Bringing Peace to the World
And this is to be accomplished by…
Fundraising for ideal orgs. Of course.
64X Expansion
That’s why 3 “ideal” orgs have ONE graduation in the atrium of AOLA (not even in “Leb Hall”?) AND they have to bring along guest speakers (regges) to try and attract anyone.
Within Milliseconds Scientology Will Be Available To Billions
Anyone on earth can read this blog…
Scientology is available in milliseconds right now. You gave money for that?
Oh shit
If Portland is the best in the whole world, the ship has already sunk….
Purif Re-re-do
3rd time is a charm. This time she even got wins from L12 that she did in 1989! Thankyou Chairman of the Board. Couldn’t have done it without you.
David Grapes?
Love that little logo at the top. Some serious branding here. And no mention of scientology…
Home of the Whopper
“…the fact that an Ideal Org now a-days ushers in 1500 people a week through their doors and makes Clears on a regular basis…”
Among other whoppers.
Neither fish nor fowl
They show African Americans in their promotion and then go to lengths to explain their field includes Santa Monica etc etc
Get those kids on the niacin
Monumental Advances
More monumental than opening the Fountain Roach Motel?
There is nothing in scientology that is not epic, monumental and world-changing.
Harlem Shuffle
Bring in the whitefolk, that should work out well.
And more of them. I guess those two are the only people around…
New Clansman
Ellie (Flag public for 40 years) is giving money to the Klan because they were the very first AO on earth. Wonder if she knows about Alicante? Or that the AO in Scotland lasted about a year…
Moneywinds Game Changer
Just would not be Thursday without some promises of prosperity.
Moneywinds gibberish. This doesn’t even make sense. But regardless, we promise to teach you how to make money so you can give it to us.
Graduation dinner
They are offering a free dinner to get anyone to come to graduation? What about their graduates? That doesn’t fill the auditorium?
Better than food…
Not really. But Flag OTC must be desperate. “Free Commendations”
Wonder how that Orlando Ideal Org fundraising is going….
Worst. Photoshop. Ever.
This is just epically, monumentally bad.
Pie in the Scot sky
I bet “Highlander” isn’t much money — this guy has been on staff for 14 years.
“..its effect will spread beyond it’s [sic] borders through the globe” … Erm, don’t think so. Perhaps you should focus a bit more on having any effect at all on Edinburgh… And you know, after 50 years there is still no org at all in the largest city in Scotland….
Some more Scots funnies
Don’t have a clue what the point of all of these are…
They really think this is going to get people to hand over money?
At least they provide some amusement
Tomorrow (Friday) night, Muvico 10 Palm Harbor at 7pm showing of Going Clear with Q and A afterwards with me and Sara Goldberg moderated by Mike Deeson of Channel 10. Hope to see a lot of friends there.
Someone should tell David Jensen that it is not polite to point.
As for those two Haggis bashers in HAPI, how can they actually print comments like
“I look around this place we call civilization and I see signs of it going downhill everywhere”
That publicly refutes what SOB has been waffling on about with false stats for years.
The C of $’s has been experiencing never before rates of expansion, billions of Orgs, and OT’s all over the place. Expansion everywhere.
So how can these people say this?
“”Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”
The IAS is SOB’s “inner party” and these two idiots are the “proles”
So she was incomplete on 2 purifs as they were Out-Tech?
Even though the 2nd one was administered via GAT I
I bet this tart wrote a success story for those two purifs so in effect she lied twice.
There really is no hope for idiots like her and I cannot wait for GAT III and this toady does her purif for a 4th time and writes a success story.
Sheeple is too kind a phrase for twats like her.
I just received by a friends of mine the copy of an article from Corriere della Sera, the first newspaper in Italy, talking about the Jim Carrey’s girlfriend suicide when she was attending the SRD in CC HOLLIWOOD -
“The PR campaign on Earth is endless”.
Then The C of S offends millions by equating Scientology with the Bible:
Karin Pouw, a spokesperson for the Church of Scientology, responded in a statement to PEOPLE: “Saying that somebody was studying Scientology in the past and connecting that to a suicide is like saying a person who had previously studied the Bible committed suicide.”
P.S. Even WORSE! While everyone else sends condolences and memorials, the Church says NOTHING about the loss of this woman! Not, “She was an asset to our community…we feel a loss…our hearts have been made heavier by this….whatever…NOTHING! Not one single kind mention of her! Just come out the front door bashing!!!!
And why? because all they are thinking about is the P.R. flap and who is going to burn in a witch hunt! That the girl had “ser facs” and was a “slow or no case gain”.
Whatever they are thinking, they resent the fact that she had the nerve to give them a problem! This is how Sea Org people think. In fact, they are probably already thinking she is an SP for becoming a scandal! You can bet a mission has been fired into CC Int to dig through her P.C. folders to find her CRIMES! All sorts of rumors will float around staff and then dribble down to public about her crimes and ptsness. Not only will she not be honored in any way, she will be fair gamed!!!!!!!!
Actually, this is how EVERY scientologists thinks. EVERY time the “tek” doesn’t work (the recipient committing suicide is an example of that) a scn’er will blame the person and give convoluted reasons why, once again, the tek didn’t work.
LRH built that into the training so the fact that the tek doesn’t produce what’s promised can ALWAYS be explained away. Like the guy who said the reason Clears don’t manifest the abilities that Ron stated is because the “state” is unstable. Well, at the FSO I watched clears rolling off the assembly line. NONE of them had those abilities by the time they hit the examiner. So the half-life of a Clear must be in the 10 second range!
PR is senior to EVERYTHING. Nice post Oracle!
In death as in life,
– the girl gets no respect.
Fault me, and forgive me, for I can not hold my tongue long enough to properly respect the dead:
This would be an extremely sensitive issue for Jim Carrey, whose name is reported to have appeared on her suicide note, referring to a recent break-up…
When the time is right,
he may wish to come out and say what the word of Scientology means to him, and what it meant to CATHRIONA WHITE, who came to the church in response to the heavily promoted word:
Meanwhile, and I mention this to illustrate the urgency, three “unidentified” persons entered the garage of the suicide location and drove away in the luxury SUV belonging to Cathriona White, after first removing the licence plates, this while Mr. Carrey was actually at the house, as fate would have it. (this according to news article on web) Somebody certainly has something to hide.
And I was stupid enough to say this church was dead already. No rest for the wicked, as they say.
God Bless the innocent and lovely young lady. I grieve with all who loved her. I am familiar with the trappings of depression, and I am familiar with the trappings of this church, and I will not be silent about it. In remembrance…
What was Cat doing to battle her suicidal thoughts?
