It’s a surprise…
Don’t tell anyone.
The Wonders of the ALL NEW Clearing Course
Just a small question. Wonder how this person knows just how much bs he has been fed about how the course is now “shorter” thanks to COB.
Oh, that aesthetic course pack…
It made all the difference to his ability to get through the “new” GAT OT II.
They actually promote this idiocy?
Hot Off The Press
Is is going to try to attain SH Size again. Perhaps they can scratch their way to the size they were 25 years ago. Unlikely — no other org has done it. Unless there is another 200 man SO “Command Team” to “duplicate the successful actions of LA Org.”
33 years and…
Still not big enough to pay their staff a decent wage
If the Camelback is the magic ticket, how come 62 YEARS later it’s still going nowhere?
The Model Idea Org
Still not been duplicated anywhere else. Wonder why?
And if they really did 14X their stats (of course they didn’t, but take them at their word) then just how crappy was the “ideal SH Size” LA Org that was there before the 200 SO members barged in the front door?
LRH Quote
COP — ever read this one?
Free Admission
To Birthday Party…
Who would ever think to put that on an invitation?
Wonder why they are waiting?
Given the state of Pakistan, don’t you think you would be better served doing something about it? You’re not going to accomplish saving many Pakistanis in Dallas….
OMG — The Balance Has Shifted In Our Favor
I know it’s true. It was the communication at the MV IAS event.
What empty garbage.
Wouldn’t want a week to go by without some mention of the top of the Bridge.
It’s catching…
Following in the (un)successful footsteps of the top of the Bridge.
What is Captain FSO doing touting a bookselling campaign in LA?
Some strange amends project? Assignment from COP to “do something about international booksales”? Forgot he is Captain FSO, thought he had been sent on the LA Org Command Team (no doubt he has been threatened with that fate numerous times)
11 August 2015
With Ideal Orgs and the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, we now have the entire Bridge streamlined and exactly as LRH intended.
It is now only a matter of how fast we can flood public into the Org to take their first step on the Bridge starting with Dianetics.
“If you are not furiously pushing Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and if you are not insisting that each newly interested person read it as something new, startling and strange in the world, you will be wasting most of your dissemination efforts.” — LRH
The Model Ideal Org of Los Angeles is teaming up with Bridge Publications to launch the largest assault on the Reactive Mind, as they take it to the streets and launch a BOOM with the book that started it all.
It all starts on the 15th of August, with Dissemination Drilling by the CO Bridge, Blake Silber and then launch out with the LA Org staff and Bridge Publications and work with them side by side as they embark in an all out assault on the reactive mind of Los Angeles.
You have the responsibility of taking the knowledge of Dianetics and Scientology and getting this to EVERYONE so they too have a chance to make it.
Anyone that calls themselves a Scientologist is attending.
What you need to do:
1. Report to the PES LA Org, Roxanne Mele at (323) 877-7455 that you will be there and who you are bringing with you.
2. Show up and sign in so we know you attended.
3. Sell TONs of Books and have a blast!
Harvey Jacques
Captain FSO
Weirder and weirder..
This truly bizarre letter was sent to someone who has NEVER been on lines at CC.
Clive Rabies is coming…
Big news. He is going to explain how “we are busting open the gates to OT for everybody…”
Still working on that 10,000 onto Solo NOTs.
Strain your eyes
OMG, can’t they find someone to at least typeset their pleas?
The gauntlet was thrown down…
With the ideal CLO UK??
They don’t seem to realize the KCET white elephant is already paid for.
Food, glorious food…
Michael Roberts now playing second fiddle to grilled peppers and garden salad.
And avocado and kiwis….
HAPI happy happy
I do agree, they have wonderful smoked salmon — and I would much rather spend my money on the salmon than on the “ideal” org.
‘Unless there is another 200 man SO “Command Team” to “duplicate the successful actions of LA Org.”’
I’m all excited about that.
Any news about the staff members that were laid off? Have they become public, have they become indies, have they just slunk away? Any juicy declarations coming up?
