Magic in Orlando
All they have is an empty thermometer and ONE person to suck money out of? This is beyond “wishful thinking” this is outright delusion.
Recently “back on OT VII”
Wonder where he went and why? Such a strange thing to promote. Those are the question I want answered.
A “Very Senior Executive”
They don’t have a name?
Doomed to failure
Can you imagine two sorrier excuses for “ideal” orgs than Buffalo and Cambridge and they are “teaming up” to “complete” the Toronto continental org? Other than LA Org and NY, the only org in the world that did not have to buy a new building to be allowed to call itself “ideal.” Three losers combining doesn’t a winner make.
Dress Code
British military? They truly are Dad’s Army (reference to a British TV comedy about the Home Guard in WW II)
Scrambled Mess
The Freewinds is holding a seminar at Flag conducted by the head of the Clearwater WISE Charter Committee on “OT Hatting” which is apparently the difference between mediocre and incredible success. Dan Sherman couldn’t make this stuff up….
A “One-Time Presentation”
Every org on earth has been playing this every week. I guess this is another term that will join “monumental”. “epic”, “watershed” etc in the scientology dictionary with a common definition “it does not mean what it says, we just think it sounds impressive if we add it to our promo.”
Total Freedom and sky-high OT ability awaits you
Mind-numbing hyperventilation. Promising the world. Delivering delusion.
Class IX C/S trained by L. Ron Hubbard on the Apollo
Well, that is really interesting. There was no Class IX C/S when L. Ron Hubbard was on the Apollo. That was invented many years later to designate a “NOT’s C/S” who did not have to be a Class 6 or Class 8. And in today’s GAG II world, she is actually not a C/S at all.
But it’s good to know that they are offering a “gourmet lunch” though a bit of a bummer than seating is limited. I imagine they are expecting at least 3 attendees….
Speaking of Class IX C/Ses
Whatever happened to Angie Laclaire? A Golden Age of Tech Snr C/S CC Int and star of stage and screen. Now a tours reg in Sacramento?
Mighty My Mammy
19 years on staff and not even Clear.
UP UP UP. Ho ho ho. Hee hee hee. Hah hah hah.
This is NOT good news. Not if you have noticed how long these CF filing projects go on in other orgs…
Oh-oh. How timely…
Blast from the past…
HAPI has been strangely silent for some months. But they are coming back to life. (Awfy is “awfully,” irn bru is a soda “Scotland’s second drink”)
Unveiling a canny “master plan” to have the ideal org done in a year (when they haven’t gotten anywhere in 13 years…)
Independence Day?
The ginormous Valley space ship is going to aim its death ray on the one-time only replay of the Milano ideal org ribbon yanking?
This week’s “Weird Poster” award winner.
To dream the impossible dream…
Like the line though “after being in the bubble of Flag” [click on it to enlarge]
Grant Cardone for President!
No comment.
Nasheville [sic] is coming to town
The last event Atlanta promoted didn’t happen. Wonder if this one will?
Kaye Champagne has backlogged filing
Reached for comment — she stated she was fully behind COB’s ideal program for idealiness and she just wanted her office space to be “ideal” so Mr. Miscavige, the ecclesiastical leader of the scientology religion ™ would be proud of her.
The end of psychiatric abuse is becoming a reality
How do we know? Michael Roberts says so. All it will take is some more of your cash… Well, all of it really. Right now. He has a lifestyle to maintain…
Does anyone else think Lee Sheldon looks like he has been robotically frozen to either sign the cheque (handy pen always on standby? Pen tech) or enter his pin number or hi-5 with his glory hand? Just wondering. He looks so frozen…….
Jeannie (Bogvad) Sonnefeld – I have to say that she and Jens did a great thing for LA Day back in the early/mid 80’s. Their stats were amazing at that time. People would come from all over the country to get auditing there and get their case cracked.
Right around this time is when the Latino public came in and basically brought their whole families and friends, co-workers and chihuahuas in to get services there.
