Admin Tech
Leading scientology in an ever decreasing spiral of failure since the early 1970’s…
Come and get some of this magic for yourself. From someone who has apparently had a lot of auditing. And that clearly makes him an expert.
They forgot the rest of the quote….
“It took only a few weeks to build the old Saint Hill org.”
The Reactive Mind of Los Angeles…
They’re “Clearing LA” and their [unreal] target is to get Dianetics into the hands of 1% of Los Angeles. Wonder if this is the City of Los Angeles (3.8 million), Los Angeles County (9.6 million) or Greater Los Angeles (19.4 million)…. No doubt it’s the smallest number, so they need to get Dianetics into the hands of 38,000 people. If they get 1 hundredth of that 1% (380) it will be a miracle.
A Target of What?
What percentage of the staff and public have watched the opening video of another org?
Funny, Dave’s home town is at 0% — guess they’re not too excited seeing him fake yanking his ribbon in France when his hometown ideal org has been sitting vacant for a decade or more…
We’ve got Spanish food….
We’ve got grilling!
And not on the meter….
Malmo is a hotbed of mega-grilling in Scandinavia
Just trying to safepoint anyone they can get
What this has to do with anything is anyone’s guess?
You can bet they offered their “chapel” to them for free to hold their event.
Flag World Tour
Why use an “Ideal” Org when you can rent a hotel…
Probably because they know they won’t be able to get anyone to show up at the vulture’s nest
Preying on Kids
More crazy talk from Ron
Understated as always….
Celebrating 10 years of futility
Why only 3 nights a week?
And why did you leave the Sea Org?
Why if you’re so good at this are you looking to work for free so you can “practice”?
I have to say, from the flyers Mike continually posts on Thursday Funnies, it would appear that cult event food has vastly improved since I left 12 years ago. Such luscious looking multi-ethnic gourmet fare. Quite enticing -looking and sounding. Event food when I was in was for the most part dreadful Well, I suppose the cult nowadays needs something to pull people in. “Curious?” and the mystery sandwich ploy doesn’t seem to be working so they’re reduced to appealing to humanoid bodily appetite to drum up any interest in what they’re selling. The thetans aren’t responding, so make the marketing pitch to the GEs
Get the bodies in, and maybe they can trap another mind or two. I’d bet money that if they could get away with it they’d use sex to get the public in. But that would be a bridge too far, pun intentional.
Agreed. Appealing to the Thetan isn’t working so let’s go after bodily appetites. Let’s offer the finest delicacies money can buy. Then when they’re satisfied we’ll appeal to their vanity by telling them that they can achieve status and prestige by donating to the IAS. The more you give, the more status you acquire.
That’s it, exactly! And, oh, the irony!
Just another version of that age old religious scam “With your wealth and generosity your place in heaven is assured!”
Echos of that Led Zeppelin song, “Buying A Stairway To Heaven”.
The wealthy Scientology whales are buying their “eternity”.
I would pity them if they weren’t so rich and so stupid.
Well, Scientology is one of those groups that knows just where to hit.
Do these people even wonder who all the prior years followers and staffers were, who are NOT there today?
There are MORE ex Flag Staff who aren’t Scientologists today, than there ARE Flag staff total.
Same goes for every single Hubbard “org” and “mission” in the world, there are more forgotten, never to be remembered ex’s, at all echelons, than are there today.
Scientology/Hubbard only allows history to exist for the tiniest bits of their history.
Everyone else who became quitters and then SPs, etc, are forgotten.
They have no history, Hubbard disallows it.
Not a good group to get into. And never sign any of their legal forms.
It’s interesting that they keep holding events where they explain how to do an admin scale, or how to make postulates that “stick,” or how to handle people with bad information about scientology, or how to make lots and lots of money.
The fact remains that people apparently continue to be incapable of this even after decades.
They should only attend one event: how not to get screwed over by the cult.
Admin Scales are very easy to do. I did a ton of them back in the day. There are (or were back then) several different entry level mini courses one could take which included doing them as part of the courses. Not rocket science, believe me. And now they are charging for all day seminars to teach this? So glad I’m out.
Yes Aqua, it’s good that we are both out of that distorted world. Looking back now, it is sometimes unbelievable where we ended up. Just like in the last podcast with Karen Pressley, it means we are rebellious enough to stand up. Take care.
Amen to that, Loosing! “Rebellious”. I was for the most part an obedient kid, but I would at times(probably too often) want to know WHY I had to do something or not do something. Fortunately, for me, for the short times that I had them, I had understanding parents who were willing to explain WHY, and answer my other related questions! They knew my nature; they knew that I was easily controlled when I understood yet rebellious if I sometimes did not. I didn’t have them very long but their honesty and patience with me made a strong impression. PS: Can you imagine me as a Sea Org Member? LOL! I’d have lasted a week, optimistically
And yet, when I do understand and agree I am the soul of cooperation, no kidding!
Aqua, I understand. I think being rebellious is more of a quality than a constant state. It can emerge when needed, when you realize … ‘That’s it!’.
From what little I think I know about you over these years, you’re quite a firecracker when you set your mind to something, so yes, you wouldn’t have lasted long in SO. LOL!
Being able to be cooperative is a natural ability that one either has or doesn’t have; it is one of the characteristics of being capable of great empathy.
What lovely things to say to me, Loosing. You are very kind. Thank you
Flag world tour…. yeah no thank you that’s the last letting I’d want to see or be involved in.
“These psychiatric front groups*………*front group(s): a group that serves as a cover or disguise for some other group or activity, especially one that is disreputable or illegal in nature.
Scientology front groups*…….*front group(s): a group that serves as a cover or disguise for some other group or activity, especially one that is disreputable or illegal in nature.
Thinking Stand League, The Way to Happiness, et al………
So much projection from Ron, and so little evidence for his claims.
The reactive mind of Los Angeles poster/ad made me laugh harder than it should have. I am not so sure why maybe because of how obscure it looks and sounds.
I don’t think I can ever get over the food/ meal promotions that Scientology always has. It’s excessive.
Also the camp day. Is just honestly terrifying to think about.
It amazes me that they still use the volcano image. Wasn’t that developed by an apostate back in the 80’s/90’s?
No. Jeff Hawkins was the brains behind the Dianetics campaign. Hubbard came up with the we volcano as a restimulating image that would compel people to buy as it was out of the R6 bank…
The volcano, therefore, should represent the site of this traumatic mass destruction event as described in OT 3 tale?
And I, on the other hand, always thought it meant an ‘eruption’ of abilities.
Back then there was DMSMH being prominently displayed and sold in all the major bookstore chains inexpensively, $3-$4 in paperback. It was everywhere. Commercials on TV too as I recall. And the brains behind all that effective marketing was Jeff Hawkins? Well, he was damned good. A master marketer no doubt. And a Sea Org member so the price was certainly right. What a set up! What a perfect set up for actual expansion of Scientology! And so of course it must follow that the Dwarf had to get rid of him. Figures. When I left 12 years ago we were setting up little tables on the streets, or in malls doing “Stress Test” and waxing ecstatic if, after 4 hours of sitting there and “finding peoples’ ruins” one or two books (hardcover, $25) got sold.
Pathetic. Mostly we didn’t sell any at all. How I hated it. People walking by and slitting their eyes at us, recoiling slightly and turning their heads and walking quickly away. I didn’t know why then; now I do.