Brummy Bumf*
These items get goofier by the week.
*useless or tedious printed information or documents.
One of the top conference destinations…
So therefore…. what?
Some Brummy truth in advertising
What do you get? A totally empty room just like the other “ideal orgs.” Finally, some truth in advertising.
The Way To Happy Hype
He ran in Pam Springs and Elvis had a house there once. Wow. Good reason to give us money….
From: Caralyn Percy
Sent: Jul 2, 2015 11:35 AM
To: Matt
Subject: Running by Elvis’ house in 112 degree heat
Fred Harris Is Alive
Harvey “Hanging On By A Thread” Jacques
He Who Shall Not Be Named
Dear All,
You heard at last Friday’s event, SOMEONE is coming back in town…
It is also the 3rd Maiden Voyage event, where we gather in the name of the IAS and guaranteeing Mankind’s freedom.
You are going to hear the news of our latest accomplishments toward planetary salvage, from the forgotten corners of the globe to the greatest cities on Earth, plus other very exciting news!
I am taking note of all OTC members that are attending, which I am sure is every single one of you, but I would like an email back to reconfirm it.
Doors open at 6:30pm and the event starts at 7:30pm
P.S. I recommend you eat dinner at the FH so you are outside the auditorium doors in time to get a seat in the auditorium!
ML, Meagan
The lrh quote regarding what determines thetan size is very intersting to me. In my scientology studies I hadn’t read it before. It seems to imply a thetan could change his size by changing his postulate. I like this idea. However it would completely contradict the Science of Survival data on theta endowment. Which would mean your potential size had a limit. In my mind these to theories contradict each other. Am I wrong? I would love to talk to someone with some tech knowledge about this. Either on this forum or privately. Can anyone help me.
Thank you all for this gracious forum and thank you Mike.
As to whether there exists a spirit soul is a matter of belief. Buddhist doctrine denies the existence of such a thing. But Hubbard’s version of that belief, the “thetan”, is defined in Axiom one of his axioms which I have studied recently and deconstructed at length for my own amusement.
He says a thetan is a life “static” and has no location in time or space. By his own definition of a thetan Hubbard is demonstrably in error to himself. A static is something that doesn’t move or change so that’s a FLUNK. A thetan, per Hubbard should operate three feet above and behind the physical body and a thetan is notoriously affected by events such as entheta within proximity to the physical body and ONLY in proximity to the body so as far as it having no location in time or space that’s another FLUNK for Hubbard.
Hubbard gets off to a very poor start with his thirty plus axioms and the malarky just keeps flowing with each one. Hubbard liked to talk and talk and make himself look like a great sage and prophet while he told all kinds of tales that cannot be confirmed through independent inquiry. His inconsistencies reflect a natural inability for a compulsive liar to keep track of all his lies.
Yes, I think there are a lot of contradictions. Which wouldn’t be so bad if they just said, “well as the research progressed new things were discovered.” But no. Every word is true. I think a great book could be written by an ex techy, detailing all the contradicting “truths”.
Ot8 is the end phnom. after that there is nothing really to bank on so wouldn’t one want explore all things slowly and thorough? with the brilliant reason for slow grade and advancement is SOULY on the pc and there enlightenment to self discovery. This is not shameful,can take a lifetime,right? LRH had a great foundation for sheep sheering profits. Why then is miscavage so stupid and obsessed with speed,this man is the stupidest human on earth! He screwed the best sales pitch forever,now all he can do is go faster and faster ensuring no repeat consumers. What a dumb fck!
My question – why would a homeless person have Gatoraid in the first place? It doesn’t contain alcohol so is of little use to him – maybe some do gooder had given it to him instead of money when he’d been begging earlier in the day and he saw a good opportunity to get rid of it? I’m sorry if this sounds like I’m stereotyping the homeless but most if not all of those I see around town have some sort of alcohol problem.
The lack of growth in scn is self evident in the amount of begging they constantly do. If they were really experiencing 47X expansion they would have floods of people coming in and no need to go after the quickly thinning current member base all the time. Plus I know from very recent first hand experience that a staff member at our local org declared annual earnings for 2014 of less than $14 per week! This is an increase on the $5 I used to make many years ago but factoring in inflation means they are almost certainly worse off.
Palm Springs and the surrounding Area is a “low desert” area. Temperatures in the peak hot season are regularly over 100 degrees, with the average being somewhere in the neighborhood of 105, with peaks up to and exceeding 115.
The population there experiences mostly gorgeous weather 7/8 or so months a year (mid to end of October thru April “ish”). It has a huge population of “snow birds” which are people from colder climates who have residences or bring motor homes during the extreme winter weather at their other home location.
