutely, Aquamarine!
I find myself doubting whether Cody and Louella were named by GQ as the “MOST ON
PURPOSE 2D.” It just does not seem like a term GQ would use. I’ll leave it for others to decide whether they were a Vogue couple of the year — my search skills were not equal to the task.
Whoever did the type setting for Emmett left me with a headache. I read it as promising to “toy our success” and “toy your friends” — although toying around might be accurate. In past seminars he promised to show how to become the “Master of All Universes” so I’m not sure how anyone would need the power of the second postulate. It seems like a let down.
However, it’s hard for me to dispute the power of postulates since last week I went to hike in the redwoods on a rainy day and I postulated that it would not rain on us. It did not rain and the exercise did not cost anything. So my advice is to save your money and pick your postulates carefully.
Finally, after looking at all the costumes I am grateful that I walked away from Scientology after getting my personality analyzed.
but after reaching 10,000s nots, what should happen? now at 9800 we are witnessing the fall of the Anglo-American empire, of the dollar. With AI that is about to replace the human being, the robots that already have synthetic meat and artificial muscles, the pharmaceutical companies that proliferate with all kinds of poisons that kill bodies… a bit of the opposite of what wanted LRH. America, home of the new religion, which ends up bankrupt, with a public debt that has splashed out of the lid of the pressure cooker… rampant crime, homeless in numbers equal to a megalopolis, I don’t see good results…
Even if they were 100,000, it wouldn’t change anything. You can see it just by looking at the microcosm that is scn: it’s evaporating, people are leaving in droves, no one wants to hear about it, and they have constant troubles to deal with everywhere. In theory, with all these OTs on board, it should be the opposite.
You’ll see that when they reach that figure, they’ll find something to take credit for to serve up to the public. Like they did for the fall of the Berlin Wall or more recently for the end of that terrible weeks-long bushfire in Australia.
i don’t see scientology out there doing anything, they’re not publicly doing anything outside of what scientology propaganda produces and sent into the echo chamber. Find me one third party article about scientology speaking out against banks, record grocery store profits. You have your own “leader” literally bastardizing what LRH wrote. Closing ORGS (High Crime), editing LRH’s publications. He doesn’t do anything publicly to push back against these issues. And DM has said he’s not interested in directly helping homeless people. Ted Koppel he literally says on there “We make the able more able, we don’t forget about those people” I don’t see many scientology soup kitchens with free auditing to help these lost souls address their trauma. Why? because they have no money. So please spare us all the lecture. How about you go see for yourself a little Genji Genbutsu as the Japanese say, visit all the ideal orgs….see the empty buildings for yourself. I’ve seen you post on here with these quite ridiculous posts. The thing you should be asking yourself, is why isn’t my church doing more to help these people, to clear them, and solve the problem? You may have cleared your reactive mind, but you’ve also lost your objectivity in evaluating evidence, or even asking yourself these questions. Learn the truth, take all of the information, attach it to the receipts. Start with LRH’s autopsy report, particularly the toxicology part.
My mood changes, according to experiences, throughout the day.
So I don’t think, I would be welcome, in scio, they are all smiling, all the time.
Good experience -hurrah, bad experience hurrah, terrible experience -hurrah.
Just like Hubbard, who was always happy:)
Kind regards
Claiming to audit a girl not even 6 years old and presenting it as some kind of great achievement, this is really chilling.
If anyone were to approach my Little granddaughters with any such idea, they would be vaporized. I’m not joking.
Its so unfortunate that children are in this it could be the only life they ever know if they are so indoctrinated in it . The idea of child auditing is so creepy.
First thing when I saw the “Passover” meal at the Fort Harrison restaurant was, they have NO idea about Passover. Most glaring? WHERE’S THE LAMB???????????? You don’t need to be Jewish to know that lamb is the traditional AND religious meal at Passover.
I was just amazed they didn’t have ham on the menu.
Emmett Osborne gives me the creeps . I am not sure what it is. But a lot of Scientologists have that look to them. But it’s really intense in that picture of Osborne.
Suzie, he wants to convey and communicate ‘certainty.’
The guy is an OT 8 with a “super CV” that usually takes up half the billboard (but strangely isn’t listed this time).
You won’t believe it, but after 15 years in SeaOrg, I can tell you that there’s much worse in terms of looks that can be unsettling. People who speak to you with wide-eyed stares and a constant, out-of-place smile and enthusiasm.
