This week is dominated by two orgs on the endless quest to become “ideal” — Miami and Edinburgh. But plenty of other fun too.
Ridiculously amazing
Ridiculously: so as to invite mockery or derision; absurdly. Amazing: causing great surprise or wonder
How to handle a speeding ticket?
Scientology is absolutely certain L. Ron Hubbard has taught them everything
Master Your Control, Communication and Havingness with the 16th American ACC Lectures
LRH tells a workable technique for reading people’s minds.
Lecture Obnosis
Learn what happens to your control of time when you are exterior.
Lecture Self-Denial, Responsibility—Question and Answer Period
What causes a person to become preoccupied with or upset about sex?
Lecture Evil
When you are trying to increase your ability in some area of life, what aspect do you start with?
Lecture Auditing Techniques: How Far South?
What does the amount of money a person has say about their character?
Lecture Auditing Techniques: Stimulus-Response
Why should a person complete their cycles of action before death?
Lecture The Postulate of Game
What factor causes a person’s postulates to fail?
Lecture Question and Answer Period
Learn one of the basic causes of stage fright and why people “shudder at what they encounter.”
Lecture Auditing Techniques: Workable and Unworkable
Why do women frequently get involved with men who are “bad news”?
Lecture Auditing Techniques: Altering Cases
LRH tells you the best approach to take if you are pulled over for a speeding ticket.
Lecture Self-Denial, Responsibility—Question and Answer Period
What happens to an individual during the process of death?
Lecture Auditing Techniques: How Far South? Question and Answer Period
What happens to your ability to create art when you have to be paid for it.
Lecture Altering Cases: Question and Answer Period
Why are people sometimes resentful or jealous of your abilities?
Lecture Auditing Techniques: Scale of Processes
Find out what happens to a person who is constantly made to sleep in a completely dark room.
Lecture General Use of Procedure
HAPI is happy
They have Italian Ex-SO members from Flag giving them money. Why?
And an Italian Clearwater realtor? You would imagine they would be more interested in doing something about the Orlando part-time field group that is supposed to become an “ideal” org than HAPI in Edinburgh? Must have been promising commendations at Flag for donations to HAPI.
Jive Aces in kilts!
They have pulled out all the stops. But why is Flag abandoning Orlando and Puerto Rico? And Mighty My Mammy? And Atlanta. None of them done? That was their “alliance”?
We have a team of 6 people to help you get to Flag
Net result = 5 low level completions on no OT levels. Not a good investment….
Hello everyone and Happy New Year from your
If you have seen the New Years Event then you will know that the year 2016 is dedicated to getting you to OT. The only reason we are here is to help you accomplish just that. So yes, ask us know to do it and we WILL help you get it done.
Last weeks Completions were:
OK we have a team of 6 people here to help you get to Flag. We have a combined total of over 200 years of experience to get you to OT. Stick with us and we will get you there.
Sabine Peschken
Three people made it
The ridiculously amazing SD OT Committee is seriously rocking. 3 attendees. They other people called in and said “I read a book this week, I am active” and they counted.
Slip of the tongue department
The REAL number of scientology missions around the world worth anything at all is 50. There are 150 orgs. The math is simple.
Ridiculously amazing line up of nobodies who are going to take you on a spiritual journey to big bucks — at a discount!
And in LA, the Moneywinds and WISE are becoming one and the same… don’t think the tax attorneys would approve.
Bridge is NOW in place and it IS infallible, transcending power and omnipotent wisdom…
…the knowledge of all things past and the knowingness of things to come. Shermanspeak as only Chairman of the Board can do it.
Mighty My Mammy
An embarrassment of riches. And just plain embarrassing…
Another Student Hat and Clear who has been on staff 13 years — or since he was 8…
Wow, even with the mightiest of model 47X SH size orgs right here in Clearwater, Florida is less close to being clear now than it was back in 1974 when this was written…
This is NOT something to be proud of. Nearly 60 years and going backwards… The population of Miami/Dade County in 1960 was less than a million. Today it is 2.7 million. And there is no other org on the east coast of Florida and that is closer to 10 million.
