There are no words…
Schedule an appointment…
…to be part of the greatest movement in history
Acting as a church
This is such a strange promo piece.
Nearly 4% done!!!!!!
This is the model, double SH Size ideal org and their CF filing is 96% backlogged.
Still skateboarding
Wow, this must have REALLY impressed those people at Flag. My win is that I didn’t skateboard on the street where I could have been run over. That seems even more Super Powered to me…
Food, glorious food
News flash. The West was won with chili….
What excites you more? A bowl of corn. Or Jackson Wyan? The bowl of corn gets top billing.
Bookseller bombshell
He sold a book package to “a new public” in India and he is the biggest bookseller in the UK Continent. Says a lot for those ideal orgs in the UK.
Getting ready to start Clearing their area
2 YEARS after GAG II and this ideal org is still waiting to get started. You can hear the news about their “plans”
Really, we are NOT a business
We just act like one…
Student Hat protest
What a wonderful endorsement for re-re-redoing the steps on the Bridge
It’s Just-A-Party
No regging. We promise. (Until we get you here, then all bets are off)
Wise words for the day
Sent in by a Special Correspondent to explain why it is that Miscavige never speaks other than from behind a teleprompter at controlled events.
They have a Clear!
They are on target now for 2 this year! (Doubt she was “made” in LV, they are probably still waiting for their GAG II auditors to get back from Flag)
Fort Harrison Dinner
Bring your own dessert. Wonder if you get silverware?
Secular WISE
Sakhi strikes again. Ask WISE and they will tell you they have NOTHING to do with the Church of Scientology.
Dear Mark,
I am inviting you to the LIVE New Year’s Event 2016. You will be the first to be briefed live by top executives on WORLD CHANGING plans for our future as a movement.
You will hear about expansion in the WISE sector, and of our future expansion, which will be infinite and exponential!
It will be at the Shrine Auditorium, on Sunday, 27 December, 2015. There is a reception at 5 PM, the event starts at 6 PM.
There will be childcare.
Translations will be available for Spanish and Chinese, live through headsets.
Sakhi Guma
Executive Director
WISE Western United States
+1 (323) 953-3310
“Special” briefing
Michael Roberts is coming to town and it is really special, He is going to show you a video of the opening of the “ideal” org in Colombia that everyone has already seen
Oh, maybe not so special, they are showing it at the NY Org too — and it’s monumental.
Oh shit. Really not special at all. These guys are showing it at GRADUATION!
Third personage
Does anyone know if this is really a quote from L. Ron Hubbard speaking about himself in the third person “a group that uses their Commodore’s tech…” If so, unbelievably tacky. If not, unbelievably stupid. Either way, a winner.
Smiling women
The new “food, glorious food” of scientology promotional pieces.
No need for explanations. Their pictures are self-descriptive. What’s with all these out-of-towners?
According to Pasadena they are #1
And what does that say about everywhere else….
My name is Elia. I’m a staff member here at the Pasadena Org.
I wanted to start a comm line with you to see where you’re at on your bridge,
and also to give you some game-changing data about being a staff member nowadays.
Here’s some data specifically about Pasadena Org:
-We are the HIGHEST producing Class V Org on the PLANET right now.
– We have just split into two orgs, just two weeks ago. (Day schedule = 1 org & Foundation
schedule = 1 org in the same building, the two schedules were combined before as we were
operating as one org. We split because we are expanding like crazy.)
-We have a Sea Org mission being directed by very high personnel in Scientology.
-Pasadena is going Saint Hill Size this year.
Our positions are filling up quickly as Pasadena is the best place to join staff and people are
becoming aware of that.
-People are making a living on staff, for example, I make about the same money I would in another career job.
-And other exciting, game changing details that I would have to tell you in person as they are confidential.
Let me know your thoughts on this, I’m awaiting a comm back from you.
Answer me back via e-mail, call or text – 323-861-4818
Thank you
ML, Elia Carillo – PPO Pasadena Day
Hi Mike, I loved the Thurs Funnies. I needed them. Yes the day I joined Sea Org was no ordinary day. In fact I joined on 7/16/74 which will be 7/16/16. Ha ha Ron actually I will celebrate my liberation. I really thought I was honestly going to help the planet and be the thetan you told me I could be. Well now I have cancers and broken promises lying in the dust. And all still ins do not see the game. I do now and it hurts.Love Always, Ann.
