Of course, this week is dominated by invitations, orders and pleas for everyone to join in the fun by watching Dear Leader belittle the OT Ambassadors at Maiden Voyage.
But in the midst of the frenzy to scrape up the bedraggled few for the MV extravaganza, there were a few other things.
Well, they like to think they are. Wonder what Marvel thinks of this?
We are sooo close to the turning point on this planet
We just need a bit more all of your cash.
Wonder what planet he is on?
Hello Yo Babies!!
This is written in Minnesotan?
Dignified is the word that springs to mind…
Pay $10 to hear Mr. Rohn Walker
He is supposed to be running all those missions of his, including the ones in Thailand.
Wonder what happened to them?
But for $10 he will tell you how to make your postulates stick.
Sneak Peek
Why bother?
Oh, they are giving dinner…. Maybe some homeless people could take advantage of this. If someone just puts out the word, they could help a bunch of the less fortunate out.
Gavin Potter AND Grant Cardone
Who could ask for anything more?
But somehow, yet again, International Keynote Speaker and Sea Org Officer from the Freewinds is playing 2nd fiddler.
Well, not really. The OT Ambassador program this year is to collect money for ideal orgs.
Actually, it is not new at all. In the slightest.
Auditor’s Night?
They are also serving dinner… It’s a real trend. There are plenty of homeless in that area.
I am sure they would appreciate a meal and hearing Hana-li (wonder what she has to do with auditors?)
What is in store for you
I have no words.
If this is power, wonder what Emergency looks like.
More dinner
This is really catching on. The homeless can dance their cares away too…
Just scary
Holy shit, this is REALLY scary
Norman Bates, they are trying to reach you…
Cringe Corner
It is refreshing to see that the Mission of the Foothills is having fun. Stats must be up 30 plus years after the mission holders purge. Way to go!
Excuse me does th COS have copywrite permission to use DC Marvel characters in their promo?
Please report them as they soon enough complain if their (TM) logos are used. Funny that!
Who are you suggesting report them?
I thought you would jump at the chance after all they have done to you?
Superheroes – I also wonder how Disney/Marvel and DC Comics feels about CWUS claiming copyright without acknowledgement of trademarked and registered comic book characters. Maybe someone should let Disney and DC Comics know. Disney would come down on them (hopefully) like a ton of bricks.
Hana-li? If she’s an “international performer and singer” why is it that the first time I ever hear of her is on a $camology flyer.
From “Just Scary – Really?” Once again I’m at a loss for words for the four items…no, wait…they give me the creeps.
Espiando, where they are concerned, NO one has any rights…except them.
Not only are they ripping off Disney and Time Warner art-work without acknowledgement, if you look at the bottom of that poster they’ve actually copyrighted it as SCWUS 2015. So paranoid in asserting their own copyright, so oblivious to the rights of others.
Hi Graham, Good to meet you.Cos has always been intensely paranoid about their own copy right to the point of foaming at the mouth.In 1976 I hope the date is right Star Wars was coming out.Off of Hollywood Blvd there was a tiny side street that I trudged along to the crazy & there were crazies there literally laundromat on my day off to do laundry.I liked all my stuff very clean & with six in a room meant for two that was a feat.But I had Tone 40 Laundry Intention.Here & there along the Blvd & side streets there were tiny little hand done light blue signs with white lettering that said Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away… And that was the start of the marketing campaign for the film.Seems so quaint today.Anyway SO was briefed that when the film came out Asho D & F had rented out Graumins Theater for a showing just for us.Before that came to pass we were told there was a huge flap because Lucas & co wanted to use the SO symbol on the fighter jets & the pilot’s helmets.As you can imagine all hell broke lose with threats of lawsuits etc from GO & friends if such a incident was even dreamed of & if the symbol some how found it’s way into the film they would owe hundreds of millions of dollars to the cos.The producers backed down & when I watch the first movie today I always think of this when I see the hastily devised symbol the movie used.But this paranoia goes way way back in Ron’s past.It was always around him all the time.Creepy.Spelled the theater wrong I’m sure, I knew it as the Chinese Theater.Take Care Ann B.
I missed the local event…
So, my participation has been to notify Time Warner of the infringement.
good for you Vicki
Don’t forget Disney, Vicki. Their lawyers (rumor has it they have 101 of them, seriously) are even more rabid than Time-Warner.
