A momentous milestone on our whole track!
OMG, the hype.
They announce the events, and claim the dates and times are “below” — but they aren’t.
Not going to get much turnout if nobody knows when and where they are supposed to be.
They’re excited at Flag!
They even have a backpack…
This is a scientology org?
They seem to promote anything other than scientology these days…
The latest ideal org
They’re promoting tacos!
We are Clearing Poland!
They’ve sold 879 book and by their calculation (which is not even close to the truth) it means they have 35 scientologists in a nation with a population of 37 million. They’ve got a LONG way to go. And no org there at all.
My book was recently released in Polish, I bet it’s sold more copies than Dianetics.
Another new ideal org
With NO mention of offering scientology services
No longer feeling OT?
More likely, gone into debt.
They’re manning up the “AO Latam”
It’s just what they need. Another AO to suck business from the existing ones, no doubt they will offer lower prices than AOLA if they can ever get the place opened.
Anne Mintz
It’s amazing some of these people just keep plodding along. She has been in the FSC WUS Office for at least 40 years now…
Wonder what happened to Jeff. He used to put out those amazing “updates” that showed nothing was happening.
Special Showing
What is special about it? The video is online. It’s being shown everywhere, all the time now.
L. Ron Hubbard’s Message to Black People…
You are inferior
Puerto Rico got one…
Only 95 to go. He looks old enough to fit the scientology demographic very well.
Way back when when “we” went to Canberra for the Henry Tax Inquiry in the Oz Senate, the kult sent a bunch of “OTs” down there to be in the room with us and do whatever they could etc. etc. – which amounted to sitting behind exes who would be witnesses and kicking their chair legs or glowing at us with “Tone 40” or making comments etc – all very adult stuff.
But the thing that stood out most to the staff at Parliament House (and which had lots of pollies’ staff pop out to have a look) was the “op shop chic” that the assembled OTs and SO members in mufti sported. It WAS the topic of conversation around the place that day.
What bought back those memories this morning was looking at the on OT VII crowd who obviously can’t afford the Demented Maggot dress of expensive suits, silk ties, etc.
The poverty level of the Most Ethical Group on the Planet obviously (and sadly) hasn’t changed in the last 15 years, except to get worse. Yet they still can’t see it.
Im curiousabout the open mic night. What music would Scientologists listen to? Because I know that there were/are Scientology musicians/songs is that what they would listen to if people were to go.
Also just for fun I looked up some Scientology music and the music wasnt very good …
We are Clearing Poland! “They’ve sold 879 books…” Yep, they sure have, 9 to outsiders and the other 870 were multiple copies purchased by the sheepbots themselves.
Austin Open Mike Night: Wow, free entry. Getting out means fighting your way through the “donations” gauntlet to get to the exits. The most popular, and only song of the night will be (paraphrasing some lines from Smile) –
Give, though your credit card is aching
Donate, even though your wallets breaking
When there are regges in the room you’ll never get by
Ok, I want to explore this premise by writing it out.
As I understand, or rather, as Hubbard stated nearly 40 years ago, 10 thousand Scientologists having completed OTVII would generate sufficient theta power to cancel out pretty much all of the entheta being generated by the rest of the poplulation of Earth.
Google informs me that in 1984 Earth’s total population was 4.767 billion people so that means that according to Hubbard’s calculations, 1 OT7 had enough theta horsepower to convert the entheta of 476,700 people into theta. Great!
Except that today the population of Earth today is 8,107,131 billion.
Very soon Earth’s population will be twice what it was 40 years ago.
In turn, this begs the question: With the population what it is NOW, with each OT7 operating at what Hubbard stated as full capacity theta-wise, would it not follow that 10 thousand More OT7s as a goal is woefully inadequate?
Because, again, according to Hubbard’s calculations, AT LEAST 20 thousand OT7s are needed RIGHT NOW!
OSA, if you’re reading (and we do hope you are; you’re always welcome, you know that) what’s your opinion on the OT7 theta to entheta ratio thingey with 10K as a goal for present time? Would love to hear it.
Here’s mine, since you didn’t ask:
Just as soon, and I mean immediately upon reaching the goal of 10K, Command Intention will let everyone know that its not enough, and that ANOTHER 10 are needed right away.
And COB will be right!
The time is now!
The population has been steadily growing these past 40 years!
And yet the goal of 10K OT7s has not changed…whoops!
Thank heaven COB is around to bring details like this to everyone’s attention, right?
The Time Is NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Typos, typos, sorry! No worries, you’ll get the gist 🙂
We’ll be generous and accept that some of the 10,000 have passed away since 1984, or otherwise no longer practice OT entheta to theta conversions. They still need to double their number!
Some of them have passed away and some of them have left and then there are those Still Ins who still manage to get physically ill and incapacitated despite their amazing OT Cause Over Mest abilities gained. One of them I know had a quadruple bypass a few years ago – was this “causitive” on his part? Was he just sitting around being causitive on all dynamics but maybe a little bored, not enough game going on for him, etc. so he decided, “Hey, let me give myself a huge body problem”…?
Yeah, righ!
And Kirstie Allie, did she postulate her own colon cancer? Did Kelly Preston herself decide to “drop her body” right after giving birth to a handsome new baby boy?
But I’ve gone off topic into a side rant, sorry. It just burns me up the way the cult explains away Lisa Marie Presley’s fatal illness and untimely death with, “Well, she went off the Bridge, and had huge overts against Scientology” while at the same time when an OT7 or 8 cult member in good standing gets fatally ill and/or keels over prematurely there is no comment whatsoever from the cult on the deceased’s Bridge progress or lack of it.
But can’t wait for this 10K target to get reached so that COB can immediately hit the Sheeple with a new 10K target. It will be fun to hear how he dances his little side step to finesse this with the Sheeple. How they will inwardly groan and protest. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
May the Fourth be With You! Seriously?
My fannish Jedi laser sword just turned red. NOoooo!
There are more people on the planet identifying as Jedi, than Scientologists.
This Star Wars appropriation is deeply offensive. The force is for good…
I wonder if number 10,000 will get a special prize — at least a t-shirt or some free classes — or will they be asked to make a special donation to honor the event?
I’m not sure I would trust the quality of a Scientology open mic. They might sing ‘We Stand Tall.” But if they had a reg free event, then music, a movie, or a somewhat reasonable priced brunch (by today’s standards where I live) might get people into the building. Is there such a thing as a reg free event?
They might be given the “honour” to start doing their NUT again (not for free of course) to be number 10,001 and leading the charge (and $camatology will charge and charge for every step of the way) to 20,000 Nuts.
If that Clear bracelet can cause me to go in debt I will not be buying it. To be honest i would buy anything from scientology at all.
What is with Scientology and Tacos? Like ever flyer that has food involved is tacos!
Cheap to make and if you’re selling them the markup can be substantial.
Unfortunately, that’s how it is now. When one lacks valid arguments to present, they must turn to the stomach, saying ‘free food.’
Before, decades ago, simply saying ‘free lecture on the whole track’ was enough to attract masses, even without any food or tacos or pasta carbonara.
But “come early” because we’ll only have enough for the first 4-5 people…
Laughing. Exactly. Only a food gimmick seems to attract people since they have nothing else that appeals to the public.
Re: 10,000 quota. Lots of Sales talk but they never state officially what this will really cause. Now that there are “few” left, they’ll use it as a jackhammer to create a buy now and generate affluence income.
Let’s ring the bell when the money comes in like we used in the good old times!