Surrounded by Suppression
Another must miss event. Daphna really has a bee in her bonnet about all the “suppression” that is around.
Maybe she has a computer and googled scientology? Those SPs are everywhere, just waiting to pounce!
Again, why is an Advanced Org resorting to promoting a seminar delivered by an FSM? Where is Julian Shwartz? Isn’t he the expert on handling suppression at AOLA?
Arise Sir Knight
Yes, that is John Danilovich, Captain AOSHUK waving a sword.
Apparently the latest status in the UK is to kneel before John who touches the sword to your shoulders and declares you some sort of knight. And this is for completing “The Basics”.
This IS supposed to be a St Hill and Advanced Org right? The “original”? I think John has been watching too much Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Scientology Is Booming…
I don’t know what PAC these two are walking around? Maybe they should pop in on Pasadena. Or better yet, Inglewood? LA Org? The Test Center.
The “big lie” philosophy is trickling down to the public. Now they too are simply saying “we are expanding, the orgs are booming” and clearly they have NOT LOOKED.
How do you get people to say this sort of thing? Easy — extract their money, a LOT of it, and then they are OBLIGED to prove they are not stupid and did the right thing.
Masters Of The Universe?
CLO WUS is trying a new tack to unload the thousands of copies of the ACC’s sitting in the Bridge warehouse. Appoint someone to the “post” of Golden Age Of Knowledge Consultant and then dump them at half price.
But not before offering some enticing bait.
But you have to ask yourself the question — if the Golden Age of Knowledge Consultant knows the answer to how to make the MEST universe surrender — why hasn’t he sold all these sets at full price already?
In what famous LRH lecture does LRH talk about making the MEST universe surrender, and what does he say?
(You don’t have to guess – just send this email back and I will give you the exact LRH answer)
LRH’S ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSE LECTURES Don’t miss this very limited time discount
When you get the ACCs you get a full 42.5% discount if you act right now. 1,020 fully digitally restored LRH lectures on compact disc with word for word transcripts for all lectures, 500 additional hard copy issues of the time period and glossaries defining 30,000 words. The most OT and powerful materials ever available in this universe now available for the first time.
ACC Info Hotline: 323-953-3229
Or contact at this Email address right now:
Golden Age of Knowledge Consultant
Church of Scientology Western United States
1308 L. Ron Hubbard Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027
A Comedy Show
A scientology comedy show. Make up your own jokes.
David Wilson Is Baaaack
You cannot make this stuff up….
There’s a New “Celebrity” in Town
Look out Brandy Harrison (whoever you are), Mr. Miscavige does not like anyone else to be a “celebrity” from “International Management.” Have you seen Marc Yager or Guillaume Lesevre or Heber Jentzsch lately?
But put that aside — why would anyone be interested in what Brandy Harrison has to say? The ideal org program has gone totally dead — just one this entire year. She is soon to be disappeared as the latest scapegoat for the failure of the program. Sorry Brandy. You look like a nice young lady.
Oh Wow, a “Milestone”
By definition, milestones are important. Space plans a milestone?
And they are having someone from Gensler speak to them. What a treat.
Maybe for the next one they can have the plumbing contractor give a talk…
Seems awfully close to trademark infringement to me. And you know how vigilant the church is about protecting intellectual property rights (as long as they are their own)…
ASHO — Entrance to The Bridge
Where are the Briefing Course level completions success stories?
Oh, forgot — they don’t deliver the Briefing Course any more.
It’s Thin on the Ground
No Gavin Potter? In fact, no SO member at all.
They probably cannot afford to fly anyone to the UK so they enlist the services of “Freewinds (R) FSM” who is NOT OT VIII?
WUS Creative Math
How you “win” the WUS league but are behind Valley in the “international league” is a good question for an IQ test.
Cringe Corner
This may be a bit provincial, but I found this rather stunning.
Like the misappropriation of “101st Airborne” by St Louis org mentioned above that caused cringes for many who though this was bordering on sacrilege, the term ANZAC in Australia and New Zealand has a very special meaning.
The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) was a First World War army corps that participated in the Battle of Gallipoli. For Australians, the Battle of Gallipoli is like the Alamo or Pearl harbor. An event that is forever remembered and according to Wikipedia, the campaign is often considered as marking the birth of national consciousness in Australia and New Zealand and the date of the landing, 25 April, is known as “Anzac Day“. It remains the most significant commemoration of military casualties and veterans in those two countries, surpassing Remembrance Day (Armistice Day).
To usurp this acronym and alter it is bordering on sacrilege in Australia and New Zealand.
Imagine someone in the US promoting an “MLK Day” celebration — “Mississippi Loves the Klan Day” and you will get the sort of outrage this would engender with the average Australian, let alone the veterans.
Proof once again that KoolAid causes you to lose touch with reality and how people think in the real world.
Way to go Mike! I just saw the Australian news clip regarding the “ANZAC” flyer and boy are people angry about about the utter lack of sensitivity inside the cult bubble.
Thanks for posting the ANZAC piece Mike. Have just watched Bryan Seymour’s piece for Seven and hope to hear more of ANZO getting a federal bollocking. Those responsible probably still don’t understand how reprehensible this is. Talk about out of touch.