In the past 30 years, Sterling Management (and other WISE consulting groups) produced a 1,000’s of wealthy dentists and other professionals like Scott Scharf (he is a dentist pictured above with his family donating to the IAS). But today Sterling Management website says they only have 11 consultants. A shadow of their former self that brought in 1,000’s of professionals that pumped $ zillions into DM’s pocket. This was maybe the single biggest financial change in Scientology: instead of 1970’s hippies off the street, there were 1,000’s of 1980’s & 90’s wealthy professionals sucked into the cult.
In 2015 “I am a Scientologist and I am here to help you with your business” is not working anymore. David let him die Miscavige can take credit for that one too: the near total destruction of LRH admin tech consulting companies like Sterling Management that fed countless professionals into Scientology and ultimately into the IAS jaws of financial ruin and death…
Dentists, chiropractors, etc.. are no longer flowing into Scientology and pumping DM’s cherch with IAS double bacon cheeseburger donators! Instead, there are a whole bunch of professional lawyers and PI’s that are pumping money OUT of DM’s cherch of Scientology to keep him out of jail. Ha..
Tick tock
Hi Mike,This week’s Thurs Funnies there are no words! You have given us such a wealth of information & all that I saw & read astounded me.First off Hana-Li who & why would one want to hear her sing? But the absolute most frightening piece besides the gentleman & his furry doggie looks like all the training & auditing did him in,the most terrifying piece is the SO Matron extorting one to join staff! All she needs is a bullwhip in one hand & a taser in the other!It really made me cringe for the young kids recruited & still in today.Also the way the cos fiercely guards their copyrights like the SO symbol,they have no problem at all ripping off everyone else’s.With all the dinners & lunches served do not see many breakfasts,the cos could donate leftovers to the homeless & less fortunate,but that would be unselfish & that is against cos policy because that would be giving food to wogs.And that MV omg it gives me nightmares.Always Ann B.
Yep, you shouldn’t give anything to “downstats,” and you should take everything from “upstats.”
Hey, it worked for Robin Hood, after all 🙂
I was thinking, Ann B, that should one get attacked by the czerch for copyright infringement might simply collect a bunch of these scio ripoffs and display them for the court. One mush have “clean hands” in order to sue others,
Hi thegman77, Thank you for your post.I always enjoy reading yours.I am about as clueless in courts as I can be about computers I guess that is why I got called to not only state but federal jury duty the last couple of years here.Fortunately the state trial ended with a guilty plea & the fed one never started.Good thing too because I would have flash backs to my time with the Justice Enforcer in the SO & when I get into that situation the poor Judge & my fellow jurors would be pretty confused.Sueing anyone is a tricky business,& when the other side is cos,then all sorts of underhanded situations may crop up.The hands of this cult are never washed no amount of hot water & soap can remove their unyielding thirst for total control power revenge & money.Always Ann.
Maybe the yo babies like yogurt? http://www.stonyfield.com/products/baby-kids/yobaby/blueberry-apple
And singer Hana Li — sounds like Honali from Puff the Magic Dragon.
Her song at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVaX_rVLyhs is just a little too much like Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror.
And Youth for Human Rights is another of those Scientology front groups (of course — could it be otherwise! — no wog would get invited to perform at these events unless it were a really big whale they were trying to catch).
Hana is a good girl, and her parents are two of the most decent people I have ever met. Her father is fighting for his life right now. I seriously doubt, in fact I could bet my life on it, that anyone in that family has done you a dis service to warrant this slander and fair gaming towards that little girl.
Oracle, I don’t think this was slander… just opinion
In any case just I saw her video. Fabulous.. She has real talent..
Hi The Oracle, Well if Hana has talent & her dad is fighting for his life I feel for her.But I’m getting older every year & can’t keep up with all the young talent let alone remember their names & their music.Plus Thurs Funnies puts me over the rainbow & covers me with billions of crazy promo pieces & I’m stuck on The $ Winds watching David Miscavige hand pick the lovely OT Ambassadors…Always Ann B.
Maggie Camburn daring you to join staff looks like Nurse Ratched waiting for you at the funny farm.
That’s the vibe I got too…
Which is why I made the “Nurse Wretched” reference above.
That’s it! She’s a ringer for Ratched.
I think it would be a good idea for ASHO to actually deliver auditor training before deciding to have an auditor’s night.
You think? What a unique concept, Potpie!
Maggie Camburn has now finished power plus….well done Maggie….I’m glad you are now in a position to handle power…..I think. Or maybe you liked that Goth incident you were stuck in and decided to stay.
