I feel I am regaining my true power…
To do what? Operate exterior with full perception? Cause over the MEST universe?
Ideal org music festival?
If he can do this….
Could you maybe stop a couple of wars? End famine in Africa? Expand an org?
L. Ron Hubbard — comic book guy
Sadly this is Phil and Willy Jones daughter, Emily on the left. Had I seen this earlier I might have made the trip to say hello…
The success of Tampa org…
Nothing visible in the real world.
Flag trying anything
Taylor Swift is happening, so let’s go with her. Nothing to do with Flag services of course. Just trying to get some bodies for the regges to rake over.
More Flag desperation
3 days of dilettantism….
Things ARE desperate
Eight Flag people sent to LA.
And entertainment.
And free dinner!
Correlation but no causation
Kiddie Corner
Unfortunately, larger than usual this week…
Might actually be useful
But you know there is an ulterior motive
Anything to get bodies in the shop
They’re giving food to anyone who will show up for graduation at Flag
Again, anything to get a body in the shop
A college football team draft?
Create and ideal life and world…
If he knows how to do this, how about some evidence?
They’re getting around
Columbus last week. Doing a grand tour for some commissions? Amends for lower conditions?
Good luck with that
Don’t let the BT’s and Clusters get you down
No, it wasn’t…
A wasted life
Think, I need a beer for this. Terrible!
Nice Weekend to All!
WTF????????? – Ascot Vale is “$cientology Community Centre”?
That trumps the sad tales of dehumanizing children, IT bs training, First Aid cert.s for stooges who’ll only ever use them to access areas where peeps need real help but get kult bs instead.
Lower than a snake’s armpit indeed.
Crab ra(n)goon must be a big draw for these events.
Why not come try the crab ragu at the Blue Lagoo.
I believe crime went down in Hungary due to changes like longer sentences for repeat offenders. And the authoritarian regime there could just be fudging some of the statistics, too — which would be very scientological.
There are also probably plenty of places where crime has gone up since WTH booklets were distributed. And scientologists seem to often have a doom-and-gloom view of the world being in a downward spiral – I don’t think they’d claim the planet has gotten better since 1950, or since the booklet was introduced in 1980, so in the big picture that’s not a “win”.
And come to think of it, the US murder rate was high in the CofS’ early heyday, declined but then went up again around the time they had a comeback during the era of the “volcano” ad campaign, and then has been on a mostly downward trajectory as they have shrunk, so a very unfavorable correlation could be seen if one plays fast and loose regarding actual causation.
“Ideal org music festival?” Why would you bother announcing that the door will win the prize? Unless…maybe the door is the prize.
I always rapidly scroll past “Kiddies Corner” because it’s seriously creepy.
As for the rest, sigh, just same old money-grubbing bs.
C’mon, Emily. Your parents love and miss you. Ditch your Svengali and get your life back.
“Special guest appearance by ‘Harrison,’ the iconic Macaw bird from the Fort Harrison!” Are they actually flying a bird all the way from Florida to L.A.?!
It may just be an edited video where the bird appears to squawk with its beak that you should upgrade your status.
In the cult’s bubble, despair seems to be the common thread. But they’re good at pretending everything is fine, despite all the evidence, and that everything is going well—in fact, they’re even “expanding”.
It’s like walking on the edge of a cliff, looking up, and humming a tune.
Maybe someone might wonder why they can’t see it? It’s all tied to the deep psychological manipulation one undergoes, especially when they repeatedly go through the ethics conditions of doubt and liability.
From that point on, you’re literally screwed – to put it mildly.
It tears at my heart when I see children who’ve been collared into scn. Children trust their parents and want to please them. It’s such a cruel and despicable crime to turn parents into predators of their own children.
seriously, the kiddie corner is nightmare fuel. what can we do about this?
Another evil facet of Scientology, exploitation of children.
Casts a dark shadow over your soul to contemplate.
I so agree! Kids inherently WANT to have parents proud and accepting of what we do from a very young age. These children are smiling
so big because they’ve done something grown up like. They would be smiling
just as big if their parents saw them pitch in to wash dishes. I am deeply disturbed seeing this. Parents should be investigated for giving the ok to kids being asked questions that they don’t even know what they’re being asked. Mike, I am so happy that Jack and Shane weren’t given over to the Sea Org much like Jenna was at 7 years old to start the career of a modern day slave. I know ya’ll must feel better having gotten out when ya’ll did. It’s a crime what these children go through. I am a protester in Battle Creek Michigan, Mike, and I know you aren’t fond of what the movement is doing all over the world, but I believe it’s definitely making a difference. People are being stopped before the body routers get a chance to lie about what they are doing and trying to fool people into buying books etc. I make a point of ‘educating ‘ members and those who are targeted. I try very hard not to be judgemental or cruel as I believe most have had their desire to help the world has been highjacked if you will. I am wondering why some of ya’ll are speaking very strongly against what we’re doing? I am 61 and have wished for some way I could do ANYTHING against this cult for over 30 years. If just one person heard what I have to say, and it somehow sticks with them and gives them a seed of doubt, then I would have done something good. Sending love and good karma to everyone of the AF. And to you, Mike, sending love, healing karma and laughter
to your family and yourself! Hugs, too
Hey, Bobby Jo.
Your comment was a bit confusing to me. I don’t understand which protest movement you are saying that Mike and others have been objecting to… I have never known Mike NOT to support any protest exposing COS abuses!
Maybe i’m just late coming into the conversation but could you please clarify?