Brummie logic
If this is true, it argues you should be giving your money for the ideal orgs in Manchester and Leeds too. Oh, that’s right, the org in Manchester has cobwebs covering the doorstep and there has never been an org in Leeds (or Sheffield or Liverpool or Burnley or, or, or — any place that has a football team that has ever been in the BPL should at least have a mission, let alone an org) . More expansion in the last decade than the 50 years previously doesnt seem to apply to the UK. They have not had a new org there in at least 25 years.
Member’s Only
Oh shit, Valley must have had an overrun on their nifty white leather disco jackets.
It just wouldn’t be Thursday without announcing some Freewinds moneymaking “conventions,” “summits” and “seminars”…
By the way, anyone know who Alex Weber is?
Food, glorious food…
Check that out. And for a meal like that you agree to be relentlessly regged by a gang of IAS vultures until you can escape
History-making milestone…
Puerto Rico org was evicted from their premises because they couldn’t pay the rent and moved into the boonies. This is sizzling hot news.
And Flag, always a step ahead of the crowd isn’t using food as a carrot any more. It’s dance lessons. Ay carumba.
What a deal!
Just 250 hours “volunteering” in CF gets you a whole Academy Course
As of the 10th of July an issue has come out from AOSH UK in which they are giving training awards for the value of an Academy course for every 250 volunteer hours put in in AOSH UK between 10 July and 3 months from that time.
If you were at the Grand Opening of the CLO yesterday you heard what was said: We got to get the Ideal AOSH done and that is part of the preparations to make that happen. We have to have it all done before the IAS event in October so help is needed.
If you want to earn your training awards, contact the CF Officer AOSH UK and they will give you a copy of the issue and will get you scheduled to get started.
ml, Ann
Cause over the whole of planet earth and beyond…
Hey PD, could you do something about the traffic on US 19 please?
No rewards here, just begging for help
Another non-ideal “ideal” org.
Oh dear…
Even with 4,300 scientologists contributing, they STILL cannot make it to “ideal org fundraising done.” Even with Bob Duggan bankrolling them.
This is the “winning team”??
Let’s end with an LRH quote….
More about money. And they don’t even seem to care….
If you have not seen it, watch the Going Clear movie here:
Ummmm,4,500 scientologists donated cash to the ideal morgue in Valley? The most scientologists ever to join and donate to the crusade for ideal church’s on Earth. The church members read this & still believe in the X# unpresidented expantion? After looking around and the damn place and it is empty? 4,500? How can’t someone not say ok the expantion is the amount of org domiciles on earth,not people. 4,500 they gave a number a extremly low number,helloooooo
I think it is actually Alex Fischer, here a link
to one of his Web sites. Scroll down a little bit and you will find the same image of him. I saw him last in 2011 (was UTR back then) and he was on OT7.
Used to work for one of his several companies, all of him in real estate, financing etc.
Multiple Choice Question Of The Day:
A sales convention promising unbelievable levels of prosperity, is running on a cruise ship that is owned and operated by …
A) a church
B) a cult
C) Donald Trump
Hi MM,Your post is brilliant.Keeps me on my toes! Always Ann.
Slightly off topic. I guess the following doesn’t quite align with command intention, eh Dave?
In a lecture he made on 19 July 1966, L. Ron Hubbard expressed concern about the possible abuse of the “Suppressive Person” label in respect of those who are otherwise good citizens and contribute to civil society:
You should upgrade your idea of what an SP is. Man, meet one sometime! A real one! A real monster….Well, in all the time we’ve been around here we only had one SP that I know of. One real SP that was on staff…. And I don’t know of another single SP that we’ve ever had on staff. Isn’t that interesting. You see all these SP orders and so on…Don’t throw it around carelessly, because this is an–a very exaggerated condition, SP.
MM, I remember that LRH lecture. Oddly enough, shortly thereafter El Con went on an SP declare rampage. Trashing good people. He then continued that criminal practice throughout the remainder of his life. So you see, DM IS following El Con’s ACTIONS.
SO, being that LRH’s management actions ARE Command Intention, DM is following it. Understand now MM?
Yes, loud and unclear.
Just saying that after LRH wrote that reference, “he went on a big SP Declare rampage” doesn’t necessarily make it so. Where are the docs on this? What you said is a generality with no specifics to back it up and it was done to make it look like LRH wrote the reference and then immediately violated it ,which may or may not be true. It’s hard to tell since you didn’t provide any people’s names and dates of declare relative to the date of that LRH reference. But there is one thing we can all agree on: DM is not following his own church policies as set forth by his predecessor.
Cindy, I never said that. It was John Locke.