“Think you’re the best? THE PROVE IT! JOIN STAFF!
Ummmm, not sure that’s the way it works. Let’s settle in to true reality: “Think you’re the best? THEN PROVE IT! LEAVE STAFF!
With apologies to Paul Rudd…..
David Miscavige as Ant Man!
+1!!! Although that would be a HUGE insult to all Ant Men everywhere!
Then let’s use Roach Man.
Not THAT fits the bill, gato rojo!
Some of the posters remind me of the KSW 1 lines, like: teethe wheete, namby-pamby, Mrs Paty Cake. The degrade is evident in their costumes.
Of course, if they are doing everything else, except helping others as proclaimed, the lively joke manifest itself in the degrade of their members. It sucks to be the leader of such a group.
I recall a time when the UK were promoting all their ideal orgs, funny how the rest of the country has gone silent and they are now concentrating on Birmingham – and have been for years – it is still no where near being done.
Funny how they redefine hero – someone who bankrupts themselves and their family to support a pack of lies, brainwashed idiot comes to mind as a more fitting description – yes that was me once too!
That was all of us, once upon a time, Gimpy. However, that’s yesterdays news. Let’s keep celebrating the fact that we’ve broken free from the Cult of Hate. And we don’t have to work 14 hour days. We can take vacations. We can be friends with whoever we want! We can own homes. We can send our kids to a REAL college! I will say that’s one of the best things about leaving the cult, freedom! Pure unadulterated FREEDOM! That’s how I felt when I left staff in Hawai’i. I felt reborn!
Mike fyi. San Diego org has moved to a temporary space on Kurts street which is in the Sports Arena area an has a few strip bars and adult book stores in the vicinity. The last few times I drove by the 4th street org there were always plenty of parking open during the afternoon and night course times. Back when I was “in” the lot was full and double parking was the norm, but considering that the parking is going to now be the FART area I guess it’s all good. Dip shit dear leader “let him die” David Miscavige still has a few Wales in SD so all is good.
At first I thought Maggie Camburn was levitating a ruler over her head but then I realized she was posed in front of some trim. Creepy!
Imagine Gavin Potter and Grant Cardone in the same room. A small 12 x 12 with 1 couch love seat.
How would they behave?
Are they friends?
What would they talk about?
Both have such huge ego issues.
Can someone remind of of what Grant Cardone is famous for? He reminds me of the Kardashian family – famous for being famous for doing nothing in particular other than looking down upon those with less.
I saw Cardone give a seminar and he is a country hick underneath all that hype. I was not impressed with him. His OL is the head IAS reg, what’s-her-name. He used examples of her and how she sucks money out of people in his book. He’s money hungry and aggressive and that is his only claim to fame. He wants power and adulation, not unlike David MIscavige.
Cardone writes books about making money, books that I have seen displayed nowhere except for the window of the bookstore at Chicago Midway Airport. As far as I’m concerned, he’s in some kind of nebulous quantum state between proven and conjectured existence.
“…the bookstore at Chicago Midway Airport”. Cracking up here, thank you.
How much money did Mr. “Platinum Meritorious from Twin Cities” have to give for that status? And then to get all five of his kids to Patron status…definitely much better than college funds, down payments on homes, or some other selfish use of your money to help your kids!!
Apparently $2.5m for himself and $250k for all the kids. Insane! I had no idea dentists from Minnesota were doing so well. Clearly I got into the wrong field. Granted the patron status is cumulative so those totals could be over 30 years.
New Civilization Builder, MAGGIE CAMBURN, welcomes you to the new civilization. You will stand at attention with a cheerful smile, you will not speak to her unless she asks you a question. When she pulls out her cane you will disrobe and present your backside. When she has finished welcoming you, you will sign the pre-written success story then join the others in the holding tank where you will await your assignment.
Now repeat after me: FREEDOM! HAPPINESS! LIFE!
Hi Roger,You know I love this post!Always Ann B.
I looked in vain for evidence of a religion then realized that:
No. Religion. On. The. Planet. Puts out thousands of semi-slick fundraising flyers per week.
I’m not sure what it’s going to take to convince the IRS to pull the plug on their fake religious status but just the sheer volume of fundraising is so massive that David Let Him Die Miscavige has got to be swilling scotch and just chortling at the fact that the IRS is,doing nothing to stop the fact that he is flaunting his non-religious activities in their faces.
It is likely that DM and his lawyers will hear from the IRS long before we hear anything.
