Brummie bananas
These just get more and more bizarre. Bird’s custard is a reason to give money for an ideal org?
Oh, man, if only you had mentioned earlier that Jasper Carrott (?) was from Birmingham I would have turned over everything I own…
He Who Shall Not Be Named…
Was there a sighting of a pompadour behind the podium?
How appropriate of nothing….
Mr. Rabies is in town
You can earn yourself a special commendation if you bring 5 people with you
On the hunt for the perfect building
We don’t have any money, but it is getting close now. So we are going to have an EPIC event with EPIC food and EPIC purpose. This is EPIC delusion.
What’s the catch?
Well…. if you think they will pay your airfare and room and board to get two a “week or two” of free manual labor, you probably also believe St Hill is enroute to “Clearing the UK”
Dear All,
St. Hill’s renovations are at full bore as we speak and they need help to make their target!
They are offering all expenses paid to volunteers that want to be a part of history in the making!
Please let me know if you know of anyone that would be up for this. [email protected] or 727 709 5686.
Flights, and room and board of volunteers would be paid for them if they are full time for a week or two.
Mystifying Miami
Magic Match Man. Palms. Secret gifts. It’s all very odd.
Some creativity
Give some credit, this is actually pretty creative. Not sure it will entice anyone else to join staff, but I at least like the original concept and their execution of it.
Everything you need
A custom structured Purification Gym Bag so your gear will stay organized (?) and a vitamin organizer. Even a clipboard. What could go wrong?
Food, glorious food
And music!
Universe shifting wins
Forget shifting the universe, why don’t these people do something about the drought in California?
Twin Cities in DC
These guys seem really confused. They have a picture of COP yanking the ribbon on the pre ideal DC org building under the headline “Twin Cities.” And under the sub-head about campaigns right here in America they have one shot of the “international walk” and another of kids handing out WTH somewhere NOT in the US.
The model SH size ideal org
Still cannot get their CF filing backlog handled. And its urgent goddammit.
Sooper Power “successes”
I got a cape, red tights and black knee-high boots and everything…
I learned not to skateboard on the road, especially not around blind corners…
Well, if you are cause beyond the whole of planet earth, can you please do something to cure the lack of toilet paper in scientology orgs?
The Twilight Zone
Enter another dimension
“Well, if you are cause beyond the whole of planet earth, can you please do something to cure the lack of toilet paper in scientology orgs?”
….Toilet paper is not necessary, Mike. Or haven’t you heard. Their shit don’t stink! They are 100% sure of it. Just ask them.
Let the low level staff and public pay for it as they usually have.
Poor Jane Baer sounds like a decent person who got sucked in to the vortex and couldn’t get out. And now she looks haggard and tired, having had the life sucked out of her. Funny how scientology works in reverse!
Goddam, those Birmingham scilons aren’t even trying. Although to be fair … *no-one* can make Birmingham as appealing as Telly Savalas. Ladies and gentlemen …. I bring you … (draws back curtain) … Telly Savalas Looks at Birmingham.
Seriously think about this…
They are actually publicizing the fact that Super training was (or worse even-someone thinks it’s the result of super power training) the reason someone did not skateboard in traffic. How freaking desperate is that? To me it looks quite sad and says quite a bit of what they can’t say or the straws someone is grasping to find and share that win. A PR firm of the lowest order would likely laugh and say back to the drawing board – free testimonial statement or not. Is the next testimonial- “I turned on the kettle to heat water for my tea and it struck me! I was about to put my hand on the hot metal and burn myself. My hand would’ve been right where that kettle was!” My goodness do they not see the ridiculousness of this? Do the other members buy (no pun intended) this as a legitimate by-product of this service? And that they need to get on board (again no pun intended) to have this same power?
Question: Are you traveling on a skateboard because you gave all your $ for super powers and can’t afford a bus pass or car payment? /End snark. SMH
I read that same success story over a year ago it seems. I can’t believe that’s the best success story culled to put in a piece of promo.
