The “new” Purif. Firstly, there is the MEST. There is no “secondly”….
$14 Million later — this is Orange County “Ideal Org”
Looks like they can’t afford to keep the lights on….
What a forlorn looking place.
And how appropriate — fundraising for the celebration of the anniversary of the OC idle morgue opening. The sun never sets on Scientology fundraising….
And the St Paul Idle Org…
“Ideal org” doesn’t have any public in it or any events to hold, so following in the footsteps of the Denver “ideal org” that sells parking spaces at Rockies baseball games to try to cover their utilities bills, St Paul is listing themselves on eVenues “Marketplace for Meeting & Event Space.”
Good luck with that. I can imagine how many organizations would want to conduct their meetings in the Church of Scientology…. It’s not quite the same as parking your car in the parking lot and heading to a baseball game a block away.
The Russians Are Coming
Apparently they didn’t get the memo at this Russian WISE “Management Consulting” group that the blind leading the blind was cancelled by Dear Leader with GAT.
EUS Spelling Bee Champs
This is perhaps the highest concentration of spelling mistakes, grammar and punctuation errors and typos in a single promo piece ever. And there is some really stiff competition.
But while they are upstat on screw ups, let’s not forget just how dismal EUS is. They count Orlando, Puerto Rico, Long Island and Columbus among their small and failing orgs and they don’t even have a building yet. And are never likely to raise the funds to get one. They have Battle Creek, Detroit, Chicago, New Haven and Philly that have had buildings for years sitting empty. They have 4 orgs “on the runway” for March 13 and will be lucky to get one of these completed. It’s been 11 years now — they are 20% done with this strategy. Only another 44 years to go…. Though based on the video of Long Island “org” on Tony Ortega’s site yesterday, I think they will NEVER make it.
Another sign of “Massive Expansion”
They apparently are incapable of getting anyone to administer “extension courses” in each org — even with 47X expansion in the Continent closest to being “fully ideal.” So, they consolidated marking extension courses into the “management” org.
I would bet this “team” is a single, double-hatted CLO staff member.
Ruh roh….
An “org” “completes humanitarian”
There must be something in the water in Norcal. Wouldn’t they be better spending some money on trying to make their own “ideal org” a success? Maybe they could even pay their staff…
Not only that — these guys in the Silicon Valley are on the bleeding edge of new computer technology, as you saw yesterday (repeated here for convenience sake):
Timeless quote that isn’t
You see some pretty weird stuff when the people selecting the quotes have no concept of the real world other than “if I quote LRH it makes it true.”
Haven’t seen any screaming headlines about any economic crisis in England.
Wow, ANOTHER “first cleared country”. And last year, they cranked it up, making a grand total of ZERO Clears in their Class V orgs and maybe a handful at the “AO”.
I used to be a Class VIII, but GAG II made me realize the error of my ways….
Some real Funnies I thought appropriate:
To be honest the Purif was one of the best thingsI ever did, now I can get pissed for about $5.00.
It saves me money!
In this article Mike wrote: “Though based on the video of Long Island “org” on Tony Ortega’s site yesterday, I think they will NEVER make it.”
I’ve been unsuccessful at finding this video on Tony’s site and would like to see it. Could someone please post the link if you have it? Thanks.
It’s the first video in this article
Thanks for link Mike. That was a pitiful piece of PR. I was actually expecting it to turn into a spoof, or see a joke at the end, because I couldn’t believe anyone would consider that effective promo.
I agree with you on the video. Those people couldn’t salvage a ladybug that might accidentally fly into that dingy office much less Long Island, NY. It was truly pathetic.
Purif? Got two .. my win was to sit down with naked people for hours .. got lot of red out of niacin, and gave up a lot of yellow fluid out of my nose .. it did clean up something in my body .. but got hereby bone aches and psoriasis (Schuppenflechte) but heavy .. the second did nothing although about 50 days on 5000 mg .. but there were some nice ladies around .. it was a nice part of my life ..
But surely, it has nothing to do with anything what was promised .. my win was only to sit around with naked people .. I thought at the beginning that I can not do that .. so I learned to stay comfortably in front of a nice naked girl .. it has nothing to do with the goal of the purif ..
Hey friend, I didn’t even get that win out of it as I was already VERY comfortable around naked women. LOL
TOTAL waste of time and money for me.
I don’t think I got the full EP of the Purif because we had to wear bathing suits. Maybe I should re-do the Purif. It’s a rough job but somebody’s got to do it!
Number of times over Cindy … :0 😉
So Dia Atcheson thanks LRH as an afterthought and the last in line after COB and the automatons.
What a f****** cow!
What will she say after her third purif using the GAT III which surely is in the pipeline by now?
The Sydney Org purif flyer is actually a technical degrade. How could the tech in 1981 be less superior than 2014?