If anyone can actually get a hold of the film, there is a great TM or copyright violation in the re-do of the Married Couple Div 6 film. I saw the film with its beautiful deep space sky with stars at the beginning and a sort of eerie but beautiful, powerful melody.
A few years later I happened to see K-PAX (still as a Scientologist) and during the very beginning of the film I about jumped out of my chair screaming (only in my head) “They stole our music! They STOLE our music!!”
Later I was told that no, it was the other way around. I was mortified. But knowing the inhuman crush scheduling the music composers were submitted to, I definitely considered that they used the K-PAX tune AND arrangement and tweaked a couple things and decided it was a Done Deal, because they were getting beaten up to get about 10 more compositions and arrangements done in the next afternoon.
The release date of K-PAX per IMDb was Oct. 26, 2001. If that Married Couple film was out any time after that well there ya go.
But I’m telling you….the music was about 98% THE SAME. Somebody please get a hold of that film out of an unsecure Div 6 film cabinet and check it out. Wouldn’t that be a great little coup.
Can we PLEASE have the details on which show/channel Bryan Seymour will be covering the ANZAC violation?
Cooper, I feel for you for your loss of the daughter you knew and loved. Under the church’s regime, someone came and usurped your lovely daughter and in her place is the current chrome and steel unfeeling and superior youth Nazis. You expressed what is happening to so many kids in the SO so clearly. My son and daughter were so loving and caring and gentle before they joined staff. And then slowly I saw the change. My daughter would speak of her former friends with a derisive snort that so and so is so bad, just into partying, or not on the Bridge, or whatever the condemnation at the moment is. And yes, they use that same attitude on their mother too. Instead of looking up to me like they used to do; now they look down on me thanks to the 3P and black pr of the church and just the environment being on staff which teaches them they are better than everyone around them.
Thanks for that. My daughter was a recipient that “derisive snort” after she graduated high school and went to University. Rumors were spread about her being promiscuous, drunk texting and heavy partying. She has had one boyfriend for 4 years and has never drunk texted anyone, and never even texted the girl who was spreading the vicious gossip about her. Apparently this person was following her FB page and was coming to her own wierd conclusions.
At university she does go to parties but she knows how to handle herself and stay out of trouble. Yes, she has an active social life and lots of friends; girls and guys. She goes to school on scholarship and has to keep a certain GPA, so this means that she has to take it seriously. She also has dyslexia, so study takes her more time than average but she still is a very good student in spite of that. Heavy partying does not fit into this picture.
My daughter does not want to be a Scientologist herself but is respectful and polite about it and to others. She just doesn’t talk about it. In fact, she tells me that its a very difficult subject for her to talk about with people in general. When a few of her friends since a young age joined staff, they realized where she was at in terms of doing Scn (nowhere) and the gloves came off. I know two of these girls very well and found their change of tune very much out of character. They were nice sweet girls once.
I know it is such a shame how these beautiful sweet and good people change and go into that horrible “winning valence.” I hope that when my kids finally leave the cult that over time the real personality will come back.
I believe it will happen Cindy, in due time. They will not stay in the cult for the duration of their lives. Stay positive.
Thank you Pepper!
Cooper and Cindy, I agree with Pepper, they will come back to you someday. Hang in there.
Co-opting ANZAC isn’t a surprise. Previous RCS ad campaigns have used Winston Churchill and the Battle of Britain (much to his family’s disgust), and frequently seems to want to own the Holocaust when flinging the Nazi label at all critics (much to the disgust of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith).
Please note this line in the Scientology ANZAC promo: “For every $10,000 donated for the New Zealand Ideal Org, no matter your existing status, you will be awarded the new prestigious award of an ANZAC!”
Just realised, wouldn’t it be a deliciously uncomfortable fact for the ANZO chapter of the Cof$ to have actually gotten a $10k donation or two (or any monies actually) under the marketing guise of ANZAC and it could be proven.
That’s profiteering from an illegal use of a nationally protected icon.
How would that be adjudicated? Theft, fraud, misappropriation? What would they do if someone used one of their trademarks and profited by it – set their lawyers on ’em & sue ’em to death. For such a legally oriented organisation what a f… up.
They’d have to refund the money wouldn’t they?
At best they would have to at least make a formal apology to the people of the defence organisations, RSL etc. of Aust & NZ one would think.
Remarkable foot bullet hey?
I love the parallel with the Pythons 🙂
As to the ANZAC ‘award’, the use of the word ‘ANZAC’ is protected by legislation:
I tend to think that the divine sparkle to (mis)appropriate the term wasn’t local… although it’s a telling fact that there was no one at Sydney org or the AO to stop its release.
A perfect footbullet.
Anyone who’s got a piece of that promo could send it to the Minister for Veteran Affairs, and ‘cc’ A Current Affair. It’ll get the kind of attention that won’t be easy to avert on the basis of interpretation of mores.
The fact that so many commentators have falsely implicated OTVIIIisGrrr8 in the advertisements tells a lot about the current state of ‘dissemination’ in the CO$. KIds raised in the style Monty Python and snark movies like Airplane and Young Frankenstein wrote these ads.
Only 10k to come up on stage and be recognized as an Anzac? Hell, I can just watch an episode of Gomer Pyle and become an honorary US Marine. Any Port Stanley vet (they’ll be in there 90’s by now) is going to blow a gasket. I would love to see that ad on Kiwi TV.