Arthritis of the mind, available at any Church of Scientology. Youthful bodies catered for with enthusiasm, older ones admired via your bank account.
A special organisation for special people, give today for the experience of a lifetime, they guarantee you’ll never forget anything as quick as they do, group processing a speciality. Mind melding sessions more effective than Spook would have every imagined possible.
Scientology, the only religion to put a price on family and friendships, get your love evaluated today.
Spock… I should have said. Beam me up Scotty, I’m scineologically affected.
Mr. Clive Raby: “I want this; I want that. Do my bidding.”
What a dumbfuck. I don’t take orders from a D/Captain. You gotta be an A/Captain to get me to lift butt cheek from chair… B+/Captain, maybe.
Fill the place to the rafters, indeed. Fire codes are Wog CI.
Bring 5 people? I doubt the average recipient of that trash flier could dig up 5 suckers to waste a stream of piss on a pleather-bound Dianetics.
hgc10, a compliment, if I may: you curse elegantly.
Many thanks, Aqua. I’ve always put a high value on a well spoken stream of invective.
I love GR’s Super power win about stopping on his skateboard so he doesn’t get hit by the car. Funny how all “OT phenomena” wins are of the type that can’t be proved or repeated. “I exteriorized and found my keys” “I used telepathy and had my friend call me” etc etc.
I was at the event that had the first OT 7 completion. In her speech, she said when she finished OT7, she was so happy, she created a rainbow that others could see. That’s true, she really said that. I was thinking, “why don’t you create one now”? I’m not one to be overly skeptical, and I do believe that “OT” abilities could very well be possible. But I’ve never seen any from any Scientologist, and I’ve been around since the mid 70’s. So as far as getting the mil from the Amazing Randy for fund raising… wouldn’t hold my breath.
Very well said.
Overrun, I enjoyed your comment about OT wins very much. I am nowhere even near OT on the Scientology bridge and I can’t tell you how many times throughout my life I’ve thought of someone and then gotten a call from that person, or searched for my keys and then gotten a mental picture or a mental flash of something like thatand gone straight to the place. I think this stuff happens to everyone fairly regularly. How many times have we ourselves called people who we haven’t talked to for a while for a while and had them say, “OMG, I was just thinking about you!” Call it OT or call it whatever you like but this kind of thing can happen to anyone, but IMO these and many other extra-sensory perceptions are alive and well in the general populations of earth.
Only golf ball story that makes me laugh:
Life-long sea org slave cleaning DM’s office finds a pair of golf balls on his desk. “What be those?” she asks.
“Those are golf balls, you moron!” DM replies.
The following week the slave finds four golf balls on DM’s desk. “I see you killed another golf, she comments
That’s really good.
” Flights, and room and board of volunteers would be paid for them if they are full time for a week or two.”
Riiiiiight !!!! Of course I believe this tripe. You get a one way ticket and one meal …….then you work……….and work ………and work ……………..and after several years you are told you need to CSW for your return ticket. But then the meals and room are added up and of course they exceed the cost of a ticket so you now must purchase your own ticket with the money you don’t have. That is because the original terms covered a shared room with thirty others and you got one that only had 10 others. Meals were rice and beans but you had lemon water to wash it down. You are told that the value of your work is less than zero because YOU AGREED to donate it. Bottom line …. you owe us big time!
So now it’s decision time: Sign a billion year contract or see the MAA and buy two intensives of sec checking (borrow the money from a friend of course) to get to the bottom of your out ethics sit……. I mean the utter gall of it all ………………now, not only do you want a FREE return ticket to nowhere, but some sad overworked bastard has to find a replacement for you. What a frickin loser. It would have been better if you had not ever offered to help in the first place!
The last statement of course being the most prescient and best advice you could offer yourself with regard to the local $cientology Cult! Tell em to eat some Daveshit and die …….. right after they do some CSOHB.