And any entanglement DM has with the IRS will not pull in his horns. He will just press harder for more and more money while the “getten’s good” among old, “still in”, koolaid drinkers because there is no “massive growth” of new people and there are no new whales thanks to the internet…
My guess is that DM’s IRS legal team has increased their billing exponentially shortly after the Going Clear film was released. We just don’t know about it…
I agree, Robert Almblad. He’s just going to keep milking whatever he can, however and from whomever he can, for as long as he can, until one day he can’t do it anymore. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if its these same highly paid attorneys advising Miscavige to operate this way as his end game; advising him that its really “game over” for him and for Scientology,so he might as well, when the time comes, move off the lines with “unlimited funds” (ala the Simon Bolivar PL).
Wow, ole Maggie Cornbun just brings out the warm and fuzzies doesn’t she. Frickin scary!!
Agreed. Right out of a Hitchcock film. Mrs. Danvers, move over!
Hawaii as Super Tsunami??? They got all of the other characters correct but just couldn’t remember poor old Aquaman. Hell they even got the lesser known Texas Twister & Mr Marvel.
Is Aquaman suppressive??
Last I heard, Aquaman was sent to the RPF…
Goddammit! And he even has mental powers! Maybe he’s on Shitwinds RPF and will be able to summon whales (the real cetaceans) and dolphins to rescue him by battering the boat until it sinks! Then we’d be free of the ship, once and for all.
That’s a damn good idea, James! Hopefully the evil, sociopath dwarf will be on board too!
Okay, it’s pretty well known that I believe Word Clearing is for retards. If I weren’t already an Illegal PC, my refusal to Word Clear and do the Putrif would stop me going up the Bridge from Step One (that’s pretty much the answer that you were looking for, Marildi and Rhinoplast). However, there is a case here where it’s quite necessary to perform Word Clearing of whatever type the Exes here deem appropriate. The word to clear is “fun”. I have a feeling that no definition, from “activity that provides a sense of enjoyment” to “three-man musical group led by Nate Ruess best known for their songs ‘We Are Young’ and ‘Some Nights'”, covers those photos. Whatever “fun” they’re having, count me out.
Hey, Yo Babies, Marvel is owned by Disney, and DC is owned by Time-Warner. These are companies you don’t wish to fuck with. They are very, very protective of their intellectual property. Find some other comparison for your “warriors”. I suggest something omnipresent, well-understood, and in the public domain, like, say, rocks.
“The beginning of a new Dawn”…does Tony Orlando know about this?
Gavin Potter and Grant Cardone in the same room…be still my beating heart. I regard this as a scientific experiment: can the universe survive being sucked into the Black Hole Of Douche that will be created? Or is this Sunday the real End Of Days?
And Maggie Camburn, aka Nurse Wretched. Caitlyn Jenner is a more convincing woman. Poor Ida. This is what she protested for?
Um, Caitlyn Jenner IS a woman. She was just born into the wrong body. If you want to discuss trans* issues and transsexuals’ physiology vs mental makeup, need for simple respect (your “more convincing woman” doesn’t respect her, as it implies she is not a woman but is pretending to be one), even brain responses, talk to me and I’ll pass your posts on to my ex-husband, who is a transsexual woman named Christine.
LRH talked about in a lecture how a thetan (Scientologists believe in a version of reincarnation) can prefer to be one gender, and become confused when they are born into a new body that is the wrong one.
Bruce Jenners body is male though. I think that’s how most people determine gender. He has a penis and is a man. If the doctors cut it off and give him fake breasts, to me he will be a man who cut off his penis and got fake breasts because he wanted to be a woman. I totally get and can accept that he feels he is female. Its a tough situation to be in. If science and medicine were so advanced that they could actually switch your body to female it would be different I think.
Are you the same person who tried to take me on at the Bunker when I used the word “hermaphrodite” and DEMANDED that I use the word “intersex” instead? I’ll use the most appropriate word for the context, thank you.
And, honey, I’m an old queen, so I know a good tranny when I see one, and right now, Bruce/Caitlyn isn’t that convincing as a woman. Hence my comment.
I thought Maggie C. was more Damien’s nanny (The Omen).
the manufacturer of the customs licenses them, Marvel and DC got paid.
even if they made their own it’s still fair use, they’re just having and promoting a party in a sense.
There are no costumes involved. They’re using actual Marvel and DC artwork in that promo, which is the copyright of Marvel and DC, and ownership of those copyrights is not acknowledged in the promo.