As such, during the extreme hot times (I’ve experienced temperatures at 121 degrees) hydration can be a life or death thing, just as extreme cold can be in other areas. As a youth we would gather funds and distribute high electrolyte drinks to homeless people in the desert. It isn’t uncommon.
I’m not saying that there aren’t people who drink alcohol etc., but hydration in this location is as important (yes, life or death) as homeless in, say New York City, Boston or Michigan would be for warming facilities or blankets etc., during the cold winter months.
Every year people die from heat related death in these higher climate locations, particularly the elderly and young children in addition to the homeless.
Now, regarding that particular described interaction, I have no idea if it actually occurred or not. I’m not willing to lay any $ on the line that it did. But as someone who is extremely familiar with that specific area and environment, it’s very plausible that a homeless person would have a Gatorade.
For more information on the climate Google these areas which are considered “The Valley” by residents. The cities bleed into one another with just a sign to let you know you’re crossing into another city with the same temperature range.
Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, LaQuinta, Indio, Coachella, Thermal. This is also sometimes known as the Coachella Valley.
The high desert, 20 plus miles from Palm Springs in elevation starts at Yucca Valley and goes through 29 Palms and into Death Valley.
Just some useless knowledge.
The heap of fail that is the Portland Org is made obvious by the fact that they have to loudly mention “The A/C is on. WE ARE COOL!”
A building with A/C in the summer would only seem remarkable to someone who had to suffer when it was off because they couldn’t pay the power bill.
The ultra community is very tight and known for working with or leading charities. It bothers me that someone is able to capitalize on this culture for Scientology front groups. I hope Rich Roll and Charlie Engle catch wind of this shit and spread the word to shut it down.
I decided to test Ms. Percy’s claim that “John Radich is a name that any ultramarathoner knows”. My sister is an ultra runner. It really is not a large group because it seriously takes a special brand of crazy to run races over 50 miles, (which is something I frequently tell her). I texted her and asked if she recognized the name of John Radich, ultra runner. She said it didn’t ring any bells. I explained he was running to raise money for Scientology. And her response was “you’re always saying those whack jobs lie about everything. Why would this be any different?”
“A homeless person stopped me, his foot was heavily bandaged, weathered from the elements. He noticed me handing out The Way to Happiness and wanted a copy and our Badwater Brochure. He was very impressed that I was running in the heat and knew of the Badwater ultra race. He wanted me to sign a booklet both for himself and for his friend, which I did of course! His words of appreciation were so sincere, calling me a celebrity and hero for youth (ahh– not sure how to accept that!!! Very flattering.) He then insisted I take his unopened bottle of Gatorade with me. I politely declined, knowing he needed it more than I but he insisted I take his Gatorade.”
What an absolute crock of crap!! Pulp fiction at its worst.
The Hubbardian speak in the big thetan piece can make your eyes hurt and give you a headache if you try and work out what the hell he’s on about.
I bet what really happened is that he beat up some homeless person for their Gatorade.
“I was hoarse from screaming”
Typo – “There was a screaming horse.” (It was the white one in the IAS video being ridden (and beaten to death) by the Highlander dude.)
Hey Mike,
I was just at my local supermarket buying asparagus when I glanced over and saw a headline on the cover of People (?) magazine….Something about Tom Cruise leaving Scientology.
Is it so? I didn’t buy the magazine, or even pick it up because I was in a big rush to get home and cook my asparagus. Plus I figured, if this is true then surely Mike Rinder would have something to say about it on his blog so I’ll check that out.
Then again, I could have hallucinated, due to vegetable withdrawal….
Any comment?
Tony O has written a couple of pieces on this tabloid gossip.
I call bs on it.
The magazine you saw with the Tom Cruise cover story was Star magazine, a very tabloid oriented publication not known for its accuracy…hard to believe that TC will ever leave scientology, he gets to drink the finest quality Kool Aid, he’s probably the only scientologist who believes every lie COB says!!
In the 2nd picture, the one of the Ideal Org which looks very clinical, what is in the glass cubes on the tables? Someone above thread said Ashtrays. I thought maybe chunks of clay/blocks ready for use. I understand the significance of ashtrays, but can someone please confirm if that is indeed what they are? If not ashtrays what are they holding please? Thank you.
Also, the someone is coming, for some reason, made me have the image of Carol Ann from Poltergeist saying, They’re Heeere!
Or Jack Nicholson loping down that long hallway in “The Shining”, with that maniacal grin…”And, now, heeeere’s Davey!”
