Find out what it’s been like
Seriously? It has sucked. No progress on anything since the “ideal CLO” and “ideal SH” and “ideal NN.” A special guest speaker from CLO UK! Wow… Going to fly to Edinburgh tomorrow so I don’t miss out. Just think how you would have kicked yourself if you had not taken the opportunity to attend what would have been the last David Bowie live performance…
Making Human Rights a “reality”
Sure… and how is that “movement” coming?
What is it with fundraising for Edinburgh?
Why does this org get so much more attention and help? You know the shithole known as “Brighton org” is just 30 miles away from St Hill right? Maybe you could have a “William The Conqueror” night to celebrate the French invasion of England at the Battle of Hastings to raise funds for Brighton?
A “milestone”
Or “millstone” like Boston’s last “ideal org” building? They got a different building to replace the last one they had for years and did nothing with? And that’s a milestone? And BTW, it is obvious this is being funded from outside Boston. You don’t see The Bobsie Twins (Twaalhofen or Duggan) ponying up for this org yet, so they must not have much pressure for money
They got A Clear!
Remember, this is an “ideal” org. It’s cause for a special poster when they make ONE Clear (though this is beating most of the other “ideal” orgs that make none as they are “clearing their areas,”)
It IS a career like no other. Where else can you work 12-14 hours a day 7 days a week for $25 and convince yourself this is the greatest deal in the history of deals?
Don’t worry — you WILL qualify. The ONLY qualification is asking if you qualify.
Clearing New England is actually attainable
Just like Inglewood is “clearing southwestern US” (at a rate that is slower than the number of people dying of lightning strikes per year).
Oh for fuck’s sake, are you really this stupid? Did you inherit this money?
Mighty My Mammy
What would a week be without some laughers from the “team that LRH counts on.”
This guy is 36 YEARS on staff and they cannot even promote that he is clear. Pathetic.
Well, that’s a good one. Wonder if the postulate came true? Was it that they would shrink and become a small, failing org in one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the US?
Valencia org? Wow. That was in the late 70’s. What happened since then?
Well, that was a bit off the mark….
Clearing Denver
Huh? It’s an “ideal” org?? Why isn’t it already clearing Denver?
This vital briefing on the part you play is in fact a recruitment interview. Sign up for staff now. They only have 15 full time staff and you can sign up to join them and reduce their weekly pay by 1/16th.
Lynn launches a new club
Meanwhile, Harold carves a roast. Matilda brushes her dog. And Dave plays with himself. WTF? Over.
Attendance was not milestone, but the awards were….
Reg magnet
Last week she gave money to HAPI. This week it is the L. Ron Hubbard Hall. Everyone else in the world has a moratorium on whale hunting.
Just once….
I would so love to be able to go to one of these events to ask “have you seen the materials you are supposedly going to be C/Sing”? But they keep these things under wraps with secret locations. Wouldn’t want any undesirables getting in….
How very appropriate
These people appear to have absolutely no sense of the rightness of things.
“We are too a religion. See?”
Hi Brian, Thank you so for your post.You brought up a point I always always wondered about.Why Mike & Robin never said a word,as I never saw any quotes, about Liki.Those two did weave that spider’s web so glittery and mesmerizing, but ultimately cold.Robin wrote me for some months at Asho when he had started a band on the side if I recall.Never could get him to talk about much of anything however.
Brian,I am genuinely so happy for you and your wife,family,friends teachers all the good you shine around.From my heart Love,Ann.
Thank you Ann:-)
The building that is shown in the background of the miami org posters is not the org building. It’s the building that $cientology bought and then recently sold, at a profit.
Brian : “Because of false claims and deception, L Ron Hubbard to a great degree has poisoned the reach of people toward spiritual knowledge.”
Great post, dear Brian ; great post indeed!
To me LRH’s biggest crime wasn’t disconnection and the “Attack the critics and dissenters” practice , though those two are criminal enough. His biggest crime is that which you asserted in your quote above : He cut the reach of others to real spiritual knowledge (those “other practices” you talk about) creating thus robots to the most insidiously authoritative mental conditioning that I have ever seen. I spent YEARS!!! stuck on that one item myself ; fucking years!!! , even though having been an advanced engineering student who could play with any mathematic and physics formula (at any level) and concept as easy as having a coffee. To date, even with all I know about cults and undue influence (which is a LOT) , still I can’t possibly understand how I was so blind as a bat. I mean, it was like being under this continuous hypnotic dream. Crazy shit ; crazy shit indeed.
Dear posters and specially Scientologists ; please , even if you want to use Scn in your life , do not limit yourself to it. Do not fear exploring other philosophies and practices. How can you possibly know their degree of workability and truthfulness or lack thereof if you don’t even read about it ? Just take my word for it , there is an incredible large amount of great ideas, practices and advance spiritual concepts out there waiting for you to explore them. Do not be afraid to find out , to explore. Scientology isn’t going to go away anyhow, so you can always use it or go back to it. The following books are an incredible source of information. Most of them belong to the “New Thought” movement that started in the very early 1900s , from which LRH took most of Scientology’s concepts. Read them, and you’ll understand why :
1. Emile Coue’s “Self-matery Through Conscious Autosuggestion” and “My Method”.
Coue helped THOUSANDS with his method for more than 40-50 years and ALL FOR FREE. A VERY, VERY noble and humble man indeed.
Two very short books, but very, very helpful . Most Scientologists and even ex(es) , cringe at the simple mentioning of the the word “psychology” or any terms related to it ; please DON’T. That idea from LRH that most psychologists believe that “we are soulless animals” is really for the birds ; that just ain’t so. All these psychologists from the New Thought period were incredible spiritual people , EACH of them believing in the power of the mind/spirit over the body and life itself (the definition of OT). VERY FEW “psychologists” disseminated that “man is just an animal” idea ; very few indeed. But LRH made us believe otherwise for reasons that are very hard to confront for the believer. But I am not asking you to stop believing in Scn ; I am only asking you to KEEP an open mind (which IS a good trait) , and to give yourselves the chance to at least read any of these books that I am posting. Just read any of them unbiasedly, and use whatever you find truthful in them. But read them with a willing attitude to learn something.
2. “The Practice of Autosuggestion by the Method of Emile Coue” by C. Harris Brooks.