Makes sense that he wants to convey certainty. And I don’t doubt that you have seen worse looks than that. I have too in a way. But it never seems to stop surprising me to see that look in many people’s eyes. The look like you said “Wide-eyed stares and a constant, out-of-place smile and enthusiasm.”
Right, that is the result of what Is called TRs (training routine), exercises in “communication” intended to develop ability to confront and control’ others and always feign being “up tone.”
They generate behavioral automatisms, which is what you can observe. They do not increase or generate abilities like empathy; rather, they tend to reduce it.
@Suzie and Loosing,
IMO what they’re “uptone” and “enthusiastic” ABOUT is their own “certainty” that theIr “comm cycle” with you, with them being “tone 40” IN it, which is going to result in you buying something that they want you to buy, or agreeing to DO something (join staff, join the Sea Org, volunteer and be responsible for some activity )that they, with their “tone 40 intention” want you do do – its always one or more of these things. They’re never just talking to you because they like you and enjoy connecting for no particular reason. There is ALWAYS a reason. They ALWAYS want something from you. Every comm cycle has to have a PRODUCT, some kind of RESULT that helps or contributes to Scientology in some way. And iF a particular comm cycle does not result in a product for the cherch, then they consider it as a SUB-product, a product conducive to the eventual obtaining of a product (“I am BUILDING ARC with this person”). In brief, in the cult, staff, Sea Org and, eventually, even public, think of human relations in strictly transactional terms, and accordingly their communications are designed to achieve some specific product, whether immediately or at some point in the future. Its that intention, that “target” that they have in mind, regarding you, which juices them up and produces the enthusiasm. It isn’t enthusiasm for YOU. Rather, its enthusiasm for whatever it is that THEY are intending to achieve via you. You could be anyone and they would be just as “uptone” and “enthusiastic”. Its all very studied, and some of them – not all, plenty of them are not very good at this although they are drilled on it – but some of them ARE quite good at this, and if you’re susceptible and they’re good at it, you believe that they actually like you, care about you, are interested in you. Well, they don’t, and they’re not 🙂
Re: It’s “Epic”
Where exactly is the “Church of Scientology of Pasadenal”?
Is that located one mile south of the “Church of Scientology of Pasadenial”?
Re: They even have online registEration.
The Scientologist responsible for this typo must be Case Sensitive.
Re: Practicing medicine without a license?
The Flag event, “Learn how to relieve pain and illness from your loved ones,” sounds more like “Search and Discovery: locate the Suppressive in your family.”
Re: Brisbane doing the ideal org thing
If all Scientologists wore a contraption like the one on Gareth Macready’s head, the world would have no problem in identifying the crazies.
Fred, loved your humorous comment. Very funny. On the Funnies Mike posted, the most ridiculous one of all was that they are at 9,972 on or through OT VII. This is a flat out lie, a figure they pulled from their behinds. I was on OT VII and I saw the numbers coming for the Sec Checks every six months dwindle down as more and more left the level. It go to where I was the only pc in the waiting lounge every time and was the only pc on my auditor’s lineup. People were leaving the level right and left due to various things. I read a post from a high up Ex SO C/ S or Sr C/S who said that they would put a purple flag on folders for those off the SN level. These were people who were PTS and not allowed to audit until they handled the PTSness, people who were off due to illness, money problems, had left the church, had died. Yes if you weren’t blown, many were dead. And it’s been said by many here, Marty R, Mike R, and others, that there are more ex Scns out here on the outside than there are inside. So there is now way that the Number on or through Solo Nots is 9,972 when no one new is joining the church, and auditing stats have been spiraling for years. It is amazing that they dare to post such a ridiculous lie. But they do it because they know that those drinking the KA will believe it.
Thanks for sharing that.
Scientology is not a religion, not by definition:
“The purposes of the practice of a religion are to achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and others…” *
Where’s the salvation when a parishioner leaves or, God forbid, passes away before completing the OT Level?
* “The Purpose of Religion,” by Richard Swinburne,
Fred, I think it’s one block off of Coloradal.
It is, Joe!
I laughed at the Power Couples. From what I have read if the any of the power couples are in the SO i learned that they wouldn’t have time to be around eachother. A d when I think of “power couple” I think of people who have achieved, or done something to support and love the other. How would it be possible to be a power couple in this case if couples in the SO never see eachother.