Add to this a letter I received offering me 6 months Free Membership in the IAS! Ooopps, last time I checked, I was Catholic and have been to ZERO, Scientology events. In fact I have no idea where they are exactly in Michigan. Sure I can look up the address, but have never been within 1000 yards of any of their buildings.
Anyone else want my FREE MEMBERSHIP to the IAS?
An all out assault on the reactive mind of Los Angeles!
I’m impressed … but … but .. onto something really important … will there be any party favors at Kaye Schlitz’s birhday bash?
“…with Dissemination Drilling by the CO Bridge, Blake Silber and then launch out with the LA Org staff…”
I wonder if the drilling will include anything about how to handle somebody who brings up what that volcano is all about? Or, to put it into GAT terms, “A potential mark tells you that the volcano on the cover is where the Eeeevil Xenu tossed all the frozen thetans 76 gazzillion years ago. What do you do?”
Hi Gus Cox, Good to meet you.Liked your post.Well if I had still been in SO grabbed an army of word-clearing robots & gone to work.But out & free,I would say “that volcano sure has a lot of stories to entertain you with as your frozen theta self starts to thaw out…volcanos are fun,we learn from them especially Ron’s very own Private Volcano.My Best,Ann.
The words of Michael Roberts, IAS Freedom Medal winner, say, “…if we keep doing our jobs we can make it.” We can MAKE IT. Not, “we will achieve all our goals” or “we will be great” or anything else suggesting a winning attitude. It sounds like he’s trying to reassure some people the church can possibly survive. I think it’s safe to assume low morale prevails in the church.
This is an astounding portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Keppler, both of whom are smiling with an other-worldly gaze in their starry eyes and propped next to the Mrs. on a pedestal is a big ugly PINK e-meter! Imagine that picture on the cover of a major magazine. That picture tells the truth about scientology better than any picture I’ve ever seen. It can be interpreted a lot of different ways but all of those interpretations tell a story about lost self-determinism.
F/Ns, instant reads, now the Clearing Course. COP is a busy beaver gnawing away at the pillars of Scientology. He seems bound and determined to make sure there is nothing left before he is through (which, by my reckoning, should come about sometime next year).
Yes, he’s a bonafide Suppressive, a sociopath, a real, live, 2 1/2 percenter doing his thing, right before our eyes. Amazing.
Oh. Be still my heart. What a glorious day that will be.
This circus just get more and more nuttier as it goes along. I was particularly amused by the Clearing Course graduate. I can only imagine he didn’t take more than a week to complete the auditing. He wouldn’t know R6EW if it bit him in the butt.
The layout of the Clearing Course isn’t something you “click on” and now you see how it all works etc. It’s a auditing procedure and you don’t get the platens to study in theory to “see” the layout of the bank. The auditing is more of a ‘digging a ditch’ style and you keep at it and at it for ages, round and round the same cycle, over and over. I don’t think this PC is telling the truth… how did I come to that conclusion? It’s a david miscavige course, that’s how and those magic words he used explaining the Course – THE NEW ONE!
That SS is good for a chuckle or two over breakfast.
Maybe DM just changed it to 2 times through on the auditing. Instead of how El Con had everyone mind numbingly dig through it. It’s not like it matters anyway. “Clear” is a meaningless term outside the sscamology bubble.
Anyone got an idea just how damaging Miscavige SR’s book will be for Dave and Scientology?
It will be damaging for new public in. Although, there is basically no new people coming into scamology, in the 1st world anyway. I mean, he is already viewed as a particularly nasty turd right now. It might play against his BFF, Cruise though.
I agree. The still ins will think Ron Sr. went to the Dark Side because of some unhandled case or whatever, but the spotlight will be turned on Cruise again, and he can’t dodge the media forever. Sooner or later someone is going to get up the nerve to ask the tough questions. Every dog has his day, as the saying goes. No insult to any dogs intended.
Dear OSD!
Have the calls and letters reduced to an acceptable amount?
Did we do something wrong? Has there been an injustice? What are you upset about? Tell me all about it.