Oh I forgot! COB – the failed CL4 auditor who strikes PCs (and others) knows best and says so. But let’s rejoice about the personally delivered towels with a smile but the clincher for me is in the walls. Not only are the walls female but they command so well.
To hell with the overrun & sign me up! It’s worth the sweat.
Good stuff.
Looking pretty bleak for ole Davey boy.
Maybe TC could chip in a bit to help get dave a nice gift or something For all the great work he’s been doing?
He IS the leader of leaders!!
1. The building was nice.
2. The staff were friendly.
3. I got some extra towels and a snack.
Sign me up!
By the way, your inbox isn’t accepting mail – says it’s full.
The Freewinds is a floating study in nautical obsolescence. This is hardly Ideal. I’m surprised Mr. Miscabbage hasn’t latched onto this one as the next “superpower” ideal org scam.
Commissioning the keel up construction of the first “purpose built” Sea Org vessel in the history of the universe could Dwarf the SuperPowerBuilding’s fundraising goals. There is Hundreds of Millions of $$$ fundraising fun to be had on that project.
It’s an easy sell to the clubbed seals. When GAGII failure becomes obvious to all and sundry in the bubble, Miscabbage can just point out that he so brilliantly has handled the Lower Bridge (the Basics and Objectives) and the middle bridge (GAGII & Ideal Morgues) but the VERY TOP of the bridge is now the right WHY for the stuck flows in SCN.
They now need to both find some super duper technical correction for OT VIII, but also have the right OT Ideal Ship to deliver such technical brilliance in. Maybe part of the sell on all the current OT VIII’s having to re-do the level will be that DM himself will personally C/S their folders before they get to the ship. What fun that would be.
Moonshot. Ships don’t increase in value. They depreciate. Unlike real-estate. So, he won’t be going that route. The Cult has always been about making money. Not about making the world a better place.
I have a hunch – no data, just my hunch, instinct, whatever you want to call it, that things are coming to a head in these empty Ideal Morgues, that most Class V staff really are aware now that they’re not alone, that other orgs are struggling as much or worse than they are, and that the corporate church is really in trouble. I have a hunch also that Makemerich knows that the game is over. Don’t ask me where this feeling comes from because I can’t tell you.
This idea of forming “alliances” for regionally proximate orgs to combine money grubbing efforts has had the boomerang effect of allowing geographically dispersed sufferers to come together to share notes, and thus download new data about how all the orgs are dwindling shit shows.
You are correct Aqua. The “game” exists to the degree that large whales exist. There are very few left. Next we get to watch and see what he morphs it all into as staff have zero say in his actions. Either de facto or de jure.
Aqua, they don’t have to ever build the thing. The donations leave the USA, become fabaian and there is NO oversight. In the typical land scam, as it is, the Landord Office skims a huge percentage of the take. But the land Org in the USA and Europe have 1st World potential government oversight. With the thing at sea and out of the country and in the domain of the 3rd World, they can do whatever they want. If they spend the next 20 years regging of the thing and never build it, it will be pure profit.
” The Freewinds is a floating study in nautical obsolescence.”
As is the Sea Org only it is floating in Daveshit.
Yeah a new purpose built Fleecewinds what an opportunity!
But being stuck in rhe fifties and sixties they will use asbestos again in the constructlon just so it will feel right for the sheeple. Then they’ll just seal it up and not remove it (like the current Fleecewinds which has no value for scrap because the cost of disposing the asbestos safely is more than it is worth) so face it sheeple, Davey wants a new yacht and you’re gonna buy it for him…. roflmao.
I love how Di Atcheson tries to make it sound like Sydney org has beautiful park views rather than an extremely obstructed view of Hyde Park due to the buildings between them and it… Or does being a Scientologist allow you to postulate a vision of the park??
As I walked past the Launceston “Life Improvement Centre” on my way to pick up my weekly hit of comics yesterday I nearly fell over when I saw that they had turned on one of the two fluoro lights. What’s next, turning the other other light on for a thrill?
I don’t know if we’re taking guesses on what, if any, orgs are doing well but you can count Dallas Ideal Org out. No one on course; can’t pay their utilities. The Why is because the staff aren’t getting any new people into Div 6, which begs the question, “Why?” But who cares about that. LRH Tech and common sense be damned.
Oh! What’s a Class VIII?
Hahahahahahaha!!! Now that was funny, McCarran! “No one on course.” Man, I split a guy laughing! Now that’s great sarcasm! Some deluded people might even think you were serious! That’s how real it sounded.
Thanks goodness it was just a joke and millions of new public are FLOODING the Ideal Orgs and rocketing up the Bridge to Total (fill in the blank). I’m safe in knowing that COB has chartered our course well. I trust that little fucker with my eternity!