3. “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
This book was an international bestseller in the early 1900s. Though the tittle says “Grow Reach” , the book is really about how to succeed in life in general. Hill personally studied for 25 years the lives of the most successful men (500 of them, including Tesla, Ford, Edison, etc) of his time under the instructions of his mentor, the steel industry magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie donated 90% of his fortune (close to 78.6 billions in today’s equivalent) to charities and humanitarian foundations . Carnegie gave Hill the task to study why each of those 500 men succeeded so much, not only financially, but in all areas of life. Hill summarized his findings and resulting philosophy of life in that book. One of the most practical and yet inspirational books that I have read to date.
4. “Suggestion and Autosuggestion : a Psychological and Pedagogical Study upon the Investigations Made by the New Nancy School” by Charles Baudoin.
The “Nancy School” was a French hypnosis-centered school of psychotherapy famous in the early 1900s. Emile Coue was part of it, and so as well were many great psychotherapists from the New Thought movement. These people together produced more “miracles” in spiritual and physical recovery than Scientology in all its 68 years of existence. A LOT MORE AND TOTALLY DOCUMENTED MIRACLES.
5. “Suggestion and Autosuggestion” and “Thought Vibrations : The Law of Attraction in the Thought World” by William Walker Atkinson.
Two excellent books where the EXACT mechanisms of the “Postulate” and the “Mind over matter and life” phenomena is fully explained and MUCH, MUCH better and practical than LRH.
6. Will Duran’s “A History of Philosophy”.
Truly a masterpiece!!! , but it is not for the uninitiated in the field of philosophy even though it was intended for the layman. At least for me , being a Hispanic guy with English as my 2nd language, I found it very advance in terms of the English words used. But perhaps the educated American won’t find it so. But if you manage to read this book completely, and w/out any misunderstood words (and researching as needed anything not discussed with enough “Mass” ) , your understanding of each and every concept in philosophy will increase to unsuspected levels.
7. And finally to REALLY, REALLY understand EVERYTHING about ANY type of cult (political, psychotherapeutic, religious, scientific, etc) , and about “Cult Mentality” and its disastrous consequences, read Margaret T Singer’s “Cults in Our Midst” , and specially watch all her videos that you can find in YouTube. Nobody, absolutely nobody understood more about the subject of cults as Margaret T Singer did. And she was INCREDIBLE kind and a true humanitarian.
So there you have it, folks. I challenge you all to read all the 7 listed books, and to never be the same again.
Equiped with that knowledge, even if you continue with your Scientology path, your perspective on life will be greatly improved, and you’ll become a more competent and trained Scientologist. Read them , and see it for yourself. You won’t be disappointed ; I guarantee it.
Thanks Pete, I loved and resonated with Brian’s and your follow up post. I’ll check out these books and ad them to my reading list. I noticed a few of them are short so that’s helpful.
“Thanks Pete, I loved and resonated with Brian’s and your follow up post. I’ll check out these books and ad them to my reading list. I noticed a few of them are short so that’s helpful.”
You are most welcome , dear Good People ; I am glad you liked it.
Yes , most of them are short enough, and very easy to read. Most of them are available online in PDF form for free. I recommend to anybody – specially to Scientologists or those who decided to abandon Scn – Margaret T. Singer’s book on cultism. She was a very competent clinical researcher who personally studied the cult phenomena in the early ’60s directly with ex-POWs from the Korean War. She then conducted extensive research into all kind of cults in cooperation with other researchers. Singer’s academic background is impressive , and she delivered several great and very informative conferences which you can find at YouTube. Her works served as the foundations for other more recent cultic studies from other researchers.
The reason I recommend Margaret’s works first , is because we humans have this tendency for “cult mentality” , which manifest itself in several areas of life beyond religion. This seed, which I describe as a tendency to follow “authorities” while abandoning our own power of observation and power of choice over data , is there laying latent within each one of us. We must fully understand the mechanisms behind all this so as to not fall again in the same trap ; sort of the 5 and 6 of the Danger formula , you know? (“Reorganize so that the situation does not repeat itself” , and “Adopting a firm policy to detect and prevent the same situation from happening again” ).
I can’t emphasize enough to the Scientologists community , that LRH’s misguided advice to avoid “other practices” (which to him included ANYTHING besides SCN) was the KEY that kept others in the darkness , and what turned Scn into a cult. If most Scientologists would have been thoroughly educated in philosophy (which include different psychotherapies) , cultic studies , scientific methodology , and history of religion/philosophy ; none of this mess would have occurred at all. The damage was a DIRECT result of lack of proper education in the applicable fields. Let’s not make the same mistake all over again in other areas of life , and in other subjects : EDUCATE YOURSELVES ; you owe that to you.
Best ,
Peter, Please let me know how I can communicate with you privately. Dave
Hi Dave ; you can contact me at :
[email protected]
Best ,
Carnegie was a robber baron steel maker who used Pinkertons to break up the Homestead labor riots amid much bloodshed and death. Its an amzing story of exploding railroad cars used as a torpedo on a barge, attacks from the Mon river, murder and mayhem. Eveything he did afterward was tainted and guided by his guilt over his crimes and his efforts o appear a great humanitarian He was a murderer who never returned to Pittsburgh after Homestead for fear of his life. (There was an assassination attempt on Henry Clay Frick, who was left by Carnegie to take the rap for Homestead. Both were forced to leave Pittsburgh.) Carnegie and Frick’s partnership turned into a vicious rivalry that lasted till Carnegies death. (Carnegie sent for Frick while dyng, and Frick told him he would see him in hell, which is btw the title of a great book on that era in labor in america.) The library buildings were a gift to communities, but carnegie omitted funding their budgets. Ironically. One beautiful library/gymasium/concert hall stands in Munhall above Homestead looking down on the scene of the carnage many years before.
Im not dissing the original post, but cant stand the Carnegie was a great philanthropist fantasy story that so many believe. This is just for some background.
I will have to do my OWN research in the matter before being able to reply to your comment, Ithilien. But just as an advice ; when you come at any blog to talk the about the reputation of ANYBODY, the least you can do is to PROVIDE the sources of your information so that others can look them up. It is YOU the one making the accusation, so it is YOU, the one that have to provide the evidence to back up your claims, or at least, point out where to look for such evidence. If you post your sources, then I’ll look into them unbiasedly, and report back what I find. If you don’t , then I won’t even bother , and will consider your report as Black PR.