This Blog is getting just like reading “Private Eye”.
glad to see.
Just so you don’t assume it’s bs about this use of the term ANZAC
This is quite amazing. I had no idea of this law, though I certainly knew that this was an egregious breach of etiquette. But it is actually against the law.
To save other readers from having to click on the link, this is what it says (in part):
Protection of Word ‘Anzac’ Regulations were made in 1921 under the War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920 to protect the word ‘Anzac’, and any word which resembles it, from inappropriate use.
Under the Regulations no person may use the word ‘Anzac’, or any word resembling it, in connection with:
… any trade, business, calling or profession or in connexion with any entertainment or any lottery or art union or as the name or part of a name of any private residence, boat, vehicle of charitable or other institution, or other institution, or any building …
without the authority of the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs.
Not even the ‘Church’ of Scientology, huh? Fancy that.
You mean the church broke the law?
Those guys in the white hats need to get them seriously dry cleaned.
I see you guys already got this, but for what it is worth here is another, shorter official Australian government link to the law:
It would be interesting if Nick Xenophon was sent a piece church issued ANZAC promo and cc to Brian Seymour. Nick would have not only the interest but the connections in that area of Govt to make sure the Attorney General hears of such a breach of national trust. Vet Affairs’ would probably just issue a withdrawal notice to the Co$ if they were notified. Nick might squeeze a little.
Anyone actually got a hardcopy or undisputable evidence the Co$ actually sent out the ANZAC promo?
Don’t worry, this has already taken on a life of its own. Stay tuned.
Scientology under fire Bryan Seymour 7News Sydney
This is at the end of the statement that Mike calls the “Masters of the Universe?” above…….
“Or contact at this Email address right now:
Golden Age of Knowledge Consultant
Church of Scientology Western United States
1308 L. Ron Hubbard Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027”
HUH?? Unless I have been dreaming for a very long time (years) about the difference between a home address and an email address, the above addy would be called Snail Mail, not email.
Well well. The ANZACs hey? I don’t see any legal authority printed on that flyer. It’s illegal to use the word ANZAC without written permission from the Minister Of Veteran Affairs Australia – FACT!
It’s an insult to the diggers of Australia & New Zealand to use that term for marketing or other frivolous use. There’s a lot of national heartache & pride connected to that word.
“Protecting the word Anzac
Protection of Word ‘Anzac’ Regulations were made in 1921 under the War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920 to protect the word ‘Anzac’, and any word which resembles it, from inappropriate use.
Under the Regulations no person may use the word ‘Anzac’, or any word resembling it, in connection with:
… any trade, business, calling or profession or in connexion with any entertainment or any lottery or art union or as the name or part of a name of any private residence, boat, vehicle of charitable or other institution, or other institution, or any building …
without the authority of the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs.
Protection of Word ‘Anzac’ Regulations 1921 (Cth)”
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. A new low even for corporate scientology.
Oh, sorry, I just printed this in response to a comment I just saw. Didn’t realize you had included here until I got to this one….
Hey Mike,
Just FYI for a topic on this blog. (posted 10 Sep)
Thanks for the link. Great story about Karen de la Carriere in the Daily Mail. Check it out.
101st Airborne ? Stealing Military titles again.
Par for the course, Karen. Just like Hubbard was a “war hero.” Well, the first word is correct, but, it should actually read “war zero.”
How many times do I have to read this from long-time members? Amazing. Here’s what I am certain about: Scientology is a clown show.
Typo, it should read: I AM SO HURTIN’ NOW.
hgc10, if I hear that line just one more time, I’m going to puke! Oh, crap…too late.
Remember! When fighting clowns, go for the juggler.
Whew! I am sooooo slow! Sir ‘U,’ I just now got the joke. My comedy intellect is failing me lately. Nice job! Funny as hell!
A clown show similar to what Hitler was putting on in the late 30s! There is also another show behind the curtains. Watch fo it………..
David Wilson knows how to handle suppression and crush it. Every time a local SP walk this dogs by his house he jumps from the front porch runs into the house and finds something to crush. 🙂
OMG, I think you should get rid of your dog. Then you won’t have to walk by his house any more. And he won’t have to live in fear.
Oh no Mike,
These dogs from that local SP are HUGE, FERROCIOUS, GROWLING & SLOBBERING BEASTS!!!
No wonder that David Wilson has to go inside and QUICKLY SO.
(actually just a tad larger than Chihuahua…)
Maybe David Wilson can get a free ARCX session and have his SP Item indicated to him: “the dogs that were walked in front of his house… the little ones slightly bigger than a Chihuaua.”
That was super funny. I can see David Wilson running into his house now. Keep walking those dogs Gerhard and forget your doggy waste bag sometimes too. Okay? Just for me. Please.
Seriously, David Wilson is such a shill. The part about Yogi being ARC broken because someone donated more money than him (whaaa), and then getting an ARCx session by a “Golden Age of Tech Phase II” auditor is too much. This guy thinks he has to continuously promote and kiss Misercavige’s ass. Please David, give it a rest!
