Total Knowledge. Total Certainty.
With that, who needs to pay for anything else?
Final 150?
150 more staff? Seriously? Never been past that building and even seen a sign of life…
There aren’t even 150 in this photo?
Epic Anniversary!
The Command Team has set the standard for the model ideal org — funny model, it’s still the ONLY ONE after a year.
Present Time with regard to specific things…
Huh? They actually promote this? Sounds like the Mad Hatter talking.
Spiritual pursuits?
Nothing tacky going on here. Why is Chan’s name in bigger type than D/COB for Fdn Hours?
More Moneywinds
Prosperity is the word!
Speed Racer
There is NOTHING tacky about the Moneywinds.
I think they have a typo though. It should read “How to become the COB of your life…”
Chili Cook Off
And the most important video of all time. In that order.
This is the foundation on which we stand. Forget that Hubbard tech and policy folks. It is Miscavige’s kingdom now.
Dinner Party
Wow, even the FSO is promoting public FSMs to try and get anyone arrived. L. Ron Hubbard cringes from Target Two.
Once in a lifetime
Nobody is EVER going to hear this info again. And what’s with the ethnically inappropriate singers tagging along?
Full Cause
Yeah, we never promise anything we can’t deliver….
Disagree with MEST
Turn over all your money. It’s just MEST. Who needs it? The church that preaches you don’t need it…
Sgt Schulz
They got this one right. They do know nothing.
The Most Spectacular Event
It’s Epic. Monumental. Milestone. Greatest Ever. Until whatever comes next. Maybe the opening of the Fountain building?
13,000 sq ft of new paving stone
Just amazing….
Half Time Rally
What the hell is that? 15 minutes and then back to the game?
And what is a maximum capacity org?
Fun, fun, fun
Who says you don’t have to be a member of the IAS to participate in scientology (well, scientology represented that to the IRS…)
32 years on staff
And a Grade o completion and auditor trained 3X but still not qualified to audit.
Scots Humor
Imbibing a bit much of the single malt?
The North Sea might be pretty big but there are no whales in it to speak of and certainly no body traffic to pull in!!! Who ever thought that one up should go back on their Dissem Basics course. And not only is it incorrect to call HAPI a Church, it is also meant to have a secular base – not religious, and was meant for the advancement of education in Scotland. They are so far off-base it is no wonder their front entrance houses a homeless persons’ hostel.
Hana-Li had one (count that … ONE) show in 2014. Nothing so far this year. But she’s hip and has a cooool website and dang if she’s not being invited everywhere (where the church is). Ugh. While her level of actual “talent” can be debated by critics everywhere … they bring her out in these blurbs … and she’s just really a sad sad example. I feel sorry for her confusion and ignorance. But she’s one of the “who cares what I’m famous for … I just want to be famous. Pleeeeease. Then I know I exist!” I’m sure she doesn’t see it that way. But I find her and her ilk very sad indeed.
Oh, that’s nothing, Aqua! I was one Grade 0 for 25 years! Didn’t get a thing out of it…
“You saw it all happen in LA… Tampa Org is in the final stages”
Nice photo, I assume they mean the Sea Org is going to take over Tampa Org as they did in LA violating at least six HCOPL’s
I nominate OSD as best and funnest poster .Anybody 2nd that?
I nominate John Locke….
Hi Gary,I second that!Ann.
That Scientology Media Productions promo looks familiar… Where have I seen that before? Oh yes, right here at on May 3, 2015. How long have they been recycling that success story about Jeff Hawkins’ volcano ad?
The Two Absolute Truths –
Death and Taxes ?
I wish there was some way to click ‘like’ on these posts, they are all as entertaining as the Funnies themselves, carry on you naughty SPs!
“Total knowledge” as regards WHAT?
“Total certainty” about WHAT?
It’s just “total” — “everything”
Does that include Fang, my pet canary?
Fang is ‘totally’ included…. 😉
Yeah Mike it is , total bullshit .LOL.
While I agree, laughter is important, some things are not funny.
True dat, Fred. However, I think it was Oscar Wilde who said, “Life it too important to take seriously.” That’s why we need to find something to laugh about everyday. I know I do….
WC Fields said, “wine… it makes you continually happy.”