Peter the post about Carnegie, his treatment of workers, the Homestead strike and feud with Frick, is common knowledge to any student of the robber baron era or labor history of America. Maybe this is why links weren’t included, or the fact posting links in comments isn’t always kosher due to spam and viruses.
Carnegie’s libraries were rejected by some communities, Wheeling, WV stating they didn’t want his blood money or name to sully their town. He was a villan to workers and his libraries were as much about charity as they were about PR and trying to improve his reputation in the history books.
Quote: “Thus Wheeling unionists mobilized quickly, and almost unanimously, against a Carnegie library. The steelworker Mike Mahoney denounced the philanthropist as the”greatest of oppressors,”a foe”who gave with one hand and took away with the other.”Carnegie’s library was nothing more than a”disgraceful monument”to a”cold blooded outrage.”Rather than erect such a building, Mahoney asked the citizens of Wheeling to defeat the bond levy,”thereby paying tribute to our murdered comrades, whose ashes repose in the precious soil at Homestead.”Wheeling trade unionist took up the challenge: they soapboxed on the street comers, confronted the city council, and put precinct workers at every polling place on election day. The working class must vote no, concluded another Wheeling unionist, so”there will be one place on this great green planet where Andrew Carnegie can’t get a monument to his money.”?
Such pieces history seem to be purposely overlooked or under reported in history books. You have had a culture for decades trying to bury American union’s history and labor movement, while embracing the “wonderful corporate donors and sponsors” of the world.
Thanks for the data, Sunny.
As far as I know, the steel workers union’s contract with Carnegie Steel had already expired when the Homestead Strike started. Also there is absolutely no evidence as to who shot first, the Pinkertons or the strikers. There were deaths in BOTH parties of the conflict. Courts of law found the strikers guilty even though the charges were later dropped. The Pinkertons were also found guilty but the charges dropped as well. The Pennsylvania governor (a democrat , when Carnegie and Fricks were known republicans) found cause to sent a militia there to stop the strikers from destroying private property which they WERE destroying. They were armed , and even used railroad cars as torpedos on barges, but you are presenting those strikers as mere victims and as saints ; they WEREN’T. And to my knowledge, almost every striker was hired again by Carnegie after the strike ended, even though he needed not as the contract had already expired, and he had already hired a lot of non-unionated steel workers.
As to Carnegie’s libraries, that wasn’t his only contribution by a long ways. He donated milions in today’s standards to dozens of charities and foundations. He did a lot whole more for others than just donating for public libraries.
As to the strikers or steel workers protesting those libraries, that is well expected, don’t you think ?
There is always two sides of a story, dear Sunny. You presented just one side of it.
Yes, there are always two or more sides to a story. Sunny’s just happens to be the most accurate historically. You sound like you are in love with the idea of the beneficent rich and want it to be true. Look at the recent history of wealth and poverty in this world. Unregulated industry brought on the crash of ’29 and the economic disaster that followed gave birth to new regulations and taxes that brought an end to the era of the robber barons. This led to the rise of strong worker’s unions and built a thriving middle class. These new regulations on banking and commerce combined with the patriotism of the war effort, and for a while prudent business morals seemed to preside over American industry. But the rich were ever maneuvering in the background to undo what Roosevelt did and it took them until 1980 to make their move. Since then, unbridled corporate greed, globalization (a double-edged sword) and the steady decline of the middle class has led us to the point where 62 people have as much money as 3.5 billion people. Sustainable? Not in the least. It’s the cult of wealth.
The Cult of Personality also enters this conversation. Baseball players getting paid over $100 million and club owners making a billion is one example. I quit watching professional sports.
“Yes, there are always two or more sides to a story. Sunny’s just happens to be the most accurate historically. You sound like you are in love with the idea of the beneficent rich and want it to be true.”
Peter : I firmly believe that ALL people have the same exact opportunities to succeed in life ; that’s what I believe in , dear Artoo45. A very large percent of the rich arrived where they are from zero , having been very poor themselves. And those rich people give work to thousands. They arrived there, the honest ones, because they believed in themselves , and worked VERY hard to get what they now have , and many of them w/out even having a proper education. Don’t expect me to blame anyone who succeeded in life by his OWN efforts , and to victimize the poor. ANYONE has the potentiality to overcome poverty or lack of desired money, IF they really apply themselves to it.
I am not in favor in making others a victim, but in helping them to understand their difficulties, and recover their true potential to succeed in life. I do not support anti-management movements, and many of the tactics used by unionized workers. I’ve seen what many of them are capable of doing against their own fellow citizens (frequently forgetting about their rights) to get what they want. You should review the history of unions here at Puerto Rico , and how many of them have taken the government as prisoners with their many strikes where a proper balance between fighting for their rights and servicing those who depend on them is seldom kept by them.
I am not anti-worker, and I am not rich by a long, long, long ways. But I always managed to work for me, and thus to control my own economic destiny. If I can do it, why the hell others can’t ? I know about hard long hours of work, and being responsible for many areas and individuals. Most workers never understand management. And I am not a capitalist per se ; I am more inclined towards the co-operative model where every member of a business is part owner, and share in the profits , but according to their OWN contributions to the business. Capitalism is outmoded and unworkable in many ways.
My point with Sunny is that he left out, and purposely, many details about Carnegie, and about what really went down at the Homestead Strike. And I always like to be balanced about anything.
“Look at the recent history of wealth and poverty in this world. Unregulated industry brought on the crash of ’29 and the economic disaster that followed gave birth to new regulations and taxes that brought an end to the era of the robber barons. This led to the rise of strong worker’s unions and built a thriving middle class. These new regulations on banking and commerce combined with the patriotism of the war effort, and for a while prudent business morals seemed to preside over American industry. But the rich were ever maneuvering in the background to undo what Roosevelt did and it took them until 1980 to make their move. Since then, unbridled corporate greed, globalization (a double-edged sword) and the steady decline of the middle class has led us to the point where 62 people have as much money as 3.5 billion people. Sustainable? Not in the least. It’s the cult of wealth.”
Peter : I am not much into economics to be able to competently reply to that. But I will study ALL viewpoints first, and not just yours , before making my own assessment of that.
Boston’s newest Humanitarians Jane & Allen. Well Jane is an OT VIII and Allen last I knew was fighting cancer and off of OT VII. How they can afford to up their donos to 40K I dunno. I imagine these are pledges anyway, not actual forked over funds.
