Come for the free dinner
Regges will be circling…
Need you for what?
The VM’s have arrived already. Brisbane apparently doesn’t have any.
How very “religious”
Labor Day pirate themed kids event and potluck?
Everything and the kitchen sink.
It’s all happening in Fiji
Though no scientology? Or even Dianetics…
This is all they have to talk about?
The “order of magnitude” is a bit of for an “ideal” org.
More “religious” activity
And I guarantee their income is nowhere near the level of Miami org in the mid-70’s.
As predicted
I noted in the funnies last week that I wondered if there was a new push in all orgs to show the “Turning Point” IAS event from 1993 AGAIN because Dave is feeling insecure.
Sure enough — it’s at Flag.
Fish and chips and Apple Crumble were offered as an incentive to come and sit through this again!
They’re doing it in Guadalajara too…
Tom Stinks
Just a funny tabloid story pegged to the fact that scientologists are not supposed to use scented products.
Scientology/NOI/Titan Training Centers
Squirreling personified
More NOI squirreling
“May Allah bless you” and thanks to Sis Nayirrah but no mention of COB or Hubbard???
This is at Flag!
All the tricks of the trade to get sessionable…
Probably the biggest sellers in the Pacifica Cafe.
He’s a Class VI?
A “parent consultant”
Amazing performances
Handing over the cash before they “drop the body”
These people were old when I was in Adelaide as a child…
Unprecedented expansion?
21 in a month — was 100 in 4 months last time we has a number, so they’re in Emergency.
A special Sunday Service?
Why is EVERYTHING “special” and what is special about it?
Actually, I thought Scott Muhammad’s success story was more thoughtfully stated and authentic than most of the thousands I’ve read.
*by the way , re: that Sunday service … I don’t do “special”, only ” epic” …
Jenna Cappozzi, ‘world renown’ (sic) marketing expert… Carly Crutchfield, ‘self-made multi-millionaire’… ‘learn the secrets of international entrepreneurs’… ‘create more income’… Miami’s HIGHEST EVER INCOME. Once you realize it’s all about money, this stuff just leaps off the screen.
Thankfully there’s one thing that doesn’t leap from the screen and that’s the rich, musky fragrance of Mr. Cruise.
And Rigo Gil… soon no one will remember what a Class 6 was as that level fades into memory.
Thanks for this stuff, Mike. I look forward to Thursdays and marvel that you manage to get this stuff for us. Best wishes to you and yours.
They misspelled it on the section of the flyer that introduces her, but spelled it correctly elsewhere on the same flyer. It’s apparently “Capozzi” with one “p”.
At last! Something is going on with CCNashville! I thought that place was dead! Well, it was when I was there on staff from 2009 to 2011. I mean, the location of the org is blocks away from downtown Nashville which is in violation of LRH who said that orgs are to be located in areas with heavy foot traffic. And the building itself sits several feet from the sidewalk with no large windows to display books to lure people in. And let’s not forget the huge wrought iron fence that goes all around the property and sends a message that says keep out!’ Who thought this up?
Back in the ’90s at Flag I was being regged to buy a mission package for Fiji. It was around $50,000 but just included a bunch of boxes of materials. I would have to cover getting there and setting up. No other assistance was available or offered. As much as the allure of the South Pacific was somewhat appealing I declined the offer of setting up a mission there.
Carly Crutchfield is a self made millionaire and yet she is promoting the Ideal Org Program wherein large expensive new buidings are purchased and renovated with Scientologists’ donations and THEN the org gets staffed and THEN the promotion for new public goes out…Carly Crutchfield believes that this is the way organizations expand…Carly Crutchfield, apparently, doesn’t know the difference between a new, larger building, and an organization. I don’t know what her business is and I don’t care but I do know one thing: if she is indeed a self made millionaire, she didn’t become one by first buying or leasing expensive new office space and THEN promoting to increase her clientele.
Carly Crutchfield was hiding in toilets about 10 years ago when being questioned by investigative television reporters about her dodgy real estate seminars. Her credibility is zero.
I hear you. And now she, as a public Scientologist, along with Handbag Becky (another self made multi-millionaire )is shilling for the Ideal Morgue Program Scam. Well, “Birds of a feather” and so on.