Sincerely, Randy Mednick
Dear Randy!
Oh, heck no! I LOVE receiving all the flyers and updates! It keeps me informed! In fact, I’m glad you wrote to me! You see, Randy, I’m dying of cancer and the auditing didn’t cure me. But, I do understand. You see, I have pancreatic cancer, Randy. The worst cancer you can have. However, I want to do all OT levels before I pass away to insure my eternity. And, money is no object to me as I have millions and millions of dollars. So, when I get back from my trip around the world, I’d like to route onto OT 1 and keep going until I’m done with OT 8.
I also want to donate to all the Ideal Orgs, the IAS, Narconon, the Way to Happiness, Applied Scholastic, CCHR, Volunteer Ministers and any other organizations within the church that could use some help. Can you assist me with that when I get home? I sure hope so!
Dear OSD!
Wow! Hey, of course I can help you with everything! They’re going to be giving you a whole lot of trophies! For all the OT levels and donations to all of our betterment groups, it will be $4,600,034. Is that ok with you! Let me know.
Dear Randy!
Of course it is, son! This is scientology! Man kinds ONLY hope! In fact, when I die, I’ll leave the remainder of my wealth to the church!
Dear OSD!!!
OMG! OMG! OMG! (panting) Mr. OSD, you are so going to help me with my stats! This is HUGE for me! Thank you so very, very, very much! I’ll wait for your call when you get back from your trip!
(6 months later). Yes, I’m calling for Randy Mednick.
(operator). I’ll patch you in.
Hello, Randy speaking.
Randy, hi, I’m Mrs. OSD.
Wow Mrs. OSD, it’s a pleasure talking with you! Your husband is just fantastic! He’s so generous! He’s going to give the church so much money that we really need! I can’t thank you enough! I can’t wait to hear from him!
Well, Randy, I’ve got something to tell you. My husband died while surfing in Indonesia. It was a shark attack, Randy. But, he died doing what he loved.
OMG, Mrs. OSD, I’m….I’m so sorry! I guess you’ll be taking over from him regarding giving us the money he promised, right? Right, Mrs. OSD?
Oh, sorry Randy! My broker was talking to me about the 10s of millions I have now.
But…but you are going to give $4,600,034, right?
Oh, absolutely, Randy! The check is in the mail.
ED: So, Randy! It looks like you got a HUGE deal! Way to go! Next week you’ll get 15 min off to do whatever you want to do! How’s that sound!
When did she say we’d get the money?
Oh, she said the money was in the mail. Although that was a month ago.
What do you mean I have to go to RPF! I just closed a HUGE deal! I’m an upstat! What the fuck is going on.
No one ever heard from Randy again…
Hi OSD,Your post is so vivid it makes my head spin.Randy is forever stuffing envelopes on the Pitny Bowes machine that I messed up along with that PBX & dictaphones,I always rewound my tape the wrong way,only I could figure what I did.At my peak I had three typists & I made them nuts because once I was into letter reg valence I ran with it.Much like surfing except with words.Always Ann.
A number of the Sea Org members in the LA photo look suspiciously young to me. I wonder just how young. And someone should explain to Michael Roberts that the term “Blow Away Good News” means you can kiss good news good bye.
SOYS, I’d take a guess that the “Blow Away Good News” is that Miscavige has cornered some Whale somewhere to match any funds these sheeple donate – within a certain time limit of course, so the pressure will be huge.
The CC letter from Randy looks like the sort of thing an overworked staff member has probably written at 3am as part of a push to meet their stat for the week. Our letter’s out got stranger and stranger the later it got, back in those days though they were unlikely to wind up on the internet.
Michael Roberts is so far gone he will go down with the sinking ship of Scientology – bilking people out of all of their money….but if he ever found out what the IAS is and that the whole thing is a scam – I think it would kill him.
I can’t believe he is still at it after all these years.
The Church of Scientology shattered his dreams as an actor and created a big ole regging machine.
