The wonderful SNL parody of “We Stand Tall” worth watching once a week
Best gift ever…
Pay for them to attend one of our fundraising dinners where they will be hounded and harassed until they have turned over anything they have…
OT IX and X on the brink of release
How do we know? Because the “OTC Production Secretary” announced it. Funny, Dear Leader usually likes to take credit…
Celebrate the Sucesses [sic]
There are only about 10 words on this — and they still cannot spell them right.
Ensuring mankind has a future
Nothing conceited about this. Cambridge “ideal” org can’t reach beyond the sidewalk…
Mega breathless rocket ride
No doubt it was epic, monumental and straight up and vertical too. As long as you ignore the lawsuits, deaths, Emmy winning expose, NY Times bestselling book, endless parodies and everything else that happened this year.
You have the right to be prosperous.
Step 1 – never board the Moneywinds.
The X Factor
Still CFing it
This org has been “ideal” for years….
Standard admin tech is clearing the planet.
Only if you pay…
Otherwise, sit down in front of the reg
Shrine seating is limited…
Haha. They haven’t managed to fill the Shrine for a decade. And didnt again this year. No matter how many times they beg the “largest concentration of scientologists on earth” to attend the ONLY live performance by Dear Leader on the West coast all year.
We will have a Cleared Planet in my lifetime…
Math challenged just a bit?
The BEST Christmas gift
Giving your money to US. It takes some chutzpah to say this. Now wonder they have two large balls on display….
Mighty My Mammy
Just because…
Uncle Sam is at it again
Desperate to see you give your money to scientology so it is exempt from taxation. Makes about as much sense as the other stuff they put out.
Learn PR from the military and police
No lies being told in this piece of PR promotion… They double down on their old lies with some new ones below.
Maybe next year…
Maybe he could get his postulating straightened out and hold his super New Year’s Day seminar ON New Year’s Day?
And finally, on the subject of next year and our postulates – Happy New Year everyone.
May 2016 be a healthy, prosperous and enjoyable one for all.
And may more sheep escape the pen and more of the fences that hold them in collapse. Sheep are entitled to happiness and freedom too.
Late to the party, but that is new year’s for you.
In response to that outrageeous parody video, dear leader posted this response on youtube
Well, because it’s going to take till next year to get thru all these comments, best I say Happy New Year to you and your family Mike. Thank you for all you’ve done to help me with my de-programing and for the help you give to others. We all have everything going for us now. All we have to do is be happy and keep living 🙂
I simply HAVE to know what Michael Lewis’ deadly postulate is Not only that, but I have to know the other two — the ones that are “not that one” and “not that other one either.” Anyway, if it’s something that people do every day and think it’s a normal part of life, and the prudish Mr Lewis is sure ‘YOU’ don’t do it, and it’s NOT masturbation, then I’ll be extra intrigued. That’s three very dangerous postulates to be accounted for. I’m sure that one has to do with not giving all your dough to Captain Miscavige. Then there’s the whacking off thing. So, what’s left? It must be some other variation on not giving over the money.
Sometimes I am amazed how narrow and constricted is the worldview of Scientology customers that they will lap up such a childish version of morality as I assume must be the thrust of the Postulates Dinner harangue .. uh, I mean preaching.
Happy New year Mike
May 2016 Dawn a Kinder and Gentler World
Prosper and Flourish
Semper Fidelis
“Judge yourself by your successes.”
Right, Michael Lewis, you certainly wouldn’t want to judge *your* self by your failures, especially one “epic mega” failure with one particular young adult, would you?
Happy New Year to Mike and his family.
Happy New Year to everyone here in this blog community. Love you all.
Happy New Year’s Mike Rinder!
Who would have thought that there’d be this detailed history coverage daily of Scientology that your blog and Tony Ortega’s blogs daily provide today, five years ago? Both blogs are unprecedented in valuable ongoing history material.
You both are doing a public service.
Thanks so much to the people who provide you both with the raw material.
I urge everyone who appreciates the raw material that both your blogs provide, to click on the donation boxes on each site. (The Underground Bunker, and this site.)
Thanks so much for taking an ongoing interest in Scientology’s ongoing history.
Let’s all postulate together : ” scientology disbanded and david miscavige in prison in 2016″.
Just put a light intention on this and if we all do it together, the postulate will stick. Hey, I’m just applying the tech I learned over the last (almost) half century. Let’s do it.
Every one of you posters and Mike and Regraded Being, Have a Very Happy New Year !
Who’s bringing the torches and pitchforks?
