As you might have expected, Thursday Funnies this week is dominated by Thanksgiving items with a theme of trying to attract people to come to scientology orgs with potluck dinners in order to have some turkeys on hand to squeeze the stuffing out of.
It is somewhat incongruous for “churches” to be insisting that people bring their own food or BUY their Thanksgiving dinners, I can imagine you would be hard pressed to find another church in the United States that has this approach to Thanksgiving, and especially not one that has billions of dollars and claims their expansion is straight up and vertical… One day a year of displaying a little charity would be too much to ask of course.
But we must begin today with one of the strangest pieces I have ever seen (and that is saying something).
Owned and operated by…
Not so mighty
Come on guys. “It was very nice to hear from auditor friends” Next they will be putting out a poster about the “special communications” to Mighty Miami from Ron himself: “The weather is beautiful at this time of year.”
Full of auditors in the near future? I wonder if 40 years later qualifies as the “near future” – even though there is still no org full of auditors…
ONLY $550 for some bound volumes of Shermanspeak. Such a deal…
Practical tips on implementing your postulates
Why don’t you get someone to postulate the org expanding? Or paying the staff?
Food, glorious food
Food is a big theme at this time of the year, and here we go with a series of similar promotional items (and I have not even included all the ones that have been forwarded to me).
Hmm — which is it?
Potluck dinner and dessert or IAS salads?
Graduation Dinner?
The only thing for SURE about this is you have to pay….
I BET not one person brings a whole turkey to a potluck dinner. Plenty of tuna casserole though…
Wow, what a treat
They are going to keep the courserooms open as a favor (what they are not saying is that if they even thought of not being on post they would be keel-hauled).
And not only that, while they are trying to make a huge deal out of the “Tokyo Opening” video in PAC and other places, Twin Cities is popping it in the DVD player after “Sunday Service” which is guaranteed to be very well attended.
More potluck
Santa is coming “with gifts” (CCHR DVDs and copies of WTH they couldn’t hand out elsewhere). But no luck on providing any food for the “Holiday Party.”
More potluck
I’m about stuffed….
It’s an “Ideal” Christmas Party
You pay us to attend…. The very definition of “ideal.”
Honey Pot
Tokyo Video
It’s a BIG deal. Really. Ignore what Twin Cities is saying.
Game of Guts?
15 people have ante’d up $3,000. With less than 50 people in their field it is going to take a LONG time to get to a million, let alone the 5 they need.
This is a Game of Nuts.
Dazed and Confused
Wouldn’t be a week without a pitch from the Moneywinds. But somehow 2 of the big stars featured in the photo have dropped out.
I wonder if this illustrious line up will attract more people than Matt Feshbach’s super convention on how to succeed in life. Here is a photo posted on Tony Ortega’s blog yesterday of that convention. 21 people. The vast majority of whom appear to be from Taiwan. Remember, this ship holds more than 300 passengers. That is an enormous fail
Need money now
More news from the Freewinds. Desperately trying to make some book commissions, the CO FSSO is pimping special Milano editions of DMSMH. FP must be really thin on the LackOfMonewinds…
Whatever happened to that place?
Wasn’t it supposed to have opened in the summer? Must be saving it for New Years or something so Miscavige can “announce it” at the event…
Didn’t even read what the Twit of the Year had to say.
Bob (as he is otherwise known) has become the single biggest Ideal Org sucker out there. He has probably now surpassed Bob Duggan — though I suspect he hasn’t shipped any of his unwanted kids to Puerto Rico. Wonder who persuaded him this was so important?
Finally, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who comes here and posts comments, and also those who just read and lurk.
We all have much to be thankful for.
Programming note: Regraded Being has been given the week off to spend time with family. There will be no posting tomorrow (Friday) as we attempt to recover from over-indulging today.
Enjoy yourselves everyone. Even those for whom this is just another Thursday in November.