I wanted to be sure I acknowledged you fun guys and gals for collecting up my blog posts to show my kids just how whacko I am out here in the wog world twisting in the wind. Hopefully you are enjoying the process because I do this just for you.
Now I know you will probably edit out this last bit but wanted you to know we have observed the impact that the last cycle you ran on Phil in LA had on him. The handling you guys gave him at LA Org produced a lot of wins I’m sure. He is much more subdued and serious now than what he is like in his native state. Nice job Haley on doing a whack job on your younger brother to keep him in the fold. I don’t know what role you play in it exactly but it is good to know that with all SO staff, he will get the best suppression available on the planet at LA’s Class V Org.
Meanwhile, life goes on outside of the Thursday at Too Insanity of the Cult.
Wow. Cooper, I can’t believe it. How pathetic these OSA lives are when this is their claim to fame:
“Cull what “Newcomer” (cuz we’re so brilliant we know it’s Cooper, but he doesn’t know we know that “Newcomer” is Cooper) comments and then destroy the relationship between Cooper and his son even betterer than we have already destroyed it by getting Cooper’s own daughter to be complicite in that destruction. One more nail in a familial relationship coffin. Our stats are up!”
OSA trolls: Your lives are pathetic.
For fundraising, James Randi will pay $1 million to someone who can prove paranormal or supernatural ability under scientific conditions. Any OT VIII should be able to do that, no sweat. Why aren’t they? Hmm.
If they cannot prove their super abilities, at least Sea Org members should ditch their current uniforms and all be required to dress like super heroes. That basically means they have to wear their underwear on top of their pants. Doing that would definitely draw more Internet hits and prove that they are truly superior.
FOTF2012, I could find someone who would pay $100,000,000 to get L12 done to LRH’s E.P. that he promoted to the world. Of course, any nutjob that says that they can do it will have to pay $1,000,000 as an annoyance fee if they cannot really do it.
Here’s a chance for all those Indie’s to make it big and cause SO much good publicity for their practice that it will gain hundreds of thousands of new clients…
Thank you for bringing up the L12 ep.. I can’t believe I wasn’t more skeptical of that one. I always a skeptical person but somehow I had a blind spot on Scientology.
John, I consider myself an Indie although I’ve not yet had auditing in the Indie field. I know Indies who have, and I’ve done some research on Indie auditors but have yet to come across one who promotes his or her Indie auditing practice with, well, I’ll call them “cause over mest” type claims, or other such super human abilities. The promos I’ve seen don’t make those claims. Now, they may well exist but I haven’t seen them and I’ve been on the internet fairly intensively looking for an Indie auditor in my area. Just saying.
That is a good point. I have not seen anything like this either. More like people offering to help others who wish to be helped. And that is what is good about scientology. And it’s also good about the catholic church. And it’s good about psychologists. And counselors. And social workers. And anyone with a genuine interest in trying to help their fellow man. That sort of scientology is socially beneficial. Arguments about whether the person is really helped or not are a waste of time. That determination rests solely in the hands of the person who received the help.
I did the James Randi Test and failed on first round three tries out of five.
A business friend passed the first round ,the second and third round was
very complex and he was told he did not satisfy the test parameters.
Because the primary test of an OT is to “make things go right”. And this is best achieved by donating to the IAS and for Ideal Orgs. Doing supernatural things is just a distraction for them that they are too busy to play around with.
Jane carries a golf ball in her pocket because she will never get to actually play golf. Golf is so unimportant in the scheme of things, so you might as well just pretend that you are a golfer. Also, she will no longer have any money to do the fun things in life after someone sees this promo 🙂
Birmingham has no such michelin three stars. Only three restaurants with ONE star from the Michelin wwide guide…
No “Gulag Seating ?” Oh that’s the SO
standing all around the public and taking notes.
too funny Jose
Thursday Funnies Rundown success story.