Oh I’m in complete agreement with the wine statement, that might just edge out my favorite Churchill quote…
Great red wine is God’s way of saying the She exists and she loves us…
Hi Fred,I go both sides in my life.Lots of laughter and less tears is good for me.I try and find a balance.Not easy.Ann.
Agreed, Old Surfer Dude.
I laugh a lot during the course of everyday, mainly at myself for doing some of the things I do. It’s good therapy. Puts things in perspective.
@Dawn, I’m way worse than you, I laugh at my own jokes while people stare at me looking puzzled.
I’m so sad looking at all these poor bastards guzzling Kool-Aid and deceiving themselves about being so happy.
Broke, deluded, still chasing the famous carrot while the bloody donkey speeds off in a custom fitted van, hee-hawing it’s head off.
(Hi Mike from one Aussie to another)
Absolutely right Mr.OSD.
Scientology is still striving for proof of life.
They are flogging a dead horse so hard, I could have sworn I saw it move…
or flogging a dead unicorn as it were… ?
Hi sashiebgood, Nice to meet you.Your post got me laughing,except I love unicorns,just not the ones on the promo pieces.Always, Ann.
Lol! Reading this blog is funny, the wit is clever and I have such a good laugh!
The Valley Org at Havenhurst — “a Party with a purpose” what is that purpose, pray tell? Just merely to have “fun”?
Seems they cannot put lipstick on the “lets Reg em all” event Pig anymore, and thus they will not go into any details in their promotions? Maybe this way, they might persuade (or trick?) people into showing up for once?
The flyer touting the ability to be “in and out of Present Time….with regard to specific things…”
….Uh, I hate to break it to you “oh-so-superior” Scientologists who are STILL “in” and happily drinking the Kool-Aid — that vaunted super ability is called “Daydreaming” …
We lowly Wogs have known about this innate “tech” and we’ve been doing it for centuries!
Who is in charge of those awful fonts is the real question… I think I have a headache just from looking at them.
I’m fairly sure the first Pasadena flyer was c designed by a 12 year old .
Base fonts bad spacing , bad copy too.
So now it takes all three mOrgs (LA Org, Asho, and AOLA) in LA to fill up one graduation ceremony? Or are all 3 now in competition with each other? The Day and Foundation mOrgs at one them ‘consolidated’ last year, that actually means that 1 shift was eliminated and everyone left had to work the whole day. I see some desperate attempts to hide that shrinkage from the masses.
Should Gavin Potter be mad at Micheal Chan because he got top billing? I do have to wonder how the commission is going to divided at this shindig. I am sure they will come up with a totally fair division of the spoils. I also believe in the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot.
With advertisements like this, the snark just writes it self. I particularly love the ‘prosperity’ gospel that talks about internet companies. That boat sailed long ago, anyone hopping on that crazy train had better look at what fanduel and their competitor are going thru right now.
It reminds me of an old stand up routine that Steve Martin did long ago.
“Do you want to be a millionaire’?
“First, get a million dollars’…….
It would be interesting to see the part of the ’93 IAS video where Miscavige tells the story of him and Marty going to see the IRS commissioner. Will take some skillful editing to remove mention of Marty. There is no way that part was left intact.
When the scientology media conglomeration opens its doors and the cameras start rolling then the world is going to take notice and know scientology is here and it has all the answers. That’s because scientology is going to broadcast its propaganda and people are going to watch it say things like, “Hey, that scientology really looks interesting! I’m going to sign up for courses and ignore all those people on the internet who are saying bad things about it based on their personal experiences!”
Well I mean that’s the idea right? ha!
Spiritual pursuits? I have a reaction to that image:
Dr. Dawn is an Ob-Gyn in Northern Seattle.
If you need an Ob-Gyn in Seattle, please look elsewhere.
No one deserves to have a physician who is drinking Kool Aid.
All in all, it’s a terrifying idea to entrust your life to a Scientologist.
“The Two Absolute Truths.” What a lovely sentiment! How reassuring to be able to go through life by not having to be challenged in one’s certainty by “truths” that require the hard work of thinking and observation as they may not turn out to be “absolute.” How convenient that there are only two. It would be a lot more difficult to have to remember to live by four, or maybe, gasp, a whopping 17! So call us direct, call us collect, but call us today. Certainty can be yours today for a nominal service charge of, well, how much can you (not) afford?