Yes, I agree that Michael Roberts will go down with the ship, as will the others whose living depend upon IAS donations. And good riddance to him. I don’t feel sorry for him or any of the IAS vultures. They made their choices, and I personally do not believe that they have NO clue that the IAS is a complete scam. They HAVE to know. The point is, this is how they make their living. This is how they support themselves and their families. They stay because the money is good and regging for the IAS is their “profession”.
Idle Morgue, how did Scn shatter Michael Robert’s dreams as an actor?
Just changed out two words in Hermann and Armelle Keppler’s message and it makes perfect sense now…
“We know most of the Scientologists on this planet are in a mess, not knowing how to study, how to raise kids, create and maintain happy families and how to be successful at work. What’s even more important – Scientologists are at effect when it comes to understanding how whole sectors of society are in the hands of SP’s, how wars are designed and how people are made to act in certain ways.”
Notice that not one person in the picture on the invitation to celebrate Orange County’s anniversary is smiling. They all look like tired robots, dancing on invisible strings.
Hi Lori S,Love your post.Tired robots dancing on invisible strings wonderful image.Ann.
Noticed the same thing. Such joy and enthusiasm is looking very DEPRESSED.
65 years of failure to produce a single verified Clear or OT. Decades of failure to prove the purification rundown has any scientific validity or to use the “admin tech” to create viable, much less thriving, organizations.
Tens or maybe hundreds of thousands of lives touched and damaged, families rent apart, suicides, illegal activity, and more.
65 years of failure to defeat the evil “psychs” and their pharmaceutical bedfellows. 65 years of failure to prove the existence of engrams or validate past life, or even prenatal, memories.
Scientology, by your own petard you are hoisted as having identified the wrong “why” in each of the windmills you tilt at.
What is this intended tech from LRH .. have worked through about 90% of his writings and speakings .. have never heard or read about intented tech .. it is only called tech .. and LRH did only ask for understanding of it and never for agreement .. never .. scientology asks not for intended tech or agreement .. there was never at any time an intended tech ..
It’s probably a shortened way of saying “tech as LRH intended” Since COB clearly knows LRH’s intentions…..
“and LRH did only ask for understanding of it [the tek] and never for agreement ”
LMAO! Tell THAT to those who worked with him or on his command lines. God, that is funny as hell.
Hi John Locke,I had to stop and re-read the post about Ron.The poster has not experienced what happened in the SO if you were not in agreement with the tech.So whatever or were ever they had their encounter with the Tech it did not go far enough.XO Ann.
Correct Ann B. El Con wrote all kinds of unicorn & rainbow crap for public sheeple consumption. For Hubbard, to understand was to AGREE. Otherwise, you were considered to have MU’s, out ethics, etc.
“Anyone that calls themselves a Scientologist is attending.”
It is a line like this that made me question myself and the church. Because I perhaps did not really want to go to the event, it would actually create a glimmer of a doubt condition within me. And then, I would start to look more and see something else that perhaps did not make sense.
So, while this guy thinks a statement like this is going to cause people to show up out of shaming them into it, I think it only does more to create doubts within someone who does not want to attend the event.
Perfectly said, Frank.
Good point Frank , it made me wonder why I couldn’t shake the guilty feeling, and at the same time a feeling of ” are they going to come and get me”. Hard to reconcile that I joined a group that was going to help eradicate unwanted feelings..
Yes, Frank, that is exactly how it is done – install automatic guilt:
“You call yourself a Scientologist?
Well, then, of course, you’re confirmed for this event”.
“You’re refusing to donate more money to the IAS?
Well, obviously, you don’t want Scientology to expand”.
They caught me unawares a few times with this kind of A=A bullshit, until one day the light bulb went on, and I began responding to absurdities like this with, “Um, no, actually, I never said that. YOU said that”.
You should have seen some of the spontaneous hate flashes I got when I batted the ball back like this.