And that poor 38 yr Miami staff member. 38 years on staff and he’s the Purif I/C? That post was the next step for newbie staff from the level of expediter. Guy must be totally incompetent or just going senile and they keep him around because he’s got nowhere else to go. Babysit the sauna.
86K sg ft. for Boston’s current staff/public is beyond ludicrous. Instead of buying something more reasonable which they could reno with their available funds they’ve just bought into many more years of fundraping of the already sucked-dry public for another million or more. Let’s see, how long did it take to raise the first 1 million…. if I recall a few years (and they got a whale to make most of it happen) Jedi Bob Baritz have you finished paying off the 2nd mortgage you took to donate? You’d think these guys would get sick of this shit at some point and bail. While on the subject of Boston it seems OTVIII Laura Poulen (in the tiny crowd pic) and her OT VII hubby Rick have split up – was sad to find that out. Sucks that your old buddies are still sipping the kool juice.
So happy to be out of that quagmire
86000 sq ft for Boston. That would be hilarious if I were being critical. [LMAO] There is no one left in Boston! This is getting really weird Dave.
I loved the old, round Boston org. You could feel what had happened in that org for the last 100 years. And the HUGE fireplaces! Such character! That was ideal to me. Classic.
Hi indie8million, You have that right with your post.It continues to amaze me that cos has such rotten taste! Big smile! They seem to take a classic building and turn around and erect or re-do buildings of much lesser character into monstrosities, I shudder to see the opening of L Ron Hubbard Hall!
Those old fireplaces are wonderful! As a young kid in the 50s I ran all over Beacon Hill when the Org was still a private home! Love U, Ann.
More proof, if any was needed, that someone at the cult in a decision-making capacity reads Mike: take a good look at the Inglewood “We Made A Clear!” promo. What do you see? One Caucasian, one Hispanic, and one African-American. How many times in Thursday Funnies have we seen Mike decry the fact that all of Inglewood’s promos almost exclusively feature people in the ecru portion of the Pantone chart? It’s almost as if they were afraid that Mike would call them out yet again on being, shall we say, unrepresentative of the ethnic make-up of Inglewood and purposely strove for balance with this photo. I don’t know what’s more racist, having white people populate Inglewood bumf or purposely introducing a mixed-ethnic cast in their promos.
Haggis (the dish, not the director) is evil in itself (it’s actually illegal to manufacture it in the US due to the fact that everything in it, including the outside, is considered inedible by law). I can’t imagine a vegetarian version. Now that’s a dish evil enough for the cult.
And speaking of Burns Night, I challenge any of the rat bastards who are keeping Fearless Leader down to recite anything written by Burns other than “Auld Lang Syne”. They can’t do it. They don’t know anything if it’s not written by Hubbard.
A military-theme night at the Portal Of Evil? Oh, that pisses me off enough to put on my old uniform, go out there, and hold a sign saying “I earned this right. Did you?” That should tick off the Fake Navy types.
I’d make an extra postulate for Mighty My Mammy, except that it would involve both Grant Cardone and physical harm, and Mike looks askance at things like that.
Well, back to the audit report. At least I can say that I audit people, unlike Theo Gump.
As a Scottish Lass, my fave Burns poem does sound a bit like Davey…
Wee course, sleekit, timorous beastie
As ye lie wa panic in your breasty.
“Lynn launches a new club
Meanwhile, Harold carves a roast. Matilda brushes her dog. And Dave plays with himself. WTF? Over.”
One of my favorite comments ever. I heart you, Mike Rinder.
The COS has become an organization that’s all talk and no action. Seminars, briefings, rallies, events, fund raisers–it’s all talk. I have to think that more and more Scios will have little choice but to see with their own eyes that the orgs have ceased to make auditors and OTs. At some point even the most loyal and fanatic member will have to look around and ask, “Where are all the auditors and OTs?” No amount of self-determined blindness can obscure this reality forever.
that new Clear has a look on his face like “I cannot believe I went thru this whole thing to get to the CCRD, and it’s really disappointing what that actually is. WTF AM I DOING HERE?”
“WTF am I Doing Here?” What a great headline for Flag’s next brochure. It practically designs itself.
I’m starting to get emails about plans to distribute Scientology drug booklets at all of the Super Bowl events in San Francisco. Apparently, hundreds of thousands of these booklets have been purchased through donations by members. I’m sure David Miscavige will include this “expansion” in his next speech. Host a Super Bowl party, Scientology shows up and tries to make everyone depressed.
After handing out all of the drug booklets, DM will claim San Francisco to be drug-free thru his efforts. San Francisco DM??? Really?
The dwarf will proclaim that passing out the WTH booklets decreased crime by 95 percent in San Francisco. And that new public is pouring into that org.
That quote from Miami staff slave Charles Fox is all kinds of sad.
“I saw declining education, drug use, excessive alcohol, crime, violence and war.”
How’s it going, 36 years later, with all that stuff? Has your time in Scientology produced any noticeable results in that situation?
“There were also problems in my personal life and family.”
Any improvement there? Perhaps the family problems aren’t so much, if Scientology has managed to estrange you from them. Problem solved!
“… I asked questions for 45 minutes and ran out of questions. I saw that the only way I would find out more about it was the just do it.”
Wow, so after 45 minutes you didn’t know enough to make an intelligent decision, and you went for it anyway. You say you saw that you had to do it to find out about it, but really, didn’t the recruiter insist that you must commit first before you get your answers, after giving you the runaround for 45 minutes of pretend sharing? And now you are entrapping the next generation into the same bait-and-switch. For shame.
“Well, it takes confront and persistence and learning and applying Scientology.”
Translation: Being on staff absolutely sucks. But, I have found other ways of describing it. Oops, did I say that out loud?
“When I saw that all the pleasant things about family, friends and living life could be lost forever, I knew that this was my fight to improve the situation using the tools LRH provided.”
About those tools and their provider. Did LRH have a pleasant family life? Look into it. The answers will astound you. Did LRH have friends? You’ll sooner find a leprechaun’s pot of gold than a friend of LRH. Did LRH live a pleasant life? I suppose, if you consider dying a paranoid recluse, with a golf ball sized cyst on top of his head, in a lonely, filthy camper trailer a pleasant life. I would say that even you, who have suffered 36 years as a slave on Miscavige’s plantation, have had a more pleasant life than that old loon who gave you tools for living — left handed tools in a right handed world.
“Here I am 36 years later, still on the team.”