However, how can this be–even in Hubbard’s world? If reality is an “agreement” as Hubbard claims? If it isn’t true unless it is true for me? Does this mean we all have to first off agree on these truths to make them “true?” Or will a simple majority of group-think suffice? Even that case spells trouble: In a world filled with wog’s and SP’s, how can 40,000 or so scientologists of varying degrees of commitment create THIS MUCH “reality” between them?
Does this mean that in order to be true, I have to make these truths true for me, so that they can be true? (An amusing little concept of bogus “thought” known as a syllogism–a technique typically used to deceive!). The one “absolute truth” certain about this event is that our highly trained regges will be standing by to meet all of our organization’s, sorry, all of the attendees’ needs!
Truth is highly overrated as a solution. No on uses an erasure for ever do they? The ultimate paradox!
Now… where’s that chicken, I just found an egg. I have a question for it.
The movie about Hogan: Auto Focus. What a screwed up story. His son was a shock-jock radio guy for a brief time. He boasted about his father’s.
..uh… Well. let’s just say he boasted about his father….BLECK.
You must look up Bob Crane, the actor who played Hogan. His son Scott made an internet porn site from Hogan’s amateur videos from the 70s. Crane was murdered in a hotel room, beaten with a camera tripod. There was a B movie about Bob Crane. Look this guy up! It’s priceless that he is on a Scitol gig poster!
That “final 150” is photoshopped, examine it closely with a pixel editor, it’s a fake. You can tell in the gross just by noting that every head is visible. The idiot criminal that created the fake photo is an idiot.
Yes, my favorite in the 150 photo. Is the woman on the far right hand side (near the top of the group) with a hand growing out the top of her head.
“I chose to disagree with the reality , I Create my own reality!”
Reminds be of the guy in “The Men Who Stare at Goats” who runs face first into the wall because he chose to disagree with the solidity of the wall
Sounds strangely like McSlappy
“It may be you can change a person’s point of view educationally to such a degree that they do an enormous leap up the Tone Scale.” Brilliant quote from the “research” of a brilliant thetan!
Scientology would lose its few remaining adherent if they were to ever stop and ponder how self-referential its claims really are. Self-referential because all of the claims that Hubbard made about the objective and verifiable results of becoming “clear” or “OT” have failed so spectacularly–for Hubbard himself as well as anyone who has followed his “tech.” So “self-referential” is the only kind of “result” the “tech” can produce.
The claim about the Tone Scale will sound impressive–until you realize that the Tone Scale is a metric not of objective results but simply of Hubbard’s own invention. Promoting an infallible method for reaching a dubious result is like saying: “We can ‘educate’ you how by smearing yourself with feces you will achieve the result of being covered in feces.” However, even this “education” would be preferable to scientology: Unlike the “tech,” it produces an objectively verifiable result.
“Prosperity through effective Internet Marketing!” Gotta love the irony in this! Scientology markets itself so effectively on the internet that it has to severely discipline, expel and disconnect from its own base if they do the unthinkably suppressive, namely go out on the internet and look up “scientology” in a search engine!
So if you want to hemorrhage customers and become the laughing stock of your industry, apply scienology’s “tech.” The results will be epic!
Yeah, it’s like to ask a scientologist, “how’s your google today?” will result in a horrified stare, they just know you’re carrying a wire.
From time in the Cult you learn the game behind the game that’s behind
the game , behind the game your not supposed to know. ( rhymes with honey, mmmmmm)
Hi Jose Chung,Your post is just what I needed… Love,Ann.
“It may be you can change a person’s point of view educationally to such a degree that they do an enormous leap up the Tone Scale.” L Ron Hubbard
Now that is a true statement.
I can’t tell you how many people, including myself, who came up the tone scale big-time when they got a good education on what miscavige is really up to. Epic gains in well-being as people discover what a scam the IAS is. Monumental strides toward full self determinism and the ability to think for oneself with the revelations in the Truth Rundown Series. From apathy through anger up to cheerful ridicule of obvious lies being told by executives and staff of various Co$ facilities.
Couldn’t agree with Hubbard more on this one
Great post! I know I move higher up on the tone scale each day reading this blog lol.
Happens every time you take a thetan out of a turd, oh sorry, mass I meant to say.