Come on Ann. You take care of yourself and we’ll take care of kids still locked up in the prison of belief, ok? Don’t worry, no fake church can survive in today’s world and thank scientology for making the point clear. Just kick back and enjoy the bonfire…
So come back and tell us soon how you are fighting the cancer. We know you are a fighter, so tell us about it. Alright. What does 7/16/16 mean? Run that by me again, seems to me you should be celebrating liberation right this very now. The Church of Scientology would be a horrible place to die. love Mark ps You’re right we could use some humor around here, huh? Two cancers go walking into a bar and one says hey this bar is full of free radicals. But the other one says hey its ok, I know this lady, Ann? and she said without a doubt this was the only place in town. So they went inside and died, just like that, ha.
[Thirteen miracles and I didn’t even have a car.
Or water and I didn’t care,
-which makes it fourteen. Good day on the beach but now I really need to write…]
It’s they first thing they do. They isolate you.
Check out the forms they have you sign.
But before that, as a belief system, they get you alone.
They begin by isolating the vulnerability. You know, the thing all humans have, batting around in their consciousness-es, and presto, we have the cause and effect, creation of the scn Personality Test. And, they make it entirely personal. Which is not the word they use. Instead they tell you the First Big Lie.
“We have the answer for that.”
Now you sign, right here. And here, please. Yes, you must, we do not fool around around here. And they go on and on about how powerful you are, yes yes yes.
And on the other side of the bubble… well prying eyes are discouraged, to put it deceitfully mild. But Time magazine published a scathing article then spent millions legally defending itself until it was decided years later in the Supreme Court (by memory I say all this, being lazy at the moment) My point is this, yes, it is just a bubble, thing of imagination, but it is also a solid, fortified and reinforced again mental trap. Let me tell you the horror story of mind manipulation and the various ingenious ways to destroy a persons’ identity…another time.
My point to Pat was trying to say let’s not say hateful things to posters here.
I do think of the oppressed inside. I imagine myself as the first person he, the isolated scientologist, might be speaking to in a very private and personal way, a man quite forbidden to speak outside the bubble at all – for once doing so with me. What would I say? Hopefully, I’d be armed with a few bullets, like this essay on Isolation, the other one on The Source, and few others all from the realm of critical thought.
To Pat I have to hesitate what to say. Thing is, once one takes pleasure in installing the element of harm upon another person I know he is already lost. This is the point in which it is utterly improper to use proper pronouns at all. The message really is to the whole human race. We need each other. We need to demonstrate to each other that the real enemy is isolation.
That’s my essay. Call it for me just because I do feel better for getting it out. –mm (oh, and I’d like to dedicate it to Ann love always)
The best to you Ann to kick cancer’s ass again!
Take care of yourself.
Another Thursday funny for you to add Mike.
I love it!
It says that when Tommy gets to OT X he’ll be immortal AND will get an extra 60 years. I thought thetans were virtually immortal. Maybe you’re required to not drop your meat body for sixty years?
Imagine how puffy Tom will look in another 60 years……he’ll need a more supportive bra (manzeer, bro) by then as well….
What an awful thought? Supportive bra…ewwwwwwwwwww.
Tom’s brain will out for the duration, unfortunately.
Everything possible has been done for him for too long.
he lost any worth or ability as an executive some time ago.
Now he has lost value as a human being altogether.
Change is possible but I’m afraid the church has squashed the already slim chances,
in his case.
That happens to be the one thing the church is very good at doing,
-cooking up brain-squash.
What does Tom’s mom have to say about her kid? I fear the same damn church has shut her up, too.
Not to do with the funnies here but I was thinking,Tom Cruise was in Minority Report with the thought police. He consciously,participated,engaged in its diffrent meanings,read the script and interperated how his character should change his outlook,thoughts and outward behavior on screen in this film,understood how monitoring humanity’s thoughts can be a oppressive&supressive place to live a total prison. Then sees the ethics department,sec checking the mass of Thought in his CHeRCH and thinks this is going to save man kind? Sick
I just read on internet news that Tom Cruise
will be a Co Chairman of the Board of the RTC with David Miscavige
and they will both be OT 9. Tom is to celebrate with a flight into Space
on Virgin Galactic.
My question is the movie gig going South ?
Not true, but I believe MI-6 will be feature Tom as Ethan Hunt ridding the Int Base of SPs resulting in the expansion of Scientology. Now that’s what I call a real Mission Impossible!
I know that article was tabloid fodder, but it raises an interesting question….. Mike, in your opinion, would you think Miscavige would ever share power with Cruise?
I think it would be more like Miscavige would make Cruise think they were sharing power but eventually there would be a little jealously and a bitch fight
I really don’t believe that the staff positions in Pasadena are filling up fast.
Please don’t take this the wrong way but you should have attributed the poem to it’s original author, Mary Howitt, who wrote “The Spider and the Fly” in the late 1820’s. The poem is an almost uncanny prediction of Scamology.