… he said while heaving a giant sigh of resignation and regret. For the love of Xenu, your life is still waiting for you to live it. You can still get out. No, you have no skills, but even unskilled labor in the treacherous world pays better than a staff job in Scientology.
Now that’s telling it like it is!
Awesome post!
There’s the unvarnished truth.
“For the love of Xenu”…hilarious!
thisisme and hgc10 – That still has me laughing when I think of it. Sorry hgc10 but that one is going to become a classic and you might not get credit for it.
I was bitten by a RADIOACTIVE SPIDER and now have
SUPER POWERS ! All my Bridge money is going for
jazzy spandex suits and super hero hide outs.
Can I hide out in one of your hide outs?
It’s next to the Bat Cave, not to shabby except
when Batman tunes up the Bat mobile at night.
He may be Batman, but I’m Old Surfer Dude and my cousin is the Silver Surfer. My cousin will have a little talk with the Bat.
I would politely lend an ear to Jasmin and Spyro’s “astonishing” OTVIII wins. That is to say, I wouldn’t refuse to hear about them, but honestly, I wouldn’t get in my car and navigate city traffic for that punishment. I’ve already heard an OTVIII talk about her dynamics expanding to infinity and another talk about all his stops being pulled, just to name a couple. I’ve been sufficiently astonished by scientology wins to know how bad I am at stifling my yawns.
This made me chuckle.
Aside from seeing the video of that woman who was sitting in her back yard with her husband when they both transported to a distant planet and saved Earth by reversing the trajectory of a blaster intended for us, I can’t imagine what kinds of stories these people tell when they talk about their latest wins.
Anyone care to share?
Also – I can’t tell if it’s gated from the satellite view, but here’s a link to Bonita’s party – better get shopping for an outfit because it’s tomorrow!
[Deleted link to satellite image as I don’t think it’s appropriate to include – M]
The Boston Org brochure brags about having 86,000 sq. ft. of wasted space. How are they going to pay for their utilities bill every month? Idiots! They also state how they are close to major Boston colleges. The students all go onto the internet and will avoid that building like the plague.
@clearlypissedoff: Cambridge is not a Boston college, it is in the UK. They brag about how close Boston is to that. They are geographically challenged. I will warn my friend who has a daughter in Harvard to steer clear of scientology if she sees the building.
Oh, wait, she doesn’t need to be warned. She goes to Harvard and studies at Cambridge in the summer. She knows her geography. She also knows me and has been warned for years to steer clear of scientology because someone once tried to get her interested in CCHR and I told her about what it was.
YEah, how they could get this wrong is hard to fathom. Of course, Harvard and MIT are in Cambridge Mass across the river from Boston. But they just have to get everything wrong….
MR, it continues to astound me how so many emails and promotional pieces from Church/staff have typos and factual errors in them. And it even moreso, as so many of these erroneous missives are openly lampooned here, how this plague of illiteracy and stupidity just continues unabated. I still take it as another indicator of the deterioration of the Church.
They are likely the end result of a Study Tech focused education. Of course, that was before GATII study tech so I’m sure able school are turning out true Einsteins ever day now!
Could be they were referring to the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts!
Hi Clearly! And besides all that, the students will be saying, “Fuck that crazy shit! … I have better things to do with my $$$ — like student loans to pay off!
The college students were avoiding the orgs even before the internet. I can’t help but think, buying a building this large is going to make staff pay checks even smaller. It will probably be like working on a whaling ship in the 1700’s. At the end of the week you’ll owe them money.
Question: Who technically owns the class v orgs? And has the corporate structure changed since the advent of ideal orgs?
Yes and 35 people are going to clear Boston and raise that much money? I noticed a couple people in the picture are from Denver too. No telling how many others are not from Boston.
CPO, as an OTVIII answered me, back in the day, when I suggested that our org might not be able to afford the huge utility bill for a building 4 times the size of the we were already in: “So what?”
As you can see, these bright people have all the bases covered.
@Aqua Aaaah! So What? Why didn’t I think of that. I will tell my banker that next time he tells me I can’t afford to pay back a multi-kajillion dollar loan. I’m sure he will see the logic.
Absolutely, Valerie. This is infallible OTVIII logic. Your banker needs to be enlightened.
Utility bills are for wogs, dontcha know.
Which makes me think, the Québec city org must not be paying its own right now.
You see here we have a state-owned electricity company for which it is illegal to cut off a client’s electricity in the winter months.
That is a protection for people who live in poverty so that they don’t, you know, freeze to death.
Hi Mike, OT9 & OT10 C/Ses to be at the address Shadow Hills LA. Gives me the chills and how appropriate for two levels that promise complete invisible powers that will always be three feet ahead of the whales on a stick.Love, Ann ps yeah for Denver.
The latest clear, Alex Espinosa, looks dazed and confused to me; the poor guy can’t even muster a smile. I love Jane Grandin’s line of finding the “absolute genius of tech.” Honey, it’s only genius in the sense that it tricked you out of a lot of money.
Any Bostonians out there who want to tell us a little more about this ‘up and coming’ area?
Refresh my recollection….wasn’t the Boston Org (at one time) in Beacon Hill? (Sorry, not familiar with Boston at all!)
Hi Chee Chalker, I have not been back to Boston in years. However the Boston Org was on Beacon Street which is basically the flat part of Beacon Hill which is bordered at one end with The Public Gardens that are very pretty.Hubby lived at 132 Chestnut St with family which is the heart of Beacon Hill.My great grand parents all owed four houses in a row on Beacon St very near what was the Org.However that was centuries ago. The thing is how moving to the suburbs of Boston is considered a step up for Boston! And the photo of that huge sterile looking brick building gives me double creeps! Mausoleum indeed! Love U, Ann.
Annie B!
You always have the best anecdotes! I think the title for your autobiography should be ‘From Sea to Shining Sea’ since you have lived in all parts of the country!
From what you have shared with us about your family’s interesting past and your own (with a few special chapters reserved for the Co$!) I think your book would br a best seller. I would buy the first copy!
Now…..we have to convince Mike to join you and write his own autobiography….not sure what that title would be.
Chris Shelton has the best title so far for scientology books with his ‘From A to Xenu’….…..but I am sure there are some other great titles we can come up with!
