CF has its own newsletter!
It’s taken on a life of its own… But OMG, after all this time they have done 2500 out of 65,000. At this rate it’s at least another 10 years of work. Luckily they are not generating much new filing to be done so perhaps they may eventually catch up.
Somehow the psychs take precedence over anything. What if there are life-saving drugs that cure diseases that are delayed? It doesn’t “covertly” include ANYTHING. FDA regulations for testing drugs are very transparent and you can see every drug ever tested or under testing at No mood altering drug fits into the category of a “life-saving” medicine — but let’s oppose this bill because the psychs are probably tricking us.
Making A Difference
To what?
Food, glorious food…
Dessert. WOW!
Hmmm.. it’s just D/COP for Foundation Hours being featured now.
Same here, except Raffi is relegated to the nameless 28 year old who went from SRD to OT VII, all 3 L’s, Super Power and 3X through the Running Program in 9 MONTHS!!! Must be some sort of record…
If this is true and all that’s needed is 10,000 on OT VII to save the planet, why not just put all SO members onto this program full time and bump the 10,000 in the next 6 months?
Cheap Flights
No longer the top of the Bridge — it’s now a cheapo cruise ship for everyone (provided you don’t mind being on a floating barge full of vultures that you cannot escape). Plus, the airfares are cheap! Surely with the straight up and vertical international expansion the ship is packed with all those people doing OT VIII? No?
New motto: Everyone can afford to go the Freewinds. Until you get there.
The Hidden World of Human Trafficking
Take a trip to Hemet or any other Sea Org base. There you will find plenty of human trafficking.
Hmmm, something fishy here…
Just LAST week this was announced as “ending on 12 Sept”? Guess they didn’t get enough discount humanitarians…
This just makes no sense…
These guys apparently think this works… Someone must have told them it’s a “successful action.”
Like really successful. And they have their very own special superhero Green Dollar
St Lou-Au
Massive turnout of 15 people to see the surfboard cutout
The Hidden World Of Human Trafficking
Scientology is quite expert at this.
The “successful actions”
The word hasn’t gotten out to the hinterlands yet it seems. Still promoting a “WISE guy” to come in and make money off the org. The real question is why they don’t have one of their admin bearcat org execs tell evedryone how to run a flourishing business? They are the experts at it.
ASHO “training”
An oxymoron these days. And the best they have to offer is a vague statement about how cool it is to train from a dilettante mission holder who is apparently NOT currently on training. It’s just a sales pitch from an “OL” (for whom she is an OL, I wouldn’t venture to guess).
Do you think this guy has enough exclamation points after his name? And he is back to being a Class VIII even though there is no “GAT 2” BC or Class VIII Course? But most incredibly, excluding the woman who sent the email and her husband, the massive turnout at this “ideal” org is 11 people….
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies…
What a joke. On so many levels.
Seriously now, when are these people going to stop fiddle-effing around and turn CF files organization into a rundown? “The Admin Power Rundown” – EP: full cause over The Admin of Life”. They can charge people 5G’s.Craig Jensen can rave about how this was the single most powerful rundown ever, and it is solely responsible for all his success going forward..
Ah yes – the hidden world of human trafficking. So glad the Church is getting to grips with this. I heard a horrific story that maybe this benevolent Church could have helped with. It concerns a young man who joined a volunteer group for purely altruistic reasons who, all of a sudden and without explanation, had his passport confiscated overseas, was ordered to wear a black boiler suit in the desert heat, forced to do hard manual labour up to 24 hours a day, was screamed at almost continually, fed meagre rations and refused all contact with his family and friends in his home country. Human trafficking by any yardstick you wish to measure it with. But I’m sure this kind Church group is all over this case and putting in policies to make sure such abuse never happens again. Hip Hip Hooray for the Church!
It truly is a joke isn’t it. I’ll never forget the day I was sitting and reading while waiting to see the E.O. and the Word Clearer from Hungary came in to talk to the receptionist. She was leaving shortly and hadn’t had her passport returned. I had trained with this lady and knew her. She was being given the run-around to get her passport back, and was obviously having a very difficult time and was exasperated. The receptionist lit into her like a mad dog and it was nuts and painful to sit there and watch. She was the nicest person and a great staff member and I felt so bad for her. It made me realize what they do with foreign nationals – like hold them hostage and treat them like they are property of the church. Yeah, the CoS knows ALL about Human Trafficking.
Hi Martin Padfield,I give you cheers and much validation for your post! It did so resonate to me.These abuses did really occur and I was so right when I declined to take a drive out to “a new area” where I could be safe from GO/Intel.What a crock! I would either still be pulling weeds in the heat all day and crying in a hole at night.So even though I got the worst cruelty Mike and others got much more.Thank you.Always Ann.
Freewinds Accessibility .. So are they adding wheelchair ramps, extra elevators, handicapped stalls in the washrooms?
RM, on a ship they’re heads, not washrooms. Please use the correct nautical terminology when aboard SMV Freewinds!