– The “Survival Rundown”
The Underground Bunker quotes Chris Shelton describing this very heavily promoted and required cycle for old and new Scn-gists alike, as follows:
“There is no question that these are psychologically damaging procedures which were put together by L. Ron Hubbard for at least two obvious reasons,” Shelton says. “One, to get his followers into a state where they are willing to be controlled by Scientology and give over their right to free will and independent thought; two, to induce a kind of overwhelming hypnotic state which has to be ‘run out’ during the course of the Objectives process, convincing a person that he has somehow shed past trauma, stress and ‘unconscious states,’ when in fact the Objectives themselves are what produce that stress, trauma and unconsciousness. Every single Objective process follows this pattern.”
I Thought (I Knew the Man) – by mm
Let me talk out a story, just for my sake. I’m a little upset this evening, it’s true. But, somebody said something about Hubbard, you know, complementing his greatness and, yeah, I don’t see him that way at all. But what bothered me worse was that he then goes about the tech being derived by observation, boom, drop the fallacy on my poor head. This I say because this cat just fails to observe the sheer viciousness that possessed this man, this man fascinated by facinating people with first his stories and then his newly discovered other ways of manipulation. For me, it still gets scary and very weird trying to concieve of how many varied ways he would enjoy implementing his toy-project:
mind control,
yet at the same time con the rest of humanity into thinking he was actually a nice and good person with a flair for story-telling something beyond fashionable.
My story, the point of solitary realization, was when I knew I had a secret to keep from my auditors (“how” I kept such a secret being another story). Such the thought came when I was pondering over a tape I had listened to up in the library. I always loved hearing his jovial and somehow intoxicating voice, remember and did notice how he made the topic of past lives common place, every preclear had past life recollections, or one would gather listening to these tapes. But, one day he made this cold, I mean frozen-steel comment, rather short couple of sentences in between whatever damn point he was on, but the comment actually gave me something of a chill. The first sentence was a question, pointed, that had caught my ear. I was 20. My first sexual experience, I need to say to set this story up, I lost my virginity to a prostitute, myself age 16, to a friend of my unwitting, younger sister. Ok. Unknown to Mr. Hubbard, I had this personal relationship with a girl in this particular profession which really perked up my ears when he said that word. I mean, it was so unexpected, for one thing…
“How do you create a prostitute? Destroy the self-perception of value in that person and, done, you have a prostitute.” *
Woe. Just a matter of fact.
…and then he went on, back on the general track of his lecture. I do recall that the lectures were mostly story-telling with a string of policy letters strewn along. I never left with a feeling like I knew precisely what he was driving at, I must have to listen and hold to the whole series to get it, I thought, just Scientology sure is a great thing, no doubt about it. But, that comment on how to create a prostitute, whew, that actually scared me for a moment, alone, in my bed. Scared because I just had a thought that truly questioned the Old Man. Scared because what I heard on that tape sounded like a man that had a truly dangerous potential,
Her name was Nancy and i guess that’s all I’ll say. I paid her $5, I had to tell you just now because of this really creepy feeling came over me, remembering how creepy it was back then, knowing I had something I had to keep secret from my auditor, and only being fairly confident I could pull that particular thing off.
With-holds, they called that.
But I knew I could basically smile and make my needle float at will, see? Sure.
No, the truly creepy thing to me was thinking how easy it was for this, decidedly strange man being god?… could turn my Nancy into a prostitute without batting an eyelash.
Way too easy for him. Way, way too easy, I thought. He had it all way too easily thought out…
So, as it seems to me, my life was saved by a hooker. When I was a 15 year-old virgin. As fate would have it. I’ll let you fetch your own opinion of the Old Man, now. Thanks, I do feel somewhat better.-mm
Hi Mark Marko, I am glad to read your post,thank you,amazing.When I used to sit in the empty course rooms at Asho F after the crowds that came for D and Fdn training and auditing had left for the night,and I did not have QM I would listen to Ron on those huge reel to reels every night for quite some years.I do recall being very drawn to his voice also,when I was young and starry eyed,Now I feel he did a fake British accent but back then he was the Master of Universes.I too came across a talk he did on dropping the body and how a thetan could hang around a hospital and jump into an infant’s body that was very ill,and they would live.That turned me to ice because I came three months early and was one pound and was so hopeless a case that my late “rents” did not name me for over two weeks.My birth cert reads 8/16 as date of birth instead of 8/1. Not one person knew why I survived.So hearing Ron’s take on such matters really freaked me out totally.Did I listen to that warning in my heart? Nope I went right on believing all he said until others forces broke my dream in Ron’s World and I saw the truth about all of it.But still not all at once,it has taken years for me to see the Big Picture,and I’m still working stuff out.Infinity and Evermore,Ann.
David Miscavige is truly an asshole. And He can’t even face up to it – He scribbles His invectives over Karen Pouw’s name. Wimp.
I realise that this may be off track but after having a look at the Freedom (snort, snort) Magazine site I found the following error – David Miscavige, Ecclesiastical Leader of the Scientology Religion. What it should have read is “Sleazy and Egotistical Leader”. Just thought I’d clear up that mistake in case anyone had the image that Miscavige was a decent human being (and I use that term very loosely).
I saw this today as well, perhaps it will shed even more focus on the abuses of scientology- the fact that she had recently done the purif (which was just subjected to a lengthy discussion here) rundown will hopefully raise some eyebrows about what COS is doing…
Haha of course the above post jumped up a few spots, the above was written in response to the article link about cathriona white’s death.
“…pix of the power pose dude with the vertical light beam…” I think you are wrong there, he’s so terrifically good that the beam runs around him.
Those clan Hubbard pieces are mind numbing nonsensical crap. I also get a bit of a kick checking up on non-entities like Joe Yazbeck and other “experts” who don’t seem to have any valid existence outside of $camology. Anyone can have a LinkedIn page; I had one for a while as an experiment but dumped it after a couple of months. It’s almost as bad as farcebook.
The funnys are always funny, but today the Scientology news was sad and dark.
A Scientologist on the Survival rundown committed suicide -
And a news article about a dark moment in Scientology history, an ex-scientologist who went so crazy that he walked into portland org with a gun – The dark, sick underbelly of the beast.
The sick, dark secrets of a vicous cult that sweeps broken lives and dead members under a blood stained carpet.
The lit up Portland org looks like a pumpkin with evil Jack o lantern eyes
Wait…you mean it’s not?
That poor old bastard Fearless Leader. Reduced to photographing a discarded soda can lying on the side of the road.
Why not just buy a new one from the store?