I know you are seeing what everyone else see’s, absolutely
nothing. No flood into orgs but in the other direction, leaving scientology in droves. D.M. is MAD, he cannot admit he’s wrong or stop , that makes him more wrong. Not a question of IF but when the final blow up happens.
My bet he goes to Bolivia with the money ( IAS)
I have a quick question someone might be able to answer.
What happens when one of these ideal orgs hits rock bottom ie only staff,no paying customers,no more donations.
Who will pay the bills(water,rates,electricity,maint etc)?Will the church pay to keep it open or will they sell?
They will pay. They will be furiously trying to get the money from their public before that happens. And as a last resort they will bail them out and shitcan the executives….
No, at that point it really is ideal.
4 chan,
You just described ALL IDEAL ORG’S.
Yes the staff pay for utilities,
Yes the execs are sent to SIBERIA ( LAS VEGAS to the uninitiated)
When all of this goes south, the staff silent mutiny with horrendous excuses,
the International Landlord sells the Org, a crap smaller building is rented and new staff are
recruited under duress. that are OT’s that D.M. thinks are in need of reform ( all of them )
Tampa Ideal org for example featured on this blog recently.
correction: Orlando Ideal Org.
The purify redo is amazing…..she hasn’t done any drugs or alcohol…she’s been well…but….but..she redid the damn thing anyway. That was painful. The OC begging for money for a party is truly sad, the person sounds heavy and defeated. What’s with the cute little seedling on top of the OT symbol? We need to stamp out that squirrel shit!!!!! How DARE they try to start a new life! Someone is trying to sneak other intentions into the promo, promoting new life is pure, anti ideal building blasphemy.
I think the leaves are to make the “o” into an orange. Definitely a plucked orange.
Orange you glad you’re not there?
Ohhhhhh. As in Orange County…I’m a little slow.
The CLO is suping extension courses now? How ludicrous is that?
The way to have the cross lighted without any power to building
is with solar panels connected to batteries on a low voltage to lights in the cross..
Called an Off the grid system. Much like the the current public, off the grid.
Great photo of Daphna Hernandez Mike, keep up the great work !!!!!!!!
How about a dave doll charged by batteries with a programmed speech to be brought out to speak at “special” events. By the power of duplication ‘he’ could be in several places at the same time.
Oh, that’s just to scary to even consider, MJ.
With all His OTness and notwithstanding the greatest TV production facilities this side of Teegeeack, I would think he would be producing holograms of His Holiness and projecting them into the Idle Morgues. This would be done as a security measure of course.
So, someone in EUS thinks that the solution is to all get together and try to do everything at once. I have an answer for that: shit x n = shit
“An ideal civilization!!!” …… wow … can’t wait ….. uhm ….. just kidding, yes I can ….
The photo of the Silicon Valley idle paper shifters should be called “Last of the Summer Whine.”
I love the way they couldn’t finish a series of alliterations but had to end with “commends.”
“What is the one thing which is most overlooked but is the key to one’s success?”
Blowing for good.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Nice! Now that’s some funny shit!
Not so overlooked these days
I’ve developed an automatic circuit in response to this kind of thing…
I did it all for the Nookie,
Come on!
The nookie, come on!
So you can take that cookie
and stick it up your ass
Stick it up your ass
Stick it up your ass
Great collection Mike! That Sydney purif promo is just so wrong…
“I’m writing to ask if you could consider giving a contribution towards the staff gift and party. Many friends and fellow public have already donated towards this wonderful cycle! If you would like to do the same, in acknowledgement of the staff and what they do every day, just drop a donation off at the org’s front desk and let them know it is for the OT Committee. You can also e-mail me back and I can give you mailing instructions if you’d rather mail the donation.”
Seriously? Go to the org and drop off cash or (snail) mail the money? I can’t even begin to think with this…talk about being stuck in the past. How do I send him a telex to tell him I can’t drop off the money as I live in South Africa. And I can’t mail him the money because the mailman will most likely nick the bucks before it leaves our fair shores!
Off topic Mike, buta I have a question. Why SO people roam at least in pairs?
So that they can watch eachother and make sure the other doesn’t run for the hills would be my guess
Ummmmm, trying to be like the Mormon missionaries? Hey, I took a shot…
Mormon missionaries have bicycles,
SO members will really be gone in a shot if you gave them all a bicycle.
It is LRH’s “Buddy system”, just misapplied.
More fun from Billy Connolly on religion –
LOL!!!! Thanks for that, Pericles! I’ve seen him before. Now that’s some funny shit! I wish he’d do the cult!
Oh God, they seem to be so happy to redo the Purif (again). In the Hungarian Scn Facebook group, there is almost one Purif success story per day (almost all of the oldtimer Scientologists are redoing it). The usual success story starts with “it is my 3rd time through”, contains “now I am finally free of all toxins” and ends with praising Dave.