Hi civmar,Good to meet you.Do I know heads inside and out! The Excaliburs men and women’s had my toothbrush touch and did they shine!Thank goodness that task is long over.I should have written a book, the hours I spent scrubbing! Always Ann.
as a never in, I don’t quite understand the central files thing… is that everyone’s “PreClear” files, the ones that have all their private auditing stuff on them? or is it just basic contact details, because why don’t they just put that all into a computer system? and if they are all the auditing files, why is everyone just allowed to go through them? aren’t they supposed to be private?
Aaah, Sashie, you are applying Logic, to an illogical subject. It’s not their preclear info, but they won’t update their systems because its not what LRH said they should do. The files are private unless you piss them off, then fair game.
Hi TommyJ, What a super post.Are you ever correct! Remember that old margerine ad, it is not nice to fool Mother Nature? Piss off Ron in the day or David now and Fair Game becomes the law! Love Always Ann.
cf are for basic contact info. plus a whole lot of other shit: Every time they send a letter out to someone a copy goes to cf, everytime they invoice you a copy goes to cf. You are right of course it could all be computerised, however as the great l ron said it has to be done this way they won’t change it, bear this in mind when they make claims of being the only subject which encourages people to think for themselves!
No one is promising a release date for OTIX and IX, but time is running out to get ready for it!
Amazing, simply amazing. Read this, and be amazed.
No release date promised nor, for that matter, no OTIX and IX promised either! Nothing is promised in exchange – nothing!
This reminds me of a scam someone told me about long ago. I found it funny when I heard about it.
A man placed hundreds of cheap tiny little ads in supermarket tabloids and local papers across the country.
“This is your absolutely your very last chance to send $1.00 to (some P.O. Box). You will not have another opportunity! Act now! Take advantage of the time you still have to send your $1.00 and send it now! Don’t delay! Remember, this is your last chance, so don’t miss it, send your dollar in now!”
Nothing in the ad said anything about what the dollar was FOR.
No exchange was mentioned.
Apparently thousands of people from all over the United States sent this crook a dollar in exchange for absolutely nothing simply because it was their last chance to do so.
They reacted only to the extreme urgency being communicated.
Eventually the man was caught, arrested and jailed.
Are you sure he/she was arrested and jailed? Sounds like a successful ‘work at home’ business to me.
That’s what my friend told me. The guy scammed thousands of dollars from across many state lines before the FBI got involved.
Like those offers to work at home by “sending out envelopes” for the company. After you pay your 15 bucks, you are sent a flyer that said exactly the same thing that the ad said (that talked you into sending the $15). You are told to put ads in papers, have people send you 15 bucks and then you’re supposed to send the flyer out to them. Cash gifting of the late 70’s.
Hey, can we talk? If scientology worked then there wouldn’t be any need for all these seminars on how to be successful and happy.
Hi Roger Hornaday, I really liked your post.Short and sweet it summed up what is missing from this cult now.If all is so magical and sparkling as Scientology insists,then there would be no call for Ron/ David’s unique methods of punishment.Always good to post with you.I have many favorites here but you were one of the very first.Went right into hospital to get that breast cancer out because you stood beside me and told me I could do it.Forever thank you.Love, Ann.
Spot on, Roger Hornaday.
Another thing, how come a psychologist who has absconded from her profession is not spurned or denigrated by management? Or thought to have an axe to grind? And therefore should not be believed?
What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander.
The seminar on human traffic reminds me of when scientology took over CAN, those who are guilty of of doing the acts that those organizations were trying to eradicate. What assholes. Why would any cherch mmbers go to c.f.parties? I know they dran the poisoned kool-aid.
“An Organization grows and survives by the flow of students and preclears into the academy and HGC and out again as completed products who are walking advertisements of Dianetics and Scientology”
er, this is Scientology, what has happened.
Mike this has to be a misprint or some kind of wind up.
When SOB sees this at Tampa with no mention of the IAS, or dontaing or moving up in status there will be declares.
As a matter of interest the CF in London Org had over 65000 files in 1984. It was not looking like St Hill normal size even then.
Double Saint Hill Size? Heh Scientology – Why not just hit 1/100,000,000 of your target? Really? Your Org’s are empty and staff have left in droves.
Could you Scientologist’s Get honest and straight? For once?
Your “Church” is deader than Jim Jones Church – only “smoke and mirrors” exist.
Now that pic of the guy holding the ball of fire — that’s what the marks THINK they can do when they become OT.
Okay Mike. So this latest blip on the heart monitors of an Idle Morgue’s living dead, (C/F), suggests that something IS happening (in Tampa)….. mebbe tremors of decomposition, the sounds of escaping gases, the odd knee-jerk, or even a clenching and un-clenching of a stiffened fist or toes, burping and sighing….you know the drill in that final pit-stop joint…. nothing that hasn’t been seen before… (yawn)
But gee, talk about “processes” to bring back life to the dead??
Mebbe there is some celebrity/acting twist at work here too. Did you notice the uncanny resemblance of Dr.Linda Lagermann, to actress Jenna Elfman?
And likewise, the resemblance between Freewinds OT Hatting speaker, Gavin Potter, to David “let him die” Miscavige?
Is this perhaps not a trial run of the “cloning of OT’s by physical tranferrence??”
Are we witnessing a morphing of The Old Guard, into something more befitting of true OT capabilities? A la David Copperfield’s magic disappearing tricks?