When I was in I knew 2 trust baby whale types who actually believed that by donating huge sums to Ideal Morgue and allowing their homes to be used as fundraising venues they were doing something vital and grand and life changing for the planet. Yes, I knew them and they believed this. They were not good students in the Academy; they had a lot of problems with study but they got lots of auditing at both Flag andmy tiniy org along lots of “handlings” for whatever problems they were experiencing in life – except for work problems. They didn’t have work problem because the didn’t work; they didn’t have to. They spent most of their time at the org, one way or another. They weren’t brite or trained, they were just rich, extremely well meaning, and pathetical needy and grateful for all the loving attention lavished on them and their limited talents and abilities by the staffs of both Flag and their little org. Between them they gave several millions to the Morgue Scam. Long story short – these two I can forgive because they truly DID believe that this scam was the answer and what was needed before raw public could begin “flooding” into Scientology in any given area.
That said, the Crutch dame and Handbag Becky, each having built businesses, KNOW that its a scam they are supporting and for them there is going to be no spiritual freedome despite what those “certificates” on their walls and tin trophies on their mantlepieces say. They KNOW that Miscavige’s scam will never in a million years work and yet they support it anyway. The injustice of it all just sickens and disheartens me when I think of it, whi I try not to do, but when I do I have to remind myself that karma eventually wins, whether its good or bad, it does win out, eventually.
Self made millionaires who probably attribute their success to LRH tech.
Oh, well. Three cheers for LRH!
Exactly! Except that “LRH Tech” and policy both plainly, clearly and severely warn org staff against engaging in unusual solutions to making money. Orgs are auditing and training factories, Hubbard says. “Solve it with Scientology”…sell Scientology.Jeez, he literally BEGS orgs not to do anything except “sell Scientology” Obviously Crutch and that well travelled Handbag Becky, shilling for the shekels for Ideal Morgues, do know very well this policy and don’t care that orgs are not delivering auditing and training in any kind of volume. That Ckass V orgs are in fact “frying other fish” is just fine with them because, after all, they are getting THEIR auditing and THEIR training upon demand. That Class V orgs are totally off purpose is ok with them because Flag is delivering to THEM. Yes, I get it, and itgs…well, never mind, eventually, they’ll get what’s coming to them, one way or another. None of us are exempt. They’re knowingly pretending to help and knowingly not helping. Bad Karma. I wouldn’t be them.
Happened at CCNashville all the time.
Reading this over I’m cringing from all the typos and grammatical errors – always a problem when I’m emotional, sorry!
Yes, may Allah bless you and your BT’s. Not the infidels though, we’re sending them to live in a cage with Xenu. Infidels and squirrels, may Allah and Scientology squish you like the bugs you are. Death to the squirrels and infidels.
Shane Brockdorff was a teenager when he was put on the RPF and shipped “over the rainbow” to do “The Running Program” (now “The Cause Resurgence Rundown” – gag me with a spoon). I went to FSO with him to train and he was a broken person even then. But lovely guy. Same with his (I’m presuming they’re still married) wife Anita (ne Bellini) who I sadly helped get back into the kult when she was a teen. She’s on the left of the picture, Shane on the right. Sad to see good peeps who’ve wasted their lives on Hubbardism.
Carly Crutchfield still has a reputation as a shifty person and has been the subject of several media exposes about her dodgy practices. Perfect $cientology role model. Ex-SO.
Just tells me the kult here in Oz is doing the same old same old and still going down the plughole. Pretty much the definition of insanity – it hasn’t worked for nearly 3/4s of a century but they keep doing it and hoping it does.
Hate to see you dismiss the Cause Resurgence RD so easily. There is something to this process. I recently did it for the 6th time over a twelve year period and it never fails to produce a nice win.
I have never done it at Flag and it’s simple enough that it is not necessary to have a high-end building for it. A city park works just fine.
So, let me just get some clarity here;
You have an object somewhere in a city park. Tree. Monument. Whatever.
You get there early in the morning. Someone is there to supervise you.
Gives you THE command “Start running’.
‘Round and round that tree you go. Anything that happens – “Keep running”
Occasional toilet breaks – very quick. Same with meal breaks – quick. Then back to running.
Same the next day.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
Etc. etc. etc..
Until (as one Sup. at FSO said to me one day) “All the BTs are blown off”
Or whatever the “epiphany” you get that’s the acceptable “EP”.
THIS is therapeutic?
I have a Bridge to sell you. If you wanna come out from under that one right now.
I’d explain it, but why bother when you already know it all.
I left the church a long time ago but was intrigued by this RD so I gave it try with a C/S’s help working in the field. All I can say is that it does work and produces a change in case and the predicted EP when you stay with it.
You are probably doing something different to what the original Running Program was – it was a punishment program run on David Mayo to break him. And anyone else who displeased The Maker of Gods Himself.
And everyone that I know of who did as part of an RPF program was an individual who was subservient – there’s no other word to describe it.