Mike I knew you never said that. I was replying to John Lock’s condescending post to you. I see he makes fun of and condescends to me too in his answer. Yet still no docs and still all he has to say are anecdotal things that he says he saw while on staff. All I asked for was the docs of names and dates of WHO LRH declared immediately following the issue of that reference so that John could give us the specifics rather than just generalities.
Got it Cindy. Specifics are always welcome.
Hi Cindy,I was thinking I do not worry about condescending posts from any one.I had it all in SO,so I let the waves crash & the wind blow where it will.I stay my course and love you all no matter the post,unless it’s an attack Troll.Then I bite back.Always Ann.
Cindy wrote. “Just saying that after LRH wrote that reference, “he went on a big SP Declare rampage” doesn’t necessarily make it so. ”
LMAO! I read EVERY SP declare on file when I worked in Dept. 3 Snr. HCOI and then later when on Perimeter Council at Int. What you do or do not believe has no bearing on reality. El Con was an SP declare machine. He was a total psycho.
Thank you for posting that LRH quote, Mike. I hope DM and the OSA Trolls on this blog read that and have huge cognitive dissonance. It is because now they are declaring people by the bucketloads — so many that they can no longer post it on the MAA’s wall for all to see, per LRH policy on it — because if they did that, people would see that a much much higher percentage than 2 1/2% were being declared and that something must be wrong with that picture because good people that they know and love are on the too huge list of SP’s just freshly declared. That quote alone from LRH shows you that DM and the church don’t follow church policy. But we all know that and I’m preaching to the choir here. But Trolls, take note!
Cindy, El Con had a majority of his Old St. Hill staff (the ones that boomed that org to “St. Hill size”) declared SP. How is that different?
Deeply bizarre. And a little painful actually.
Also was wondering what happens in the church when/if you pull out an LRH reference that contradicts the IAS, the Ideal org program or even just the fundraising activities in general? (I gather there are plenty of such references)
Do they deny its LRH? Or change the subject or what?
Amamax, around ’87 I did just that. It was with someone at Flag Mgmnt level. He wore 3 strips so was high up. After a few minutes of me pointing out a broad violation of some HCO PL the guy screamed, “Not just LRH can make HCO PL’s!” To which I replied that I knew that was true so, show me the new HCO PL. He just turned purple and started yelling incoherently. I left the office.
ANOTHER psychotic “clear”, OT, Trained auditor…
Hi John Locke,Love this post!Ann.
Amamax, when, as a public, I pointed out to various staff in my Class V org that I could find no HCOPLs on Ideal Org fundraising and that the only reference I HAD found was something wherein LRH virtually BEGS that it NOT be done (“Solve It With Scientology”) in response to this comm at different times with different staff, I got a variety of the following: blank stares/no answers, shifty eyes/non-answers, referrals to OTHER org terminals for answers, and, from the EO, the absolute coup de grace: I was advised via email to “come into the org so that I could look some things over”, to which I emailed back, “What is the reference? I’m kinda busy. Please just give me the LRH reference as I have all the volumes and can easily look it up and read it myself”, to which the EO emailed back, “I would rather not get into this over email” Amazed, I emailed back, “You can’t give me an LRH reference IN WRITING?”. Never heard back. The silence was deafening! This was a highly trained Ethics Officer, a Scientologist for over 40 years!
You see, anyone who has ever been a Scientologist for any length of time knows that LRH pounded home ALL the time that “If it isn’t written it isn’t true”. One is given references CONSTANTLY about everything (“no verbal tech!”) so for an ETHICS OFFICER to refuse to put IN WRITING the correct reference for ANY policy, ANY activity – it was a HUGE outpoint, and highly suspicious to me.
From the courses I took in Scientology I learned, among other data, a very helpful datum: Listen for what people DO NOT SAY. What people cannot or will not talk about can tell you a great deal.
So, at that point, my antennae was UP.
Now, unlike John Locke, who was in the SO, I was a PUBLIC, and as such was OFF LIMITS to being SCREAMED at. That said, I have NO doubt that if I HAD been Sea Org or org staff , I WOULD have been screamed and yelled at and/or punished for pointing out what LRH said to do might be diverging WIDELY from what was actually being DONE and ORDERED to be done. I know myself, and had I been in that position, pointing out the discrepancy between ostensible policy and what was being done, and being screamed at, cursed at? Omg…no way. I would have walked right out, clawed my way out, or, more likely, schemed and plotted in any way I possible, to get out.
The staff are in a real bind because a great deal of what they’re doing on their posts IS off policy – at least according to what LRH wrote in the HCOPLs – not only off policy, but off line, and “musical chaired “and “Hey You” which is all Scientology speak for organization confusion, with staff not doing their actual posted jobs but doing what some (not necessarily authorized) senior staff told to them to do without respect to “the form of the org”. In other words, people doing mostly NOT their own posted jobs but any old thing that needs to be done RIGHT THEN, with executives not posted over these activities, i.e., theoretically not responsible for them, giving the orders.