Would this happen to be the glorious, EXIT, The DMented Conjurer has dreamed up for himself? Should this ‘Mind Control Master’, still surprise anyone? 🙂
Hi racingintheblood39, A most interesting post and now I have some very creepy pictures of the cloning of OTs and you are right there is a resemblance between those that you mentioned.It is like that promo piece that stills gets me of Saint Hill and Artist on the Whole Track stuff.That really indicates for me and not in a favorable way.Laughter.You know you first posted to me months ago it seems now when I first found out I had breast cancer and your words were very comforting.I do enjoy your posts.Always Ann.
Thanks Ann. Well that deserves a very special question: How are you doing?
Hi racingintheblood39, Thank you that means a lot to me.Well all things considered the colon and breast cancers seem to be turned off for now.But every couple of months I have to go through these work-ups not write-ups thankfully where all body systems get the needle which they all say does not hurt unless you are not the one getting stuck! Because I bruise easily my arms look like I rumbled in the jungle! The old mind is still going along and my spirit looks down at both and laughs! Keep posting, y’all know you supply rocket fuel to keep me optimistic.I always keep hope,I do not feel the work I may have to do is finished here yet! Those who can’t stand me who look here won’t like that,but I can’t help it, I love this bog and you and all the bright lights here.XXOO Always Ann.
Perhaps just whetting the appetite for the “New Golden Age Of Exits”??? 🙂
— “Sign up now, for a revival of the former LRH sanctioned exteriorization process, guaranteed to work every time R-245 — for an ‘Exit’ — in STYLE!! Your very own personal registrar is standing by to take your call. Have your credit card ready!!
I’m not a violent person, but every time I see Gavin Potter’s smiling mug I have an urge to put my fist through it. Must be some kind of personality conflict.
If LRH says that Central Files is the Mind of the organization, it is no wonder they are perpetually messed up. That organization is so fucked up they are never coming back, no matter how much ‘filing’ gets done.
“To put a fist through Gavin Potter’s smiling mug” is probably an “evil purpose” shared by many, I know I have it, LOL
Hi Zola,Good to meet you. I do not care for Gavin Potter’s smiling mug either.And a great observation about CF being the Mind of the Orgnization a la Ron.Getting old can be a bear,I forget stuff I should remember and boy is CF a lost mind indeed! Always Ann.
I have a question. Can’t people in the COS think for their self ? Why do they need L Con Hubbard
To explain to them what being happy is ? What a bunch of dumb fucks.
Something I don’t get: When a person dies and spiritually exteriorizes from their ‘body’. Wouldn’t they then be free of their ‘body’ thetans? Could a techie please explain what I’m missing?
Nothing. You’re missing nothing. However, the body the person picks up is, according to El Con, is full of BTs. So, I guess it’s back to the square one. You brought up a very interesting point, though. I had never really thought of that. Great point!
Good People – you remind me of a random thought I had not too long ago. If you’re supposed to say “African American” in America, what do you call African, um, well, uh, black people in Jamaica? African Jamaican?
Same with body thetans. What if they follow the thetan?
What if they just aren’t?
Hi Good People, Me too! That is a question I think about when I see that crazy volcano on DMSMH books!I have always throughly disliked that cover.Always Ann.
Ann. Me too. You know, my own son said to me, “I don’t think it’s fair or right that the use an image of a volcano to sell books, if there is supposed to be a volcano involved in some really terrible event.” And he’s not even a Scientologist.
This is before I had my, “Oh, what the hell” moment and just read what OT III is about. “I’ll be damned.” That’s a pretty smart kid I got.
Apparently, you’re not alone in that sensation.
Hi indie8million, Thank you for your post .Your son is very smart,he knew exactly what the cover did to him.Deep down I probably knew right away,so what did I do about it?Joined the Sea Org- Laughter! Love,Ann.
Hahahaha, Ann! Well, something moved you – maybe your internal GPS was working backwards. 😉
In all fairness, I think that my son had been looking on the Internet and saw the stuff about OT III. Even so, putting 2 and 2 together is pretty good.
Hi indie8million,Thank you a very perceptive post.Yew I think you are right some part of me did work back ward : when I blew out scam meters and all the lights in the hgc when being audited at Asho.The thing was until I got this great auditor who was RPFed for kidney stones, when ever any one ran Dianetics on me I could not see anything ever.I was frustrated the auditors were tearing their hair out then all of a sudden I got a Graet C/S from Flag and this great auditor who had done Class 8 and was OT something,can’t recall ,so he said to me in session Ann what do you see? And I said nothing and then the light bulb came on and I said,I do not see anything with all this Dianetics stuff because I have nothing to see, And bang we were racing on like a rocket through XDN and onto Power.That was when he was RPFed for kidney stones and my C/S was pulled off my case and hello GO/ Intel.So backwards makes sense,Always Ann.
The Fleecewinds has been holding ‘prosperity’ seminars and ‘lectures’ and all types of theme cruises, but it real purpose was to do OT8. Will OT 9 and 10 be done there as well? Apparently not enough paying customers to full up the OT8 dance card, but can adding 9 and 10 really fill it up again? I doubt it, that will require Miscavage to assume the mantle of ‘source’ and so far, he hasn’t really stepped that far out yet.