A critical comment I made about the church on a YouTube video page had me in a brief exchange with a church-supporting Wolf Larson. His repudiations of my statements consisted largely of information found in the promos we on this blog enjoy as the Thursday Funnies. When he demanded an example of how the church is a lying entity I referred him to the claims of expansion. He referred me to all the ideal orgs going up and all the SH-sized orgs opened this year and he mentioned the city block in Clearwater that was doing booming industry. I told him about how all those new buildings were vacant, how the church is being kept alive through the few big money donors who are buying STATUS not services. I told him that while that row of city block storefront facades were handsome there was nothing going on behind them nor would there be because they were in a part of town no major business concern would want any part of because any association with or proximity to scientology was box-office poison. I also pointed out how the church billed the opening of these useless facades as a WATERSHED in the history of Clearwater and in case it was lost on him, that is HILARIOUS! With that he informed me I was clearly out of my mind and he was muting further posts from me.
He was aghast at the things I was telling him which I knew about from reading the FUNNIES. When he reads them they’re not the Funnies, they’re informative updates the church is announcing to its followers. I also mentioned the generous use of terms like EPIC, MONUMENTAL, UNPRECEDENTED etc. and the exclamation points which number in the billions when advancing those lies. That’s when he cut me off and retreated into hiding. Thursday Funnies Rundown rocked his world! May he never be the same again. And yes, I would like others to have this win.
I have had that win Roger, thanks for the well wishes!
And I will never be the same ……… kool aide drinking, know better than wogs…… stuck into someone else’s belief system kind of guy ever again.
Wolf Larson. How appropriate, even with the spelling error. I think you’ve been in conversation with DLHDM hisself.
A description of ‘Wolf Larsen’ in Jack London’s “The Sea Wolf” –
“He’s not blackhearted like some men. ‘Tis no heart he has at all.”
Roger, my son, who has never been in Scientology got back from a bunch of business meetings in Florida Tuesday. He said “why would anyone ever want to go to Florida? All these rich old people go there to retire and it’s just dumpy, rundown and sad, every place we went.
And mom, have you ever heard of Clearwater? We had to drive through there on our way from Highpoint to Duendin in Florida and it was just sort of deserted and creepy.”
I asked him if he had stopped and he said that they were going to stop at a Starbucks there but the whole town felt creepy so they just kept driving to Palm Harbor to get their coffee. Now that’s telling when a couple of non-scientologists can pick up the creepy vibe so strong they won’t even get coffee in the town.
Val — you should have told him to stop in and say Hi. I was probably at the Palm Harbor Starbucks — it’s just a little way away from my house. Probably their best customer…
Sheesh Mike, he didn’t even tell me he was in Australia until he got back. But I knew, oh yes, I knew. (Because I’m his Facebook friend and only because his daughter asked him how he was enjoying Australia). By the time your son hits age 35 – which he won’t be until September — I AM NOT OLD!!!, for some odd reason, he quits telling his mom every time he goes on a business trip, go figure.
I’ve seen your comments out here and there and they always crack me up! I would have loved to see the exchange with ‘Wolf Larson.’ As we used to say in Scientology, “If it isn’t written it isn’t true.” Therefore, if it’s written it IS true. There are public who will believe anything the church promotes ‘as true’ because it’s in writing and sent to them in the mail and reinforced verbally by Staff and other public.
By the way, ‘The Sea Wolf’ is standard reading at Delphi Academy. No surprise that someone would use that as a handle and defend the Church of Scientology online.
Thanks, Pepper. It all makes sense now, ‘The Sea Wolf’ taught at the Delphi. Poor Wolf, so clueless and innocent too. I think my talk with him was a watershed for him, if I may rehabilitate that word. But I’m glad it came from me and not from some stranger on YouTube all too eager to shove some truth down a sci-fi-dollargist’s throat. whoops.