Whew! I’m getting dizzy just TRYING to describe this, so I understand if your head is possibly by now spinning trying to understand it.!
I love what you wrote back to that MAA, Aqua. I bet you caused some big cognitive dissonance that day!
Well thank you to you and John Locke for replying.
And i think you both did and excellent job describing. Very much appreciated 🙂
Off topic, briefly with your permission, Mike:
I don’t post at Tony’s though I read there every day. I’m amazed at reading that back in 2004Tom Cruise ordered his then 14 year old niece to leave the family to do lowers for 2 years as amends for being caught on camera kissing and/or petting with a boy. It was labelled “out-PR” on the girl’s part.
The FIRST thing I thought of was that soon afterwards Tom Cruise met Katie Holmes and invited her to move in with him and have sex with him, got her pregnant, waited until their daughter was born and THEN a few month’s afterward, married her.
And, somehow, for some reason, this was in no way “out-PR”, AND, all of this was occurring during the period that his niece was being banished from the family!
The SECOND thing I thought of was how the “church” , in one of their hate sights, smeared Christie Colbran before her marriage to Mike, when she was living with him, referring to her Mike’s “paramour”, yet, strangely, Katie Holmes lived with Tom Cruise
in the same unmarried state and was never called Tom Cruise’s “paramour”. (Don’t get me wrong, now, I’m on Team Katie; I’m just pointing out the absolutely sickening hypocracy of this cult.)
Grammar and usage terrible: always happens when I’m upset.
Not at all Aqua. I loved your post. Yes, the hypocrisy of Tom for coming down on her like a ton of bricks when he did way worse. Shouldn’t he be worried about how he represents the church and not just worried about how his niece does? He’s a hypocrite and a tyrant and is fully in David, let him die, Miscavige’s valence.
No hypocricy at all. Different rules for Big Beings.
Exactly, RB. Reminds me of that aphorism, paraphrased, “We are all equal. Some are just a little more equal than others”. Grrrrrr!
Even more ridiculous, hypocritical of Tom Cruise: For LOVE of Katie Holmes he jumped up and down on Oprah’s couch, proclaimed his feelings to the world, and for a pushing 50 year old, made something of a fool of himself doing it, yet, notwithstanding this great and overpowering love for Katie, when she became pregnant, he took his sweet time about marrying her! But TC and DM have this all squared around, somehow. “No out-PR here, just move along”. Meanwhile, a young teenager kissing someone in his house or something is this DISGRACIA to be banished from the family and punished, Now she’s in the SO. I feel for her. Hope they don’t make another Jenny Linson out of her. I am so postulating that she will blow.
Again, I’m no prude, I don’t care if people have kids and stay unmarried so long as the kids are well cared for and happy, but I can’t get over the amazing hypocracy the mental disconnect, of the cult and Tom Cruise here!
Aqua, DM, and as an extension TC are just aping LRH when it comes to being punitive against others for sexual activities while not adhering to those standards themselves. “Contagion of aberration” I guess. LOL
Hi John Locke,You get a gold star that sparkles for your post.DM & TC are excellent at aping Ron.Do as I say not as I do.Always Ann.
Have to agree with you on this too, JL. There’s an amazing disconnect between what LRH said works and doesn’t work on the 2D (principles I have myself found to be true and workable on the 2d, principles which, when I have violated them, caused me problems on the 2D) and what he actually DID, the way he operated. One can only suppose that he believed that HIS flouting of these principles for whatever reason, would have, could have, no damaging consequences for HIM as they would have for everyone else. One can only assume that he believed this, that he was above being so affected, or disaffected. A fundamental error in judgement on his part was it for him to operate on this uninspected stable datum. He plowed himself in very thoroughly on the 2nd D and on all his dynamics.
Aqua, LRH’s setting rules for others and not himself is CLASSIC Evil Cult leader behavior. It is across the spectrum. No money for Staff, HUGE money for LRH. No 1D for SO members. Massive 1D indulgence by LRH, etc., etc. It is part of the personality package for evil dictator types. Has been since mankind walked upright most likely.
Thanks Ann B. I just call ’em as I find them. 🙂
Since this is the thuresday funnies, I thought of this novel I was reading. All these people were going to see this nun who is said to make miracles happen.She said” catholics, jews islam ,kwanzas were all coming to see her even you know that science church that one that worships Tom Cruise. I cracked up.
Gretchen – That is funny.
I like the picture of the Flying Dog .