And not another org in Florida? Ft. Lauderdale? Daytona? Jacksonville?
Solo cream tea?
Sounds creepy. You sit by yourself and drink tea?
Graphs with no numbers
Wonder why? And you can bet the non “ideal” orgs REALLY suck.
Rafferty Pendery, the marketing whiz speaking at the Hubbard College of Admin, hasn’t even bothered to remove the generic, placeholder photos and Latin filler text from his template purchased wordpress website.
Real marketing powerhouse we’re dealing with here. I’m sure NASA and fortune 500 are knocking down his door for services.
Several of us at my workplace greatly enjoy the Thursday Funnies, particularly since Ortega stopped his Sunday Funnies some time ago at the Bunker. Thank you for providing these this weekly humor, and if you’d ever consider running the Funnies twice per week, please know you would have many readers happily consuming the second helping!
Regarding today’s Funnies, I always enjoy a deep chuckle when Scientologists refer to Hubbard for family and relationship advice:
Why do women frequently get involved with men who are “bad news,” asks the ad for the American ACC Lectures.
Well, why don’t we just ask any of Hubbard’s wives? He abandoned his first wife Polly and their young children to commit bigamy with his second wife Sara Northrup, whom he later physically abused and divorced.
And Mary Sue? He allowed her to take the fall for Operation Snow White and never saw or spoke to her again after 1980, including the months she spent in Federal prison in Kentucky.
Mother Teegeeack, there’s nothing more to add to your comment. It’s madness, all of it is.
Find out what happens to a person who is constantly made to sleep in a completely dark room.
Lecture General Use of Procedure
umm, they actually sleep? unlike people in the sea org?
How to handle law enforcement when they pull you over? This always works for me: “Hey man yer killing my buzz fuck off.”
Not that I couldn’t use some advice on other things like my control of time when I’m exterior. Or how to deal with people who are jealous of my abilities. In case that should ever happen I want to be prepared. Most of all though, I want to know what happens to people when they are constantly forced to sleep in a completely dark room. Imagine what you could do with such knowledge.
Yes, it looks like 2016 is going to be an amazingly ridiculous year for scientology.
Roger, I sleep in as dark a room as I can make it…and get much better sleep than if there are lights burning. What in hell does anyone expect other than that? LOL
Mammy Org shows a nice building, but is still on 120 Giralda? Hah!
$250 for a Scottish night, my my. Going to Idle orgs? Liars. Gosh, one could have a Real show and nights stay at Disney for that amount or much less.
Alright, because somebody had to do it…
Sung to the tune of “Swanee” (sorry Mr. Gershwin)
Mammy! How I love ya, how I love ya
My Org My Mammy!
We really want to be
Up on that Porch of All Eternity! and so
My Mammy,
Prayin’ an’ donatin’ for ya
Ideal My Mammy!
We’ll be so happy, we’ll be the Borg
When we become that Ideal Morgue!
Hi Aquamarine, Just found your perfect post with the ode to Mighty Miami.Love it cannot stop the lyrics in my head.Thank you, Love, Ann.
That was really great. Made my morning.
I’m almost certain that, when preparing the “graphs”, that they look for someone with a very bad case of the sneezes and get them to draw the lines while they are sneezing.
They have a good sleep and probably wake up refreshed? This is not a state that $camology desires for it’s robots, it might promote, gasp, shock, horror, free thought.
I was in Miami a few weeks ago and drive by the address of their ideal Org. Pretty sure there is no Church of Scientology engraved on the building as indicated in the photo.
Those graphs. I’m guessing they are a .jpg used for many other promotions.
The Miami promotions. BOOOOOORING. They’re the same over and over and over and over. If AVC exists I’d guess the command line for approval are the only people (and Damon Perez’s mom) actually reading those awful marketing pieces.