I guess the diktator of $cieno land will be at St Hill on Oct 3, who else can dispense the good word and bless the flock? I wonder what the huge announcement will be. Perhaps OT 9 and 10?
Can Superman beat SuperReg? I doubt, one is a literary construct and the other is real and has a better right uppercut.
At LRH’s death Miscavige said something at the Palladium about new upper levels “beyond anything any of us could imagine”. He also said that Hubbard needed to discard the body he had been using I’m this lifetime to continue his research in an exterior state. He didn’t say if the old man would telepathically dictate these new steps from target two though. He raided the ranch where Broeker was to get hold of 9 and 10 probably, but to no avail.
I loved the talk about human trafficking hosted by the COS, that’s a subject they know well. The Headleys are going to love it. I think Mark should attend.
It should read “in this lifetime” sorry for the typo.
And on the CCHR flyer – yet another showing of the “legendary” 1993 event! Come see Miscavige yell “the war is over!!!” once again!! His Finest Hour!!!
Oh, shit! Do we have to? Really? It was bad enough the first time. I mean, that is sooooo old news. But, I guess he has to keep the sheeple cheering.
“and the Ideal Advanced Org Saint Hill UK opening on shortly, …”
I’ll be there shortly to see this great event.
Damn, I think I’m too short…
Don’t you realize that you are weakening Superman with this daily dose of kryptonite that you are exposing him to? Superwoman is also waning. Truth is kryptonite to these folks. They do so well with lies; they stand tall. They have their awards and commendations. They have their absolutely meaningless busy work in central files. They can leap tall buildings with a single bound. And then you present them with a little chunk of kryptonite-the truth-and they wilt.
Hi Errol, I loved your post, especially meaningless busy work in CF,except as a letter reg/advance scheduling reg I had to root around those CFs for beings to write and get them to Asho.In the end it became meaningless, the whole cult has never made any progress as Ron and David so fervently believed and believe.Twisting in the wind is the mantra of the up and then go back down Bridge.As long as David sees cash,he’ll take one and all for the ride of their life.Always Ann.
“Still promoting a “WISE guy” to come in and make money off the org.”
Anyone who is stupid enough to fall for Scientology’s frauds probably does not deserve to run a company. The crooks taking money from idiots and ruining their business is something of a service to society in some ways.
OMG! The hamster wheel of scientology. Round and round they go.
This CF call to arms is a hoot. Not only is it the only activity left in scientology with an actual EP possible but well over 90% of the names on it are defunct, the people are either dead, long since disappeared or have joined the ranks of the Going Clear brigade. But as all their flyers show, they are in their flogging a dead horse to a lather.
I wonder if there’s a inter org game of the most ridiculous flyer mock up of the week?
Scientology, taking stupidity to unprecedented levels unthought of before, wheeeeeee…
The “hamster wheel” analogy is a good one. DM knows that he can force the sheeple to run round a pole again and again and they get huge spiritual gains out of it, so he can force people to run round the pole of donating for Ideal Orgs again and again and they will get huge gains out of that as well (plus DM makes huge gains in a monetary sense).
We’re in the wrong business. If people are this stupid then they are there to be exploited. It becomes a race to see who can exploit them the most and hoard the most cash from them.
“… why not just put all SO members onto this program full time and bump the 10,000 in the next 6 months?”
Because the insane crooks only have some 30,000 remaining customers world wide, none of whom have enough money to be swindled out of for that fraud.
30,000 VM? I can guarantee that there are NOT 30,000 ACTIVE (on course in a course room or auditing) Clams on the entire planet right now. Maybe not even 5,000, if you don’t count staff as part of the number.
“Special guests” — ROFL! As opposed to what? The regular brand of criminal?
“Former psychologist” — Can you imagine? The seemingly insane cult savage loon hopefully had her license taken away from the State for being a violently insane conspiracy idiot. Now she’s screaming lunacy like a self-proclaimed “ex-Satanist” Christian idiot who never was one.
Hi Sandy Duncan, Good to meet you,Remind me never to bump into Dr Linda.Sometimes I truly cannot believe these flyers! I really liked your post.Always Ann.
Every day is Halloween at the St. Louis org.
By the way who is the Director of medicine in that IAS/CCHR promo?
Wouldn’t that be considered a generality? Say anything to get in a few bucks I guess….command intention!
Done Sir! For some reason calling Miscavige sir gets under my skin. Seems to me a person being called sir has earned that respect in an honest ethical way or of course an officer in the military….either way the little prick does not fit that bill. It should be Done You Little Stubby Prick!
I guess sir rhymes with blur. I’d rather salute a cockroach than refer to miscavige as sir, he’s a low life of the lowest order, he should be charged with air theft.
Hi I Yawnalot, What a fantastic post! Made my morning and afternoon.Always,Ann.
With all the mentions of OT IX and OT X, you’ve gotta wonder if DLHDM hasn’t gone ahead and invented something…
As to the Superhero event, maybe some Anons should go dressed to as Loki, Lex Luther, Mystique, etc. just for the fun of it.
Wayne, that’s what I was thinking too. I know DLHDM will stretch it out for as long as he can, but, at some point he’s got to put out something. No idea what the “something” will be. But, this too, smacks of desperation.