There’s probably someone standing behind them as they make their speech “politely” reminding them by using the secret cough when they don’t mention the Creep Extraordinaire at least twice. For example:
Two minutes into the speech and no mention of CE.
“…and I’m so pleased that the…”
…that the great and terrific CE is leading us into a new golden…”
This reminds me of a speech I made at Flag Graduation. It had to be approved first. When I got on stage to deliver it, being the natural performer I am, I improvised a little. It was fairly well received, I thought. Afterwards Kay Connelly got all over me for basically being spontaneous. Unfortunately, I was addicted to the kool-aid at the time and of course was shamed into thinking it was my fault.
What a bunch of bullshit this cult perpetrates on well meaning folks. All I can say is lesson learned and fuck you COB!
But did you remember to thank COB?
For what?
On a more serious note McCarran, I believe I had to be reminded as I didn’t see it as relevant.
Kay Connelly. That’s a good one, RLBlindersOFF
True story CeCe.
Jules Fulton, Dissem Sec San Diego Org. Jules and her husband Randy lost their teen age daughter to the cult (went on staff in CMO) and she would sometimes comment that she missed her daughter and never saw her, being recruited SO YOUNG. I’m sure Jules is all about the party line but deep down I think she misses seeing her daughter grow up in a normal life. Jules is trapped knowing she will never see her daughter again if she were to do or say anything other than “go along”. Sad sad sad.
It is sad,sad that she has no maternal instinct to protect her young child especially being a Scientologist and having knowingness. Sorry Katie Holmes did what a mother should do. Letting the sea org take a minor thats a situation that is Entirely momma’s choice. Allowing it knowing the rules of the Cult,then crying about it or giving off energy for others to read is a little to late. Rebuttle I hear a lot;” then the teen hates mom wants to run away for not signing..” Right then Ya say. That’s it!we’re moving and you’re going to warped tour here’s a bad religion cd.
I was at the SD org for 7 years and never knew the Fulton’s had a daughter. Sad.
Graham Payne – another non-entity.
“Bring in your favourite dessert to share.” Because we ain’t paying if we can avoid it.
Good god, I am so grateful to be out of this hyperventilating, egotistical and delusional crap.
Thanks Mike for these updates on the implosion of the Kool-aid gulping cult.
Cracking up, here. This study tech success story is beyond belief. I’m sure LRH would be thrilled to know that his study tech had always had a “disorderly, messy room feeling” until Miscavige stepped in and fixed it and made it “neat as a pin”. OMG, somebody help me, please, I’m dying here 🙂
People, just imagine some early Christian in the 4th century proclaiming his thanks to Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicea because Christianity has now gone from being “a disorderly, messy room feeling, to a neat as a pin, only what’s necessary feeling”!
“Like, thanks so much, Pope, for weeding out all those pointless parables, all that boring, confusing crap that Jesus Christ was continually gumming up the works with…thanks so much! I like Christianity now!”
Hi Aquamarine, You are so amazing. Love, Ann.
The thing is, that’s pretty much what happened…
Whole concepts and writings of christianity were made anathema after that, and if you weren’t totally happy and enthusiatic about it you were a heretic…
It’s curious how history repeats itself.
This video seems to explain sheeple mentality.
“I fucked up, thanks Dave.” LRH
Wow! Fatso sent you that message for Davy from Target 2? BlindersOff, you’re getting to be in interstellar celebrity. I’ll park my body somewhere and we can take off.
Sorry… It’s been forever but thought I’d drop by and say hi to all you masochists…:-)
Um… Are they getting crazier or am I now sufficiently sane because this shit is off the charts.
Not skateboarding down an open road is now a super power? So if I don’t stick my hand in the sauce pan to get my boiled egg can I count myself as being superhuman too?
I have no idea how you still do this Mike… You are a legend.
Btw… Fun fact… Anyone seen the Madasgar Penguins movie? How awesome is that they named the villain after Mr. Big Being Sociopath himself. Sucks indeed Davey boy, sucks indeed.
Hi Cris, Good to meet you. Mike is a legend and that is why I intrinsically felt this was the blog for me. Well I liked your take on are you crazier or sufficiently sane because this shit is off the charts. Well,I,was in SO,Asho,F 74-78 I see now we all have super powers but they are not connected or directed by Ron or David now and that is wonderful. Always, Ann.PS This is a pep,talk to keep me positive about my six month cancer check up.
Scilon Graduation is “the place to be” Friday nights in Vegas? A city with some of the biggest stars on the planet and eight different Cirque du Soleil shows running, and Graduation is the place to be? Does the word “chutzpah” come to mind?