Because they cost $money$ ???
Sad days when you can’t stretch your finances to one (1) new can of soda.
Marijuana use became legal in Portland, Oregon today. Any Scientologist knows that a person cannot use drugs and get auditing and training at the same time. Yet…according to the Miscavige regime…Portland is well on its way to becoming the first Clear American city! Is that so? I don’t think so Senor Miscavige! 🙂 Pick up the paper this week and learn something, but pull your head out of your ass when you read the paper this time. Because you just might learn something. 🙂
Portland is well on its way to becoming the first Clear DELUSIONAL American City! Now that has a nice ring to it.
A typical success story from the Pasadena Ideal Org reads “I did my Purification Rundown 57 times and I am still handling things, but I am much more at cause because of it”. ANY Normal person walking down the street would ask that person “Only 57 times? Why don’t you go and get your head examined by a real professional?” These Ideals Orgs must be built on a solid rock type of foundation or something, because that is pretty shaky business. Pretty shaky business indeed. Let’s not accuse any one particular church of overrunning ANYONE on ANYTHING! God, I loathe those people! They make me feel like shit when I can cause myself to feel like that if I want on my own for free. 🙂
I keep tabs on that Idle Morgue, Lawrence. It’s my former home town. The ONLY people doing any type of services are ones who have been in forever. On one trip to Pasadena, NO ONE could be seen. No one. They had WTH booklets on a stand that said, “Take One.”
They have two young SO girls trying to hand out “free” tickets to the intro film. No one is buying what they’re selling. Especially now that Going Clear has gone worldwide. And the rapidity of their downfall is only going to increase with each passing day….
Could anybody have seen this coming when they first got involved? Not me. Honest. I would could never lie about this because it is too serious to do so. 🙂 But the church will have more people declared SP’s by them on the planet in the future than there will be people left that are not declared yet that they can actually train, audit and expand the church with. That is pretty grim. But… they did it themselves with no help from anybody. 🙂
Hi Lawrence, Great post,especially the last line!Thank you-Ann.
Mike ~ The first (Thr funnies) thought that came to my mind was: “Thank you, thank you my friend Jamie DeWolf”. My friends tell me I should wright a book. Funny – I can’t even spell! My answer is. When it becomes funny, I may give it a shot. Love u Jamie. It’s getting more funny every day 🙂 Thank you for being our voice. And Mike, for bringing us the news.
Hi Ann 🙂
Hi my Cece, Love, love your post! Always,Ann.Yes please Jaime DeWolf write that book.Cece says spelling is a problem and I got really burned trying to tell my story for a book,so you are the charm!XO Cece Always,Ann.
Awww thanks Ann. You bring me hope and giggles 🙂 We all got really burned if it’s any condolence. Just some guys don’t know it yet. Thank goodness you/we do so now we have time to heal. My grammar sucks. I managed to flunk KTL! Hahaha
Hi Cece, Love you even more! You know I so flunked Big League Sales and the operation booklet on that darn PBX.My word clearers were tearing their hair out,and I would get those giggles every time!XO Ann.
Oh, God! Big League Sales Techniques! As a Div 6 person, I had to learn that book backwards and forward. I mean, what church acts like a used car lot? Scientology…
Hi OSD,Who knew we both had to read that dumb book! Div 2 and Div 6 we are forever joined! Yes that book always made me think I was selling used cars and you know I went to,Qual and originated as much,my first year in.Whoops, here comes my smiling Ethics Officer! Love U,Ann.
I continue to be boggled by the Scotland promo pieces. Imagine, if you will, a non-profit such as the Red Cross putting out PR to elicit donations that had 100 reasons to donate blood in, say, Georgia with the same structure used in their campaign. Keeping in mind the end goal is to get needed blood in that area, and they listed reasons such as:
1. Georgia is famous for our peaches.
2. The late JFK Jr., visited in Kingsland, GA on his way to Cumberland to marry his wife.
3. There’s 400k acres of canals in Georgia.
4. The official state fish is the Largemouth Bass.
5. It’s the #1 producer of peanuts and pecans…so get your pecan pie here. Yum!
6. Georgia hosts the international Poultry trade show – the largest poultry convention in the world.
Besides the listed items being so out of left field and unrelated (soda brand out selling Coke anyone?) would these reasons raise your willingness to donate blood or $ to the Red Cross so they can meet their goal/needs?
For me the response is a resounding heck no. If it was to educate people or entertain people with “how clever and humorous they are/aren’t, trying something/anything new since whatever before didn’t work and perhaps really trying to shift the focus to fool your eyes into not seeing which of the cards is the Ace of spades laying face down in front of you,” maybe it serves that purpose, albeit extremely poorly it seems. But it likely wouldn’t illicit the goal to get the needed blood for the bank.
The delusional method of PR for donations is incomprehensible to me in addition to the continued unmitigated gall to repeatedly solicit for more; I can only guess that the well is so dry that the palms reaching out for yet more $ are so desperate that there is nothing else that can cause someone to pause to look at the material sent out in quantity.
I suppose one should take into consideration the dire straits and the fact that many staff/people are put in positions who have zero or limited knowledge on how PR works. I’m not in the PR field, but this 100 reasons campaign defies my comprehension the way it is set up. Perhaps I’m reaching with the Red Cross comparison factor here, but I can’t help but agree that this campaign only serves as entertainment value and that has long ago lost the limited laughter appeal it had and is now mired in desperation.
I enjoyed your post, Bravebloggers.
Here’s my take: Fearless is utterly, utterly desperate. That’s the simplicity of it. He has to keep pressing for money because that’s Command Intention. He also committed himself to putting out this regular newsletter. The problem – his problem – is that HAPI has very little actual NEWS. They aren’t making any auditors, They aren’t making any Clears. Their stats are pretty much in the toilet. Still, Fearless has to fill up his newsletter with SOMETHING so he talks about how beautiful Scotland is, shows beautiful pictures of Scotland, offers historical facts about Scotland, explains things about the Scottish dialect, the food – I mean, whatever, you know? Whatever he can think of that sounds good and fills up the space. Along with the Scottish stuff what he mostly writes with very earnestly mocked up “enthusiasm” are all his postulates and the staff’s positive postulates for HAPI meagerly salted with an actual stat or two here and there if available. I always get kind of sad when I read Gourlay’s newsletters because its so clear to me that he has really nothing to say.