Oh dear…. I really don’t know what to do. I just finished confirming my attendance for the special closed door briefing with Clive Rabey on the 15th and then I get this email from Harvey Jaques for the book selling campaign also on the 15th!!!!!!!! Oh, wait……. Harvey says in his email, ” Anyone that calls themselves a Scientologist is attending.” Wow! That really clears things up. Harvey’s thing must be more important than Clive’s. That’s where I’ll go.
Good choice. Sales of Dianetics have always been most important to the FSO.
“Anyone that calls themselves a Scientologist is attending.”
I guess this also means that any indie Scientologist is welcome? 😛
Has to be! I mean, he made that quite clear…
Why is it that when I read, “Anyone that calls themselves a Scientologist is attending,” I feel like I’m going to throw up? I guess I should read Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health and find out.
Save yourself the agony. Go to ortega’s site and read the cliff notes. With commentary!
Hey RB! Can I tag along? I won’t be much trouble…
Sure Dude, but I think it’s a set-up. I don’t think they mean “call yourself a Scientologist” like it means in “call yourself a cab”. I don’t want to make it to the door just to find myself really having to call myself a cab. Maybe we should just skip the whole thing and go to the Clive Rabey thing instead. I’m sure those guys would let us sit through the closed door briefing if we tell them we have money to donate.
Oh, you bet! If we tell them we have money to donate, they might even give us something to eat.
It’s a surprise birthday party! Be sure to bring your wallets because we have a surprise for you!
Erm… that would be NO surprise Fredric.
And what the hell is this “Blow Away Good News?” Is it news that when you’re done reading it, you just blow it away because it’s 100%, Grade ‘A’ bullshit? I’m confused. Somebody help me out!
…and Jim Mathers as the Beaver! Oh, wait…my bad! That was Jerry Mathers as the Beaver.
OSD, Don’t give Beavers a bad rap.
I’m…I’m sorry, Mary. Of course, you are right. It just slipped my mind (common occurrence).
“Dear, the Beaver tried to blow again.”
“I’ll give him a sec check when he comes home tonight.”
(coffee snorting out my nose!). TDA, you just gave me my first laugh of the day! Thanks! I hope Ward isn’t too hard on the Beaver…
“Have the calls and letters been reduced to an acceptable amount?”
Zero is an acceptable amount. This letter is unacceptable.
“Did we do something wrong? Has there been an injustice?”
Back up the truck, and gird yourself for the load. You have done EVERYTHING wrong. Your continued existence is an injustice. Randy Mednick, don’t be a schmendrick. Quit that place TODAY. Find something useful to do with you life. Write letters to people who want to hear from you. Earn a living wage. Put your family first. Take your children to Knott’s Berry Farm. Go to night school and get an advanced degree. Do ANYTHING besides Miscavige’s command intention. ANYTHING.
Beautiful, hgc 10.
Hi Mike,Thurs funnies are so out there I have to re-read them over to find more gems of stupidity.When I read the weird letter from Randy Mednick,I instantly thought,red herring cos never asks if they did anything wrong,at least not in my ancient SO time.Always,Ann.
The OC Org going St. Hill size (whatever that might be) is what jumped out at me in this week’s funnies. I was there for the first go-round way back when, and I can tell you it was a complete goat rope. There was a huge stat push to do 5.4X something or other and get to St. Hill size. It was actually one of the major things that helped me wake up and get the hell out of there. If what I was participating in was actually what ‘old St. Hill’ was like, I wanted nothing more to do with it.
Of course, the whole fiasco was short lived. Some of the staff were actually ‘rewarded’ with the Universe Corps showing up and auditing them on the upper level materials so that they could stay on the job and not have to travel to LA or Flag. That obviously didn’t work out very well because even with all the newly minted ‘OTs’ their ability to maintain the stat push that got them there faded quickly. Suddenly no more Universe Corps and the place was back to ‘normal’. One would think that 30 years later, with this incredible level of production and expansion, Orange County would be clear as a bell. Except for the fact that there has never been a ‘clear’ or ‘OT’ produced by the cult. Never. Ever. They have raked in butt loads of money though for saying that there is such a state to be obtained and people keep hoping that there are such states to be obtained, but there is just no evidence of it. None. The world’s greatest con lives on as evidenced by the flyers posted on this and other blogs. Time to wake up you lurkers, sideliners, OSA net monitors, and under the radar types. Wake up and your long nightmare will be over.