Yup, OSD. “Wait, hey! They are leaving!! Get them to come back!! Promise them anything! Give them cash!! (no, wait. Not THAT.) Oh, I know. PROMISE THEM SOMETHING THEY REALLY WANT THAT THEY CAN NEVER GET!! (yeah, that ought to hold the little bastards).”
Sorta like Lonesome Rhodes in “A Face in the Crowd”. Actually, now that I think about it, I think that DM IS a modern version of Lonesome Rhodes. Sad, really. Serves him right.
This dwindling attendance at these events does not create the the effect on the event promoters that you might think.
They have long since gaven up on massive growth of “new people” getting Scn services. Today they are only trying to corner someone with money and take it from them under any pretext. As long as 1 sucker shows up and pays $, it’s a good event.
When no one shows up for their self-flagilation classes they will have to pay their own money…the final implosion of this short lived evil empire that is now feeding on its own public.
Is that the same Peggy Crawford who handled Kirstie’s OL business?
After her Star Trek film Kirstie called up and asked my wife to be her communicator.
My wife turned her down cuz she was making way more money than Kirstie offered.
We never heard from Kirstie after that. We realized the “friendship” with her wasn’t quite what we thought it was. Funny how fame, fortune and Scn. status can get in the way of things like being friends.
Good point Potpie but very disturbing. Just what sort of criteria must be fulfilled before a scientologist would call someone a friend. It’s like a person needs to be on a routing form of some kind and complete it ‘standardly’ before a scientologist would now classify them as a friend. But even that is booby trapped and fraught with danger, the tech of KRs, ethics chits, PTSness, suppression, looking at the net, talking about taboo subjects, taking an aspirin, not donating, not adhering to theta only comments about scientology, not worshiping miscavige or Hubbard, connected to anyone who is intelligent about what a cult is etc. etc. etc. What a bunch of sick fucks they are!
Dear Mike —
I don’t think I can do this anymore — this, being — following you and Tony’s blogs. Marty has effectively stepped off the blogging … (never did sign up thus I don’t comment on Tony’s and never followed ex-scientology much)
It’s just all so terribly sad. I know this will get me a smack down but HOW can you not be sad when formerly intelligent people are now reduced to jello …
AND seeing all the fawning for COB which is really just ego boosting and/or pleas for PLEASE-DO-NOT-DECLARE-ME-CAUSE-I”LL-NEVER-SEE-MY-KIDS-AGAIN — who I DONATED TO THE SO years ago —
The list of those misguided dumb f***s is vast.
OH well — I’ll probably just keep reading, commenting, occasionally and always shaking my head.
The presidential debates are mild compared to this circus …
Love to you, Christy, your boys and that escape artist dog of yours 🙂
It is horribly sad, but if we don’t bare witness to the crimes of DLHDM and LRH, innocent people might get trapped.
And we have to stand by so that those who leave get support.
“And we have to stand my so that those who leave get support.” Absolutely! They’re prisoners and just don’t realize it yet! I’d want someone to do that for me if I was still in.
Seconded OSD.
I’ll keep reading because I don’t want to forget . Life is good and busy , it would be too easy to slip into complacency . After all the people who disconnected from us were mostly pains in the neck, in the context of hardcore scientology , but they were mine and I love them. And when they wake up I want to be in the thick of things with them. So it is sad , there is no denying that , but it won’t always be so . We made it out , they will too. Hopefuly this is not deluded optimism.
Good for you, marie! We were all in once. And to help someone ‘wake up’ is a magnificent achievement! A life changing one too.
True, Marie. I hope it’s not deluded optimism either but have a feeling that for certain, select people it may very well be. I have come to the conclusion that all I can do with those is to ask for their forgiveness that I have disappointed them in leaving and let it rest there.
Yes, Windhorse. I know what you mean. On Facebook, someone posted the videos from the “Crusade” or “Battle of Portland, 1985” in some Scientology pages, making note that it was 30 years ago. Astounding. 30 years.
I was there, along with many of you probably, and Martin Padfield (I know because he’s there and identified as someone from England). 🙂
I have to tell you. I cried. I cried at seeing my dear friend Heber as his former, sharp self. Ken Hoden was there as President and is now the Chaplain at ASHO. I cried because we all believed in what we believed in so strongly that we were out there, fighting the good fight. And we won.
For what?
Like many times on the track when we didn’t know any better and bet on the wrong horse to win, we did it again. But the overt wasn’t ours. Shame on DM. Shame on making the Julie Christopherson case about “religious freedom”. I know the people who knew what was up.
After numerous attempts at handling her PTS situation with her mom, she had been refunded a total of $5,000 for services. Mom would handle and unhandle again. Nobody applied the correct tech to the situation and Julie ended up getting deprogrammed – never a pleasant experience for anybody – and introduced to Michael Flynn, who was trying to sue every Scientology org he could.
All this noise over $5,000.
I remember how much we all cared and loved our group and the others in it.
Someone once told me, “The mind is a perfect computing machine. It never gives a wrong answer. The only time it puts out a wrong answer is when it’s fed lies or incorrect data.” So the calculation ability is still perfect, but the answer comes out wrong.
We were fed a full 8-course meal of it, with all the trimmings.