I have definitely seen the graph pictures used in other things, usually articles in magazines. they’re stock images purchased from istock or some other photo company.
Sashie, “purchased”??????? ROFL They steal whatever they can.
wish I could embed this image, but here’s the reality of the Jive Aces in kilts.
Hi Mike, O.K now cos has really gone wild. That Solo Cream Tea bit goes right in my creepy file of U guessed it Artist on the and the Landlords piece.
What gave me a chill was the sleeping constantly in a totally dark room bit & then see under General Use of Procedure. The morgue, I imagine the Hole total darkness.Fun! Love, Ann
I guess Google is my friend, but isn’t a Cream Tea just tea with milk or cream in it instead of lemon?
Hi Aquamarine, I am confident you are spot on with tea knowledge which I do need help with.The thing is I went to the Mad Hatter’s tea party and the result of that was down the rabbit hole to Ron’s World.So I am good at spooking myself out! I am sure the solo is because one person is having a cup, but the flower garden behind looks like an old Victorian patch that has not been tended in centuries! I have a quite active dream-nightmare symbolism going at times with the cult.Love your posts,Ann
Hi Ann – Laughing at the Mad Hatter analogy. How true. I’m finding this blog is a bit of a rabbit hole but I don’t see any bogey-men hiding in it. Regarding your dream-nightmare symbolism (Evaluation Alert!) It seems you have a photographic memory. That would put all of your scn experiences both good and bad at hand. (end of evaluation) Whack me with a stick if I’m out of line. Love, Richard
Hi Richard D, No whacking with sticks from me! Laughter! Honestly I do not feel I have a photographic memory, not like Marc Headley does, one of my heroes too. I have an ability to bring past experiences right to my space with ultra-HD colors and sound. But I do not automatically have to allow those loops to exist, in other words some days I soak up all the sensations of the moment and feel so grateful to be out and still here.The bad things I put away in my mind’s attic and lock it.That is why I say Laughter, Light & Love are my orders now.No more slipping into the dank shadows of so much of the dark side of cos. I’m in the Sunlight! Glad you post here also.Love, Ann
Ann – Got it!! Very nice, big smile Richard
They keep using that same photo of LRH on their advertisements, the one where he is sitting with his hands held in a “steeple” sign with a finger out on each side, then they stick in whatever quote they want as if LRH is saying it. I think it would be funny to use that photo and stick in some other quote from him. I’m not witty or creative enough, but it would be fun to do. :p
For Miscavige to clearly state the bridge is “infallible” – this seems like it could be grounds for false advertising and anyone who did not get what was promised should be entitled to demand a refund.
incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.
never failing; always effective.
synonyms: unerring, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous, guaranteed, dependable, trustworthy, reliable, sure, certain, safe, foolproof, effective.
So… anyone who found the OT levels did not give what was promised, and found it not to be effective, faultless, perfect, flawless…
should receive a full refund of all monies paid. Miscavige told us in a speech that it is “infallible”. Please stand by your claims.
TJ, anything/everything which doesn’t work is simply blamed on the individual. SOP!
“the knowledge of all things past and the knowingness of things to come… ” Bollocks. Which “Lecture” teaches me how to Internet from the smartphone currently held in my hand? Better yet, how do I word clear Internet and smartphone?
“Find out what happens to a person who is constantly made to sleep in a completely dark room”
Kemist, can you find out for us by sleeping in a dark room for as long as it takes? We’d all appreciate it!
But it supposed to be written in General Use of Procedure, whatever that is.
Sounds like the title of the troubleshooting manual for my stove.
They become Submariner’s of course.
“What causes a person to become preoccupied with or upset about sex?
Lecture Evil”
Scotland Supporter Paolo Lombardi look a bit like she might need this. LOL
Who poses like this?!!!
She thought they said “Sexology”.
Ellen: This one is for real too:
What happens to an individual during the process of death?
Lecture Auditing Techniques: How Far South? Question and Answer Period
You and I both know they will not disclose that information to you in fact. So what do they do? Improvise?