Ms. B, was that the Tustin org or the Santa Ana org? I was at Tustin.
Tustin. I think it was on Redhill if I recall correctly. I was there in the mid to late 80’s. I blew that pop stand shortly after the St. Hill sized stat push and then had the good fortune to find work a LONG way away from any scientology outpost. I didn’t do all that much auditing there, but I trained to Class IV so I was mostly in the course room. John Woodward was the ED. There was rumor that he was SO. Good ol’ Dave Petit was there before heading to CC up the road. Bob (can’t remember his last name) was the Course Sup. Can’t recall too many other names off the top of my head.
Redhill was the north/south st. I believe the org was on another east/west street that I can’t remember right now. I was there in ’80 and ’81. John Woodruff was ED and my auditor was Dave Petitt. When the mission holder fiasco came about, I left as did many others including staff.
OSD, it sounds like we missed crossing paths by a few years but I’m glad that our paths have crossed here. I enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Ms. B! Do you recall a reg named Mary Sullivan? We use to be an item.
I wonder how the person knows what was on the original CC, OTI and OTII courses to compare them to the brand new fabulous GAT Phase II for OT’s courses? Granted they might be on their 2nd or 3rd time through the CC but OT I and OT II? Are they redoing those courses too? Okay I know someone told them to say those things and then thank Miscavige, RTC and then Hubbard last.
And really how can we not give Kaye a great big birthday hug for all she does? Kaye blows out the candles, and her birthday wish would be…you give her a hug, go to the reg, go to the IAS and then find an org you can give money to so it can go ideal. What a fun day it will be for Kaye.
Salsa lessons? Really? Celebrate the anniversary then dance your way to the closest reg/IAS terminal. Yet another fun day in Scn.
I missed the definition of COP. Can someone enlighten me? Perhaps Chief operating Pompador?
I think it went from COB to COP. Chairman of the Pompadour.
And he’s very good friends with Kim-jong un! From what I understand, they have the same hair stylist…
I like COC. Chairman of the Cult ………………. or Cock for short. Oh, thats right, He is short!
COC is my nomination. Perfect title – perfect pronunciation.
The frankophile in me likes Monsieur de Pompadour. I could see Him standing at the podium with lace at his wrists and red lips, like the court dandies of Versailles. In fact, I’d bet he wears some lip color and cheek blush at his events, along with very bright blue contact lenses. (At his age, he needs to paint himself in.)
Let’s not call him COC cuz that assumes he has one. He can BE a dick without having one. Just ask Shelley. That’s why he overcompensates and bullies and harms others — the short man with no coc syndrome. When he yells at others that they SCOHB, it is him projecting his own wishes onto them. I know all this cuz I got my psych cert from a bubble gum wrapper.
On Tuesday, this week, I saw a door prop sign holding the front door to the Clearwater Bank Building open that said, “Everyone Welcome.” EVERYONE?I wonder how many steps inside the door a Special Person would get before the ‘guards’ shooed him/her out! This would make a great promo piece for the St. Pete Times with cameras rolling.
Certainly would deliver to the general public Scientology’s definition of ‘EVERYONE’! Well……NOT EVERYONE! lol
Thanks COB, RTC oh and LRH as an afterthought
What a pathetic ass licking creepy bastard.
It’s easier to clear people when their town has a big pile of dirt & rocks in the middle of it?
El Con Babble tech ™ – giving shyster’s a bad name since 1950…
At least I know that DM hasn’t improved El Con’s “clearing tek”. The success stories for achieving “homo novus”, along with all the El Con claimed abilities gained is generating the same type of milk toast success stories as 40 years ago…
Hi Mike,Your post on dead man routing was priceless! Thank you for that.Yup you wrapped him up gave him one lovely pass at the Morgue,and he’s off -up & down the cos Ghost Bridge.You forget you paid for more than one service twice or more so perpetual dead regging.The way the cos is going,nothing seems too strange.Always,Ann.
