Boston week?
What does that even mean?
Funny what they focus on…
They always show the “fun in the sun” but if you are on services this is very much frowned upon.
Practicing medicine without a license?
Empty ideal org…
Anything to get bodies in the shop
AOLA struggling for business
Why are they going to Chicago where nothing is happening?
The “Turning Point” isn’t enough…
Trying to get anyone to show up by promoting this guy? Don’t tell Dave M that Dave P is a bigger draw than he is…
He’s been doing this for decades
You would think by now there would be some results to show for it..
They got a “clear”
One a year for an ideal org…
Now this is a special announcement!!!
Another monumental, epic event?
It’s epic…
But without David Pomeranz will anyone show up?
This is AOLA (or Flag) territory.
Mystery solved why AOLA is going to Chicago.
Seminar and graduation event?
In a tent?
He is creating an ideal world….
Yessiree, for realz.
Sorry Elena
That’s not an “electrical bus” — the big clue is opening at the back
The Freewinds hits Colombia…
They saved up their pennies and go enough fuel to make the trip.
And look at the crowds!
First San Francisco, now Dallas?
Dallas of all places? That “ideal org” hasn’t shown a sign of life since it was opened way back when…
Jondavid Grant is going to give you the inside info…
The stake is Earth
So hand out some flyers
Free coffee!
Just don’t throw your empty cups on the ground.
It used to be important….
Hubbard called them the most important beings on the planet. Nobody in scientology thinks so these days. The Whales with the biug bowling trophies, the regges and big money FSMs are the elite of scientology now.
In many of the Thursday funnies (if not *all* of them), I noticed *so many* “seminars” about “how to handle such and such”. Technically, every single one, is in some fashion verbal data.
I may not be recalling this correctly, but I think I read somewhere (from LRH, either in a book, or maybe even a PL or B, or whatever it was), that when someone is “trying to fix a thing” in their life, the solution was to “give them an LRH book” that covers the thing they are struggling with (thusly, seminars would be pretty much extinct).
To wit, *if* everyone hosting these seminars are “so good at what they do”, why then are things on earth still so “unsolved”? With the vast power and knowledge, surely there’d be some serious effective beings all over. Frankly, (again) *if* the hosts of these seminars truly had this power, stands to reason, those that attend, would have also gained this power, and we wouldn’t see ‘seminars’ from the same ol’ people. Additionally, *if* these seminars were so thought provoking, mind blowing, physical universe affecting, enlightening (et al), why not share it with the world, instead of just with your internal people? Oh, I know, coz ‘internal people’ would believe it all……
Anyway, just my own 2 cents, albeit a bit ‘ranty’ hehe
There should be a tear in that lion’s eye.
“Auditors Day”?
Give me ein break!
How about “Tin Trophy Day” instead, to celebrate Scientology’s real heros?
Good thing Hubbard was cremated and his ashes scattered to sea.
If he had been buried the body he “dropped” would not be resting quietly.
Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if his ashes were quivering.
“© CS Leichhardt” 🕵🏻♀️😂
Yeah…given there’s a Scientology school not too far from there, I’m not surprised there’s a branch in that suburb.
Did anyone else pick up the misspelling of counsellor in that particular ad?
I was just watching a rerun of Adam-12. In the scene, Reed and Malloy are pulling up to their police station. Across the street was a building with a huge canopy across the front that said SCIENTOLOGY in big blue letters.
I fell over laughing.
Probably a mission that was shut down by David Miscavige soon after he pulled his coup in 1986.
Boston week:
I think they misspelt weak.
Practicing medicine without a license?:
“Ability to think clearly” until we get our claws into your brain.
Lance Miller, World Champion Public Speaker. Almost 20 years ago, so he’s a nothing.
It’s epic…
Yes, come and see the replay of the replay of the replay of the replay…add another 80+ “replays” here yourself if you’re not worried about losing your sanity.
The rest is the usual tiresome, dreary curly dog poo in a cone. It might look tasty but the smell…
“The turning point”
Stuck in a win perhaps? Ya think? Maybe?
Well If that’s all you got, that’s all you got.
But to keep having events about it?
But Overrun, remember:
“I’m STILL big! Its the ORGS that got smaller!”
–David Miscavige channeling Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard”.
JD Grant has a son who he doesn’t talk to anymore because his son’s a DB/SP. Guy was raised by his gran because JD and his wife were in the SO on garrison at Sydney org. and “didn’t have time.”
Kid got into all sorts of trouble over the years and ended up doing jail time for crimes. Ended up at NarCONon when I was C/Sing there but couldn’t control his behaviour and was sent back to prison.
Kid was working as a folder page for the Snr C/S week nights after school and loved it because the Senior C/S actually spoke to HIM and helped him. Wasn’t even a teenager at the time iirc.
Last I heard of his son was from another ex a few years back and the guy was trying to make a go of it but getting no help from his family at all.
And yet here JD is purporting to be able to handle “life direction and improvement, relationships…”?
Makes me sick – the blatant hypocrisy of “most ethical group on the planet.”