Chutzpah is that quality enshrined in a man who after killing both his parents, throws himself at the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan.
Yo Blinders.. I loved this post. It’s so, ah—, the concept is so profoundly outrageous and actually describes some of the victims paraded on the MSM. I’m still laughing and can’t even come up with a good reply.
As someone with a tiny bit of Jewish blood, allow me to say, “Now that’s Chutzpah!”
One of the things these promo pieces are designed to do is create the illusion of Church expansion. But let’s look at some real verifiable numbers. According to Alexa global/local traffic rankings, the actual picture shows numbers so miniscule as to be virtually non-existence. Online marketers call this oblivion.
Accessed today, 11-19-15:
Phoenix: 17,999,294/no data; Tampa: 16,977,213/no data; Bogata: 3,820,342/no data.
And here comes the punchline: The so-called “highest producing class V org on the planet” has numbers no better than the others listed above. Pasadena: 12,311,304/no data.
Note the most significant aspect of these stats: All of these orgs get so little local traffic that it doesn’t even register on Alexa’s system. I’d love to see their Google Analytics numbers. That would be a good laugh.
The real stat is cubic centimeters of hot air.
That stat must be in Super Affluence!
Heat rises.
These fliers are a a festival of funny farm family fantasies.
Never ever saw that “Commodore’s tech” quote – someone made that up. In Florida the laws and penalties for senior abuse – including financial abuse – got tougher this year with some real teeth. For some reason, many of these fliers reminded me of this fact.
New Year’s Eve is still Dec 31 last time I checked – does this mean scientology is not in present time? Nothing says fun New Year’s Eve like “business awards”. When you have to scribble “No really, it’s just a party” on a party invitation, what more do you need to know to hide? Speaking of hiding away, to this day, every time I see even a mention of CF party – I have this strong urge to run away and hide in the closet or fake some PTS condition, preferably something extremely contagious.
Last but not least, thanks for the reminder why, even in a bad year, I always have something to be thankful for each Thanksgiving at the dinner table. I also make the same wish every year – everyone back home for the holidays. Every. Last. One.
“Funny farm family fantasies.” Nice alliteration and great comment, THDNE.
“By grooming and brooming and using the hive, only prosperity can result” Yep, Sounds right if you’re a bee.
The Sea Borg have been turned into sexless drones, so maybe the comparison is more apt than you think.
Hi Espiando, Love Ann.?
EP is bee-ing there.
re the Sea Org recruitment piece.
I sure don’t recognize the quote.
It doesn’t read like LRH. He could write some tortured sentences but at least there was some flow to them.
This one almost seems written by someone for whom English is a second language.
My guess is that someone else wrote it, tried to make it sound Hubbard-like and then cut and pasted a signature.
Every flier they put out could be used as the basis for a Saturday Night Live skit.
They’d never run out of material. The cult is, almost, as funny as SNL.
I am REALLY convinced about OT powers after reading the skateboard incident. Also, I wonder HOW MUCH those Pasadena Org workers are clearing each week. “People are making a living on staff, for example, I make about the same money I would in another career job.” About the same money-maybe only about 500 or so less per week.
The staff pay is a total lie.
Maybe they had a big IAS payment one week or a someone ante’d up to ship a ton of books to North Korea and so their staff pay had commissions added and they made $250 that week (most of these people are so out of touch with reality they don’t even KNOW what a “wog” job pays, probably joined staff from Delphi, still live with their parents and think $250/week is a windfall).
I was hit up for $10,000. by Louis Swartz because the Org could not make payroll.
That means no pay for staff not even a penny, this is the new normal.
Not being able to make payroll is the worst reason to prop up an org
what they should do is discover the real why they are bankrupt and
produce products not stew around in small groups making up bogus
reasons for all the public running away.
It’s hard selling buggy whips today – seems like a very niche market. Plus, what’s the deal with payroll – hasn’t been a problem before.
Jose, I don’t remember SFO having to “make payroll.” In 1971 or 72, we once went two months with no pay at all. Other times I usually got less than $15 a week. Big Lou was just “working you” tor the moolah. I liked Louis, but when he was HES, he never established his area so that he could personally reg and get a the commish himself. And of course he continued his financial crimes for decades in the SO. Not to mention his loathesome spawn. Has Louis retired yet?
Mike, you mean $250 is NOT a windfall? Man, I’m a lot poorer than I thought….
