Wrong Plane
This should have been a DC 8 not a DC 3. And that is an awfully slow way to travel, the WW II era DC3 is not renowned for its speed….
Just a month or so ago, Andres was touring around as Snr CS WUS. Wonder if his coverage on the fringes of the internet got him in trouble?
The greatest push in the last 2500 years
Seems just a bit overhyped…
Makes you wonder what the push was back in Mesopotamia in 600BC

The event went on for 8 hours…
Bet none of these photos were taken when it ended.
This is an ideal org?
They can list everyone who is on service and it doesn’t even fill a page. And that is highest in 2 decades! Means that this org was actually bigger 20 years ago than it is now even thought it’s ideal — though bigger is a relative term obvioously.
Elderly abuse?
Wonder if these folks really knew what they were doing?
More administrative skill on display
Valley “graduation”
“Graduation” now includes hearing from non-scientologists. I guess they don’t have any “graduates” of anything scientology. Probably someone from the NOI…
Food, glorious food…
This week’s collection of the spiritual and religious offerings from the top of the bridge…
Be successful
Achieve prosperity…
One less successful entrepeneur?
More “prosperity” from the OT IX and X C/S — wow, maybe OT IX and X have something to do with making money?
The “keys” to prosperity…
Happy HAPI
It’s getting more and more bizarre. Give us your money for our org because Scotland has “many beautiful sights” (unlike anywhere else…)
…lots of mountains — for that I say give your money to the ideal org in Tibet, or Bolivia…
or just for no reason at all because we couldn’t think of anything.
Mega Epic
I am sure Jackson Wyan is going to be making some earth-shattering announcement — something COP wasn’t interested in announcing himself and basking in the glory of…
Dear IAS Member,
I am writing to let you know that on the 29th of August I will be delivering an event on the IAS and CCHR that can only be described as “Mega Epic!”
Specifically I am going to be briefing on a national aspect that has everything to do with our future and how we are working right now to fully bring mental health back under the law.
Additionally, you should know that there is something specific we need all Org areas briefed on so that you are informed and can help us in a big way!
I cannot stress the importance of all of us coordinated on this as a team!
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there on Saturday the 29th of August in the Seattle Org!
Jackson Wyan
West US Membership Office
PS: Is Hyper Epic bigger than Mega Epic? Or maybe it should be Giga Epic?
More Phoenix musings
They have brought in the big guns. The guy who looks after the Camelback house is rescuing Phoenix ideal org from its doldrums.
Nothing like a bit of enthusiasm, some ALL CAPS and some exclamation points to drive them in.
A mecca for African-American culture…
Except most of the people on this poster are not African-American?
Oh, and neither is the ED? Or the special guest speaker from Los Angeles….
This strategy just doesnt seem to be working out…
I did something effective
I gave them money to leave me alone
We are working to strengthen the communication lines of Scientologists…
…with this Hall?
Why I donated
Apparently she has no idea.
Ideal org big announcement
Orange County got ONE person signed up for course and put up a poster about it.
What does that tell you?
No Case Gain
39% of his entire life on staff and he is ARC SW.
Ideal St Hill
Nowadays it seems like a bit of an internal renovation qualifies as an “ideal org”
Registrar Success
As the person who sent this to me so correctly noted. This is really a “Reg Success.”
Will Farrell wins for my favorite pic 🙂
I find it comical Scientology touts these “Entrepreneurial Conventions” with these scrub consultants trying to make money off the suckers squandering their kids college savings. All for ‘status’. Anyways, Im pointing out the obvious. Having worked in the tech startup world, these clowns are the ones who try and scare money out of startups. I would love to see one of these guys take a pitch deck into a Silicon Valley boardroom pitching LRH tech. Lolz. Great research and always entertaining.
Those photos all look like the casting call for the stage production of Glengarry Glen Ross.
@ 20 years ago I was on staff in Phoenix. A lot of the people on this list are the same people from back then. If they were viable they would have 100s of people on that list instead of the same handful of suffering souls.
Wait a minute. GAT I was 20 years ago. Everybody had to retrain. They must be doing the same thing. All these old timers are doing their Survival Rundown and retraining (or just showing up before 2:00 on Thurs one time for the stat).