LA Day was the place to get standard tech in a very theta environment. They actually kept their word on a cycle that I did there at the time. Made it right.
THAT was back in the day that LA DAY WAS, WAS, WAS the showpiece of what an idea org should be. No wonder that, after 2 or 3 years, they were taken off post and the whole place came crashing down.
Before the SO came in, honestly, you could bowl down that main hallway between ASHO and LA ORG. I have a friend who was telling me that they’d walk by the courserooms and no one would be in there AND when this person was in session with their auditor, (with more than one auditor there) the auditor would FALL ASLEEP because they’d been kept up all night with no good nutrition. Serious beans. Auditors fell asleep regularly, in session.
Talk about a flagrant reason for a missed read! lol
“As long as you can see their breath on a mirror”, right? Even when they’re sleeping??? Um…
Hi indie8million, You make the day sing! Your post made me recall back earlier in 74-early 75 my auditors would fall asleep or rather rest their eyes because the fuses would blow in hgc when I walked in.No wonder you got s### Ann.Laughter,Love U,Ann
Has anyone noticed that lately the script has changed from destroying ‘the psychs’ to destroying ‘psych abuses’, i.e. A shift in emphasis to psych abuses rather than the psych industry itself?
Grant Cardone …THIRD PARTY … Yeah, that works.
Dear Mike, I feel a little disappointed because in connection to A “ONE-TIME PRESENTATION” about the Grand Opening of Milano Ideal Org, you had no time to read my e-mail containing a picture not doctored of the real participation at the event. What a pity!
Can I ask what’s up with all the Scottish stuff in Scientology? No snark, genuine question.
Regarding the Scottish stuff, they used bagpipes at one, random event and the crowd went nuts. Every since, they’ve been using that whole motif, along with the guy with the lance, etc.
Maybe some folks who were at Gold have more information, but that’s how it appears to me.
As a Canadian who was born and raised in Scotland, I hate that they do that!
Hi Katy Meyrick, It is good to meet you. I do not find your question snarky at all, you bring up a valid point.I can only post my experience with what I knew way back in 1974. When I was in The Sea Org we had some amazing briefings that year on what went down with purchasing and refurbushing a ship called The Royal Scotsman,which if my old brain is correct became The Apollo.I believe the work began in Glascow, Scotland.There is a long tradition of setting ships to sea there.
So the persons who came to Asho to talk about this were so amazing and interesting.Unfortunately some are not with us anymore, but I was caught up in all their stories and all their experiences with Ron etc.
In Lawrence Wright’s book Going Clear…I believe he has a chapter on that time. Someone who has more detailed knowledge than moi, could tell me if Ron became obsessed with Scotland as part of his incredible ability to spin sea yarns or if he actually loved the country.
In any case dm has taken up the tartan and for whatever reason seems to find Scotland a kind of wonderland where he can place his players.Anything to drum up more $!
Of course Katy, I could be upside down and backwards on my take here- if so any helpful soul please correct me as at my age I need all the help I can get! Love,Ann.
The fundamental issue with Scientology is not fair game, disconnection or excessive money demands. The issue is individuals abandoning their own observation and relying on L. Ron Hubbard, and later David Miscavige to tell them what to think.
Have Scientology’s photoshop people blown or RPF’d? The tacky high quality gloss that we now expect does not seem to be there.
picturing that band (CC Nasheville) and that DJ trying to get a crowd of maybe 10 people to do the electric slide is a very sad image…
so what are all those Denver scns going to do about the huge pot party? Sit around and talk about it? with a Frenchman? oh yeah, that’s going to make a big difference. guaranteed the pot party gets more people – and is a whole hell of a lot more fun.
exactle! Sounds like a blast!
“Over eight thousand Scientologists gathered live in Milano…” Six thousand plus, at a rough guess, were photoshopped and/or cardboard cutouts. Wow, Miami has untold tons of mouldering paper gathering dust, and hopefully paper eating insects, in its vaults. The thrill, the joy…
The Central Files Party conjures up images of Evil Dead: “Join Us! Join us! I’ll swallow your soul…and your wallet.”
