Brummies keep us amused
These are really reasons to give money for an ideal org?
If Freeways, movie theaters and bands count, then Valley should be a breeze…
Robin Hogarth comes to town
Ideal org and Duggan child expert is going to tell the Flag OTC how to have empty building like they do in Capetown, Durban (actually an empty lot), Bulawayo and Harare, as well as empty Pretoria and Joburg ideal org that cannot pay its bills.
You would not want to miss this briefing. It is going to be monumentalistic.
Gavin Potter musician?
Well, at least he is en expert on making money in the music business. Because he knows LRH tech.
Food, glorious food
The fad is catching on. But nobody does it like Minnesotans. Monumental meatloaf samiches. You betcha they packed em in for that event with this on offer.
Chef Boyardee is busy preparing you an Italian dinner…
Of course PAC SELLS their food….
IAS cheats on everything….
Their weekending is 5pm Thursday… Give, give, give.
Dear Team Member,
This is the IAS Maiden Voyage event week- this is the week we should all give as generously as possible to OUR GROUP-the group that Guarantees our Future-the IAS.
Let’s see if we as a group, the most upstat OT Committee on the planet, can get the most number of donations to the IAS before this weekending- the IAS weekending is 5pm on Thurs, ever!
So that would be that you donate and get others to donate! And remember our very own division at the FSO, Division 6C- please donate to our team members in that division – that would be Meagan, Marguerite, any of the staff in the FSM area, the Dir of Success, Akiko,etc.
Do remember to report that you gave a donation and got others to donate on the weekly report!
Debbie SharpPublic Secretary
Flag OTC
Vicki Shantz is in the shits…
She dares mention Vulturing for Valley in the same sentence as the IAS. Blasphemy. She should be evicted from the temple of the Almighty War Chest.
Dear Donald,
As you are aware, this coming Saturday is our final Maiden Voyage Event of the Summer. It is entitled “Accelerating Our Drive for Planetary Clearing” for good reason — the presentation and speeches cover exactly that, and specifically with regards to our Ideal Orgs.
You are a very valuable member of our Ideal West US team. As such, I want to ensure you not only have 18 July written onto your calendar to attend the event, but you’re also working that night to either get the Valley DONE, or to assist the PAC Base in fundraising for the IAS–so we can open Ideal Advanced Orgs across this globe.
Please let me know in reply that you’ll be there, that you’re helping to promote that others attend, and that you’re continuing your actions to push forward our Ideal Org crusade!
Vicki Shantz
Moment of weird
Chuck Prenner was one of the original people in INCOMM. Apparently a brilliant computer programmer, he went completely batshit crazy and had to be routed out of the Sea Org at a time when losing one of the mainstays of INCOMM was unthinkable. He is probably the ONLY graduate they have had this year, as they would have to be desperate to use him as a poster boy.
They’re giving the stuff away
Stacy and Aknu are baaack…
Got to do something to get anyone to show up for these same old, same old “monumental” events…
Would not be Thursday without something promoting how to make money and give it to us from the “OT vessel.”
She has attained everything there is now. No point paying money for anything else as you cannot top this. Running around a pole gives you what hundreds of hours of auditing and OT Levels cannot. Monumental.
Ideal Org CF
Another of the “ideal orgs” (in fact, one of the first 3) STILL doesn’t have its CF up to date and is asking for public to volunteer to do it.
Ah, the wonders of “standard admin” in “ideal orgs.”
Make sure to write “6C”
Of course, we want our Flag seniors to “win their IAS game.”
Incredible, monumental, we ARE doing it etc etc
Nothing over the top about this…
Get rid of the noise in your universe…
Get off the scientology mailing list.
“Now, we want those lines to be straight and unimpeded and when we de-aberrate somebody, it’s just exactly as though we did take all those flow lines and make sure that all the flow lines were flowing straight…
“It means that your thetan must have an unimpeded flow — flow in straight lines…”
Lecture: Definitions of Dianetics and Scientology, Other Philosophies
Interested in getting rid of the “noise” in your universe and straightening out your flows? Do the Cause Resurgence Rundown!
“Where to begin?
“A few days in, I had a huge increase in determinism, and energy came streaming out after that. I suddenly could push like never before.
“Later, I decided to push like mad to move on the rundown, and as a result, the biggest key-out of my life happened that night. Then the biggest key-out of my life the next night, and again the next night, and so on for five days. I didn’t need as much sleep or food and had much better awareness and control of my body, to the point that I could closely observe a somatic, and it blew. Then the big stuff happened. I found that I had an A=A between myself and every other person in the universe that went all the way back to when I first entered the MEST universe. When that blew, I had tremendously higher ARC with everyone around me, and the amazing relief of not needing to be just like everybody else.