I’d bring a lawn chair and a six pack of something.
Happy New Year to all who contribute to this blog in various forms, to Mike for creating and keeping this platform here.
I know it is a full time job to sort out the false reports.
I know it takes courage and all kinds of various expenses and taxes on one’s life, to confront inconvenient truths.
But I think we have done well at Knowing How To Know.
Hear, hear!
Yes, I heard you! Now stop repeating yourself!
OSD, Thank you for all of the laughs in 2015. You make for very merry company!
Mike – thank you for everything you do to make the world a better place. Hats off to you. And if you ever think about hanging it all up, go for it. Life is short enough, and you’ve done damn good. May you & yours have a lovely 2016.
May each and every person here on Mike’s blog have a wonderful new year. Thanks for making this a community of idea sharing.
To all those still in, the way out is the way out. You will not be alone.
My fondest wish for 2016 is that all disconnected families and friends are reunited. Love is the best thing we have in life, don’t squander it. Share and share alike.
That “sucesses” bit turned from merely funny into hilarious when I realized that this actually came from the San Francisco org. The SF area is one of the most highly educated places on the planet, and this is the best their local brain trust could do? I thought these folks paid good money to learn how to use a dictionary. (Or as John Sweeney offers, free of charge: “Just open the fucking thing!”)
Human ability failing, they are situated in the global epicenter of high-tech, and they could not acquire a spellchecker? At least, the Amish would have had an excuse. But in this case, it just simply shows that their recruitment of folks with an IQ exceeding room temperature must have REALLY dried up!
”Twas the night before New Years,
And all through the Org
Not a Scion was stirring,
Nor even a Wog.
All the Sheeple were headed
On out to the Shrine
Where the Reg’s, they were lined up
To fleece every dime.
The celebs had all turned out
Up front was their place
There was Elfbot and Krusty
Two cadets straight from Space.
JT, he did mingle
with Bart Simpsons voice
And the Whales all applauded
At Tom Cruise’s new face.
When who to the hushed
Waiting crowd should appear
But a miniature man
Who demanded a cheer.
His pompadour rose
Like the lifts in his shoes
And he lied to them all
Of Vertical Expansion news.
Times 47, his BS did fly
He droned on forever, telling lie after lie
Ideal and Golden and Tech that is pure
A Bridge to nowhere, it was all just manure.
The enlightened did laugh o’re at Mike Rinders Blog
OSD, and AnnB, all the “Ex’s” and Wogs,
They knew the real truth
About this eye-opening year.
Hit with Leah’s book
Not to mention Going Clear
The end is in sight and to the “still-ins” great fear,
All in all its so true 2015… what a year!
And we heard Mike exclaim
As he signed off of the site
Happy New Year to All
And Keep Up the Good Fight!
Hi justmeteehee, A Brilliant Post! May your Light Shine On in 2016. With Love & Admiration, Ann.
Wishing the very best for you in 2016 Ann. XXOO
Hi The Oracle, The very, very best to you Always, XXOO to an incredible spirit & poster! Love love, Ann.
tweedle dee and kingdom come
reading tht was kinda fun & as for me,
I sign in the blog and join the celebration, happy.
Such a thing.
Just the moment you made me think …
how i like to identify myself as a Warrior of Love kind of guy but maybe more like a
love of truth
feeling the joy of having it expressed ‘n all, happy face post here.
big bad scary church aint gonna crimp my style, hey!
I got daylight to burn and
i am
gonna burn some outside, what a life. -me
There once was a dwarf named Dave,
Who terrorized people all day.
He ‘disappeared’ his wife, and thought that was nice
While locking her up one day.
But then the entire cult came apart and all the members left. The End.
+1 very blue ribbon
great posts and replies; all around. Wishing everyone Freedom and good health to enjoy 2016, and many, more years to come: PEACE to ALL.
Right back at u, pet lover! Peace out….
God bless us…everyone…teehee! happy New Year one and all!!
With the release of the Jenny Linson video at LAX, Crime in Los Angeles rose in all categories in 2015.
It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Brummieham. Nice to see that Phil Harrison is still caught in his midlife crisis and is rocking the leather. It’s also nice to see that he and his wife are obviously the only ones donating to this lost cause. Here’s a hint for the bean-counters at Saint Hell: your country will never be cleared if there’s only one couple donating to your Idle Morgue in the second-largest city in your country. But you’ve got a problem: given patterns elsewhere, it’s not the second-largest cities but the third-largest that get attention (Basel and Malmo, for instance). The last second-largest city to get attention from DM was Kaohsiung. So, Harrisons, you’re screwed.