Alex Weber? Oh yeah, I know him. He’s a pompadour consultant.
interesting how the SF event is being held at a ‘smancy’ hotel instead of the poorly maintained SF Org.
Yea but I thought it was an Ideal Org???????????? Ideal for what? I suppose it is an ideal place to raise cockroaches, ca -ca and all things Miscavige.
If I can get at least a couple hundred first hand stories, with actual names and signed with some form of contact information, Including my own submission. And compose a cover letter to top it all off. I would gladly make copies and submit via e-mail and/or traditional mail, all the stories and cover letter to the list below. I would do all the leg work on this. All I would need from you is:
*1 page summarizing why you feel Scientology’s tax exemption should be revoked
*1 page summarizing how Scientology has personally affected you
*Please have your full name at the top of each page and sign the second page (electronically or you can print it, sign it and scan it. You can even hand write your note if you wish and sign and scan it).
*Second-hand submissions on behalf of those who cannot speak out about what happened to them, for whatever reason, are also welcome.
*Submissions about events which you may have personally witnessed but did not affect you are welcome.
*Anonymous submissions are welcome. But keep in mind that I wouldn’t send out a package like this if I receive less than a couple hundred personal stories with actual names attached to them
Suggestion: It would be nice to have some notarized copies if you have the money to spend on that. It’s usually 10-30 bucks depending on where you live. I will likely get mine notarized.
*Do not exceed the 2 page limit
*Be professional
*No curse words
*State your feelings and your experiences, but do not make any demands or threats
*Be factual
*There is no need to name names of non-public figures, but if you are willing to provide them should any of these people choose to contact you, please state that in your note.
*Don’t call anyone names, or express your feelings (positive or negative) towards the personnel below. Keep it focused on Scientology and your personal experience or things you have witnessed.
*Don’t ramble, or profess conspiracy theories, or talk about angels and demons. Be as coherent and organized as you can.
*Don’t send separate letters of your own to these people. I would rather make this a consolidated effort with a single package sent to each of these people. I will notify everyone of everyone else who is receiving a copy of this.
Submit your two pages to [email protected]
This includes long-time or well-known critics. Everyone that has been personally affected by Scientology to any degree, please submit something. The more people we get, the better chance we have to grab someone’s attention on this list.
Everyone is welcome to submit, whether you were a Scientologist or not and no matter how long ago your experience was.
Tony, Marc, Claire, Tory, Gerry Armstrong, Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, John Brousseau, Nick Lister, Aaron Smith-Levin, Dee, the other Dee, Elizabethan, John P Capitalist, Jeffrey Augustine, Karen DeLaCarriere, Lori, Ginger, Susanna, Bob, and so many thousands of other people.
Secretary of Health and Human Services
US Attorney General
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Homeland Security
Speaker of the House
Senate Majority Leader
Senate Minority Leader
House Ways and Means Committee
Senate Committee on Finance
My Senators
My District’s Representative
Commissioner of the IRS
IRS – Communications and Liaison
IRS – Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement
IRS – Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division
IRS – Criminal Investigations Division
IRS – Whistleblower Office
Director & Deputy Director of the FBI
FBI Public Affairs
FBI Congressional Affairs
FBI Criminal Investigations Division
Dept of Labor – Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Dept of Labor – Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
Dept of Labor – Office of the Inspector Genera
Dept of Labor – Office of Labor-Management Standards
Dept of Labor – Office of the Worker’s Compensation Program
Dept of Labor – Office of Public Engagement
Governor of California
CA – State Senate Majority Leader
CA – State Senate Minority Leader
CA – My state Senator
CA – Speaker of the Assembly
CA – Assembly Minority Leader
CA – My Assemblyman
Attorney General of California
California State Board of Equalization
CA Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development
CA Secretary of Health and Human Services
Riverside County Board of Supervisors
Riverside County CEO
Riverside County Treasurer
Riverside County Sheriff
Mayor of Los Angeles, CA
My Representative in the City Council of Los Angeles
Chief of LAPD
Governor of Florida
Attorney General of Florida
FL – Speaker of the House
FL – Senate Majority Leader
FL – Senate Minority Leader
Mayor of Clearwater, FL
Clearwater, FL City Council – General Address
Tony Ortega
Los Angeles Times
New York Times
Tampa Bay Times
Sacramento Bee
Clearwater Gazette
Press Enterprise
[HQ as well as local affiliates in Riverside, Los Angeles, and Clearwater]
Mike, I thought there was an bOrg in Manchester on Deansgate, it sure gets a decent number of protests
Oh yes, you are right. Sorry. I was in such euphoria over the white jackets that I forgot all about Manchester “org”. Will correct this now….