“And that’s when I discovered that I had always been the one in charge of me. I made the conditions that held me back. And for the first time in who knows how long, I see that I can make the future that I want.
“PT is now quiet and calm, and I don’t have the noise in my universe that was chronic; it’s my choice what to have there. I’m happy, powerful, fun.
“I’m so glad Flag is here to make this rundown available and that RTC and COB keep it straight as Ron intended
“Thank you so much to Ron. I am constantly amazed.” – Matt Olmstead
Please call or write anytime for anything!
Barbara Dews
Flag Service Consultant
1308 L Ron Hubbard Way
L.A., CA 90027
323 872 3585
Cringe Corner
Another recruitment poster….
Five dollar hot dogs, how much for the buns?
With apologies to Old MacDonald:
Old MacDonald had an org
e i e i o
And in hiss org he had a reg
e i e i o
With regging here and a regging there
Here a reg there a reg everywhere a reg reg
Old Mac Donald had an org
e i e i o
And in his org he had some pubic
e i e i o
With a public here and a public there
Getting slammed for donations everywhere
Old MacDonald had an org
e i e i o
And in his org he had Ethics
e i e i o
With Ethics here and Ethics there
Threatening people with disconnection everywhere
Old MacDonald had an org
e i e i o
And in his org, he had disaffected staff
With no pay here and no pay there
They all just said FUCK IT! I’M OUTTA HERE!
Old MacDonald had an org
e i e i o
And in his org, the SO came in
e i e i o
With SO here and SO there
Those SO fucks were everywhere!
e i e i o
Old MacDonald lost his org
e i e i o
The evil dwaf put him in the hole
e i e i o
With the evil dwarf here and the evil dwarf there
That fucking little piss ant dwarf was everywhere
e i e i o
Old MacDonald blew for good
e i e i o
He’s now living on Maui
e i e i o
With hot babes here and cool waves there
Hot babes & cool waves everywhere, he decided to make surfboard and live on the beach for the rest of life.
The End.
Hi OSD, Reading your post again.May you & yours have great waves,great sunrises & sunsets,your own pod of dolphins and all the double rainbows I can gather for you.You deserve it all! Ann.
I am very disappointed in Scientology.
Apparently they are going to focus all their efforts now om making their members pay through the nose to hand out little brochures written at an eight grade level in the Third World, and to send people in yellow t-shirts to be photographed doing spiritual massages in disaster areas, and to have addicts do staring exercises while going through detox, and to give speeches to prisoners, and to hold protest marches condemning psychiatrists.
Where is all the amazing futuristic scifi stuff??
I gues Scientology is really fading out with a whimper.
The success story I’d like to see:
“Thank you LRH for this amazing priceless Tech! And thanks to COB for fixing all Ron’s fuckups!”
COB fixes everyone’s fuckups – that’s what your on policy, RTC cold chrome steel standard ecclesiastical leader does.
“How did LA Org go Saint Hill Size in just a matter of weeks?”
Easy as pie!
David Miscavige
1) Collapsed LA Day and LA Foundation Orgs into one org, and
2) Musical-chaired 200 Sea Org Members, shunting them from Flag or other orgs neatly into LA Org.
And, forget about “weeks” – this straight up and vertical phenomenen occurred OVERNIGHT.
COB is a guy who know how to get things DONE!
Suppressive times call for Suppressive Acts, and our COB is not afraid to do what’s necessary.
Just think, the next collapsed Day & Foundation Org could occur at YOUR org, and presto, you will have expanded!
Brilliant, huh?
Only COB could have formulated this expansion plan.
Which is why we need Him so very, very much!
Some people think the essence of style is that ‘less is more’
With Scientology ‘more is not nearly enough’
One more process:
Spot every time someone forced word clearing on you to stop a valid observation, question or objection you had to something Hubbard or Miscavige wrote or said. (Run until free of the thought control).
Hi MM, Thank you. Ann.
Two process to help people get clear:
Spot a time another told you something was entheta to prevent you from discovering the truth. (Repetitive to EP)
Spot COB telling a lie. (Earlier similar to EP)
I’ve said this before but every time I see that photo of Gavin Potter I get a chill. Never mind his eerie resemblance to Miscavige, there’s something subtly – what’s the word – maniacal – in those eyes, that smile.