Mike, I think you’re really onto something with the Monty Python bit. I’m a lifelong fan, but never viewed any of their stuff with Scientology in mind, and the similarities are stunning. For example:
Here you have the whole thing in a nutshell. There’s maliciousness caused by a commonly accepted ignorance. You’ve got the manufacturing of enemies. There’s the leadership endorsing and spreading false and idiotic logic as enlightenment. That’s just for starters:
And as a bonus, here’s the Ideal Org program perfectly summed up and explained:
On the side, what’s up with Wilson calling out Yogi Pistranoff? I’m not sure if that’s a real person, or whether he’s invoking either Pissed Tran Off (because fuck Michael Chan, the smug bastard), or Pissed and Ran Off, like someone wet themselves in fear and ran off. I’m assuming the Yogi is from the name tag. Any care to clear that up? Please and thank you.
The Yogi name is made up (I’m guessing) because the whole freaking story is made up. People aren’t getting ARCx sessions at the Valley Org fundraisers because someone else topped their donation. Please.
I think they are “button” happy. I’m imagining a few staff, sitting around a table, trying to figure out what would be the coolest or snappiest button they could push, to get the dumb parishioners to ante up some more. The excessive buttons seem so phony. And on the poor slobs, the Dales, upping their status. I found their repeating of “and this means YOU too” thing to be very 1.1 or passive aggressive. There’s a subtle make wrong of those who don’t care to, or maybe just can’t afford it. But, of course, big beings can afford anything. It’s called credit cards and ignoring other responsibilities.
I am more than a little distressed about how the Loyal types persist
at ignoring the demise of Scientology and keep up the Facade that it”s expanding.
Daphna Hernandez I know and she is much smarter than that,I know her Koolaide
friends and associates. What power David Miscavige has over these people defies logic.
Buddha said over two thousand years ago: Three things are known, the sun,the moon, and the truth !
The Sun and Moon I don’t worry about, the TRUTH cannot arrive soon enough,
I hope I can muster the compassion to understand.
Are we sure OTVIIIisGrrr8 didn’t create that Valley flier? People fighting to purchase tickets to a fleecing??? 🙂
Thanks for the Thursday laugh!
So much psychosis, so little time. I’ve known Daphne H. for DECADES. She is and always has been a theaty wheaty, computing psychotic. I guess this is as good as it gets nowadays.
The ANZAC faux pas is completely unbelievable. Even as a Yank I wouldn’t be so stupid.
Speaking of computing psychotics, anyone know the whereabouts of a person named Karen Scott, OT VIII and class unknown. She used to do FSMing around LA for a living and I think she was buddies with Daphne.
She was living in Clearwater last I heard.
Karen Scott had an art studio. Was business partner as FSM with Daphna
and cognited that Daphna was a NUT CASE and super trouble source.
Daphna has a history of destroyed people , human wreckage from her twisted ideas how things should be.
Mike Ricketts indirectly go me into Scientology via one of his employees a L-O-N-G time ago. I sincerely hope one day we will be able to sit down over a coffee or pint and have a good laugh about it all. He is actually a thoroughly decent bloke, as is his wife Rachel. I suspect that day may still be a few years off but still…
I stopped doing any Scientology in late 1986 for a number of reasons, but one of them was that what was once fun had ceased to be fun. The idea of OTs needing to be sec-checked to see if their ethics were in was appalling to me … was I getting freer or not?
Seeing these promo pieces, taken as a whole, I appear to have left at a very good time. Nothing even vaguely resembles what Scientology once dared to promise. I’d say it’s a pity, but in truth, I’d come to my own conclusions on it which helped usher me out the door. Perhaps these completely off-subject pieces will do the same for others.
Robin, first off, we’re all glad your out and posting. I left in ’82 when all the mission holders were destroyed. And, sec checking is for one thing and one thing only: MONEY! It was once fun, but now it’s become evil to its core.
If one has a particular status like silver meritorious, and move up to gold do you just pay the difference or a full amount again? What if you upgrade within one year?
C of S has become a circus!
It’s, at present, a ruined hope – a lot of money – and people who are attracted to such.
That’s all that’s left.
So, just get done filtering the $ through payoffs, lawyers, real estate, ect.
And get on with life.
Brandy should be in a sorority, going to classes and having fun. I just want to swoop in and rescue her. Those fucking bastards
Joe’s daughter?
Not sure who is her father. The girl from the Valley Autumn Gala promo.
She is NO angel. She’s a ruthless reg of the worst ilk. Right up there with the worst of the worst! She garners no sympathy in my book. Cold-blooded. Oh, did I say ruthless. Her mother is Peggy Crawford. Same tribe.
Brandy??? If I never see her again it will be too soon! And how many surnames has she gone by now … she was Shaw, Getto, Harrison and something else too. I’d love to know from Chris Shelton what he thinks of her and her devious ways.
Where is Julian Shwartz? Well, he is running up and down, sweating and trying to count his stat of “Situations Found and Handled” before 2pm; rushing, sweating, stressed as the Golden Rods are just piling up to the point that he can’t even count them without the use of an Ultra VIII Calculator to add the never heard before ‘number of people’ leaving the Church. And this stat is for sure straight up and vertical.
Come to think of it, the Texas Tornadoes is a very popular band of Texas legends. I might have to let them know that their name is being used this way.
