Become a 75% Humanitarian
You will be better than than 50% Humanitarians from the match game…
This is it!
“Only” 1,6 left to raise (not counting the $600k promised but not paid…)
Should be around the “ballpark” with this and then will be given the REAL figure. The largest honor roll on earth STILL cannot complete this most important ideal org on earth.
You may be ready…
But we are not. We just sent our “team” for training.
It’s OK, we haven’t audited anyone on a NED intensive since we became an “ideal org.”
Food, glorious food…
And “blow away” good news. But surely that cannot beat those edible sunflowers they are serving.
Magnificently Monumentally Milestoney
Come in to hear about what everyone has already heard about. The new GOAT program….
It is the GUARANTEE that everyone will make it to OT.
How so?
Oh, and don’t forget. It’s EPIC.
Couldn’t raise any money there so the IAS is paying. Maybe Tom Cruise is planning on shooting a movie there soon…
There is really nothing new in scientology…
One of those astonishingly contradictory quotes from L. Ron Hubbard that flies in the face of KSW, OT levels and numerous other things.
A Narconon video property…
So the IAS is now propping up Narconon, buying new properties because all the existing ones are under siege for their criminality
More GOAT news
Let’s pat ourselves on the back…
And bring a mirror so you can kiss yourself too.
I’ve got my sights on a cleared Dallas
And I’ve got my sights on a career in the NBA. I think I am the better bet.
Couldn’t let a Thursday go by without some money-making workshop/seminar/convention. And boy, this guy no doubt knows how to make money in the real world. He was raised in the Sea Org.
How fitting
Yes, you CAN get out of the Matrix. You can escape. Just open your eyes. Google is your friend.
We need help….
Like every other ideal building — this one is missing a LOT of people! More than 100 missing posts. I bet there are only about 25 people in the CLO. Probably never has been much more than that.
With our new CLO UK now opened and operational it is very obvious that we need more people in the CLO to create the Ideal Continent we want to give to LRH. He has personally given us to order to be the first cleared continent.
We have well over 100 posts that need to be filled between now and the opening of the Ideal Base.
You could be one of the people filling one of the vital posts which are still vacant or, you could know people who are qualified to do so.
You have comm lines to people we don’t necessarily have comm lines with. So we need your help to reach those.
Please answer the below questions and send it back to us as soon as possible:
1. Are you qualified for the Sea Org?
2. Have you ever thought about joining the Sea Org?
3. If you are qualified, what would you need to do to join the Sea Org?
4. Who do you know and have a comm line with who is qualified to join the Sea Org? Please give us any names, any ideas you have and any contact details for those people.
Thank you very much for your help.
ml, Ann – CO I HELP UK
It’s just shit
According to the Special Correspondent who forwarded this, Scientology is not on the list because it’s just shit.
That sucks
How am I ever going to break into the music business now?
Mystery solved
He is Grant Cardone Lite
Wonder if it includes the tech of disconnecting from your children if they look at the internet?
I love the Tokyo ideal org promo piece. Any graphics artist, even novice, knows that your visuals and your words reinforce each other.
So … why does the graphic for the Tokyo org include the exact hemisphere of Earth that does _not_ show Japan?
Amazing: $cientology is now using many of the things Ex’s and Critics have said, for years, on-line.
Two classics come to mind right away:
“EPIC”…comes from “EPIC FAIL” thanks to Anonymous.
“Google is your friend” …our friend, Ladybird (the late, great lady) used to post this ALL THE TIME.
Ok, she doesn’t own the saying…but she sure brought it into mass use.
Now….many years later…it’s funny $cientology, who STOPS all communications they don’t want people
to see, is saying “Google is your friend”? Well, OK then! Come on, Members of C of $…start LOOKING!
Thanks, Mike, for the laughs 🙂 I know I say it all the time, but: THANK GAWD WE ALL GOT OUT,
and many of you never even joined!! If you’re “in” and see this: BAIL WHILE U STILL CAN!