Beautifully said and true, thank you, LDW! I came WAY uptone when I realized these things. I felt relieved and light of heart after confronting what was really there as opposed to what I had assumed was there because of all I had been told. Once I was able to admit that I had been a gullible, fatuous fool, once I came to terms with that, it all lifted, and I felt SO much better. And my whole life improved, especially work. Maybe I should write a Success Story and send it off to Int. 🙂
Haha Aqua, maybe if you did it would help the person reading it at int! 😉
LDW, beautifully stated!
“In Preparation for my January 2015 trip to ASHO for NED, I chose to disagree with the reality of MEST and my reactive mind. Seriously disagree. My husband and I became Patrons of the IAS. I create my reality”
Well Dr. Dawn, if you think that is going to save you from the vultures at Pac you are going to have a serious reality adjustment. You just painted a target on your head. For heaven’s sake, you are an M.D., they know you can dig deeper……… much deeper
Dr. Dawn disagrees with her reactive mind and becomes a Patron of the IAS. Is this what the CoS is trying to get people to believe – that their reactive mind is stopping them from becoming a Patron? Since they published this “success story”, apparently that is the case (no pun intended).
Ultimate sales gimmick, disagree with your reactive mind.
How about lets see the books first , where does the money go ?.
” Is this what the CoS is trying to get people to believe – that their reactive mind is stopping them …”
That is absolutely the CASE Pepper. It has been that way for years. Anything you might choose to do other than blindly follow what regges and cult leadership say you should do ……….. IS CASE. YOU are owned by your reactive mind.
If you are above clear, it is one of those pesky BTs having their way with you. Translated, You need to buy more auditing and get rid of the BTs.
Still don’t feel like doing a Putrid Meritorious, you need sec checking or re do the do-do called Survival Rundown or perhaps the PTS/SP course and find your MU!!!!
Newcomer, I want to know why BT’s have it so easy. They get cleared by us in auditing and then freed to go off and do whatever they want to do. We, having our bodies, have to keep slogging on with auditing and clearing more and more BT’s. Doesn’t seem fair- or logical.
Really good point Pepper! The lousy little bastards don’t even have to buy an IAS membership and they get to be clear. It’s a god damned travesty.
Yo Dave,
Next time you get one of those past life clears showing up you had better make sure they get invoiced for a frickin freeloader debt by god.
And I at least want some sort of commendation in all auditors files. Date locate the point where the dude was audited to clear and ask he/she/it who the auditor was. Certainly your new Whorehouse Ate Meters are up to the task. get on it good buddy. There’s revenue to be harvested there for sure.
LOL, Newcomer 🙂
I recall when “Its just your reactive mind” was the argument used to against public to convince them they should go into debt to buy their Bridge. Now, “its your reactive mind” when you don’t bankrupt yourself for the IAS and Idle Morgues. So glad I’m not there! Thank you, God.
I think I finally understand what the “reactive mind” actually is.
It’s that little voice we wogs call “reason”. I’m very happy to say that I am most often in complete agreement with it.
Hi Mike,Let us see,I will start with the chili cook-off.Being next door to Texas,where they make a mean chili,Baton Rouge’s might give the chili eaters who are still in a real blast of heat! And you got me laughing with “the studio where Ron penned that immortal classic,blockbuster serial The Secret of Treasure Island,right up there with Revolting In The Stars.” Boy can’t wait for the roll out of that studio,what a piece of work! Moneywinds keeps limping along that old old girl tries so hard, too much water under her hull! And all the promo pieces for those singers and Sucess stories that ring so hollow now.We are making progress and laughter is the best medicine I know.Love U 2.Ann.
Hi Ann, “The Secret of Treasure Island” is so secret I never heard of it but I looked it up on the imdb and Hubbard shares writing credits with THREE other guys! The film is rated a disastrous 4.6. “Plan 9 FromOuter Space” once famous for being the worst movie ever made is rated 4.0. I’m afraid that prestigious title has been robbed from it by “Battlefield Earth” with an unheard of rating of 2.4!!! It’s a good thing Hubbard went on to create the highest knowledge known to man because as a film writer he would have ended up living his life in hiding! 🙂
Hi Roger Hornaday, A great post and yes that Secret of Treasure Island was an instant classic to the circular file.Looking back at the piece on the new studio and reading again the quote about this incredible bit of film,I do not know how the slave writing that could keep a straight face!But least I forget I loved Old Doc Methuselah,Slaves of Sleep,and Death’s Deputy.Now I see them quite differently.However the Battlefield entire series,was for the back of the granola box.XO Ann.