Mike, it would be the ultimate cool if somehow we could gather together enough people on the Fringe of the Internet to contribute enough for a jacket for you. Then you could post a pic of yourself in it, wearing those IAS glasses – remember the ones you wanted? Oh, this would be so cool…
“The rundowns seemed to handle everything I had my attention on – stopping me from being myself…..”
What if ‘yourself’ is an asshole? ‘SEEMED TO HANDLE”????
Those white pleather jackets look like an old Star Trek uniform. The ones they had to wear for ‘formal’ events.
Cue the O’Jays, ‘For the Love of Money’….
The LRH quote of the day from his book, THE FACTARDS, (or something that sounds like that) is but one of many hapless abstractions that give you nothing in exchange for reading it.
“Money flows toward points that attract prosurvival attention…” ???
In truth, money flows toward ANYTHING that convincingly promises an escape from discontent with the BIG money flowing toward drugs, gambling, pornography as well as more respectable modes of entertainment. “Prosurvival” doesn’t win any money flow contests because as somebody wise once said, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”
Rog, I think it is; “The LACK of money is the root of all evil.” … 😉
When you are ‘in’ you try to fit the real world into this and many other quotes, when viewed objectively then I have to agree with you it is total rubbish. As another example: generally people love motor cars and spend a fortune on them, this clogs the roads, creates massive air pollution, etc, etc, so how is this pro-survival?
How long has Miami Org been dining out on this “promise to Ron” bullshit? Has anyone from another org ever called them out on not having fulfilled that promise? Has the Toxic Dwarf ever done that (I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that one). It’s been, what, 45 years since Miami Org made the promise, and 30 years since the recipient of that promise died. I’d say that it’s time to say that it can’t be done and they were blowing smoke up Ron’s fat ass in the first place.
Give up it, “Mighty” Miami.
“We have AC. We have food.”
If Scamology had EVER produced a Clear as per El Con Flubbard, you literally could not keep people from flooding the orgs even if you have a machine gun.
Why can’t Hubbard apologist’s figure this out?
So very, very true.
Aquamarin have you changed your mind about scientology?
No, Gary. I have had very good personal experience with Scientology, the philosophy. My auditing helped me and my training helped me. I was never staff or SO, always a public. I make a clear distinction between the philosophy (at least what I was allowed to read) and the management.
I agreed with John Locke because LRH’s descriptions of the state of Clear, I feel were exaggerated. If those descriptions were actual (total recall, etc. etc.) and if the church’s PR was not so horrific I do believe they would be flooded, absolutely flooded, with people.
I was not agreeing with JL’s names for LRH. I suppose I didn’t make that very clear in my acknowledgement of what he said.
On the other hand, I do not revere L. Ron Hubbard as some kind of god. He was quite flawed and I believe he sowed the seeds of his own downfall and violated his own tech. I don’t revere him but then i believe there is a lot of good that he did, good and helpful tech that he codified, if not invented.
I feel and think this way: something either works, or it doesn’t. I don’t have to believe anything. I can try something, test it, pick and choose what works for me and what doesn’t. Theoretically, if not in practice, this is what LRH said Scientology was all about. That’s what I thought it was. And that’s what I would say the PHILOSOPHY is, if not the actual practice.
When I’ve tested something and it works, or doesn’t, as the case may be, however the cookie crumbles is not too much of a concern for me. I’ll stand by what works and just leave the rest.
I also defend someone’s right to have a viewpoint that differs entirely or in part from mine. Anyone who has had an extremely negative experience with the tech and/or L. Ron Hubbard has the right to hate the tech and hate him. I’m very big on free speech. I also learn from people with whom I frequently disagree. Reading all kinds of viewpoints prevents one, I believe, from getting mentally soggy.
Sorry for this overly long explanation! But your question brought me up short, and made me think.
Thank you for your honesty.
AOSH UK. Isn’t “Advanced Org Saint Hill UK” is little redundant? They’re working to claim everything as Saint Hill-sized, while degrading Saint Hill itself to just another AOSH franchise.
Oh well, carry on! /popcorn
“By the way, anyone know who Alex Weber is?”
Yes, he’s the dumbfuck that can’t afford a shaving razor because he’s an idiot rube that’s handed everything he swindles out of other rubes over to organized crime.
“Limited to 40 people”
ROFL! As if the crooks could find 40 dumba55es to swindle. As if these filthy criminals would refuse to steal money from 40,000 dumba55es if they could find them. 🙂 How so very amusing.
As a poster representing $$$$ and affluence.. Alex needs a suit that fits and doesn’t pull over is middle.. and the 2 hands extended in a hand shake… well the cuffs of their shirts need ironing. Just sayin’..lolol.. details folks.. details.