Love to all 🙂 Tory/Magoo~ Your local, friendly SP 🙂
Here’s a few interesting twists on the Denver IAS Ideal Narconon promo – they’re only featuring 6 out the 7 previously promoted Continental drug rehab facilities. Hat tip to Rod Keller for this collection of images by location:
Two of those locations – Australia and Canada – have been stopped dead in their tracks from local opposition.
The one that’s missing is Narconon Africa in Magaliesberg. Did it just not fit or is the property sitting vacant and unused due to other problems? Or is is a privately owned rehab rather than an IAS slush fund property purchase? And if it is privately owned, which whale runs it? And why use two facilities that have been blocked from opening by local authorities and reported on in the media and not use Africa?
Things that make you go hmmm… and here’s hoping the SA blog reports on what’s happening with the Magaliesberg facility to shed a little more light on this mystery.
Ugh Hubbard clan! FU my entire family hates you! Scotland hates you!
Hi valhalkarie,Good to meet you.After reading your post I thought Hubbard Clan? No self respecting Scottish Clan would want anything to do with him,I hope!My Best Ann.
This is not Alex Weber. His real name is Alexander Fischer. He is German. And he usually sells overpriced flats to Scientologists who go bust quickly, because his calculations don’t work at all. He has a Porsche and gives a shit about his clients. I remember that he used to say it is your fault having done the deal.
He is divorced and works for SIP Immobilien.
The company collected millions in equity capital promising up to 8% anually. But they stoped payments years ago. The company is pretty much insolvent.
“He has personally given us to order to be the first cleared continent.” Uh…oh, forget it.
“We have well over 100 posts that need to be filled between now and the opening of the Ideal Base.” I wonder if they mean 100 holes in the ground around the joint that need fence posts.
The Demented Midget clone knows ALL ABOUT the music industry? Is there anything he doesn’t know, apart from the reality outside his shuttered mind.
If Alex Weber is such a master at real estate and a online sales “expert” why can’t I find anything about him on the ‘net? Well, well, thanks Uwe. Did a quick search and all I discovered is that he looks more like the slimy salesman type we so see so often..
Scientology’s been on this type of shit list before in various forms:
Scientology: If shit happens, see “Dianetics”, p.157
SCIENTOLOGY: Shit can happen to you too.
Shit happens on page 152 of Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard
Scientology: All this happens to be shit.
Scientology: If you leave us, bad shit will happen to you.
Dianetics: “Why does shit happen?”
Scientology: This shit happened before, but we can clean it up if you pay us enough.
DIANETICS: Your mother gave you shit before your were born.
SCIENTOLOGY: Shit happens if you’re on our shit list.
Scientology: Extraterrestrials brought the shit
I’m sure there’s more.
Good People, DM knows that OT VIII doesn’t deliver what El Con said it would. And, he knows just by looking at it that it is REALLY incomplete as a level. As you say, he also knows that LRH didn’t finish and do any OT levels above VII so 8 being not complete (as it was never piloted) is a no-brainer (for DM to know). Snr C/S Int also left scientology over OT 8 fraud (amongst other reasons).
Hi John, I never did any OT levels(nor from what I’ve read would I want to) so I may be a bit ignorant. I didn’t realize that because lrh was still auditing bt’s that he was still on OT7. Is this what you are saying? Do you know the name of the Sr CS who left over OT8? Can you direct me to more info on this? Thank you.
Hi Good People, yes it means that LRH never finished OT VII and therefore it was impossible for him to pilot OT 8. The Snr C/S Int was Jeff Walker. I knew him personally. The only persons who might have put further data about him on the web is Jessie Prince or Mark Rathbun.
Hi John Locke, Would you have an idea when the Sr C/S Int left over OT8? I had an amazing C/S from Flag in 77,I was really going full speed through XDN,then the GOI made their move and poof! my CS went to the RPF as did my auditor.Then the fun really started…Always Ann.