Note: thanks to Scientology’s weird definition of continents, that means that the second-largest city in EUS is safe. Too bad. Parking is plentiful in front of the rotting roach-filled corpse on South Clark, allowing for convenient protesting without constantly having to feed the extortionate meters that are omnipresent anywhere near downtown Chicago.
Oh, Mighty My Mammy…pulling out that quote, the one that screams “See! LRH DOES count on us!”, has the strong odor of desperation. Are you running out of appropriate quotes to fill your promos? That’s no excuse; you’ve pulled out totally inappropriate and incomprehensible quotes in the past. Try harder, My Mammy.
To Sacramento and all other org: if you weren’t slavishly tied to your idiotic Org Boards and their fill-in-from-the-top-down requirements, maybe you can have someone there who isn’t busy (bookstore folks, I’m looking at you) go back to CF during their copious downtime to get some filing done. It shouldn’t be too hard, and with the lack of “particles”, you should get it done in no time. That was a freebie. Normally I charge beaucoup for that type of advice.
I see they’re doubling down on the lies concerning Colombia. Just because you keep repeating things doesn’t mean that they’re true. You can’t even count this as a “postulate” because it’s a “done” in your minds. Oh, yeah, how is Bogota Idle Morgue doing? Did TC stop by during his filming there and give it his approval?
And to all of you, a very Happy New Year. May 2016 be as satisfying for us as 2015 was in seeing the final destruction of this insidious cult. The party starts at the Oscar nominations.
When will OT 9 & 10 be released? When everyone who did the “old” OT levels is either dead or declared. Then the David can re-release the “old” (ref: Technical Degrades), processes, maybe adding a couple of things from the PAB’s or Philly Doc, and presto! You too can be more yourself and able to focus on the task at hand better than even when you finished the purif for the 4th time.
This is what I think too. Something along these lines and maybe AppleBoxBoy won’t wait for those who did the old OT Levels to die off. Those left will buy anything He tells them. You know, now that He’s gotten rid of all the squirrels, He can just about justify anything He releases again.
Hey Mary! U think he’ll let me redo the comm course?r
That little shit even beat women???? Why that wee little mudder fugger–the NERVE! Please bring him to Brooklyn, w/o his body guards, of course. I’ll show the little beast what it’s like to HIT OR BEAT a woman!!! OOOOooooOOOOOhhhh, I’m boiling pissed!
Bensonhurst already took a toll on him this year.
I’ve heard you never mess with women from Brooklyn. You’ll just get your ass kicked.
I’m tempted to wish DM a Happy New Year because he’s really going to need it.
And for Mike and everyone here, have a Happy New Year.
Happy New Year!
Let’s see, isn’t half the world in 2016 now? Yes! It’s Happy New Year somewhere! Let’s celebrate!
A very Happy New Year to you, Michael!
Happy New Year Michael, and many more!
Just more fundraising events. The endless fundraising is the grindstone that eventually but certainly pushes everyone but the super wealthy or super codependent and clueless out. Mocking the fundraising is a great way to see the money grubbing for exactly what it is.
Have a good New Year all. It’s all done & dusted here is Aussie, 7 tons or something ridiculous of fireworks in Sydney – very spectacular, still it’s a better use of money than on scientology.
Wish I could be there to see the display!
Aint that the truth, Lancelot, I mean I Yawn,
Those mind-bending Scientologists, huh?
They believe they can say anything, ANYTHING, and of course we have to believe it,
we must believe it, we certainly take all the simple facts from Scientology as real…
authenticated by scn posters, even.
Did you know that anything a scientologist says cannot be a lie? Lies in scn do not exist.
It is in the Ethics, see. It is called “technology”.
THE greatest technology in the world, who knew. Lies are not lies in there, -they are for the greater good so now you tell everyone, tell them it is The Truth; in fact do everything you are told by a scientologist, you’re probably not doing it fast enough.
That’s called technology, too, so wonderful.
Scientology says so, that’s all you need to know. By the way,- Check out the monumental year!
LRH actually IS that great, all he has to do is utter the words, and they become fact. Every year proves it.
We are so lucky, that he exists (he is not really dead, you know) just imagine all the things he could say.
Did you know you can actually buy his technology? Yeah, with money.
Sell your house. Just think of all the valuable information you could buy. Want to see a scientologist smile?
Hm? You mean you’ve never seen a scn-gist walk away, smiling? And you already maxed out your plastic?
