Information gotten nowhere else…
Flag miracles in Mary Jo’s backyard
Walking on water across the swimming pool? Turning one hot dog bun into a feast for all attendees?
They finally got one…
Well on the way to Clearing their zone now. One Clear a year will get them there in… never.
They got one too!
A cause for great celebration.
How many of these staff are SO members?
They’re not close to St Hill size.
Highest what?
At least they’re not all old people. But sad they are young people wasting their lives…
Kiddie Corner
They’re coming to Columbus
I will be epic for sure.
But what about food?
They got two!
Two a year will have their zone cleared…. also never.
But they do have “yummy nibbles”
They can afford to pay…
Very unusual in the world of scientology. But when you charge like they do for the booklets that cost them pennies to print…
Their contribution to the community
Once a year and they will milk it endlessly.
Still after the teens…
Concert? Who’s playing?
Talk about a mystery sandwich. More like mystery meat sandwich.
Trying it in Hawaii too…
This is every staff and public they could round up in the state.
Nominated for an award…
Just one problem. They haven’t DONE anything in Caulfield.
Nothing odd about this.
“A finely tuned beam of precise postulates”
Then everything should be perfect in your world Ray P. Is it?
Front Groups targeting kids
Sadly, they don’t know any better…
I just thought of another business idea, for Scientology.
A wallpaper (wall sized) “Clear Certificate” that takes up the ENTIRE wall of a person’s room.
CUSTOM CLEAR CERTIFICATE made to fill your WHOLE WALL of a wall of your choice.
“Send us the specs, we’ll come install a whole wall Certificate for YOU!”
Think Big, like LRH ordered in the “Think Big” policy!
And HYPE yourself! Like LRH told Greg Wilhere, when LRH was correcting Greg on Greg’s strategy for Battlefield Earth’s marketing program which Greg sent to LRH for LRH’s approval.
LRH is big on HYPE, to the bitter end of his life.
NOT ENOUGH HYPE is what LRH told Greg.
So, “think big”, think HYPE, and call us, we’ll turn your wall of choice. in your home, into a BIG “Clear Certificate!”
– Custom Scientology Certificates R US
“My power of OT has been increased to a finely tuned beam of precise postulates toward exact goals and purposes”.
Say what?
Here’s someone who after his auditing is feeling euphoric and is under some pressure to spew out some fine-sounding cult gibberish.
I do get the concept of what he’s trying to communicate but his misuse or words in this sentence amounts to a comical and at the same time pathetic and totally non OT word salad.
He doesn’t know what a “beam” is. A beam is an energy flow. (Not a physical energy flow; that comes AFTER the beam.) You can push something away from you from wherever you are(Tractor Beam) or push it towards you wherever you are (Presser Beam). We all do both of these with people and objects. Before you do either, you decide. The decision, or the thought, is is the postulate.
But someone who is pushing POSTULATES away, or trying to bring POSTULATES in, is NOT in good mental shape – at all! Pushing thoughts away that you don’t want, and trying to pull in thoughts that you do want, is not a healthy operating state.
Postulates come BEFORE any beam (energy flow) to have it or not have it is generated. Thought, emotion, effort. If you’re spending a great deak of time trying to think certain thoughts, or trying NOT to think certain thoughts, you might just be in a mental home.
Poor guy. But then, he feels good, and he’s got to say something in Scientologese that sounds grand and powerful.
I would like to hear his win without the hipper verbalizes. Plain talk for us humans.
To: Aquamarine.
From: Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
Re: postulates.
Our Most Beloved and All Knowing COB has read your recent post on beams and postulates and asks that we send you this comm particle on the errors in your post and the correct data.
A beam is a concentrated thought which can attract or repel concepts which is what a postulate is. Our Most Beloved Founder L. Ron Hubbard discovered this in 1965 when he aimed a mental beam at a nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet in an attempt to postulate a fifteen piece bucket of original recipe floating through his office window. What he pulled in was not a bucket of the Colonel’s eleven herbs and spices but rather the bucket shaped sign that was rotating on top of the building. Only by using a push beam postulate flow was our Founder able to jettison the sign into a nearby parking lot. This was the grand breakthrough that our Founder revealed. For more information purchase the Finger Licking Good Postulates Lectures Series for a donation of $795.00 available from Bridge Publications.
Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
To: Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
From: Alcoboy.
Re: overpriced Scientology lecture binders.
Isn’t that the series where LRH tells about positive postulating a bottle of sunscreen and instead this humongous billboard comes crashing into Flag Land Base? I think he said that the billboard had a picture of a little blond haired girl in pigtails and a little black dog. Something about the dog trying to pull the little girl’s bathing suit off.
No love at all,
Alco, its almost a miracle, the cognition of magnitude that your above post, along with the one above it has generated in my beingness.
I want to share it with you and everyone here.
It may not sound like much but believe me it is HUGE!!!!
Quite simply, my ENTIRE life has been spent using FAR TOO MUCH suntan oil, while, at the same time, not eating NEARLY ENOUGH fried chicken!
EVERY SINGLE Bridge problem of mine can be traced to these 2 underlying postulates.
Slathering myself with sunscreen might prevent sunburn but per LRH it makes me far too slippery not only physically but mentally and emotionally. Not a good operating state in which to go up the Bridge. In fact, impossible.
Not eating a lot of fried chicken might help with keeping weight under control but in so doing I’m violating LRH’s Finger Licking Good Postulates. And per LRH there is NO way that anyone can achieve spiritual freedom while violating the FLG Postulates.
Thank you, Alco. I’m on the right track now. No more Coppertone, no more SFP 45. So what if I burn to a crisp in the sun? I’ll be mentally and emotionally honest. And LOTS more fried chicken. I’m going to try to incorporate some into EVERY meal.
The Time Is NOW!
Dear Office of the Chariman Etc.,
This is Aqua literally choking on my sandwich in an unexpected paroxysm of enlightenment
Thanks ever so for the information!
Consider me enlightened, but not too enlightened, just enlightened enough so as to be intensely curious and reaching for more data on this!
Accordingly my check for $795 to purchase the Finger Licking Good Postulates Lectures is on its way to Bridge Publications.
Again, my profound and humble thanks.
My OT perceptions are now razor sharp.
This I feel is no doubt due to an absolute certainty that the Real Why for what been my stalled Bridge progress has been spotted!
No doubt my revised auditing will include plenty of time spent at my local KFC franchinse, absorbing its material, both fired and roasted, while reading the FLG Postulates!
Return to Native State this current lifetime is now my firm and unswerving postulate!
Much love,
Aquamarine (No Longer On The Fringes)
He was possessed by the purple gibberish prose ghost of Dan Shermanspeak.
I often wonder if people when they finally blurt out the ‘Clear Cognition’ most likely in frustration, get a sense of despondency upon realizing nothing has changed. No superpowers, you still get sick, and you marvel that the ‘Clear Cognition’ was something so stupid. Anyone out there that’s not reached ‘Clear’ yet if you’re a UTR then you may or may not want to skip this part…
The Clear Cognition is “I must have mocked it all up”. Meaning you must have made up the whole reactive mind…something you never knew you supposedly had until Scientology told you that you had it…and now you find you didn’t have it you just made it up. Like Hubbard.
I was already aware of what the clear cognition is. But what I don’t understand is how the true believer reconciles that so Hubbard knew there was no reactive mind when he wrote dianetics?
I still reckon that a “clear cognition” is an odour free fart.
WOW! Mary Jo Hyland is still around. Amazing the FSM bitch is still shilling for the cult. Well and for herself as well. She sucked me dry decades ago and it is sad to see she is still shamelessly bleeding members dry. Course, you join a cult and drink the koolaid the vampires will feed on you for sure. SO, SO, SO glad I wised up and left. Haven’t lost a drop of blood since. Hip Hip Hurrah.
Chicago Ideal Org’s first clear didn’t thank COB. Somebody get that girl a sec check.
My power of OT has been increased to a finally tuned beam of precise postulates toward exact goals and purposes.
Is that just a fancy way of saying he can now set a goal? Or does that mean he can make anything he wants happen just by thinking about it?
4) ETHICS first, then Tech.
5) Birds of a feather flock together, so get your FAMILY and friends on board as well!