That’s 250 peso’s, err an IOU for 250 peso’s
So true. When I was on staff, I was one of the highest paid staff members because I was an executive AND because I was more trained than any other executive. The highest I saw in the years I spent there was around $250 and it was from a donation some public made around Christmas which went straight into staff pay. Since that time, I have had friends (roommates) who were on staff and I would see their DVs from Treasury AFTER the org “went ideal” (with Chairman of the Borg making his opulent ribbon cutting appearance), and the staff pay was still abysmal. Like $15 a week or less, basically not even enough to get to the org because of the cost of gas. They were paid less than most SO members but not with the added benefit of a mess hall or free birthing.
Michael, it was that way when I was on staff in Hawai’i. The most I made for one week was $100. And I thought that was a small fortune! Many weeks, we received NOTHING. Someone who lived close to the org would make chili so we’d have something to eat. Driving through the heart of Waikiki (where I used to live) while on staff only depressed me.
Mike, you’re wrong. When I was in the Sea Org we made $1500 a week and that was when our stats were down. I well remember a Christmas bonus of $12,000 for all the staff. Good times were had by all. I only left because of a PTS sit with one of my ex-wives, otherwise I’d still be in. Why would you report otherwise?
You are such a trooper, Blinders!
Regarding the skateboard incident…
Only in the CO$ would common sense be considered a super power.
Well…they say common sense is not that common. So I guess they would call it a super power…
Uhm, what “career job” (does that mean a real, useful job that demands, you know, actual skills ?) pays less than working part time at McDonald’s ?
I’d like to know in case my nephews ask me for career advice. I want to be able to tell them what to avoid.
Upstat casual?
As a surfer, my ‘upstat casual’ would be my swimming trunks along with a Hawaiian shirt and my ‘nice’ flip flops. I’d fit in, wouldn’t I?
Hi OSD, I love you. I lived two years in Honolulu and two years in Hilo where we had an orchid house.I would wake up at 6:00 am and go dance in the orchid house with my giant brindle boxer Joe-Joe my cat Po elli elli and my Minah bird Mica. I had a charmed life in the islands. I spoke Hawaiian, Chinese , Japanese, because we had baby sitters etc when I went there at six months..Left at almost five when my nutty mother got homesick for Boston, Mass. Crazy, Love Always, Ann.
My family settled in Hilo in 1890. It was so rural that in 1894 they sailed over to Honolulu. Although my Aunt made us learn all the everyday words we spoke in English in Hawaiian. But, I couldn’t actually speak the language. I’m impressed with you language skills. Hai, domo!
Laughter! I was gonna post the same thing. What the hell is “upstat casual”??
Don’t these people get tired of using words like “infinite” and “exponential”? It’s nauseating.
And, “pirates of purpose”? Christ, how cheesy can you get?
Just love how they’re forced to mention COB in every single “success story”. Gag me.
Tux and sneakers.
Oh! Don’t even whisper about someone not mentioning Corn on the COB! The avalanche of trouble would come crashing down on that person! Not mentioning COB is like not loving your family. You’d be an outcast. Forever to wander that 500 acre prison near Hemet, wondering how he got there…
“We in Scientology Las Vegas are like, really hip and on the cutting edge of the 21st century epic milestones. We can even Clear somebody who has tattoos and stuff.”
No shit, John? “You can actually even Clear somebody who has tattoos and stuff. Man, I thought tattoos were body thetans trying to escape through the persons skin! I’d get the chills just seeing a tattoo.
Better top stay on script and be thought of as a fool, than to go off script and remove all doubt.
East us leadership conference should form a music group : Graham and the Dans. Too bad they couldn’t find a Dan to lead the conference.
At first glance, I thought the guy on the rocket was Marty Rathbun.
Me too! 🙂
Glad it wasn’t just me.
Yes, I thought it was a shoop of Marty on that thing!
“People are making a living on staff, for example, I make about the same money I would in another career job.”
That’s Elia Carillo who places no value on her credibility.
It might be true. Perhaps the alternative career she has in mind is sitting around watching Gilligan’s Island re-runs. That pays crap.
hgc10 thank you for my first real laugh of the day 🙂 lol.. that was funny.
Hey! Watch it, hgc10! I love sitting around watching Gilligan’s Island reruns! I live in the past…
“This is a tale of our castaways, they’re here for a long, long time…”
I like the way you prioritise your time OSD. It aligns with all things good.
Oh, that Mary Ann was hot!
Hotter than griddle on a campfire…
I call bullshit on that. The same money as wog job? What job, even McDonalds pays better than the clampire.
What is a PPO? The clam acronyms are getting more confusing.
Pope Police Officer.
Purple Prose Obfuscator
Personel Procurement Officer
Div One/Department One
I don’t know…”Potential Prick Oncoming? Hey, I gave it a shot…
Postmortem Posterior Orifice.
I like it!