It is so easy, just sell your house and give it to him, them, the cash, faster the better and get this:
You don’t even have to think! It doesn’t even have to buy anything, no kidding, just call it a donation or whatever, they will take it ALL just the same. How easy is that? Maybe you are lucky enough to give them even a million dollars, I am not exagerating, FOR NOTHING, not like regular persons at all.
(those are called wogs, also known as “worthless people”. Dont worry, YOU can be a scientologist, too!)
And the new leader beats people because he can, he is the new leader after all, and no wrong can a scientologist do; its all technology. Oh, and buildings, I almost forgot big, beautiful, other and more buildings. Don’t try to sleep there.
They have kinda a lot because they don’t have to pay taxes, ever. That’s also because they are scientologists, see… and you know that old goat Hubbard, he said no, and that really means no way. You gotta love the truth. In fact, I am ready for those fireworks right now. Doesnt midnight happen sooner in Sydney? Love this planet. Happy New Year!!!!! From the Pacific Coast, that’s 11 hours from…NOW!
ps i am being as personal as you can get here and i am NOT asking for permission,
just as I am not making you aware of the tiniest relative importance, honestly,
to your personal freedom to walk the Earth as you sit fit (denied), spoken
just like a true (i wish i could put that word true in fancy colors)
aka science-jester, just call them jokes.
Happy New Year YAL! May the red carper roll out for you in 2016!
For anybody who wants to see a stop put to David Miscavige and the CoS, 2015 has been a dream come true. Normally, a year with Going Clear winning three Emmy Awards would be a banner one but the “Let Him Die” affair, The Hollywood Reporter tattling on DM’s clownish censorship efforts and then Leah’s take-no-prisoners bestseller, not to mention the many little treats like the SNL Neurotology skit…
this has been an EPIC year!
The Battle Creek Church wants to celebrate the New Year’s Eve “rocket ride into 2016” tonight with a potluck dinner. Better to call it a “last supper” by my reckoning.
You can see the great impression Michael Lewis makes on the younger generation by going to the
valley life improvement center web site. There is a wonderfully medieval aspect to it: he is saving
the younger generation from the vampires that are so prevalent in the San Fernando valley.
Let’s do what we can to make the new year a (genuinely) happy one— the year the C0$ falls, and Demonic Midget goes to prison. A year when Shelly gets out of prison. A year when families are re-united, and squirrels can live without fear. A year when whales are beached, and people are free to go to the beach.
Thumbs Up! This will be when scientologists can fully trust each other.
“This year you will see – Expansion surpassing anything in history and so great it will leave you BREATHLESS” – The Church of Scientology.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the the lie. It then becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the enemy of the lie, and thus by extension the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” – Joseph Goebbels.
Mike Rinder, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being on the side of truth, and for doing all that you do to get the truth out. You write so well, and you have an amazing persistence on a given course. I admire you.
Regraded Being, warm thanks for your wise, witty cartoon satire, to which, along with Mike’s commentaries, I’m now addicted.
I love coming here to read and post. My thanks to each of you for reading and posting your facts and opinions. I like the differing viewpoints. From you I learn and laugh every day.
Happy New Year 2016, everyone!
And thank you for your witty mind! HNY!
Whew! What a year! According to their “expansion,” 1 in 3 people are Scientologists now! Can you believe it? No? Yeah, I can’t either.
Mike, wishing you, your wife and your boys, a safe and wonderful New Years’! May 2016 be your best year yet. Your blog is our playground, and we all thank you for that. And we’re all looking forward to shredding the cult in ’16. I mean, it’s just so much fun!
Hey you incredible, magnificent, charming, enlightened, EPIC, MONUMENTAL posters!!! Thank you for all you have taught me this last year. Thank you for your humor! Thank for your comedy! And thank each and every one of you for being you. What wonderful group we have! Even the dwarf posts here! Mike, you can’t get a better compliment than that!
And finally, let’s remember the posters here who still have family inside this cult. And offer as much support as we can. We are a family here. Although I always seem to be the Black Sheep of any family! Do you know what you call a Scotsman with a sheep under each arm? A Pimp!
A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to all, and to all, a goodnight…
Are you questioning data from COB OSD? You obviously have overts and withholds. Report to the ethics officer immediately.