How many new people are doing services? How are they paying the bills? What is staff pay? What are the real stats like GI, VSD, Div 6 starts, comps, wdah, NPI, etc. All that stuff has to be way bad or they would be talking about it.
A lot of those names on the Phoenix list I recognize as upper S.O. Org public from about 30 years ago.
Alot of those names on the Phoenix list I recognize from almost 40 years ago
The “Leon” versus “de Leon” is a Spanish naming tradition (the family might originally be from Spain, Mexico or Venezuela). According to this Spanish tradition, the wife does not change her surname when she gets married, but can be referred to as “de Leon” if she is married to a man with the surname “Leon”.
This being the case, Oralia would be James’ mother, but would have a different actual surname.
Or, if they are both born in the US, “De Leon” could be the family surname, but James have later in life opted to legally drop the “De” in his surname to make it less complicated.
Thursday Funnies – ah, so much to J & D; so little time. My first pick is Wendy Harris. I laughed out loud at this one, Mike. Why did she donate? She’s not saying, and her expression in that picture looks like she’s still trying to figure it out. Really funny!
I wonder what it is like at the Hubbard Advanced Thing (HAPI) in Scotland.
I imagine a grimy dark one-room office in a back street. Each day only one person comes and goes, and that is Fearless Leader, whiling away his time before going out at night to stack supermarket shelves in order to make ends meet.
Dear Mike, hello. Since when LRH is a trademark?
Mid 80s I think.
Coming from any other religion, the File Party poster may actually be funny! You know the one where a bunch of us dressed up, donned sunglasses and kinda acted like we were private eyes or thugs sneaking up to get you…
Then again, other (aka “real”) churches don’t have a spy arm, dirty tricks department and army of private eyes behind sunglasses. They don’t try to break up your family, ruin your business, dedicate a hate web site to you and get you sent to a jail or a nuthouse. So, in the context of scientology, the humor really isn’t quite in this!
What’s with the sunglasses on the filers? Who files with dark sunglasses on. These people are really nuts.
Hi Aquamarine, Love your post.I just may have figured the sunglasses out.Looking to my upcoming cataract surgeries,they all have had their eyes done and have to wear those glasses in bright light. XO Ann B.
Hi Todd Cray,Thank you for a great post.At Halloween in Asho F SO we would dress up and act silly all the execs changed posts with each one of us and we got to give them tasks.After even on 10/31 after the last soul had left course we would have our party.Asho F was so tiny compared to Day we snuck in our own let off steam time.But the next day I knew the sunglasses on The Guardiens Office folks told me it was back to business and no no one ever wore them in CF,it was a folder maze from Hades.Thank you always for your kind words to me.I try,I love you all.Ann B.
There are quite a few nuggets in here! My favorite is in the Budapest pamphlet, “final completion.”
In the proud tradition of El Con’s murder of the English language and prolific production of self-contradictory blather, “C”oS proudly presents: “Final completion!” As approved by the Department of Redundancy Department. Or as those in the know call it, the “money shot.” How hyper epic!
Which of course begs the question: How many “completions” are you allowed to advertise even though, naturally, you did not complete anything? Ask the Valley Idle project!
What’s keeping you from going OT besides your knowledge that it’s an obscene waste of money? Is it your reactive bank? You know, that institution that won’t loan you any more money.
Hi Tony Dephillips,You know the best stuff! I look forward to,your posts!Always Ann B.
The promo with a DC 3 to fly to OT.
Cut that out and paste in the “Hindenburg”
“Mega Epic!”????????????
Hey IAS why don’t you adopt a new hyperbole.
Hey! I think I got one for you. How about…………….
I don’t think Mary Poppins will mind.
Really, Tom? You don’t know what Mega Epic is? It’s Epic with Mega spread all over it. I’ve had it before and it’s delicious! All is do is add pepper…
The EP of Miscaviage’s OT IX is “Cause over Money”.
The EP of OT X is “The Ability to hand it to the IAS without considerations”
+1! Bam! Nailed it.
Another fun week at the office for scientologists.
Where the only game in town meets an eternity of giving, move up in status today to show you really care about your future because your future is only as solid as they tell you it is. Operate yourself to mindless regret about all that money you don’t need anyway. Be HAPI not sad, Keith will bubble his way past ARCSW and decade now and surface to a whole new fast track of disappearing wherewithal. The state of OT is so static everything just whizzes away from you.