Ann. B he left the SO right before OT 8 was released I believe. ~’86.
Hi John Locke,Thank you,the timelines fade with age,my C/S etc. was way before 86.But sometimes it is all one tangled blurr of faces,auras,and crazy wacko times with The Fake Navy!Always Ann.
Hi John Locke,Your post brought to mind that I swear I had an auditor in 77 who was OT8.I would not make this up.I had a horrible time with Dianetics because the close your eyes bit,had me seeing nothing but darkness forever.Tended to frustrate many an auditor & myself.So when some how I started working with auditors that were Class 8,I was paying for this, & above OT 7 for some reason I was able to blast through the grades & onward.The thing is if all the OT levels above 6 or 7 never existed, was that my first sale to me of “a piece of OT blue sky? Always Ann.
Ann, back in ’77 the highest was “Old” OT 7. Anyone who told you they were an “8” was lying.
Hi John Locke,I thank you.Lying to me as concerns SO terminals,well that would not be the first time…Ann.
My comment was supposed to go under OSD’s comment about Bubba in West Virginia.
I’m hearing dueling banjo’s in Georgia.
That must be Bubba’a cousin, Buford. That family tree don’t fork none…
I have seen that religions poster before with $cientology on it.
The tag line was; You pulled that shit in.”
And WTF is a “Narconon video property”?
Is that anything like some of my virtual builds in a video game?
Narconon, now only in Second Life, haha.
Scientology: The urge towards optimum shit.
+1! Nice, Al!
Thank you John and McCarran for your responses. I tend to think DM believes in the tech. However I don’t feel strongly about that, it’s just a hunch, nothing more. John do you mind telling me where you got your info.? I heard Jessie Prince say DM was disturbed by OT8 and I’ve read that lrh was still auditing bt’s when he died. Do you have more data than that. Thank you all for your input.
Good People, DM knows that OT VIII is crap and that no levels above that exist and that El Con couldn’t finish OT VII. For what that is worth…
OSD, I just had this hilarious image of Miss Cabbage & Bubba. Miss Cabbage voicing some choice Shemanspeak at a certain point… LOL
Hey, maybe they can fit Miss Cabbage in the cell with the dwarf and Bubba? Now I’d pay good money to see that!
About the cancelled music biz seminar — What the Hell does Mad-Hatter Potter KNOW about the music business anyway? Maybe just “lip-Syncing” since all he does is parrot COB’s wisdom?
Hi Mike, quick question. Does Miscavige believe in the tech.? I think he does but you certainly would have a better idea than me.
Good People, I thought Mike Rinder’s greatest answer when asked what David Miscavige greatest secret is (I think that was the question.) was that He’s a Scientologist.
I don’t think CSI could succeed in anyway unless the people pitching it believe in it. I used to believe Scientology was the path to total freedom. Overtime I came to believe it was the world’s greatest grift. Now I am thinking it’s something far more sinister.
Hi Good People, I’m pleased to meet you.What you posted is very similar to my cos journey.The day I joined SO was one of the happiest so far,I lived breathed slept and like a sponge absorbed every bit of life in the SO I could.24/7.The problem was at the end of my journey with SO,I knew how sinister cos was beneath all the Theta zooming around,sinister,dangerous,shape & policy shifting,frightening and very very cold hearted.My Best,Ann.
Hey, Old Surfer, did you forget that Ron is up in heaven, doing research w/o his body? He KNOWS all that’s going on here. And he’s coming back to his house in the desert. =)
I’m surprised he’s in heaven. He thought the place looked trashy the second time he was there. But, thanks for the heads up! We’ll all be waiting for him. Who’s going to bring the torches and pitchforks?
Emanuell Mottl gives a briefing .. is this this Freihoff guy from Munich .. oh my dear ..