Now that is funny. 🙂 I already know what happens to me during the process of death, because I have died before have I not? So, now why would I want to hear a fake story about what I wouldn’t know yet is supposed to happen to me instead? It is not death that scares people, it is having to listen to “church members explain the phenomenon” that scares people. ESPECIALLY if there is money involved.
Hi Mike, I thought I would like to add a comment. I am so proud of all those who worked on ” Going Clear…”
I first read the book and found it very powerful.The documentary even more so.I honestly do not care that there was no nomination for it.Awards are what they are,this film eclipsed all awards because it showed the true side of what Ron’s World was like.This film poured sunlight into a world of the cult not exposed before.The ripples from it will not fade. I hope to see another film to follow this transforming one.Love,Ann
Good observation Ellen. Is she leaning on a bed?
Maybe See Oh Bee will want to use this to recruit new Ess Oh members!!
That’s madam Lombardi to you!
I don’t know…not gettin’ any? Hey, I took a shot.
Laughter, Ellen! I had the same thought. Paola is posing like she could go for an Ideal Edinburgh 2D along with the org.
She’s leaning on a BED
Indeed, there is a certain “hello, big thetan, wanna donate with me?” thing going on.
While it’s fun to speculate why she’s donating to HAPI, it could be the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology making her pay for an invented “ethics violation”(1) by “donating.” Said “ethics” violation could have been “2D” or she could have refused to donate a prepubescent child(2) to the Damnation Navy, or she could have failed to clap loud enough, or the local “ethics” officer could have been short on his weekly stats…
(1) Here’s why I put “ethics” in double quotes: ‘Closing Minds: How Scientology’s “Ethics Technology” is Used to Control Their Members’ by Jefferson Hawkins
Oh crap! Just when I thought I was safe, Slappy gonna be reading my mind – he won’t like it!!!!!!!!!
Wait! I’m going to get one of those colander hats and a big copper ground wire. Yeah.
My mind is a barren wasteland, so, I’m sure I don’t have to worry….
I love that one, Dude!
Hi Bognition,I was going to suggest a foil pinwheel little spinning pyramid to complete your transformation.With a key hole lock! Love, Ann
Howdy Ann, That should work.
Hi Saaweet Lady, Is there a difference between aluminium and tin foil? I could never get that straight when making my radio wave-proof hat. LOL 😉
Hi Pat Wog Winner, A good question, and do I recall aluminum foil & juice cans way back when! Actually since I was six or so it was called aluminum foil.Then I had an English nanny for some years and tin-foil stuck with me too.I wonder if one gets a titanium rod instead of copper as they reach for the next status on the forever twisted bridge! Love on A Wire, Ann.
Hi Lovely Lady, I don’t know if they’re using the new copper; most are still using wire hangers! LOL 😉
Hi Pat Wog Winner,?Ann.
Hi Bognition, Nice to meet ya! Don’t forget the “tinfoil” to go with your gear. LOL
It seems to me the newbie to scientology (or the not quite bright) are constantly being hammered with being introverted, having their ruin exposed over and over or this is what you need to succeed as you’re obviously not succeeding anyway etc. I guess we all went through that but as seasoned veterans the scam of it is pretty obvious now. It probably would make a world of difference if what they peddled was actually delivered and works, but it doesn’t, it’s all just a scam to get your money. If this, compulsory study of the Basics actually worked, they would be expanding like crazy but they are not, they are contracting.
As I see it, originally scientology was never intended to replace living, but it sure is pushed to do so now, it’s where the easy money is. And with what Theta Clear mentioned a couple of posts ago, without massive reform scientology is KSW toxic.