Little Davey, Little Davey, with botox on his skin,
Always in and out of lawsuits, but mostly always in.
Interpreting Ron’s writings to show us all the light
Using Danny Sherman for his overlarded tripe
Little Davey, Little Davey, there’s no one quite as smart
doesn’t matter what he’s doing,
Always does it without heart!
Sees the whales converging there’s a sparkle in his eye.
Well we all can look forward to his next surprise
What a surprise!
Little Davey on a bender, but his slaves can’t go to bed
Look’s like Davey’s been up drinking all his precious Scotch again.
You know it’s true dude
And you’re very hard to take
Little Davey, we all loathe you
Just the same, the same!
Little Davey, we all loathe you
Loathe you just the same!
A bit off topic, but big congratulations to Going Clear, seven Emmy nominations including best documentary!!
Not off topic AT ALL.
Wonderful news.
Hope Alex, Larry and Jigsaw win every one of them.
A prelude to the Oscars.
Fantastic news! Making my day!
Best news of the day! Yea!
Hi Mike, Please call or write anytime for anything… Quite a broad spectrum it appears to me.Covers a lot of ground but no garantee you will get what you paid for.Back down the bridge you go.And if you call or write anytime for anything you will get nothing but more intentions to take your money.Older & wiser today,Ann.
Chuck Prenner went Batshit crazy and was routed out of the SEA ORG ?.
Ahhaaa, how could anyone tell that from all other SEA ORG members?
Did he write a KR on the COB ? or promote that Scientology Deliver what it promised ?
FWIW, some background on Chuck Prenner:
Chuck Prenner and Foster Tompkins were the two original missionaires who set up INCOMM in the early 80s. Chuck was also (briefly) Commanding Officer of INCOMM. There is a bunch of LRH advices on the project that later became INCOMM. Chuck had a PhD from Harvard in Computer Science and worked at Xerox PARC back in the 70s. Chuck had a prior history of mental illness before he got into Scientology. Apparently, according to Chuck, anytime he did “whole track computer research”, and by that I mean any type of computer research that involved computers thinking/making decisions, he said he got his “whole track implants restimulated.” A Scientologist would understand what that means, but basically he become more and more introverted and more and more psychotic when he tried to do anything that could be considered “Artifical Intelligence”.
INCOMM’s mission was to develop the software, harder and computer networks that could automatically (with no assistance from humans) manage International Scientology. LRH even wrote a confidential advice that was about fictional computer system that existed a long time ago on the planet “CHUG”. This computer system was very smart and clever and could not only detect “unwanted situations”, but could also do root-cause analysis of them and implement handlings. In the “CHUG” advice, there was a corrupt politician (“the duke of CHUG”) that was responsible for creating tax riots on his planet (what is it with LRH and the tax man?). Anyhow, this computer system then orders the handling for the Duke of CHUG – execution. Well, that was the type of computer system INCOMM was supposed to develop, a sort of a smarter version of HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey – with one major difference – the INCOMM system was supposed to be based 100 percent on LRH admin technology. So, as one would suppose, INCOMM’s system was ultimately supposed to be capable of thinking and making good management decisions. In other words, the INCOMM was supposed to eventually do evaluations and manage programs. Utimately, INCOMM failed. Today, there is very little left of INCOMM as it was decimated by Miscavige’s staff in 1995. This story of what happened can be found on the Internet; just Google “Valentine’s Day Massacre – The Death of INCOMM”.
Anyhow, getting back to Chuck Prenner, in the spring of 1987 (and I guess his age at the time would be around 40; which would put him at these days around 70) Chuck once again got very restimulated by his computer research to the point where he snapped. In other words, Chuck had a full-blown psychotic break. One night he became violent and attacked his own wife, Noomi Prenner, who was also a Sea Org member at INCOMM. Allegedly, he tried to strangle her to death in their own bedroom. She was able to fight him off and break away to get some people from INCOMM Security. No police were ever called even though Noomi had fingerprints on her neck for a little while after the attack, but other than that she was physically OK (shaken up of course). INCOMM Security took over and took him away from the PAC Base and up into the mountains, I think near Lake Arrowhead. He was given the Introspection Rundown and made a full recovery, unlike other people who were less fortunate. Chuck was then Comm Eved and given a Fitness Board. Chuck wanted to stay in the Sea Org, but he was declared unfit due to his history of psychosis. Chuck and Noomi soon divorced. Someone in RTC at the time (I was told it was Dear Leader himself), arranged for Chuck to get a job doing software development at RealWorld in New Hampshire. RealWorld was an all-Scientology software company with Larry Byrnes as the CEO.