Yes it is, Rosie’s older son. Went to Greenfields School for a couple of years, then when the sex scandal blew up it turned out that he was involved and so was shipped off. Eventually he joined the SO, still as a teenager, and has been there ever since. FSSO Tours Reg for many years, but never was the sharpest knife in the drawer, so probably he still isn’t really aware that his real mission is fleecing sheeple and filling donation coffers.
If Cob were to quip it, it would be More like, “Let that Shit Die” ….ya think?
The new era of parenting convention…
That one made me take notice. The one thing about scientology that stands out across the planet is the unbelievable practice of forced disconnection ordered by a church on its parishioners. Also of forced abortions as well.
I know of no other religion that condones and orders the ritual of forcing the separation of parents from their children or each other because they dare to think independently.
They redefine self-determinism as “self” indeed – upset us and you’ll find yourself all by yourself very quickly and permanently. The church of scientology has no conscience and no soul, it does no believe in love or compassion only money and obedience.
The leader of this church has no children and even forcibly disconnected his own wife from himself and her friends. No greater shame exists than that generated by miscavige on his own group – and they even pay him for it!
The church of scientology – the gestapo of religion.
It was strange reading about DM being a nice uncle to Jenna in the early parts of her book. Until he turned on her, that is.
Hi Cre8tivewmn,Good to meet you.Turning on people like Jenna is part of SO OSA etc.lore.Reel them in,but never show your other face until warranted & then the white turns to black.Ann.
Hey Miscavige, I wouldn’t worry about STANDING TALL. Where you’re going the more popular position is BENDING OVER.
With a big cellmate named Bubba…who’s from West Virginia.
Scientology: If the shit is good, Scientology caused that. If the shit is bad, you PULLED it in.
Scientology – the science of convincing members to NEVER look at Scientology’s Shit!
( If they did – they would leave. We looked and we LEFT).
Scientology – the 3rd party to everyone’s SHIT.
Scientology – the Shit Religion of the 21st Century.
Scientology – once you are “in” – your life is guaranteed to turn to SHIT.
Scientology – They’re always wanting money and shit.
The cult will need to reissue the KSW as the KSS shortly (Keep Scientology Shitting – which should not be a problem) followowed Daves newest revised HCOB, the KYAGMF (Kiss Your Ass Goodby Mother F*%ker)
ROTFLMAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
“Scientology: If the shit is good, Scientology caused that. If the shit is bad, you PULLED it in”.
Totally on the mark. I heard this concept many times when I was in.
It is a concept that tallies with the Christian Evangelical concept of goodness and evil. This is a religion with which I am familiar because some relatives of mine are Evangelicals. Anyway, here’s how it rolls: we are each full of original sin, BUT we can empty ourselves of this sin by belief in Jesus Christ and in that way we make ourselves a vessel for Christ. Now, anytime we do something good, that’s Jesus in you, doing the good. But if you’re BAD, that’s never Jesus, that’s YOU.
Scientology has devolved from the concept of each of us being essentially good and yet capable of acting badly, to he concept that it is not YOU that’s good anymore. You’re good BECAUSE of Scientology?…not the same thing at all.
And then, everyone who has bad things happening has “pulled them in”, with one exception: The Church of Scientology. The cult never pulls anything in, no, if the cult is the one exception to this rule. The cult gets attacked because its winning!
SCIENTOLOGY: You’re on its shit list once you realize it’s shit.
Scientology: you’ll have to put up with a lot of shit.
And if you don’t put up with their shit, you’ll be sec checked to find out if you have evil thoughts about their shit. Man, this whole situation is really shitty…
Awww, bless, Fearless Numpty from Edinburgh is still there!
OMG!!! The religions of the world seem to be in deep shit! However, I’ll go with the Rastafarian’s. Having been to Jamaica many times, these guys are now my buds (and the other kind too).
“One heart. One love. One destiny.”
Now, as far as Mike Rinder goes:
Staff member: I’ve got my sights on a cleared Dallas.
Mike: And I’ve got my sights on a career in the NBA. I think I am the better bet.
