Somehow this just seems wrong
When are they going to hold a Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of The Hole?
Nashville is not rocking
This has been an “ideal” org now for SIX YEARS and they JUST got a CCRD auditor and C/S. So much for “clearing their area.” And so much for the “lightning fast” training promised with GAG II in November 2013 when all the trainees went for their “short” training program.
Monumental breakthroughs!
Earth shaking I am sure. Where has TC’s brother in law been all these months?
Food, glorious food
Seems this is the big draw in Denver. Never saw a “gourmet French dinner” that consisted of beef sandwich before?
Oh, it looks like it might be French dessert….
Up and Coming “Milestones”
Funny they don’t have anything to announce other than what they think is going to happen sometime in the future….
And of course, if you get an ideal org, and do nothing with it for years, after you wait long enough you can announce the “upcoming” “updated design documents”…
This Puerto Rico drivel is really hard to swallow. And “Keep your calendar open” for Atlanta. That’s great. I am scheduling nothing til 2020.
Flag is Tone Deaf
Even though we had a bunch of these just a few days ago, they roll in with monotonous regularity. And whoopee — some “VIPs” are “joining by Skype.” What does this tell you? That Las Vegas “ideal” org cannot round up enough prospects for the FSM bloodsuckers to justify an $89 airline ticket….
More Moneywinds pitch – bit of a mixed message. Prosperity. Good Parent. Save the world.
It’s “brand new”???
I saw this same thing last year. But seriously, can you actually picture yourself walking around wearing a pin that says “Genius”?
KTL/LOC Graduate?
Haven’t seen that promoted for a while. Wonder where these “most important services EVER” are these days?
What’s Up With That?
Portland “ideal org” doesn’t have their own minister? They have to get someone from LA? And what is in it for “Bishop Harris”? Weird. Is he making FSM Commissions?
Daily fighting against Suppressive Persons
An honor for me to come in your famous city
Once again, no proofreaders… He probably has no clue what he said.
Patrick Valtin fesses up
“I was very resistant to starting SRD…” And his story goes downhill from there. As an OT VIII and 3 L’s completion he had been operating on a vicious circuit “SMASH – smash them before they smash you.” In order to praise that latest service he is on at the bottom of the Bridge he has to totally trash the value of the top of the bridge. What a world to live in.
In since 1970
And proudly just completed the Purif… For sure a Grade Chart step for sure.
Out of the mouths of babes
There are no orgs in Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma, Arkansas or Kansas (let alone N and S Dakota, Wyoming, Montana or Iowa) – but let’s not worry about that. Don’t open an org, give us money to buy a building for ours. Strangest pitch ever.
Sir FileALot
Yes, afrter 20 years work we made it through letter “A” — we have 8 weeks to complete! Nothing unreal about this.
Why, oh why did they choose the melody of a German children’s song for the header of the Nashville flyer ??
It’s quite obviously “All my little ducklings” (“Alle meine Entchen”), which is basically the first song that young children are taught over here.
It’s as far away from “rocking” as you can get. There was certainly no musician involved in the design …
Someone really worked the math on 500 Knights versus 70,000 Files. “Let’s see here. We have 70,000 files. At 10 minutes per file (figure, figure) someone could file (figure, figure) per day. We have 8 weeks to do it so (figure, figure, figure . . . )”
I’m sending out flyers to friends and business associates letting them know about my own personal programs and projects now fully in place so as to be done to completion with Tone 40 Intention. Yes, they are indeed fully in the works. I’m doing them for blood now. I hope you’re as excited as I am.
As soon as these personal projects are done I’ll be hosting a Completion Celebration at my place. You’re all invited so please keep your calendars open because it is imminent. I know you’ll be honored to come in my famous city… Ok, I’ll stop 🙂
OK, snarksters. French Dip is an American food. You think you so damn clever. But consider this: one of the two Los Angeles eateries that claims to have originated the French Dip is called Philippe. Voilà!