“It’s a good thing Hubbard went on to create the highest knowledge known to man because as a film writer he would have ended up living his life in hiding! :-)”
LOL! that’s where he ended up anyway, Roger.
Haha Ann, ypu are definitely on the right track – chili, laughter and progress! 😉
Hi Observinginsandiego, Thank you!!XO, Ann.
Who other than a complete newbie won’t know that the ‘briefing’ is the Tampa strategy to increase their staff numbers? Most old time public have been to these events: they call a few shills up on stage then start demanding “who’s next?” When the flow of gullible idiots drys up they then start double teaming those too foolish to have made an early exit.
…but only if they can get past the guards at the door or the OSA/MAA agents taking names of those who left early and are willing to go thru a self-paid sec check as to their overts (easily demonstrated by their CI).
Wow, Mary! That sounds like the Gestapo. Only worse….
Yea. The Gustapo. Very similar groups.
Except the gestapo is somewhat nicer and more affable!
Wow. I guess all of the above is simply a manifestation of what happens after 65 years of promising people that they will get blue white diamonds for their money and instead, delivering a plastic toy that belongs in a box of Cracker Jack’s.
Well, I’m not much into blue white diamonds, but, I sure would like the plastic toy! Think you can arrange that for me, John?
John, I would also like said plastic toy OSD is referencing. If he gets one we all should, it’s only fair…
Absolutely! It’s only fair….
Let me get this straight….a person gives a win from SRD that they now know they can be out of PT with specific things and ideas? The SRD promo says we are 75% out of PT? Since when was it so hard to know when one is out of PT? You walk into a wall….you’re out of Pt….you lost your keys…you’re out of PT… forget about water boiling on the stove….you are out of PT. How many people do those things and realize they were not in present time never having done the SRD? Now I know why OT’s misplace their keys, lose birds, can’t find parking spots…they are out of PT…..Wow I thought OT’s were always in PT! So in order to be really OT, one needs to do the SRD. And by the way it is not hard to tell the COS and Miscavige are completely out of PT….at least when it comes to that media building.
I wonder if you have to wear a tux and show your valid IAS card to get into the Winteregg bash?
Hogan’s Heroes….really?? The only connection to Hogan’s Heroes and members of the COS….”I Know Nothing”.
Hey guys it is baseball playoff/world series time…..those rally’s need to be between innings.
In or out of PT at will. That explains “Cause Over Matter, Energy, Space and Time.”
Wow! After seeing that list of being out of PT, I realize just how out PT I am! I surprised I can even type this! I feel that……………………………….Oh, sorry! I fell asleep.
It’s called boil off. You know, a tea party. One lump or two?
‘Boil off.’ Yep! Been der, done dat, bought a T-shirt…
Wow, Boil off. The running out of pain and unconchedness according to the great big Theaten. More like being put into a trance due to the repetitive and fucking boring command given by the unknowing hypnotist (auditor). Yea I fell for it. Shame on me.
” The SRD promo says we are 75% out of PT?”
Still ins and staffers are 100% .
Hogan’s Heroes….really?? The only connection to Hogan’s Heroes and members of the COS….”I Know Nothing”.
Not quite the only connection. There’s that thing about homo novis being a race that’s superior to mere “homo sap/wog/raw meat.”
If only there were tunnels to get people out of the Hole.
Hi GTsix, Yes,I agree with your post. Would if it were true.The Hole is definitely not my idea of happiness! Love,Ann.
The cry of a hard-core solipsist: Disagree with reality! Create your own reality!
Good god. Do these people ever listen to themselves? Anyone over the age of 6 should understand the difference between the real world and their own desires.
Ahhh Scientology, your geography is almost as bad as your spelling usually is. It seems that whoever put the pins on the “Anotomy of a Staff Member” map has their 47 perceptics out of whack.
Austin looks as if it is Southeast of San Antonio.
Battle Creek is next to South Bend.
Seattle is on the State line with Oregon.