“Help us recover people. The A/C is on.” I feel for those staff.
Yeah, so do I … pity, really … with some 69,000 square feet to A/C, I’d be squirming every minute, listening to a slot machine payout in reverse gear. Whrrrrrrrrrrr. Probably $8,000 a month. Yeah. That five-story atrium in the middle sure is efficient utilization of space! “Look at that space. Thank you. Look at that bill. Thank you.” The echo in there must be fabulous every time.someone walks across the floor.
But the 6th floor view is awesome. Just don’t lean over too far, haha! So come on up and stare out at the view because there really ins’t much else going on? I mean, it did cost some 15 million, didn’t it (and counting)? So might as well at least look at it. Maybe they can spot “the Crowd that Wasn’t There” from the 6th floor?
And the public’s fate is in your hands. (Yup, there’s that good old Co$ “You don’t have the f***ing rank” [to be self-determined]! .
“Look at that space. Thank you. Look at that bill. Thank you.” Laughter!
Normal people don’t think it’s notable that a building has A/C in the summertime. So, it’s probably off most of the time.
It will be interesting to see if the Fleecewinds actually makes it to pick up their dupes who sign up for the OT Power and Expansion Summit.
Flying under the Panamanian flag, the Fleecewinds keeps leaving and arriving at various small ports in the Carribean, most often Aruba. Won’t someone, ANYONE, please pay for enough fuel for it to offload its’ current *ahem* passengers/hostages back in the USA and pick up a new load of dupes?
We are watching you David Miscavige.
Sail the Fleecewinds
Learn to throw away your family
From the town of Rockslam
They’re a page right out of history
Let’s go with the prices that don’t come cheap
Command intention of Davey’s needs
When you’re on the Fleecewinds
you’ll have a yabba dabba doo time
a dabba doo time
Gees, PD now that you can “effect things on the other side of the world by my intention” will you be decimating ISIS and the other terrorist groups? This would be helpful for mankind, you know, those other dynamics.
I think Alex Webber is Mickey Rourke on a sober day trying to be Gordon Gekko. Co$ with its push for cash part of the one percent? Co$ seems to have the routine down, underpay workers, deny benefits, ignore health issues or at the very least push them off when too late to handle.I hope the 99% wake up and revolt.
Are people still held in punishment in the bowels of the Breakwinds? Does anyone know if this still occurs?
Hi OTD-OUTTHEDOOR, A good question,I do not know about today,but I was aquainted with the bilge area & the paint locker on the Excalibur.Not held as prisoner,but as punishment.I was one for asking ” why? ” or smiling & laughing while scrubbing decks.Some non humorous terminals did not like my cheerfulness no matter the task.POed them greatly.Always Ann.
You asked “WHY”???!!! Oh Ann, that is an unforgivable mistake in the SO! I happen to know that because I asked that question repeatedly and was rewarded by getting the boot and a freeloader’s debt. I worshipped scientology and it gave me the boot all because I wanted answers to support the idealism it engendered in me. Such a lovely lesson but it would be a few years before I learned it.
Daily ………..IMHO!
Hi Roger,You & me both! Asking why for me meant trying to get everything right the first time,and wanting to make whatever task I was assigned the best.As we both found out why is dangerous to SO Members.And this lesson has taken me years to learn.Always love your posts.Ann.
” …250 hours “volunteering” in CF gets you a whole Academy Course”
Word to the wise – read the fine print on the reams they make you sign. When you don’t donate enough and get put in a lower condition, or declared, you may end up owing the money.
Don’t give them any ideas.
Its not a very generous offer anyway – to qualify you would need to work around 20 hours each week, imagine this on top of a full time job, and of course they will still expect you to be doing your thing in the course room the whole time.
Twitter picture of Grant and Elena Cardone wearing cheesy white pleather jackets in 3…..2…..1…..
Those jackets hurt my eyes. Perfect wear for the Cardones, who also hurt my eyes.
Jackets or no, they look ridiculous together. She towers over her husband.even worse than the way 5/9 Katie in her 5 inch spikes towered over Tom. (OK, I can’t stand these people and I just feel like being gratuitously and inappropriately catty, I admit it.)
Edit: 5’9”, not 5/9.
Aqua along the same inappropriately catty line. She appears to eat once a week whether she needs to or not. The overly large head on the skeletal body with every bone showing through the skin never looked at all glamorous to me, but it works with the cheshire cat grin.
Totally, Valerie.
Mrs. Cardone is gargoyle material, alright. They should sculpt that head and neck of hers and attach it to the entrance gate of Scientology Media Productions.
The FleaWinds has become nothing more than weekly regging sessions with different hosts. If you can’t make it to see Alex, you can see Jim the week before:
I wonder who is booked for the week after these two?