The most valuable thing on the planet – your next scientology status. Feel the buzz – you’ve earned it!
Can’t wait for scientology TV game shows…
Take Note. Andres has been demoted from Snr C/S WUS to Snr C/S AOLA.
And they no longer remember how to spell his last name.
That smile on Ron Meyersons face says everything you need to know about Scientologists inside the bubble, trying to put on a happy face through clenched teeth. God what a bunch of liars.
And with clenched teeth, he’s probably grinding the hell out of them.
I love the double entendre of the “funk event.”
Yes, funk is the name of a certain rhythm and blues style of music.
But funk is also a state of being depressed. And even worse, funk can mean a foul odor.
Dear reader — pick your meaning!
Man, your post is really funky! And I mean that in a good way! Funk is as funk does…
“Auditors wanted. Tough preclears. Impossible hours. ” (may be required to also disconnect from friends, fellow staff members or family, for no reason other than “we say so”. May be required to hard sell book packages or visit the homes of church members at all times of the day or night. May be required to comply with actions demanded by top church management even if it contradicts written policy. May be required to attack fellow staff members who don’t tow the line or give unquestioning allegiance to COB. May be required to lie to self and others about the actual state of Scientology or it’s statistics )
Keith in the poster also cheated on his wife and ended up divorced in Seattle also. They should have added that to his list of hobbies.
What a bunch of money-grubbing creeps!
Dear Roland,
You are invited to attend our Bank Holiday Monday events:
1:00-3:00pm ‘The Secrets of Money’
Learn the underlying spiritual laws of how to attract money and success in any profession or career from guest speaker Mauro Calcioli, experienced Scientologist and successful CEO.
That is priceless. the underlying spiritual laws of how to attract money….
No doubt he focuses on the deeply held religious doctrine of “exchange” that applies to everyone EXCEPT the church of scientology, who take people’s money, give them nothing and refuse to give it back.
In the Beginning there was money? “underlying spiritual laws of how to attract money” What are they babbling on about?
“Experienced scientologist” – now there’s a term to give you the warm and fuzzies.
Mauro Calcioli – former ED London Day…nuff said.
They’re trying to RECRUIT people by telling them that the job has “impossible hours”? This is supposed to be positive? Really?
You know, I’m quite surprised that that quote was left intact. I would have thought they would have deleted that portion of it. Either someone is boiling hot water, OR, they wanted you to know that staff members very tough son’s-of-bitches, as Tommy “The Weasel” Davis once proclaimed. Either way, NOBODY IS STILL COMING IN!
Hi LHS, Good to meet you.Well I guess one reason they use impossible hours because translates to in SO all hours belong to David,none are your own.Having a choice as to what to do in any given hour is so wonderful when one has been denied it.Take Care, Ann B.
That files project party looks like an ad for The Walking Dead.
On the Valley OT Committee’s email, did you notice that they say this mystery guest “is NOT a speaker from another OTC to tell us anything… He is NOT a Management speaker (though that would be super cool)” Notice how they mention things he is not which is like admitting that they know they all have BPC on being forced to listen to other speakers from other OTC’s tell them how they should be able to put their Idle Morgue there. And when they say he is NOT (they capitalize it) a management speaker (because they now people ridge on that too), they make sure to put in parentheses “though that would be super cool if it was a mgmt. speaker.) This is called covering your PR butt so you don’t end up in Ethics or ordered to Sec Checking for implying that having management speakers is less than wonderful at all times. They even put that sentence in italics so that no one could write them up for being CI to having management speakers come out to the OTC meeting.
Cindy, you and I are tracking, especially on “He is NOT a Management speaker (though that would be super cool)”. Yes, super cool, except the only ones attending would be the org staff. As a public, I learned quickly that a Management speaker doing a briefing at my org was never good news, and to be avoided at all costs.
Right you are, 411! And, yes, I do “Fear The Walking Dead.”
OT, OSD….. What did you think of Fear the Walking Dead? So far, I am not a fan. I’m hoping it gets better as I am a HUGE WD fan.
