34 years on staff, which has accomplished what?
Wiso Gossett knows…
His accomplishments as an artist set him apart
Brian Anderson!
For years the Flag PR spokesman – now part of the “Infinity Group” renting master bedrooms. How do you leave the Sea Org and remain so brainwashed?
Tampa Org promoting Mace-Kingsley
And it will only cost you $25! (That way they can count attendees as “First Service Starts”)
Lot of kids stuff
Flag, the top of the Bridge…
Getting those intro services rocking
Kiddie Corner
Even more…
Wrong public…
This Non-Sea Org org is promoting “Sea Org Week” (7x expansion from Sea Org day!) but not trying to get people to join the Sea Org but rather as a gimmick to get people into service…
They got 7!!!
The new strategy…
Bring an ED from some other org who will tell you how to do it right, but of course it requires having people trained in the COBEBC… and Malmo doesn’t have any so he is the speaker instead…
CD’s — “state of the art”
Only 3900kr or $370.
Of course, though it would be far easier and way cheaper, it would be a “tech degrade” to make all these lectures on CD available to be streamed.
Arte Maren tackling the vital issues of the day
Awful lot of attention on “negative reviews”
The “ideal org” that’s going St Hill size next
17 staff… Only 200 more needed.
More top of the Bridge stuff…
Sea Org members mixed in with NOI “FSM’s” selling a $485 “leadership” seminar. Old Ron is spinning in his urn…
Sunday Service
NOT open to the public… you ant even get into the building without an IAS Membership card
Flag “OT teens seminar”
Scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything.
The apologist religious persons who used to take an interest in Scientology, probably have the best contextual overview of Scientology.
Hubbard wrote so many roles for staff Scientologists to fill, Hubbard wrote so many details of Scientologists’ lives to participate, the staff life of Scientologists is an alternative world running alongside of regular western modern civilization lifestyles.
But it’s not a lifestyle as part of Scientology staff that I’d recommend at all in hindsight.
Don’t join Scientology world staff life.
Skip it, get a regular job, do a regular life, which is freer.
The Hubbard Scientology staff life is restrictive.
The public regular follower Scientologist life is also restrictive, I’d never recommend that either.
I’d not recommend any level of the Scientology/Hubbard world to become entangled in the restrictive prejudices of L. Ron Hubbard’s overwhelming volumes of rules and regulations which cannot be ultimately questioned, the “Keeping Scientology Working” central guidelines Hubbard wrote, can be used to defeat anyone wishing to be their own person within the Hubbard “team” as a staffer or a public follower following the “norms” of the current fads coming down from leader David Miscavige, who himself selects from Hubbard’s voluminous writings and lectures, which “norms” to make current.
It’s a losing choice, becoming at any level a participant of the official Scientology world.
Just remain or rejoin the regular world and don’t join the Hubbard restrictive setups.
Scientology is a pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice.
Auditing is the pseudo-therapy. OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the exorcise steps of Scientology.
There’s not been a good single volume book that is even today widely turned to to give a good thorough overview of the Hubbard Scientology pseudo-therapy and exorcism quackeries.
Scientology is delivering pseudo-therapy and exorcism quackery.
It is highly overregulated and restrictive of the participants’ behaviors.
Official Scientology, as tiny as all the participants add up to be, is over bureaucratized.
Paper pushers lord it over the followers.
The “auditor” (pseudo-therapist/exorcist) role is not dominant, the “auditors” are just given lower power, and their rights to even practice the pseudo-therapy/exorcism is highly given over to paper pushers who determine when an “auditor” can continue practicing the pseudo-therapy or exorcism.
Auditors who do the pseudo-therapy and exorcism get excommunicated if they violate Hubbard’s regulations.
Official Scientology is highly paper pusher dominated, and that is Hubbard’s setup.
Hubbard caused this over regulation restrictive atmosphere of official Scientology.
It’s part and parcel of the quackery pseudo-therapy/exorcism practices which “auditors” of Scientology practice.
I always thought outsiders, religious academics, persons who had positions in society like in universities, or think tanks, or even possibly rich standalone curious talented writers, would take on the deeper study of all of Hubbard’s writings, and give the public the relevant context and quote the Hubbard detailed regulations, which keep the Hubbard official Scientology world going.
My advice, to future researchers, the quick overview as to “What is Scientology?”
a) Get “Self Analysis” book by Hubbard, skim through it.
b) Get “Dianetics Today” book of 1975, in Hubbard’s name, skim it over. At least get the R3R procedures, see what the “modern” 1975 era of “Dianetics” does.
c) Get these 1991 editions of the red hardback volumes, “Subject Volume 3” and “Subject Volume 4” and skim through the thousands of pages of Hubbard “processes”
d) Get the latest edition of “The Bridge to Total Freedom” “Grade Chart” and study it
e) Get on the internet “The O.T. Levels Volume” which gives weeks of Hubbard authored and other people’s recollections of the exorcism theory and steps, and the exorcism “correction list”.
That gives one the core of the “auditing” and the “exorcism.”
My hindsight view today, is that Hubbard’s “auditing” and the exorcism aim to alleviate a person’s bad memories. “Case” is what Hubbard aims to target and alleviate with the Hubbard pseudo-therapy and the Hubbard exorcism.