When I was in high school and had to write book reports on books I didn’t much feel like reading, mostly because I was reading some other book at the time, I would read the jacket blurb on which I had to write the report, and then cook up enough paragraphs that sounded like I knew what I was talking about. Basically I was saying nothing that the book jacket hadn’t told me but I could embellish, I could razzle-dazzle enough, pad things here and there, and sad to say 2 of my English teachers fell for it and gave me A’s on 2 book reports I wrote that were full of hot air because I hadn’t even read these books.
When I read what Fearless writes I’m reminded of what I did back in the day, when I had nothing to say for those book reports.
Aquamarine –
I agree with you. It appears to be filler and little else. It more resembles a “Why to Visit Scotland” Ad campaign as opposed to a fundraising operation IMO.
You pointed out about your previous book reports (which I think all students try at some point to lesser and greater degrees of success lol) but it struck me that what you said about two of your teachers falling for it by giving you a good grade has a parallel here. There will be some person(s) who will fall for these “fluffed” Ad attempts as well. They will give what they may not have and perhaps become financially compromised and perhaps “soul” compromised as well.
I appreciate your reply and found it very apt and it makes sense to me. Ty for taking the time to reply. Have a great day and weekend.
Hi Daniel Dicksen,Nice to meet you.Still laughing about your post.I always wonder why cos continues to put Caucasian members in all their promo for areas that are African-American. Well that’s Ron and David’s World! Thank you for the smile.Ann.
Hi Daniel, This IPad Dickson, sorry.Ann.
Whenever I see the acronym FSM I always think “Flying Spaghetti Monster” Sorry, but I just can’t help it!
Hi Fred,I loved your post. Flying Spaghetti Monster is perfect! Always,Ann.
The “Startup Week” Flyer with a man doing a hands-on-hip “power pose” in a dark room while standing before a vertical light beam — could this be an allusion to the “Run Around a Pole” Purif Room at Flag? It kinda looks like it to me, perhaps some subliminal messaging on their part?
Hi Bruce, I agree that pix of the power pose dude with the vertical light beam put me right back to my favorite Saint Hill Artist on the Whole Track promo piece.Makes me creepy and crazy every time!Always,Ann.
There’s less here than what meets the eye. Let us not forget the Ideal Org “strategy” isn’t a goal in itself, it has the purpose of getting people into the church to purchase scientology so they can go CLEAR (then they won’t have their own reactive mind anymore) and OT (so they can make things happen by postulating with tone 40 intension). These powerful benefits give them an advantage over regular people and cause them to be noticeably more successful in every aspect of their lives. That’s why people all over the civilized world know scientologists are the ones who stand above the rest. In any field you care to name, the sciences, the arts, business, literature, scientologists are in the vanguard of innovations and paradigm-shattering breakthroughs! (I believe it was Kirstie Ally who designed the Hadron Collider ) Clears and OT’s are a brilliant unstoppable force, the visionaries and architects of a new “Galaxy of Freedom” but of course everybody already knows that.
“Let us not forget the Ideal Org ‘strategy’ isn’t a goal in itself, it has the prupose of getting people into the church to purchase scientology so they can go CLEAR (then they won’t have their own reactive mind anymore) and OT (so they can make things happen by postulating with tone 40 intension).”
Enjoyed this tongue in cheek, of yours, Roger, but let us not forget that before the Sheeple can attain these exalted states the cult gives the cult gives them some conditional targets, to wit:
“First, you buy us a building so we have a decent place in which to audit and train you. After you come up with enough money to purchase the correct building, then you’ll need to pay to have the building properly gut renovated to Ideal Org specifications. Now, last but not least, there’s the furniture, unless you all intend to be sitting on the floor. The furniture is also your responsibility and its not coming from the Salvation Army, its going to be good stuff. Now, once this is all this paid for and done, then you’ll either need to immediately buy all your auditing and training so you can ditch your reactive mind and create your dynamics with postulates. What’s that, you say? You don’t have any money left because you gave it all to us so we could buy, renovate and furnish a building in which to audit and train you? OK, we get it. Well, you have a problem, allright. You just didn’t make it go right, did you? Maybe it wasn’t a big enough game for you! That’s it, isn’t it? Too small a game for a Big Being like you, and we have just the solution: join staff!”
Oh! I was wrong about IAS 31 being cancelled.
Good – more opportunity to protest!
That’s it! They’ve finally convinced me…..I’m joining the Co$ because of Irn Bru!
See you all on the flippity flip!
What do they mean by the ‘Harlem Recovery Team’? Are they attempting to bring people back to Scientology…….in Harlem?
Hi Chee Chalker, Great post.Really cos gets more bizarro every minute! Love U Ann.
Hi Ann! Your posts make me smile!
Hi Chee Chalker,You make me smile,laugh and just plain enjoy your posts!?Ann.
What the Hell, Chee! If you’re joining, I’ll re-up too! I don’t want you going in there alone…..
Well Irn Bru is near and dear to my heart…..when I visited cousins in Scotland (when I was a teenager) I was first introduced to Irn Bru.
Imagine liquid bubble gum… a can. That’s Irn Bru!
Hi Chee Chalker, Oh boy, thank you for helping me out with Irn Bru I was stuck looking at the can wondering what was in it! Bubble gum taste in a can,Classic!Love U,Ann.
“The fact that an Ideal Org nowadays ushers in 1500 people a week through their doors and makes Clears on a regular basis…”
Wow! And I thought that the L.A. Org bringing in 700 new people (according to Andres) a week was incredible! This just HAS to be new world’s record for them. I mean, think about it, that’s 214.28 people A DAY! A DAY! Wouldn’t the course room be filled up completely? And the the next day another 214.28 people come in! I gotta tell ya, I’m certainly impressed!
However…the Pasadena Ideal Org has NO ONE coming in. Pretty much the same for the Orange County Org. So….hmmmmmm….let me think…..hmmmmmm. Ok! I got it! It’s other unnamed Orgs that are getting 1500 people a week coming in. Would that be right?
You forgot the 200 new public per day at L.A. Org.
Straight from Senior C/S West US , it got to be true,really !
Ask any top exec’s body routing across the street
leaning on the L.A. Porno news stands, they will tell you.
According to Andres Rodriguez it’s 700 people a week, Jose. Why you trying to short change the man? And, on the tape he says, “It’s happening (the 700 people)! It is! It is! It is!” i mean if you say something 3 times it has to be true, right?
I am corrected but whenever I drive by day or night
any day of the week the place is empty
( hiding in the basement ?)
Of course they’re hiding in the basement! Where else would they hide? With their basement full of rats and cockroaches, it’s the PERFECT place to hide!