I liked the first installment! And I think this Sunday it will really come alive…as it were.
I’m a HUGE zombie film fan. I still watch Zombieland with Woody Harrelson.
The Leon’s were sitting around one night talking about how little time they have left
and what to do with all their excess money…..bright idea….lets move up in status, to hell
with the kids and grand kids.
I agree with Scott Scharf, eternity is a long time but is it also a trap? I suggest you stop eating
the cheese at those traps and the metal piece won’t snap down on your head and make you think,
say and do stupid things.
Why is he a Leon but she is a De Leon?
That’s Jim Leon, former FCDC staff (mid 1970’s) and his mother.
Ahh that explains it. I thought they were husband-and-wife.
I didn’t know Nat King Cole was a Scientologist. I have always known him to be a crooner.
Now I see that he was into funk as well? I can say one of his most famous song titles does remind
me of David Miscavige…..Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire.
Hi Potpie,Love your zinger post today.But small chestnuts roasting on that open flame! XO Ann B.
I noted that a lot of the male scio speakers had “big” hair. Will they all end up looking like HIM? LOL
It’s only a matter of time. Henry
Should rename this, “Thursday Funny Farm” as almost all of the people featured belong on one.
C’mon now, John! It’s rude to make fun of cult members. I mean, they’re doing everything they possibly can to look ridiculous! We should, at the least, appreciate their efforts! Especially Jim Mathers as the Beaver…
OSD, I guess I’m being too hard on the Beav? 😉
Yes! Yea you are John! Don’t you feel ashamed? I will say, though, that Jim Mathers plays a very, very good really old Beav!
Poor Keith the scuba diver guy.
Thankfully he got SOME fun with his hobbies and achievements in the real world before he joined staff.
Now he’ll only be able to talk about them in a sec-check if he sneaks off to do them instead of being a full time slave.
He will definitely not be given the time or resources to enjoy ANY of it while he’s on staff. I hope he doesn’t join the Sea Org!!
So what happened 2500 years ago?
That’s what I was thinking too, Thomas. What the hell WAS happening back then?
Buddha happened 2500 years ago. That last great push by Buddha was actually Hubbard, who fostered the belief that he was Buddha returned (… Am I Metteyya?).
So 2500 years ago Hubbard tried and failed to get the job done as Buddha. Then he came back and as Hubbard tried again. With his amazing discovery of the reactive mind and how to erase it rather than just key it out, he is now poised to have succeeded! Where Buddha failed, Ron overcame!
Oh, well spotted. I was in the wrong part of the world… Of course, the last big push was Buddha trying to civilize the planet and LRH picked up his mantle 2500 years later to complete his incomplete work, even announcing himself as the long-prophesied return of the Buddahe. L. Ron Hubbard certainly did not lack creativity and imagination…
PS If you have never read “Hymn of Asia” you may find it entertaining in that it is hack tripe.
The Rubbayat of Omar Khayyam or anything by Rumi is far more insightful and inspirational than anything Hubbard wrote — including Hymn of Asia.
(The name from Buddhist canon has various spellings — Metteya, Mettayya, Maitreya, Meitreya, etc., for anyone interested in researching further.)
Here is the summary by the editors of Hymn of Asia of the “Metteya legend,” which is promoted by Scientology but is otherwise debunked as far as it concerns Hubbard:
Thus, we find these are the most salient details of the Metteya legend.
1. He shall appear in the West.
2. He shall appear at a time when religion shall be waning, when the world is imperiled and convulsed in turmoil.
3. He will have golden hair or red hair.
4. He will complete the work of Gautama Buddha and bring in a new golden age of man by making possible the attainment of spiritual freedom by all beings.
5. Although the date of his advent is variously forecast, the nearest date places it
2,500 years after Gautama Buddha – or roughly 1950 (the date of Gautama’s own
life being somewhat of an estimate itself). In one form or another the prophecy of Metteya has been the principal hope that the East has preserved and bequeathed to the world.
The preceding is from http://download.cabledrum.net/wikileaks_archive/file/scientology-hymn-of-asia.pdf.