At the time of Chuck’s psychotic break his case level was OT 5. It is my understanding that Chuck is never allowed to receive auditing again and can not step foot on the Flag Land Base, i.e. he’s basically an illegal PC, but Chuck can train to his heart’s content, so that is what he does. I would have thought (hoped) that Chuck would have been further than Level 4 by now since he’s been out of the Sea Org for 28 years.
Wow… what he might have become, had he never gone in. Thank you for sharing this information. So sad.
Hi Jethro Bodine,Thank you for the post about Chuck Prenner.It is strange that all of us ins no matter how close in age we are or how far apart in age and time in cos or SO, how we all know one being who could of gone so much further in life if not for the fact that Ron/David,threw a black hood over all the warning bells that should go off when something is terribly wrong.When cos brags about all the new and improved junk that will clear this planet once and for all time,I close my eyes and I see collateral damage strewn throughout the decades in this evil cult’s wake.It is astounding! Always Ann.
A clear & OT staff member who was psychotic. Who woulda thunk? No reactive mind and BT’s “tamed”, how could that be? LOL!
I read all of El Con’s computer advices. They showed his almost complete lack of knowledge on the subject (h/w & s/w).
Wendy, I believe you’ve called it. The orgs in SA are deathly quiet – pretty much nothing is happening. My dear brother-in-law is a DM bot & Duggan lackey to the max. His dear wife (my sister) rivals DM himself when it comes to money-grubbing and criminal exchange. The church deserves them.
Hi Shelley,Very good to meet you.You burn bright with the situation with your family.Thank you for your post,& I used to believe long ago the mission was about helping mankind & delivering Tech that showed a way out.Now all that has changed for me.However being a DM bot & Duggan lackey to the max…. You go girl, tough to take.Ann.
I noticed the seminar featuring Aleena Gibson and The Uniformed David Potter is free and includes “refreshments”. Why would this be free? I think they would improve the odds of anybody attending if they were to charge enough dollars to make it hurt just a little bit.
That way they could exploit the scientologists who are mentally programed to be attracted to stuff which costs a lot of money and promises all sorts of exciting and meaningful advancements. The seminar also promises to show how to write songsTHAT SELL. It’s probably expected that you already know how to write songs, just not ones that sell.
That’s where Aleena comes in. She’s a famous singer although I’ve never heard of her and neither has anybody else, but she’s going to tell what she knows about writing hits and THAT is valuable information for people trying to get in the business! So I think they should charge for it.
Unless it’s just a ruse to get people in a room so they can be regged. If that’s the case then never mind.
Hi Mike, I share in the wonderful news on ” Going Clear…Oscars,here the bitter defrocked apostate SPs come.Always Ann.
You know what’s hilarious? This website about a religion called Tarvuism! You have to watch the recruitment video on the main page, excellent parody of scientology’s!
Gotta love Tarvuism. It’s SO easy to join!
I like the little “Be sure to write 6C on your Donation Form” message on the IAS flyer “this helps our FLAG Seniors win the IAS game”.
Makes me think that the Flag OT committee is trying to reduce the pain and suffering of the Flag seniors reaching their QUOTA. It’s not a game, it’s a quota. Until that quota is met, those FLAG Seniors will not be getting libs, decent food to eat or enough sleep at night. The Flag OT committee has taken pity on them, and yet enables the system at the same time.
I think the Hubbard quote “It means that your thetan must have an unimpeded flow — flow in straight lines…” shows someone’s misunderstanding. In Scientology “theology” you do not _have_ a thetan, you _are_ a thetan. So saying “your thetan” is nonsensical in the Scientology worldview. I’m guessing the correct quote would be “your theta” where “theta” is life force, the “static” (life stuff with no location in space or time).
This reminds me of a course supervisor who (idiotically) confirmed to a student that a book had one or more thetans in it. Why? Because only thetans can communicate with each other, and a book “communicates” to you when you read it, right?
Yeah, okay, you can say everything has “spirit” in it, but I’ve never seen two books talking to each other, which they would be able to do if books were thetans.
I’m reminded of the 70’s horror book (and movie) “The Manitou” (a native American spiritual entity). In that story, a typewriter had a manitou, which was very silly, but somehow useful in a climactic plot point. The movie starred Tony Curtis, which was also very silly.