Are you sure the Valley Gala promo isn’t an Onion article? OTVIIIisgr8t maybe? That just can’t be real. Is the apocalypse upon us already? I didnt even get to see Paris yet 🙁
LOL that was my impression as well. it really reads like some of Jeff’s finer work doesn’t it?
Pretty corny stuff their churning out.
Daphna Hernadez is a puppet of the SP’s she rallies the troops against.
Kool Aide fanatic to the core. “A criminal accusses others of he/she is doing themselves to others”
Daphna takes NO RESPONSIBLITY for her murder of NACONON public takes NO RESPONSIBILITY
for her hapless cowed and intimidated selectee’s.
She needs to be Bitch Slapped big time .
Unlike her ballsy sister T’shura.
Wow, MJ, it’s been many decades since I heard that name. I met T’shura at the “Prayer Day” convention in Anaheim, CA. in 1976 (I think). She said something to me that I never forgot: “They always go after the bright people.” And she didn’t look happy when she said that to me.
Prophetic words, eh OSD?
She sounds like a garden variety $cientologist to me. Nothing at all out of the ordinary. Treat with the ordiinary caution you might use around an Ebola patient or a rabid skunk!
My comment to your higher up post (there’s no button):
Wow! What a sick (f**k) game indeed to observe the stress level of arrivals for their 6-months check and doing actions to INCREASE the stress.
Power corrupts and total power corrupts totally.
Not much different from debt collectors, trying to spawning the fear….
Greta, that’s what I was thinking too! But, I believe because they view themselves superior to all other people, that mind set has been around for decades. Imagine INCREASING the stress levels of people who have come to hand over obscene amounts of money to you! What a sick fucking game they’re playing. Sick beyond measure…
I wonder if Daphna Hernandez is including, in her talk about suppression, the concept (a WTH precept) of “don’t do anything illegal.”
She is one of the parties named in a lawsuit against Narconon Int, CSI, ABLE and various Naronon facilities and individuals. They are all accused of the deliberate and knowing illegal use of NAFC credentials to profit from her Narconon associations. Fraud for profit.
I wonder how many other Fraud for Profit schemes she’s involved in. And how much she blames those who dare reveal her fraud as “suppressive people.” I also wonder how many people whom she’s defrauding would consider HER to be the SP on thier lines.
But of course, she’s only doing it for the greatest good (for her bank account).
Dear Daphna,
I belong to a group of merry-go-round riders. I have been on it a while and all my friends and family are on it now. But, Daphna, this ride is no fun any more. I have been looking for the brass ring but I’m too sick to my stomach and I want to get off. The ride master told me that I need to give him more money and ride it for the rest of my life if necessary to find out who is suppressing me. He quoted The Great Master who said “A person under stress is actually under a suppression on one or more dynamics” and that I need to find out who is suppressing me. He won’t let me off the ride until I do this.
My friends and family are on this ride, Daphna. I think the ride master is crazy. What do I do?
Spot on McCarran. You said:
“The Great Master who said “A person under stress is actually under a suppression on one or more dynamics” and that I need to find out who is suppressing me. He won’t let me off the ride until I do this.”
I couldn’t agree more. Show me a cult member who is NOT stressed out, staff or public. The totally amazing aspect of this is that the person will seldom simply look at the person causing the stress and cognite on the source and the condition.
Let me reminisce a little here;
Alphonso -MAA at FLAG – would make comments and innuendos about public in the waiting area of the MAAs office and always seemed so happy to observe the stress level of those arriving on a 6 mos. check. I was always puzzeled by his behavior because he seemed to enjoy being able to increase the stress level of the public. A solo auditor could list to an LFBD here on Who or What causes me the most stress at Flag? I can almost guarantee a floating TA on this one!
Julian Schwartz has been handling the MAA cycle on my wife and my family ( I have never met the guy) during the forced disconnection proceedure where the cult worked hard to get me declared and DAed with the rest of the family. My ex is 5’6″ tall and weighed about 130 lbs for most of her life and we were married for 33 years. Then she gets involved with Julian a couple years ago, is completely stressed out and now weighs under 112 lbs. I doubt that anyone in the cult has noticed her weight loss or even thought about helping in any way ….. other that offering more sec checks.
Yo Julian,
Ever considered whether or not your sec checks produce any stress? It wouldn’t be related to the fact that you sick fucks are the most suppressive organisms on the planet across each and every dynamic there is and then some ….. would it?
Dear McCarran
Your lucky day! I’m offering a course entitled “Your Armor Against Suppression” so I happen to know all about this subject. The ride master and I are good friends! Your lucky day again!
Here is what you do: Stay on the ride and disclose all your bad thoughts and deeds against the ride master until you feel better.
Oh gosh, Cooper. I totally get what you said and ditto. The same thing happened to me. I know Alfanso well. Followed me the day I got up and walked out. Barred the door. Repeatedly told me to get my ethics and get back upstairs. I have been continuing to walk out since that day. Then they went to work on my family and friends; so, I understand what your wife is going through.
I’m sorry for you and your loss.
What do you do, McCarran? Well, first off, keep posting here and expose the lunacy that is this cult as you’re so good at it. Lurkers read what you say and maybe, just maybe, it will resonate with them and they’ll think: What the hell have I done to myself these last 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 years! And then leave. That’s the BEST present you could give them. PLEASE keep it up.