“Imagine the impact of a full-fledged Non Existence campaign in Milano.” Isn’t that admitting that despite the grand opening, the Milano Org has pretty much non-existent impact right now?
Considering they do the whale-foreskin editions of Diarrhetics for every morgue that’s gone Idle, that means that every single Idle Morgue has non-existent impact.
I miss you Regraded Being! 🙂 See you next Friday.
I thought I would provide helpful translations for what’s being offered in the Postulates Seminar:
LRH data on postulates you have never heard before — Brand new knowledge on secret magic
How to formulate a postulate so that it works — How to cast spells effectively
How to handle a counter-postulate — How to fight the evil eye
How to strengthen your plans for the future — How to use a Franklin Planner
These funnies bring back so many memories. Of how insanely corny Scientology is. Thanks for the great articles Mike 🙂
Those laboring under the delusion that the “Ron” bio may be truly worth 500 pounds and is a steal at 370 may want to sneak a peek at Amazon. There, they have more copies than they know what to do with, new for $48. Further evidence that Ron is truly as popular as a turd in a punch bowl can be gleaned from the fact that this fine literary artifact has attracted a grand total of 11 reviewers over the years.
One of my favorite reviews: “I have only had a quick look through these books. How can one person know and have done so much!” How, indeed!
Then again, if money is scarce and shelf space is tight, you can save even half of that money and quite a few trees by simply going for “Let’s sell these people A Piece of Blue Sky: Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology” by Jon Atack.
Yea. I had a “friend” give me a set of Ron’s Bio set for my birthday – as if he was thinking, “I’ll dump this stupid set off on Mary for her birthday and use that to justify my gift. Heh! Who else gets a $500 birthday gift from me. She’ll think this is great; I can get this fucking reg off my ass.”
All that stuff about “Mighty Miami” seems very thin. It seems to be based on *very* past history and the results of the SO1 line. They were convinced that Ron personally “wrote to them.” I questioned that a week or so back when someone on Tony’s blog evidenced interest. So I asked Hana Eltringham, who was at that time Captain of the flagship and who worked daily directly with Hubbard. She had this to say:
“Originally at SH it was a simple line. SO I letters came in, his
assistant (Dorothy? I forget her name) answered. Hubbard checked some
over, rewrote a few, etc. He signed some, the rest were stamped.
From time to time, he asked to have certain SO I’s sent straight to
On the ships and as volume in increased, LRH established an SO I Unit
in the Office of LRH, Div 7. At first it was staffed by one person,
and then several – Sylvia Calhoun, Delwyne Saunderson, and Alysia
Taylor worked there. Joyce Popham helped out from time to time. They
answered the SO I’s, stamped them and mailed them to the OTL or FOLO
or CLO of the continent they came from.
Occasionally, Hubbard would review them but usually only after a
flap had occurred somewhere and he wanted to see any details in
incoming SO I’s. Like an unjust Com Ev, etc.
As volume in continued to go up, Sylvia began sending each Aide their
respective SO I’s to answer and send back to her. E.G. Those about
ethics, justice, communications, personnel came to me as CS-1. Money
SO 1’s went to Vicki Livingston and then Robin Roos.
And so on. Sylvia sent us the LRH letterhead to type our relies.
So much SO I mail was being sent to me that one time I ended up with
three huge boxes filled to the brim in my teeny office on A Deck.
Shows how well Scientology was doing on land, right?? I never had
time to answer them all. In fact, I knew zilch about most of the
situations being reported in those SO I letters; I had to take the
time to investigate in CIC, try to find out what was going on in that
organization or area, and even send out telexes to get more facts
before I could answer the letter. It was an impossible situation. I
did not always like to wrote a placating answer like, “I’m having your
situation looked into, honey. In the meantime, continue on with your
auditing and training!” because it wasn’t the truth.
Joyce Popham was in the Household Unit, also in the Office of LRH.
She, though, was responsible for ordering everything Hubbard needed
– books, foods, special items, etc., and maintaining LRH Household
inventory. She often helped where needed.”