LRH Handling personnel with Tone 40?
Oh yeah, that’ll work outside of the cult.
That’s called screaming and threatening with RPF consequences for failing to comply immediately and enthusiastically.
Ask ANYONE who is out, how well screaming and threatening works as a management tool.
Oy. Run for your life.
Grant Cordone saying he might run for President in 2020 has me concerned about a scientology take-over of the nation. Let us band together and stop this candidacy before it spells big trouble!
Or whatever.
Hmm, I’ll go with whatever…
RogerH, I would love for Grant Cardone to run for President of the United States of America. Think of the media coverage he and the cult would get. Talk about Fair Game, OMG! Please, please please Mr. Cardone, give the Presidency a shot!
Jeanie Sonenfild still at it , now that is magic.
Think of something and it Magically happens ?
Have a rich husband ( or wife)
Make your postulates work ?
Take all your unopened boxes of Miscavige tech vols, Basics,to the Garbage Dump.
What keeps you from reaching more in Life ?
IAS pass the Pen events.
Jeanie,tell them why the SHSBC is no longer delivered ?
I have the answers already to Jeanie Sonenfild’s 3 questions:
– What secret allows others to just think of something and it just “magically” happens?
– Why don’t your postulates work?
Fucking lazy postulates. They just sit at home, eating bon-bons.
– What keeps you from reaching for more in life?
Short arms.
Right on and that’s what good old Jeannie Bodvad really thinks too. Truly the only thing she is good at is C/Sing and should just C/S. To just PR herself to satisfy her status she will say what is expected. I know that none of it is believed by her. She knows its a sham. Come on Jeannie, get out and C/S in the independent field and win in life for real again.
Let me play answer Jeanie Sonenfild’s 3 questions:
– What secret allows others to just think of something and it just “magically” happens?
– Why don’t your postulates work?
Not enough Money!
– What keeps you from reaching for more in life?
Still not enough Money! and you don’t want people to know your part of cult that is universally frowned upon so you stay at home watching TV hoping you don’t see bad PR.
Buffalo and Cambridge are the clampires dirty little secret. When the exchange rate is big, clams take their training at what ever mOrg is cheapest.
Huge numbers of Canuks come over the boarder to shop for everything in the US. Canadian taxes make the trip economically feasible. Last summer, the exchange rate was 1.00 US = 1.05 Canadian.
With the current exchange rate of 1.00 US = abooout 1.40 Canadian, lots of Buffalo clams are jumping the boarder and getting their ‘training’ at a nice discount. That the Toronto mOrg can’t be built by the locals is just another sign of the clampocolypse. Every clam in the area is going to be yoked to the team to get Toronto ‘done’. Now, where are the rehab plans? That will of course, cost extra.
What other mOrg in Canada is ‘Ideal’?
Clampocolypse! I love it! Very clever! Maybe I’ll cruise up to the Pasadena Model Idle Morgue and ask the girls who stand in front of the front door trying to pass out into film tickets, “Are you getting ready for the Clampocolypse?”
+1! Right on, Leslie!
And then they give you a dirty look before they run you off the property.
Is CLO Canada considered “ideal”? There was that whole push to get the liaison offices to “ideal” with Denmark and Saint Hell, and I’m not sure if Canada was part of that little party.
Regarding “Commanding Officer CLO Canada” – Do all sea org members have military designations?
Pretty much. The SO was modeled on the United States Navy and so you’ll find a bunch of people in quasi naval outfits with ranks like Seaman, LJG, Commander, and so forth. By the way, Mike, what was your rank in the SO?
Glad to help out.
Blue faces, my ass. I can guarandamntee you that these hapless HAPI clowns knew fuck-all about blue faces until a Hollywood movie starring an American-born Australian showed them blue faces. I’ll say it again — the cheesy way that Scientology events promote local flavor to local people is just high stinkin’ cheese. It’s like trying to attract the attention of fish by talking up the local water.
