The Top?
Wonder what the Freewinds thinks about that? They’re pretty much forgotten in the scientology world.
You gotta love the “brilliant” describing the run-around-a-pole rundown… It is quite brilliant I guess making people pay to have you tell them to run in circles.
They just found number 8?
It’s definitely “coveted” — they sold them for $500 back when they were released. Wonder if they’ll get $15 for it now?
Fold Arms. Stare.
We will give you dinner if you come…
What is being “Beyond Victorious”?
Perhaps this is OT IX?
“What it will take to go St Hill Size” — they’re just figuring this out?
“We’re good citizens of Clearwater”
We will have some kids pick up some trash and you should forget the fact we own most of the city and scare everyone away.
I wish there was something positive to say about this…
I’ll let you sell my house…
IF you are giving money to scientology.
Such a deal!
Kiddie Corner
Big question for Ryan
If you moved to Miami to work for the almighty Grant Cardone, why are you no longer employed by Mr. 10X?
Become an “Unshakable powerhouse”
I’ve seen a lot of people who have completed L Rundowns. Not a single one of them was an “unshakable powerhouse”
Total Freedom?
Freedom from your money is the real objective…
It must be big right?
But the total number of staff in their shots gets smaller each time. This is Day AND Foundation.
Oh dear….
Probably not the greatest idea to promote this.
Does it tell you anything Peter that there were only 7 reviews?
Brand Blvd Mission BBQ
In the Valley Org courtyard?
A Taiwan Theme Flag Graduation?
Sunday is Funday in Malmo
They jam everything into Sunday it seems.
That is an awfully short graduation AND good news… All in 30 minutes? Not much to cover.
Total Freedom??? I call BS on that one. You can’t even think for yourself in Scientology. How can you be totally free in something so controlling? You can’t.
The fact that there are only 7 reviews is so pathetic but alo equally hilarious. Where are the thousands of people that Scientology keeps mentioning? Shouldn’t they be getting more reviews if they have so many members?
Who can I sue if I attended the Taiwan evening at Flag and didn’t get my own dragon boat?
“Join us to acknowledge the most valuabe [sic] beings on the planet!” Nothing says “we honor you!” like a sloppy typo.
I don’t know if anyone has made a definitive eval on the folded arms thing that every staff member seems to do. Is it unwritten policy, or hidden-data-line promo tech? Well, here’s my take. In school my public speaking and drama teachers used to say if you don’t know what to do with your hands, do nothing, just leave them at your side. Believe me, if you’re relaxed, it doesn’t look awkward in the least. Moreover, I was told that folded arms makes you look like you’re hiding something. So I guess the conclusion would be that this classic staff posture indicates someone who is uptight and has withholds.
Re: Vancouver Org Yelp rating. I am a bad girl (not). If you go to yelp, a screenshot of that facebook post is now in the photos. BTW, someone has been messing with Yelp there. 13 bad reviews that would tank their ratings have been hidden.
So the realtor and the person looking for a realtor both advertise in Scientologist Jobs and networking. I hope they can figure out how to do an in person meet. Wait, does that even happen in Scientology any more?
As for the kid, I’m glad she got chocolate and Mentos. At least something useful came out of her course. But seriously does anyone else see anything wrong with a pre teen with a fake grin holding the book Problems of Work?
I’ll be back later. Gotta go leave a 1 star review on Vancouver Org to cancel out the false theta.
Leatherbound Dianetics: the particular bane of my existance back then. Such a freaking waste of dough.
My beef with leatherbound anything was that it wasnt the cover of the book but the content that was valuable, and making non wealthy people spend money to get a leather cover and gilt-edged pages on a book they already owned was inconsiderate and irresponsible. We weren’t whales and celebs; we didn’t have money to burn.
With the leather bound lrh stuff, I was being sold on the fact that they were actually an investment because of the limited amount of issues and the classiness of a gen-u-ine lrh leather bound book was surely going to only increase in value. I never did buy into that. But, I did manage to acquire an entire lrh library along with all of the tapes that were available to the public at the time including the fabled Philadelphia Doctorate Series. Years later when I finally woke up, I was able to unload the entire worthless kit and caboodle for pennies on the dollar on Ebay. I was one of the lucky ones. Most people can’t give the stuff away.
The original Dianetics Hubbard wrote was 150 pages when he presented it to the publisher, I believe I read many years ago. The publisher wasn’t convinced, and then Hubbard audited his wife, that changed things, a woman impressed is a powerful thing, but the publisher had to have the last say. He wanted far more words in it than a mere 150 pages worth and more sex too. So, Hubbard sat at his typewriter and spewed forth the same thing over and over again in a new manuscript all in about a week. That’s why it’s such a kick in the head of a read. I have a tendency to believe that story since I’ve had to read it too many times for checksheet requirements. Plus, whether you believe in that technology or not, it’s a pretty simple process and thing to do once you’ve done it enough for real and know what to expect. It’s as simple as driving a car. The long runway of unnecessary bullshit to that point (only ever appreciated once away from the church’s intentional smothering of people’s intelligence) is bread & butter money for the Church. The operating mentality of the church and the technology are diametrically opposed anyway, always have been. I take nothing away from the sources Hubbard stole from and fraudulently copyrighted. A world without the Church of Scientology is a saner world with a little less deception in it.
Leather bound editions of crap are just that, plus a pretty looking diversion away from the truth.
Flag World Tour…. That is the last tour I would even consider to be a part of or see.
I believe the flag world detour is in ATL, currently, judging by the scandalous number of missed calls we’ve been receiving, as well as ‘scam likely ‘ calls thwarted by a loving cell phone.
On the other hand, the crossed arms pose delivers an ironic butt of a joke for those of us on the see through side, but a sad joke on the opaque on the uptake side.