My overts & withholds of magnitude would scare the shit out of people if they knew about them. So I always try to keep them covered up…
“1 in 3 people are scientologists” !!! Yeh, in the orgs. The other 2 are UTR ! Ahh, shit, I’m making myself laugh ! Have a Happy New Year , Surf Man. Although it’s fun reading all the posts, I enjoy yours the most. They leave me laughing. So I thank you for all the laughs in ’15 and I look forward to more mirth
in ’16. Have fun this weekend and may 2016 bring you many perfect waves. Cowabunga !
LMFAO!!! “The other 2 are UTR!” No bout a doubt that! Now that’s some funny shit!
Thanks for the kind words, Double E! But, it took me quite awhile to stop laughing at YOUR POST! You’re one funny motor scooter!
And, yes, I’m always looking forward to perfect waves. And this is especially true for the Queen and her Court during the Rose Parade tomorrow. I mean, think about it. The have to practice their waves for months before they achieve perfection. It takes a lot of work to achieve the perfect wave. But, I’m sure they’ll be up for it unless they all get stinkin’ drunk tonight.
BOOM chaka locka BOOM chaka locka
boom da boom people.
(i just had to send that out to you, my man Old Surfer Dude, because its still before midnight -I- love you so and I just can’t help it [repeat I love you so] and (note the capitol eyes). I’m walking back to town just because it is 10:49 pm
and i still haven’t said HAPPY NEW YEAR, (all for the people) (and the rest for surfer dude ‘n me)
{ this helpful home-making tip: keep pharmaceuticals and creepy cults out of the reach of children }
i have a feeling this 2016 is just going to be killer. -mark marco ps on that happy note i intend to consume beer number three (hell, i aint drivin’). alert the neighborhood. post ps: sorry dave what a bummer
“Learn PR from the military and police” 2FF On the Floor!!!
David Miscavige has reduced crime in Columbia! But in his own neighborhood…..Crime in Los Angeles rose in all categories in 2015, LAPD says:
Happy and healthy New Year Mike, family and everybody .
Wishing only the best for all of you.
Happy New Year to you and your family, Mike. And Happy New Year to all you commenters out there!
Thank you all so very much! You’ve all made it a thoughtful, humorous experience here at Mike Rinder’s place. Here’s to more in 2016!
My very best to you all on the list, lurkers included.
It’s been an amazing ride this year, watching the “ship” as it sinks lower in the water. And fun, too, as those aboard insist that it’s full speed ahead while ignoring the water rising beyond their knees. 🙂
Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family, Mike. Thank you for what you do with the information you put on this blog and the way you run it.
Thank you to the many people here whose kind words of understanding and support have helped me through some trying times.
I wish you all a happy, healthy, prosperous 2016. I hope 2015 is the year we see the tyrants’ last hurrah.
Have a great 2016 Mary! From both of us!
The Emmy’s should be a great start to achieving your wishes!
And the winner for best documentary is…………….GOING CLEAR!!!!!!! Just listen to that applause! It’s just getting louder and louder!
Yeah, but will it satisfy Leah’s need for attention when she presents the Oscar to Alex?
Hi Mike, Since I first found your blog, RB and Thurs Funnies have been two of my absolute favorites.Thank you for all you do here much appreciated. To all inside and outside the bubble, Mike’s Blog is what real freedom is about. Something can be done about all the abuses that have occurred at the hands of cos.I too will wish all the sheeple taste life outside the fences and play in the Sunlight finally free.Happy 2016 Y’all! With Love, Ann
Happy New Year Ann! May the sun always shine on your lovely person. xx darling, see you next year.
Hi gtsix, Thank you my Aug 1 birthday-soul mate. May the sun always shine on your kind and caring spirit.See you next year! xxoo Ann.
OT 9 and 10! How exciting.
And if, perchance, that doesn’t handle it (and it won’t)
there’s always OT 11 and 12 to look forward to!
I wonder if they’ll skip (unlucky) OT 13 and go straight to OT14
like elevators do?
Happy New Year Mike, and thanks for a really great year!
I suspect 9 and 10 will be done on a beach where you practice your newfound abilities to mock up your ideal scene in sand.
9 & 10 hey?
Had a thought about them. It seems logical since the bridge is now circular and with the purif & objectives having to be redone, 9 will be a audited comm type TR level and 10 a problems handling for the stuff you can’t comm with found on 9. Much the same as the org board where you cycle through the awareness’s and come back at source again. It’s all laid out, nice as you please, even davey can follow it.
See… this scientology stuff is easy peasy. Think I’ll get a head start and unclear myself, now, where did I leave that bong? Ahh… that’s right, in the fridge next to the six pack!
Anyone want to help start a new movement? Scienfaroutology.
My lack of god, this is awful.