Right. Another career job in a Guatamalan sneaker factory. Oh, wait…on second thought, I think you’d make better money in Guatamala. At least you’d get a day off.
The local paper should publish the names and faces of those big donation guys and gals – I’m betting they owe money to people and are gleefully justifying it as “greatest good” behavior saving the planet.
I stopped going to events (well tried to avoid them as much as I could) in the 90’s. The shark tanks outside of the event doors scared me, the constant “hip hip hooray”, the up and down in the seats standing ovations for stupid accomplishments…and everyone watching everyone else and their behavior to write KRs on those NOT standing up and sitting down got super old fast.
Who has time to watch a presentation of a building?
That skateboard win was the best though. I don’t know how many times I was sent to ethics because I just did not want to pay for auditing. I just wasn’t interested and there was no “explanation” other than I thought it was BS that people were better than other people just because they “realized” something – then got a certificate. Big whoop.
Again, if all of that money were to be poured into helping animals (who give more long-lasting therapy than the lowest level of scientology auditing) we would have a happier planet.
Or how about giving it to the men and women serving in the military? And our civic servants (police, fire, swat, sheriff – people actually willing to put their lives on the line to protect our neighborhoods)?
Surrounding churches should know about the food events and send the hungry and homeless to attend every single one of those events.
Toot, that is a fantastic idea! I know of a homeless shelter quite near my old org. Their events are about to get a lot more crowded. Buuaaahaha….
Oh what a sad day.
I remember Graham Payne. He was DofT briefly at Sydney Foundation, oh gee… the mid 80s maybe. He was a real ball of energy – he routed off staff and disappeared. I then heard he was squireling with admin tech using Repair of Past Ethics conditions in handling business people in Australia. Apparently he got it very well organised and grooved in pretty slick and as nice as you please. He basically audited business people’s losses on money lines so they say, pretty clever really.
Then he vanished to the US with his tech. He wasn’t too bad a person, he just loved, I mean… he LOVED money!
To see he’s on Cof$ lines is sad for me, I thought he had better sense than that, aw well.. another victim another dollar. He’s now joined or remained in the rip off team extraordinaire and sold his soul. If he’s in the Cof$, he’s in it for the $, nothing else. I guarantee he’s skimming behind their backs, birds of a feather I suppose. He would make and apparently is a confidence trickster of rare quality, a real Mr Flim Flam.
Take a bow Graham… your money God loves you and has put you in good company. It’s all downhill for you buddy, enjoy the ride.
Boy, how do you think with someone clever enough to rip off scientology from within, that would be like selling hair clippers to the Nazis. I betcha he never lets himself be put of the cans or goes up their bridge to doom and gloom.
It always strikes me how they thank COB in their graduation testimonies. I don’t remember anyone doing this when I was in. Mike, do you think ‘still ins’ know about his violent nature?
The ladies Student Hat success story reminded me of my GAG 1 Pro Metering Course. It was FUCKING AWFUL. Student Hat was awful too. When your ‘in’ you can’t see it’s awful because Ron was a charismatic, persuasive LUNATIC. I think the Basic Study Manual contained most of the value of study tech. When I first got involved with Scientology all I wanted was the Basic Study Manual and Book One Co Audit. But I allowed my will to be subjugated and I was convinced to become a Ronbot. Looking back my instinct was right. God I wish I could have a do over!
Good People, I believe it’s a REQUIREMENT to thank Der Dwarfen Fuhrer every time you’re giving a success story. (As in “Don’t forget to thank COB!!!.”).
And, Good People, since we can’t go back and have a do over, living well is the best revenge. I learned that while on staff in Hawai’i. I mean, when you finally left, didn’t you feel elation? The first thing I did when I left staff was go surfing at Waikiki Beach. Freedom never tasted so good!
You’re out, Good People. You have your life back! Enjoy!
I’m gonna hafta flunk you on the proper spelling and address to COB.
I was corrected on this by someone else, so I have to turn around and do unto others what was done unto me.
Hurt people hurt people.
It’s “Dwarfenführur”.
The “Der” was a nice touch, though.
Once again (get used to it!), I stand corrected! Folks, my post is not accurate. The correct name is: Dwarfenfuhrur (And no! I don’t know how to put the little dots over the ‘u.’ Get over it!). However, I do thank you for the props as well as the lesson. I am wiser for it…
Thanks OSD for the positive words. God bless ya.
Always my pleasure, Good People, Peace and Blessings to your family as well! May 2016 be your best year yet!
I liked the rocket truck too…..and the guy wearing a carhart jacket holding up his wrench. Kinda reminds me of Slim Pickens riding the bomb in the Dr. Stangelove movie. Ole Kyle might end up in the same situation if he keeps giving money for nothing.