Hi FOTF2012, Like your post.My mind then went to if the books did talk to each other,what if one book was Ron Speak & the other book David Speak.I’d have to resort to ear plugs or have white noise in my head,& still would not make sense of either dialect!Ann.
When cult members say, “My thetan,” what it translates to is, “My me.” Nuts! Plain and simple. They’re all nuts.
Hi OSD,The eerie thing is they are all nuts,but nuts who keep going up & down that bridge,always chasing OT status nuts!I’m very happy this nut made it out alive.Always Ann.
I’m one of the nuts that’s with you, Ann B! And…glad to be one too!
I really miss the daily dose of diatribe from Co$, I’d bring the 3 to 6 pieces a day my wife got in from the mailbox, we’d circle the outgoing circular container and dump with extreme prejudice (My part at least), since my wife’s passing they’ve cut off most of that, BUT now I”M getting 3rd class mailings and was never really signed up for this…Oh well, Thursday funnies for sure… Go CATS! Bob L…
You’re getting 3rd class mail, bob? That’s an insult, my friend! I’d go to the org that sent it and stuff it down their throats! But, hey, that’s just me…
Saxramento is 60 miles away not wasting my precious gas on them, ‘fraid to go in the door!
How’s this for desperate -The Daily Mail has a story today about church operatives in Sydney sending hand written letters to public they encountered TEN years ago – to try to get them into courses.
I saw that article. It made me laugh a little because we talk about not being able to get off mailing and calling lists all the time. Even people who are Declared!
Interesting that Robin Hogarth is at Flag for a “very special briefing” on the African Ideal orgs (meaning fundraising….. ).
Joburg North Org came up with about R30 mill (about US$3 mill – give or take) to buy a building earlier this year. There is no way that the local field (nationwide) came up with that kind of money. Someone has suggested…. correctly I think, that soon after Tony Ortega did his piece on the Duggans, someone went to the Duggans and said – STRIKE A BLOW AGAINST THE ENEMY!!!! So they paid for a building for Joburg North in the spirit of flourish and prosper to put a finger in the eye of the “SPs”. No-one else on the donor list has anything anywhere near that kind of money. Duggan junior is listed as a donor.
So now Robin has to go to the US to drum up interest and money – because honestly – I believe the local field is bankrupt/maxed out/gone and there is no money (other than IAS money) to renovate the buildings. It will be interesting to see how things develop…. or not.
“Work out how to balance your Bridge, your Music and your LIFE.”
This is easy. Let me help. Zero out the Bridge. Redistribute time and resources to Music and Life according to your own and your family’s needs.
Now, wasn’t that simple?
Yep! simple is as simple does.
Great comment. Wish I had read it before I gave up on my dreams and aspirations to become a dedicated Scientologist. With the help of Scientology I ruined my life.
Hi Good People, I am pleased to meet you.I can relate to your post, I did a very similar path as you.But as I move on down my walk,I believe my total experience with SO & cos,can have a impact,positive or negative is anyone’s call.All I want to do is tell my story & read all the contemporary accounts of what occurred in the 80s 90s & into present time.Got into trouble in ASHO F SO with present time.The 2nd night after I had joined the SO there,the 1st night I slept on the outdoor patio at the Hollywood Inn on a mattress because the Hollywood Inn had no beds open that night.Mr Jimi’s first cousin was playing on that patio,& back then not a lot of bodies were on the Blvd after 3:00 AM.So the next night I was told to go to the 7th floor & bunk with 5 girls who were going to FOLO the next day.So we all settled in for the night.I was still getting used to East to West coast time, so could not sleep.I heard one of the FOLO recruits saying they could not wait to get leave back home in Texas because they were going to start a touch assist clinic & rip off Ron.Miss Ann with all her worldly wisdom at 22,goes to Qual & originates all of this.I was told I was not in present time when I went to Qual because of jet lag.And the next night I had to go to Bev Hills & keep this big $ doner from killing herself or calling the police.A crazy night now I can’t see why I did not leave then,but love bombs & my desire to chart a new course had such a magnetic pull.Ann.
101 Reasons NOT to support Birmingham:
1. It’s a total scam. All they want is your money. Now. And if you don’t hand over enough money, you’ll get declared and your family will have to disconnect from you. You’re life will spiral down to nothingness.
For reason 2 through 101, see above.
Flag Seniors. 6C. I’m guessing this refers to older SO members who can’t do anything else, post wise, who have been collected into Public Div VI C. I am not familiar with the nine division org board. Is VI C the letter writers’ division?