“My purpose is to bring a barbarism out of the mud it thinks it conceived it and to form here on Earth a civilization based on on human understanding, not violence.”
I wouldn’t dare to use this as a direct quote for an antagonist. My worst subject in school was English and in the Army I took tests for college credit hours. The only test I failed in was is English. My worst attempts at padding the word count are better then this. And my trunk stories are rejected for good reason.
(And just for the record, I just started the fifth chapter of my mental time travel novel and the protagonist is still in the ninth grade in school.)
I would say more but I have things to do.
I think a more accurate statement would be:
“My purpose is to bring a barbarism out of the mud it thinks it conceived it and to form here on Earth a civilization based on human degradation by lying, cheating and stealing from honest people of all nations.”
El Con Hubbard
I’ll be looking for your novel as well! Good luck! Writing is hard, but you got the savvy to git ‘er done!
Question (probably really stupid) — On the “Moneywinds You have the right to be prosperous” piece above it states under the promotional picture LRH with the trade marked symbol next to his initials but before the word tools.
Am I missing something? Are LRH’s initial TMed, is it LRH tools that are TMed or what? I may be asking a really dumb question but I don’t see a TM next to any other LRH initials on the above pieces.
The letters “LRH” are trademarked. Like NBC. Or GM. But I suspect it is unenforceable for a number of reasons. RTC has never tried. They know it would be a waste of time. And some drone stuck that on there thinking they would get some brownie points from RTC… It is utterly meaningless. The term is used in scientology millions of times with no trademark notice. This one isn’t going to make any difference.
Thank you for the reply. Makes sense.
A Happy New Year to you and yours!
That is a good point Mike. If it were really so there would be a © ® ™ or other sign next to the word. But YEE GADS! 🙂 Can you imagine to do the same for all words that comprise Scientologese (i.e. session, floating, needle, meter, e) I would rather do the Primary Rundown! 🙂
Happy New Year!
Gotta make new titanium plates, again.
I wouldn’t waste my time on Central File’s project, after all 80% are disaffected and are not longer interested on the scam…sorry religion of scn; 5.0% are apostates on the fringe of internet, another 5.0% are under the radar, and the other 10% are so blind that just simply do what a sociopath tell them to do.
As mentioned earlier, it is a waste of time.
Either way it has been a great 2015, this blog has provided us with excellent insights, very witty comments and lots of laughter.
Wish you Mike, family and all bloggers a happy 2016 celebration!
Really, SILVIA? 80%? I could have sworn it was 90% and climbing. Maybe I’m just not very good at math…
I helped in a DIV 6 CF project recently. The CF was mainly filled with people that did 1 or 2 courses. I noticed that most of them didn’t get past the Personal Integrity course as they had to write up their O/Ws….then crickets. That was the last course in most of the files. 90% of the files were 1 course and gone.
I would guess 75% of the files had apartments as addresses and since their course was 10 or 20 years ago, most of these people would have moved several times. We struggled to find any current files where someone bought something in the last few years. This was a fairly prominent Org but I don’t think there were more than 3,000 names of people that did a Div 6 course, going back to the early 80s.
I would say it is a total waste of time. I hope they spend a lot more time and effort working them and mailing stupid letters that get returned to sender. Or if the letter does get to the person, that they answer telling them to wank off.
The CF project will never be done in any org anywhere. It should be renamed for the activity it is …… a clusterfuck of long duration. Enjoy it while it lasts culties.
My favorite is the first one. Nothing says “you’re part of the most elite group of people with super powers clearing the planet with straight up and vertical expansion” like giving members of the OT Committee a $5 per head discount on the admission tickets for the Sacramento Ideal Org’s “OTC Postulates Dinner.” Of course, I don’t need to tell you that that $5 savings is going to be mighty expensive by the end of the evening…
The Sacramento OT Committee newsletter, with the appeal to Central Files, is a laugh. Why do I get the image of Central Files parties being just like “audio/visual crew” in junior high school, for the geeky kids with absolutely no “confront and shatter” to give them something to do while all the popular kids performed in the school play?
The “United for a Clear UK” tag line at the bottom is priceless… The Hubbard quote is “I therefore give you another first to acheive — THE FIRST CLEARED COUNTRY. A CLEARED UK.” How’s that going 60 years on? 2011 Census says less than 2,500 Scientologists, of which probably 1/3 are staff at Stain Hill, most of which haven’t gone clear. That’s straight up and vertical expansion, baby!