Roger H, thank you for what you did with this Wolf Larson person. You most certainly rocked his world. Now he’ll need to get handled, and possibly the person handling HIM will need to get handled, and so on up the line. This is why the cult is so deathly afraid of anyone in disagreement talking to one of their precious sheep – it slows down the sheering, or stops it altogether! I really enjoyed the details on this Roger H.
Listen, we’ll give you some food and something to drink if you’ll come in to help out with CF for two weeks. Unfortunately, we are very, very short of toilet paper so you’ll have to bring your own. But, it will be fun! I promise! And when a scientologist makes a promise, he/she keeps it!!!
Late Breaking News: To: Everyone! The suppressive and full of lies documentary, Going Clear has been SCIENTIFICALLY proven to be completely false!!! This is true! We have beaten them! Alex Gibney has sent a formal apology to COP and vowed to NEVER make another film about our wonderful religion! The world now knows we are a legitimate religion like the Moonies, Jonestown & Children of God (now known as The Family). New public are pouring into the L.A. Org as I type this. Last week 1,500 people came in and every single one started on courses. Going Clear has backfired so badly, that Alex Gibney is crushed and says he may never make another documentary. That’s the power of our wonderful church! They can’t stand up to our CONFRONT!!! WE WIN! So…as you can see, we need your donations more than ever now as our path as been cleared of all popsicles, ahhhhhh…I mean obstacles. There’s NOTHING standing in our way to global domination! Soon, every single man woman and child WILL BE A SCIENTOLOGIST! Hip, hip…
Wait a minute……Central Files….shortage of toliet paper……..I think I have an idea…..a Hubbard Management Tech idea……
Hilarious observations Mike, thank you.
This is much more fun than the 2.00pm Thursdays’ Flag or any ‘Ideal’ Org stats/quotas where staff ferociously slave themselves to meet that stat/quota, with very serious dedication, with no smiles to distract you from your purpose, with so ruthless attack on anybody who opposes your target so as to prove you follow command intention.
So, lets keep smiling and enjoying life while Pompadour keep his other fish to fry.
That would be “Prince Pompadour” SILVIA, let’s not disrespect now.
I’m sure Jane is a nice person but I keep getting this cartoon image of someone walking away from a regg cycle with her with a knot on their head after having been cheered up by her golf ball. I mean…. If that’s not the correct usage, how else do you cheer someone up with a golf ball???
No, I think you hit right on the head.
Perhaps a cartoon is in order? 🙂
Scientologist have to be hard up for a laugh if they can be cheered up by a golf ball.
Scientologist: (crying uncontrollably)
Jane Baer: (pulls golf ball out of pocket and shows it to Scientologist.)
Scientologist: (smiles)
Jane Baer: Will that be cash or credit?
What a shame JCG’s soopah powahz don’t include knowing how to spell “definitely”…
Oh, c’mon Doc! Spelling correctly is for Wogs! The Church members of Mankind’s Only Hope have far, FAR more important things to do that look up words they don’t know how to spell. I know I do…
“Now accepting applications” — what the filthy criminals say when they mean, “Anyone who still has money is allowed to hand the rest of it over to us like the dimwitted idiot rubes they are.”
“Now Accepting Applications”…so disingenuous. I always smiled inwardly at that sign in HCO.
“Now Begging, Pleading, Plotting, Conniving, Flattering Falsely, Generally Lying Outrageously and Tearing Our Hair Out For Applications”, would be more like it.
Aquamarine, your version of the “Now Accepting Applications” has it all over the original note in the honesty department (LOL!) but it’s a minefield of misspelling opportunities.
The info-graphic “Anatomy of a Staff Member” — showing 54% of her life spent as staff? 42% of her Family Members on Staff? Geez, I guess most people out there won’t “have what it takes” if a “religion” requires you to work for nearly free for over half your life and enslave nearly half your family to the same fate….(Gives me the Creeps)
Help please!
I need someone/everyone to explain to me how Jane’s golf ball helps in “cheering people up?”
How? Why?