Now THAT’S some REALLY funny shit!!! I laughed so loud and for so long, I probably woke up all the neighbors on my street. Whew! My insides hurt from laughing so much!
Mike, I’m getting a picture of you dunking over Labron James and then trash talking to him!
Did Hubbard really say Britain should be the first cleared continent? Because if so, I’m calling no fair; they have the smallest population of any other continent. (Except Canada, but who cares about Canada? LRH apparently doesn’t)
Hi Mike,A great morning with Thurs Funnies.As I worked through these I had to re read the Scottish Cats bit!I’m sorry I think cos has switched from cigs to joints.”A lot like normal cats but Scottish & Wild? Well alright can those cats play the bagpipes while smoking Kools & running a cat session with the Scam Kitten Meter at the same time?Hey Ann go ahead reg me to join the SO with your old school promo questions,I’ll reg you back out that door!The gentleman with the glasses messed up one does not need glasses when clear & OT.I was told to throw my pair & sunglass pair away when I joined SO because training & processing,hell just gazing at Ron’s enormous pictures would cause my eyes to radically improve.Gullible Ann but I really believed.Finally my favorite ” how to handle OT Phenomena In Relationship To Others” OK just be sure not to pulverize them into powder with your OT TRs.Have a Wonderful weekend Mike.Relax if possible.Always Ann.
I wouldn’t join staff in Dallas cuz I don’t think I would trust that guy. Those squinting eyes and shit eating grin give me a queasy feeling. Is this guy really from Texas???….Wow. And Mr. Sr. C/S AOLA Rodriquez is guaranteeing everyone will go OT? I think Mr. Sr. C/S you just broke the first two lines of the Auditor’s Code.
Evaluating ones case and then complete invalidation once you start C/Sing a person with endless Return Programs, Review Programs, FESing, CCRD’s and best of all sending them all back to the bottom of the bridge. They will have no money left to go OT…..oh that is the plan? Evaluate, Invalidate then pick their pockets….I see….makes sense. All of these people are going to tell me how to gain this, control that, postulate as an OT and gain confidence, run a successful business, handle life on and on. In essence these are seminars to tell people how fucked up they are….I would call them invalidation seminars for idiots who have no self worth that need to be told what to do.
Keep calm,
And just chuck it
In the fuck it Bucket
And move on
Good day
Two points.
The reason the how to make it in the music business was cancelled was Aleena Gibson had a paying gig that night delivering pizza.
These statuses remind me of an old joke: Guy walks up to a lady at the celebrity center and says, “Hey babe, how about you and I go out for a steak dinner?”
Gal looks down her nose and announces, “I don’t eat steak. I’m a vegetarian.”
Guy replies, “In that case, let’s just go back to my apartment. I’m a humanitarian.”
Well, Aleena Gibson (Anna-Lena Högdahl) is big in Sweden. Kinda.
The New Era of Parenting? what, kidnap your own child then tell your spouse that you’ll cut them up into pieces and toss them into the sea if you don’t get your way? That’s the Hubbard parenting method. Maybe this is something different than Hubbard’s methods though…
Hi John Locke,Good sunshine to you! We all know that Ron was the Best Parent Ever Born,and TC learned his parenting skills at David’s feet! All I have to do is recall that long ago day cleaning the Old Children’s Org,that put me off having kids in the SO for eternity!Always Ann.
God, you’re right Ann. El Con tolerated horrible conditions for infants and children. Only criminal psychopaths are like that towards children.
Hubbard was a piece of shit as a father. John, I remember reading about him saying he would cut up his daughter and toss the pieces into the sea. Seriously, fatso had a myriad of mental problems.
Come on OSD. Just because someone threatens to chop up their baby doesn’t make them a bad person (says El Con’s psycho followers).
He was a piece of do-do as more things than that!
The question to ask is ” Have you ever failed to be a true piece of shit at anything you tried when you had the opportunity to do so?”