What the hell are you looking at?
Yes, that does look like Marvel art, or a very talented artist painted all those guys in one single painting as a group in the Marvel style. If there is any copyright infringement (which I would imagine there is with the intention of commercial use…?) the RC$ doesn’t give a shit. They want to use it, they’ll just rip it off.
Gato, it wasn’t one guy, unless that one guy could reproduce multiple Marvel and DC artists. That Texas Twister, for instance, is either Sal Buscema or an incredible impersonation. I’m willing to bet on the former.
That promo just screams copyright infringement. I wonder if the Disney and Time-Warner lawyers would give a shit.
that’s all fair use Espiando. sciencetology is quite safe in this regard imo.
you have to profit by it and or damage the brand. it’s a promo for a party.
There is a legally-defined limit to Fair Use enshrined in the Bern Agreement, and the cult went way beyond that with this promo. It’s a promo for a fundraiser, not a party. There is profit to be made by it.
You are the winner of today’s Hailey Award for cluelessness above and beyond the call of duty.
FYI, my last comment was in response to rivercs’s post which began “Caitlin Jenner IS a woman”.
Illegal PC that is the correct label. thank you
explains all the BPC
Maybe she is wearing a helmet so she doesn’t get beat in the head? Is that why David Miscavige loves her sense of humor?
Ilike t ,see the insane warriors and sex heroes choosen by little DM and his kids team to get scientology “Church” accepted as a “religion”. They missed King Kong, Supergator, and somemore looking more or like like the animal Hubbard who created the crimecult.
These ads provide enough raw material to do an analysis of Scientology’s allowed current marketing self-admitted levels of loss of faith in their whole endeavor.
There are even, over all of Scientology’s ads’ history, a shift in allowed levels of self-admitted loss of faith.
LRH used to urge that “Dragons” on one’s path to OT, or that one’s “Bank” gave out endless reasons NOT to continue up to the stellar OT levels and hoped for OT abilities.
Dragons on one’s path used to be in the Advance Mag ads, for years, don’t see the Dragons on one’s path anymore.
The ads here and there, have that slight self admission of the fatigue and difficulty of continuing on the OT path.
Hubbard’s formulaton of the Bridge, and allowing this limited slef admitted blocks to one’s Bridge or blocks to donating MORE, ever MORE, is part of the orderliness of the Scientology whole Hubbard massively laid out operation.
The Fleecewinds spreads something wherever it goes, but I don’t thing it is Peace. I think they have been fined for some of the stuff they spread, killed off a whole coral reef.
Fleecewinds, aka Scientology’s Floating Hotel California.
You are correct, Eileen! The Fleecewinds does, as a matter of fact, spread something wherever it goes. Massive amounts of BULLSHIT & enslavement. As for the coral reef, if they can’t get money out of something, they kill it. The Toxic Cult of Hate…
Scientology ads always sell future success.
They sell people what people hope for.
Stats displaying how many Scientologists can do OT things, like even move a cellophane wrapper off a cigarette package with their minds, should be flooding YouTube.
Scientology ought to have some maverick Scientologist super OT people do some anonymous YouTube videos of their OT abilities!
SO we can see people’s OT powers, please.
Has anyone seen any Scientologists doing their OT 8 powers on YouTube, all I saw was like Carla Moxon’s video how she and husband, lawyer for OSA Rick Moxon, doing their evening save the planet adventure (in Carla’s mind).
Don’t hold your breath Chuck.
Putting aside all the things LRH said an OT can do, the actual definition of operating thetan in the tech dictionary is pretty wide open if you ask me. I mean to some getting out of bed in the morning is an OT ability. I am assuming Chuck that you wanna see OT’s do all the things movie action heroes do. Move mest around, make it disappear then reappear. Tell a person in a separate room what number they just wrote on a piece of paper, predict the future,
make fireballs move through the air….the sort of things done involving mest that can’t really be done. People in and not in Scn. have OT abilities all the time if you just follow the definition. You know anyone who said they thought of someone and then were contacted by that person? Or has that happened to you? I for one don’t think something like that has a thing to do with chemicals in the brain.
Heck Chuck if someone did indeed do a You Tube vid showing them move mest with their OT abilities I don’t seriously you would believe it. I doubt you would believe it if they did it in front of you. And if you did believe it how would that change your views on Scn?
Potpie how many people have thought of someone and not got anything?
I can fart that makes anyone within 10 feet pass out.