So even the SO1 line was a lie. There was no way Hubbard could read the thousands of letters which flowed in to begin with. To answer them individually would have taken more time than he had, much less any interest at all in doing so.
I don’t comment much but am here each day. Thank you Mike and all who contribute. Your relentless exposure of the abuses is sincerely and deeply appreciated.
To Mike & Christie and their amazing extended family, warm and many many loving wishes across the miles for the Holidays and 2016. Where else can I laugh, cry and learn more about people, their kindness and their pain, where else but here. I may fade in and out but this spot has the most caring and intelligent and knowledgable spirits I have found. You all show that The Sea Org did not stand for any of these qualities.Decency, honesty, help when asked for and most of all Love. Mike you and all who work so hard for justice for those who cannot or will not speak, you make it all shine.I will always love you all.Ann.
Dearest Ann,
If you were a country I would be your patriot.
For your goodness and love and determination,
standing for what is right and putting down what is wrong,
you represent virtue in mankind and that which raises us and keeps us above as the dominant species of this beautiful planet. You.
The sound of the crashing walls and the destruction of this false chuch gives me solace and nutures me like music, like the sound of waves crashing on the beach.
You play such a powerful part in the manifestation of that just cause.
Doubt hides its tail between hind legs, and runs towards the darkness.
Here, in the light
My gratitude is all inside of knowing you,
and for you I cannot be silent.
Dearest Mark, Thank you for your kindness and your words. I will stand silently in the Twilight Shadows and follow you as you blaze across the skies. With your amazing talent for writing, your compassion, and your strong urge to help spirits, I am in awe. Love & still more ( for me to learn ) Ever, Ann.
Never been impressed with that thumbs-up thing they do on their promotional photos.
Seems too much like “evaluation”, mixed with communist-era enforced mass rallies, where everyone pretends to agree fully with the dictator’s whims.
If Sea Org Captain “Let Him Die” David Miscavige ever managed to become Boss of the World, his concentration camps would make the Gulag Archipelago look like Camp Granada.
Everyone has said it more eloquently than I can at this hour: Thank you very much, Mike. You are much appreciated.
“Today we are on the brink of the greatest dissemination period our religion has ever known”.
The careful observer notes the statement doesn’t say we are in the greatest period of dissemination but that we are on the BRINK of it. But so what? Great dissemination doesn’t mean shit. The only thing that means anything is new people buying services. We NEVER hear boastful declarations about that, do we?
…and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you pie faces out there. Hopefully you’ll be out to have some real pie for Thanksgiving. 😐 click here:
Happy Thanksgiving for everyone here !!!
Mike, congratulations for your excellent work at exposing the Church’s abuses, and may you have an excellent day today together with your beloved family.
Thank you Mike for all you do to enlighten us and
supplying us with this forum. And many times of
course give us a big smile.
With all the pot luck dinners, etc, I wonder what would happen if you showed up with a knife, fork and empty plate?
I think they should rename them: Good Luck Dinners, cause buddy, you’re going to need it!
I figured out what the nation of islam and the co$ have in common. Self-rightousness. I’m thankful
for their examples of what not to do. They continue to be the source of great amusement and it’s
great to have this chance to share the laughter.
Bob Duggan just donated a million bucks for the Budapest Ideal Org renos. This surely makes him the biggest sucker, right? 🙂
“This is the way we show Chairman of The Board that we are behind him and support him for everything that he has done for us.”
Just lost my entire Thanksgiving dinner.
I’m currently projectile vomiting with the line. “This is the way we show Chairman of the Board that we are behind him and support him for EVERYTHING THAT HE HAS DONE FOR US.” Yeah…everything he’s done. Oh shit! Here comes another round of puking…..
Tom Cruise gets more negative publicity:
Happy Thanksgiving Mike. Wishing you a great day with family, friends, and good food. I really appreciate your blog and enjoy having this place to visit and keep updated on the latest developments regarding the cult. Reading your articles and all the comments are helpful and fun to me, and I am thankful for everyone involved here.