Other than the obvious giggle you’d be unable to suppress when a grown woman unexpectedly whips a golf ball out of the pocket of her suit, why would she do this AND why do the preternaturally cheery $cinos need cheering up?
Hi Mike,Love the funnies today.That Flag World Tour piece is so creepy & sterile.The building can go next to Artist On The Whole Track that I know & love.And Jane Baer carries a golf ball in her pocket to cheer people up! If she handed it to me I would bop her with it.Just to remind her of all the wonderful percentage points she achieved.And the Super Power Sucess Story with the skateboard..No words You paid how much for that remarkable ability!! Always Ann.
“We are on the hunt for the perfect building. It is getting close now”.
Its so pathetic. These people have nothing to say. HAPI has been sending out nonsense like this for the past 5 years. I do give credit to Fearless Leader for his own continued attempts at making his No News sound like News. In his promo pieces to HAPI public he tirelessly works the Ethnic Scot angle to inject color and verve into what is essentially Nothing New To Report Around Here, Folks. He looks like a very nice man, and I know for an absolute fact that he knows that the Ideal Morgue Program is off policy and doomed to fail and yet he hangs in there,
Re: Tampa Org begging for volunteers to get the CF up to date: Wouldn’t an Ideal Org (Tampa has been proclaimed such 2 or 3 times if I remember correctly) have staff posted to keep the CF up to date, in order to be categorized as an Ideal Org?
Only 2 or 3 times being declared Ideal? No way! It’s more like a dozen…and they still can the CFs done.
First off Mr. Rinder,Thank You for what you are doing, since someone beat me to the punchline about Gypsy seating, I will make the observation that the logo for Epic is the exact same logo of Epic records,wonder how CO$ will explain this to the suits at Sony for copyright infringement.
In my area, “Gypsy” is a legally discriminating, denigrating, term. God help anyone in my city if they refer to any “Rom” as gypsies. They just might get sued as, at least in my area, a racial slur akin to calling an African American a nigger. Just saying.
Well, I would like to know how to cheer someone up with a golf ball. That sounds pretty useful. When I was in, the arbitraries hadn’t yet been removed from ‘golf ball tech’.
Yeah , the golf ball… that one will bother me all day….
What they do is make some public lay down with a tee in his/her mouth. Then the gal with the golf ball puts it on the tee and tries to hit it with a driver. It’s really fun to watch! But it’s funny how people don’t return after that.
I think OSD hit the nail on the head with his response, what else could it be?
Because a skateboard is all the guy can afford after going to Flag for super powers, aka, common sense.
As per good eats in Brummieham, note that Bray, a small village in Berkshire, has three Michelin-starred restaurants, including two of the four three-star establishments in the UK. Does this mean that Bray needs to get an Idle Morgue as well?
It’s flooding in Tampa and they want help with filing? Could they possibly be LESS ideal???
Well, Robin, I think it can. The CFs could be flooded. And, of course, that would mean more fundraising to dry out the files…
Ok let’s forget for a minute that practically every flyer really needs Jeff Hawkins to teach them design and font basics and jump right to the why of every org not getting their CF in order after all these years:
You will be asked to do a whole array of actions including
Putting files in chronological order.
Chronological by last letter received, by last contact made, by ….??? No wonder thay can’t find anything
Must have skipped that PL when studying filing tech.
Perhaps they only mean putting the paper in the current files in chronological order, but that should have been done when the paper was filed in the file per LRH policy (something about only touch any piece of paper once, can’t remember reference almost 40 years later).
The whole CF thing continues to boggle my mind more than any other thing I see. How can all files continue to be in such disarray if “they have the tech”?
Hi Valerie, Your post jogged my memory.When starting on letter reg post @ ASHO F,I was shown that what was needed & wanted was fast accurate comm that got results=stuff sold to & I was not to go back and touch previous letters in the CF folder.So I devised a system where I would very quickly flip through the entire file once at the same moment compose my letter to the intended target.After hours of this I got really really fast! Never saw a policy about paper touching once,but knowing Ron he once sent an orders of the day to us SO ladies on how to wash our hair!!Always Ann.