Aqua, I like your comparison better. Much more appropriate. Except instead of an axe, maybe a Point of Sale credit card machine? /Silly Snickers
Ack! Bravebloggers you are right! Those are not ashtrays on the table are they? (I was the “someone” who commented above that the “ashtrays were placed just so”) It does look like globs of clay in a dish more than an ashtray doesn’t it?
I apologize, I was viewing the site on a tiny electronic device this morning when I commented and the photo was very hard to see. It looked like ashtrays to me, lol. Now I am on a bigger desktop computer and I can see that they look more like dishes of clay or something… but regardless, my comment stands, in that photo the Org looks very sterile and clinical and not very comfortable. *Note to self: bring own personal cushion for chair. Or better yet: skip the visit entirely. – T.J.
Oh, heavens, no worries. I’m a never-in and was curious. I intended to ask that question even before reading the comments, as when I first saw the picture I zoomed in as well and couldn’t clearly make it out. 🙂 it could have been ashtrays, blocks, or mini dictionaries for all I knew. To be fair, the ashtrays made sense equally. And I agree, clinical completely nails it. I could incision the smell of Lysol!
1. Voldemort is coming to town: “I am taking note of all OTC members that are attending, which I am sure is every single one of you, but I would like an email back to reconfirm it.” Well I only find that massively creepy at best.
2. Minnesota makes green pies? Yum. I promise not to go there to try them.
3. “I was hoarse from screaming” How many events can you keep that up at before you just give it up and run away screaming?
4. Fleecewinds ad needs to wordclear the term “accessibility”. Where are the wheelchair ramps? Do they have OTVII and VIII in braille? I want Solo NOTS for the Hearing Impaired please.
5. I used to pretend LRH quotes were profound. Now I know they are profund(ly) stoooopid. Seriously, word salad is a kind way of describing them. Danny Sherman probably trained under LRH.
Wheelchairs??? Blind and deaf people??? C’mon Valerie, you know how the cult views these people! They’re all DBs that pulled in what ails them. It’s all their fault!
Hi Valerie,I liked your post about pretending Ron’s quotes were profound.Word salad love it! Ann.
“I recommend you eat dinner at the FH so you are outside the auditorium doors in time to get a seat in the auditorium! ”
So now they shill for the clam restaurant too? Why not do a free desert night? Oh, that would be ‘out exchange’, unless it’s taking Gatorade from a homeless person. Why even the psych ruined homeless recognize the value of the Way to Happiness. NOT. That whole ‘story’ was made up, all to illustrate the magic of $cientology and the words of Lron.
SOMEONE is coming, Is it Eli?
Eli’s coming
Eli’s a coming
Go to youtube for the rest of The Three Dog Night song… may be free, but it is an exchange, one very much in your favor.
LOL, my favorite 3 dog night song. How obscure, love it.
The Hubbard Clan?! “Clan” usually denotes “family” and from what I hear, there are NO Hubbards left in Co$. Talk about a dumb reminder to the flock-entheta in fact! Gee Mommy, if we go will we meet our dear founder’s kids and grandkids? He must have been a swell dad, what with all the statues, images and clapping we do for him. Tell me about Ron’s kids, Mommy! Can I look on the internet and read about his family?
Later: Mommy! Look at this imposter, Nibs. And who is this Jamie DeWolf? Are they lying like everyone else who says that there are no Miscaviges in our family-friendly church either? Are the Hubbards all busy working alongside Shelly Miscavige? That must be why we don’t hear from them, right Mommy?
I do believe Diana is still at Int base. Her daughter and Ron senior escaped.
I think Arthur is long gone, too.
I think it’s kind of funny that all the Miscaviges but Himself are out.
You are correct, Gus! Now what does it say about the so called tech when only one Hubbard is still a member of this cult. And, Diana’s daughter, Roann and Ron senior might have escaped together.
OTD-OUTTHEDOOR, You know I love this! Ann.
Hi Mike, A great lineup of text & promo pieces today.Thank you.At least there were a few promos snuck in,that showed what I call now the science fiction space opera side of Ron & cos,that Artist On The Whole Track did me in!Very creepy.Join staff really makes me want to run out & sign in.And the SO being/body with her flag looks like a waxworks figure, smile you are a SO member.Scotland was priceless.Ron was a very accomplished adjuster of his life experiences.The beginning of the SO & The Royal Scotsman.I seem to recall a SO tape where Ron talks about changing his size and lengthening or shortening the distance he would travel to observe work being done on her.I think there was talk in the SO that Ron could be two places at once.And so the mystic legends of his mind control were all right in front of me.It has taken years to really see this.Always Ann.
