The “Force for Freedom”
Freedom from what? Certainly not crush regging. Or indentured servitude. Or mindless obedience. Or, or, or…
Everyone is going to push this HARD
The Halloween IAS event
Perfect — all the bloodsuckers can gather
Biggest expansion news since 2016?
Who is this guy?
They changed the time with a magic marker!
The fastest expanding org on earth?
They were once declared SH Size and they’re not even close to it now…
Aesthetics will do it…
They’re on it too…
No dinner being offered…
Probably wont have anyone show up
It’s the place to be…
Unless there is anything else going on in your life. That one time only staged shot doesn’t represent anything on a normal Friday
Kiddie Corner
Always so sad
It’s “magic”?
Maybe they could pass on their secret to all the other orgs?
He got two selectees!
Wow. And in just a few weeks…
Last week Israel
This week the Love Boat
Major 4th Dynamic inroads…
Even though nobody else in the world ever see anything
This is an Ideal Org…
One grade completion and 2 intro courses
Now this one is TRULY EPIC
Always with the hype
In scientology “good news” always involves first giving money to the cult.
“Four Decades as a Force of Freedom”
Should read, Four Decades as a Force of Fleecedom.
“The Halloween IAS event”
Join Us for a Fun Regged Filled Evening of Friends and Regges, Regged Food, and Good News of Incredible Regge Achievements We are Accomplishing Regge Here in the Regge United States!
“The fastest expanding org on earth?”
I gather FEBC stands for Funds Extorted By Coercion.
Freedom from what?
Er, any liquid cash you may have.
Any level of credit-card debt (as an OT, you’ll be on course to fix it).
Any fixed assets.
Re Flag Special Technical Training – the 3 people pictured all look like teens to me. Assume they signed up for sea organd have given up their rights to marry whomever they want and have children and see their families when they want. They fail to mention these things.
To the COS:
The stat waving and bragging has always been so phoney.
Just shut up and help somebody else.
It doesn’t matter how. The more energy someone spends bragging is the less energy they spend doing. God knows there is no shortage of people in need in this world. Sometimes auditing people CAN help people. DO it. Or DO something else like T I R or psychology or just being friendly or SOMETHING. Give out food to people who are hungry. Notice something that you sincerely like about someone or a group of people and tell them about it. You do have some tools. Just use them and DO something. People would notice that.
Nobody really cares about what you say about yourself except you.
To: Karl Woodrow
From: Office of COB RTC.
Re: Recent comm particle.
Our Beloved COB has received your comm and is convinced that you lack correct data on The Aims Of Scientology. Our Beloved Founder L. Ron Hubbard stated in many of his PLs, bulletins and congresses that Scientology’s primary purpose is to make the able more able. To carry out the activities you are advocating such as helping the homeless and poor would be serious out-exchange and would possibly install ser facs in beings who are complete effect and are not at cause over MEST and the eight dynamics. Such beings cannot be helped by Scientology as they are not able in their current status and therefore cannot be made more able. Our Beloved COB advises you to abandon such fallacies and devote yourself to making the Able more able. COB also advises you to not is any comm particles from two entities known as Alcoboy and Aquamarine. These two entities are Suppressive Persons who will try to convince you that the words of Our Beloved COB are nonsense and are not to be trusted.
Midshipman Cletus Hogjowl speaking for Captain David Miscavige COB RTC.
Well Midshipman Cletus Hogjowl, I just want to clarify that Karl DID say “Sometimes auditing people CAN help people.” I myself can attest to this. I’ve had some fantastic coffee shop auditing in the past and all it cost me was a meal at Denny’s. I should get my purposes rehabbed and give it another go since I am now eligible for the senior discount Denny’s so generously offers and that auditing would be even cheaper!. As for Alcoboy and Aquamarine, they should get their asses into Denny’s for some good ‘ol coffee shop ethics handling. It’s the best and you don’t have to do silly shit like write up Oh Dubs that you have made up.
Wait. I need to go to a coffee shop for ethics handling?
Me and Aquamarine?
What did we do? Oh, that’s right, we’re SPs!
Karl I totally agree. The fact that this is not even a little bit present somewhere in their DNA shows how far they are from any rational and objective reality.
“Finding your dreamed partner”.
So you can find it? There will be a secret selection method then.
And I thought it was all an illusion created by the mind and that the dreamed partner does not exist but that everything starts from you and how you create the relationship every day as if was a new day.
Hurricane Milton is gone, with the superpower of Scientology.
That is the evidance of there oT might.
Thanks to Ron!
It’s always good to know we are on the verge of something incredible! The scientology world is on the cusp of a major milestone and the brink of a big breakthrough! The floodgates will open soon! A new era sits just around the corner and waits in the wings! Just attend this briefing and deposit your donation here…
What’s the word for vaporware if it’s a religion?
To: Bognition
From: Office of COB RTC
Re: Recent comm particle.
Our Beloved COB is pleased that you are aware of the many breakthroughs happening in Scientology and that you are willing to financially support this Golden Age of Scientology. Your donation of $175,000.00 will not only secure your eternity but also confer upon you the prestigious status of Patron Super Sanctimonious in the IAS.
This status entitles you to wear the pin of this status which is the Patron Super Sanctimonious emblem studded in rhinestones symbolic of the blood you pledge to shed via your cash donations to the IAS which will help further the aims of Scientology.
We await your donation.
Lieutenant Commander Miecyslav Bonarunski
speaking for David Miscavige COB RTC.
Yeah! Nothing from Columbus! I scroll through every Thursday praying to whatever powers may be that there’s nothing from Columbus.
Same goes for Nashville.
Now that PB can read a graph and determine when incorrect scales are used, he’ll get lots of ongoing practice trying to figure out those amazingly misleading graphs Scientology puts out.
That Brisbane event was scheduled for five. Since they have an empty courseroom it’s no big deal. But since the standard thing to do would be to start at six, so be it!