Little Captain Navy Davey is on the move!
The always remarkably resourceful Alex Barnes-Ross sent this to me…
This guy has all the answers?
He doesn’t look like does…
The All Ideal ANZO is showing an org in Mexico?
Some of these orgs had only one or two people. Most less than 2o. Really rocking and rolling…
Damned with faint praise
This is the best stuff they could come up with?
More very faint praise
“Short and pretty fun”
“Not at all dramatic”
L. Ron Hubbard’s Message to Black People
Probably best not to mention what he really said.
Just stick to the tour of the 80-story building.
Dianetics celebration
75th year and still no Clears as described in the book…
But they keep promising it.
Come for the food — pizza! Hot Dogs! Desserts!
And don’t forget to stick around for Steve Funderburg.
Oooh, this is even better than the Valley guy…
You entire future track no less. And how is anyone going to be able to verify this amazing claim?
Now more than ever…
Apparently it turns out 10,000 “steering the planet” isn’t really enough.
And yeah, good poi9nt Damara Jones — where is the big step or release?
Kiddie Corner
Doesnt seem too thrilled. He would rather be playing a video game.
11 hazmat suits.
Not 10. Not a dozen. Not 100. Eleven.
Must have leftover from the Defcon 10 spraying parties.
It’s very late autumn in Auckland and all I could see in the pic is people wearing jerseys and puffer jackets INSIDE?
The members in front must be keeping warm from all the “hot air” from the podium but the Co$ obviously are having trouble paying for electricity/heating.
I need my sombrero too,
and one of this SM protection suits
That kid completing his grammar and communication course reminds me of my guilt at forcing/encouraging my kids to go on course. Years later they told me how much they hated it. It was their damn school holidays, dammit, they said. Still, they both became brilliant students so it must be scientology’s doing, I suppose (not). They both drink quite a lot these days (sometimes) – probably because I didn’t force them to do the purif. Ahhhh, the regrets of life!
Wow, Valley Org desperate for public?
Only $60 for a seminar, a dinner AND a course!
Whoo hoo!
THIS should get’em “flooding in” to their totally non-impactful, inconsequential “Ideal Morgue”.
“Desperately Seeking Students”.
How about that Juneteenth celebration at Chicago Org?
Hey, I got an idea! Let’s sneak in there while they’re playing some L. Ron Hubbard diddy about the equality of all races and replace it with a recording that goes like this:
MARY SUE: (sigh) Ron, I just can’t keep up this house! This Rhodesian weather is getting to me! The housework is just too much!
RON: Well, Mary Sue, go get yourself a nigger. That’s what they’re made for.
Then sneak back out just as the riots break out!
Imagine the next day’s headlines:
(By the way, please forgive my flippant use of a racial slur. It was the only way I could think of the bring out what LRH really thought about non white persons.)
Alco, first, no worries, I know why and with what usage you employed that term.
There is just so much easily mined material for cult satire that one hardly knows where to begin.
Juneteenth in Chicago would be a terrific time and place for a huge stunt. A very large African American population there. Can you imagine the uproar in the media if it became generally known that LRH made liberal use of racial slurs (Niggers, Chinks, Japs, Spics and of course Wogs and by the way “Po Whites” as well – he mimicked their speech and mocked them too). The Congresses are full of his stories using these terms.
Yes. More so than that Family Guy spoof of Dick Van Dyke.
“It’s the BEEP Van BEEP Show starring BEEP Van BEEP!”
One Dianetics Day event, at PAC, in 83 or 84 or 85, the event had a massive really moist cake with incredible icing. My memory of Dianetics day is always about that cake.
Anyways, the cake was so huge, it was brought back from the Shrine to the complex to the mess hall, it took several tables to hold just the leftovers of this massive cake.
PAC Sea Orgers ate that cake for dessert in the PAC mess hall for dinners, for at least most of the following week, it was so huge, the leftoevers of that cake couldn’t even be goggled up by starving PAC Sea Orgers in one night, it took at least 2-3 days of gobbling to gobble it all.
My SP A equals A mind then goes to how Anonymous protestors did often bring and eat cake, spelling it “caek” at their protests around the US.