Fred Harris probably pulled something dodgy. Once you’ve been out of the country for 6 months, you can’t just pop back for free medical treatment without a six month waiting period until you’re covered again.
Even if he said his away period was for “Charitable Work”, he’d still lose coverage after five years without residency for two of those. Since CoS doesn’t have charitable status in Canada, even that might be a stretch.
I’m guessing that he never bothered to tell them that he was out of Canada, and had people covering the paperwork for him. I bet they do that for all Canadian Sea Org so that they can dump them back in Canada in a hurry if they need “free” treatment. I thought the federal border services was getting better about telling provincial heath care about scams like that. Oh well.
At the Int Base, out near Old Gilman House back in 1995, December, I went to do the “decks”. I stayed in the old aluminum pull-along trailer. Fred had just a couple months before vacated that trailer, it was the “ASI” staff deckee trailer, berthing. That aluminum pull along trailer I lived in, for a few days, before moving into the M&M extension house, for RTC deckees, and I berthed in that RTC deckee house extension for a few days with Warren McShane, this was just before Christmas of 1995, which at that date, even the others on the Base were still trying to get ALL people off the decks, I being a newbie on the decks and from ASI, I was NOT included in that spree to free all the deckees at that moment in late 1995.
Anyways, Fred Harris had some months before blown ASI staff, for which he was demoted to the Int decks, and then he filtered I guess into LRH PPRO Int Office in the CMO Int Org Bd. Fred I recall from when he and Barry Watson both were awared Kha Khan (the old award of 9 lives of near lethal misdeeds pardoned for one’s future once on got that Kha Khan award), and Fred and Barry did the original Flag Aide’s Order 536 tours mission that did the US city tours for the newly set up Flag Service Org at Clearwater, when all the Apollo vets moved from Daytona to Clearwater, that’s when Barry and Fred went out to do the AO 536 Tour regging, gots loads of people to the FSO in Clearwater, and the GI (gross income) hit 250.000 bucks, back when Tony Dunlevy was the Commanding Officer of the FSO.
Fred and Barry were heroes in my newbie Sea Org member mind back then.
This whole landing first couple years of the Apollo crew to Daytona and then to the early Clearwater years, all was done in civies clothes, no Sea Org uniforms were first used at Clearwater, we tried to dress “upstat” civies.
I remember three people who started to start wearing “Sea Org” epaulets shirts were Jon Horwich, he wore Bill Blass off the rack spiffy epaulet shirts, and then Al Baker and then me, as Al’s subordinate, and Jon Horwich was Al’s sort of role model, this back on the old Flag Bureaux Exec College, the outer org admin and exec training “college” that got set up in 1976, I joined as Asst Course Sup, in 1977,
It wasn’t really until a couple more years went by, that “Sea Org” uniforms became possible, since it was ordered first back in 1976 by LRH to dress like the locals, and only by idiots who were kind of Sea Org fanatics, did the old naval uniforms creep back in. I think PAC and the FOLOs still were wearing their modified rif raf naval uniforms even though LRH told the Clearwater Flag people to just wear civies those first years at Clearwater.
Anywyas, Fred Harris, I remember meeting him again when I later was posted in ASI in 1992. He and Frannie, and Frannie’s been Frannie Broeker and married I think to one other significant Sea Org person in her past ,well Frannie was CO FSO also, and she was CS-3, she’d been several top jobs, and then when I got to ASI in May of 1992 Franie was Reg at ASI and Fred was something in PR or Literary guy of some type, at ASI. Fred did PR work, he went to Moscow and got LRH’s books, a couple of them, in some niche of some Moscow library. Fred got PR for the Mission Earth books, and the Writers of the Future stuff, I know Fred worked with Rachel Denk for years, she knows lots of what he did over the years at ASI.
He’s a classical pianist, I heard him play the piano once at ASI.
I had hoped that older timer Sea Org vets with their huge long Sea Org careers and ups and downs, and “blows” and returns, I wish that he and Frannie would get out and write their whole histories.
Fred might someday give a great take on what it was like in those years in the 1980s at ASI. Fred saw and witnessed all the bad stuff, the spitting on Homer Schomer incident at ASI.
Frannie too, she’s been CO FSO, she knows all sorts of inner details, and has books worth of stories to tell.
Hope they both get out.
Thanks Mike for telling this update on Fred Harris, if I had the time and money, I would drive over to Columbus and say hi to Fred. I looked up to Fred a lot.
I wonder what his status with Frannie is now.