Everything in the cult is cheesy! They’ve got so much cheesyness going on they should hand out cheese sandwiches.
“Hand out” cheese sandwiches. Now Dude, you know that is out-exchange in DM’s kingdom. Off to ethics* with thee.
*ethics meaning…wherever the refills for the drinks are. 😀
Interesting you use the Pythons as a banner image today…
It’s well known that the UK cult’s top propaganda man, John Alex Wood, is a big fan of Monty Python, and once tried to set up a dating site for other fans. Once they found out about it, Eric Idle went on Twitter and said “This shit is run by a Scilon. Stay away”. A few barbs later, and JAW was having to defend his cult from a man he professed to be the UK’s biggest fan of. Cognitive Dissonance, much?
One observation to leave you with, from another Anon – ” He says Terry Gilliam’s ‘Brazil’ is one of his favourite films. If so, he has spectacularly failed to understand it.”
Hi Mike, Thurs Funnies gets more surreal every week! Where to start.The begging tone of come help us Back up the Sea Org- we depend on them they depend on us.Say What??
Ah CF! I bet I could go to Asho’s CF right now and find some misfiled folders I put back 42 years ago when hunting for prospects Weds @3:00am to have for Thurs @ 2:00! With all the OTness around one would think a question might be asked for all the $ given to get up and down the bridge numerous times and they keep having to file!
Plus some of the photos of guest lecturers on prosperity are positively robotic!Michael Roberts especially Creepy!! Love, Ann.
how to make your postulates stick? why did that make me hungry…
I always thought it was, “How to make your postulates sticky.” I just figured it was a recipe.
Yep, there is a recipe for small macaroni sticky pasta-lets.
The difference between pasta-lets and postulates is negligible: they both are based in imagination.
The Department of Redundancy Department would like to inform you that “3rd year anniversary” sounds ridiculous.
Hmmm, no luscious pictures of food this week. I think that after the “gourmet French dinner” whose feature photo was a French Dip sandwich, there was no room left at the bottom of the barrel. Having said that, they’ll be back next week.
Jeannie “Botox Betty” Sonenfeld wasn’t trained as a Class IX C/S by Hubbard, of course. But she might have been trained in something else by him. We know she was aboard the Apollo at some point, prior to turning herself into a slightly-melted Skipper doll. What exactly was Hubbard training people in on board the ship (other than Class XII)? Karen would know.
Grant Cardone for president? Of what country, Bulgravia?
Yo, Valley Morgue, you do know that Marvel is owned by Disney, right? And Disney takes a rather dim view of unauthorized references to their material, right? You got enough money in the Idle Morgue fund to take on Disney’s lawyers?
What the hell is it with the Flog OTC and the British Army caricatures? There was one last week with the tank sergeant, and now with the upper-class twit this week. Is there some kind of hidden message that we’re missing here?
Speaking of the Flog OTC, Kay Sparkling Wine has me intrigued. What would require a briefing by a senior exec that would “support the Sea Org”? My guess is that it’s a whip-round for soap, laundry detergent, and toilet paper. With that many Sea Org at Flog, the stink is probably forming a visible haze by now.
Doesn’t “It’s UP UP UP” sound like something from Ron’s Affirmations? If that’s the case, why is he telling Mighty My Mammy? Shouldn’t he have said that to Mary Sue instead?
How clueless is Denver Idle Morgue? Snowboarders and pot go together like peanut butter and jelly. So no shit that there’s a pot party going on in conjunction with the Winter X Games. And if you have a problem with a perfectly legal activity, folks, why don’t you grab some Truth About Drugs pamphlets and protest the party? God knows you’ve got enough of those pamphlets left over from the Super Bowl, where you didn’t hand them out.
Why the big push for OT in Sacramento? An AOLA tour and an OT “special presentation”? What’s so special about Sacramento that there’s a sudden big push to get everyone there up the Bridge? And why does the way I do my business trips have anything to do with OT? Here’s my typical business trip: I make my flight arrangements with hotel and rental car, I get there, I audit for eight hours a day, I fill out paperwork back at the hotel, I surf for porn afterward, then I get back to Chicago and do my laundry. That’s a pretty OT set of activities.
