Isn’t that amazing!
They went from nobody to 5 people in the org — an increase of 100000000%
You have to wonder that scientologists don’t cotton on to the fact that the Birthday Game is completely rigged. It is a propaganda tool to make it appear the ideal org program is a success.
It’s in the “small chapel”
Obviously this guy doesn’t draw much of a crowd even when a free dinner is offered.
Camp Theta?
Send your 15 to 19 year olds to be indoctrinated into scientology
You do NOT want to miss it…
So much for obliterating, eradicating, annihilating psychiatry by the year 2000. Nothing has changed. They keep talking about their incredible success — meanwhile scientology shrivels and psychiatry grows bigger.
It’s an All-Star cast
But no mention of who got awards?
They got a person into session!
This counts as big news these days in the world of scientology.
Mr. David Bartlett?
Ryan Prescott should attend this one…
Dinner and… the D/Running Pgm I/C!
What a night
The nutiness knows no bounds
Why would an ORG give money to the IAS?
They could have paid their staff.
Or opened a mission.
Or bought books and handed them out for free….
But they don’t hand out trophies for those things.
A gold seal!!
Amazing. And pretty soon this org that has been ideal for a decade is going to start working on “going St. Hill size.” Hubbard said it should take a matter of weeks. 90 days is more than a matter of weeks….
Chicago is way off the rails already…
From conception to fine wine? Huh?
This is the ADVANCED Org
And they are hyping the completions at the bottom of the Bridge?
Hmmm, wasn’t it Chicago?
Someone is fibbing.
BTW, I count about 50 staff in this photo. Day and Foundation. 25 a piece when they are supposed to have more than 100?? This is one of the first “ideal orgs” opened more than 20 years ago. It’s smaller today than it was when it opened.
30 wasted years…
Absolutely nothing has been accomplished in New Zealand in the last 3 decades.
Is this impressive?
How many people attended?
More damning with faint praise
“I can notice more details due to this”?
See Miscavige’s fake Paris ribbon yanking
And hear Judy Norton Taylor sing!
A watch party?
They actually expect anyone to attend this?
“Meet a Scientologist” I called the nearest temple to order a Scientologist to come to my house. No, that’s not possible, was the answer. I said that we were having a party, delicious food, good music, and that the young Scientologist sounded nice. I invited him to bring his E-Meter and come. No, that’s not possible, was the answer again. I said, “We have girls too, and drugs!” Then I heard a bang and a beep from the phone and we were rolling around laughing
Way back in about 1987 I spoke (sort of) to two people on a train on the way home from work and was quite happily reading the “Pride of Chanur” by C J Cherryh and from across the aisle a voice asked me, “Do you read Science Fiction?”
What a silly bloody question, I thought looking at the book in my hands and waited to see what what was going to happen next.
“Yes, I do,”
“Have you ever heard of or read any of L Ron Hubbards books?”
I knew where this was going (after having a number run ins with other $camologists in the city centre) and decided to squelch any further contact, “Do you mean the fat rotten toothed madman that created the money making racket and mind destroying cult that is Scientology?”
Their faces went black as thunder clouds and she yelled at me, “We’re Scientologists!” They stormed off the train at the next station and were gone in a flash.
Seems the pair were regularly on different trains looking for potential victims.
Thank you for your very interesting story. I find this story funny, and I think we are all adults here and should therefore behave with respect and communicate cleanly for positive discussions.
Thank you!
So the cult is so desperate for public that it has resorted to alcohol now? Get’em a little buzzed and they’ll cry into their beer or wine as the case may be, spill their ruin, and sign up for a course while under the influence? Poor schnooks; little will they know that getting their money back will be next to impossible once they sober up. But hey, whatever it takes to fill up the empty Ideal Morgues. Next thing we know the cult will be sending Div 6ers right into the bars and prospecting for new Scientologists at AA meetings and 12 Step programs, Whatever it takes; The Time Is Now!
Dylan, you’re not pushing out all the sunburns, you’re having a niacin flush.
And while you’re at it, sweating is for cooling down the body when it gets hot,
not for removing toxins. This can be easily checked.
The grueling purification rundown does feel really good when you’re finished though.
That’s because you don’t have to do it any more. “It feels so good when I stop.”
Write up your win.
The Camp Theta thing sounds like the worst thing to do this summer.
I looked at that and thought, “Well, ‘qualified students’ obviously means Present and Breathing.” Poor kids. I hope some of them escape out the back door and go to the beach.
And I love how they say scholarship but then say 50% off normal prices lol. Any discount is honestly surprising to me.
I’ve said this before but if CO$ cared at all about training auditors training packages in every Class V org would be quite inexpensive and/or free via scholarships, with the latter offered not only to teenagers 15 -19 but to students of all ages on a merit basis.
Maybe I’m being overly suspicious but this Tampa scholarship program sounds to me like this teen scholarship deal is a red herring to get a pool of youngsters in one place who can then be shunted into Flag’s Sea Org.
Re: Melbourne FEBC Exec team.
What does it take to attain an FEBC gold seal? Consistently rising statistics over 90 days.
This must be based on FEBC Graduate Policy from 5 May 1971:
The result expected from this application is a booming org, shown by rising stats, within a couple of weeks of the graduate’s arrival. Failure to accomplish a marked increase of the org’s stats as above will result in immediate recall to Flag or local CLO for cramming, possible retraining and auditing at own expense. LRH
A bit of stat push and prediction should be able to handle that. 21 books sold when distributed over a 6 week period (1,2,3,4,5,6) makes for a very strong Affluence trend. Hip hip hooray to Miskiewicz!