Frannie is one of those old Apollo vets, who’s done so many years of regging (over-regging), she and Fred are in that old unique final older timer class of dedicated vets, they are there for their vision of LRH, and they’ve learned how to mouth that change of praise to COB Miscavige to stay “in the game” and stay, at least in their minds, in that top clique of most dedicated and most in the know, they lived all those years of Miscavige’s excesses and partying and stuff that the ASI staff of the early 1980s all participated in, and all that excessive partying and meals and outings and awards and goodies that the ASI staff all partook in during the 1980s was backed up and was in compliance with LRH’s orders to ASI where LRH specifically ordered the party rewards that ASI staff were to receive, the awards that LRH ordered ASI staff, “his staff” to receive, is a little hard to stomach, I found, later, when I came along and joined ASI staff and read the “ASI Advices” which I read in 1992, years after the worst of the ASI excesses were over. LRH did just spell out the weekly awards that ASI staff were to get, and those advices did have a trickle down effect on the other Int orgs, at least in the early to mid 1980s there was much more trickle down awards and outings, and movies, and weekly rewards for the staff and orgs at the Int Base that were upstat, back then.
Anyways, that is the context I remember Fred Harris within.
He was I think from Toronto originally. On Flag I remember him in Div 6 stuff for Flag, getting people to Flag for services, he won Kha Khan for the AO 536 first successful tours mission together with Commander Barry Watson, both got Kha Khan, and then I remember Fred was like among the original ASI staffers in 1981-1982, and he stayed ASI staff up through 1992-93, I remember when he blew from ASI, I think it was 1992-3 when he blew, and then he’s been in LRH PPRO Int Office, and I lost track of all the Int Base Gold org posts he held.
Anyways, if journalists get a chance to talk to Fred, they should ask him some questions about things, he knows a lot, if he ever gets unwound from his Miscavige kowtowing mindset.
Not to go off topic,but, Kim Jong Un since 2011
has executed 70 Officials,( some devoured by wild dogs and
shot with heavy anti aircraft guns)which is a record !
How many does David Miscavige have in the “HOLE”
currently ? More than 70 in the RPF’s RPF RPF ?
What is Shelly doing and where is Heber ?
If Kim Jong Un knew he was upstaged and someone
was stealing his thunder ???
In the first photo – Birmingham Ideal Org – the whole place looks sterile and white, it looks like it’s made for show, not use. The chairs look so uncomfortable. The ashtrays are uniform and placed “just so” on the table, I would feel afraid to pick them up, (assuming they are for use in the procedures) and move them from their designated spots, it looks like everything is meant to stay in place, not be touched. It’s just not a friendly feeling place, not conducive to actually being used by people.
No matter how intrigued I was by “the tech”, the atmosphere of the meeting place would deter me from wanting to participate.
Where did the boss get the idea that the buildings have to be big, lush and new looking for people to feel comfortable in them? I think the opposite is true. If there was some comfy seating, chairs with come cushioning, etc., I think people would like it better and be more inclined to want to take part. But maybe that’s the intent? The focus is on creating elegant looking buildings, not on recruiting people?
I got into Scientology because I read Dianetics and was interested to find out more about what a “Clear” was, so I walked myself into the nearest org, and a staff person there listened to me, acknowledged me, and understood me. The o staff smiled politely and seemed relaxed. While there I observed that the building was plainly and decently furnished and looked clean. Beyond these observations it interested me not at all. The staff person assigned to me was a skilled communicator who drew me out, made it safe for me to talk, made it OK for me to be who I was at that time (an emotional mess with a huge button on help = betrayal and hugely embarrassed about this) and overall made it safe for me to reach for help at this place. Now, this is what got me into Scientology, but this is just me. Lover of architecture that I am, no building would have seduced me into Scientology. If buildings could do that I would have long before become a Catholic.
LOL, reminds me of my dealings with business attorneys over the years, the ones with opulent offices generally meant big egos and inflated billing rates to pay for all that opulence…the very best had simple offices and focused instead on the quality of their work.
Exactly, Kathy H. “…the very best had simple offices and focused…on the quality of their work”.
From the beginning I had a problem with the premise, “Build It And They Will Come”, and I was amazed, and still am, at the trained and supposedly intelligent and perceptive people who fell for this, hook, line and sinker!
To me, it was so obviously an uninspected, unproven arbitrary that someone dreamed up and made a stable datum!
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York is an awe-inspiring church and a tourist trap. Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most amazingly beautiful churches inside and out if viewed continually by visitors. Now, have any of you ever once heard someone converting to a religion because the church itself was so beautiful?
Neither have I.