ES to F/N. Run quad ruds on any yes answers.
The New Order of Parenting? That’s easy.
From birth, place a strong tone 40 intention into the infant that he’s going to have to take care of himself. Struggle with his ineptness in diapering himself and getting the barley formula right. It won’t be easy, but don’t invalidate him. Intention is cause. He’s capable of making it go right.
When he’s ready for school, go deeply into debt and place him in a 12K per year Scientology school where, along with learning how to use a dictionary, he will learn that any concept of parents being responsible for their childrens’ well being or future is simply false data.
As soon as he graduates from the 8th grade or at whatever age he begins sprouting pubic hairs, dump him in the Sea Org. By that time he’ll cognite that wants to get away from you and live his own life anyway. The Sea Org is the best place, the only place, for him. He’ll realize this himself but the recruiters will help him tirelessly in support of this cognition. They’ll be very active, but for you as parents this is a passive activity. Sit back, relax and once he signs the billion year contract, waive goodby. You probably won’t see him again for many years so you might want to throw a little party for him if you have the time.
Scientology isn’t good enough to even be on the shit list. Now that’s some funny shit.
Hey now! You’re stealing my lines, Cindy! But, you are 100% correct! They don’t even count anymore. They’re just an afterthought. Or, maybe they’re no thought at all. Yeah, yeah that’s it! That’s the ticket…
OSD how impressive is it that you bend the time space continuum to be able to make all theses comments in between sessions when we have this solid litte Southern Hemi going these last few days. I call that pretty f’ing OT and you didn’t have to pay the “church” to have some dip shit give you the label.
(Can’t stop laughing!). Whew! Now that’s some funny shit, HellOSA! And yes, my OT Super Powers are just that: Super! Although I will confess that bending the time space continuum is getting tougher as I’m getting older.
Hehehe…overusing curse words…actually kinda fun…shit
Laughter! You’re too funny, statpush!
The Money Thermometer what a great gimmick.
If this was a real one you would be Brain dead,
maybe there is a clue here.
Hey now, Jose! I may be Brain dead, but….but…what was I talking about?
It’s a staple of all fundraising Blue on Blue programs
that someone makes a “Money Thermometer”
and position it where those being reg’ed can plainly see it.
It builds group agreement.
I thought it was a rectal thermometer…
That’s what I thought too! Maybe DAVID “LET HIM DIE – PROVABLE BULLSHIT” MISCAGIVE uses it late at night when he’s alone with his thoughts…
Gee, I’d like to hear how they explain that all their Ideal Narconon plans have been hitting icebergs so far, and they’re now stuck with a number of white elephant properties.
Come to think of it, Social Betterment Properties International bought those properties, and that’s directly part of Church of Scientology International. So why is IAS (total not part of CSI, completely separate, trust us) taking credit for those disasters?
RMycroft, they will still be killing people with their science fiction, but, they’ll die Ideally.
RMycroft, thanks for bringing this up. Its all about appearances, for justifying where some of the IAS member donations have gone to. Three of the eight “Ideal Narconons” mentioned back in April 2013 in this IAS “GrantsNews” propaganda piece have had applications denied by local government zoning authorities. One in Warburton Australia is nearing the end of all options. .Trout Run in Maryland and Hockley Valley in Ontario Canada are almost over, too. SBPI is desperately attempting to win on appeal the last two, despite the overwhelming odds against the decisions being overturned.Each started out with zoning issue applications. The 2 in North America were deceptively and intentionally filed by a for-profit corporation acting as a ‘contract purchaser or agent called West Coast Property Investments, Inc, which was set up and is run by attorneys from Zuckert, Scoutt & Rasenberger, L.L.P, the law firm which church tax attorney Monique Yingling is a partner. The disregard for respecting;laws which impede the church and it’s front groups is a central theme on all of these…but they forget that officials and concerned citizens are not stupid. I admire each community for doing their homework, finding out what was being done to skirt the local laws and who who was behind it all. I wish I were a fly on the wall during that briefing.