Also, apparently there is a new IAS T-shirt, specifically manufactured for Hungary and the Churchies can’t stop making photo to show it off (I sent one of these selfies to Mike).
Hey Peter! Isn’t it MANDATORY to thank and praise Dear Leader when writing a “Success” Story? Can that little shit’s ego get any bigger?
Here is an actual posting from a staff member:
Ildikó L. – “Why do I support the Ideal Org?”
First of all, I trust COB completely and follow his orders with dedication. This is the most important Scientology project on the planet. In 2004, when the first Ideal Org was unveiled, I made a postulate – I wanted to work in an Ideal Org. A part of the postulate was realized [she joined org staff recently – P.] and the org will soon become Ideal. I am working on achieving this purpose in short order, so the first Ideal Org of Central Eastern EU will open!
Please support this purpose, as the Ideal Org will be the place which can really demonstrate what Scientology is and makes it possible to deliver it properly.”
Holy shit, Peter! “First of all, I trust COB completely and follow his orders with dedication.” Talk about throwing away one’s own self-determinism! These people are truly sheep headed for the slaughter. Their own knowingness has been replaced by the psychotic dwarf’s intention. Sad beyond words.
Mike, the cartoon you added in is perfect! Sort of like when someone gently says fundraising is against policy and gets thrown into the RPF…for years, and years and…
Have you noticed that scientology is similar to Mao’s Red Guard of the 60s? Same fanatical members.
They don’t dress as snappy
Sejanus, are you talking about the really cool vampire clothes staff are required to wear?
“The OT Committee is going to be presenting a very cool gift to all the staff. ”
This year they are giving them two ply!
But only one roll and they have to share.
I can’t spare a square
These funnies are about as inspiring as watching paint dry while sorting through my spam folder as a bad rap song plays on an endless loop.
What is sad is Drew Johnston. He was listed on one of the promos as the guest speaker or something. He IS a Class VIII OT VIII. He has spent 40 plus years auditing and CSing others in his field practice as well as FSMing. For him to now accept the downgrade to “Class IV” due to the GAT II thing which took all his certs away until he studied up and re-instated them, this is just too ridiculous and sad for words. And the irony is that Class IV is about as high as he will ever go now because there IS NO BC. The BC is no longer taught at ASHO. So how is he to get his Class VI Cert reinstated? No way. And Class VIII??? Forget about it! The Class VIII course has not been taught at AOLA in decades. So Drew will never get his Class VIII cert reinstated either. But what is the most amazing to me is that he just accepted all this GAT II BS and stripping him of his certs without a word. He went along with it like the lamb to the slaughter. Drew, we hardly knew ye. I thought you had more balls than that. I see you have been gelded.
YEah, he is also shilling for the IAS now. He makes his money getting commissions from the “donations” he solicits at his events.
Blind Dave indeed leading the blind, and these children of the corn on the cob all serving he who will be blamed with blind faith. Jesus, hallelujah!
Good point Cindy, that there is no more Briefing Course or Class VIII course. Just the levels now that are “GAT phase II.” At least Drew is at the top of what a public can currently be as far as a classed auditor. What can he do about it? Nothing, if he wants to remain visible in the church. Highly trained public are a nuisance to have around and if they are field auditing, then they are taking GI away from the orgs. That is GI which can be funneled back up to the miser on top of the food chain but is going into the pockets of some lowly public who Miscavige has nothing but contempt for.
The truth hurts sometimes. Just took a drive to look at the Ideal Org in Cambridge ONT. This Thursday morning at 10:30am; in their 100 car parking lot only 6cars, all staff.
To see this first hand is actually very sad.
GOB, you just reminded me to cruise by the Idle Morgue in Orange County, CA. It’s a very historic building and they gave me a tour of it about a year ago. One person was on course. HUGE building. It was winter and the staff all had their coats on. Probably too expensive to heat the place.
I have driven there and to Buffalo a hanful of times to count cars and get the giggles.
Buffalo today had one body on the ground floor an three staff walked in around 5 p.m..
It is always good to see the 47x at work in clearing the planet…of $cientology…lol
Funny — I got three other reports from people who visited local “ideal orgs” today:
Sacramento — empty. For several days someone walked past the org several times a day over the last week and didnt see anyone entering or leaving the building ever.
Dallas — someone visited and said there was a total of 4 staff and that was all
NY — someone visited there and asked to see the list of people confirmed for the “Flag World Tour Event” (this person is familiar with the NY Org public). Only names recognized on the list were Bennett and Harriett Webber — no doubt they will be there to reg. The otherpeople on the list all had Eastern European/Russian sounding names and were unfamiliar.