OSD, your math is totally wrong, according to my number tech, we are at 8.5 million this week in la org. 3.5 million for Pasadena. Planetary clearing is happening and your denial of said clearing is going in my KR on you…
I…I stand corrected, OSD2! I’m ashamed of my post now! But, I do deserve a KR being sent. It’s the only way I can stay in the group! Thank you for showing me the errors of my way…
Hang on a sec. Is that one day calibrated by 24 or 12 hour clocks?
Any statistic needs to be evaluated by data of comparable magnitude (you didn’t think I knew that did ya?) but it must be codified to be evaluated into straight up and vertical some place else, you see. If wherever you are is not successful then it will be someplace else, easy as. Therefore Scientology is always better some place, just so long as the reports reflect it, even a false report is better than no report. Hence all stats must have an alternative comparable. An empty building is only empty at certain times, hence it can be evaluated by similar buildings not empty some place else. Tech is standard after all and a static is only ever located by consideration. Change your consideration and dig deep into the wonders of no mass & no money but heaps of time to spend it (no one understands space, so let’s just forget that).
You see, scientology logic really is easy and it pays so well.
“…the fact that an Ideal Org now a-days ushers in 1500 people a week through their doors and makes Clears on a regular basis…”
Yes, they “usher in” the same idiot customer over and over again, walking the rube in and out hundreds of times a day so that they can tell The Diminutive Dwarf the “stat.”
How amusingly pathetic.
Ingenious, Vol Min! Pathetic, but still ingenious! The lengths they’ll go to for their stats! Never mind the subterfuge of it all….
So Irina is complaining about living under Communism and Republicanism — ROFL. As if there was any difference.
If there is one positive thing about the Putin regime, they don’t let that nest of vipers flourish in Mother Russia.
That’s appears true, Avenger.
It takes a dictator to recognize a dictator posing as a church-leader.
( He did a better job than the democratic heads of state, anyways. )
If this profit-oriented industrial organization must be granted the legal right to exist, when are we going to step up to plate and DEMAND that […IT…] pay taxes like the rest of us blue-collar workers, you know, the guys and gals that actually built this country?
I want to kick them out. If I had the power of Putin, I surely would. There would be no Chuch of Scientology on my turf, that’s for damn sure. They make the Christians all look like saints, don’t they?
You got that right! They KNOW a cult when they see one!
+1! Nice!
Oh, man,if the promo is shiny and there are lots of toothy smiles I am so hooked, like a carp in the Mississippi river.I would love to give right now but I’m too broke.I talked to Godot a couple days ago and he is supposed to loan me enough cash to go back to flag and finish my final inquisition.
Man, I’ve been waiting for Godot my entire life! And you get to talk with him? (big sigh). I guess it’s back to ‘waiting for Godot.’ That bastard better show up!
Well OSD ,I called him a couple hours ago and he promised me that he would be back in the office on Monday or maybe Tuesday but no later than Wednesday. I’ll tell him that you are also interested in cutting a deal as well.
Ron, you’re a lifesaver! Thanks, pal!
Hey! I spotted a black guy!
And don’t these insane criminals try to pretend that their fake “youth for human rights” group is some how not them? Here the crooks are, admitting the fake front is just another fake front. Amusing.
Hi Volunteer Ministers, Good to meet you.You spotted a black guy? You really do have eagle eyes.Yes there were a very few African-Americans or any other group when I was in Sea Org.I do not know what happened to the one I knew and will always love at Asho F, but he was brilliant and a very strong spirit.I do not think the powers that were cared for that though.What ever the Nation of Islam does with cos now,I do not care for them or their agenda.It is just that in the late 70s alot at Sea Org Asho were good people that got the shaft.Moi, definitely included.Always, Ann.
“United for a clear New York” — ROFL! These insane criminals really are insane. 🙂
In other words, they’re in their normal mode……
Volunteer Ministers… why does your name link to a suspended account? When I click on your name is says: *Account Suspended…
About suspended accounts
In order to maintain a safe environment for users on Twitter, we may suspend accounts that violate the Twitter Rules. Common reasons for suspension may include:
Spam: Most of the accounts we suspend are suspended because they are spammy, or just plain fake, and they introduce security risks for Twitter and all of our users. These types of accounts are against our Twitter Rules. Unfortunately, sometimes a real person’s account gets suspended by mistake, and in those cases we’ll work with the person to make sure the account is unsuspended.
Account security at risk: If we suspect an account has been hacked or compromised, we may suspend it until it can be secured and restored to the account owner in order to reduce potentially malicious activity caused by the compromise.
Abusive Tweets or behavior: We may suspend an account if it has been reported to us as violating our Rules surrounding abuse. When an account engages in abusive behavior, like sending threats to others or impersonating other accounts, we may suspend it temporarily or, in some cases, permanently.
Volunteer Ministers.. why not introduce yourself, tell us a little about you, where you are from, what your experience is with Church of Scientology or if none, then why you have interest in it… otherwise no one really knows how to interpret your comments, I think we’d like to engage in a healthy dialogue with you.
The ‘postulates’ and ‘cognitions’ and ‘viewpoints’ make me tired. ‘Recovery Experts’ for Harlem? Sounds more like some old debt collector scam.
The ‘purif’ seems to be the current profit center for the mOrgs. Just sell extra dangerous levels of vitamins and apply heat and you too can be standardly happy and radiation free. Of course, that all depends on your standards. Or lack thereof.
I guess the dwarfenführer is going to be at Stain Hill late in October. Will he be greeted by Knights who say ‘reg’ on white stallions or the popes old Fiat?
Wait….what? Really? It’s not Saint Hell? Man, am I confused or what!
Money Thermometers give me the shivers.
If Hitler had the C of $ PR machine we would all be speaking German.
Jose, it’s the rectal thermometers that give me the shivers.
Hi Jose Chung, I always disliked those stupid thermometers showing money stuff too.Even in Sea Org,a no-no indeed.Always, Ann.
The stupidity to be found in the above examples posted by Mike is the only thing in all of scientology that is expanding, like never before.
+1! Johnny boy, I do take exception to the lassie who’s going to give money to the “Klan.” As a Scot, my family is with Clan Campbell. If she’s givin’ money to the Klan, I’m sure they appreciate it. White supremacists always do…..
Clan Campbell, huh? Love your soups.
STOP THAT! You’re making fun of my Klan! Errrrrrr, I mean Clan!
But you are right, we do make great soups and they’re MMMM GOOD MMM GOOD….
Speaking of the Hubbard Clan, where is Diana Hubbard? Could she possible be more invisible to Scientologists? LRH’s daughter is nowhere to be seen year after year.
Shelly Miscavage and Diana Hubbard should be two “1st ladies” to Dave’s church but instead they are entirely missing.