In Hymn of Asia, Hubbard makes wild-assed claims — odd for such a reticent, cautious man:
“Am I Metteya?…. I come to bring you all that Lord Buddha would have you know of life, Earth and Man…. Am I white? Do I have Golden Hair?…. Study the wisdom that I have to say and you will be Bodhi [awakened]…. Am I Metteya?…. Address me and you address Lord Buddha…. I am the beginning. I am the end…. Even your own prophecies centuries Old said I would appear in the Western World. I appeared.”
And he is the beginning and the end? Wow, he is now the alpha and the omega (Revelations 22:13).
That fits his “many apply few are chosen” nonsense too — “for many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14).
For a guy that mocked all things Christian, Hubbard didn’t mind plagiarizing from it where he could. But he stole most if not all of any of his ideas that were good — he was the Supreme Bricoleur.
And a PPS: Hubbard reportedly wrote Hymn of Asia for the Sixth Buddhist Council which was held in Burma (now Myanmar) in the mid-1950s (1954-56 — some sources put it as 1955-56).
It would be interesting to learn how Hubbard’s “contribution” was received or if it was even noticed at all by that Council.
Hubbard said the convention was cancelled once the Buddhists got wind of the auspicious pronouncements he was about to drop on them. They couldn’t handle the truth apparently. Or whatever.
Thanks for the incredible heads up! BTW, and maybe Mike can answer this, did they have 3 fake Buddhist come to Flag and say, “Because of one TR, (or something like that), Hubbard was, in fact, Buddha? Mike?
I recall something vaguely like this. Who knows if they were fake, or just dupes? Or guys who didnt mind making some statements in exchange for an all expenses paid trip to Florida?
Well all I can suggest is that El Con drag his fat ass back here and bail out Dave the Dildo before He really screws the pooch and ruins El Cons Ponzi scheme.
Meanwhile ……… muffled voices from Tremintina have been heard ………… “well get some of those RPF losers out there and send up a fucking smoke signal”…………….” I don’t know what the fuck he is doing out at target two but I need some god damned help here. At least show up and gimme some OT IX and X data to sell to the plebes for christs sake. Scratch off those fucking diamonds out there and spell it out for him you CICSMFAH!”
BTW, the Buddha’s actual name is: Siddhartha Gautama and he was born in India. The term Buddha, I believe translate into ‘teacher.’
The whole Metteya, Hymns of Asia bullshit is almost as embarrassing as the Wall of Fire, Xenu thing. I’m surprised they bring it up. Does Bridge even publish Hymns of Asia anymore? What’s next? A reference to Case 13 of “Have You Lived Before This Life?”
Religion and money got married.
+1. Bam! However, money is still trumping the “religion ANGLE.” Nice post.
Hi FOTF2012, Your post sparked a SO memory.Hymn Of Asia was presented at one of the famous SO Briefings as Ron’s spectacular OT Poem about his life as Buddha and how at that time we were sworn not to breathe a word of this feat to,paying public because it would really key them in.I also have a recall of a line from that Theta Book, which went something like “Awake or Asleep I Love You.” Creepy shades of The Police with “Every Move She Makes.”And I believed it all until I woke up.Always Ann B.
The rise of modern civilization and western culture in Greece was likely the most significant item.
As far as world wide impact, that would be correct whostole.
Do the people who made the Files Project Perty Flyer realize the black with the dark sunglasses and “We Have Been Trying To Find You” hits way closer to home than they realize? People are hiding on purpose. The. Money. Is. Gone.
Re: Super Valley OTC So he’s not a fellow Scientologist or even scientologist. My Guess is it’s David Miscavige!
Yeah, I noticed that it took two tries to impinge on the cult members that this one guy was, in fact, NOT cult member! I can see the regges licking their chops…
Give me money! Give me money! Give me money! John Oliver has nailed it.
Off topic and not funny, but it caught my eye this morning as I was reading the news: Tom Cruise is acting like a scientologist for sure:
After reading the article it confirms TC is lower than pond scum…
Scientology has probably made him disconnect from his father. TC is a koolaider. He ain’t going nowhere. He won’t leave the cherch.
Hi Dawn,I like your post and I have felt as you do.TC has been soaking in the KoolAid Sauna for so many years he is permanently dyed the color orange throughout.It will take a lot more than his maybe I will maybe I won’t pr to get him to ever break away from David for good.Take Care,Ann B.