Once they get Canberra, Brisbane and Adelaide done…
They will have an “ideal continent” and absolutely nothing will have changed.
It might be helpful if they said where this event is taking place? Looks like Melbourne? Why not Sydney?
THE auditor training organization…
Celebrates auditors once a year.
Still no SH Briefing Course – the course the organization is named after!
An epic event…
What has this got to do with “Flag life“?
The NOI are taking over Florence KY…
And it’s all thinking, no action.
Unleash your power into eternity?
In no time
Why not say how much time it was? Obviously, it was not no time.
Get on the stem cell therapy train!
It’s better than Dianetics. Obviously draws a lot more people.
Maybe London org will figure this out for themselves?
Kiddie corner
Expand life?
An All-Star lineup…
Not one of them have expanded any org…
Go virtual OT…
No difference from “real“ OT.
This is going to be a lot of hype…
Absolutely nothing concrete will be accomplished.
That’s the best they could do for a torch?
Wow, One clear in four months.
At this rate, they will clear the block the building sits on in 2092….
The NOI invasion continues…
Women only??
Spain‘s new civilization is composed of cartoon characters….
Is Sweden ready?
This biggest campaign in history is something we will never hear about again.
Jumping on anything that sounds good…
You do know that L. Ron Hubbard was a supporter of apartheid, right?
Some amazing Photoshop work here…
Of course, step one of the roadmap is to steer clear of the org and its reggae
If this guy knows so much…
How come this mission has never expanded into an org?
“Roadmap to affluence,” which in other words will again explain how to do an Admin Scale. Always there selling this idea/illusion that there is a way to override the mechanics of the universe. They spend years believing in this ‘hope,’ and when they think they are close, it’s already time to change body.
And meanwhile they have lost the true meaning of it all.
I can confirm that the Australian and New Zealand Summit event is at the AOSH ANZO in Sydney, I’ve seen a video of Sea Org members promoting it as being at the AO in Sydney.
“What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do”…”Alignment, Money, Expansion”
Alignment of WHAT? WHOSE money? WHOSE expansion?
What does this even mean?
From Swedish to English, is something getting lost in translation?
This is actually sad, and I’m not being funny.
Are the Still In Swedes on Suicide Watch, or something?
If they’re not, they should be.
Anyone susceptible to being roped in to attend a seminar via this vastly generalized BS has to be in an extremely apathetic state.
One Clear in four months, who if I’m reading it correctly is an Org Officer Foundation, and so has probably been in the cult for a long time already.
Oh and in the back of those photos there’s that young guy who starred in some leaked videos that Tony Ortega posted a while ago.
I was wrong, Tony Ortega didn’t post those, but nevertheless… There’s some leaked videos with that guy in them.
Along with David Miscavige’s artificially enhanced, interminably droning sing song voice at Int Events, the booming sound effects and comic book visuals at Int Events, photos of people with their tongues sticking out, photos of Trish Duggan in what she considers evening attire, and photos of kids grouped around a dining table with chocoloate pudding or spagetti sauce smeared all over their faces, what I find annoying, for some reason, are photos in which someone is pointing at someone else. Thank you for allowing me to share.
“What to do when you don’t know what to do?”
Oh, that’s easy! Unplug it, then plug it back in! Works every time!
*Caveat added* If you can unplug Scamology, for pete’s sake DON’T plug it back in! Let it DIE!!!!
Biggest Book Sales in History???? They couldn’t come up with a better lie?
Their biggest book sale in history? Even surpassing the one of the mid-80s when the volcano commercial was constantly playing on TV?
Hey, we spent a few bucks and put an ad on a public trans bus. We’re happening now!
The Power of Thetanic Flatulence and Tone Farty Absurdity expands annually in the Miss Ravage Church of OT Pimpology.