The big surprise about the Scottish-themed whatever-it-is at HAPI is that it’s being done at HAPI. Normally, they do Scottish-themed stuff at an org in Florida. Considering how many Italians are suddenly donating to HAPI, I’m surprised they aren’t having this event at Milan.
Well, here’s hoping something happens with Toronto. Actually, here’s hoping it involves the term “demolition”.
I should hire you to do the Thursday Funnies commentary Espi. Would save me some valuable time and I think your take on things is pretty damned funny
I’m only as good as the material I have to work with, Mike. And the cult never disappoints on that front.
Hi Espiando, Thank you for your informative post! I always look for the food being served too! You had me laughing over all you commented on. Post On !! Love,Ann.
? so many funnies in your comment
Snorted a bit reading this but what did poor Bulgravia ever do! Sheesh!
yes. Here in LRHs Bulgravia, we keep a special president place for DM , ( years now…..)
No other can be elected.
ML, koki.
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
There is great joy expressed on Orlando Stars. Five exclamation points. The overall “poster” is a bit like Andy Warhol and rather interesting.
Scientology’s Church of Greater Cincinnati is located in Northern Kentucky. I drive by it on a weekly basis; it’s about 15 minutes from my home. The few cars in the parking lot have license plates from mostly southern states; there are usually no Kentucky, Ohio, or Indiana plates in the parking lot. The building has been the property of Scientology now for a few years; prior to that, it was a Baptist Church. Let me tell you how many times Scientology is in the news in Greater Cincinnati: Nada, Zip, Zilch. It is like the church that does not exist. It could not be more out of place if it tried. If they picked up and moved, no one would notice. Other churches that hold special events will get a mention in the local news, but I promise you no one around these parts knew that Scientology was holding an event with a guest speaker and gourmet food. (Could they be more non-specific about the luncheon? Come join us. We are serving food of the gourmet variety. Say what?)
Another take away from today’s funnies: I don’t care how you dress it up, no one wants to go to a filing party. Filing and party do not belong in the same sentence. And who files anymore? There are these great things called computers with databases and unlimited storage capacities. You enter it once, and you can extract all kinds of outputs from them. Here’s an idea: sell your useless property in Northern Kentucky, and invest in some real technology. That way, no one will ever have to receive an invitation to a “filing party” ever again.
Lori S, you forgot zero. Nada, Zip, Zilch, Zero.
Ok! What the hell is going on here? This guy, Graham Payne, has glasses on!!!! I thought, back in the day, that fatso said with just a few hours of processing you’d throw away your glasses forever! This is really shaking up my not so stable datum.
Hi OSD, Me too,agreeing with your post. My first full day in Sea Org I was told to get rid of my eyeglasses pronto! No matter I was totally near sighted without them, I was a good SO member and for four years I convinced myself because of Ron’s Tech I did not need any. Make it go right! How I managed to see is a good example of how deep in Kool-Aid I was.
Now if I returned to lines ( never ) those regges would rip my eagle eye implants out and sell them on e-bay! Yikes.xo Ann.
LMAO, OSD, You beat me to it! I laughed remembering that bullshit, and dummy me believed it!
But anyway, I told ya we had Teletubbies hiding. (LOL) Unfortunately, they were exposed, stripped of their colors and head pieces, forced to wear kids’ party hats, and now have to pose for those pain-in-the-ass cameras again for those worthless graphics at the OT Committee Central Files Party! LOL
I ate it up too, Pat! Glad I got out early!
Me, too! I cuss now — imagine if I stayed in any longer? (EWWWWWWWW … Get rid of that thought! 😉
Hi Pat Wog Winner, Oh my now I have this picture of me if I had never left SO. Espiando had a post where he gave a description of Sea Hags,my spell kill first wrote sea bags,ha! but I like hags best.
