Midwest Unite
Giving money to “build a great Midwest” by finally renovating the Battle Creek building purchased nearly 20 years ago — they should be trying to open some orgs in the Midwest as most Midwest states have no scientology org at all.
Poor Mike Blake
This guy gets hit up for everything in Columbus. Why isn’t the ChanMan ever participating in giving his money?
Columbus org paying for Battle Creek
Why? They’re supposed to have opened dozens of missions by now that should be turned into orgs (remember Miscavige’s infamous “arrow” graphic?) — they should be spending their money on that. Or paying people to come in and take a service in their empty org….
40 years of nothing
How they made enough money to afford it
The future is now
No, in scientology the future is never now and always “what will be” — not “what we have done.”
Alfraudie is back…
Running his scam in Miami — preaching the word of Jesus? Louis Farrakhan? L. Ron Hubbard? Whichever, he will be looking for some commissions…
Hmmmm, sort of odd
The one thing scientologists do not lack is imagination. They imagine they are clearing the planet and saving mankind. They imagine super powers. BT’s infesting their bodies and so much more…
How to make money, again
Kiddie Corner
This ideal org is rocking…
They had a twinship complete the Pro TR’s course!
Put out a promo piece right away.
Do you think anyone showed up?
Can’t imagine it. Not even for a free boba.
1 million booklets
Not even close…
Silence from Paris means they couldn’t even pretend
How to make money once again
Finger food potluck
With the latest expansion news
Getting the job done
I wonder what they are defining as “the job”?
Sorry to break it to you
L. Ron Hubbard did NOT come back? He abandoned the Sea Org.
Don’t want to miss this…
Hear what someone who has wasted 30 years on staff in a tiny, failed org has to say
More how to make money
We could all wear FREE TOM CRUISE t-shirts.
Great fundraiser as well.
Would be more interesting to hear Refreshments share their wins! Sausage Roll attested to the State of Clear!
In the “Good Morning Clearwater” flyer I like how Flag is sinking into the ocean.
Finger food potluck: Sun dried fingers and tomatoes with vintage tasty cheese and salsa or chipotle sauce?
The rest is just the same old drivel and bullshit.
The Mike Blake story really strikes me as sad. I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t convinced him that he will be able to walk again once he makes it to OT. I wonder how much it cost to be a vanguard with honors. Probably more than I care to pay to get one of their bowling ball trophies.
The fake Navy uniform guy pic above actually impresses me!-) Compare that to Miscavige´s:
I looked at the stripes on the man’s uniform in the Sea Org recruiting ad and tried to match it up as best I could to the uniform guide Tony Ortega posted a long time ago. As best as I can tell…
First row (left to right)
Exec Status I
Int Affluence Declaration
Keys to Competence Course
Second row (left to right)
Sea Org Service (with three gold stars)
Third row (left to right)
Permanent Class X — or — Introduction to Scientology Ethics Course
Clearsound sound lines research, setup, and documentation
This makes me wonder, is the man in the ad an actual Sea Org member or someone hired for a photo shoot?
Pretty certain it’s someone hired. They’ve had so many problems with people in films, books, videos and promo pieces blowing and becoming SPs that unless they’re recognizable they’re probably actors.
What are the odds Paul had already done the Pro TRs on his way to OT 8? Will Paul still be around to twin with the next sucker to sign up?