6C is on the Org Board.
Did you notice how there seems to be so many old geezers like Chuck Prenner in Org photos these days?
They put young, 2nd gens out on the street to recruit newbies, But, when these newbies get in the course room they meet the aging population of “still ins”. This is another bait and switch that will not work…. Newbies wake up in the morning with a coyote ugly twin with bad breath… and NO DEODORANT because it’s not allowed in the course room! Ha. Good luck with that program!
Selling young sexy boys and girls on the street is harder today because there are so few of them…like Leah Remini and her friends point out today at the underground bunker and her Reality TV pgm on TLC: the second gens are getting out too… I think the Cherch has given up on that “sex sells” con and now just sell better looking hamburgers and meatloaf sandwiches.. Ha… like that’s going to work. Good luck… burp..then gag when newbies find out what’s in store for them…
I don’t know why they even try the sex approach since masturbation is verboten!
Oh and by the way, put a helmet on that kid will ya?
Wow, good find, Lisa. Oh, the irony.
Really, Mary, ironing??? Seriously? What has that got to with….wait…what? OH! IRONY! Ok. I get it now. Hey, I’m not the sharpest nife, errrrrr, ahhhh, I mean knife in the chandelier.
I’m just glad that last poster isn’t one of the “Look Who Just Joined Staff!” ones…
“I’m widing my bike for fweedom!”
Silly wabbet!
Hi scieneology411, Not this poster,never was one of those even when drinking that KoolAid.Ann.
Hi Mike,This I Pad,last sentence should read I could not have done it without you & the Tech Ron.Ann.
Hi Martin Padfield,Many congratulations to you & what a success story! Just like David wants them to be!Today I joined SO at ASHO F 41 years ago. That long ago?? My Success Story reads,None of the Big Being Thetans thought I would make it in SO for 4 years.I did.Then you tried everything short of murder to get me out.I blew but I still had a body,now all these years on,I celebrate freedom & have so much love for this blog,this truly is home for me.All here deserve great applause & thank you from my heart.Ann.PS could not have do I it without you & the Tech Ron.
Hi The Dark Avenger, The best post this morning.Thank you.Ann.
From ‘My Fair Davey’
I’ve grown accustomed to my fate
Dear leader makes the day begin
I’ve grown accustomed to the tune he puts out night and noon
His style, his clowns, with noses brown
Are second nature to me now
Like breathing out and breathing in
I was serenely independent and content before we met
I know I will never be that way again and yet
I’ve grown accustomed to his screams, accustomed to his fists
Accustomed to my fate
He’s second nature to me now
Like breathing out and breathing in
I’m very grateful he’s our leader and not easy to forget
Rather like a habit one can never break and yet
I’ve grown accustomed to the hate I notice everywhere
Accustomed to my fate
Standing ovation!!!! Master…I am not worthy. No, I really mean it! I’m NOT James Worthy.
I’ve paid my dues
Time after time.
I’ve done my A to E
But committed no crime.
And bad mistakes ‒
I’ve made a few.
I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I’ve come through.
(And I need just go on and on, and on, and on)
We are the SPs, my friends,
And we’ll keep on fighting ’til the end.
We are the SPs.
We are the SPs.
No time for Xenusers
‘Cause we are the SPs of the world.
I’ve taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and sympathy and everything that goes with it
I thank you all
But it’s been no bed of roses,
No Freewinds cruise.
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain’t gonna lose.
(And I need just go on and on, and on, and on)
We are the SPs, my friends,
And we’ll keep on fighting ’til the end.
We are the SPs.
We are the SPs.
No time for Xenusers
‘Cause we are the SPs of the world.
We are the SPs, my friends,
And we’ll keep on fighting ’til the end.
We are the SPs.
We are the SPs.
No time for Xenusers
‘Cause we are the SPs.
There’s quite some creative talent here today! Bravo!
Whoa! Dark Avenger, you da man! Wow! That was incredible! Mirror Martin with a bravo!
Bravo, Dark Avenger! Very well done…
MM, this one is right up there on my Parody Parade of Hits.
Dave deserves being parodied in multiple genres; he’s that kinda guy.
“I know exactly: who I am, what I am, where I am, what my abilities are and what effect I can and love to create.” Me, me, me, me, me, me, me. I can almost write her next success story. “I feel more like me than ever before because, well, it’s all about me.” Me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
Lol 🙂
Wait…what about ME?
