The Chan Man is back
He is playing football for freedom now? I suspect he is not very good…
But there is a free dinner. So maybe some hungry people will come.
I get invitations like this all the time — free dinner and we get to pitch you on our MLM scheme, Time Share, investment planning options or funeral service…
No confidence all those OT VII and Superpowered people aren’t going to be able to keep the place safe even though the predictions are that it will NOT hit Tampa Bay?
And why move it to the Mission and charge an entrance fee and not offer food? That’s a recipe for disaster.
Elevating the world…
They can’t even keep L. Ron Hubbard Way free from entheta.
But they are offering dinner….
The overwhelming demand for LRH tech…
No human beings in New York?
Hubbard couldn’t find any.
And they think this is a pronouncement that makes him look good?
Free dinner
And then Craig Brockie will splain how to be successful which will include giving him your money.
They do graduations different…
See how that food, no matter what it is, sucks them in.
What has he accomplished as a Freedom medal winner?
Why would anyone care what he has to say?
Another scam…
Scientologists are always desperate for money to pay for the Bridge. These sorts of get rich quick schemes take hold in the scientology world very easily.
Kiddie Corner
They got one!
The first this year?
Best ever!
If he is so good why is Orange County “ideal org” dead as a door nail?
Why does St Hill need Spanish speakers?
That is AOSHEU’s territory?
Join the Sea Org in Taiwan?
There is no Sea Org base in Taiwan.
Is a Caucasian model going to accomplish anything?
Cat rescue afternoon tea…
Scientology addressing society’s most pressing problems. It was probably the only group they could get to agree to hold an event in the empty storefront. Full of Cattitude might well be a crazy cat lady…
It’s the NEW org board…
Hubbard released it in 1965, now it’s new.
Spreading lies
Odd Couple
Just all around weird…
Weird speakers who don’t fit the theme. Health coach? Weird amateur design of the poster. Butterflies?
And no food. Sure to be a bust.
Hmmm…LRH saw no humans in New York City back in the day! Interesting! Exactly where in New York City was he? In New York Org by any chance? From what I hear, he’d have trouble finding any there today. From what I hear, they don’t even have enough staff to cover Reception. Curious, no? They’re a block away from Time Square ” The Crossroads of the World”. No lack of foot traffic there. But never mind, “50% of everyone who walks in here are illegal PCs” (as explained to me by a NY Org staff member).
Yo, New York Ideal Org,
That IS your excuse for not producing Clears and training auditors, isn’t it?
Everyone’s an illegal PC?
Which means that if 1/2 million people traverse Times Square on a daily basis, only 250 thousand people walking a few hundred yards away from your building are able to be audited.
Great excuse…right…got it.
Much love,
“Women supporting women”. Last time I remember there was also wine involved. This time they don’t mention it. Something must have gone wrong.
Talking about sorrows, problems and depression while sipping wine is never the best thing to do.
Maybe Miscabbage got a cat?and doesn’t want to spend scotch money on cat food? 1
Just a note on the SO promo for Taiwan:
Back when I was still “in”, it was a big button for Taiwanese women to snare a Caucasian (in our case, usually Australian) man so that they could get out of Taiwan and raise a family in a safe country that wasn’t as misogynist as Taiwan apparently is.
Amazingly (to me) Oz men treated women soooo much better than Taiwanese men that the girls were actively hunting husbands in the org – was actually amusing to watch then. Now I’d be more tempted just to quietly weep at the senselessness of using the kult to “escape” a bad situation. Bit like former Eastern Bloc peeps going to FSO to “escape”.
I’ve corrected the Craig Smockie “Ignite Your Potential” asset-hoovering “briefing” promo:
Smeg Hockey
Obliterate The Sensible
A Flag-only queefing by a…Solo SNOTS fellator, class bore matador, Smells Rundown, Supple Pubes, Clown Emergence Rundown, and Cuckold Schmuck with Rumors for the IAS(Incoherent Asshats Screaming).
Learn how to theta flame out and become a homeless crackhead on Arslykus!
@The Fort Harridans Abattoir
5:45 pm Complimentary Sacrifices Made
6:15 pm Queefing Begins
One of the few things Scn does well is make arrogant, overstated, delusional pronouncements. The thought of Scios eating that stuff up seems kind of icky.
The second Kiddie Corner picture with the group of kids looks like CCNashville but I’m not sure. Also the ‘new’ org board might be a Miscavige creation(you know, like the Basics books) but that might make it off-source which when I was a staff member was a big no no.
I’m somewhat familiar with Full of Cattitude, and they are an actual and — unlike Scientology — deserving 501(c)3 non-profit. I don’t like seeing them partner with Scientology but I also know that running an animal rescue is demanding and costly, so I can’t blame them for trying to find any legal way to get the money and supplies they need.
I suggest any crazy cat people (and I don’t mean that label as an insult) in Tampa Bay bypass the Scientology front group and check out Full of Cattitude directly here:
What a shame Chan Man rescheduled to not clash with the cats / hurricane in The Fort Harrison this Saturday.
I’d love to hear from Edwin Dearborn on who not to disseminate to.