A wonderful Thanksgiving to you Mike and your fantastic family. I was thinking about the benefits of having been Declared SP and what I am thankful for.
1. I am thankful that I do not have to endure any more events listening to the drabble of insanity from Der Dwarf and other Shermanspeak entities.
2. I am thankful I am no longer in the presence of ‘Thursday at 2 & Stat Evolution’!
3. I am thankful I no longer get phone calls to be ‘confirmed’ events….sometimes multiple times per week or worse per day.
4. I am thankful I will never ever be regged for IAS donations again.
5. I am thankful that in my case I am no longer connected to relatives who are still mainlining the Kool aide. I realize that there are many who the process of Disconnection has been tragic but for me it has been a Godsend.
6. I am thankful that I now have the power to choose my friends, read what I choose on the internet, and be connected to whomever I choose.
7. Lastly, for now, unless I think of something else, I am thankful that Mike Rinder’s Blog is here and continually revealing the continued downward spiral of the Co$.
P.S. In the fondest memories of an old friend OTDT, I sign out with ClearMF!
I second the motion. And Mike is very much appreciated by many including people who follow him silently. Happy Thanksgiving.
I have very fond memories of OTDT as well. Nice to see him mentioned and remembered. I know he really enjoyed writing on this and Marty’s blog. He was very entertaining. Wish I knew who you are, ClearMF.
Reading of an ” Ideal Christmas Carol” ? What the hell is that?
With Corn of the COB as Scrooge. Well, actually, that’s probably an insult to the original Scrooge…
That’s when the Ghost of Christmas Present shows up the Reg the snot out of you.
I noticed that too… maybe scrooge donates all his money to the IAS at the end,after being haunted by the ghost of LRH.
Sejanus, if the ghost of the fat guy with his teeth rotting out of his mouth, showed up, I just hand over everything I had an RUN!
Thank you Mike, always reading and occasional contributor wishing the best and future better Thanksgiving for all and enlightenment to those in need…
“As you might have expected, Thursday Funnies this week is dominated by Thanksgiving items with a theme of trying to attract people to come to scientology orgs with potluck dinners in order to have some turkeys on hand to squeeze the stuffing out of.”
All those pot luck dinners are just a disguise for ‘bring us Sea bOrg slaves some food’. With the ‘idle mOrgs’ earning that name, no income means no dinner, unless some else brings it.
Please be nice to Drunk Uncle at the table today, I am he. Enjoy the family you have, and remember those who are forced in to disconnection because they won’t pay up for more ‘courses’ or to ‘Up Their IAS Statuses’.
Does “Mighty Miami” realize that most, maybe all of those messages from Ron were not even written by Ron, but by Sea Org staff assigned the duty of responding? (I don’t know this firsthand, but have heard others report it was so.)
Probably not.
And I DO know this firsthand.
Virtually none of the “letters from Ron” were written by him (or even seen by him).
WOW! That’s a serious counter accusation (including any scientology watcher to contemplate) or for any Kool-aide drinkers to digest.
Bubble on scientology, some people have the pins that prick whatever bubble you present.
Well, it’s known and talked about by plenty of people who were familiar with the “SO#1 Unit” and it isn’t an accusation. It is simply a statement of known fact.
Hi Mike, When I realized all my letters from Ron, except for two, out of hundreds sent to me on SO1 line, were not his, it was a very harsh but ultimately freeing lesson for me. For years I had based my trust and love for him as a result of the tech yes, but also on the picture of him drawn to me by all those SO ” ladies ” and it took me 42 years to figure this out! Love, Ann.
WOW! I still say that. It’s quite the scenario when you really look at it. Guess it still bounces around my in head a bit. So many people I lived (shared a house) with back in the “scientology days” were so proud of their “letters from Ron.” One even had theirs framed and others thought one day, these will be priceless.
It’s creates a level of deceit I have point of reference to away from scientology.