I would be a bundle of bones confined to a cell like room so I would not wander around reciting ” The Stars twinkle in the Milky Way and the wind sighs for songs across the fields of a lonely planet a galaxy away.”all day! Actually I could be kept on as a fossil door greeter,some old geezer who can still unlock the front door! Laughter!!❤?❤️Ann.
Hi Saaweet Lady, I don’t think you could ever look like a sea hag! — Not with your loving nature!
Anyway, if you did go loonie-tune, that fat flubberfuck would have thrown you over board for fish food … because you’d be no good to him in that state; and, besides that, the pig only only liked little ashtray girlies serving him anyhow! LMAO) I’m sooooo glad you got out, too! xoxo 😉
Hi Pat Wog Winner, Ashtray girlies had me in stitches! Thank you! Right you are old Ron would have dumped me at sea and never looked back! I try and keep my sweet nature and you have a piece of my heart.Always,Ann.
I think I must have EP’d something or something. I read over those flyers and nothing happened. No opinion, nausea or outrage – zip!
Nope, checked the mirror and no 1000yd stare either.
Must be the English breakfast tea, I’ll come back tomorrow.
Grant Cardone for president takes the cake. He could hold hand with Sarah Palin.
Hmmmmm…..A scientologist and a whacked out evangelical. Yep, that’s the prefect ticket alright. Imagine all the laughs we’ll get!
She would kick his skinny ass in a heart beat. Corleone only has meaning in the cult.
I don’t think Sarah Palin has any meaning at all. “I can see Russia from my kitchen window!”
(About the cannibus party) I like the line in the letter, “Yes, they found a way to manipulate the law.” Really? He should be singing their praises! See? They reached someone after all!
Edit…It was a “she” that wrote the letter. 🙂
OMG someone is throwing a pot party!!!! WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! cause we’re the only ones that can.
WHAT????? I’m sorry I can’t take it! this is what’s happening. This is REAL
Excuse me while I get up off the floor from side-splitting laughter.
Sounds like a fun party!
Can’t stand people having a good time babe? Stick a pin in that bubble and breath deep the fresh rock mountain air for a change. You think those Xtreme skiers don’t get high? LOL.
Pot parties are great! Come and get your munchies on, dudes and babes! Sit down and mellow yellow…..
Talk about “GOLD?” … Some Acapulco Gold coming right up! LMAO 😉
Pat, ‘Gold’ is good, but, my favorite is Thai Stick! I smuggled some back from Maui in my underwear many years ago. And every time my wife and I are in Jamaica, we have enough Rasta friends to keep us supplied. Pot just makes life better….
Hey OSD,
Here ya go:
RASTA … Yeah! … Don’t Worry — Be Happy!
What secret allows others to think of something and it “magically” happens? Could it be they don’t have a hoard of people hounding them for every penny they earn and every minute of their life, thus they can get what they want?
Why don’t your postulates work? Why don’t yours darling?
What keeps you from reaching for more in your life? All that damn debt I’m in from donating for shit that gets me nowhere?
If they actually had a handle on these questions they wouldn’t be on the verge of extinction.
Oh and Mike, just cause she’s a IX doesn’t mean Hubbard trained her on that, Perhaps she got ashtray carrying training from him or sumpthin.
“What secret allows others to think of something and it “Magically” happens?” LSD! At least that’s what it did to me the one time I tried it.
Come on OSD who had it more than once.
Damn, Wilie! You are one perceptive dude! Ok…ok…I MIGHT have done it more than once.
Before I book my emergency flight back to the USA from SE Asia, I need just one thing cleared up. Is the VIP Cannabis event AT the Denver Org or in a rented hall in town. Just want to make sure I go to the right place. Or is it in Aspen? Very freaking confusing.
It was in Aspen for the X Games. But don’t worry Joe, there are cannabis events every day on every street in Colorado, so you can go any time you like.