Hi Chee Chalker, Oh lord I am so lazy when it comes to actually sitting down and even beginning to outline a book! I like all the titles on all my escape books,but I agree Chris Shelton’s fron A to Zenu is a good one.Mike would have so much rich material for his from all the years in.His book will be a marvelous read.If I think about maybe doing something in this area From Sea to Shining Sea has a nice ring to it.Yet I would need a strong sense of humor to write about all that happened to me.Perhaps Sea-Shock would be catchy.Laughter,Love your posts and U and yours XO,Ann.
This area is along the Mass Pike so very visible to commuters but in a part of Boston that has little foot traffic. They are trying to sell the rundown Hotel Alexandria they bought to be their ideal org in a much more vibrant part of town. Couldn’t raise the money to rehab it so it just stayed neglected.
I have lived in “mighty Miami” for 57 years and the Co$ “Org” is less than 7 miles from my home. In all that time I have never even heard anything about there being a Co$ org or anything about it until I started reading Tony’s blog. Congratulations Tony, your blog is doing a better job of promoting Mighty Miami’s org than the Co$ has/is in all the years I’ve been here! I salute you Tony – Hip, Hip Tony Ortega
Except it is Mike blog… just saying….
Battle for B’Day said out loud is Battle for Bidet. Truth in advertising, nailed it.
Augie Pinto was at Miami Org and went down to Venezuela and opened up the Valencia Org. I don’t know the entire history, just what I heard from him when I was sent down there when the (empty) org was declared Saint Hill Size around 2002. I was there for 8 months. Augie is a Div 6er, his wife was the ED when I was there. Their son Guillermo was the Senior C/S. The Org was broke and the staff were starved. They tried to have a haphazard kitchen set up out back, and tried to feed the staff, but there was no food.
It was very difficult to do anything as a UC team in a country with so much political turmoil. There were daily riots and protesting on the streets. Most of the time we had a curfew. There was no secure place to keep OT materials and nothing was set up for UC anyway. I was out there just supervising a couple of people through their Solo I course. Forget about wearing a uniform out there. You could have been arrested just for that.
There was another guy out there from Flag NWC trying to recruit while we were there too. He used to travel all over by bus meeting people to join the SO. He was a kid himself, with bright blue eyes and flaming red hair. I can’t tell you how many times he had his passport stolen, got robbed, lost, etc. He was on his own.
While I was in Valencia, the US Embassy closed down and advised all Americans to get out of the country as it was not safe. I stayed another 3 or 4 months.
The people of Venezuela really are nice people and for the most part I loved it there. But if this is what a Saint Hill Size Org does to Clear its community, Scn is in a sad, sad place.
Sunny, yes, Augie Pinto was quite infamous. He is the only person who has had his IAS Freedom Medal withdrawn the same day it was given. It was presented to him in Lausanne for his “expansion activities” in S. America. Miscavige then discovered he was involved in some gold mine scheme. Miscavige tracked him down in the hotel later that night and took it away from him and had him put into extensive sec checking. This was in the hey-day of “wild west justice” a la Mission Holder convention.
Agustin “Augie” Pinto sold shares of a gold mine. People were told to pay for courses and auditing and as a bonus get those shares for the virtual gold mine. Augie sent Groos income to the infinity and then…
Virtual Gold Mine ? And that earned a Freedom Medal
if only for some hours.
Miscavige was probably pissed because he didn’t think of that scam first.
I guess Augie forget to send COB his cut …
Why didn’t they just pass out WTH booklets and handle the country?
Is there truly a staff member in Miami who believes the “outflow equals inflow” blather that was drilled into our heads?
Those poor souls week after week pour out flyer after flyer which ends up on Mike’s Blog, totally ignoring the GIGO (garbage in garbage out) advertising concept.
Hint one: LRH dies in 1986, if you’re joining a “team LRH counts on” you’re not joining a winning team.
Hi Valerie, I love your post. You point out the absurdity of cos promo and the piece you commented on fits exactly in the absurd file of the cult.Love,Ann.
Vegetarian haggis at the Burns Night Supper?! Seems as contradictory as so many scn claims. Yet, being a vegetarian myself, I think I’m going to logon to Orbitz right now and book a flight for this event just so I can try the stuff.
I’m a vegetarian too and was curious what vegetarian haggis could possibly be, but I found this article (“How to Cook the Perfect Vegetarian Haggis”) and it’s very enlightening:
FUN FACTS – Fitzroy House: 79 invited, 2 went, 0 interest. FSM = Find a Staff Member.
“Clearing New England is Attainable” = The War on Poverty is Winnable = Adolf Hitler was Likeable.
My head is going to explode. Now where did I put my camo helmet liner?
The Cult is shrinking. Prepharation H (hubbard): whatever you put this stuff on, IT’S GONNA SHRINK! And DM is “Shrinker-in-Chief” or “Head Shrinker.” DM is doing us a favor by shrinking this hemorrhoidal pain-in-the-ass cult. Go, Dave! We love you. You’re doing a great job! ……of shrinking.
james – Preparation H(ubbard)! lol Great! You started it so here it goes. “Apply liberally while reading LRH” “Soothing comfort after a large IAS donation” etc. etc. That’s enough of that train of thought
Bog, I tried to find my camo helmet liner too, but, it was too well camouflaged. I gave up after a couple of minutes…
Dude. Look under the beer coozie.
Aha! Found it, Bog! Thanks! It’s always the last place you look….
New York City is the biggest busiest city in the world and the new Boston Ideal Org is TWICE the size of the New York Org. If the Church of Scientology acquires more financial O/W’s like this they will truly be on the Way to Happiness for them I guess or what the church perceives as happy. The same way the church perceives who its enemies are and targets them. That is expansion? Yes that cracks me up! 🙂
Lawrence, and the New York Org is in Time Square, a small section of Manhattan that is traversed by literally millions of people daily. Last time I was visiting there the sidewalks were so crowded we could barely move.
To satisfy my curiosity and generally amuse myself, I sometimes check out certain Ideal Morgues’ FB pages. These morgs are NOT making Clears nor are they training auditors in volume, and New York’s Morg in Time Square, the Crossroads of the World, with foot traffic in the millions every day is no exception. Their FB page has proclaimed 1 Clear, and 1 Class IV auditor in the past 6 months. It could be longer. I’m saying 6 months because that’s how long I’ve been checking out their and other morgues’ FB pages including the Ideal Morgue in my own area.