Good point Lisa. This first dynamic is as bad as the
general public with the “me-generation”. Scientology,
if anything, should be about the 3rd dynamic and of
course salvage the 4th, 5th and 6th dynamics.
By “general public” do you mean “wogs”?
Yes Eileen.
Say it loud! I’m a Wog and I’m proud!
Reminds me of watching a talk show many, many years ago (Phil Donahue, if I remember correctly), the guests were scientologists, talking about their “religion”, and an audience member asked, if it’s a religion, what do you worship? Guest’s response, to scathing laughter from the studio audience, was “we worship ourselves”!! Me, me, me, to the extreme!!
Oh, Brummies, you were so, so close. Sabbath and Priest, I tip my cap to you for trying (and you do know that Rob Halford’s a 1.1, right?), but the magic letters to unblock the money flow were “ELO”. So still no cash for you. Shocking. It’s almost as if you put that in your pimp sheet to test me to see if I’d compromise. Unfortunately, you succeeded in this regard just about as well as Greece succeeded. I do not compromise, Brummies. ELO in the pimp sheet or no cash from me.
That is the worst-looking spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread I’ve ever seen. And I ate at Olive Garden before their revamp…actually, I’ve got a gift card for Olive Garden and there’s one a few blocks from work. Maybe tomorrow. At least I know that they don’t take ala carte to ridiculous extremes like Pac.
Do Gladys Nut and the Pimps get work anywhere other than LA-area orgs? Yes, I know they’ve got YouTube videos, but everyone does these days. They don’t count.
So “ideal Narconons” are on the table. So how exactly do you make them ideal? You don’t want expensive furniture and furnishings anywhere near people going through cold-turkey withdrawl (which is what Narconon, at its heart, is, since the Putrif is a fraud). That’s just massive property damage waiting to happen.
Is Robin Hogarth going to hit up the Flaggots for money to replace the missing letters on Jobur Org’s sign? I’ll lay you odds they haven’t been replaced in the two years since that classic photo was taken…hey, everyone else is going to go for something mentioning the Duggans’ knife-wielding psycho-kid, so I went in a different direction.
Thank you, Twin Cities, for reminding me why I hate meatloaf.
Something interesting in that Midwest Ideal Org Alliance logo. Is that the Gateway Arch with the Sears Tower (fuck you, Willis, whoever you are)? But St. Louis and Chicago are on different continents, aren’t they? Isn’t STL part of the West US Ideal Org Alliance? In her pimp note, Vicki Shitz says there’s such a thing. So what’s going on here? Won’t the money get mixed up too much?
And as for “creating a sane world”, personally, I don’t want a sane world. A sane world is dull, boring, and predictable. It’s the moments of insanity that make life interesting and worth living. So take your sane world and your “clearing the planet” and shove them straight up and vertical.
Espiando – hysterically funny! Your posts never disappoint.
As an upper mIdwesterner, I take exception to your disdain for meatloaf sandwiches. They are the culinary equivalent of headcheese and should be treated with same respect. And jello, jello in its myriad forms is the staple of upper midwest pot lucks.
Just keep the lutfisk out, that crap sucks. That is why Scandinavians left Scandinavia, that and aquavit, a most noxious liqueur.
Vicki Shitz appears to be trying to spread any ‘donations’ among both ‘continents’. That way she can take 2 10% commissions.
What really bothers me is what is Gavin Potter doing at a ‘music industry’ shindig? My cognitive dissonance will stretch far, but not far enough to think that Potter knows anything beyond the difference between soft rock and death metal.
Hana-Li sez: ” I’m not stuck in ANYTHING anymore or blocked by anything anymore.”
Next stop: Registrar. Let’s see how long those “wins” last.
Ms. B. Haven – Yeah, that one popped out at me, too.
“Let’s see how long those “wins” last.” Ummmmm, until the following day when you realize it’s all crap? Hey, I took a shot…
Laugh or Barf? Hmmm. Can’t decide.
If you do both, I’ll do it with you!
Just not at the same time, ok? Safety first!
Wimp. Mary and I are turning pro in laughing and barfing at the same time. On cult property to boot…
Well that certainly isn’t THEIR image in the last flier. Doing a Google image search brings up a lot of matches. Can’t determine which is the original though; but I bet it’s safe to assume they didn’t intend the child’s photo to be used in such a manner.
Exactly. Happens all the time. An IP lawyer or trademark agent could keep really busy with C&D letters alone!
And wow, that Chuck Prenner success story is one of the most depressing I have read in a long time. What a major sad sack sci-zombie. Yowch.