The destruction of Boston org continues apace. First: ordered to trade in a very nice building (that needed renovation) that was already owned, and was more than large enough for their needs. Second: Following the order they requested to sell the building when the property prices were at their height pre-2007/8 real estate crash, but were not allowed to. Third: Forced to buy a total white elephant of a building in terms of they needed. Fourth: Forced to sell their original building after the crash for a return about 40% of what the original forbidden sale would have brought in (they had offers). Fourth: Due to sale of the original building, which they still occupied, they were forced to move out of the city to a rental space in a not particularly good suburb, because the new building they were forced to buy was too expensive to renovate and in fact needed far more work at far more cost than was known. Fifth: So they were forced to buy a second new building (now the third building ever bought), because the first new building they bought was not suitable.
So, Sixth: as a result they now have an 86,000 square food building that will swallow them alive. Their staff will rattle around inside like lost souls and they would be lucky to even keep that amount of space clean even they had continuous all hands cleaning going on. And this gigantic waste in term of space and actual or predictable future need, is in an industrialized inner suburb, whereas the original building was in a central location very near to neighboring large universities and a popular destination neighborhood in the city. Wow, couldn’t have been wrecked better if it had all been meticulously planned with the intention of destroying that org.
Can’t we just say that DM is incompetent and leave it at that?
DM is a nightmare on steroids.
It is such a shame what has happened to Scientology in Boston ….. I’m so upset after reading the full story again …
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha …
ok, I’m not really upset … just kidding
The org on Beacon St was in a BEAUTIFUL building. I can’t help but think the staff are secretly pissed about losing it.
Do you know where the new building is? The last thing I heard was them selling the Alexandra. Did it sell and I missed it? I didn’t know they got a another building.
Sad indeed. I went to the Boston org once and it was a treasure. The HUGE fireplaces, the music room that still had the flavor of the artists that played there…you could feel it when you walked in…and all of the warmth of someone coming home.
What did they trade it for? Echoing hallways and corporate cubicals?
Done on purpose? “Oh, our dear leader wouldn’t do that to uuuuus.” IMHO – If he’s not a plant, his actions would certainly serve.
The French gourmet dinner is out of place for Scientology
unless it’s for Whales who brought check books.
It would have to taste better than it looks.
This is a first leads me to think things are going down the tubes.
” I know I have amazing tools to break apart the MEST barriers” … thus spake OT8 Patrick Valtin … I don’t mean to be facetious here (truly I don’t) … but why not appoint Patrick to run the project to get those 70,000 files to PT in Tampa by 13 March? Isn’t he an executive type too? If he’s now got the ability to do the above, why not use that ability in the physical universe, the MEST universe of files. He DOES actually have that ability … doesn’t he?
I do have to say that when you reach a certain age, it’s an honor (and a pleasure too of course) to come in ANY city, even Denver! (hit that drum) … In all seriousness folks … a “genius pin” … AND you get to be in the genius CLUB too!!!!! … oh, wait … they have admission dues to this club and to get the pin????? If it’s over a hundred G’s, I ain’t doin’ it …but can I still get the beef sandwich with au jus if I promise not to come in Denver again? (but no promises about New Orleans … all that crawfish and gumbo really gets me coming and going)
“Never saw a “gourmet French dinner” that consisted of beef sandwich before?”
that sandwich would be called a “French Dip”
and those potatoes could be considered “au gratin”
and I believe those green beans are “French cut”
so someone needs to reassess their idea of gourmet French dinner. ?
I felt my arteries hardening just looking at the horrible beef roll. Almost enough to put me off breakfast. The milestones pieces show a new level of desperation for $camology.
“It’s an honor for me to come in your famous city!” My mind went straight South when I read that sentence, so much so that I can’t continue reading the rest of the piece.
Why don’t they just flat out say, “Give us your money.” and be done with it.
Here’s an idea to get the filing done: volunteers (I use that word loosely) who work the requisite 20 hours get a replacement brass foil file cover, 40 hours – chrome foil, 60 hours – silver foil, 80 hours – gold foil and a free plastic cup of water.
As long as the plastic cup says “Genius” on it, I’m in.
Shades of Regraded Being: a guy sitting at his desk looking at a pile of unpaid bills with “Genius” pin on lapel and plaque on the wall.