Remember folks all Scientologists must ACT like Scn is a religion.
And of course we all know Michael Roberts is an actor who works for money. His most famous role??….workings as an FSM in the ongoing drama of the IAS.
Exactly! Major T.J. “King” Kong, commanding a SAC bomber, goes toe-to-toe in nukular combat with the Ruskies.
Ech… not just Jackson Wayans in the Twin Cities, but using the ‘Papyrus’ font—second only to Comic Sans in the cliché-stakes—to advertise his begging-banquet. How corny (pun intended).
I think I’ll order a Minneapolis style pizza on Saturday.
Oh, I forgot…
Hi Leslie Bates, I really like your posts and pizza too. In the Sra Org Asho F when we occasionally got that for mid rats by a paying public we thought we had died and gone to the light. We were that hungry. Love, Ann,
Hi Leslie Bates, Spell -kill The Sea Org I meant. Ann.
Hello Ann, There’s at least three places that do Minneapolis style pizza and two of them are here:
NO Money Thermometers ?
The COB must be stoned to the gills or busy
skiing down mountains of cash in his Int. Base Money vault.
This line from Elia in Pasadena says it all, “-People are making a living on staff, for example, I make about the same money I would in another career job”
“ABOUT” the same money? Is that a dollar less per hour than minimum wage? Is that $1000 less a month? Or what we all know, NOTHING and just a total lie.
How about “career job”? Wth is that anyway? Being an adult he should know the difference between a career and a job by now. Career job sounds like something a 12yr old would say.
Jane, I’m going with nothing and it is a total lie. This come on is just to get you to sign a 2 1/2 or 5 year contact. Where you’re required to give up some of your constitutional rights. And if you leave because of the lack of money, you’re an instant slim ball.
Elia, I believe I’ll pass. Been there. Done that. Bought a T-shirt.
Same money as a career job?!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!. NO ONE ON STAFF makes a real living. NO ONE. TOTAL BS. This is one of the INCREDIBLY STUPID LIES we’re asked to believe AND once indoctrinated we justify REAL POVERTY while working for the cult. Real poverty means no medical care, no dental care, no new clothes, no new shoes, and living with lots of dirty people.
Pardon my mapotherism, but I read the name of the Vegas woman with the sleeve tat as ‘Erica Flake’, which seemed to fit.
Also, its nice to see how well them pirates is doing in New Mexico. What un-tapped potential and room to grow! 38 adults (sic). That’s 0.007% of the population of the town, 0.002% of the state. Oh, wait! That’s called ‘statistically insignificant’.
Screw them. Screw hubbard. Screw DLHDM. Screw the cult.
Most don’t screw, it’s out 2D.
Especially if it’s just you doing it to….well….you.
And what’s wrong with flow 0?
Some of the most remarkable things occur when one is alone – think about it? – there… you see? Lots of memories…
More memories than I can count, I Yawn!
I’ve got to hand it to you guys!
Had an ugly drunk, bikie tell me once, “women are OK but nothing like the real thing.”
I don’t get the cult’s pirate obsession. Pirates were thieves, cutthroats and…um, never mind.
David Miscavige is Long John Silver.
Close, but not quite. David Miscavige is an assistant shift manager at a Long John Silver’s.
More probably the parrot.
I don’t think there’s anything LONG about Davy boy….
How about his speeches?
Aaaaarrrgggggg, but tis amateurs we be dealing with, lassie! Des are second rate Pirates! Not like da Pirates that haunt dis blog and who shreds the cult to pieces on a daily basis. No. Dey pose no harm. Dey jess stupid…
Surely someone must have twigged that CF doesn’t work by now? Can they really be that dense?
Glad to hear that lady protesting about the student hat, these may be the first seeds of dissent.
‘Just a party’ at Portland does sound suspicious, if it is “just a party” why do they need childcare? Childcare always means being sat in a room listening to someone droning on for several hours.
I must be very OT myself as I accurately predicted that two vehicles were going to ignore my right of way when I was on my bike last week and drive straight at me. If I hadn’t used my latent OT abilities I would have been squished!
Yesterday a fly landed on my elbow when I was pulling weeds in my front yard.
I felt it there before I saw it.
When I saw it I swatted it away and knew it would try to land there again so I avoided getting landed on and pulled my sleeve down blocking the fly.
The fly buzzed around confused and landed safely on a plant.
I basically saved the life of a fly and helped a plant instantaneously.
I am OT. And since I crossed over into multiple dynamics, I’m OT to the 3rd Power.
Oh man! write that up get to the examiner at once!!!
Do you want others to have abilities and gains like that?