(Mike or anybody – I would love to hear any inside info about what was going on with shorty at the time). I was told that someone was so mad at DM that she was going to sue him for a billion dollars but was convinced by Michael Flynn that she should back down from that. Wouldn’t that have been interesting?
The sad thing about this isn’t DM. He’s the part to be angry about. But, IMHO, the thing that’s sad are the people we still love who are left behind and won’t jump off the ride. Who can’t see the forest for the trees.
Well, I guess we all have to plant more seeds that will grow into a forest of doubt and then clarity. As you said, OSD, we’ll be there to catch them when they do.
Happy Anniversary, Battle of Portland. The party’s over.
Hi Windhorse, You have posted erudite and really interesting to me,comments.I respect your decision to do what you feel is best for you.Finding Mike and all here has helped me beyond measure.I truly feel I am amoung friends and loved ones here.And the whole mess that is cos is terrible and very very sad,heartbreaking in fact.But someone needs to stand watch because those still in SO the children especially that get recruited really hurt my heart.So I wish you fair winds,calm seas and safe ports on your path.Thank you for helping me along the way.Love,Ann
Windhorse, I have enjoyed your comments and wisdom and hate to see you go. Best of luck to you.
You’ll be back…
There’s something about this mess that stirs the curiosity. I think we all go through phases from complete indignation to sickening sadness to “what the hell are they up to now” to occasionally raucous belly laughter.
The cult of scientology is a modern adaptation of mass hypnosis. Even back in the Pharaoh days they had groups of nutters (witch doctors and such) running around with solutions to whatever ails you.
I guess cults are simply here to stay, there’s plenty of ’em around. But let’s just work on getting rid of scientology hey? Who better than those how actually know it and have been there done that?
When I read in Scientology that the true test of a thetan is to make things go right, I pictured an escaped convict finally nesting in a quiet and safe space in alley, having shaken the police / manhunt. He made it go right. Anyone growing up on the streets of an inner city knows what it is like to be chased, and how to escape. How to “make it go right”. In ways that other people could never know. No, that did not seem to me to be the true test of a thetan. And making it go right, can mean a lot of different things in the world of Scientology. Especially considering the goals and purposes you inherit as part of the group.
I did avoid a lot of that input as I saw group goals and purposes, as not mine especially. But I was determined some day to have an answer for myself, one that was real to me, as to what the true test of a thetan would really be to me. And I figured it out the day I walked out of the Church for the last time. It is the ability to confront an inconvenient truth. And God knows there is a lot to confront in this theater.
I’ve been smacked around a lot for not discounting my own gains and understandings that I took, and am still taking from Scientology. As if, because some of the people did not turn out per illusion, I must be crazy not to subscribe to the idea that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I was “brainwashed”. That’s way to easy for me to take on as an explanation for all I saw and knew. That would be a convenient lie for me, which does not align with my purposes.
I like confronting all of the illusion and sorting out the truth from the lies. Facing the people for what they are, and facing myself in the mirror with what I have been and seen. I can’t explain in any words that are my own. By the understanding about such things was expressed very well in this essay.
A letter written by William Butler Yeats
We make out of the quarrel with others, rhetoric, but of the quarrel with ourselves, poetry. Unlike the rhetoricians, who get a confident voice from remembering the crowd they have won or may win, we sing amid our uncertainty; and, smitten even in the presence of the most high beauty by the knowledge of our solitude, our rhythm shudders. I think, too, that no fine poet, no matter how disordered his life, has ever, even in his mere life, had pleasure for his end.
Johnson and Dowson, friends of my youth, were dissipated men, the one a drunkard, the other a drunkard and mad about women, and yet they had the gravity of men who had found life out and were awakening from the dream; and both, one in life and art and one in art and less in life, had a continual preoccupation with religion. Nor has any poet I have read of or heard of or met with been a sentimentalist. The other self, the anti-self or the antithetical self, as one may choose to name it, comes but to those who are no longer deceived, whose passion is reality.
The sentimentalists are practical men who believe in money, in position, in a marriage bell, and whose understanding of happiness is to be so busy whether at work or at play, that all is forgotten but the momentary aim. They find their pleasure in a cup that is filled from Lethe’s wharf, and for the awakening, for the vision, for the revelation of reality, tradition offers us a different word—ecstasy.
An old artist wrote to me of his wanderings by the quays of New York, and how he found there a woman nursing a sick child, and drew her story from her. She spoke, too, of other children who had died: a long tragic story. “I wanted to paint her,” he wrote, “if I denied myself any of the pain I could not believe in my own ecstasy.” We must not make a false faith by hiding from our thoughts the causes of doubt, for faith is the highest achievement of the human intellect, the only gift man can make to God, and therefore it must be offered in sincerity. Neither must we create, by hiding ugliness, a false beauty as our offering to the world. He only can create the greatest imaginable beauty who has endured all imaginable pangs, for only when we have seen and foreseen what we dread shall we be rewarded by that dazzling unforeseen wing-footed wanderer. We could not find him if he were not in some sense of our being and yet of our being but as water with fire, a noise with silence. He is of all things not impossible the most difficult, for that only which comes easily can never be a portion of our being, “Soon got, soon gone,” as the proverb says. I shall find the dark grow luminous, the void fruitful when I understand I have nothing, that the ringers in the tower have appointed for the hymen of the soul a passing bell.