What I’ve never understood….you know how Ron Hubbard beat up a big bully when he
was a school child? How come he didn’t become a fighter pilot like Jimmy Stewart or Ted Williams and kick some Nazi butt during WWII? Wasn’t Hitler a big enough bully for him? Didn’t the Indians and Boy Scouts prepare him well enough? I mean he knew how
to fly and he wanted to save the planet, right? Didn’t it look like the planet needed some serious saving from Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo? Where was the greatest guardian of the galaxy then?
He was in the Navy, commanding piddly little ships, bombing uninhabited parts of Mexico, sinking magnetic anomalies off the Oregon coast, faking his lack of combat record, and coming up with new conditions to try to get medical treatment and/or compensation on Uncle Sugar’s dime.
And I won more medals in my Army career than he did in his Navy one. Suck it down, Indies.
Tommy “The Weasel” Davis had a conversation with someone about Hubbard’s war injuries: TD: “So, if Hubbard was NOT crippled and blinded during the war, they dianetics was based on lies. But, we believe he was injured and cured himself.”
Hey Espi, do you think the Kool-Aid company drops off barrels of the stuff at every cult location?
BTW, thanks for serving…
Hi Espiando,I needed your post tonight.You tell it straight up & more than vertical.Thsnk You,Ann
Ron not only faked his entire ‘combat’ record, he did everything he could to avoid real combat. He did this by applying for a military school program when it looked like he might be shipped out. There was worry on the west coast but never any live combat. Ron played his little war games by blowing up fish and other marine life off the coast of Oregon and Mexico.
Following Ron’s battle with marine life, the military recommended that Ron not be posted in any position of leadership or authority, saying that he “couldn’t be trusted.” After that, Ron became too sick and injured to work, and spent his energy fighting for a lifetime pension. He just had to be right.
Thank you for your service Espiando!
OSD: I honestly don’t think they receive Kool-Aid. There’s no HCOPL on how to properly mix it. Remember, these are the people who need an HCOPL on how to clean windows.
Ann: I try. I only try. Let us hope someone listens,
It’s well said: when I knew him as a lad, he had some big adventurous dreams, but then he spent his navy career cruising up and down the west coast and never getting near any combat action. He didn’t belong in the navy, that’s for sure. I blame his old man for that obsession.
Hi Espiando,Thank you for all your posts,however you feel at the time.I really try too,yet I know there are mindsets about Ron/David & the Tech- training & processing that just dig in deeper when a different viewpoint is presented.I too hope & dream that not only is someone listening but actually hearing which does not involve turning the ears off while pretending to listen.Always Ann.
I’m soooooooo glad to be out of this mess of stinking Dave crap. These promo pieces you have on your blog say a lot about the acceptance level of the Church today. The koolaide drinkers should know by now,” Elvis has left the building.”
Mr. Mathers’ “rapidly expanding energy company” sounds just like ENRON. Wow! Invest now. Get in on the ground floor. $cientology and Enron have a lot in common.
“I am taking note of all OTC members that are attending” What is that Meagan, a veiled threat or a warning that unless OTC members show up their absence will also be “noted” ? Merchants of fear.
What is said:
“I am taking note of all OTC members that are attending”
And what is implied:
‘and I am noting the size of all donations. Remember, enthusiasm counts with Someone in attendance so we will be using face recognition to ensure each one of you is not only enthusiastic but also pumping and jumping in your seats.
Sec checks will be issued on anyone not deemed fully in compliance so that we can help you achieve your full measure of eternity.’
MFL, (much fucking love)
Hi Newcomer,I loved your post.Got that tone level perfectly too.Sec checks for all not in compliance followed by MFL Meagan,captures the dark-light-dark side of cos etc.Ann.
“Someone” is coming…OMG,, what is this, dramatization of biblical Yahweh i.e., “He whose name is never spoken”, something like that?
Can you imagine the Roman Catholic Church promoting a Pope Francis visit with, “SOMEONE is coming to…”
Seriously, why does the cult promote a Miscavige appearance this way? Security reasons?
There is something so creepy about the Palm Springs tale. The guy in the hamster wheel is actually wanting us to believe that he had a deeply meaningless conversation with someone he undoubtedly considers to be a DB? What are the odds that the poor homeless guy with the bandaged leg may be a bit compromised or impaired? Jeez, there’s a MEGA HUGE win for TWTH!
The homeless person wanted those damned TWTH booklets because the runner wasn’t packing any toilet paper!