Boston is in Connecticut
ASHO is in Yuma, AZ.
Flag looks about right though.
“Scientology: 1/6 of the time it works everytime!”
You mean to tell me all of these Idle Morgues are, in fact, NOT where they should be? Won’t everyone get lost trying to find them? I mean, ASHO is now in Yuma? That’s going to be a very tough city to Clear!
Good catch. Reminds me of past promo that said Scientology is established and expanding on all continents. Really? Antarctica, too? Or how the Western US is a “continent.” It is both funny and sad.
Real estate speculation maybe?
Haha I yawn, you always make me laugh. And Fotf you as well. Obviously too much time word clearing and not enough time spent on geography. Oh well, I love this continent I live on (you know, California).
It hurts to see that Alden is a Harvard graduate who, if he ever escapes (unlikely because both his daughters are in Sea Org) would have to rely on carpentry, which he honestly hasn’t done in years to,support himself. That’s a sad anatomy.
Maybe I need to make a strong pot of tea to wake up because I am puzzled by Alden’s staff ad. His processing level is Grade 0, yet he’s auditor trained X3! to Class IV (GAT) and NED (pre-GAT). Someone who has trained X3 should be higher processed than a Grade 0. Many people do the training to co-audit to Clear, yet after training to Class IV and NED, pre-GAT and then GAT, he’s a Grade 0? Something’s not connecting.
Then again, if Alden is a Staff member, (and it doesn’t say how long), this is a good illustration of how staff members are cared for, and how they ‘move up the bridge.’
Hi Valerie,Thank you for your post.Coming from generations of Harvard grads,I was not amoung the bunch,I can say I would rather be with a carpenter who loved and cherished me,than be with a Harvard grad who looks in the mirror every ten seconds to see if any brain cells got away from them during their last sentence.Laughter,Ann.
“Receive a once-in-a-lifetime briefing”? Oh, if only!
Seriously. Funny.
I know, huh? Don’t we get, on average, about 12 Once-in-a-Lifetime Briefings every week? Man, that’s a lot of lifetimes….
A lifetime is 15 years according to the law. Does that help the math?
it’s all those past lifetimes catching up with you! you may have been Caesar in a past life (and isn’t it interesting how everyone is a well known historical figure in their past lives? how many people were just a random guy 1000 years ago?) but you clearly were missing out on this fabulous knowledge, COS has got you covered for the past trillion years of lifetimes!
I find it interesting that the ’93 Event is becoming a must see – again – for those still in. Couple this with the obvious instructions given to Mr. Lister to burst-out at the theater screening last Friday night of how the church pays more taxes than anyone else in that room. There seems to be an assertion going on about the church (david miscavige) and taxes. I smell concern about losing 501c3 status.
I have a vision of david miscavige crying to a handful of remaining sheeple (arms folded around their chests) of how victimized He and the church had become by lying religious bigots and bitter apostates and that is the only reason they lost 501c3 status.
They seem to be mutating “a large taxpayer” into “the largest taxpayer”. The last ranking that I saw had them as third largest.
For many years, they weren’t paying the various taxes for hotel rooms, restaurants, etc until the SP Times asked the county about it in 2010.
I’m sure there was a lot of screaming and raging behind the scenes over that, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it. Now they probably feel some kind of entitlement for paying their taxes just like everyone else.
They may even be the largest taxpayer.
They are ALSO the largest NON-taxpayer. By an enormous margin. They own more property they DONT pay taxes on than anyone else.
Me thinks they protest too much….
And the flip-side of being largest taxpayer is being the largest sinkhole of municipal resources.
Announcing that the Win over the IRS video will be shown at every single org, mission and group on Teegeeack for the 350th time. We expect you to be there!
They just can’t get enough of the funky stuff…
“Play it again Sam…”
“Of all the gin joints, she picks mine…” oh, sorry getting carried away.
I Yawn, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
And he never said, “Play it again Sam.” As Sam was reluctant to play because of the memories it would bring back to his boss, Bogart’s character said, “Play it Sam!”
Your welcome.
Hi OSD, When I get down I read your post and I laugh.You know why I always thought that movie was Play It Again Sam ? Oh OSD you are ripping the fabric of the Veil But I will always love your light.XO Ann
… that’s the sound of a burst bubble.