The last knowledge has often come most quickly to turbulent men, and for a season brought new turbulence. When life puts away her conjuring tricks one by one, those that deceive us longest may well be the wine-cup and the sensual kiss, for our Chambers of Commerce and of Commons have not the divine architecture of the body, nor has their frenzy been ripened by the sun. The poet, because he may not stand within the sacred house but lives amid the whirlwinds that beset its threshold, may find his pardon.
Hi The Oracle,Thank you for your really open and up front post.You took me back to my college and before years when I was on a Yeats reading binge.He did write amazing poetry and was quite the pundit too.You got me thinking about the true test of a thetan.Now my definition today is so different than Sea Org days.Then it would have been make it go right,now my answer if asked that question would simply be:The true test of a thetan is love and light.How much can I send to this earth and those on it.Love,light,fire in a soul,that to me now is where I’d like to travel.The Bridge broke apart years ago and I cannot cross the carcass of it’s remains.Not sane or safe to do so.Always think your posts are so good! Love,Ann.
Thank you for kind acknowledgement Ann. And I want to add, you have the best comm cycle skills I have come across on a blog! Or any forum! You have set such a good example that I am spending some time fixing my own reckless ways! XXOO
Hi The Oracle,You are too kind to me.I have learned from your posts and I try to come across this internet landscape as I really am warts and all.I was never privy to all the years and all the experiences Mike and all the other brave and fearless beings who made the choice to leave this cult had but being able to establish a comm line with someone has been a big part of my goal when I became a very green letter reg.I realized that I had a task to carry out and I better become damn good at it very fast.So I learned through much trial and error how to be upstat each week no matter what.Sometimes I would work right til breakfast getting my letters out.I really cared about the people I wrote.Of course I got thrown into a very surreal situation with Intel Guardians and that blew apart all the total love I had had for Ron and The Sea Org.It still shakes me today.But the good thing is that horrible time forced me to see the Truth and that is how I devised my escape plan.Please do not change your reckless ways too much,I know that is what I love about all you post.You always have something interesting and sensitive to say.Onward and upward to us both!With love,Ann.
Make that a hearty second acknowledgement there, Ann. For both of you and TO. With a special validation award going to you for the VERY BEST comm cycles on a blog anywhere! 🙂
And to TO, for her relentless pursuit of truth and justice, without fear or favor. Truly a warrior with the courage of a lioness, but balanced with a great heart and willingness to lend a hand to the downtrodden.
You are not just ‘basically’, but GENUINELY, really good people.
Love, Calvin.
Hi racingintheblood39, Oh goodness I’m blushing!The Oracle and I try as best we can. Thank you for the sweet and wonderful validation.I think everyone can have a great comm but not all want to share as much as it takes to put ones heart and soul out there.Love Always Ann.
And Anne, I like your definition too!
Love and Light, Ann; Love and Light. Amen, I say. Amen
Hi Indie8million,Thank you from my heart! XO Ann.
XOXOXOXOXOXOXO. Where’s one of those happy heart icons when you need them? 😉 <3 <3
Christine (Windhorse), thanks for spelling it out. I understand VERY well, where you’re coming from. Sometimes it seems to me, that it’s the ‘monotony’ (grinding on and on), that just wears ANYBODY down. 🙂 Listen to your body, Chris. Take a breather, a good break from the ‘scene’, and you can decide then, whether to return to this scene.
Curiosity generally lures us back, to see for ourselves just what has happened in the interim. Enjoy the break, till ‘then’
Kind regards,
–Calvin. 🙂
Calvin — should I know you?
In any case — I was simply irritated and am finding I read the blogs less and less but still read them. I am hoping friends eventually leave.
Getting scientology OUT of ones system and getting on with a life is easier said than done — most usually keep one foot still in the door —
Christine, we had quite a few exchanges back on Marty’s blog between 2011 and 2012, with me posting as Lil’ bit of stuff. 🙂
i went through the mill as a newby poster, around October 2011, accused of being an OSA troll, having quite a hard time convincing Marty’s flock otherwise. I was unable to do the BIG reveal at that time, as my wife was the number one Criminon Counselor in South Africa
“Came out” on 12 May 2012 Mothers Day, (1/2 way down the page), just in case you’re interested. Btw, I find it easier to remember people, when one is naturally interested in them. 🙂
Hope you’re doing ok, otherwise.
— Calvin.
Hi racingintheblood39, Those OSA Trolls they accuse all but themselves! Are they ever juvenile! Always wanting negative outcomes for positive spirits! XX OO Calvin,Always Ann.
Heh lurkers, active members and OSA Bots –
“Look around your Org and find all the people”.
“Oh – you see a empty Org” …. “and it is has been that way for eons”….
“Well, okay – then try this…”
“Look at all of the Central File Folders and count the hundreds of thousands of people that came into the Org over the past 6 decades…but left and won’t come back or even answer their phone.”
“Okay – Good”
“Now – are they all SP’s?”
HINT – that is 97.5 % of the population which means the ones left in Scientology (2.5%) ) are ….