Additionally, sharing drinking utensils with an unknown person of limited ability to receive medical care, can spread several very unpleasant diseases…quaff up, Johnny, quaff up…
The tale of the Gatorade is quite strange, in that it’s an completely uninteresting event for John to include in his story. So, I’ve been trying to figure out the significance of the Gatorade story. Did John want us to know that if you give a bum TWTH, he’ll instantly become self-sacrificing? Was he trying to show that even though he had enough sense to not take a beverage from a homeless stranger, that he’s magnanimous enough to take it if pushed, giving the poor fellow a chance to be charitable from his position of want? What’s funny about that sickening tale is that all he had to offer was TWTH, which is the booby prize if ever there was one. It’s probably too scratchy for ass wipe, so then what have you got? Hubbard’s insane update to ancient aphorisms.
But he signed it!!! He signed it!!! Seriously, a signed copy of TWTH? I know? That whole tale is a head scratcher extraordinare.
If only the WTH had been available to Elvis, I’m sure the King would be alive today. Heck, he would probably be helping pass out copies with John or at least he’d buy everyone Gatorade.
@thepotata re: Elvis fun fact. I just finished a book on Priscilla Presley. Elvis was introduced to Scientology twice, once in Memphis, and once at the Celebrity Center. Both times he called it a scam and refused to have anything to do with it–both times saying it was all about money. That made me think he was smarter than I ever gave him credit. Priscilla got into it after he died.
No way thetapotata. Elvis was not charmed by Scientology as Valerie says. He is quoted as saying “they’re only after my money!” He was right. It seems that Lisa Marie may have caught onto this too. Elvis would not have wanted his money going to the Church of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology loves to vicariously align itself with Elvis Presley through Priscilla. About eight years ago I attended an event for Human Rights at CC. Priscilla was there and she spoke at the event and said that “Elvis loved religion.” I bet it wasn’t Scientology though, and she made it a point to say religion, not Scientology.
I’m glad I moved on.
Tried thinking of something from “Forrest Gump”
or “Catch 22” but “I’m glad I moved on” is a more truthful summary.
It’s funny that Portland is pimping their A/C. Just in time too – the heat wave broke two days ago.
Aren’t people supposed to help the homeless? Not the other way around?!?!
Scientologists certainly won’t. They consider the homeless to be DBs…
Poor Portland staff. They go out of their way to define “harangue” and “sovereignty”.
But WTF does “INTERREUPT” mean?
SOMEONE is coming to town and the timing is perfect: the maiden voyage IAS event. SOMEONE needs to drum up interest to come to the IAS event because everyone hates that one, but even more important, SOMEONE has arrived to collect donations for his personal piggy bank.
In the name of saving humanity, DONATE TO SOMEONE!
Oh and by the way, I keep my house very clean. Can I get a donation for my home renovations please?
Sure thing, John Radich, that really did happen with you and the Gatorade homeless man. Of course it did!
I believe it, I do. REALLY! (what a bucket of horse shit)
The point of the Sea Org poster is to show the new CLO building that’s being built at Saint Hill to make it an Ideal Advanced Org. My guess is an April ceremony with he-who-must-not-be-named officiating.
More likely some October when everyone is already over there for the IAS event so there is a crowd (saves on Event staff airfares too)
The Freewind’s promo is sad indeed. They should know by now that only the very wealthy can afford years on OT VII and then OT VIII, so, it is not the prices that are causing the Freewinds and Orgs to be empty and we do know the WHO and the WHY, don’t we?
This bubble is about to burst big time
Any of you actually BELIEVE that someone is matching donos up to a million bucks? Ha ha. They’re just having a sale on selling a “status”, that’s all. It’s a SALE, just like in any retail environment. Purpose, sell more, make more. You know the old phrase that someone is such a good salesman he could sell snow to the Eskimos? Miscavige is so good (and I mean that) with these total rubes that he’s got people believing that they can buy, even on sale, a STATUS. Think about that for a moment. These people believe they are buying a STATUS. (which in actual fact doesn’t even really exist, because any one of these folks can be declared and expelled tomorrow, at which point they will have no “status” for however many hundreds of thousands of dollars they’ve paid – well, maybe a “reverse status” at that point). As me dear old late pa used to say … what a racket!
“Reverse status” is on it’s way like a charging rhinoceros. The time is near when all that expensive “status” will be difficult to live down. Imagine thinking you’re showing everybody what a big clever man you are at the office party only thing is you’re TRASHED and tomorrow everybody will be ashamed for you.
Talk about reverse status! I recall buying a bunch of flowers at a fundraiser for Joburg ‘ s Test Centre for R10000. And the cost of my patron golf shirt? Wow. Now I’m out, the money is still gone but my status is something like “Ass hole Meritorius” or something. From Patron to pauper in one easy letter of resignation. Simple.