Amen to that OSD.
One of the strangest phenomenon in the cult these days is the posting of brat kids into positions requiring them to exercise ethics presence and judgement. I’m not saying they are not potentially capable or able but I am saying the training they have received (if you call it that) from their seniors in the cult is non existent and horrific. It is nothing short of taking a kid out of the ‘Lord of the Flies’, putting them in a uniform and saying ..”Go for it. Everyone you come in contact with is an out ethics loser public that needs some ruthless handling.”
These kids are sick. My daughter is one of them. She is 32 years old and was a very talented artist and very kind when I knew her growing up. She studied ballet and designed beautiful clothes and had quite a knack at sketching and drawing. Now that she has been with Darth Vader and friends for the last 16 years, she literally has done a bunk. She is foul mouthed, she thinks that she and her startrek comrades are the last bastion to salvaging the planet, she is condescending and has now shrunk back into the reality that she is simply a spiritual being. That equates to the fact that her body parents are not really related to her, they just happened to be humanoid one day and hatch out a fetus which she likely stole from some other lesser being. Who needs some loser second dynamic anyway?
So now she can work in the Commodores Messenger Org and lord over all those out ethics beings. Before I was declared, Haley was deputy C/O CMO-IXU and before that she was Director of inspections and Reports for the same club. I learned from one of my Ex’s sisters that Haley came up to my ex-wife last May when my son was getting married and got in her face to tell her what a despicable person she was and of course had decided that my ex was no longer ‘mom’ but rather ‘Sheryl’. THIS IS ONE SICK KID. Sadly, she is a typical SO member.
It has been difficult for me to reconcile just how far south this cult has drifted. The ‘kids’ running the cult are a very dangerous breed. They are willing to waste and or desroy anything or anyone to support their belief system. Thank everyone here for speaking up! Good folks everywhere need to understand just what sort of terrorist threats exist right under their noses. In other parts of the world, the kids strap bombs on themselves, or their seniors do, all in the name of some cause or another.
Never in a million years did I think that Scientology was such a group. Now I know for certain it is. It is demonstrated each and every day and Mike’s post today again captured it.
Yo OSA, Dave, SO staff everywhere, blind public and especially my daughter Haley…..
“When I say 5,4,3,2,1 and snap my fingers you will WAKE UP. ”
5..4..3..2..1 (snap) WAKE THE FUCK UP!
To those still asleep know this………………..I will do everything possible to expose your cult for what it is. Today is September 11th …………………gird your loins because up to now it has been a walk in the park. As Ms. Presley said …….you ain’t seen nothin yet……………
Advice to McCarren,
Daphna is all stimulus response and fake social vernier, she pretends to be a solver of problems except not with your problem. Only her own self interest as it relates to the highest authority.
She takes in every particle of entheta from others about you , then acts as entheta police for others in a way she cannot be attacked in return, a games condition to be accurate.
Sit in a comfy chair in comfortable surrounding , close your eyes, think of everything you are grateful for and things that made you happy.Take a warm bath if this helps before you begin or go eat a favorite meal in a favorite cafe.
Go for a walk looking at things pleasing,breath fresh air.
Thoughts very high on the tone scale are hundreds of times more powerful than entheta that is at the bottom of the tone scale.The Universe reacts to this.
This turns Daphna’s world upside down sends the sociopaths that control her scurrying.
You got that right, LDW
Great offering today Mike — where to start?
Karen Dale – head of Delphi. She needs to learn that in this country the period goes inside the quote. Oh look – posing in front of the Delphi school building! No, no connection there – ha!
Sunland mission is gone so clear solution is meeting in a run down office space now. Moved from next to the Starbucks from across from KFC.
On all the trademark and logo violations – the fact that they haven’t been caught or called out just tells me that no one outside the bubble is aware of what they are doing. Worldwide impingement? I think not.
As to the disrespect – it’s in the DNA of the Co$. Disrespect everything that isn’t us. Tells the Sherpas they’re above the unwashed masses. Keeps the bubble afloat.
ANZAC? Oh my!
One other thing that points up how desperate the church is and how fast it is dying is that they are now taking illegal pcs in and auditing them if they can ante up the money. Another acquaintance I know was an illegal pc for 30 years and was refused OT levels all that time because as a young person she had worked for a time in a mental institution. Well, she inherited money when her parents died, so all of a sudden the church tells her that “it was an arbitrary and you are legal and come on down to Flag for auditing.” She did.
Disgusting. They’ve made it to true vulture status. Next they’ll show up at funerals.
What Hallie Jane said ^.
I don’t know what is more disgusting – the original arbitrary (which it was) or the secondary one of “realizing” their mistake when she suddenly had money. Who is making up all these illegal “policies” – first I have ever heard of someone who had worked in a mental institution being denied OT levels. I may be wrong but I know of no policy which states such.
I also wonder how effete and stupid some of these “illegal pcs” are that know they are not going to be allowed onto OT Levels yet STILL donate and participate and don’t think about their own 1st Dynamics (as no one else will) – and go and get auditing from the Indie field. (i am not talking here of lobotomy or shock cases obviously but someone who has had a bit of psychological chit chat or minor “therapy”.) Seems strange to me but I suppose the inval from the Church has lowered their own self-esteem so much that such never crosses their minds or they like remaining in the hive.