You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss, a smile is still a smile….
I’m still on Bogy mode….
(damn wog education)
oh man, his fury will know no bounds if they lose 501c3. that may be the actual breaking point where he starts killing people. Scary stuff.
oh man, his fury will know no bounds if they lose 501c3. that may be the actual breaking point where he starts killing people. Scary stuff
I see the promo piece for Scientology Media Productions still says “grand opening scheduled for this summer.” Um, it’s October, folks.
I know Dave has got more pressing things to worry about, what with the whole Scientology universe imploding around him — but really, he seems to have forgotten this project altogether. I’m guessing the studio was ready to open more or less on schedule, but nobody had gotten up the courage to tell Dave he couldn’t just flip and switch and have his TV channel picked up by every major cable provider (which was actually promised in an earlier mailer) or start beaming out a radio station to the world. This whole thing would be a significant embarrassment if anybody was paying attention.
Just in time to run commercials for Leah’s book — TROUBLEMAKER
Oh! Now you’re just bullying them, Jose! Good for you!
And Tom Cruise is moving to Florida. Oh well, forget it then!
Florida? is that right… I’ll be damned. Cape Canaveral I hope, he needs a blast!
Florida can have TC, while we are at it they can have Donald trump, Ted Cruz and dm. We can then give the state of Florida back to the Seminole Indians and let them handle it. We will take dolphins and white sand beaches in exchange. Let’s get this set up.
Anyone currently living in Florida can move to a destination of their choice, paid for by DM’s slush fund.
Are you saying we aren’t ‘Anybody’? We are paying attention.
And I suspect that the cable providers are paying attention too. They’ll know about Going Clear, and it will have an impact on their willingness to carry the 24/7 Scientology channel.
Now what? A golden age of chili?
Do you really believe they’d come to re re re re re re …….. Watch the movie. Gotta have something to draw them in, chili is just beans in nicer clothes IMHO. *shudder*
Hi Valerie,I kill the beans with mucho hot sauce! Gets them everytime!Where was that condiment in the Sea Org?Would have killed the mold! Ann.
It says bring your recipe, not actual chili.
I believe it was turned into a reading club. For some reason, they like to read recipes….
don’t forget the phone book… the choice of champions for a light read before Thursday 2.
Holy shit! I just looked at my watch and it’s 3:07pm! I wonder how the deadline went?
Oh dear, how VERY pathetic: the Tampa Morgue’s up to its old Photoshopping tricks *again*. They’re presumably working on the Goebbels principle of repeatedly telling whoppers, in the forlorn hope it’ll fool more people. Here’s an example from May last year:
Funny! Another good post Mike.
Saddest fact: “Both of Alden’s daughters are in the Sea Org.” It also states that one of his favorite hobbies is to read. I bet he reads only pro-Scientology books, though. That English degree from Harvard sure isn’t doing him any good.
Staff member for 32 years and still on Grade 0? That says all about the total lack of organisation and how staff members are just peons to be used as slave labour. Total lack of care for people, total lack of spirituality.
What bona fide church organises business seminars? None, only the Cult of Greed.
He’s been married for 32 years and in Scientology since 1971 or 44 years.
Alex, you mean it takes longer than 32 years to complete Grade 0? Whew! Man, I thought it was only me that was lagging! I’ve been on it for 40 years. Glad to know I’m not alone….
“Plenty of room at the Hotel California… you can check in but you can never leave…”
“May the force always be with you,” the Cof$ got that one right too.
Actually, I Yawn, with the cultist’s it’s “May the Farce Be With You.”
Yep, like singing when you drive. The words come naturally hey, like, who cares what the artist wrote originally, they just got it wrong in the first place, that’s all. Like the line in Hotel California originally was, “you can check out but you can never leave…”
Aw well, another new day to discover what else you’ve forgotten – ain’t old age grand?
It is, my friend, it truly is grand!
Hi I Yawnalot, I was crying but now I am laughing.More Power to you!Ann.
Alex, before I left there was a staff member in my org who’d been there steadily for 16 years and was only Grade 0. At the time I thought THAT was a severe outpoint. Compared to Alden, this staff member is rocketing up the Bridge.
Oh, that’s nothing, Aqua! I was on Grade 0 for 25 years! Didn’t get a thing out of it!