The level of introversion of that organisation knows no bounds.
I guess those signed books by Ron are just as bogus? Especially the ones years after his death.
“No point of reference to…” it should read.
@Mike Rinder and all: thank you all so much!
Happy Thanksgiving Mike and everyone else on here!
As a newbie never in I am so thankful for all of you who are out.
That’s very kind of you, Jeff. Although we all suffered at some point, keep in mind that Mike Rinder was in for, I believe, 34 years. I can’t even comprehend that. So, Mike, Christie and the boys, my wish for you guys is that the best day of your past be the worse day of your future. (Eternity!!!! Whoa! Sorry Mike! It just got away from me).
Money Thermometers on Thanksgiving that is just sad.
A begging Turkey in a Black Hat —– Barf.
Wishing everyone a very blessed Thanksgiving! Of course, for staff, this is just another working day without ANYONE NEW coming in. I remember those days very well. And aren’t all the Idle Morgues open 7 days a week now?
When being invited to a Thanksgiving event, be careful to check their definition of turkey or you might be the main course.
Good point, RM! Too bad most of the turkeys don’t know that they are in the farm for one reason only.
Okay, since dinner everywhere is pot luck, I’m going to bring some pot. I’m sure that the Truth About Drugs and Narcofraud ninnies will appreciate that greatly.
Hey, I’m flying to Colorado tomorrow and it’s legal there. So, what the hell, might as well spread the bounty.
Everyone in the US, have a great holiday. Everyone not in the US, be happy that you’re not in as 2PM approaches. I’ll be giving thanks for my psych drugs, by the way.
Don’t borgart that joint, Espi, pass it over to me….
Be sure to add the important ingredients of Niacin and B-12 to your recipes.
And a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Mike and everyone else who frequents this site. Yes… even OSA (there’s always a chance the penny will drop, slim but a chance).
These funnies are just as weird as the rest of them. However, considering they no longer deliver the SHSBC the Auditor’s Association flyer is particularly whacko – “owned and operated by…” Indeed! What’s going on? New management at the delicatessen?
Maybe it’s all someone’s version or misapplication of survey tech. I think if they really surveyed buttons for scientology newbies they would get a whole new understanding as to what the public actually thinks of them. Aw well… the bubbles in the bubble-a-thon continue.
Aquamarine hit a very good point the other day – scientologists think and operate in identities.
Happy Thanksgiving Mike and family and Happy Thanksgiving to my wonderful friends and family who helped me with kind words of support and/or stories and posts of your own.
Two years ago Thanksgiving week I was declared and immediately lost all the friends and a son I would traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving with.
Two years later I look at my wonderful new life AS (after scientology) and I am VERY grateful for the best friends I’ve ever had and a stronger family.
Thank you to so many here on this blog for being here.
Funny, McCarran, but that’s my time track also. I was disconnected from by my kids just before Thanksgiving. My form letter declare came later with no specifics on it at all (and no Com Ev). And of course all sheeple disconnected fast too. But I am thankful this Thanksgiving for my new friends outside the church, for not being brainwashed, and for my stronger dynamics which improved upon leaving.
And I’m thankful for Mike Rinder and all the work he does to make this blog the best and to shine the light on evil, and for all the posters here.
Hey Cindy. Yeah, they try to cut with the sharpest knife and with the timing to cut the deepest. We’re thankful for you being here too, love. Your theta makes a difference in THIS family.
Yes. I remember your story, Cindy and think of you often. There are a few others I know of who also got declared over Thanksgiving who are always in my thoughts (as well as so many others) with best wishes for the return of our whole families.
Thank you for all your efforts Mike and this daily blog.
With billions of dollars they still have to have pot luck? Really?
They don’t want people to “come to the events just to eat for free.” God forbid they buy the public a meal after all they’ve given to make that “War Chest” so full.
In fairness, the orgs (at least AOLA) do buy food for events. It’s not all pot luck, especially for the smaller, weekly events.