And what applies to Melbourne also applies to Austin, Chicago, DeValle and Paris.
Just remember: Idle Orange County org was opened 2012 with about 120 staff. Within a few months it dwindled down to about 90. About 10 years after its grand opening it is down to about 25 staff.
Meantime the YouTube SPTV Channels monitoring these orgs is at 191 and still growing!
Their watch party consists of watching Scientology tv? I was hoping it might be reruns of Miami vice
It’s probably because nobody watches so the org needs to enforce it. Now they have another reason to make staff do call-in for another useless event.
And, you know, stats or something.
The watch party got me laughing. They have TV shows and looking at how they describe them not good ones in the slightest. I just wonder how many people are going to show up if any
Re: Camp Theta
Google Street View:
2050 Palmetto Ave, Clearwater, FL 33765
“Avenue” doesn’t seem to exist, but this nifty generic industrial building on Palmetto *Street* looks like a nice venue for camp.
This is new, I wanted to send you a Thursday Funny from here, but they shut down the old org (in Otsuka, a little further north) in April, and this one must have been some years in preparation.
Nobody much has heard of them, but I suppose in their new location they will get suckers, and perhaps religion visas for staff, although we all know that it isnt a religion, but that was just a tax and legal dodge.
“From conception to fine wine”.
Laughing until it hurts. Closed in a room talking about anxiety, depression, problems and feeling overwhelmed by life, while drinking wine?!?
In my opinion, it’s going to end up very badly.
Also, it must be for non-scientologists, as in scn, it’s strictly forbidden to say that one is depressed or anxious, no kidding.
Really, anyone reading your comments will soon understand that you are a ‘never out’, sites such as this are weird in that way.
‘Oh, I believe in everything Lafayette Ronald Hubcrd ever said’, or ‘I disagree with most, but not everything’, to ‘Everything was fine until the Miscarriage takeover’, all rubbish.
Helen O’Brien’s account, closing long ago (around 1953), is much worth reading. She is subtle on it, but worth reading.
Here you go. I won the bet. Just yesterday, I was talking to someone about you (nothing bad, I swear). I bet that you’re not someone who takes “no” for an answer and that your next comment would be a bit more loaded and aggressive. I was right. We bet 5 euros only (it was predictable). Stay well.
I am flattered that you find my comments so fascinating.
However, I can’t recall any time when I have been showing comment threads to real-life friends, why should they be interested?
Strange behaviour on your part.
Articles at times, sure. sometimes by me, but as I said, nothing to do with Scn., also as I said, most people don’t even know that Scn. even exists.
It is great that you won five euros, it is also creepy that you make my comments a centre of conversation.
Calm down. There’s no need for you to be flattered. Actually, I wasn’t talking about you. I mentioned you briefly as a side note in a broader discussion.
The issue was that periodically someone shows up here wanting to criticize Mike or the commenters, ramble incoherently, or simply try to provoke or get a bit of attention, all signs of a deeper discomfort. A while ago, we even had Lrh 2.0.
As for your comments, what can I say, you either baselessly accuse half the commenters of still being ‘believers’ or try to provoke without ever acknowledging the responses to your questions, but keep saying, “this just confirms that you’re still a believer.”
You’ve never been ‘in’ and with your rigid mindset that always has to prove you right, it’s unlikely you’ll understand.
You’re either here thinking you’re causing trouble (as you’ve admitted to doing elsewhere) or you think you’re smarter (or both).
Now, did you listen to yesterday’s ‘exposing scn’ podcast? You should.
(One last note. You and I are both guests here, and where I’m from, it’s right to behave well in someone else’s house.)
Your earlier statement was clearly directed at me. That you claim otherwise is a poor lie and joke.
I have never violated politeness norms at this site. However, from you, boss of the site, I see that it’s dominated by Scilon loyalists.
All very amusing.
See, you keep repeating yourself and confirming what I say.
Where I come from, they say there is no one more deaf than the one who does not want to hear.
And as usual, you don’t respond to anything.
You want those who comment to be meaner. But that is only YOUR view of things, not the way things really are. And this view of yours stems from something deeper (perhaps a discomfort) in how you see people and the world in relation to yourself, and it’s just your perception, never the reality, although you force yourself to see it that way.
Let’s end it here and good luck.
Oh, I dunno. Sounds like college to me! (Except that we could only afford beer, not wine. And there had to be pizza at some point.)
Briget, actually, I don’t even know if there will be beer. The shortage of new people leads to awkward situations, like organizing events like this for non-scnists, which no one will attend, or, as seen some time ago, starting to sell fruits and vegetables.
Wow. Weirder and Weider. “Wellness Coach and Practitioner.” Truly?
Pretty soon these orgs, in an attempt to get ANYONE to come in, will “introduce” the concept that TALK THERAPY works!
“Suffering from anxiety and depression?”
“Then join $camatology and you’ll soon be swamped with them.”
“Feeling overwhelmed?”
“Again, no.”
“Then join $camatology and you’ll soon be so overwhelmed that your anxiety and depression levels will go stratospeheric.”
“Would you like to learn how take back control of your life? Crap! Who left the window unlocked, he’s escaped.”