I Yawnalot: If everybody went through something like what I went through with the Church of Scientology how can the Church of Scientology be making any money unless they really are doing something illegal at all times?! 🙂 This church places themselves and other people that are blinded by their lies at risk. It is one of the traps in life and sadly, it is the Church of Scientology laying the traps and not getting confronted on it. 🙂
And I Yawnalot: You are right on 2 counts. Because the make-up of the Church of Scientology is
“How does it feel to be confused while we the church enjoy our freedom?”. This is rarely if ever spoken but always delivered in some way with a fake smile on their face (those in the church). I have always said that as long as a person doesn’t mind feeling that way then I guess it must be OK? 🙂 Right? 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Without introversion, they have nothing. It is sickening hey?
Miami Org. will be the first underwater because of Global Warming.
So….we’ll be calling it the soggy Org? Or, the very first Underwater Org?
The Atlantis Org…..
Chee and jr, I like ’em both! The Atlantis Org and the Sub-Ideal-Borg! Now that’s what I call creative thinking! Well done. Both of you!
Not even a ‘very well done’?
Oh well, I must have pulled that in.
You did so well, Chee, I pronounce you OTX!
Snorkel night will be soon !
Streets in the Florida Keys are getting flooded
more and longer during the year ( It’s a bad sign)
I believe the first country to slip under the wave will be Kirabati in the South Pacific. However, the Keys are also in the line of fire.
“Underwater Org”, that’s good. That’s where they’ll deliver the False Porpoise Rundown. Glug.
This will be Dave’s first Ideal Sea Org, just as LRH intended.
Hi threefeetback, I love your post,love U! Ann.
I bet those Italian donators to HAPI were in the wrong place at the wrong time and got pounced on for whatever the reg could get from them. “HAPI is the next UK ideal org” like this is going to happen any time soon, even if they could pull it off where are they going to get staff from? The entire field is probably less than 50 people. It’s a sad, pathetic dream to give them hope in the cruel face of reality, scn in the UK is sinking, just like the rest of the world. Still Miami have been at it since 1957 so never give up hope.
Right, Gimpy, or else Paola got herself hankering for an Ideal Scotman.
Who puts cream in tea??
me – i’m having some right now! i’m not creepy, i promise LOL
Chris, you better be drinking the tea by yourself. That’s why they call it “Solo Tea.” If your drinking that tea with someone else, that really makes you creepy. I just thought you should know….
I think it is a typo and should read “Spring Tea”
No. It’s not “Spring Tea.” It really is Solo Tea. It Han Solo’s favorite.
Heard through an inside source it’s actually a new grade action, “SOLO CREAM TEA”, discovered among LRH’s personal effects by our Dear Leader. Something to do with auditing and drinking tea at the same time?….I’m not sure….
and each tea bag costs $32,000. But it’s supposed to handle sooooo much.
and then there’s the SUPER TEA RUNDOWN which is 47X better than the old regular TEA RUNDOWN.
ok I’ll stop now.
I lied. One more. And the best thing about it is that you can do it anywhere on the Bridge!!!!!
Don’t forget the punchline …….. ‘it’s guaranteed to handle amnesia on the hole track.’
You’re awesome, amy! I love your posts!
Laughter, Amy!
Now, folks, I’m not the sharpest knife in the chandelier, nor am I the brightest light in the drawer, but, back when I was in, CF NEVER, EVER came up. Nobody was asking people to go through the CF to try and find people that they can get to come back in. And this seems to be happening in every single org.
Me thinks desperation has not only settled in, it’s there to stay. This seems to be the only recruiting they’re doing is the CF. Which means, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY NEW IS COMING IN. AT ALL. And they seem desperate to get people to work on the CF. You know, with bribes of food, and a pat on the back, if not a knife in the side.
Yeah, Yeah, I know Alex Gibney is not in the running for an Oscar, but, Going Clear has certainly done its job in educating the world. The Going Clear Genie is out of the bottle and can’t be put back in.
I agree OSD. I got a call from them about 4 years ago after hearing nothing for 20 years under the guise of “we are updating our files”. They also started calling my Aunt’s house looking for me after they had already found me. Then someone called later and I laughed when she said that I had contacted them which was the reason for the calls.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Stupid cult! But, Doug, what the hell does this tell you about the State of the Cult? What do you think this is on the Desperation Scale? And…do you think it will only get worse? (that was rhetorical btw)
I got an “are you still interested/please contact me” letter from the Las Vegas org about 6 months ago. I took a couple of courses there 35 YEARS AGO and now live in NJ. I’ll take the next plane out.