Ann, the “never touch the same piece of paper twice” is actually a well-worn time management tip that Hubbard claims to have discovered but that has been around for years.
Never touch the same piece of paper twice, do it, delegate it, or dump it is the entire quote and is in time management seminars and has been for years.
Hubbard of course claimed it for his own and it is in some Policy that I trained on when doing my Staff Statuses.
Hi Valerie,I thank you for the info.I always learn something here! Ron took many bits from others as his,was particularly adept at that,Always Ann.
Because they keep adding programs to add new crap to the folders that no one uses. Print out all the material guides, then print out all the Basic Book guides, etc. etc. and shove them in the folders, oh then go in and update them along with the Addo system. Then pull folders for people to use but take them to the call-in office so they can sit on the shelves there until the CF Off has to go round them back up and put them all back again in the files, because no one was really using them anyway.
Then another program comes out that they want the current folders changed out to the new style so you have to buy our new style of folders and replace all the old ones with the new ones. If the org is smart they would loose that program in a hurry, cuz ya know another one will come out soon enough to change it yet again.
Just to name a few things. The best part is when the org has a member pass away and you mark them as deceased on the system and send the info uplines. Only to find they have been resurrected, you change it again and place a note in the system per instructions and they bring em back to life then mark someone similar as deceased. Try and have two people with the same name and you update everything with initials and birth dates and NOTES about them people different but uplines CF knows best and changes them back to someone from some other country or marks them deceased. Wasn’t the orgs suppose to take care of their own files. No wonder there are backlogs in CF with all of the above going on well at least it was when I was there.
The CF filing system is bizarre. I worked on this several years back myself and couldn’t believe the junk I saw in those folders. One folder had letters written to a nun who bought a Dianetics book 40 years ago and had since left the convent. The Mother Superior had sent in a letter explaining this, and that she had no knowledge of the ex-nun’s whereabouts. Still, a brand new folder with ‘The Bridge to Total Freedom’ imprinted in red ink on the inner cover was made for her. The new folders must be expensive with the red ink imprint. It’s so easy be wasteful when there’s free labor available and you’re spending other people’s money.
Valerie intelligently asked, “How can all files continue to be in such disarray if “they have the tech”?”
Well, how can all of Hubbard’s acolytes minds be in such disarray if “they have the tech?” 🙂
Once Hubbardites start asking questions instead of keeping their eyes and ears shut they will to that degree cease being His dupes.
With some trepidation I’m going to answer this question: The “tech”, like any tech, is just a tool. You can have it, but if you don’t use it, its not going to do anything by itself. It has to be used. Now, JL, before you pile on :), please understand that this comment of itself makes no assertion of the efficacy of Ron’s tech (because we are unlikely to agree on that )or of any tech. I’m merely saying that ANY tech is a knowledge about and/or of how something is supposed to be done, and this knowledge about and/or of how to doesn’t get the job done.
Quite correct Aqua, The track record is that no one knows how to use those tools. Including the developer, El Ron. Which, if using logic, leads to one conclusion…
We’re in agreement on that concept, John. Certainly, if tools existed which no one, including the person who invented the tools, could figure out how to use, then tools would indeed be useless, and this situation would indeed beg the question as to the actual efficacy of these tools.
Only in Scientology would “Gypsy” class seating be $350/couple. Gypsy is one notch below peasant…
Peasant would have been called ‘мужик’ and might have been confusing ☺️
Not to mention, it’s a racist term! I’m surprised they’re not offering n***er seating–complete with your own (coin-operated, no doubt) water fountain!
Silly Todd, they don’t offer seating to n***ers.
Universe shifting? Hubbard’s followers are the most deluded people outside of a spin bin that I’ve ever seen.
I think that Mike and Aquamarine said it perfectly.
Naw, they missed the Spin Bin part. Still more work needed…