Did you body route the fly onto lines or maybe put the plant on the cans? So much to do and so little time…
Hi TOOTto OT, Love your post. Thank you, Ann.
This BIG WIN has got to be worthy of Advance Magazine.
Well, my BIG WIN is bigger than yours! I used my Super Power Mind to install my thoughts into the minds of Scientologists. Now, they all think scientology is just a criminal cult and they’re starting to ask a lot of questions. Half of them have already been RPFed.
Now that’s has got to be worthy of Retreat Magazine…
Will you walk into my parlor?” said the spider to the fly;
“’Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy.
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
And I have many pretty things to show when you are there.”
“O no, no,” said the little fly, “to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair can ne’er come down again.”
“I’m sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;
Will you rest upon my little bed?” said the spider to the fly.
“There are pretty curtains drawn around, the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest awhile, I’ll snugly tuck you in.”
“O no, no,” said the little fly, “for I’ve often heard it said,
They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed.”
Said the cunning spider to the fly, “Dear friend, what shall I do,
To prove the warm affection I’ve always felt for you?
I have within my pantry good store of all that’s nice;
I’m sure you’re very welcome; will you please to take a slice?”
“O no, no,” said the little fly, “kind sir, that cannot be;
I’ve heard what’s in your pantry, and I do not wish to see.”
“Sweet creature!” said the spider, “You’re witty and you’re wise!
How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes!
I have a little looking-glass upon my parlor shelf,
If you’ll step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself.”
“I thank you, gentle sir,” she said, “for what you’re pleased to say,
And bidding you good-morning now, I’ll call another day.”
The spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly fly would soon be back again:
So he wove a subtle web, in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready to dine upon the fly.
Then he came out to his door again, and merrily did sing
“Come hither, hither, pretty fly, with the pearl and silver wing:
Your robes are green and purple; there’s a crest upon your head;
Your eyes are like the diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead.”
Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little fly,
Hearing his wily flattering words, came slowly flitting by.
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue;
Thinking only of her crested head — poor foolish thing! At last,
Up jumped the cunning spider, and fiercely held her fast.
He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den,
Within his little parlor; but she ne’er came out again!
And now, dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly, flattering words, I pray you ne’er give heed;
Unto an evil counselor close heart, and ear, and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale of the Spider and the Fly.
Such a poet you are!
Hi BlindersOff, Briliant and beautiful sensitive strong and frightening and true. Love, Ann.
Excellent point! When people tell you things you want to hear, that’s when you need to be extra cautious.
The Holy Man
At first glance,
a church under every rock,
propped against every tree.
Lighted crosses in the night,
One is convinced the HOLY MAN
has a few more tricks up his sleeve.
Is it possible to love
in spite of all?
Well, that was true for me.
“People are “Created”
by the “Supreme Being”.
Because of him I’m me.
God is not YOU,
You are not God,
Don’t know. Only believe.
Heaven not here,
it’s over there.
Turn the other cheek.
Love your neighbor.
Don’t fight back.
Jesus parted the Sea.
Unattainable goals
that give us hope but
never set us free.
I only deny the Holy Man
is holier than me.
Hi The Oracle, You give me fuel to fight my cancers fires. Love you always, Ann.
XXOO and me you.
RE The Student Hat moron Beth Bauer,
How can this person actually get up and make these ludicrous statments?
the dwarf never gave her the KSW 1 step that was LRH.
If she was doing this course under protest there is some ethics sit to be handled.
She is a shining example of the GAT squirrel Tech they now sell as Scientology, riddled with misunderstood words and out tech courses.
The dwarf as usual gets a mention before LRH. What a disgusting scene it all is.
Right! Under protest! Clearly out-KSW. Great on spotting that, TruthTeller.
She looks so happy about it all? Is that what a “sheeple” looks like I wonder?
This is a Tech Degrade, I seem to remember on every course I ever did KSW was the first PL and Technical Degrades was the second.
I am so sad that everything I studies was not LRH as it is with GAT II or did he mean Gnat II he is rather small and as annoying as an insect.
Still what do I know after Class VIII, bugger all it seems
Ok, I have to be real about this; that rocket car was pretty cool.
That truck looks like something that escaped from a North Korean military parade.
You know, Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids.
In fact, it’s cold as Hell…
I’m first. Ha ha…
And there’s no one there to raise them if you did.
And all this science, I don’t understand.
It’s just my job 5 days a week….
In fact its cold as hell.
In fact it’s cold as hell.
Bernie Taupin had better be getting royalties from all this repetition of his lyrics.
In fact it beats Int Base.
No cadet org with flies all over the babies. Yuck!