Mike sez:
“How do you get people to say this sort of thing? Easy — extract their money, a LOT of it, and then they are OBLIGED to prove they are not stupid and did the right thing.”
This is the most profound line in today’s posting. This is a major hurtle to overcome when you find yourself sitting on the fence or trying to stay under the radar. Admitting that one has been taken in by a world class con is no easy thing to confront. But, if you can’t confront this, you are doomed to stay trapped in whatever hell you have created for yourself. The way out is the nearest exit. It’s kind of like having to tear off a bandaid, you can rip it off quickly and experience a slight amount of pain that soon turns to relief or you can try and tear it off slooooowly and extend the pain or just let your wound fester and suffocate under the wrapping that was supposed to help. We all make our own choices…
Great post, Ms. B! I remember being on staff in Honolulu and one of my friends who was also on staff said “I can’t be had!”
Your post is spot on. It is tough to sit yourself down and realize that, indeed, you’ve been had. So, giving tons of money to the cult confirms that you truly are on the road to total freedom. As I’ve said before, this cults traps people by using their own mind. And that is truly scary…
Good comment Miss B and OSD. The cult traps people by using their own mind and their family taken hostage and threats of disconnection.
A friend of mine told me this today. She is caring for her mother who is dying of Stage 4 Cancer. It looks like she doesn’t have more than a month or two now. The church came first to the house to reg her to get auditing to save her from death. And it will only cost about $30,000 or more. (Gee, when did Davie change the ref “Policies on Handling Ill PCs?” I may have the title wrong but it is where it says people with terminal illness are illegal pcs).
As if that wasn’t enough, then they tell the mom that she has to disconnect from her son whom they have declared SP. Telling a dying woman to disconnect from her son?????!!!!! What kind of heartless bastards are these to take all the money from a dying woman they know they can’t help and then to tell her to disconnect from her son when he should be there helping make her final days happy ones. You can’t make this stuff up.
But I’m very proud to report that the daughter/caretaker of the dying mom stood up to the church and said that after all the bad shit they’ve done to her and her family, the out tech, etc, that the church is in lower conditions to her. And the mom said NO she would NOT disconnect from her son. Yea! Kudos to them all for standing up to the church, for assigning them a condition. Integrity! She has it in spades.
Cindy, that is un – freakin’ – believable! But, of course for the cult, it’s standard operating procedure. Compassion, sympathy & empathy have no roles in the evil cult.
Cindy, look, I’m going to go out on a limb here and speak for all the posters here: PLEASE let this dying woman, her daughter & son know that we are all thinking about them. It’s important for them to know that people they don’t even know are sending them positive thoughts (or prayers if you’re religious). For me personally, it just seems to be the right thing to do. I’m just not sure how much lower this cult can go. But, I have a feeling they’ll surprise with something even more f#@ked up.
We’re all standing behind you and your friends.
Yea. I agree. That’s why I thought the term “Prison of Belief” was so accurate.
Cindy- the dying lady should read Marilyn Brewer’s exit story published on Marty’s blog a few years back…. Very powerful.
I second what OSD said.
Ms B. Spot on. Of those who left the “church” but are STILL wrapped around the Pole of “clear & OT” the common denominator is being willing to actually LOOK at the real, underlying scam created by El Ron. They will never recover their full wits until they view the data fully and stop parroting what they “learned” in the church.
Once I realized that ALL of the training sets you up to have someone ELSE in control of your life – either auditor, reg, DM, or some young, reincarnated Nazi Youth – then I realized that there was no Enlightenment there on that path. LRH was spinning a web. A grand, delightful web… to get us all caught up in. And at one point it becomes very difficult to get out. Even so… once I saw it, I realized that I didn’t need ANYthing to do with it and sold ALL my tapes and books and meters for pennies on the $5 (literally) and am FREE. Whew.
The fact that all these huge, blazing advertisements with artsy-fartsy stuff all over them are clamoring for money and then the Auditor’s Day release is a simple little, nondescript advertisement somewhere shows what the Co$ is all about. Yuk. I’m hoping that some more people will finally wake up.
Thanks for all that you do, Mike, to give us reality.
Thank you Old Surfer Dude. I will tell her how so many people out here are proud of them for standing up, for having integrity and are praying for her recovery and praying for them in general. This is great to hear and I will pass it on.
In Scientology the “investment” is of MONEY, TIME, and INDOCRINATION, which, when combined,
form the Gorilla Glue that is so difficult to disengage from.
And yet, daily, people are making their way to the EXIT!
Let us hope it turns into a flood…
What is also sad (from today’s post and an earlier one) is the whole “I gave money to be acknowledged”. If Yogi needs ‘recognition’ all he has to do is send money to me. I promise to jump up and down and tell him how wonderful he is. How about donating money to St. Jude Hospital for Children, which charges NOTHING for medical treatment for sick kids. Yea, all you might get is a nice thank you letter and not 30 seconds of false adulation, but you could possibly save a child’s life. No, I’d rather give money so cob can eat lamb from New Zealand (at least they spelled it right this time) instead of actually helping someone. Wake up!