I’m in Huntington Beach in Southern California. I’ll meet you there.
Based on the merits of the film, Alex may decide to double down with a sequel, knowing that Dave’s tentacles are behind the snub.
TFB, I think Gibney hinted at a documentary all about Hubbard. He said he has plenty of material. That may be the double down…I sure hope so!
No problem with that OSD. I saw a clip where Lawrence Wright said the FIRST CUT for Going Clear was Four Hours. They have plenty of footage and it’s probably just a matter of timing.
Wow, Richard! I had no idea! If they left 2 hours of film on the cutting room floor, they have another documentary! You made my day, friend! Thanks!
Now Dude, you miss the over the top brilliance that See Ohh Bee has created here.
” Nobody was asking people to go through the CF to try and find people that they can get to come back in. And this seems to be happening in every single org.”
You see, after He had His bognition that the blind were leading the blind, He decided to set up a training program for all of the Ohh Teas leaving the Freakwinds and Flog. They would return to their unideal home org and do a remote viewing process on the CFs and then postulate that person calling the reg and getting back on lines. But, as things worked out, the Ohh Teas were having difficulty with that so were put back on potty training which was now being run under the new ethics program called sec checking. Failing that He had to then develop Gagonit Phase Too for Everybody along with the new running program called Circling the Drain.
The real purpose is to make sure that sheeple have plenty of useless things to occupy their time and they are not out on the streets watching documentaries like Going Clear or otherwise thinking for themselves and being creative. Now you know the Hole story of His ecclesiastical greatness.
Why am I always out of the loop, Coop! If it wasn’t for you, I would have no idea what’s going on in Cuiltdom. Thanks for the update…
Hey OSD – Regarding Huntington Beach, I took a couple shots at “The Wedge” down there when I was in LA. The waves broke against the jetty and formed into a 12-15 foot high triangle wave which would munch your head into the sand if you were unlucky.
Richard, I used to body surf the Wedge in my younger years. I remember when I was just a kid and the Wedge was HUGE, a large wave broke and came up the steep beach and passed me. When the water started coming back to the sea, I couldn’t more and a monster of wave was just about to land on me. My Dad was able to pull me up the beach just in time.
In the past, the Wedge took a life a year. Many more were paralyzed by hitting the sand head first. This break is certainly not for the faint of heart. Thanks for the memories!
BTW, the Wedge is in Newport Beach at the end of the peninsula…
Thanks Dude, right back atcha.
Hi OSD, I hear so many folks out here talking about Going Clear! Especially those who never even heard of it before the documentary! I just SMILE!!! 😉
Off-Topic: The Academy snubbing Going Clear is an Infinity Porch full of bullshit.
A sad day. A nomination would have helped “deliver an effective blow.” But I think david miscavige has already done that – my only solace today.
Blame the members of the documentary branch of the Academy, they choose the five nominees…and they have a reputation for being snooty and pretentious in their selections. The entire Academy membership gets to vote for the winner, unfortunately Going Clear didn’t make it that far…
So, when is the Academy going to implement ‘write-in’ votes for the winner?
As well, they are very left wing.
Was the new movie, “13 Hours”, filmed on location in The Hole?
Laughing! Still laughing! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit!
I would actually be interested in what Hubbard has to say about “What happens to your ability to create art when you have to be paid for it.” Does anybody know? I don’t have a Ron-o-Pedia with the volume of “Art” so I can’t look it up myself.
I am going to bet he says that your ability to create art tanks when you are a commercial whore. Yeah, the art of all the great Renaissance and Enlightenment painters was commercial crap. Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Titian, da Vinci, all the rest. I’m sure Hubbard never bothered to learn about the system of patronage that financed all the greatest artists in Europe for hundreds of years. They were all commercial sell-outs, every single one of them!