Cheap bastards!
Thank you Mike! As one of your lurkers who still has several of my people close inside the bubble, it would be difficult to express just how thankful I am for you today especially!
The fact that I know that you are surrounded by the beautiful new family you have been blessed with warms my heart! Have a great day, celebrate life and all the advances that are happening in the direction of undoing that which needs undoing, and the future will get brighter and brighter and brighter as you lead the charge on shedding the light of the undersized runt of a turkey in the John Lobbs…
First of all Mike, thank you for keeping this posts going and my very best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving for you, family and friends.
Most of us are also ready to enjoy this time without the need to worry about donations and what not.
So, lets get on with it and have a great time!
I wonder what kind of Thanksgiving Shelly is having? TR3, not 4, the question: WHERE’S SHELLY!? And Dwarfe Malignante will fall, and Shelly will be free. DM won’t answer “the question” if WE ask it, but if the Feebies (FBI) ask it, he’ll have to answer. And goodbye Dwarfe.
You pick your nose, choose your friends, but EARN your nicknames. While serving 25-to-life, it’s going to be “Mohammed’s Momma” or “Leroy’s Bitch”. After making countless people run around poles, DM will be riding them…. Let’s set up a donation fund for DM’s K-Y jelly. You know, for “compassionate reasons”.
And, hey, what about Heber? The former president? I had such strong thoughts about him last night. I hope he’s ok. Anybody know how he’s doing? If he’s sick, they should take him to the doctor, call his brother and let his brother take him home to Utah.
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving Heber, my friend.
There are so many wonderful people this planet. People who truly care about the welfare of others with no hook, no twist, no vested interest. This is their day.
Thank you all
Good call, Les. Grateful that you are one of them. <3
LDW. Anyone recently out that you are currently helping?
I love it when you mention these instances.
Happy Thanksgiving Mike and family. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
To everyone here: Happy Holidays to you all. Thank you for making me laugh, teaching me all that you have and for continuing to fight this criminal organization. Sending love to each and every one of you. ❤
NOLAGirl, re the Saints…Better luck next year. Who dat say who dat…
Those poor raggedy players. 😀 This year they couldn’t find their asses with a flashlight and a GPS. But yes, next year…it’s ON! (I hope lol)
Happy Thanksgiving OSD, thank you for the many laughs you give me throughout the year.
Right back at you, Girl! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And…thanks for all of your posts!
I am thankful for Mike’s blog and all of the illuminating comments. As a never in, I don’t always understand the terminology used by Scientology. I learn something new every week by reading this blog. I am also grateful for my Dad who steered me clear of Scientology 30 years ago when I expressed a passing interest in joining. He told me then that LRH was nothing more than a con artist. Since my Dad has always been wise, I took him at his word. This saved me a lot of money, grief, and confusion. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
The job of keeping up with ongoing Scientology history is an unthanked job, a “dropped hat” so to speak.
This blog is one of the most central truthful relayers of Scientology’s ongoing activities and history.
Thankyou very much for investing your time to do this.
Robert Twallfhoven was given the nickname “Tito” when he came to Puerto Rico one time before. It comes from Roberto which changes to Robertito then to Tito. I believe the word is a form of endearment. I think he is now supposed to believe he is one of us. The only thing he has in common with the public and some of the staff in Puerto Rico is that he was stupid enough to give some money to the Ideal Org. He came before to give motivation to the public to give more money to the Ideal Org but his very best advice was to use credit cards and worry about it later. The public is supposed to believe that because he can do that and not go broke then they can do it too. He is a wealthy person but the majority of the public here is not and they cannot do what he does without the danger of becoming ruined. At the fundraising events the people sometimes behave like when they go to a restaurant with rich friends. They order much more than they can afford to pay then they must go with hunger for a long time later. The Sea Org people take advantage of some of the peoples need that they want to appear like they are in a better situation than what they really are. They use many tricks to take away peoples money.