I remember that the first time that I saw the name “Mary McConnell” it was at the bottom of a full list of all the resources on the Internet for Scientology. This was in the year 2007.
I gave that list to Anonymous when they first started hitting the Ex Scientologist Message Board in its earliest days.
Anonymous rapidly came up to speed with what they needed to know about Scientology within the next three or four months.
I think Mary McConnell had a lot to do with that.
Hi Alanzo, yes, that was me. I didn’t know how helpful it was to Anonymous but I am glad i’s gotten around and had been of help to others.
I started that list because I just thought everyone should have an opportunity to read what I was coming across and reading on the internet…I kept it up until 2008 or so but got busy with Narconon matters. I blogged what I was able to collect at the time, back in January 2008. Some of these links are dead or changed.. but not all. Still many good sites and personal experience stories, especially for newly out members and the general public to read.
It’s since been updated, to a degree, with the help of others It’s a sticky post in the New Members section at ESMB, gets updated periodically. Called ” Internet Resources on Scientology for newcomers” Not sure if nonmembers can read it but here is the link
One day, after all Narconons are bankrupted and closed, I will go back to helping work on that list, and make a wiki of it. 😀
Donate all your money or you ain’t shit.
Join $cientology and turn to shit.
Scientology: You damn well better pay big bucks for our shit!
Mat, donate all of your money, force your kids to join the SO or you ain’t shit!
Dave’s shit doesn’t stink.
What does it smell like, tacos?
OSD, You will have to ask a true believer. Haven’t seen you channel DM, in his usual on-a-via style, for awhile.
Thanks for the reminder, Threefeetback! It’s ALWAYS fun poking fun at the sociopath, evil dwarf. In my defense, I did get caught up in all the shit that’s been spreading around lately. Did you know that fecal matter is holy? C’mon now, you’ve never heard the expression: Holy shit!
OSD, To your credit, it has been said that Laurisse’s smells like a taco.
Scientology: Utter shit
They keep talking about a “gift to Ron”. Has it not yet dawned on them that LRH is long dead and isn’t currently accepting gifts? LOL
New Flash! This just in! L.Ron Hubbard remains DEAD. Details later. That is all…
An exclusive, closed door briefing containing the highly confidential details of the demise of LRH’s body along with data on where Ron himself has actually been since he dropped his body is coming to an org either near you or far away from you.This is amazing data heretofore unrevealed which will change your life forever. Due to its extreme confidentiality, only breathing, ambulatory masses of human protoplasmic Scientologists in good standing will be permitted to attend. Seating will be limited. Phone calls to invite, confirm, reconfirm and re-reconfirm will not exceed 20 per day. The briefing’s location, date and time will be revealed to you sometime between now and when it occurs. Reserve your seats now.
Actually the Scientology one should read: Scientology: You need to buy our shit again and again
All OTs must return to the bottom of the bridge and redo all the shit they did before. Several times over until they get the shit right.
Scientology- I gotta shit again!
How about Expensive Shit?
Nah – Scientology: You can take a shit, but you can’t use toilet paper
Because there isn’t any…
Well all the “other” orgs have TP OSD! Must be an SP in the midst
It’s me, Tommy. I admit it. I’ve been an SP for decades now.
Scientology; Give us your fucking money cocksucker, or my boy here will beat the shit outta ya.
Now THAT’S scientology!
Scientology: This shit never ends.
Don’t know why, but Alex Weber is in reality Alex Fischer from Düsseldorf, Germany. Just Google his name together with his city and you will find him. And I am calling BS on 2000 real estate properties sold by him. Maybe if he counts alL properties that where sold by his companies and therefore his “salesforce”, but not by him personally.
And yes, mini Cardone with a big mouth is about true.
Does he have an adamantium-fused skeleton?
Ha!!!! You made me go to google!!! He does have the look, though.