I know several already declared people who are still getting occasional mail from orgs and msns in the LA area. They must be especially desperate to now start trying to get even the Special People through the doors. I guess Bodies in the Shop doesn’t say what kind of bodies in the shop to bring in.
Yep Org expansion in numbers by SPs and illegal PCs or do they still count us anyway?
You’re right, Cindy! If we took a corpse over there, they’d count him as a ‘start.’
Get that corpse started on the Bridge with the Come Back To Life assist…
And then a review if that doesn’t work. And then declare him NCG and prop him up the course room to do some training as no longer eligible for auditing. Load him up with a couple of sets of basics and a new Warehouse 8 which he will absolutely need for his training. Sic the word clearers on him for a few intensives of word clearing he is displaying the sort of “dead” feeling that is one of the three barriers to study.
Credit cards maxed out, wallet empty, shove him to the sidewalk and “dead file” him, but be sure to note that he is not eligible for a refund as he is unable to do the CVB Routing Form.
That should about wrap it up.
Weekend At Davy’s
Deadly funny, Mike. 🙂
OMG! Mike you’re hitting your stride in comedy! And I thought I was funny!
Mike to me: Grasshopper, when you can snatch joke from hand, time for you to leave temple…
Dead straight, Mike 🙂
Preferrably just rich ones or those with young kids to prey on.
Mike you’re so funny. Yes, I do believe they would route even a dead person in and put him through exactly the sequence you write about here. Loved it!
OF COURSE THEM WOULD, Cindy!!! That’s how desperate they are for new public. Alive or dead! It makes no difference now.
Student to supervisor: Man, that guy in the corner smells really bad and he’s been slumped over his chair for 3 days now! What’s up with that????
Supervisor: MUs.
Right on Cindy! Do they know the difference between life and death? It’s just a body phenomenon so really no bigge.
Hey, Coop, you’re right! It IS just a body phenomenon! You do know, though, that if the cult finds out about this, people who’ve just died will be in demand! I say we get a jump on the rest of the crowd and start digging up fresh graves or go the coroner’s office where they’re laid out on slabs. We can just roll them out to the L.A. Org and watch the staff roll them in and then pick up our commissions! What do you say?
You stab em and I’ll slab em OSD!
And how about in Div 4 Academies, an ever-ready, tireless twin for the TRs. just prop him up, keep him sprayed with Febreeze or something and he’s good to go. For OTTRO, close his eyes, for TR-O open ’em.
Perfect, Coop! Gosh, but we make a good team!
I hope that weird letter was sent to more than just one person or someone is getting declared..
That weird letter was sent to someone who is already declared.
I didn’t get one!!! I’m pissed now.
Obviously time for another CF marathon….. lol
LMAO!!! Mike, now that’s some funny shit! As I’ve said before, the entire organization is one big clusterfuck!
And, Coop? Hey, pal, I don’t blame you for being pissed off! I’ve never be declared either! Maybe we should take a trip to the L.A. Org and DEMAND our SP declares! We can take a look at the 700 people that, every week, come to that Idle Morgue! What do you say? Lots of good restaurants in Hollywood…
And GTBO, in ten years, you’ll be posting the exact same post as today! Nothing EVER changes…
Hell yes OSD. In fact, lets go get body routed into the Morgue. We can do a test and find out how fucked up we are. Also, you could request a declare or at least find out what you would have to do to get one. I can check in with Julian and see if I can read mine.
Oh, that would be great, Coop! I’ve always love goldenrod! It goes with my eyes. And we definitely need to do the OSA test to see how fucked up we are. Did you know that this test came from Oxford University in England??? It says so right on the test! You can get anymore upstat than that!
I’m feeling envious of those who have gotten their Goldenrod.
Here I am, twisting in the wind, some sort of unacknowledged SP,
Its not OK!
And, yes, I AM that materialistic and status conscious, OK?