Hi Joe Pendleton, Love your post.It continues to amaze me, & make me feel so very young & impressionable when I joined the SO.Now I am not cynical,but I find myself asking myself why all these ins & whales & celebs hang on David Miscavige’s every word?The only point I can come up with is all still in have some I do not think guilt, but a mindset that does not allow them to see the real David Miscavige.The same way I could not see the real Ron until circumstances forced me to see.Always Ann.
Replying to Joe Pendleton – you said exactly what I’ve been thinking. How can someone continue to give money for a “status”? That is absolutely nothing. That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach the day after the “fundraiser” when you wake up the next morning and realize that you’ve given away a huge chunk of money and your bank account is now quite a bit lighter, yet you have nothing to show for it… but then you do it again! Maybe 2 months later.. what could possibly influence otherwise intelligent people to give away their money and have absolutely nothing to show for it? It’s mind-boggling.
Hi TJ, it reminds me of people with a gambling addiction. They think “if I just put this $20 in, I KNOW it is about to pay off BIG!”. This goes on all night/day, until there is nothing left except the utter devastation of knowing that you threw every penny you had at a dream that had little hope of coming true. That sad ride home from the casinos (orgs), reading the billboards with the phone numbers for Gamblers Anonymous must feel very much like the gut wrenching realization of the scio hopeful who gave all their money because they were caught up in the false energy and hope that by giving all they have, they will become rich and achieve their dreams.
unfortunately, casinos almost always win.
If you are still in and reading this wonderful blog, please walk thru your fear and leave this cult. It will be okay, there are people out here waiting with open arms who will help you to recover and own your life again. The grass really IS greener on this side!
John Radich took a bottle of Gatorade from a homeless man. Definitely a scientologist.
I sure he’ll get either a status or a commendation for doing that.
Hi Eileen,Good to meet you. Your post says it ! Thank you.Ann
I don’t know if I believe the hype in the WTH letter about the ultra-marathoner’s encounter with a homeless person. It sounds like a bit of a stretch to me, but we’re dealing with scientology here, so that’s to be expected.
What this reminded me of was a homeless guy that used to hang around the mission where I started in scientology all those years ago. It must have been a dismal week for the regges, because one of them took 25 cents from the homeless guy to “create some inflow”. The idea being that just getting some sort of ‘inflow’ going would create some sort inertia so that there would be more ‘inflow’ to follow. When he wasn’t around, they would mock him. It was absolutely pathetic.
If the runner’s story is true, maybe scientologists could see this as an example of someone of little means cultivating the virtue of generosity. This is something that scientologists NEVER do, using the tired old Hubbard adage that it would be ‘out-exchange’.
I’ve heard both reg’s and exec staff mock and belittle literally anyone that does not contribute to their stats. It’s a culture of false status and unearned importance. These people are not walking-talking representatives of what Scientology purports to be, they are 1.1 “what can you do for me this week” bloodsuckers. When a person spend$ time in session handling upsets caused by the bad behavior and attitude towards the public at the hands of church staff, you know something is very wrong.
Ms B Haven – John Radich is a good guy. I know, (well, new) him. He has dedicated most of his life to help the c of s. He gets no $ from it. In fact, he is pretty poor. I don’t think he would make up such a story.
More and more, these posts give me such a happy feeling!!! For one, I’m not receiving these mailings! I’m also not expected to donate cash for some whacko status. I’m free of the group-think about how important it all is, and I’m free of “friends” who turned out not to be friends. The relief of having left is a gift that keeps on giving 🙂
Well said…my feelings exactly. Cheers to all of us for being truly free..
Hi Robin,Thank you for your post.I have been in a similar situation with SO friends turning against me for reasons never fully explained.I am so happy to be free.On one level,Mike’s blog saved my life.Ann.
Robin,YES, the relief is wonderful.
What a bunch of morons we are not getting mail from anymore.
You are so right, the “relief of having left is a gift that keeps on giving” .
Being DONE is a gift.
Great Robin! Tell it!
In the Data Seies, doesn’t Hubbard instruct Scientologists about the importance of getting a multiplicity of viewpoints in assessing a situation.
So how come they don’t ever do it?
There are two types of policy. One is window dressing like getting a multiplicity of viewpoints. The other is the actually policy like don’t look at entheta. Ever!
the dichotomies make it impossible to look at anything with an impartial state of mind. Therefore , the gems in the data series have a very limited impact , they only allow glossing over other viewpoints , and rejecting them immediately as irrelevant.
Len, you are granting that Scientology is consistent in it’s ideology. Consider What is Greatness vs. Bolivar.
Cognitive dissonance is the outcome of Scientology.
Reason and common sense do not rule Scientology.
What rules Scientology is power and money: the greatest good for the greatest number of dollars, not doctrinal consistency.