Jim Mathers: “10 days until the Entrepreneurs Convention on the Freewinds!!!! 🙂
I’m so excited!!!!” Imagine a grown man talking like that! Of course there is no grown man in this picture is there?
So true. His glee is a sure sign he’s getting a commission off everything they can squeeze out of whoever is foolish enough to show up for his “seminar”.
So a religion that claims to have millions of members could only find 4,300 to donate to the Vally ORG?
And making VALLEY Org Ideal is the “final target” for clearing LOS ANGELES?
There are no words…
Well if 4,300 donated to the Valley Org, why, in over 10 years, is it not done yet?
CI from SPs.
Where HAS all that money gone?
Excellent question, Indie 8 Million. Where has all the money donated to the Valley Org gone in ‘lo these 10 plus years? Who needs a stinkin org to open when you can just keep pocketing the money and producing no product at all. That was the operating basis for Super Power for decades. It worked too as a way to ama money and for DM to get rich, UNTIL Luis Garcia sued him over it. The only reason he finally opened the Super Power Building and released the Super Power Rundowns was to prove to the court that he didn’t rip off Luis Garcia and thousands of other Super Power donators.
Gotta wonder how many of the 4,300 are still dues paying, on-service, still believing cult apologists…10%?
Hi Mike,Thurs funnies are a good way to get sunshine to my soul.Still sad to see great spirits move on,yet I was blessed to know Yvonne a little & she always remembered my name! I heard tales of Pat & I did see him I think at times.Wonderful smile beautiful spirit All us bitter defrocked SP apostates have more caring joy love giving & real emotion than the entire cos has in it’s total mad mix of real estate & status.Promise To Ron Recognition Reward is miserable.Ron no longer has any control over his cult,not even copyright to his policies so recognize David if the still ins want to.He runs all.Latin dance lessons? I am one of the worst dancers to ever live,so that might not be my thing,but the food & Alex Weber & PD realizing that gee his intention can be felt on the other side of the planet & his environment extends into space Wow could he please break this heat wave in Baton Rouge & cause cooling rain!Love Ann.
Hi Ann, saw the forecast for your area this weekend, couldn’t believe the numbers!! 108-110+ in Louisiana and Arkansas!! OMG!! Here in Las Vegas we’ve already hit 114 this summer, but it’s not that sticky heat you’re famous for. Hope your heat wave breaks soon!!
Hi Kathy H,Thank you for your hot post!Talk about stuck flows! Looks like we have a week or so more.But I learned with this heat keep your air maintained all year,shop & exercise in the very early morning,wear light clothing,walk slowly when out & take one teaspoon of Tobasco every day.Counteracts the heat as in cancels it out.We would love to come to Las Vegas for a few days,just hang out and see all the pretty neon at night.Always Ann.
Actually, Joe, I think the problem they seem to have are the words “pro survival”. Since they only actually communicate glib words, they are not surviving. Since they are only thinking glib thoughts, they are not surviving. And since the only goal of the organization (read “Miscavige”) is tons of money for virtually nothing in return, they are not surviving. And if they keep doing the unsucsesful actions of the past, the ONLY actions they seem able to do, they are doomed to fail. And to do it in a way, as might be said in Shermanspeak, “epically and monumentally”.
So true. I have had even the most faithful admit to me that many public in Scientology are not ‘flourishing and prospering’ financially and agree that it’s an outpoint. The problem is that they think they should just ‘keep on going’ and everything will get better for them in time, as they become more ‘Able.’ Another concept that is used in the most glib sense possible.
“I flourish, you pauper.” Cap’n Dave
MM – Good one. Exactly so for Cap’n Dave.
Is that “Cap’n” as in, “I’m gonna put a ‘Cap’n’ your @ss if you don’t donate now!”?
Cap’n’ Davy Crunch! Kids will love this new cereal! They can bite off Cap’n’ Davy’s arms, legs, head and anything else they think they should bite. Kids eat the darnedest thing…
Yeah…Who is Alex Weber? Google came up with scratch for Alex…
“By the way, anyone know who Alex Weber is?”
I’d say he is just another bankrupt cult member looking to become an IAS reg to earn some spare change.
Here is my L R H quote of the day:
“The day when you are totally good, I will sneer because I’ll know that somebody overwhelmed you…You are entitled to a little wickedness. Of course, I think you went too far when you blew up that planet. … but one is not interested in goodness.”
Lecture 31 Dec. 1961 “The E Meter and
its Use.”
Even being a good person is being a victim in Scientology.
This is one of the reasons that Ron helped nurture nasty people.
If you are a good person, that is because someone abused you.