You have a problem with that?
I EARNED this status. The old fashioned way. Unlike some others I could mention, I didn’t just SKATE into my SPness via family connections or inherent privileges of birth. All on my own, I earned goldenrod status the old-fashioned way; by speaking and acting suppressively.
Oh, I know it took me a year of resentful silence before starting to calmly tell anyone who brought up the subject that Ideal Org fundraising was crashing the stats and decimating my org.
And I DID make it very clear to anyone who asked that Church of Scientology would not be getting another dime out of me for anything other than my own Bridge.
This is clearly very suppressive behavior is it not?
I mean, come on! Doesn’t honest old fashioned self sufficient independent suppression count for anything in these cynical times? Is it all whom you know? Who does someone need to f**k around here to get their Goldenrod?
OSA, please. This has gone on long enough. Fair is fair. You’ve got my address. Oh, come ON, of COURSE you know who I am! For crying out loud, I’ve given you a gazillion hints! I’ve told you who I am in hundreds of ways on this blog. You can’t be THAT busy! Yes, yes, I know – Marty, Mike, Mosey, Tony, Karen, Jeff, Jeffrey, Chris, all the Big Guns – I understand, its an awful lot to handle. Yes, I know, you’re really stretched to the max. But still, do the right thing, and give an SP what has been honestly earned. Thank you.
You mean that Central Files is so disorganized that they are sending mail to a Supercalifrangelisticexpealidocious Person? The Org must not be implementing Admin Tech properly. And as LRH said, when stuff like this happens, an SP is always at the heart of it.
@Aquamarine: I have a stack of Goldenrod paper. REAL Goldenrod, not that sucky yellow color that that they use these days.
I suppose it would be juvenile to send out “You may have already been Declared!” letters to current staff?
Alright, alright already!!! I guess it’s up to me to DO IT! Aqua, by the powers vested in (simply because I say so), I hereby declare you an SP!!!!!!!!! (Special Person). And you’re very special to all of us here.
I keep noticing, as you post various testimonials, everyone thanking the COP (using your term out of respect) before Hubbard himself. Is it just me, or does that seem to be almost Suppressive Behaviour considering Hubbard was supposed to be the font of everything Scientology? Shouldn’t the current COP take the back seat to the inventor, I mean founder of the religion?
The COC (Chairman of the Cult) does not take a ‘back seat’ to anyone or anything at anytime. He simply IS. Obviously He will need to straighten out this Farrakhan guy and also send a message to the Colombian DLs soon, not to mention Mr. Rinder and so on.
Yo Dave,
Hey good buddy, I’ve got some new juicy news about my neighbors. You know, the two time ex See Ogre’s who you got to move out of their new home in Sonora and move to LA because they were living and working too close to me……. the yet to be declared Special Person that I was/ am and who spreads all things negative about your stinking little cult.
Anyway, I have some reliable data but unless you have someone contact me I will have to just let you know via this blog. Or did you want me to write a KR on them? Have you updated and streamlined the KR line for GAT II yet? I kind of ASSume that all data now goes simply straight to your desk so the inept pieces of hammered dave shit (sometimes called staff) won’t screw it up? Let me know good buddy!
Enquiring Minds on the blog want to know.
Holy GAT II, Batman! EVERYONE wants to know!
Come on Cooper; spill the beans. I mean the “big beans.” 😉
Were you never officially declared, Cooper?
Maybe I was but I have never heard from anyone from slime central. Thus far, it is rumor line only.
Yo Julian,
Can you give me an update on my status? Just a friendly “fuck you, yes you have been declared will suffice” unless you have some other kind words for me.
And Julian, before I forget, have Clive the Rabid remove me from your list of 10,000 on or through ….. but make no mistake ……I AM THROUGH! Now that GAG II for Ohh Tees has been released by Mr. Annointed whose poop has no odor, you should be having a tad bit more success with your minions.
Cheerio and say hi to your Dad for me.
The COCK (chairman of the cult of Kool-Aid, aka dick head) losing his grip again?