(use standard tech from LRH’s Data Series please…no justifications if you want the lie to BLOW and “as is” Scientology for real).
Do any of the Scientologists working on Central Files ever “wognite” that all of these people that came in – did a service but never come back may be because they found out from ex members (thanks to the net) all of the horror stories done to staff, sea org and public are carefully kept secret – but now they KNOW so Scientology is dead?
The “straight up and epic expansion from Stupid Powerz, GAT II and Basics still only produce the same ole same ole group (*NO EXPANSION, In fact – shrinkage)
Fact in every Org: the 50-100 staff and public members hanging on to the thin thread of hopelessness that anyone will ever come into their big empty buildings will die to be right. Here are your died-in-the-wooler’s. These people are not namby pamby panty-waist dilettantes!
I mean – anyone with any rational mind left – can see the huge number of folders and empty Org and certainly have some type of a wognition of sanity…no?
Hi Idle Morgue, Your post makes perfect sense to this long ago CF bird dog.How many huge cardboard boxes were piled up around my desk each evening.CF was the jungle of all things paper and at Asho those files were constantly being filed.Over and over.At least there are less bodies arriving at all the orgs and missions.May that trend go straight up and vertical.Always Ann.
Idle Morgue (you agitator of the living dead. Siss on you!! LOL 🙂 )
To your final question: (No?) — answer – Yes!
To your entire summary comment (of the current “move”?- ment) Imho, you’re actually viewing the last gasps of “d-d-d=esper-r-rashin,” before it lays motionless on one of your slabs, to undergo your mandatory autopsy and certification of your ‘findings’.
I wonder if the Portland Org realizes that usage of the White Stag Sign (Portland Oregon / Old Town) is not free.
Even non-profit (guffaw) organizations need to pay for the use of that image if reproduced.
Scientology don’t need to pay for no stinkin’ images! Mankind’s only dope can do what they want!
OMNOM! I was going to say the same thing!!
The org will probably say, “We’re a non-profit and we’re not using the image for profit sooooo, thereforrrrrre, um, that rule doesn’t apply to us. Go away now or our security guy will take you out. Go away! Shoo!”
Wow. After reading these I came to the conclusion that, if humor IS the rejection of an outpoint. El Con was the biggest joke the world has ever witnessed…
Even bigger than Chucko the Clown?
Elron was at least 47x bigger…and 47kx times more dangerous…
Hi whostolemycog,I second your post.Ron was very dangerous and so is David.Always Ann.
St. Lou-Au – “Uplifting talk on LRH data about what is happiness and what makes people happy”
let me guess….handing over money to the mOrg.
I have an idea …. Get the cheap airfare to the Freewinds but dump the Freewinds cruise for a real Cruise Line vacation instead…that way you can actually enjoy the sea voyage without reg vultures leaving droppings all over you every time you sit down on board….
And Los Gatos…food glorious food: ya know, they are located directly across the busy street from Marubeni, a Japanese grocery store, and Marubeni often has day-long Japanese food fairs that pack its parking lot with hundreds of people all day long, while the Los Gatos org building right across the street looks deserted. If you didn’t see the CO$ sign on the front of the LosGatos org bldg., you’d easily overlook the place, as the org building melts in with the neighboring buildings around it…
Now that’s a great idea, Bruce! Grab the low rates and take a wog cruise instead of the Slavewinds…
Yeah, well, they likely have the airfare tied to the Freewinds cruise cost and won’t refund the cruise portion once you bail for the other genuine cruise line trip….that would be so “Scientologist” of them…
Curses and drat! I didn’t think about that, Bruce. The fiends!
…that would be so “Scientologist” of them…” Yes, yes it would. However, being mankind’s only dope, they could do no less……
Don’t get your hopes up. Read the red print. FLIGHT TICKET PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Which means you’ll get whatever price is available on the day you book. Which means that they looked at what the lowest advance booking fares were available from any of the many flight booking sites and presented those thereby creating the ilusion they might help you get a better deal. The really cheap fares are highly restricted and anyone who’s been to the Breakwinds for services on a discounted rountrip air ticket has probably discovered that you don’t always route off the boat on the originally intended date. You end up paying penalties for flight date changes plus a fare price difference which is often more costly than just throwing your ticket away and purchasing a new one. Any ‘deal’ offered by those guys is definitely a ‘buyer beware’ situation.
I noticed a phrase, “Cause Resurgence 3 Times!”, which implies, he didn’t get the ‘wins’ he’d attested the first two times….?
Because he keeps getting re-infested with invisible murdered space aliens over and over again, all of which have to be scraped off for even more obscene amounts of money.
I hate it when that happens.
“I hate it when that happens.” Hey, me too! I mean, I thought I had gotten rid of all of my BTs! I was sure of it! And then, I hear this voice saying, “I’m here with some BT friends of mine, OSD, I hope you don’t mind if we move in, do you? Back to the drawing board……
He had to do it three time because he kept forgetting to thank DAVID “LET HIM DIE – PROVABLE BULLSHIT”- MISCAVIAGE. I believe that’s a high crime now…
I’m certain it’s a high crime somewhere in there…
Number of times over…
I think he just couldn’t get to a gym so said, “I need to go a few more times around that pole before I’m done.” heh heh