Ron’s arrogant hypnotic false assumption “but one is not interested in goodness” is a hypnotic command per Altitude Instruction.
There are many quotes that support depravity penned by Ron. They are the ideological source of the Scientology anti social personality.
The context of Ron’s statement may have been here that the E meter’s use is to find a person’s discreditable actions, their evil impulses, thoughts, etc., not to locate times when the individual was witholding himself from ‘bad’ actions. In too many cases this particular use has been taken way too far and became the primary focus. Ooh, I’ve been there and so glad I don’t have to do that anymore. Sometimes I would get to the point where I would just make up something random, and make the meter F/N in order to end the session and get the f. out of there. Sounds crazy but it’s true.
BTW, it’s nice to know that your auditor is sneering at you in session. How reassuring, how kind.
If it’s not sneering, it’s not Scientology.
I don’t get that at all from this quote, whether I like the guy or not. It also appears to be taken out of context.
Hi MM, In the early SO days my auditors did not sneer yet, toward the end of those days yes the GOI pros,sneered,snarled,screamed & screeched.You are right Scientology just does not have the cache to pull off anything but sneering & scamming.Always Ann.
Anon and Pepper I see your points. My take is that there is a thread of this sort of doctrine almost everywhere in Scientology.
If this was an isolated idea to get across to the pc and auditor that we have all done things we are now a bit repulsed by, and making “wickedness” ok to be experienced and thus resolved through looking, that would be fine.
But there is a constant thread of these throughout Ron’s doctrines.
And it’s in the recognition of these many doctrines that I believe Ron was not interested in goodness.
1) Love and understanding is Marcab PR – The original OT8 course
2) I am not interested in wog morality
3) It takes a freightening level of bravery to use men you know can be cruel and vicious and incompetent. Bolivar
There are countless other doctrines by Ron that support violence.
This thread of “we are not interested in wog morality” that is ubiquitous in Scientology, gives accurate reason of why Scientologists can be arrogant, merciless and cruel.
So when Ron says,”but no one is interested in goodness” I take into account the many other quotes.
In general, I do not see a cheerleader for decency, which is a wog moral.
I think Paulette Cooper would understand my sentiment.
Understood Brian. I don’t know much about hypnotism or altitude teaching either. I just related one of my own experiences as it came across to me. Personally, I never had an auditor sneer at me. Maybe get a little impatient or annoyed and sometimes fall asleep but never nasty. Ron was in the business of training auditors. Reading that quote and others in the same vein has always made me wish he would not let his contempt show so openly. Later on, I learned more about Ron and his life. Certain things about his writing became more real to me and I understood more about how he might think and why. But that is for each individual to discover and reconcile within him or herself.
Hi Pepper, The reason I love your posts are,your knowledge,your goodness & kindness ,your honesty,your laughter,your spirit.Thank you always Ann.
That was very kind of you to say Ann and the same to you! XO 🙂
Brian, I think your “anti goodness” Hubbard quote stands on its own merits in view of what we already know about the man. The quote serves as a REMINDER not as evidence for the prosecution to be negated upon cross-examination. The prosecution has already rested its case with the mere mention of Paulette Cooper.
By the by, can’t Valley just call up PD at Flag and have him/her be cause over their fundraising? One would think after that success story, he’d be the most popular person in Scientology.
Delivery of Super Power must be dead if they’re sending out one of its C/S’s to drum up business. Guess that oiliness table isn’t as popular as I thought it would be.
I just like the sound of it: The oiliness table. Sounds kinky…
According to that LRH quote … shouldn’t all the good folks and organizations throughout the Scientology world be so flush in cash that they are throwing the stuff away? I mean, aren’t they ALWAYS being prosurvial in a widening communication sphere?
Well Joe, the only mitigating circumstance precluding that brilliant piece of tech from being realized is if they’re PTS to suppressive elements in society, thus suffering from blocked flows. The best way to get them unstuck is to make a big donation to the IAS. Then, they’ll know with total certainty that the LRH datum referenced is indeed spot on. Hope that clears it up for you.
Carl ‘Cash’ Connors
Patron with Horrors
GAT 2 Administrative Architect Awardee
Ideal Org Foundational Fundraiser
Thanks. NOW I know!
Glad I could help Joe. As Ron said, “a being is as valuable as he can serve others”, or in Davey’s case, “as valuable as he can be served.” Probably those posting here and the FBI would agree with the latter.
I think building empty cathedrals all over the world counts as “throwing this stuff away”. See, they are just following Command Intention!
Hi Martin Padfield, When reading the Ron quote,as I came to throwing that stuff away, I felt the same as you posted.Empty cathedrals that follow Command Intention.Cue the theranum music.Ann.