And this is strange because?
Diana is still slaving away at the Gold Base as far as I know. The last definite information I have is ten years old but it seems likely.
Her daughter and son-in-law have escaped, and so has her former husband. Her mother was thrown under the bus long ago and is now deceased. But Diana is still loyal to the dream, if not the reality. Some of those older 90s Freewinds Maiden Voyage or IAS event videos show her in the audience. But she is too toxic to Dave’s monopoly on power to be featured in public now. If he can’t even share the stage with the Executive Director International or the President, nobody else is likely to have a chance.
At one point she was making a tribute video to her father, I saw a bit of it and remember her describing Ron as “insouciant”, while prettily adorning a piano. Even this never got past Dave despite his desperate need for Hubbard related biographical filler at L Ron Hubbard Birthday events, so probably we will never see her in public again until she finally flees for good.
How very, very sad. I met her at the event in Anaheim, CA. in ’76. Along with Author and the other girl who’s name escapes me. You have to give her props for staying in when the rest of her family is out. What a lonely life…….
Hi Bruce Ploetz, Thank you for your post.Yes Diana really did decorate a piano most prettily.I wanted that gorgeous red hair!Oh I hope she does flee, but the years slip by and who can really say where she wants to be now.I just recall Mary Sue and her family as young and full of energy.Mary Sue and Quentin were very sweet with me.I still would like Ron Jr to do a book.Always,Ann.
That would be hard for him to do, Ann, Ron Jr has been dead since 1991.
The Dark Avenger,Oh dear, I did not know at all! The news travels slowly down the Missisippi River! Well may he be at peace now.He was in a book I got put in and I remember reading his story there.I mixed him up with David’s Dad’s book.I apologize.Always Ann.
Does anyone know of a reliable method of communicating with Diana Hubbard ?
There is no such method.
I would think not.
Thank you gentlemen.
Why do these two ladies in Harlem have to recover so many people? Why are their parishioners who were once in the Org. leaving, not resigning or are upset to the point they won’t come back? “Recovery” should very rare in an Org. if you are treating people fairly and are listening to them.
Let me guess, the IAS is battering them for money when they step anywhere near the property, their auditor is not listening but instead is robotically giving commands and their friends and family are making fun of them for going anywhere near these “Golden Age Orgs”.
C’mon Dave, what’s up in Harlem?
KFrancis, could be. But, more likely they need to be “recovered” because scn just isn’t that great of a thing. In the Mid-late 80’s MANY thousands of “clears” who had purchased “OT level” packages in the ’70’s and then immediately left, and then had to be recovered and shoved onto those levels. Now, why would such HUGE numbers of “Clears” (homo novis people with new and EXTRAORDINARY super powers) need to be recovered so that they could get even MORE superpowers?
N.B. the above happened with LRH at the reigns of power.
Well one problem is, although Clear is a state it is not a stable one. You can’t get there and hope the state will hold forever. You may recall LRH urged folks to move quickly up the levels as you are at risk of the NOTs case really beginning to bare down on you. I have personally found this to be the case after Clear and even after OT5. I have not taken care of the balance and it continues to bring pressure. However overall I am doing much better for what has been handled.
Just a guess, but I’ll bet many folks took a loss and threw up their hands when their Clear state didn’t seem to hold and they had the NOTs case move in on them just as LRH had warned.
No, the problem is that there is no such state. That’s why no one has ever gotten there. Hence, nothing to show as per my original post.
Tired excuses don’t suffice anymore.
John, are invalidating my state of Beer! Ahhhhhh, I mean Clear!
LMAO OSD! The more I drink the more stable my “state” becomes 🙂
KFrancis would you please explain what the “clear state” is, stable or unstable? Thank you in advance for explaining in explicit detail.
No Roger I won’t. It doesn’t exist for you and as you can see others as well, so no amount of explaining is every going to bring you around to it.
I’m not adopting the hat of a salesman for any state…sorry.
Sorry KFrancis, I wasn’t asking you to sell anything only to define a term you used in a public forum.
“Clears and OT’s are a brilliant unstoppable force, the visionaries and architects of a new “Galaxy of Freedom” but of course everybody already knows that.” … by RogerHornaday
You see, you didn’t need me to define it after all.
To be sure, KFrancis you are a brilliant unstoppable force.
John Locke, you might be assuming that these people left because of tech problems, when if fact a goodly amount of them could have left because they couldn’t handle the crush regging. In former times it was Birthday Game crush regging for auditing and training, and for the past 10 years (my observation) its been non-stop crushing for the IAS and Ideal Morgues. I used to hate the crush regging for my bridge but I learned to deal with it because I did want to go Clear and get auditor trained. I also hated with a purple passion when I started getting crush-regged for Ideal Orgs and the IAS, but this, I didn’t learn to deal with, for the simple reason that I did some reading and found these both to be off policy actions. Now, I left because of my disagreements with IAS and Ideal Org regging, not because of the tech, BUT back in the day, before the focus shifted to donations for the IAS and new buildings, I did used to get irritated with the hard sell for my Bridge and I knew people who couldn’t handle that and who blew and needn’t to be “recovered” because of the hard sell, not necessarily because of the tech not working for them. In any event, I am not trying to convince you that the tech works because that’s a waste of time; I’m only giving you another viewpoint as to the possible reason why many people have blown even before there were such things as Ideal Morgues and the intense focus on IAS statuses.
No Aqua, most were not happy with the result. I interviewed hundreds of them. Can you blame them. They were promised super powers and they got NOTHING.
OK, I get it. The people you interviewed were promised super powers and they got nothing. Well, if that’s what they were promised, and that’s what they got, its no wonder they left. That wasn’t my experience; I was never promised super powers with my auditing or training, nor did I personally seek, need or expect super powers. My goals were not what one could call “OT” goals. They were rather pedestrian, I would say. But I achieved a good deal of them, and became more successful, and happier, much happier, than I was before. That’s why I like the tech. I had good, positive experiences with it.
This post was actually in response to both of JL’s posts, the one above and the one below.
No Aqua, this was before widespread regging like that. This was when Ad Courses cost in the hundreds of $. They didn’t continue as they didn’t achieve homo novis as promised by Hubbard. They had to be lied to about OT levels in order to get them to come back.