I had the same thoughts you had regarding the price discounts for OT Committee members. Not to mention they likely put more than that $5 bucks in the pot when they “pass the hat” at every OT committee meeting they attend since it is a regular agenda item of the gathering.
So, not only will it cost you more by spending 5 bucks less to attend the event, but cumulatively you’ve also paid that $5 bucks how many times over just by being a member of the OTC…not counting your bridge and all the previous REG cycles. And who knows what costs 2016 bring with it these members with the special rate option.
The bargain boggles the noodle!
It is sad and at the same time something else. Because these donation things have been going on since decades of Scientology’s history. Donate, donate, donate, donate but the you never see a Clear planet in spite of your donation. Instead, Paulette Cooper, Lisa McPherson, Maria Pia Gardini and the list goes on.
These are not success stories, these are unreported crimes you (if you were there and a part of it), I and others just paid for it blindly. Thank you for your donation?! 🙂 Have a flourishing and prosperous new year.
To John P. Capitalist (Have to do it down here, not getting the comment box under your post) Anyhoo, a “Clear UK?” OTFLMAO …. Do the muslim folks know about that?
Have a great New Year, John! 😉
My takeaway from today’s funnies: Sandy Dodwell’s comment that she is now able to call out “BS” when she sees it. Really Sandy? How about the BS you spout and are surrounded with from Scientology?
I want to wish Mike and everyone who posts here a very Happy New Year. Your humor and grace after escaping the clutches of Scientology never ceases to amaze me. The insight you offer is invaluable. May many more join in this year as they leave Scientology for good.
Lori, I think it was Greg Smith who said….
” I’m less apt to put up with others BS in life. I have a greater ability to call the person on it but then WORK THEM OVER IN A WAY THAT IS BENEFICIAL TO THEM & raises their reality in general.”
I added the caps. I think Greg shows exactly how a cult member thinks and acts.
Yo Greg,
Give me a call and work me over in a ‘beneficial way’ good butty. (209-928-4822 if you have the courage to act on your new found abilities) BTW, I suggest you get with Russ McKevitt and do some drilling before you call because I too have some new found abilities and am ‘less apt to put up with your Daveshit in life’. But do call …….because I think your Davebait is unflat ……………. and I can help you with that in a beneficial way and hopefully increase your reality …………good buddy!
Oops, thanks for the correction Newcomer. Whoever said it, clearly can’t smell the BS that is right under their nose!
A MEGA Ideal Org?? Are we getting a peak at what’s to come in 2016?
Happy New Year’s everyone!
Not only that, it’s a “MEGA Ideal Org in a MEGA cultural capital city”. Then Colin Davie said there is a “MEGA announcement for the Pacifica Bridge”. Let’s piece together the clues, such as they are. I think we can safely rule out any actual capital cities like London, Berlin, Madrid, and Tokyo since they already have Ideal Orgs and none of them can support MEGA status. FCDC is out since no one in their right minds, even Scientologists, would link Washington with anything “cultural”. So we have to concentrate on the “cultural” part. And that’s where Colin Davie’s BS comes into play. It’s either one of two things: they’ve bit the bullet and decided to fork out for the rest of Valley Org or they’re creating some new additional status for The Double Saint Hell Size Model Ideal LA Org.
tl;dr: Big fuckin’ whoop.
It’s Tokyo and the Sump. They just don’t want to say that as everyone has seen them several times already….
I seriously doubt what will be pushed as OT 9 &10
will be even close to anything LRH may have audited himself.
I am certain the runway will be long and expensive and sec checks
like nothing you can imagine. If you are not a raving lunatic by the time
you do the level the results will be mediocre at best.
May good fortune and good will escort you though the next year. HNY Jose!
Ricardo Prado is getting love bombed and loves the attention. Poor sap – getting duped year after year by Scientology Scam.
I heard Michael Lewis speak at his valley life improvement center on a friday night; several years prior
to Sept. 2012, when his son murdered a helpless 81 year old woman. He put himself into a very good
light with a group that included people new to scientology, like myself. He said he was auditing a murderer.
I assumed that meant he was involved in some social betterment program, in cooperation with the local
government. I was impressed. Michael is a very good, very persuasive speaker. He combines intelligence
with charisma and wit. I remember thinking: “wow, this guy really has it together. He takes the dregs of
society and tries to make a difference.” Only later did I begin to wonder: “the person he was auditing—was
this another scientologist?” And now, I wonder, what impression did he make on his son?
The LRH quote in the X Factor promo is exposing what Miscavige and his SO cronies are actually doing.