If it floats your boat…
Anything of any use in this world can be turned around and used as a weapon. The Cause Resurgence RD is not free from that.
I did it as it was originally intended so was able to make gains on it.
Additionally, this and all other Scientology process can only be done successfully when the PC has interest and wants it, otherwise just forget it! It wont work.
Sounds like a locational.
“Look at that tree. Thank you. Look at that fire hydrant. Thank you. Look at that ugly DeSoto. Thank you. Look at that lady’s fat ass. Thank you….”
But it’s not……just isn’t.
I’ve been ‘squirreling’ this rundown too. My preferred method of obtaining the glorious feeling is to hop on my bike and climb some hills for long periods. It never fails to produce a ‘win’. As a bonus, I’ve never encountered a reg, ethics officer, course sup, auditor, or any other low life cult types on my rides.
Sorry that you are closed to the idea that this piece of tech works, but carry on in any case.
I’d like to know more about them not being able to use scented products; that’s new to me.
Actually, it’s a rule that applies only to the Sea Org. The are a few FOs – Flag orders, equal to policy letters – that talk about it.
No scented deodorants, perfumes in general, and personal hygiene products, as well as cleaning products, must also be all strictly unscented.
Reason: scents restimulate.
TC probably received this advice from his friend DM.
Since Cruise was mentioned, an amusing article by a journalist who knows how to write engaging long pieces:
It’s behind a pay wall, oh well…
Mark, everything in Scientology is behind a pay wall. In other words, you have to pay to climb over the wall.
Jenna Cappozzi: Another “world renown marketing expert” purely within the shrinking bubble of Letu$drainyourbankaccount$ology.
It’s all happening in Fiji
The second photo says it all: The look on the little girls face at the right end of the front sums it all up. She does not like being there. Then again it is $camatology standard procedure to drag little kids (willingly or not) into this creepy crap.
A special Sunday Service?
What’s so special this time is that Big Regge and the Family Reggii will get you as soon as you enter the building rather than pestering you later while you’re trying get some sleep during the servi…zzzz…
That Fiji group photo needs a caption: “OK, everybody, pretend to be happy!”
It is also funny that the two old-timers in Adelaide have a green sports-field as the background. Can’t work out what the yellow objects in the foreground are supposed to mean, suppose they are triangular blocks of cheese?
So, the next step in Golden Age or New Era Dianetics for OTS is the ELIMINATION OF CHEESE BLOCKS!
When I was still there, there were international events every few months (I’m talking about 20 years ago): the birthday, dianetics, fleewinds mad in voyage, IAS, year-end. I might be forgetting some.
Now, the only events are pretty much useless nonsense just to ask for money, without ever delivering results for the money given before.
If there were real news, they would mention them at the events. The fact that these events aren’t like they used to be says it all.
‘These people were old when I was in Adelaide as a child…’
Since you are far from a child now, Mr. Rinder, you may applaud them for simple longevity. I was only in Australia twice, and as far as I knew, they had a tiny org in Sydney, banned in Victoria and W.A. at the time, had no idea they had been big in Adelaide. Never been there.
Now, it seems it is huge, at least for real estate.
The NoI thing is also funny, one has to wonder what CoB now thinks of that strategy. I suppose once they have control of a building, they apply racial exclusion. It is their ideology.
Prediction: Scott Muhammad is in for one helluva shock (and hopefully a wake-up call) as he progresses up the ‘bridge’ and finds out what Hubbard has to say about god, allah, Muhammad, Christ, the Buddha, etc.
Hopefully his FSM, Sis Nayirrah will be around to console him and get him thru his ‘ethics cycles’ as the eyes open. Maybe then, he’ll catch a real clue that Sis Nayirrah is only in it for the money too. Scott will then have the opportunity to do a double blow from the cult of scientology and noi. It’s going to be painful for him. I wish him well.
THE SEARCH FOR WISDOM AND EXTERIORIZATION begins…when one pulls one’s head out of El Con Rhubarb’s Ass and goes ” permanently exterior” to the cult and its norms, teachings, and loaded language.
“Ideal Scene: this planet “completely cleared of scientological fuckery”.
In the name of the imaginary “case”, the useless “can”, and the Hubbard Scam…
Tom is stinking, that’s sooo great!
And no beer at the Pacifica Cafe?
Sh*t shack!
Know what lrh said about stinky people? They are low toned and have overts and witholds. They smell repulsive so you stay away from them.
I think the same
No one like to smell the armpit of one, who has eaten old garlic and old onions, with what ever.
Same for people without knowledge about soap.
Good that Ron has helped with the way to happyness.
Thanks for the answer!