The cob eats lamb to remind himself that he has the power and ethics presence to gobble up any wayward sheeple that stray from the flock. It’s a vital part of his hat and not some luxury item as all you defrocked apostates on the fringes of the Internet mistakenly believe. Also he feels closer to Jesus, who after all was considered the lamb of God. This should be blatantly obvious. I rest my case.
Mrs. B Haven, you beat me to it. That line popped out like a flashing red light for me. I know several very smart cookies who are being schnookered this way. I also know a few rich, dumb ones, but these smart ones, who started very successful businesses – yes, they are shilling for the IAS now, and its because they need to convince themselves they were right.
Words from dear Dave you’ll never hear: “I was wrong.”
Question: How many sheeple does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: None, they prefer the dark.
I think AUS/NZ veterans’ organisations should be harpooned with this.
People upset about the use of ANZAC just don’t understand how important it is to have super-shiny buildings. It was LRH who said, “Ideal Orgs, not battles, mark the forward progress of mankind.”
Regrettably, I don’t think the silver fern as a symbol of New Zealand (please note the spelling, creators of Scientology bumf) is trademarked. I personally know of two beef companies from the South Island that use it on their packaging. Of course, one of them is named Silver Fern Farms, so it’s appropriate for them.
(Source: me, since I work for a company that uses frozen New Zealand beef trim in their product.)
Daphna shouldn’t be allowed to give any lectures until she Method 9 Word-Clears “the plural of ‘datum’ is ‘data'” to full star-rate and twelve-teen F/N. The misuse of “datum” and “data” is a hot button of mine, though, so your punishment might be lighter.
And we can add “ANZAC abuse” to the list of Scientology Military Crimes, right up there with the existence of the Sea Org, LRH’s falsifications of his military record, and comparing the Scientology Justice system to the UCMJ. As a third generation US Army veteran, I’m particularly sensitive to this, and I’m glad that you’re calling them out on it, Mike. Could you imagine the shitstorm they’d entail if they parodied the James Montgomery Flagg Uncle Sam or Lord Kitchener for money-sucking purposes?
I think these people know how screwed up it is, and are playing along for the same reason everyone else always has: they think it’s just their portion or just above it that’s rotten-why it’s so easy to get them all running down the street with pitchforks and torches every 10 minutes.
But Davey, just remember: someday that pitchfork castle you’ve built is going to be directed at you. And lit on fire with those torches.
I swear they ought to change the name from CofS to PLEASE DON’T HURT ME…DO IT TO HIM!
The ARC triangle of David Mustgrabbit: Aggrandizement, Real Estate and Cash.
Good one MJ, one to be remembered :)!
Thanks Zephyr. For bringing out the cynic in me, DM is at the top of my hit list. 😉
Sammy, what do you think would happen if someone showed them the policy letter (at least I think it’s a PL) where Hubbard says if the GI is low, solve the problem by selling more services. He goes on to say, “Do not resort to selling postcards or fundraising.” Just wondering. I assume the person who had the balls to do that would end up in the RPFs RPF. Or worse…
Short answer……nothing.
LOL Old Surfer Dude…Solve It With Scientology. 100% violated in Davey the Despot’s Wally World. Fund raisers in violation of Solve it with Scientology started back in the 90s and have escalated to become the entirety of the operation. He must have been watching the 500 Club, lol.
In related news, they also violate the Comm Member System. That was knocked out back in the 80s, right away when he took over. I believe the first internal, broad instance of this was the infamous Mission Holder’s Conference.
He did that so that people on similar posts would not be able to compare notes with each other regarding what they were experiencing. This way, internally the staff (and public) are convinced that all the fuckery is just happening in their own little corner of Earth. If they could talk to people in other areas, they’d all quickly see the rot is coming from the top.
This causes constant “witch hunting”, looking for “whos” in their area “stopping production,” and this can be directed en mass at anyone who has fallen out of favor for one reason or another (usually political) and needs to be removed without going through all those pesky ethics gradients-usually someone who would not be otherwise removed due to their tenure and level of production. Old timers see behind the curtain-he needs a refill of new, more gullible people to keep the con going. 🙂
The only word which occurs is “stupefying”. Mike, I think the two masks are incorrect. They should both be “drama” since this stuff is no longer comedy.
To be fair, the silver fern on the New Zealand piece is a de facto symbol of our country, much like Canada uses the maple leaf, except ours isn’t on our flag. It’s common among national sports teams and so on. It’s from an actual fern plant that has a silver underside which early settlers would put down on pathways as the moon would illuminate these ferns to a small degree.
Understood. It’s the “just do it” that goes along with it that is the problem. The symbol is not a problem alone. I’ve watched enough All Blacks games to know the silver fern symbol. It just looks similar to the Nike swoosh and coupled with the trademarked expression is deliberately similar.
Thanks, Captain Tripps! That’s very interesting about the silver fern. I’m a big gardener and enjoy learning about flora.
BTW – I sent the image to Nike.
Eric Bogle’s powerful homage to the Anzacs.
I like your Stephen King reference 🙂
It’s like they’re out to enrage people on purpose…
Gosh, DM, I thought that had always been their SOP!
Yep, and their stats are in power. Lou probably keeps a separate stat sheet in COBs bathroom to help him de-stress.