Of course if we hold our breath we will be breathless you numb skull.
Your org will love you for bringing its CF file into PT….that seems what Scn. is all about these days….the public doing the work the orgs should be doing.
The US government will back up my bridge progress? I wonder if the US government knows this.
In any case….thank you US government for backing up my bridge progress. Maybe one day the wing of the US government that has auditors will start to “back up” Miscavige and his merry band of criminals.
Greg Smith used to be a good guy. When he started pounding his chest in full agreement with miscavige’s brilliant evaluation of the three-swing F/N he sold his soul to the devil.
I think I know what the X factor is that he’s talking about. It’s the ability to completely suppress any idea contrary to the current “command intention.” It’s the ability to buy into any of miscavige’s bullshit without even the slightest hint of any notion that he’s not looking at crap. He sees a sirloin steak instead. He sees it with total certainty. He is unwavering and totally obedient. His pretense has reached the point where he buys his justifications hook, line and sinker.
He has fully mind-melded into the borg.
My mind melted once when I was in college. I noticed I was taking on the traits of a borg. Then I looked around me and saw that EVERYONE looked like a borg. Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow….
Happy New Year Mike and all who read this blog. I must thank you again Mike for all of the work you do to help destroy this evil cult.
I really hope to see 2016 as a year where families, that are currently torn apart by this cult, are brought back together again. I have read so many horrible stories caused by the disconnection policy. I look forward to reading some heart warming ones this year.
Dear Harrisons: “You could actually give away everything you own and know that you could create it all again.” Best of luck with that. Do let us know how it goes.
“A Cleared Planet in my lifetime”. If by that you mean a planet cleared of Scientology then yes, you’re well on your way to doing that. At the last census: only 2 418 Scientologists left in England & Wales. In the same census there were over 171 000 people claiming to be Jedi.
Saint Hill is a legacy from Hubbard, the central London building was purchased by the IAS. What else have you got? A small shop-front and a rotting, empty building way down in Plymouth in the West Country, another rotting, empty building way up in the North East, a nice but seemingly empty building in a Birmingham suburb, something apparently in Machester and a shop-front at the wrong end of London’s Tottenham Court Road. Nothing in Wales and one small ‘walk-up’ in the Scottish capital. That’s it for a nation of 60 million plus.
OTC Postulates Dinner, main course: Wish Sandwich.
My wish: wishing Miscavige a Happy New Fear!
I wish I had a sandwich. And…”My wish: wishing Miscavige a Happy New FEAR!” Once again, this is an instant Classic, Rick! Well done! But where the hell is my sandwich?
Forget the sandwich. Buy a double bag of popcorn with extra butter and get ready for the Emmy’s. I think the term ‘Knickers in a knot’ will have to be redefined for Davey as he is going to have a lot more than that in the tangle!
I have to admit I don’t read all the flyers, but your comments are the hoot! Happy New year to all!
OMG!!! U don’t read all the flyers??? I’m shocked!!! Shocked I tell ya! I can’t believe u admitted to it. I don’t I’ll b able to sleep tonight….
HNY my long time blog buddy! XXOO
This is so funny! They invite the top ranking officers from the most brutal dictatorships in Latin America and then give them THE FREEDOM MEDAL?!!!!!
Do they have a stat called, Number of people tortured? Or, Number of people tortured to death? Just wondering….
It’s called CF.
My God! Not CF? I mean, tortured is tough enough, but, when you get people to work on Central Files, that’s actually a crime against humanity!
It could also mean ‘completely fucked.’
Whew! I stand corrupted! I MEAN CORRECTED! I always get those two word confused. I Yawn, I go with your ‘completely fucked.’ Since I did everything to achieve Clear, EXCEPT attesting, you gotta know that they’re more than likely, frantically trying to find an address for me! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Yeah, go on!!!! Try and find me, SUCKERS!!!!!!
I’m sure they are scouring the beaches for you as we speak. Shave the beard off and change the fin configuration on your board – that’ll fool ’em.
Oh, and loose the kombi.
“Stats” show that 4 out of 5 scientologists prefer a beating by COB over working CF. Apparently, auditing hasn’t cleared up those dust allergies after all!
Of course 4 out of 5 cult members prefer a beating by the dwarf over working CF! Number 1: The dwarf, being a dwarf, couldn’t fight fight his way out of a paper bag. Number 2: His hands are very, very soft, like a woman’s hands. So his so called beatings actually feel good! It’s just the way the universe works…..
Hi I Yawnalot, Laughter! Thank you. Love, Ann