I worked mainly in the Scientology cult bureaucrats training part of the Hubbard Scientology cult bureaucracy. I was a cult bureaucrats staff training department staffer mainly in my wasted 27 years in Scientology. The “admin” cult Hubbard regulations and writings, were the part I landed within.
There are scattered, very few, auditors/exorcists in the world outside official Scientology. Their plight is freer, but still constrained by Hubbard’s regulations which they to a greater degree to NOT follow.
Chuck Beatty
ex paper pusher “admin” department staff training areas, mostly, in my wasted 27 years in Scientology’s cult bureaucracy. 1975 to 2003 were my wasted decades in Scientology.
(I’m studying Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translations of the Pali Canon, the Buddha’s discourses, presently. “The Middle Length Discourses” is the work I’m presently studying.)
BTs and clusters and service facsimiles
Lower conditions and routes to infinity
Comm Evs and musters and all that they bring
These are a few of my least favorite things
When MAAs shout
That the tech’s out
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember I’m not in this thing
And then I don’t feel so bad!
Hubbard, The Sea Org, and billion year contracts
Telling tall tales of past lives on the whole track
IAS Galas and fundraising flings
These are a few of my least favorite things
When Dave’s fists fly
With the Wrong Why
When I’m feeling bad
I simply remember I’m out of this thing
And then I just feel so glad!
I went with a boyfriend because he and his music teacher Larry McNeely (the guitar and banjo player for Glen Campbell) were members. I signed up for a communications class and around the 3rd session I walked in and they saluted LRH like he was Hitler. My hair stood on end and I left. I started suffering from severe anxiety attacks out of the blue and lost my job, I heard my boyfriend’s parents saying things about me that weren’t true. This was in 1977. I received mail everyday until 1993 when I moved and didn’t forward my name. I had gotten married and changed my name. But I still was having problems with people being told lies about me and finding jobs even though I have several degrees in music and Sofware engineering. Every job, someone made it difficult for me to progress. Then I divorced and changed my name back. The phone calls started up and feeling like I was being followed. My home was constantly being broken into. I finally answered a call and told them I was Catholic and not interested. The stalking started after that and then the electronic harassment has continued quite severely. Several books on Gangstalking and electronic harassment indicate it is usually done by gangs or cults. I was dating a cop only to find out that he was a member and was probably reporting back all about our intimate relationship. My personal information, tax returns, insurance information, etc was stolen as was my clothing, jewelry other personal affects, even food tainted or urinated in, etc. My car and home are vandalized costing a lot of money. I have considered it is my ex doing this but after reading books by Rinder, Lawrence Wright, Janet Reitman, Jenna Miscavige and Ron Miscavige, I think it is this cult still at it.
LRH says suppressive persons have no rights yet they are violating my 1st amendment right of free speech, human rights and civil rights. The police won’t help. I had two dogs and both were killed the day after I was asked something about this cult at the grocery store because they were reading a magazine on the rack and I just happened to be behind them. I gave them the truth. They are psychopaths. That LRH died on psychotic drugs due to psychosis says just how much of a lie this is based on. Reading Lawrence Wrights book says Miscavige is a modern day Hitler and it is frightening that Tutoring clubs in the school systems are actually from this cult and indoctrinating students. Wright says they want to take over the world and are buying land and offering many products with names so that there is no association with the cult. A student’s brother is moving to another country to get away from their harassment. I’m not sure that will even make a difference. How do you make it stop?
Shame on Tom Cruise.
I am sorry for all the difficulties you have had to endure. If it is any comfort to you, I can be quite certain this is not the work of scientology. They do not have the time or resources to devote to anyone who is not a very public problem to them.
Thank you so much for responding. I’m so happy to hear that you don’t believe it is the work of this organization.
Wiso Gossett, how the heck can you become a “successful artist” and “flourish and prosper” while being a “Flag Band Guitarist”?
And, once they need you on some other post your days of guitar playing will be over.
I wonder how big the New Zealand org was 34 years ago compared to today. That would have been in 1990, after the successful volcano ad campaign, when the CofS was on the rebound. It seems like they have probably not been successful or winning in the decades since then, and I bet the org is a good bit smaller if not much shrunken since then.
Thankfull I smile wide!
A nice weekend to all.
Welcome to The Bridge to Total Fleecedom. Your money is acceptable to us. Our money is ours.
One thing that came to mind while reading the Funnies is that the entire existing public has been thoroughly sifted through in every org, dozens and dozens of times for buing services or fundraising, whether to join the org staff or the Sea Org, or to participate as a helper in some nonsense that never had any continuity.
I think by now they’ve become pretty resistant to the BS they’re being fed with smile and ‘purpose’.
Looks like they are going after the unfortunate kids as income sources.
Most scn parents will dish out the cash to help get them up the bridge.
Wow, what a terrible scenario. Troubled kids as a new source of income, and the illusion for parents that scn can do something for them. The cult is outdated.
Scn and kids have never been a successful combination.
It was enough for me to see the results in the cadet orgs of the Sea Org.
Seeing people full of inappropriate “enthusiasm” just to make others believe that “everything’s great” around a guy dressed in an inflatable horse is almost sad.
It bring to mind the Titanic, where the ship is sinking, but the band keeps playing as if nothing’s wrong.