I bought a spoon at the Universal City Walk Magic Store,
looks like I bend it with my mind when held.
OT Powers !!!!! I’m still working on a spandex suit.
Well, I *did* walk 40 feet on a 2 foot deep bed of coals. Twice in one evening. Does that count?
Now those are true OT powers, Jose! I do share the first OT power with you! And, as I’m probably a lot older than you, I can make people pass out 20 feet away!
I will pass on the spandex, though…
Right — it would be great to see a demo of these supposed OT powers. The fact is, not a single Clear or OT as originally defined has been produced in over 60 years.
Face it. If say Rohn Walker as a new OT VIII could actually be at cause over MEST, life, and thought, both objectively and subjectively, he would not need to charge $10 per person — he could mock up an objectively real 1 oz. .999 pure gold coin for each person and give it to them for coming.
And he could apply Tone 40 to create the art of the coin.
The obverse would of course show Ron with chin resting on hand, looking down wisely on all of us, ascot concealing his vagina-like neck.
The reverse of the coin would show Xenu (might be spelled Xemu) trapped forever in his mountain prison, or perhaps Xenu gloating over a volcano and nuclear explosion used to blow us all up.
Good and evil, yin and yang, on one lovely coin created just for you by a true OT VIII! Not just lovely, the coin would also be imbued with hypnotic powers — show it to anyone and he will be entranced (both soundings of the word) into the nearest Scientology building and sign up for staff.
Hi FOTF2012,Love your post,& then Ron would make the magic coin disappear into his bottomless pockets.Don’t forget he could also produce with those OT powers a second coin showing a side profile where he is gazing with great Intention to the heavens,that photo,was super sized all around Asho D & FDN.Gigantic & the eyes followed me everywhere.He’s waiting for The Morgue to glide on down & take us to his new slave planet.Always Ann B.
I have always thought that “OT power” is a relative concept. Like, what would be OT for one person would not necessarily be so for another person. I think that this is just nomenclature for intending to do something and doing it, in any degree.
The people who engage in the Special Olympics, are, IMO, OT, quite so. This is just an example, of which there are an endless number.
And I do agree with someone who just posted that sometimes just getting out of bed can be OT, if someone were feeling so overwhelmed by one thing or another.
Many years ago, way before I got into Scientology, when some bad happened out of the blue and I was coping with shock and huge loss without drugs or any kind of help, I recall wanting to nothing but sleep. It was my only escape from the pain I was feeling, and, yes, for some time, it was a really big deal to get out of bed in the morning. Sometimes I didn’t, and those times that I made myself get up, I was quite proud of myself, and drew strength for the rest of the day just on the fact that I had made myself get out of bed!
I know that sounds pathetic but the truth is sometimes pathetic and that’s how I was for a while, many years ago. Not NOW. This would be eons from being OT for me NOW. So its all relative.
I suppose my long winded point here is that in varying degrees we are all always OTs, or, if you prefer, “Cause”. What we CALL concept is not important; we all know and understand what it is. And its fine if you don’t agree because I don’t need to be right with anyone or prevail in this matter. I know what I know, and you know what you know, etc.
Beautiful post Aquamarine. Yes OT is relative. And I love how you keep your integrity in to “know what you know” and that it is OK for you that others know what they know. Very wise great post.
OMG, typos! Grammar goes out the window when I get emotional!
Isn’t Curocao the place the Freewinds spread their sewage? I mean, literally.
Yes. Yes it is.
Yep! Peace came onto the docks and moorings as the sensible locals fled for their health. Probably even got quite, too.
Talk about wrong whys!
So all these dinner events (with dancing, even!) are actually free??? These must be the kinds of things where they lock the doors and surround the hapless victims, er, diners with regges…
Scientology’s Hotel California events, they can’t check out without paying something…
rivercs, I have a hunch that they tell the sheeple that the “dancing” will be in the basement and that there’s a special surprise waiting for them. They go down the stairs to the basement which is pitch black. And then someone says, “Are you ready???” And the excited sheeple all say, “YES!” The light comes on and there’s a reg for every single person so there’s no waiting. When the sheeple ask about the dancing, they’re told that after they hand over the “correct” amount of money, the can dance back up the stairs.
It must be exhausting trying to come up with another quip to entice people to come into the Org.
Oh, no! The planet is at a turning point with World War 3 is on the horizon?!!!!!!!
Which planet are they living on, indeed?
How can they do this type of marketing? They actually believe it, I think?
Gail, I’d say nearly impossible…