Sadly, to anyone in life that has encountered, understood and applied LRH tech to their life for the better, as an analogy, the Church of Scientology of New York (just to name one) is so far removed from anything that even resembles LRH tech that even an insane person would know the difference, and that is not intended to be a joke but may seem as though it is. 🙂
I hear you, Lawrence. You’re right, it isn’t funny at all. Very sad, in fact.
“Sadly, to anyone in life that has encountered, understood and applied LRH tech to their life for the better, as an analogy, the Church of Scientology of New York (just to name one) is so far removed from anything that even resembles LRH tech that even an insane person would know the difference, and that is not intended to be a joke but may seem as though it is. :)”
Lawrence, If an insane person would know the difference, just imagine what a sane, savvy smart person knows!
“The difference between not doing it and doing it is simply having the purpose of doing it and then doing it!”
“Just do it!”
–Some advertising guy
Must I say it? Padding out the word count sucks.
I may well be off the mark here. But I don’t think the flow is any longer aimed at clearing the planet. I believe the COS is pumping all its ill begotten gains into a property portfolio because they are well aware that they have failed and are building a nest egg for when they collapse. I doubt that the people on lines and on staff in the UK are aware of the desperation of the small orgs like Brighton and Plymouth. They believe that the thousands and thousands they donate is to further the goal of saving the planet. These people are so brainwashed they don’t see that even their small orgs are empty and there is absolutely no possible hope to fill a 100 room ideal org.
Hey William, nice to meet ya! It’s funny — I just said the same thing in a comment not so long ago … Only I said it would be the little dick (by himself) banking away the $$$ for his great escape to a comfortable island somewhere in SA. (Gee, a nice warning note to the government heads of the islands, and/or the drug cartel leaders—all of them—will really help them get prepared to give the mental midget a huge WARM welcome.)
Ah, the poor lad! No matter what he plans, someone bigger (make book on it) is going to take away all his embezzled money – and he’ll just wind up in a prison hospital for the criminally insane in a straight jacket 24/7 for the rest of his life. I think he should come clean to save “himself”, never mind the planet. Don’t you?
Yep, Scientologists have forgotten the whole damned point of the thing. All you need to practice Scientology is a quiet room, a card table, a couple of folding chairs, and a meter. Anything beyond that is just gilding the lilly (more like polishing a turd if you ask me, but there it is).
Good post again Mike!
We all waxed that enthusiasm “I am a Scientologist” and now cringe at the thought and are in disbelief we ever got so “hooked”.
Check out the book and you tube videos regarding “The Five Levels of Attachment” by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
Slowly over time and certainly with your agreement (due to the lies mixed in with the truths) – the Bridge becomes more lies than truth.
The lies came early on with suggestive phrases like “L Ron codified the data” “Scientology deals with truths” “Scientology works when standardly applied” etc.
One “believes” this without ever seeing the “science”. We were manipulated by con tactics. Just having Celebrities in Scientology – one feels like Scientology is safe. I recall thinking – “Well, if Tom Cruise is a Scientologist – it has to be okay”. CRINGE!
Scientology books and lectures and lifestyle is ladled with hypnotic commands (repeating commands over and over – “Get up the Bridge” “Go Clear” “Donate to the IAS” etc…).most of us found ourselves going up a Bridge to no where. Belief in lieu of Science. Lies replacing truths. Also study up on Rhetorical Writing and mind control tactics used in cults. Tons of information on the net.
Scientologist’s still in are at Level Five.
The Organization wants their members to BE Scientologist’s and that means giving up all of your money and time to the Organization. Don’t speak out, don’t do anything about what you observe that is criminal and insane in the Organization, don’t think for yourself. Forget about your dreams and goals. Forget about your family and children.
One of many wins from reading that book and listening to the interviews: Evil cults that disguise themselves as religions want from level 5 attachment from their members until it becomes “off with their heads” like ISIS.
I also recommend The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
There are tons of books and videos out there to help – and they are relatively free. I am not the same person I was when I walked out the door due to finding good information about cults and finding true healers that care about people.
May all Scientologist’s walk out free this year. May Scientology Inc. be closed down forever, assets siezed and David Miscavige get life in prison for crimes against humanity.
Super Idle Morgue, The Four Agreements is one my my favorite books of all time. Also my wife’s and a great number of friends.
Worth reading everyone.
Besides the crimes against the family unit that L Ron Hubbard initiated with his mental problems, another dark chapter in Scientology is the betrayal of the goal of spiritual liberation.
Because of false claims and deception, L Ron Hubbard to a great degree has poisoned the reach of people toward spiritual knowledge.
It took a few years on Marty’s site for people to start introducing the dreaded “other practices” into the dialog. Many folks would then start posting about other teachers.
It seems when x Scientologists reach for other practices the safe one is Buddha. That is because Ron gave him some love. Well, he really thought he was Buddda. So it was ego.
I can tell you this from years of study and spiritual practice. L Ron Hubbard booby trapped your reach to “other practices”. Even the term “other practices” has been hypnotically booby trapped by his definition of it.
When and if anyone here moves into “other practices” you will come face to face with confusion. Because what Ron has told you as true is actually false and this runs in the face of what you will study.
The concept, theory and practice regarding the Supreme Being is the subject that takes a big hit from Ron’s ignorance.
Topics that have been sullied by Ron:
1) the Supreme Being
2) experiences of Unity with all life
3) reincarnation
4) karma
5) meditation
6) valid other mental therapies
7) unconditional love
8) intellectual sovereignty
9) being rich as a spiritual attainment (OT)
10) the lies of the time track
11) the lies of after death experiences
12) the denigration of all other spiritual paths (this one is tragic)
13) imagination as knowledge
When you reach into other practices, you will find many held down sevens hidden in your cognitive faculties that need to be unraveled.
What L Ron Hubbard taught in great measure was simply false. And these false notions can make the study of life and the spirit very difficult.
The first held down 7 to be as ised is Ron himself. Deconstruct him and things will start to unravel. Good luck!!!!
Thank you Brian, great post.
Hi Brian, As with so many of your posts, this one is a golden keeper.Thank you.What you posted indicated strongly to me.After reading it I recalled how amazed I was in SO when I got my copy of Hymn of Asia.I thought then is there anything or anyone Ron hasn’t known about or been? Yup that Buddha was 100% ego to the max.It is so true to me the control Ron had over me.KoolAided is a reference I use all the time,smile, but the reality is it has taken me years to work Ron’s World out of my system and still some of that creeps back up.
The book you recommended is a treasure,you both are a delight.Love,Ann.