Simple solution to 70,000 files — dumpster. Done in an hour!
Laughter! Maybe less time than that depending on how many “knights” they can muster up.
Mr. Valtin has too hastily announced a major win. For all his enthusiasm over the tardy cognition about his contra-survival “fight and smash” computation (that somehow dodged the e-meter throughout not just Life Repair auditing but every single OT level), he still hasn’t got the big picture. When he says, “The universe has been set up to put a ton of obstacles and barriers in your path” it is clear he is STILL fighting and smashing! An OTVIII who is at cause over shit and stuff would see the universe as a lovely orchard full of low-hanging fruit, don’t ya think? Flunk, Mr. Valtin! You can’t have total ARC with a universe you believe is designed to thwart you. Better get back to that rundown, you’re not done yet.
OV 8 and 3 L’s and still has circuits? LOL, I guess he forgot to go clear…
How his doesn’t cause cognitive dissonance in the scilons is beyond me.
I’m dying for Bahram Taghavi to enlighten me on what a “True Education” is. I’ll take a guess and say that it’s not one that involves an accredited school or university on planet Earth.
“Am I a good executive?”
“Do I spend too much time at work?”
“Am I a good parent?”
“Am I making a real difference in the world?”
If you are a Scientologist, then the answers are:
1. Am I a good Executive?
Answer: Only if I don’t start drinking early.
2. Do I spend too much time at work?
Answer: Hell no! Six hours is a long day for me. And sometimes I just go surfing and forget about work.
3. Am I a good parent? Debatable. When our son was in his snarky years, I give him to a passing Gypsy family. They kept him for 3 years. When they returned our son, his snarkyness was completely gone. But he now refused to leave the home.
4. Am I making a real difference in the world?
Answer: Hell yes! I’m constantly telling people how evil, vicious & toxic the cult of scientology is! Day in and day out. I’m helping people avoid a fate worse than death. Hey, this may be my Super Power! Keeping people aware of the cult!
Yes, OSD! You’re doing your job well and keeping true to your goal of saving mankind from the sci-fi-freaks!!! (sci-fi-freaks: evil-doers trying to overtake the world via hypnosis, skullduggery, brute force, chicanery and malignant midgets; thus allowing them to rob folks of their minds, lives, family, $$$ and happiness.)
OSD, this Bud’s for YOU! SURF’S UP! 😉
I was never deeply in, only did a Life Improvement Course and some Basics study. As a new person it’s shocking to see how much mail and phone calls you get. Definitely scared me away. One lady from Bridge left me two voice mails a day for over a month until I pleaded with her to stop. My voicemail was literally full and non-functional because of her. Doing a Flag Extension course meant even more phone calls, especially if I didn’t turn in a lesson. Finally the mail volume is out of this world: mini-magazines from an org, IAS once or twice a week, Flag flyers asking you to study the Basics or buy a book, Bridge flyers to buy all of the Golden Age of Knowledge, and on top of that the occasional random letter asking how I was doing or a survey. As it stands I get at least 3 Scientology related mail a week. What kind of Church does that? It’s excessive marketing.
If only they would pay their staff instead of wasting all of this money on ridiculous mailers that no one wants.
CPO, that make WAY, WAY too much sense….
Tell me about it! The local org were supposed to keep my work phone number confidential but they gave it to the IAS, the advanced org, the ship and just about everyone else. You can ignore calls at home every time but at work in a busy office you have to answer the phone, I dreaded seeing the numbers flash up on screen knowing it was some fanatic from scn after money or event attendance, or money again.
EM, you call it excessive. I call it Cult Marketing. Keep in mind you might never get off of their list. Remember the old scientology adage? Outflow brings inflow. Problem is, it doesn’t. It just pisses people off.
Pretty sure I can request no one call, and send the mail back as undeliverable. In some sick way I’m always curious what they’re trying to say and I open it up.
Sick….very sick!
That kills my idea of a stamp pad saying “Addressee Deceased – Return to Sender”. As far as phone calls go “He/She is deceased (pause) May I take a message?” works well on telemarketers. You might be able to come up with something creative to use on scio telemarketers. Good luck.