Home grown’s alright with me….home grown, that’s the way it should be….home grown is good thing…plant those seeds and let rain. Neil Young
Hey Joe! Can you swing by the beach and pick me up
With the amount of money Denver is getting from pot taxes, I seriously doubt that the cult can stop it.
Good old home grown…….
Truth is I haven’t “indulged” since I was a student at City College of San Francisco in 1969! Then got into Scientology. But it’s always interesting to see how these folks seem to talk about all sorts of “important” goings on except … getting trained as auditors … but they want to “clear” the planet (?) Oh well … as long as Michael Roberts can still make a living at something …. and of course Kaye Champagne has something to keep her off the streets at night …. we all need something to do ….
That’s just a damn shame, Joe.
C’mon Joe, yoiu can stay where you are. Nuttin beats Thai stick!!
And, Joe, you can come to BROOKLYN, NY — It’s sold on almost every street corner! LMAO! 😉
Brooklyn! Anywhere near PS 212? (Bay 50th St, Gravesend/Bensonhurst, not too far from Kings Highway) That’s where my education began (such as it was)
Hi Joe,
Hell yeah! … I’m not far from there, right below Bensonhurst, near the Verrazano. (You know the mouth we Brooklynites share, right? LMAO) I kinda thought you were from Brooklyn. Any chance you’ve played on a NY sports team, or related to the Mets’ Terry Pendleton? — It’s a small world after all. 😉
Whoops, that’s the NY Yanks, Joe. Doesn’t matter which, I rooted for both of them. 😉
Pat, I not only love your posts, but, I think you’re awesome! Would love to meet you sometime. As you may know, I live in a beach city in southern Calif. When it all goes to hell in a hand basket for the cult, we’ll be celebrating at my place! I’ll supply the mota!
Thank You, Dude! … Luv ya, too! … I’ll be there and bring some goodies, too! LOL 😉
Hi Pat, I have to confess that my family left Brooklyn in 1965 when I was fourteen and moved all the way to San Francisco, but you can take the boy out of Brooklyn … I still miss the pizza, but I’m visiting Naples and Sicily come April. Didn’t play on a sports team and now over fifty years of rooting for the Giants/49ers/Warriors and in my wayward youth, the Raiders.
*Pendleton is my stage name … hey, it’s a show biz world (Terry Pendleton? He was the guy that “stole” the MVP award from Barry Bonds one year when Bonds was with the Pirates and Pendleton was with the Cardinals … think that happened, anyway)
Hey Joe,
Yep, we still have the best pizza in the world barring none. LOL
Sounds good to me about Terry Pendleton; he’s not the one I’m thinking of, though. I’ll get some trivia search in later. I read he only played one important game with the Yanks and lost it, and if I’m honest, I think he hated the Yanks. LOL
However, I’ll ask some old friends of the Joe Pendleton I’m thinking of. I know he was Italian, from the neighborhood, and on one of the New York teams. Who knows, it could have been football. I went for the fun of the games and parties later; didn’t know squat about football. (Guys just didn’t like teaching girls the game; too much work for them.) But I did know everything about baseball; went to a lot of the games. (Damn, I had more crushes on baseball dudes, especially the Mets, i.e.: Keith Hernandez, Dykstra, Gary Carter, etc.)
What do you do in showbiz? I’m curious as hell. I know I’ve heard your name, and the name “Joe Pendleton” is not too common. LOL
Anyway, it’s been great meeting ya! Chat soon, Pat 😉
Wow a FIRST EVER on the Peewinds showing us how important Toronto is… I’m sure it is a totally bind boggling first. First time they ever had a Toronto bunch arrive maybe? First time noone voted the slaves straight 5’s for room cleaning? Come on I just gotta know!
Learn how LRH handled people with tone 40:
Screaming: Stand UP! Sit down on that chair! Where’s the F%&K is my ashtray!
Hi freebeeing, I am rolling on the floor with laughter! Classic post! XO, and once you find that ashtray go get the pack of Kools to go with it!
Grant Cardone for President….laughing and crying at the same time
I was puking and hysterical at the same time….