They make the people believe that they will get rid of the Pharmaceutical companies and that will diliver a deadly blow to the Psychiatrists and the planet will be safe. They try to make the people believe that all the problems on the island including crime, economy, education, political corruption and everything else is because of these companies. They have the people buy the little Way to Happiness books to give away so all these problems will go away. Every time something gets better they say, “Wow! We did it. We are making a change! It is because of these little books” but a few weeks later when it gets bad again nobody says anything.
Many of the public know something is wrong but cannot make themselves believe they are giving money to thieves. They like to gossip when some Pastor from some other small religion gets caught stealing from his people and say the people were stupid so they deserve what they got. They say the people should have looked instead of giving their trust. That is why Scientology works so well with their group in Puerto Rico. The people there gives them their trust but will not look at what they are told not to look at. It is a very shameful thing what the Sea Org is doing to people who give them their trust. It is a very shameful thing what Tito is doing. He should talk to individual public and ask them what they really believe in their hearts. If he can get them to trust him enough without being afraid of being “handled” he will discover that they will tell him something different than what they say in front of the staff and the Sea Org people. They have many many doubts but have turned Scientology into a religion of blind faith. They have never seen a real miracle but are certain they must exist because everyone around them believes this also. They are afraid of not reaching the Scientology heaven of Prosperity and these fantastic spiritual powers. I apologise for jumping to many different subjects but this church of thieves makes me become very angry. It is just one of the very many problems my island is experiencing but this one is so evil because it takes the advantage of our peoples goodwill. The only good thing is that there are very few people in this church in Puerto Rico. Instead of taking money away from many people it takes away a lot of money from only a few people. So even that dark cloud has it’s silver lining.
Basta. Thank you for these observations.
Actually, that “Conquering Life” seemed appropo, Co$ crushes the life out people daily. Happy Thanksgiving to all you US folks!
I think we’re all familiar with the histrionics that orgs have to go through every holiday season. There are, after all, still public Scios who travel to be with family and friends this time of year. And it does put a damper on org attendance.
Thank you Mike for all you do. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. And all the best to Regraded Being. I’ll look forward to next Fridays edition of ‘Fresh Cult with all the trappings’!
To all the posters and lurkers here ….. have an excellent holiday season and many thanks for all of the laughs and tears we have shared. It is a treasure to be among you.
and Yo Dave,
I know that 2015 was a tad tough on you so not to worry good buddy, 2016 will be a lot worse. Try some of your road kill with cultberries today for supper.
Happy Turkey Day Coop. I am very thankful that you are out and here with us. 🙂
Ayn Rand had a 79 word statement of why we should celebrate Thanksgiving. But let’s just get to the point and say that we’re celebrating life.
Oh, it’s starting to snow in Minneapolis:
And a happy life and Thanksgiving to you too, Leslie Bates.
(Strikes face with palm) Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Starting to snow? We’ve had snow on the ground for two weeks! But now the weather has gone strange on us, and it’s raining. Which is really weird for Northern Ontario in the last week of November.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well that’s Northern Ontario. Fortunately the higher latitude places you further from the Clearwater and LA centers than Minnesota.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Have a nice holiday, Mike and family. Thanks for continuing to expose the rotten underbelly of this horrible cult.
Happy Thanksgiving, Mike, to you and your family, and to everyone else reading this 🙂
Happy thanksgiving to you and your family Mike!
Thanks for the information, the yuks, and for all you do to help expose the scam…
RB…I will miss you tomorrow….. Enjoy the holiday everyone!
well, now the belgian prosecutor is asking to stop any scientology in belgium, ,since it’s a criminal organization.
And the Moscow justice just asks the cult to get off and sell its big building before six months.
While Leah Rimini’s good book on the sect got the first place in New York Times best sellers list…
bwhahaha. Poor staffs will stil be more punished by the criminal despote, the chief of them all being always as irresponsbile oçf the scientologcal catastrophes as ever before, and as Hubbard the guru was before him.