My ex girlfriend says it takes 20 communications to get someone’s attention, so probably LRH wrote this somewhere.
I think excessive marketing is too mild a term. it’s pure desperation. next time you open your mailbox, that smell that wafts out? it’s rank fear.
reading these is getting to be more and more like reading that website – if you haven’t checked it out, I highly recommend it, it’s freaking hilarious.
“It is an honor for me to come in your city.???” Bwaha ha haha.. Too funny!!
The ones having a gourmet French dinner to entice people to the event show a picture of a beef sandwich with a cup of beef juice next to it. I guess they think that a “French Dip Sandwich” constitutes French cuisine! Funny!
Cindy, I always thought a French Dip was a Frenchman with a low IQ.
Or a French dip is the special way your dance partner moves you.
Oh my! That’s even better, Cindy!
They saw the term ‘au jus’ and thought: ‘That’s French! We’ll call it a French dinner!’
“The not so bright have a button on self importance.”
Is that on par with the “genius” button?
I saw that too — ah, the joys of non-native English speakers! I just hope he does not do the Cologne New Year’s Eve thing in a public crowd.
And Charlie Hodge — could they have made him any pinker? I am guessing that he, having finished the Purif, is still showing the flush of niacin toxicity. Note to readers: You too can look like Charlie and even risk liver damage in the process!
Hi FOT, I thought since Charlie finished his purif, he took a B-line nose dip right into a line of coke. LOL 😉
Got an interesting article and interview from the Israeli Free Scio group:
Good people but unfortunately are still caught up in the LIE.
Thanks so much, Mike. These are exciting times. I’ve just cancelled immediate appointments and put all future obligations are on hold. The decks are cleared and I’m ready. Atlanta’s Ideal Org opening is imminent!
Nooooooooo! The reason the Midwest is doing so well is because there ARE NO ORGS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away!!!!!!
Jennifer, do you mean to tell me you DON’T WANT Cult members and their Model Idle Morgue in the heartland of America?? Really?? Yeah, me too. We need a slogan: “Keep the Heartland Cult Free.”
also, they clearly have no concept of just how big the Midwest actually is.
What’s in it for Bishop Harris?… of course. I wonder if CCHR will invite Louis Farrakhan to commemorate the memory of the victims of the Holocaust? NOI and Scn….very strange bedfellows indeed. When it comes to the future of Miscavige and Scn Farrakhan is the elephant in the room no one seems to see.
If Farrakhan is just promoting dianetic co-auditing it won’t go far. The only ones venturing into the belly of the beast would be those who don’t use the internet.
They are all so good, I can not pick the best!
It’s an honor for me to come in your famous city.”
Given that the fellow is French there’s a possible translation issue. In one of my trunk stories I joked about a character reading À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time) by Marcel Proust during a sublight interstellar voyage, he lost time reading it.
Or it could be bad Scientology education translated into French.
So how should the line read?
”I’m honored to visit Denver.”
But that’s written from the perspective of a normal person.
The OT VIII, Ls Comp. that finally did the Survival RD was simply ‘out of PT’ and ‘full of circuits’ because he has been over-run by doing over and over and over OT VIIs, one of the 3 versions OT VIII, because his mind had been manipulated and he has re-created what they call a ‘bank’.
Historian Deborah Lipstadt has accused Scientology of engaging in Holocaust denial.
I had many many comments to make on all these flyers. Most of them snarky. Then I started to think about the reality of the fact that there are 20 ADS here.
For this WEEK.
For something that claims to be a “religion.”
These, mind you, are the top 20 that Mike culled out to show us. Take this and compare this to the earlier analysis on this blog that there are probably only 20,000 active members worldwide and realize they the hype is going out at the rate of a minimum of 1 per thousand members per week if we only looked at the weekly flyers we saw here.
Why on earth would any religion need to advertise itself so strenuously week after week?
I’ll take a shot, Valerie. Ummmmmmm……let’s see……because, although they can never, ever admit it, that their precious cult is shrinking so fast they are, very quickly, becoming non-relevant. What they are becoming is a sideshow.