Hahaha. I thought it was hilarious too, OSD. Mega facepalm material. How arrogant.
And I agree with another poster. Let him run. Just put him in the stocks of the media machine and let them throw the tomatoes. Maybe then he’ll get an ideal of what “pilloried” means and what Milton Katsalas felt when Cardone blasted him and tried to ruin his reputation with Scientologists after years of Katsalas’ unselfish giving to the Church.
Karma is a f*cking bitch.
And Karma absolutely HATES scientology…
LOL, And revenge is a mother fucker! (Brooklynese)
LRH Handling personnel at tone 40? Wow, I’m certainly too stupid to see tone 40 in lies, intimidations, attacks, SP declares, and letters from cretinized staffs robotized letters or calls to get money, money money, in THE rich’s man’s world!!
I thought you had to have your cf in back logged in order to go ideal. How dis Milano open if cf is back logged?
And the comment about Cardone by a Scientologist is right. He would get a few votes if he ran for something. Very few.
Valerie, I’m depending on YOU! If the Milano Org is, in fact, guilty of not bringing its CF up to date, I expect YOU to fly there and boldly declare: This is an ILLEGAL org! Put every staff member in a condition of ‘Confusion.’ And stop all orgs planet wide from showing the false Ideal opening video! Oh, and find all the SPs that are surely responsible for this!
OSD, I would do that, but we would miss our surf date or a chance to go pet giraffes or numerous other real life experiences.
And hmm, fly to Milano and pretend put ethics in on non existent people in a vacant building: Meh.
Enjoy life: Yeah!
No worries! We’ll do your way! I’m hoping in a few years, I’ll get to go back to Kenya and see the giraffes at the Giraffe Center. What a wonderful place to spend a few hours.
Exceptions occur when dear leader needs to show progress at a big event (and endlessly at the orgs.)
That weird fake-angle photo of the new building makes it look like a piece of cardboard that will fall over on the fake people at any second.
“… refreshments and desert following …”
Will those refreshments be served midnight at the oasis? Are they pecan sandies?
Just some ice cream and Lorna DUNES.
Oh, snap! Why didn’t I think of Lorna Dunes?!
Hi hgc10, Y’all jogged my memory that one midnight rations meal in SO,was not the regular pb & j, but someone had bought in a plate of Lorna Dune cookies! We were so ravenous gone in a flash! And then so thirsty after! Love,Ann.
There are a lot of sand dunes on this planet. So, where exactly are the Lorna Dunes?
The surest indicator that there is little new blood in Scientology?
Jeanie Sonenfild has not moved on to a new husband yet (and don’t tell me that she’s too old, Joan Collins found a young guy some years ago … )
CC Nasheville Band ??
Oh yeah! You see, there’s Nashville, which is one incredible city. And then there’s Nash-e-ville. It’s a poor wanna be city about 30 miles east of Nashville
I should know as I was on staff in both places!
ROTFLMAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit! Still laughing! You made my day, alcoboy! Whew! Still laughing!
They certainly shooped in a huge audience for that Milan opening. Do the sheeple really believe the unending hype hype hype?
Of course the Atlanta event will happen! I mean, with Dan Eddington, Jon. Statham, and Shana Randell from Nashville rockin’ the house, how can it not?
OK. After reading Cardone for President, I’ve now got to ask…
Is Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura a Scientologist?
JV was elected because he the least insane candidate. The alternates being a bible-thumper and an outright Stalinist.
I’d encourage all active US Scientologists to write in Grant Cordone. That way we can get an accurate number of them (all 25,000?) and also discourage him from trying for the presidency at all. We have enough loons running as it is.
You got that right! The Canadians must be laughing their heads off right now!
Trump=Grant Cordone; ugh $$$ is everything I guess. I truly pray for the U.S.A. to be safe from evil !(especially cults & bigots.)
Of course the last thing DM wants is the inevitable interview.
Wait, they just had their hockey arena/banquet hall cross-Canada weekend. Didn’t they get Toronto all sorted out then?