Got it on everything. I understand. They were promised they’d achieve homo novis. They were lied to. They didn’t achieve homo novis. No wonder they got fed up and angry and left. I would have also, if it had been me. Maybe there’s something wrong with me because I never wanted to be homo novis. I just wanted to be a happy human who could make myself happy and make others happy. Possibly the reason homo novis was never promised to me was by any registrar or staff person because I never originated to anyone that I wanted it 🙂
But if I had wanted something, and been promised something, and I believed in and trusted the people who were promising me what I really wanted, and then, having paid for it, done it, I didn’t get what I wanted, it would have been a severe betrayal for me, one that I would never forget. I might eventually forgive the people who did it, but I wouldn’t forget it, no.
Hi Aquamarine, I liked this post.I can forgive all but one re Sea Org but I will never ever forget either! Love,Ann.
Aqua, back them people trained FAR more than when you were in. These people were promised by LRH. They found the promise when they trained on his materials. >90% of people did the Bridge in order to gain the super human abilities promised by RON. A smaller % kept going with scn because they thought they weren’t doing well in life and wanted to improve, via mild therapy.
That’s why I got in, John. I was promised powers beyond my wildest imagination! And believe, my imagination is pretty wild!
Talk therapy is something that’s beneficial. But Hubbard, thinking he knew best, made it a one-size-fits-all method. That’s why I never attested to Clear. I realized it was a fraud….
“A smaller % kept going with scn because they thought they weren’t doing well in life and wanted to improve, via mild therapy.”
This would have been me, John, one of as you’ve stated the 10 percenters. I was intensely unhappy about something that had occurred years before and I just couldn’t shake it and move on even though my common sense told me I should. For years I pretended a good game (so I thought) but inside I was filled with a kind of despair. I couldn’t shake it and it was it was ruining me, ruining my relationships and even my work because it sapped my energy and made me apathetic about achieving. I didn’t try to escape from it with drugs nor did I self medicate with alcohol. I just endured it. I had superb physical health, was never sick, yet frequently I had to force myself to move. I always had to force myself to get out of bed in the morning and sometimes I didn’t make it out of bed and just stayed in bed, the whole day, sleeping. Sleeping was my escape, back then. Anyway, Scientology tech helped me a great deal. Actually, that’s an understatement: Scientology tech gave me my life back, or rather, helped me get into an operating state where I could take it back myself. And I did take it back. I did turn things around for myself, doing a lot of what I had neglected years before, things I should have done and didn’t do, which in turn caused me lots of problems. Life had become extremely complex because I had let it become that way so there was a a great deal to turn around, but I did. I did it, though it took years, and Scientology helped me do it, helped me to really WANT to do it. Training helped a great deal also. You’re right, in the old days there was a lot more people training than now. Nowadays hardly any of them actually train.
Ok, enough about me. But now you see that I didn’t have OT goals, homo novis and so forth. I still don’t, to be honest with you. I like being a human being, basically. I don’t think that Earth is a prison but a mostly spectacularly beautiful place, and a very interesting place. I know its a cliche but it is real to me now that life is an adventure that one creates for oneself, a continual creation. We are all here interacting together communicating and creating…ok, John, I’ll stop now.
You see, you were right. I’m hopeless 🙂
A very clear and informative testimonial Aquamarine, thank-you. I happen to think there is a place for metered interview therapy when combined with a universally positive philosophy. If you cherry pick, you can put together such a philosophy from Hubbardism which is what most of us did at least for as long as we could. Hubbardarian theory is easily discredited but his meter-methodology was where he actually did put in hours of hands-on research and developed something that works quite impressively. But within limits of course. Auditing isn’t a path to telekinetic abilities for instance. 🙂
Hi Aquamarine,I liked your post to John.You helped me understand your viewpoint regarding the Tech. Thank you.Far from hopeless I think you are brilliant! XO Ann.
I would agree Auqamarine. The regge’s thought nothing of the figures they were asking but many people just didn’t have the income to support an interest in Scientology.
Buy a book sure, do the Comm. Course, yes those were in reach for most anyone but the costs escalated quickly if you wanted to become an auditor or receive auditing in the HGC. I felt very often myself that I just couldn’t afford services though I was very interested in them.
I had the same experience. My first foot out the door, was not being able to afford to participate.
Mike, according to (, the highlander status is £15000 (~ $23000).
The 2011 census for Scotland had 188 people identify as Scientologists ( out of a population 5.3 million people, so I think they’ll be fundraising for quite some time.
188 Scientologists ….
For comparison:
11,746 identified as Jedi Knights
949 as Wicca
597 as Heavy Metal
245 as Druid
150 as Heathen
I wonder how many of the 188 put down Scientology as a joke?
Let’s hear it for the Jedi Knights … clearing the planet faster than the Scientologists.
I’m a Jedi Knight, Mike! And our Disneyland (in southern Calif) is making an entire new ‘land’ from Star Wars! Can’t wait until it opens.
You know, I remember seeing a picture of a the Church of Science Fiction, I believe, in Clearwater. You could be whatever you wanted to be. FREE!
What’s unique about a Scientology Org in Harlem? It’s the only business in Harlem where pretty white women can’t get locals to come inside.
LMAO!!!!! Still laughing! “It’s the only business in Harlen where pretty white women can’t get locals to come inside.”
I hear this joke in my head in a Groucho Marx voice.
Hi Mike,I just cannot stop laughing! There are simply no words for the promo pieces and the “success stories” and the entire Scotland Experience where they do a bang up Xmas?!Back in my day the only days to be celebrated were,3/13,5/9 and 8/12.For those who may not know Ron’s Birthday,the day DMSMH was released,and the Birthday of the Sea Org.One time on my birthday at the mess I got a little cake and some roses but that was from a friend.I’m with all of you for 10/2 I think y’all are amazing! With Love to you both.Ann.
Do I read that to mean 10/2 (tomorrow) is your bday Ann? Or did I perceive that incorrectly?
Hi Bravebloggers,Actually I wish 10/2 was my b-day,then I would be a little younger.I am born 8/1/51. I posted before coffee ( my bad ) and I was referring to Mike and Sara’s Q&A after the showing of Going Clear in Florida.Hope I got the date right!Love,Ann.
Hi Bravebloggers, I forgot part of my post to you and then the Internet ate it.That little cake and roses were at my place at table in Sea Org for my b-day,given years and years ago by a very sweet,kind giver.There were some good ones at Asho D and F back then.But the black hats rode into town and the winds shifted.Always like your posts.Ann.
Well, a very, very, very belated Happy Birthday to you, Ann B! Please remind us when August rolls around again.
Hi OSD, Thank you kindly.August will roll around and I swear I will still be here no matter what.If anything changes you’ll be one of the first to know!? Ann.
Well Happy Belated Birthday then! ???
Hi Bravebloggers,You know if you all keep showering me with care and love these cancers have no chance!! XXOO A very grateful and with a happy tear! Ann.?