OSD you mean to tell me when they asserted that Leah Remini was trying to make herself seem relevant, there were fingers pointing back at themselves, nahhhh, can’t be.
I asked one person, a never-in, the same question.
One word response:
Either response is valid.
And probably not working very well.
No, Val! It’s true! When a cult member points a finger at your, three fingers are pointing back at that person. They just don’t want to admit it….
I kind of had an idea to view scientology as distilling itself. You know… like a purification of all that’s good so just the essence is left. A black sticky sludge kind of smear.
I think that’s a good way to view it now, bootleggers of the soul.
“Advertising is the result of having a bad product.”
Prior to WW2 one of the best ads around was one from Packard motor Cars”. There was this picture of a Packard with the line— Ask the man who owns one.
Since the early 1980’s all the C$S has to sell is status.
Hi Valerie, always love your posts. Desperation that’s what. Besides the tons of mail I receive weekly, this week I received a doozie of a letter from my local org. Usually I throw them out without reading but for some reason opened this one. Glad I did cause it gave me more insight of how f*cked up these people have gotten.
I’m an old timer and back in the day this kind of letter would never have been mailed. This twit who doesn’t know me from Adam (and spells my name wrong to boot) starts out by telling me he’s taken a look at my “folder” and begins to tell me about the BPC he thinks I have, nice eval. Funny how this local org can have my last folder since my last auditing actions were at Flag and confidential or at least should be cause they’re OT folders. And then he basically proceeds to invalidate me for not being on lines in a nasty sort of way because how dare I after receiving such great auditing at FLAG!!!
Amazing to me that staff would send out a letter full of rage, disdain, hostility, eval, inval and so forth to public AND then expect them to go “OH GEES, I need to route back on lines”. They have truly lost it and are desperate to get any public in. And I am sure I’m not the only one receiving these kind of letters.
I’m starting to see the light, they really are on their way out. Hey, OSD start planning that BBQ on the beach, we’re all planning to join you at that shindig!
Mrs. P. Before I finally decided I wanted it to all stop and started mailing Lisa McPherson’s autopsy photos in the return envelopes (works like a charm BTW), even writing “return to Stalker” on the unopened letters did not stop them from writing. They probably counted the return mail as a letters in stat.
Genius status with plaque and pin? WTF? OK. This is just beyond the freaking pale. Genius is somewhere above 140 in IQ, so now I can just pay money, put the pin on and be smart. However, to actually give money for this would make me a Dumb Ass (aka retarded) which is an IQ of 67. What to do, what to do.
I am sooooooo in agreement with your comment! Do people really not see this???? If I ever see one of those pins on someone, I will know they are stupid! Just ridiculous!!!
Agreed. The “public” for the Genius pins are the extreme still-in dum-dums. PT Barnum, how right you were.
P.T. Barnum would have LOVED Scientologists……
Boggie, my IQ is 68. Does that count for anything? I mean, during the 70s and 80s, I thought ‘Boogie Fever’ was a nose disease. I wish I was mart…..I mean smart.
Dude, You ARE smart. You get 35 IQ points for posting on this blog!
If I post 3 times does that increase my IQ by 105?
Bitchin’! 35 more IQ points. Now, let me figure this out. I’m at 68 IQ points and I just got 35 more. So that adds up to……ummmmmm…….ahhhhhhhh………hmmmmmmm….a lot of points! Do I get a Genius pin now?
Nope, but for $5K you might get one.
And the GENIUS CLUB!? What a gang of numb nuts that would be.
I just got back from Ireland. And the court case Scientology vs John Mgee. It was hillarious. The defence lawyer was a mr Beaty pronounced BT.
As you can well immagine every time the judge refered to mr BT the spectators burst out laughing. Funny but true. Talk about leaving your self open to ridicule.
How’d the case go? Was that the final hearing on it?
Laughter!! Even my BTs are laughing.
Are you serving those French comfort foods to the upstats (Thursday at 2) in the Hole?
Always fascinated by David Miscaviges TROUT FARM.
Everyone a Whopper !!!