I don’t have them handy but I basically recall some Hubbard quotes about art that sounded exactly like the thoughts of leaders of Communist countries — that all art must serve the needs of the State, like all those endless cartoonish Soviet posters exhorting workers to do their revolutionary duty build lots more tractor parts in glorious service to the current Five Year Plan.
You sparked my interest with ‘having to be paid for it.’ Scanned over the Art book as I made a living from art for awhile and read that book years ago. All I could find was the world of the businessman constantly hunts for how to do it more easily, less effort for more $ type of thing which philosophically clashes with the do it properly in the first place regardless of the effort of the true professional.
As far as I can see the Art book doesn’t reference much else as to exchange. It just pits the how to do it more easily – the goal of the manufacturer against the goal of the true artist to do whatever effort it takes to get your message out there as receivable as possible by your audience, . I can’t be bothered to research further.
“What happens to your ability to create art when you have to be paid for it.” .. what should happen .. all art is basically style of communication .. to be paid for it is also communication on a backflow ..
I am sure, your communication will decrease when you realise that your communication as given went over to people to whom you did not want to communicate .. best of all examples is for me Vincent van Gogh .. he was never a highlight at his times .. but today you cannot buy his stuff .. but the communication of his art was very little at his time .. as like Andy Wharhol .. he produced a copy machine art .. but it became very modern .. but it did communicate basically nothing ..
So your question .. and my answer .. your feeling of producing art goes down when you are paid from people who used your art for something else ..
Once I painted a picture with only blue colors .. the client was happy .. I gave him a picture for his own communication .. art is only an ability to communicate ..
Oh yes, the Glorious Five Year Plan. Which may explain the original Soviet version of Solaris.
To quote myself on the subject:
For real bravery in sitting through a movie one should try viewing the orginal Soviet version of SOLARIS in one sitting. Of course Andrei Tarkovski’s version of SOLARIS was by Soviet standards a good film, having not been cut in any way by the Soviet censors. Of course being (Les affects a Russian accent here) a good Soviet film, it was not subject to the aesthetic and editorial standards that were common outside of the Soviet Union. My personal theory on the origin of the film was that Mosfilm Studios was short about two hours and forty minutes in the science fiction quota in the current Five-Year Plan and turned to Tarkovski to fill the gap:
“Comrades, we are short one-hundred and sixty-five minutes in our science fiction quota! What shall we do?”
“Have Tarkovski fill it for us.”
“But Tarkovski makes really dense and boring films!”
“Comrades! We must make every effort to heroically fulfill the goals of the Five-Year Plan!”
Or something like that.
Granted, the cinematography (apart from the cheesy effects sequences) was well done and Miss (or I suppose at the time, comrade) Natalya Bondarchuk comes across as being more talented and visually interesting than any of the current generation of Hollywood glamdroids, the original Soviet version of SOLARIS was just too damned long. A properly edited version would more closely resemble the Soderbergh version, except that the actors would actually have talent and would lack any visible signs of a trip to the plastic surgeon. (Something about Natascha McElhone’s lips just says collagen injection with big ugly letters, this is something that just ruins a movie for me.)
At the rate Scientology claimed it was going five years ago with its exponential growth and straight up and vertical stats of millions, we should have something like half the US population as Scientology memebers at this point.
“The Team That LRH Counts On”????? LRH is dead, folks. He’s gone. Hasn’t appeared again. What part of dead don’t you understand???
Because they “are a great bunch of friends.” LRH
I would rather sit in on a summarizing Proust competition. Apparently he once took 70 pages to describe the act of turning over in bed. But that was back when authors were paid by the page.
I would love to see the Pythons do a take off on $cientology.
That’d be nice.
Me, I’d rather see the FBI do a take down of $cientology.
+1,000, Len!
They could bring the Parrot back.
The snakes or the comedy troupe?
Entirely off-topic, but still obligatory