Anyways, to me, the Dianetics cake that one year for the PAC desserts, is the best memory I have of Dianetics. I guess the moral of the story is MAKE BIGGER CAKES to satisfy and keep happy your Sea Orgers.
Speaking of birthday cake, here’s my fantasy for Miscavige’s next birthday:
First, somehow, we capture Shelley and get her out of Trementina or wherever she’s being held. (I know, I know, but this is a fantasy, OK? So humor me.)
Then, we clue her in on everything she needs to know to be on our side, and to go along with what will be the prank of the century (forthcoming, don’t get impatient.)
WE SUCCEED. She is totally on our side. (And no – no law enforcement, not yet.)
Then, we safe house her somewhere, and rehabilitate her physically, mentally and emotionally. If she’s too thin we plump her up a little. We get anything she needs to look her absolutely best self DONE – hair, cosmetic surgery, dental work, skin, clothes, whatever. We let her go anywhere she wants IN DISGUISE. We just make her safe and happy again and we make her look TERRIFIC.
Then, we get someone on the inside of the Sea Org on our side. Someone who makes decisions about Miscavige’s birthday celebrations, specifically.
Then get a HUGE gag cake made for Miscavige.
And finallY;
He is sitting there at his birthday bash. The huge gag cake is brought in. He’s sitting there with Lou, grinning smugly because he’s sure that some stripper is going to come out of this big fake cake. Instead Shelly, looking great, wearing a lovely evening gown bursts out, singing Happy Birthday to him – Surprise! and at that instant two CW policemen materialize and escort her safely from the room to the nearest police station or the FBI or something where she sings like a canary in another way.
That’s it. Do I have an imagination or what 🙂
Is this on or off the Freewinds? My understanding is that that’s where the Mighty Midget usually celebrates his birthday. I heard that one year he had Tom Cruise take his pants off and do that ‘old time rock and roll’ diddy from Risky Business!
Oh, hi Alco. Well I didn’t know Miscavige always celebrates his ole birthday on the Freewinds. OK, then, that’s where it will have to be. Makes things a bit more complicated but we’ll work it out. However, Cruise, although I suppose he’ll have to be one of the party guests along with the other whales and celebs he can keep his clothes on, please. That’s where I’m drawing the line. He can be part of the cast but he’s not appearing unclothed in any fantasy I direct. You’re welcome to be Script Advisor though 🙂
Okay. I’m all for that!
I wondered what an internationally renowned business trainer would be doing talking about the future track and clearing other planets. Why not do a better job with this one — or have they given up on us and are moving on to Target Two?
I tried to find him on Google since such a person should be mentioned somewhere. I do not think he is a fictional character solving crimes in Russia, a video architect, a former Russian football player (who is good on his assists), or a calligrapher. If he was a Wise consultant that should have been mentioned.
In fairness, it’s not that hard to be internationally renowned so he could very well be. But I’m still searching for clues since future tracks are an interest of mine.
74th anniversary of Dianetics celebration. What have they exactly accomplished though??? Because all I
have heard is pretty bad, and nothing that sounds like an accomplishment.
Love the pretentious pose of Dmitry (Nino the Mind Boggler) Ryshov. What astounding Jedi mind tricks will he be performing? I can’t wait.
For me, instead of DEFCON 10, the COB must use polonium 210, nerve gas. It’s okay with you that you’re in America. COB with SP is too good.
Mmmh …..another BT….
To everyone that was waiting for the 10,000 onto ot7, here is a question:
What were you expecting in your mind to happen when the goal was met?
To everyone that is waiting for the 25,000 onto ot7, here is your question:
What were you expecting in your mind to happen when the goal was met?
To everyone that will be waiting for the 30,000 onto ot7, here is your question:
What we’re you expecting in your mind to happen when the goal was met?
Whatever the PR piece claims, those are not real hazmat suits. From past pictures of VM’s wearing them, they are those cheap plastic painters suits with the VM logo slapped on the back. Totally useless in a real hazmat situation, especially if there is fire. They’ll melt and stick to the wearer’s skin as they burst into flame. I know from my days as a volunteer fireman.
Indeed, they only use them to take some fake photos, then they run away.
“Not 10. Not a dozen. Not 100. Eleven.
Must have leftover from the Defcon 10 spraying parties”
Laughing. Very snarky, indeed.