But I know a place where we can go
That’s still untouched by wogs
We’ll sit and watch our COB decry
And feel guilty for our sins
You can lay your wallet on the ground
And let your cash fall all around me
Offer up your best defense
This is the cognitive dissonance
As a cheap as Scotsman, complimentary water is good. However, it could be better. They could PAY me to drink their water. Aaarrrrggg! Tis good to be a cheap bastard…
It’s nearly my 6th anniversary leaving the Scientology cult. So to commemorate and just for shits and giggles I will give my “success story” complete with cult gibberish:
“Wow, what can I say. As each year goes by I find more and more who “I” am. My postulates just stick, my dynamics have never been more aligned. My ability to recognise BIs and low-toned individuals is off the chart! I don’t get DBs and CI characters on my lines, or if I do, I am so at cause they just as-is. I am ruthless about out-ethics indicators, and spot can 3rd party and JandD-ing a mile off! Every week is like a new rundown, just getting up in the morning blows charge. In fact my ARC with others is so good I line charge almost all the time! Thank you COB for helping me get where I am today”.
Yes, I need to thank COB also for helping me to get where I am today:
If it weren’t for you, COB, I would be silently maintaining my scientologist-in-good-standing with the church, holding on to my family members through fear. But thanks to you and your paranoia, I was declared.
Now, I have real friends who can talk to me freely and I them and the family I have with me now are stronger than ever. We can laugh and make jokes about anything we want without fear of saying the wrong thing.
I can drink alcohol a little or a lot, without wondering if it is okay with everyone else in the room.
I can stub my toe without wondering who I am PTS to.
I no longer live with an ice pack by my bed to relieve the stress in my neck. When I do get a headache now (which is far far fewer than I got when I was connected to you), I take an Advil and never fear if it will be okay with you or your church.
I am a better person and have more compassion, love, and empathy for people in general and have learned to shed my horrible “us vs them” mentality that I acquired when I was connected to you.
I’ve lost my son for now, Dave, thanks to you but if it weren’t for you, I never would have realized that I did the best thing possible by getting declared, because losing his whole family may be the only way he will ever make it out of your church. Thank you COB.
+ 1! Wonderful post, Mary! Straight from the heart. May your son wake up soon and come back to you.
Thanks Dude!
Beautiful, and moving, Mary.
The spell has been broken Mary. Cheers 🙂
Beautiful Mary! It’s wonderful that when you leave the cult you rediscover friendship and love! I am happier than I ever hoped to be. Thanks COB for making life in the cult so intolerable that I had to leave and in doing so started living and loving.
Case gain by reading.
I have also been out about 6 years and feel exactly the same way. Life is so wonderful except that I lost my son through toxic disconnection one year ago. All I can do is continue to love him and let him know that I’ll always be here for him with open arms..
I must admit that’s a much more poignant “success story” than mine. When I see and hear about others’ disconnection stories I feel very lucky — I had no family “in”. However two things I feel compelled to say. 1) I do think our collective efforts are not in vain. With each passing month and year the dwindling few still in gets less and less. As Tory famously keeps saying “tick tock – time is on our side”. 2). As bad as it is, fundamentalism goes to much worse and darker places; the horrors being perpetrated right now – in the name of religion – on young girls and women in particular in ISIS strongholds in Northern Iraq and Syria is virtually beyond what civilised people can imagine. I don’t know if this can be seen outside the UK but when I saw what one man alone can do to rescue these innocent souls I just wanted to drop everything and go and help.
Apparently that can’t be viewed so here’s a YT snippet
I’m so sorry you lost a child to disconnection, Kelly. I think what you said about it is correct. My son, too, knows I’m here with unconditional love.
Would you like for others to have these wins?
Yes. F/N widens.
Yes. Meter just blew up.
$5 for a hot dog? Well, if it helps get PAC some toilet paper, it’s worth it I suppose
Maybe they are part of some new Hot Dog Auditing Technology? Why else would they be so expensive.
The Mark XII SUPER-QUANTUMDOG, 100% on-sauce and GAT (Golden Age of Tacos)-compliant
Hi David J Mudkips, Good to meet you.I like the idea of a Scam Super Digital Camera always on Meter in Hot Dog guise.TOBASCO sauce will give those cans a burn for your $, Ann.
$5.00 for one pork rib.
It seems really rude to each in front of Sea Org staff members.
I always each in front of people. I don’t care what they think of me. Eaching is fun!