I am so happy Autobiography of a Yogi resonated with you Ann. The beauty of my path and my relation with my teacher Yogananda, is that I truly truly truly respect and honor all spiritual paths and all liberated teachers.
It’s so refreshing to read other teachers than mine, learn something from them, and not feel that weird betrayal feeling we as Scientologists use to feel if we dared venture into knowledge outside of the Scientology Thought Prison System.
Oh, BTW, I don’t think the Incredible Stringband played the Palladium. I could be wrong. But Likki and I played to a packed Scientology event there. I believe we even did a song with a friend David Zimmian. That may have been Likki and I you met back stage.
I hope all is well and your healing total.
Love Always,
Hi Brian, My old memory pulled up The Palladium, but I feel you are correct. As I read the part of your post where you mention I had possibly met Liki & you briefly, a soft watercolor memory of seeing you both in a corridor and Likki turning and flashing that smile to me as you both went on with your evening,after telling me I was the first SO member that had signed up with Asho F after only reading DMSMH & listening to the ISB album Earthbound I believe she said I was her musical recruit..I feel that is a true recollection.I wish more could know what a truly wonderful sweet talent she was and how she got many into The Sea Org in the 70s.Me definitely included.
Having the freedom to read any books I want with out fear is so liberating.That really is wonderful.
Under a tornado warning here,cos is heading into a storm of it’s own making,and I am not sorry because the cult has hurt so many and still can’t see.With love to you both,Ann.
Ann, Likki showed me a piece of paper that was presented to her from a Flag Missionaire. The mission was to find out how all the UK staff became Scientologists and inspired to go on staff.
It stated that 60% of the entire UK staff got into Scientology through the Incredible Stringband.
I got in because of them. Some of my friends got in because of them.
I can tell you this; OT 3 drove my wife insane. Likki became a homeless street person. From limos, Woodstock, The Royal Albert Hall, friends with the Rolling Stones, dancing with Paul McCartney, girl friend of Chick Corea and worshipped by fans – me being one- she went insane from always looking for BTs.
She was last seen crossing the Arizona desert alone.
I wish Robin Williamson and Mike Heron from the band could make a statement of apology. Their radiant personages and music were like the proverbial spiders web.
My x wife Likki needed help from professionals. She had childhood issues of being abused by her father. Instead of the help she needed, she went in search of L Ron Hubbard’s demons of paranoia.
So glad to be out of that madness. I hope everyone’s healing from the mind of Hubbard is total.
Namaste Everyone
Love Always,
Brian – we know each other. I was part of a band with David Zimmian and knew Likki at Celebrity Centre on 8th Street – so sad to hear about what happened with her. Feel free to get my email from Mike of you’d like to get in touch.
Will do Gadfly
” Super Idle Morgue, The Four Agreements is one my my favorite books of all time. Also my wife’s and a great number of friends. Worth reading everyone.”
Yes, Brain ; that book is a must read for anyone, indeed. That book alone has more truths in it that hundreds of LRH lectures (not that I think that they have much truths at all).
And an extremely easy read. Nothing esoteric or pie in the sky. It hits you where you are.
Also, thank you Good People.
I happily said “I’m a Scientologist” but try convincing me I was a “believer”. About books – Yesterday I returned two books to my town library. While there I checked to see if they had any books about cultism. I’m curious as to how many cultism books mention Scientology by name.
While browsing I came across a pristine unused 2007 copy of Self Analysis so I brought it home for some light reading. Inside was request for more information postcard so I filled it out with Mr. Xenu, 8008 Porch of Infinity Way, etc and sent it in. Also inside, someone had placed a card with “For God so loved the world . . .” John 3:16
“Find out if you qualify for staff!” If you’re breathing, you do! Lordy, what a dream world these folks inhabit.
Truly, if they see your chest rising and falling, you’re good to go for staff!
You almost got it – The actual qualification is breath showing on a cold mirror unless standards have been reduced
OSD, please! Get your facts straight. Requirements for staff are much stricter. An applicant must not only breathe but be an upright, 2-legged, ambulatory mass of protoplasm in the human faction of the superfamily Hominoidea.
I always got a kick out of “We are now accepting applications…” that notice continually posted in my org’s reception.
“Accepting” applications, huh? That’s a respectable, conservative social tone. The actual tone is Craving Applications – salivating for them, practically. That portion of the Tone Scale film for “Needing Bodies” will give you the idea. Creepy.
I stand corrected, Aqua! You’re good! Real good…..
Aquamarine – A tone scale film mentioning needing bodies is way after my time in scn. It’s probably unrelated but I don’t recall any policy saying that “bodies in the shop” need to be warm.
LOL! You’re being funny but you’re right because this is a tone level below body death and these people did not seem at all warm to me. They were mocking up being caring and warm, and certainly they didn’t put their hands on me, still, I got that they were cold as ice, oblivious to me, their eyes were like those people in The Village of the Damned and I got the feeling that I was this “thing” that was craved…its hard to explain and it sounds so melodramatic and exaggerated but that’s the way I felt!
Aqua – Village of the Damned eyes! LOL! From what I’ve been reading I think your observations are correct. IMO scientology pre and post 1982 are two different worlds. Yes, I was indoctrinated and programmed into scio-think but I see no comparison to the current level of crazy.
I occasionally reread a chapter or two from “The Zombie Survival Guide” by Max Brooks. After all, one should always be prepared. The area around Big Blue and the entire city of Clearwater may soon be avoided by the public being fearful of receiving a Scio-Bite.
Hi Aquamarine, Thank you a great post! Come to think of this,suddenly the Sea Org seems like one colossal web of melodrama! I really understand how you felt.Love, Ann
Nope. Not any more. There’s a reason we call them mOrgs and it’s not just for comedic effect.
Mike, I read that line circled in red: “We will provide full address and directions.” Does that mean they don’t want me to come to this briefing? Gosh, I feel so left out…..
According to the Boston flyer, Cambridge University is in Boston. Wow – that’s a MEST handling for you, they can now shift entire Universities across Continents. As long as it is near the ‘most busiest highway’ that’s fine.
And doesn’t Mrs Lombardi look smug. She’s probably been lovebombed from here to Timbuktu. Little does she know. Oh dear, oh dear.
Her youngest son looks like he would bullbait the hell out of grandma, on ethical reasons she should drop her body. Sorry I’m feeling a bit sardonic today, LOL.