Always a head-scratcher
The Hubbard “message to black people” is like My Philosophy. Total bunkum written to make himself sound altruistic. You don’t need to look far to find the REAL truth.
His REAL message to anyone of color can be found here: Ron The Racist. Decidedly NOT funny.
Scrooge McDuck?
Did you forget you are PAYING for this stuff?
Incredible what people say — went exterior and had wins comparable to auditing from reading the “basic” books and AP&A taught him how to audit….
Just like Mother’s Day — a total travesty
Simple question — how many Sea Org members will be spending the day with their father? Yeah, none. But you will promote it as a big deal to make money.
Second simple question. How many fathers have children who don’t speak to them ever because of scientology? And how many children have fathers that won’t speak to them because of scientology?
On the Hubbard Fragrance Train
It’s never struck anyone as odd that Hubbard railed against scents/perfumes, had his clothes rinsed 7 times to remove all possible smells from them, yet he smoked packs of unfiltered Kools every day?
They have to offer food
Q: Why on earth would anyone want to go to the org to watch the same repeated shows?
A: To get the low-carb ice cream of course!
Free coffee!
This sure looks enticing
Join the Sea Org so you can stand next to a big cardboard Dianetics book
What is it with ice cream all of a sudden?
You can bet teenagers drove for miles to get an ice cream cone so they could attend graduation!
The Jive Asses
They’re still going….
Not strong, but going.
How come we never hear anything from Bulawayo?
They got an ideal org building 20 years ago — but they apparently don’t do anything with that, just a WISE group.
They don’t know what the word means…
Though it is unintentionally appropriate.
Epicenter originally referred to the point of the earth’s surface above the center of an earthquake. Extending from this definition, the word has also come to refer to the center of any negative or dangerous event.
He’s spread his bs in 30 countries!
That’s his claim to fame. Oh, and going to jail for refusing to giver testimony in an effort to protect the criminals in the Guardian’s Office.
Miraculous plans
They’re going to build a new civilization in SFO — apparently this is a new idea they just had. It’s a miracle!
Getting rid of those pesky BT’s
“The most spiritual thing I have ever done on the Whole Track!” Bro, seriously?
“Big thanks to COB for restoring scientology to Source” — except for the Briefing Course and Class VIII and Key to Life and Life Orientation….
I didnt know if the success story made me laugh in how obscure or if it made me laugh because of how much I cringed reading it. All I know is I laughed because it is so out of pocket and so unbelievable .
I know I’ve said this before but these ads are horribly made. I mean I guess that could just be me but if I saw one of these I would be completely shut down just by the bad designs and honestly reading the content on these ads would make me immediately turn my head around even if I didn’t know about scientology.
I laughed at “They have to Offer Food” . Look I like food. But no matter how much food and how good the food that they offer may be I will not be going anywhere near the Scientology TV night. Reading that I could get better food from anywhere else to
I love that the ‘success story’ starts out with “I’ve said this before.” Of course you have. It’s just the same old same old with Scientology so you really DON’T have anything new to say. Just type up your ‘success story’ with the date and so-called service blank, zerox about 20 copies, and fill in the blanks as needed! Easy peasy!
Wow! All those promo pieces look just like all of the cult’s crap that the post office delivers to my mailbox weekly. Thankfully, our garbage can is large enough to handle it all. 🙂
What if someone is so inspired by Arte Maren’s presentation that they too want to become an interned Class VII auditor? Will Arte be their FSM and get them all set up to pursue this course of study, or just take his cut for their payment and leave them to fend for themselves outside the nonexistent course room? And who ever heard of an interned Class VII anyway, even back in the day when Hubbard hisself was running the con?
I never went exterior or ‘keyed out’ just by reading hubbard’s books. It might have happened after some secchecks, but it lasted a maximum of one or two days.
Only after I left scientology and started meditating did the key outs last for months and months.
The fundamental mechanism is disidentifying from the mind (that any random thought/emotion it’s “you”) and being aware of it.
This is what unconsciously happened to the dude here. But if you don’t understand it, you almost immediately get back into it and start obsessing over the fact that you’ve lost that state of “grace” and want it back. The more you do this, the deeper you sink. The deeper you sink, more you are ready to pay to have it back.
Smart scam.