Hello Birthday mate! I too am an 8/1 birthday! What a nice connection we have, Ann B. 🙂
Hi gtsix,Yeah!That is so amazing because I have never met anyone who shared my birthday! I am thrilled that you are connected with me.Happy belated 8/1 to you and don’t you feel it is a great omen! Love your posts XO Ann.
xx darling, our connection is deep.
Keep on being healthy and we’ll celebrate across the interwebs next summer
GSTIX! Happy belated birthday to you as well friend. Hopefully we will get a chance to dine together again in the near future. Your belated bday drinks on me. Hope you had a great birthday. Hugs and ???
Hi Bravebloggers, I forgot part of my post to,you.The little cake and roses where sent to my place at table many years ago in Sea Org at Asho F.Still a fond memory of a very kind giver.Always, Ann.
Hi Mike, I am about to wring my IPads circuits! Sorry,Ann.
“a post in a scientology organization isnt a job, its a trust and a crusade” sounds like fancy words to dress up paying people peanuts to work 90 hour weeks.
“no other organization was named like this one by lrh.” So he’s the moron who gave them the incredibly stupid name they’ve been stuck with ever since – HAPI.
Just as well HAPI claim to do an epic Christmas as they will expect staff to be in working (crusading) and students putting in extra time in the course room.
Maybe LRH’s pinks and greys kicked in properly that day. Imagine if they hadn’t. They’d be stuck with SADD: Scots Approve of Drunk Dogs.
Hey now! As a Scot I resemble that remark, Espi!
Irina Glaser says it all.
“We are bombarded with false data second by second, hour by hour, day by day. The PR campaign on Earth is relentless.”
Only inside the bubble, sweetie. Only inside the bubble.
Hey, Irina! You really didn’t know that once you’re in you would be bombarded with false data second by second, hour by hour, day by day? And that the PR campaign on Earth is relentless? Really? Then why do you stay in? I mean, I just don’t get it? Wait…someone’s trying to tell me something. Hang on a moment: Ok…yeah…uh huh…right…Oh, I get it now. Hey, my bad! I was sure you were talking about scientology! Carry on Irina! And good luck with that!
Bombarded! What is this? France 1916!
From an organisation that only demands donations, specialises in selling nothing and delivering even less, you have the damn gall to mention PR!
The only thing relentless sweetheart is the truth.
Well, there’s the truth and then there’s cult “truth.”
They have 421 words for snow? Where can I send the check?
We have 421 words for snow…but that doesn’t mean you won’t have to word-clear each one individually.
Hi brendon, Goodbto meet you. Thank you for the laugh your post gave me this AM.Always,Ann.
Hi brendon,I meant good to meet you.Ann.
I love the glaring grammatical (and of course logical) errors Tiffany Woods made in her address to the East U.S. It’s laughable seeing the fruits of a sea org ‘education.’
“Actually factually” I didn’t think it was that bad…..ha,ha,ha
I thought it was actually and factually epic! It makes perfect sense to me.
Seemed OK to yours me, what’d I missing+
Whoa! Reading your post made me dizzy!
The young woman, Irina Glaser, says she survived 10 years each of Communism and Conservatism, and then found the answer to life by becoming a Scientologist. Honey, you went from the frying pan into the fire. I hope it doesn’t take you 10 years to figure it out.
First 10 years under communist regime. Next 10 years under conservative regime. Since then, under fascist regime.
Am I the only one that thought when she mentioned a ‘conservative regime’ that she was just pulling stuff out of nowhere to make it sound like she had a tougher life than she actual had?
Maybe she should bring up the theocratic regime she lives under..
On Gulf-to-Bay Blvd in Clearwater last night, I was behind a Lexus 450h (hybrid?) with the license plate
“OT Power”. Actually, I was in Taco Bell drive through with teen daughter. She was the one that pointed it out. In her Middle School “Comparative Religions” course a few years ago, they discussed the Scientology “cult”.
Anybody you know? (fancy car!)
Hi tampafan, Oh gosh we own a Lexus 460 and now I think our plate should read I am an SP!Plus our car eats OT Power for breakfast! Always, Ann.
“Plus our car eats OT Power for breakfast!” Way to go, Ann B! Get in front of them and then step on the brakes really hard. If they hit you, you’ll know they don’t have any OT Power!
Hi OSD, Walter who grew up driving in New York City absolutely loved your post.Most folks here drive like they are 100 miles out in the countryside,even though Baton Rouge is choking on traffic since Katrina and most are texting at the same time.Plus the joke is if you are a native to BR you never use turn signals either! No wonder I quit driving!It’s bumper cars 24/7.I swear next time I have surgery forget the anesthesiologist, I want you! I’d be laughing in my sleep! Your wife sounds a dream! Love you 2 Ann.
Ah Yes, but was there a meat body behind the wheel??
Remote taco viewing is all the rage!
Hi I Yawnalot, Love this!Also you never know when a herd of Lexi might decide to remote drive themselves to get a taco! XO Ann.
Hey! I want to remote tacos view too, I Yawn!
The Scottish Funnies just aren’t the same without “Fearless Leader”. Has something happened to him?
Miscavige discovered he was a likeable chap?
Aaarrrrrrrggggg, but tis a shame! Fearless Leader is trying to get some of his missing teeth replaced. I’ve often wondered what Clan he’s from.
Considering he was a commercial fisherman before becoming Scientology’s Cuddliest Spokesdrone, I presume he’s of Clan Chowder.
Hi Espiando,A very good one! Thank you! always,Ann.
STOP IT, Espi, STOP IT! Clan Chowder indeed! You’re giving me a complex! No, really, I’d like for you to purchase a complex for me.
Once upon a time, way back in my dim dark days as a military cadet I had to salute a haggis as it was marched around on a silver platter at a Scottish function.
Always felt a bit funny about the Scottish mindset after that. Saluting the gizzards of a sheep doesn’t sit on any resume I’ve ever presented and for good reason. But mix that mindset with scientology and there you go, it’d make someone Hapi in some quarter I suppose but doesn’t align with anything sane.
I have nothing but admiration for the Scots, without the benchmark of single malt the world would be a horrible place and I even have a wee bit of Scottish heritage oozing around in my veins some place. They also produce the finest and fiercest warriors the world has ever seen, plus the claymore – geezers! Heads rolled with that mother! Just ask the Poms.
Please, let’s rid Scotland of Dave and his Ideal mess and once again see the Scots stand proud and have the right to eat whatever they want, no matter how disgusting.
Aarrrrrrggggggg, tis a good post, laddie!